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In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, up to 15% of the genes are organized in operons. Polycistronic precursor RNAs are processed by trans-splicing at the 5' ends of genes by adding a specific trans-spliced leader. Ten different spliced leaders are known in C. elegans that differ in sequence and abundance. The SL1 leader is most abundant and is spliced to the 5' ends of monocistronic genes and to upstream genes in operons. Trans-splicing is common among nematodes and was observed in the genera Panagrellus, Ascaris, Haemonchus, Anisakis, and Brugia. However, little is known about operons in nonrhabditid nematodes. Dolichorhabditis CEW1, another rhabditid nematode that is now called Oscheius CEW1, contains operons and SL2 trans-splicing. We have studied the presence of operons and trans-splicing in Pristionchus pacificus, a species of the Diplogastridae that has recently been developed as a satellite organism in evolutionary developmental biology. We provide evidence that P. pacificus contains operons and that downstream genes are trans-spliced to SL2. Surprisingly, the one operon analyzed so far in P. pacificus is not conserved in C. elegans, suggesting unexpected genomic plasticity.  相似文献   

One of the best known features of vulva development in Caenorhabditis elegans is the induction of vulval precursor cells by the gonadal anchor cell. Induction is crucial for the initiation of pattern formation within the C. elegans vulva equivalence group, and it is therefore surprising to find that this aspect of vulva formation, in particular, varies greatly among nematodes. In some species which form vulvae in the posterior body region, no gonadal signal is necessary for vulva induction. In other nematodes, such as Panagrolaimus, Oscheius, and Rhabditella, vulva formation depends on two temporally distinct gonadal inductions which specify the different cell fates. Here we report our analysis of vulva induction in Pristionchus pacificus, a specieswhich has recently been used as a genetic system to analyze the evolution of vulva development. Cell ablation studies in P. pacificus show that another mode of vulva induction exists. P. pacificus vulva formation depends on a continuous gonadal induction that starts several hours after hatching and continues until the birth of the anchor cell, some 20 h later. Mutations defective in gonadal induction result in the absence of vulva differentiation, suggesting that only one signaling system is involved in the gonadal-epidermal interaction. This new mode adds further to the great variety of gonadal inductions among nematode species. Received: 25 February 1999 / Accepted: 20 April 1999  相似文献   

Costs and benefits of foraging have been studied in predatory animals. In nematodes, ambushing or cruising behaviours represent adaptations that optimize foraging strategies for survival and host finding. A behaviour associated with host finding of ambushing nematode dauer juveniles is a sit-and-wait behaviour, otherwise known as nictation. Here, we test the function of nictation by relating occurrence of nictation in Pristionchus pacificus dauer juveniles to the ability to attach to laboratory host Galleria mellonella. We used populations of recently isolated and mutagenized laboratory strains. We found that nictation can be disrupted using a classical forward genetic approach and characterized two novel nictation-defective mutant strains. We identified two recently isolated strains from la Réunion island, one with a higher proportion of nictating individuals than the laboratory strain P. pacificus PS312. We found a positive correlation between nictation frequencies and host attachment in these strains. Taken together, our combination of genetic analyses with natural variation studies presents a new approach to the investigation of behavioural and ecological functionality. We show that nictation behaviour in P. pacificus nematodes serves as a host-finding behaviour. Our results suggest that nictation plays a role in the evolution of new life-history strategies, such as the evolution of parasitism.  相似文献   

Although it is increasingly affordable for emerging model organisms to obtain completely sequenced genomes, further in-depth gene function and expression analyses by RNA interference and stable transgenesis remain limited in many species due to the particular anatomy and molecular cellular biology of the organism. For example, outside of the crown group Caenorhabditis that includes Caenorhabditis elegans, stably transmitted transgenic lines in non-Caenorhabditis species have not been reported in this specious phylum (Nematoda), with the exception of Strongyloides stercoralis and Pristionchus pacificus. To facilitate the expanding role of P. pacificus in the study of development, evolution, and behavior, we describe here the current methods to use microinjection for making transgenic animals and gene knock down by RNAi. Like the gonads of C. elegans and most other nematodes, the gonads of P. pacificus is syncitial and capable of incorporating DNA and RNA into the oocytes when delivered by direct microinjection. Unlike C. elegans however, stable transgene inheritance and somatic expression in P. pacificus requires the addition of self genomic DNA digested with endonucleases complementary to the ends of target transgenes and coinjection markers. The addition of carrier genomic DNA is similar to the requirement for transgene expression in Strongyloides stercoralis and in the germ cells of C. elegans. However, it is not clear if the specific requirement for the animals' own genomic DNA is because P. pacificus soma is very efficient at silencing non-complex multi-copy genes or that extrachromosomal arrays in P. pacificus require genomic sequences for proper kinetochore assembly during mitosis. The ventral migration of the two-armed (didelphic) gonads in hermaphrodites further complicates the ability to inject both gonads in individual worms. We also demonstrate the use of microinjection to knockdown a dominant mutant (roller,tu92) by injecting double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) into the gonads to obtain non-rolling F(1) progeny. Unlike C. elegans, but like most other nematodes, P. pacificus PS312 is not receptive to systemic RNAi via feeding and soaking and therefore dsRNA must be administered by microinjection into the syncitial gonads. In this current study, we hope to describe the microinjection process needed to transform a Ppa-egl-4 promoter::GFP fusion reporter and knockdown a dominant roller prl-1 (tu92) mutant in a visually informative protocol.  相似文献   

