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Aim This research examines environmental theories and remote sensing methods that have been hypothesized to be associated with tropical dry forest structure. Location Tropical dry forests of South Florida and the Neotropics. Methods Field measurements of stand density, basal area and tree height were collected from 22 stands in South Florida and 30 stands in the Neotropics. In South Florida, field measurements were compared to climatic (temperature, precipitation, hurricane disturbance) and edaphic (rockiness, soil depth) variables, spectral indices (NDVI, IRI, MIRI) from Landsat 7 ETM+, and estimates of tree height from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and the National Elevation Dataset (NED). Environmental variables associated with tropical dry forest structure in South Florida were compared to tropical dry forest in other Neotropical sites. Results There were significant correlations among temperature and precipitation, and stand density and tree height in South Florida. There were significant correlations between (i) stand density and mean NDVI and standard deviation of NDVI, (ii) MIRI and stand density, basal area and mean tree height, and (iii) estimates of tree height from SRTM with maximum tree height. In the Neotropics, there were no relationships between temperature or precipitation and tropical dry forest structure, however, Neotropical sites that experience hurricane disturbance had significantly shorter tree heights and higher stand densities. Main conclusions It is possible to predict and quantify the forest structure characteristics of tropical dry forests using climatic data, Landsat 7 ETM+ imagery and SRTM data in South Florida. However, results based on climatic data are region‐specific and not necessarily transferable between tropical dry forests at a continental spatial scale. Spectral indices from Landsat 7 ETM+ can be used to quantify forest structure characteristics, but SRTM data are currently not transferable to other regions. Hurricane disturbance has a significant impact on forest structure in the Neotropics.  相似文献   

The Neotropical myrmecophytic tree Cordia alliodora hosts symbiotic Azteca ants in most of its widespread range. The taxonomy of the genus Azteca is notoriously difficult, which has frequently obscured species identity in ecological studies. We used sequence data from one mitochondrial and four nuclear loci to infer phylogenetic relationships, patterns of geographic distribution, and timing of diversification for 182 colonies of five C. alliodora-dwelling Azteca species from Mexico to Colombia. All morphological species were recovered as monophyletic, but we identified at least five distinct genetic lineages within the most abundant and specialized species, Azteca pittieri. Mitochondrial and nuclear data were concordant at the species level, but not within species. Divergence time analyses estimated that C. alliodora-dwelling Azteca shared a common ancestor approximately 10-22million years ago, prior to the proposed arrival of the host tree in Middle America. Diversification in A. pittieri occurred in the Pleistocene and was not correlated with geographic distance, which suggests limited historical gene flow among geographically restricted populations. This contrasts with the previously reported lack of phylogeographic structure at this spatial scale in the host tree. Climatic niches, and particularly precipitation-related variables, did not overlap between the sites occupied by northern and southern lineages of A. pittieri. Together, these results suggest that restricted gene flow among ant populations may facilitate local adaptation to environmental heterogeneity. Differences in population structure between the ants and their host trees may profoundly affect the evolutionary dynamics of this widespread ant-plant mutualism.  相似文献   

There is a growing understanding of the biophysical processes that regulate the stability of the Earth-system, yet human pressures on the planet continue to increase rapidly. Here, recent advances in defining Earth-system thresholds using the planetary boundaries framework are translated down to national and sub-national levels. A set of 10 indicators is developed in a biophysical accounting framework that links the sustainability of resource flows from the biosphere to final consumption. The indicator set includes three measures of physical stocks, three measures of aggregate resource consumption, and four indicators of sustainable scale. The four scale indicators are ratios of (i) cumulative carbon footprint relative to carbon budget, (ii) nutrient use relative to biogeochemical boundaries, (iii) blue water consumption relative to monthly basin-level availability, and (iv) land footprint relative to biocapacity. Taken together, the indicators measure how close high-consuming societies are to meeting the conditions of a “steady-state economy”, defined here as an economy with non-growing physical stocks and flows maintained within shares of planetary boundaries. The framework is applied over a 15-year period to the economies of Canada and Spain, along with two sub-national regions (Nova Scotia and Andalusia). Nova Scotia is the only study site experiencing stable or decreasing biophysical stocks and flows. None of the study sites are consuming resources within their shares of all four planetary boundaries. Overall, the set of indicators provides guidance for prioritizing which environmental pressures need to decline (and by how much) for societies to be more effective stewards of Earth-system stability.  相似文献   

