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Question: How do soils and topography influence Amazonian tree diversity, a region with generally nutrient‐starved soils but some of the biologically richest tree communities on Earth? Location: Central Amazonia, near Manaus, Brazil. Methods: We evaluated the influence of 14 soil and topographic features on species diversity of rain forest trees (≥10 cm diameter at breast height), using data from 63 1‐ha plots scattered over an area of ~400 km2. Results: An ordination analysis identified three major edaphic gradients: (1) flatter areas had generally higher nutrient soils (higher clay content, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, pH and exchangeable bases, and lower aluminium saturation) than did slopes and gullies; (2) sandier soils had lower water storage (plant available water capacity), phosphorus and nitrogen; and (3) soil pH varied among sites. Gradient 2 was the strongest predictor of tree diversity (species richness and Fisher's α values), with diversity increasing with higher soil fertility and water availability. Gradient 2 was also the best predictor of the number of rare (singleton) species, which accounted on average for over half (56%) of all species in each plot. Conclusions: Although our plots invariably supported diverse tree communities (≥225 species ha?1), the most species‐rich sites (up to 310 species ha?1) were least constrained by soil water and phosphorus availability. Intriguingly, the numbers of rare and common species were not significantly correlated in our plots, and they responded differently to major soil and topographic gradients. For unknown reasons rare species were significantly more frequent in plots with many large trees.  相似文献   

The appropriate sourcing of seeds for restoration is critical for establishing foundational plant species that support ecosystem functions and services. Genetic analyses of such species can yield insights into patterns of genetic diversity and structuring to inform seed collections. Here we document, for three foundational bulrush species, distinct genetic patterns to guide restoration of wetlands along the iconic Great Salt Lake, the largest lake in western North America. Specifically, Schoenoplectus acutus and Schoenoplectus americanus had moderate levels of site‐scale genet richness and relatively low genet richness levels within 1‐m2 plots. These patterns contrast with Bolboschoenus maritimus, which had higher levels of site‐ and plot‐level genet richness, and has therefore likely experienced more recent seedling establishment. At the landscape scale, we found some evidence for genetic isolation of individuals at more remote sites (namely Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge in the West Desert of Utah), but all species are relatively well dispersed over hundreds of kilometers, a pattern most likely to occur via avian dispersal. In our mechanistic dispersal assessment, we found abundant bulrush seeds present in waterfowl gizzards and those seeds germinated readily despite (or because of) partial digestion. Migratory waterfowl likely facilitate the broad dispersal of all species and may aid in bulrush establishment by breaking seed dormancy. These findings suggest that seeds for restoration should be collected within and among seed source sites to ensure a diverse restoration seed lot that does not disrupt gene flow patterns.  相似文献   

Tree cavities provide important habitat for wildlife. Effective landscape‐scale management of cavity‐dependent wildlife requires an understanding of where cavities occur, but tree cavities can be cryptic and difficult to survey. We assessed whether a landscape‐scale map of mature forest habitat availability, derived from aerial photographs, reflected the relative availability of mature trees and tree cavities. We assessed cavities for their suitability for use by wildlife, and whether the map reflected the availability of such cavities. There were significant differences between map categories in several characteristics of mature trees that can be used to predict cavity abundance (i.e. tree form and diameter at breast height). There were significant differences between map categories in the number of potential cavity bearing trees and potential cavities per tree. However, the index of cavity abundance based on observations made from the ground provided an overestimate of true cavity availability. By climbing a sample of mature trees we showed that only 5.1% of potential tree cavities detected from the ground were suitable for wildlife, and these were found in only 12.5% of the trees sampled. We conclude that management tools developed from remotely sensed data can be useful to guide decision‐making in the conservation management of tree cavities but stress that the errors inherent in these data limit the scale at which such tools can be applied. The rarity of tree cavities suitable for wildlife in our study highlights the need to conserve the tree cavity resource across the landscape, but also the importance of increasing the accuracy of management tools for decision‐making at different scales. Mapping mature forest habitat availability at the landscape scale is a useful first step in managing habitat for cavity‐dependent wildlife, but the potential for overestimating actual cavity abundance in a particular area highlights the need for complementary on‐ground surveys.  相似文献   

Livestock farmers rely on a high and stable grassland productivity for fodder production to sustain their livelihoods. Future drought events related to climate change, however, threaten grassland functionality in many regions across the globe. The introduction of sustainable grassland management could buffer these negative effects. According to the biodiversity–productivity hypothesis, productivity positively associates with local biodiversity. The biodiversity–insurance hypothesis states that higher biodiversity enhances the temporal stability of productivity. To date, these hypotheses have mostly been tested through experimental studies under restricted environmental conditions, hereby neglecting climatic variations at a landscape‐scale. Here, we provide a landscape‐scale assessment of the contribution of species richness, functional composition, temperature, and precipitation on grassland productivity. We found that the variation in grassland productivity during the growing season was best explained by functional trait composition. The community mean of plant preference for nutrients explained 24.8% of the variation in productivity and the community mean of specific leaf area explained 18.6%, while species richness explained only 2.4%. Temperature and precipitation explained an additional 22.1% of the variation in productivity. Our results indicate that functional trait composition is an important predictor of landscape‐scale grassland productivity.  相似文献   