Hermaphroditism has evolved several times independently in nematodes. The model organism Caenorhabditis elegans and Pristionchus pacificus are self-fertile hermaphrodites with rare facultative males. Both species are members of different families: C. elegans belongs to the Rhabditidae and P. pacificus to the Diplogastridae. Also, both species differ in their ecology: C. elegans is a soil-dwelling nematode that is often found in compost heaps. In contrast, field studies in Europe and North America indicate that Pristionchus nematodes are closely associated with scarab beetles. In C. elegans, several recent studies have found low genetic diversity and rare out-crossing events. Little is known about diversity levels and population structure in free-living hermaphroditic nematodes outside the genus Caenorhabditis. Taking a comparative approach, we analyse patterns of molecular diversity and linkage disequilibrium in 18 strains of P. pacificus from eight countries and four continents. Mitochondrial sequence data of P. pacificus isolates reveal a substantially higher genetic diversity on a global scale when compared to C. elegans. A mitochondrial-derived hermaphrodite phylogeny shows little geographic structuring, indicating several worldwide dispersal events. Amplified fragment length polymorphism and single strand conformation polymorphism analyses demonstrate a high degree of genome-wide linkage disequilibrium, which also extends to the mitochondrial genome. Together, these findings indicate distinct patterns of genetic variation of the two species. The low level of genetic diversity observed in C. elegans might reflect a recent human-associated dispersal, whereas the P. pacificus diversity might reflect a long-lasting and ongoing insect association. Thus, despite similar lifestyle characteristics in the laboratory, the reproductive mode of hermaphroditism with rare facultative males can result in distinct genetic variability patterns in different ecological settings.  相似文献   

Cells are important modules of biological systems, and many evolutionary alterations involve changes in cell determination and cell proliferation. Genetic and molecular comparisons of nematode vulva development between Caenorhabditis, Pristionchus and Oscheius indicate that although the vulva is a stable organ, cell determination and proliferation change dramatically during nematode evolution.  相似文献   

In this study evolutionary host plant patterns at ranks from order to species were analysed using spatial evolutionary and ecological vicariance analysis (SEEVA), based on a multigene phylogeny of 45 ascomycete fungal species. The objective was to understand speciation events and host associations in Ophiognomonia (Gnomoniaceae). Species of this genus are perithecial fungi that occur as endophytes, pathogens, and latent saprobes on plants in the families of Betulaceae, Fagaceae, Juglandaceae, Lauraceae, Malvaceae, Platanaceae, Rosaceae, Salicaceae, and Sapindaceae. A second objective was to determine whether speciation events are influenced by host conservatism, host specialization, or host switching at different taxonomic host ranks. Host differences between sister clades were interpreted using the divergence index (D) from the SEEVA analysis, ranging from 0 for no divergence to 1 for maximum possible divergence. Several fungal subclades showed clear patterns of host order/family conservatism (D = 1.00) for hosts in Betulaceae, Fagaceae, Juglandaceae, and Rosaceae. Clear trends of host specialization at host genus and species ranks (D = 1.00) were suggested within these host families. Independent host jumps were observed for two species at the family rank and three at the order rank. As a result of this study, host specificity and specialization is hypothesized as a mechanism that can strongly contribute to speciation patterns in fungal pathogens. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 111 , 1–16.  相似文献   

Pristionchus pacificus (Diplogastridae, Nematoda) has recently been described as a ‘satelite’ organism for a functinal comparative approach, becuase genetic, molecular and cell-biological tools can be used in way similar to the genetic model organism Caenorhabditis elegans. This tudy describes the analysis of two previously isolated strains of P. pacificus for the occurrence of restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). In all, 14 of 17 randomly chosen cDNA clones give polymorphisms after hybridization to EcoRI digested genomic DNA of the populations from California and Washington. This polymorphism is much higher than polymorphism found among different strains in C. elegans. Therefore this study compares most of the nucleotide sequence of the Ppa-let-60/ras gene between the two strains. No base-pair substitutions were found between these two sequences within the coding regions. However, within the untranslated region, four base-pair substitutions in introns and the deletion of three base-pairs in the 5′ sequence and in intron 4 have been observed. Since the two strains interbreed, RFLPs can be used as molecular markers for future chromosomal walking and gene cloning.  相似文献   