Aim To analyse the ecological patterns of distribution of the avifaunas of the Neotropical humid montane forests, by assessing the degree of habitat restriction among species through the calculation of a numerical index, analysing their relationships with adjacent habitat, and exploring the relative contribution of both higher and lower habitats in shaping the avian assemblages. Location The Neotropical humid montane forests, from Mexico to north‐western Argentina. Methods The degree of species’ restriction to the habitat was calculated through a restriction index based on published endemicity indexes. The index scores range from 0 to 1: a score of 1 indicates a totally endemic species (i.e. fully restricted to the habitat); values tending to 0 indicate a widespread species. Results In Mesoamerica, completely restricted species represent a lower proportion of the total avifauna than in South American humid montane forests; whereas species shared to other habitats showed a higher proportion of the avifauna with affinities to higher altitude forests (e.g. pine and pine‐oak forests). South America, on the other hand, holds assemblages with a high proportion of completely restricted species; species shared to other habitats showed a high proportion of taxa with affinities to lowland forests. Main conclusions The ecological distribution of the HMF's avifauna could be partitioned in three main components: the ecologically restricted avifauna, the high altitude species and, the lower altitude species, which are tightly associated to the floristic composition along the gradient. The history of formation of the HMF flora and the ecological distribution of different avian taxa suggest a common history. Finally, the restriction index allowed a detailed evaluation of the composition of avian assemblages, their degree of restriction to the habitat and of the affinities regarding adjacent habitats, as well as an accurate distinction between species richness and restricted species richness, which should be a fundamental step towards the establishment of conservation priorities.  相似文献   

Aim In order to advance our understanding of the assembly of communities on islands and to elucidate the function of different islands in creating regional and subregional distribution patterns, we identify island biogeographical roles on the basis of the distribution of the islands’ biota within the archipelago. We explore which island characteristics determine island biogeographical roles. Furthermore, we identify biogeographical subregions, termed modules. Location Wallacea in Indonesia, and the West Indies in the Caribbean Sea. Methods We use a network approach to detect island biogeographical roles and avian biogeographical modules. To designate the biogeographical role of an island, each island is assigned two coordinates, l and r. The position of an island in lr space characterizes its role, namely as peripheral, connector, module hub, or network hub. Island characteristics are tested as predictors of l and r. Results Both Wallacea and the West Indies were found to be significantly modular and divided into four biogeographical modules. The four modules identified within Wallacea each contain all existing island roles, whereas no module in the West Indies represents all possible roles. Island area and elevation appeared to be the most important determinants of an island’s l score, while measurements of isolation essentially determined the r score. Main conclusions In both Wallacea and the West Indies, the geographic structuring into biogeographical modules corresponds well with our knowledge of past connections and contemporary factors. In both archipelagos, large, mountainous islands are identified as hubs and are thus responsible for faunal coherence within modules (module hubs) and across the entire archipelago (network hubs). We thus interpret these as source islands for the surrounding islands in their module (module hubs) or for the entire archipelago (network hubs). Islands positioned marginally in their module and distant from the mainland are identified as connectors or network hubs, behaving as sinks and stepping stones for dispersing species. Modularity and predictors of biogeographical roles are similar for Wallacea and the West Indies, whereas the build‐up of biogeographical modules and the assortment of roles depend on the spatial constellation of islands in each archipelago.  相似文献   

Birds play an important role in studies addressing the diversity and species richness of tropical ecosystems, but because of the poor avian fossil record in all extant tropical regions, a temporal perspective is mainly provided by divergence dates derived from calibrated molecular analyses. Tropical ecosystems were, however, widespread in the Northern Hemisphere during the early Cenozoic, and the early Eocene German fossil site Messel in particular has yielded a rich avian fossil record. The Messel avifauna is characterized by a considerable number of flightless birds, as well as a high diversity of aerial insectivores and the absence of large arboreal birds. With about 70 currently known species in 42 named genus‐level and at least 39 family‐level taxa, it approaches extant tropical biotas in terms of species richness and taxonomic diversity. With regard to its taxonomic composition and presumed ecological characteristics, the Messel avifauna is more similar to the Neotropics, Madagascar, and New Guinea than to tropical forests in continental Africa and Asia. Because the former regions were geographically isolated during most of the Cenozoic, their characteristics may be due to the absence of biotic factors, especially those related to the diversification of placental mammals, which impacted tropical avifaunas in Africa and Asia. The crown groups of most avian taxa that already existed in early Eocene forests are species‐poor. This does not support the hypothesis that the antiquity of tropical ecosystems is key to the diversity of tropical avifaunas, and suggests that high diversification rates may be of greater significance.  相似文献   

Aim We evaluate the extent to which the tropical conservatism hypothesis can explain the evolutionary development of the Muscidae. Furthermore, we compare the geographical patterns of muscid phylogenetic structure with biogeographical regions that have been identified for Neotropical insects. Location Central and South America. Methods We modelled the geographic distributions of 658 species using Maxent and 19 environmental variables. A generic‐level supertree of the Muscidae was assembled using matrix representation with parsimony and used to map the geographic pattern of mean root distance (MRD), a metric of the relative evolutionary development of assemblages. Regression models (ordinary least squares and regression trees) were used to examine temperature and other environmental correlates of MRD to explore potential environmental drivers of muscid diversification. We used the regression tree results to recognize variable intervals that best explained MRD, and these intervals were mapped to recognize and compare with biogeographical regions of Neotropical insects. Results The geographic pattern of MRD was consistent with the tropical conservatism hypothesis: species in genera that diversified relatively early, as measured by their distance from the tree root, dominate lowland tropical South America, whereas species in genera that diversified more recently occupy extra‐tropical areas, sub‐Antarctic areas and the Andean highlands. Temperature was the strongest correlate of MRD. Three biogeographical regions were recognized and they coincided with two regions known for insects. Main conclusions Evolutionary responses of muscid flies to post‐Eocene climate change taking the form of an expansion of a tropical group into regions with colder climates may be fundamental to explaining their distribution in the Neotropics. Our biogeographical regions delimited by temperature and the phylogenetic metric, surrogates of the tropical conservatism hypothesis, were very similar to general insect patterns, supporting the ‘tropical origin and evolutionary response to climate cooling’ as a broadly based historical narrative for the Neotropics.  相似文献   


Actualistic studies on mammalian carnivore taphonomy in southern South America are reviewed here, including pumas, small cats, foxes, and other, smaller carnivores. Patterns for different carnivore taxa and their variation are elicited. Also temporal and spatial variability is analysed, and comparisons are made to other carnivores and regions. While generally these Neotropical carnivores produce low damage intensity, stronger modifications and their implications are described as well. These patterns and their variation are put in context by taking into account the particular physical and biotic conditions in the southern Neotropics.  相似文献   

Wildlife conservation in urban habitats is increasingly important due to current urbanization trends. We review the different approaches to studying birds in urban landscapes, and point out the importance of the habitat island ecological theory as a research framework for the management and conservation of urban birds. Based on two comprehensive research projects conducted at urban parks in Spain (Madrid) and Finland (Oulu and Rovaniemi), several different issues related to bird conservation in cities are discussed, main findings of these projects are presented, and future research needs are suggested. Urban parks are important biodiversity hotspots in cities. Fragmentation conditions have the same deleterious effects to urban birds as in other fragmented landscapes. Park size accounts for species accumulation in urban parks; this pattern being highly nested. Urban parks of 10–35 ha would contain most of the species recorded in cities, but other indicators related to the probabilities of persistence of the target species should be obtained. Wooded streets can increase urban landscape connectivity by providing alternative habitat for feeding and nesting during the breeding season. Because increasing the size of parks is difficult in cities, enhancement of habitat diversity and resource availability for birds within parks (e.g. nest boxes, winter feeding tables, etc.) appears to be a straightforward way of increasing urban bird diversity. However, human disturbance (pedestrians) should be controlled since it can negatively influence many urban birds. We present a conceptual model for urban bird conservation, which includes three aspects (management, environmental education and research) and new alternatives to promote the involvement of different sectors of the society.  相似文献   

Biogeographic patterns of avifaunas associated with seasonally dry tropical forests in Mesoamerica are poorly understood despite their high levels of species richness and endemism. Through the parsimony analysis of endemicity, we analyzed biogeographic relationships of 650 resident species of birds associated with seasonally dry tropical forests from Mexico to Panama, based on potential distributions obtained through ecological niche modeling. Results show two general avifaunal groups, east and west of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. Patterns of biogeographic distribution and species richness also helped illuminate the importance of key areas for birds associated to this habitat in the region.