冬季东海太平洋褶柔鱼的空间异质性特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张寒野  胡芬 《生态学杂志》2005,24(11):1299-1302
运用地统计学的方法,根据2002年12月东海区121个站位的资源监测调查数据,拟合变异函数最优模型,计算各向同性下的模型参数和不同方向上的分维数,分析了冬季东海北部和南部太平洋褶柔鱼的空间异质性特征,并进一步探讨了其空间格局与环境的关系。结果表明,在各向同性条件下,东海北部和南部具有相似的空间异质性特征,其变异函数均能用球状模型拟合,呈聚集空间格局,空间变程大约为440 km,随机性因素占空间异质性的30%左右,结构性因素占空间异质性的70%左右,处于主导地位。各向异性分析表明,在东海北部,135°和90°方向的分维数最高,分别为1.954和1.893,说明太平洋褶柔鱼在这两个方向上分布较均匀,空间依赖性较小,这与东南-西北方向的黄海暖流和西-东方向的长江冲淡水一致;而在东海南部,45°方向的分维数最高,为1.999,太平洋褶柔鱼在此方向分布上的同质性与西南-东北方向的黑潮主干及台湾暖流相对应。这说明,海流是影响较大尺度生态过程上太平洋褶柔鱼分布的主要环境要素。  相似文献   

The hermaphroditic nematode Pristionchus pacificus is a model organism with a range of fully developed genetic tools. The species is globally widespread and highly diverse genetically, consisting of four major independent lineages (lineages A, B, C, and D). Despite its young age (~2.1 Ma), volcanic La Réunion Island harbors all four lineages. Ecological and population genetic research studies suggest that this diversity is due to repeated independent island colonizations by P. pacificus. Here, we use model‐based statistical methods to rigorously test hypotheses regarding the evolutionary history of P. pacificus. First, we employ divergence analyses to date diversification events among the four “world” lineages. Next, we examine demographic properties of a subset of four populations (“a”, “b”, “c”, and “d”), present on La Réunion Island. Finally, we use the results of the divergence and demographic analyses to inform a modeling‐based approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) approach, where we test hypotheses about the order and timing of establishment of the Réunion populations. Our dating estimates place the recent common ancestor of P. pacificus lineages at nearly 500,000 generations past. Our demographic analysis supports recent (<150,000 generations) spatial expansion for the island populations, and our ABC approach supports c>a>b>d as the most likely colonization order of the island populations. Collectively, our study comprehensively improves previous inferences about the evolutionary history of P. pacificus.  相似文献   

After synaptic vesicle exocytosis, synaptic vesicle proteins must be retrieved from the plasma membrane, sorted away from other membrane proteins, and reconstituted into a functional synaptic vesicle. The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is an organism well suited for a genetic analysis of this process. In particular, three types of genetic studies have contributed to our understanding of synaptic vesicle endocytosis. First, screens for mutants defective in synaptic vesicle recycling have identified new proteins that function specifically in neurons. Second, RNA interference has been used to quickly confirm the roles of known proteins in endocytosis. Third, gene targeting techniques have elucidated the roles of genes thought to play modulatory or subtle roles in synaptic vesicle recycling. We describe a molecular model for synaptic vesicle recycling and discuss how protein disruption experiments in C. elegans have contributed to this model.  相似文献   

The effects of caffeine on salt chemotaxis learning were investigated using the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. To estimate the degree of salt chemotaxis learning, nematodes were placed in a mixed solution of NaCl and caffeine, and then the chemotaxis index of NaCl was obtained from the nematodes placed on agar medium after pre-exposure to caffeine concentrations of 0.01, 0.1, 0.3, and 1.0%. Locomotor activity and preference behavior for caffeine were also estimated under these caffeine conditions. Nematodes pre-exposed to 0.3% caffeine showed inhibition of salt chemotaxis learning. Additional experiments indicated that nematodes showed a preference response to the middle concentration of caffeine (0.1%), with preference behavior declining in the 0.3% caffeine condition. Stable locomotor activity was observed under 0.01–0.3% caffeine conditions. These results suggest that salt chemotaxis learning with 0.3% caffeine is useful for investigating the effects of caffeine on learning in nematodes.  相似文献   