Los patrones biogeográficos de las avifaunas asociadas a los bosques tropicales estacionalmente secos en Mesoamérica están pobremente entendidos, a pesar de que estas áreas poseen una gran riqueza de especies y endemismo. Analizamos las relaciones biogeográficas con base en distribuciones potenciales, hechas a partir de modelos del nicho ecológico usando el análisis de parsimonia de endemismos, de 650 especies de aves residentes asociadas a los bosques tropicales estacionalmente secos desde México hasta Panamá. Los resultados muestran dos grupos generales de la avifauna, al este y oeste del Istmo de Tehuantepec. El contexto biogeográfico y la riqueza de especies resalta también la importancia de áreas clave para las aves asociadas a este tipo de hábitat en la región.  相似文献   

Grasslands in southeastern South America have been extensively converted to various land uses such as agriculture, threatening regional biodiversity. Active restoration has been viewed as a management alternative for recovery of degraded areas worldwide, although most studies are conducted in forests and none has evaluated the effect of active restoration of grasslands in southeastern South America. From 2015 through 2017 we monitored a federally owned tract of grassland from the beginning of the active‐restoration process. We compared the bird community in this active‐restoration area (AR) with a reference area (NG) in Pampa grasslands in southern Brazil. We sampled birds by point counts and surveyed vegetation structure in plots. Over the 3 years of active restoration, bird species richness and abundance were higher in AR (30 species, 171 individuals) than NG (22 species, 154 individuals). The species composition also differed between the two habitats. Grassland bird species were present in both AR and NG. The vegetation structure differed between AR and NG in five attributes: height, short and tall grasses, herbs, and shrubs. Since it has been found that active restoration is useful in promoting species diversity, we encourage studies of the use of long‐term restoration efforts. Our study, even on a local scale, showed a rapid recovery of the bird community in the active‐restoration compared to native grassland, and suggests the potential for recovery of the degraded grasslands of the Brazilian Pampa biome.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Determining large-scale distribution patterns for mosquitoes could advance knowledge of global mosquito biogeography and inform decisions about where mosquito inventory needs are greatest.
2. Over 43 000 georeferenced records are presented of identified and vouchered mosquitoes from collections undertaken between 1899 and 1982, from 1853 locations in 42 countries throughout the Neotropics. Of 492 species in the data set, 23% were only recorded from one location, and Anopheles albimanus Wiedemann is the most common species.
3. A linear log–log species–area relationship was found for mosquito species number and country area. Chile had the lowest relative density of species and Trinidad-Tobago the highest, followed by Panama and French Guiana.
4. The potential distribution of species was predicted using an Ecological Niche Modelling (ENM) approach. Anopheles species had the largest predicted species ranges, whereas species of Deinocerites and Wyeomyia had the smallest.
5. Species richness was estimated for 1° grids and by summing predicted presence of species from ENM. These methods both showed areas of high species richness in French Guiana, Panama, Trinidad-Tobago, and Colombia. Potential hotspots in endemicity included unsampled areas in Panama, French Guiana, Colombia, Belize, Venezuela, and Brazil.
6. Argentina, The Bahamas, Bermuda, Bolivia, Cuba, and Peru were the most under-represented countries in the database compared with known country species occurrence data. Analysis of species accumulation curves suggested patchiness in the distribution of data points, which may affect estimates of species richness.
7. The data set is a first step towards the development of a global-scale repository of georeferenced mosquito collection records.  相似文献   