Many free-living nematodes, including the laboratory model organisms Caenorhabditis elegans and Pristionchus pacificus, have a choice between direct and indirect development, representing an important case of phenotypic plasticity. Under harsh environmental conditions, these nematodes form dauer larvae, which arrest development, show high resistance to environmental stress and constitute a dispersal stage. Pristionchus pacificus occurs in a strong association with scarab beetles in the wild and remains in the dauer stage on the living beetle. Here, we explored the circumstances under which P. pacificus enters and exits the dauer stage by using a natural variation approach. The analysis of survival, recovery and fitness after dauer exit of eight P. pacificus strains revealed that dauer larvae can survive for up to 1 year under experimental conditions. In a second experiment, we isolated dauer pheromones from 16 P. pacificus strains, and tested for natural variation in pheromone production and sensitivity in cross-reactivity assays. Surprisingly, 13 of the 16 strains produce a pheromone that induces the highest dauer formation in individuals of other genotypes. These results argue against a simple adaptation model for natural variation in dauer formation and suggest that strains may have evolved to induce dauer formation precociously in other strains in order to reduce the fitness of these strains. We therefore discuss intraspecific competition among genotypes as a previously unconsidered aspect of dauer formation.  相似文献   

Much of the recent interest in aging research is due to the discovery of genes in a variety of model organisms that appear to modulate aging. A large amount of research has focused on the use of such long-lived mutants to examine the fundamental causes of aging. While model organisms do offer many advantages for studying aging, it also critical to consider the limitations of these systems. In particular, ectothermic (poikilothermic) organisms can tolerate a much larger metabolic depression than humans. Thus, considering only chronological longevity when assaying for long-lived mutants provides a limited perspective on the mechanisms by which longevity is increased. In order to provide true insight into the aging process additional physiological processes, such as metabolic rate, must also be assayed. This is especially true in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, which can naturally enter into a metabolically reduced state in which it survives many times longer than its usual lifetime. Currently it is seen as controversial if long-lived C. elegans mutants retain normal metabolic function. Resolving this issue requires accurately measuring the metabolic rate of C. elegans under conditions that minimize environmental stress. Additionally, the relatively small size of C. elegans requires the use of sensitive methodologies when determining metabolic rates. Several studies indicating that long-lived C. elegans mutants have normal metabolic rates may be flawed due to the use of inappropriate measurement conditions and techniques. Comparisons of metabolic rate between long-lived and wild-type C. elegans under more optimized conditions indicate that the extended longevity of at least some long-lived C. elegans mutants may be due to a reduction in metabolic rate, rather than an alteration of a metabolically independent genetic mechanism specific to aging.  相似文献   

The soluble global proteome of adult nematode Heligmosomoides polygyrus (H. p.) bakeri, a hookworm laboratory model was compared for the first time in the intestines of a slow-responder mouse host strain (C57/BL10) that is known to support a primary parasite infection for many months, and rapid-responder mouse host (SWR) that is known to eliminate the nematode infection by week 6 postinfection. At week 4 postinfection, major adult nematode proteins selectively produced following establishment of infection in C57/BL10 hosts include several globin forms, calreticulin and a phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein. The increased synthesis of forms of myosin, actin and troponin in the nematode living in the rapid-responder SWR host may relate to the attempted reorganisation or repair of the cytoskeleton and/or muscle layer in the host immune initiated, increased mucus production and smooth muscle activity within intestinal environment. Initial evidence suggests weakly antigenic forms of globins dominant in the cytosol of H. p. bakeri adults in the intestinal environment compared to their low production in a related free-living nematode. The demonstration of considerable plasticity within a parasitic nematode proteome provides a molecular basis for the previously observed phenotypic plasticity within different host environments. Proteome plasticity has relevance to the efficiency of future vaccine and drug therapy, and the continued failure of defined antigen vaccines in mammalian populations.  相似文献   

Pristionchus pacificus has been established as a nematode model system in evolutionary developmental biology and evolutionary ecology. Field studies in North and South America, Asia, Africa and Europe indicated that nematodes of the genus Pristionchus live in association with scarab beetles. Here, we describe the first account of soil‐ and beetle‐associated nematodes on an island setting by investigating the island of Réunion in the Indian Ocean. Réunion has high numbers of endemic insects and is one among several attractive islands for biodiversity studies. Being of volcanic origin, Réunion is 2–3 million years old, making it the youngest of the Mascareigne islands. We show that beetle‐ and soil‐derived nematodes on Réunion are nearly exclusively hermaphroditic, suggesting that selfing is favoured over gonochorism (outcrossing) during island colonization. Among members of four nematode genera observed on Réunion, Pristionchus pacificus was the most prevalent species. A total of 76 isolates, in association with five different scarab beetles, has been obtained for this cosmopolitan nematode. A detailed mitochondrial haplotype analysis indicates that the Réunion isolates of P. pacificus cover all four worldwide clades of the species. This extraordinary haplotype diversity suggests multiple independent invasions, most likely in association with different scarab beetles. Together, we establish Réunion as a case study for nematode island biogeography, in which the analysis of nematode population genetics and population dynamics can provide insight into evolutionary and ecological processes. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 170–179.  相似文献   

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