森林损失和破碎化一直是国际社会普遍关注的重大环境问题之一。根据Forman景观变化包括穿孔、分割、破碎化、收缩和消失5种空间过程的理论,利用ArcGIS Modeler建立森林破碎化过程模型用以明确描述森林景观破碎化的空间过程和生态进程。基于NLCD2001、2006、2011 3期数据,以美国华盛顿州和密西西比州为研究区,利用森林破碎化过程模型,将森林损失斑块分为4种破碎化过程(分割类型因其线状特征被归入破碎化类型),对比分析天然林和人工林的破碎化过程在时空上的差异性。研究表明天然林破碎化斑块多分布于城市/森林、耕地/森林、以及灌木/森林的交界处,而人工林破碎化斑块分布格局较为零散;天然林中破碎化斑块和收缩斑块大多发生在上阶段收缩、破碎化以及穿孔斑块的边缘,而人工林中4种空间过程的承接关系不像天然林那么明显,但两者整体上都呈现相似的"收缩-消失-穿孔/破碎化"变化规律,主要表现为收缩类型占主导然后慢慢消退,穿孔和破碎化逐渐增多占据新的主导。  相似文献   

A phylogenetic analysis of combined morphological, chemical and ITS/5.8S sequence data reveals that species of Ateleia are often more genetically than morphologically divergent, and that species thought to be most closely related morphologically are distant relatives within the genus. Ateleia shows niche conservatism, with most species confined to seasonally dry tropical forest in Central America and the Caribbean, and fewer species in the same biome in South America. Four independent transitions to wet forests may have occurred in the genus. The estimated ages of Ateleia lineages spanning Central and South America are either older or younger than the estimated age of closure of the Isthmus of Panama. The older dates clearly suggest that over‐water dispersal is responsible for the distribution of Ateleia that includes the Caribbean Islands. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 162 , 39–53.  相似文献   

The persistence of species taxa within fragmented habitats is dependent on the source–sink metapopulation processes, and forest patch size and isolation are key factors. Unveiling species–patch area and/or species–patch isolation relationships may help provide crucial information for species and landscape management. In this study, relationship between forest patch size and isolation with abundance and occupancy probability of forest-dependent birds was investigated. This study was based within a coastal landscape that faces deleterious human activities such as clearing for agriculture. The study aimed to answer the question of whether the size and extent of isolation of forest patches influence abundance and/or occupancy probability of forest-specialist and generalist birds. Two bird species, namely Tiny Greenbul Phyllastrephus debilis subsp. rabai and Yellow-bellied Greenbul Chlorocichla flaviventris, were used as models. Birds were surveyed using distance sampling methods, and spatial metrics were measured from satellite imagery. Focal forest size and distance between forest patches were the most influential metrics whereby abundance and occupancy probabilities increased with increasing patch size, but were negatively influenced by increasing gaps between patches. These findings provide evidence of the existence of patch size/ isolation–occupancy relationships characterised by higher occupancy rate of large patches and distance-dependent dispersal, which decreased with increasing gaps between patches. Controlling deleterious human activities that reduce forest size should be a priority for the long-term conservation of forest-dependent birds.  相似文献   

In 1995 and 1998/99 single species massmortalities of sardine/pilchard Sardinopssagax (Clupeidae) spread rapidly throughoutthis species' range in Australia from thecentral coast of South Australia, dramaticallydecreasing the population size and representingthe two most extensive mass mortalitiesrecorded for marine organisms. The behavior ofeach epizootic indicated that an exoticpathogen was responsible, with the fatal agentshown to be a previously unknown herpesvirus. The focal origin of both events from a limitedregion within the extensive Australian range ofS. sagax was not random. Tuna(Thunnus maccoyii) feedlots located in the sameregion as the epizootics' origins areresponsible for delivering to the marineenvironment the largest quantities ofS. sagax imported into Australia, which providesqualitative evidence of a link between the twoevents and imported S. sagax. This linkprovides an example of the need to undertake areview of the current international standardsfor import risk analysis (IRA) that requires adisease to be identified before it can beconsidered a risk. Regardless of the identityof the disease agents responsible, casehistories of mass mortalities need to be givendue consideration in both deciding whether toinstigate an IRA and also form part of the IRA. Identification of a hazard should thus not berestricted to dealing only with identifiablediseases, but should also embrace casehistories of epizootic events linked to (a)previously unidentified pathogens and (b)translocation of particular species betweengeographically separate populations.  相似文献   

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