In network ecology, landscape‐scale processes are often overlooked, yet there is increasing evidence that species and interactions spill over between habitats, calling for further study of interhabitat dependencies. Here, we investigate how species connect a mosaic of habitats based on the spatial variation of their mutualistic and antagonistic interactions using two multilayer networks, combining pollination, herbivory and parasitism in the UK and New Zealand. Developing novel methods of network analysis for landscape‐scale ecological networks, we discovered that few plant and pollinator species acted as connectors or hubs, both within and among habitats, whereas herbivores and parasitoids typically have more peripheral network roles. Insect species’ roles depend on factors other than just the abundance of taxa in the lower trophic level, exemplified by larger Hymenoptera connecting networks of different habitats and insects relying on different resources across different habitats. Our findings provide a broader perspective for landscape‐scale management and ecological community conservation.  相似文献   

Species occupying the same geographic range can exhibit remarkably different population structures across the landscape, ranging from highly diversified to panmictic. Given limitations on collecting population‐level data for large numbers of species, ecologists seek to identify proximate organismal traits—such as dispersal ability, habitat preference and life history—that are strong predictors of realized population structure. We examined how dispersal ability and habitat structure affect the regional balance of gene flow and genetic drift within three aquatic insects that represent the range of dispersal abilities and habitat requirements observed in desert stream insect communities. For each species, we tested for linear relationships between genetic distances and geographic distances using Euclidean and landscape‐based metrics of resistance. We found that the moderate‐disperser Mesocapnia arizonensis (Plecoptera: Capniidae) has a strong isolation‐by‐distance pattern, suggesting migration–drift equilibrium. By contrast, population structure in the flightless Abedus herberti (Hemiptera: Belostomatidae) is influenced by genetic drift, while gene flow is the dominant force in the strong‐flying Boreonectes aequinoctialis (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). The best‐fitting landscape model for M. arizonensis was based on Euclidean distance. Analyses also identified a strong spatial scale‐dependence, where landscape genetic methods only performed well for species that were intermediate in dispersal ability. Our results highlight the fact that when either gene flow or genetic drift dominates in shaping population structure, no detectable relationship between genetic and geographic distances is expected at certain spatial scales. This study provides insight into how gene flow and drift interact at the regional scale for these insects as well as the organisms that share similar habitats and dispersal abilities.  相似文献   

The controls on aboveground community composition and diversity have been extensively studied, but our understanding of the drivers of belowground microbial communities is relatively lacking, despite their importance for ecosystem functioning. In this study, we fitted statistical models to explain landscape‐scale variation in soil microbial community composition using data from 180 sites covering a broad range of grassland types, soil and climatic conditions in England. We found that variation in soil microbial communities was explained by abiotic factors like climate, pH and soil properties. Biotic factors, namely community‐weighted means (CWM) of plant functional traits, also explained variation in soil microbial communities. In particular, more bacterial‐dominated microbial communities were associated with exploitative plant traits versus fungal‐dominated communities with resource‐conservative traits, showing that plant functional traits and soil microbial communities are closely related at the landscape scale.  相似文献   

In order to effectively manage and conserve indigenous herbivores, a good understanding is needed of how resources drive their distribution patterns. This study employed a unique dataset to test a range of ecological theories and hypotheses on free‐ranging grazers. Using aerial census data collected over 14 yr across the 2 million ha Kruger National Park (South Africa), this study employs spatial autologistic regression models to explore the spatial relationships that exist between the distribution of eight indigenous grazer species and a set of resource variables. It was found that ecological theories relating to feeding guild, water‐dependence, allometric scaling, gut‐morphology and vulnerability to predation could explain most of the grazer distribution patterns observed in relation to surface‐water, forage quality, forage quantity and habitat openness. All the grazers studied were water‐dependent and occurred close to a permanent source of water in the dry season. This was ascribed to the lack of moisture in the diet of grazers during the dry season. Most ruminants’ distribution patterns were significantly associated with areas of high forage quality whereas hind‐gut fermentors were neutral towards forage quality. Average forage quantity was not a significant predictor of long‐term, landscape‐scale distribution patterns for any of the grazer species studied. Most small‐ and medium‐bodied grazers preferred open habitats above closed habitats, probably due to higher visibility and a lower predation risk. Large‐bodied grazers did not bias their distribution patterns towards open habitats. The way in which grazers distribute themselves with respect to different resources can potentially inform management actions on appropriate scales.  相似文献   

Abstract. As part of a larger survey of biodiversity in gardens in Sheffield, UK, we examined the composition and diversity of the flora in two 1‐m2 quadrats in each of 60 gardens, and compared this with floristic data from semi‐natural habitats in central England and derelict urban land in Birmingham, UK. Garden quadrats contained more than twice as many taxa as those from any other habitat type. Ca. 33 % of garden plants were natives and 67 % aliens, mainly from Europe and Asia. A higher proportion of garden aliens originated from Asia and New Zealand than in the UK alien flora as a whole; 18 of the 20 most frequent plants in garden quadrats were natives, mostly common weeds. Garden quadrats showed no evidence of ‘nestedness’, i.e. a tendency for scarce species to be confined to the highest diversity quadrats. Conversely, species in all semi‐natural and derelict land data sets were significantly nested. Compared to a range of semi‐natural habitats, species richness of garden quadrats was intermediate, and strikingly similar to the richness of derelict land quadrats. Although species accumulation curves for all other habitats showed signs of saturation at 120 quadrats, gardens did not. Correlations between Sørensen similarity index and physical distance were insignificant for all habitat types, i.e. there was little evidence that physical distance played any part in structuring the composition of the quadrats in any of the data sets. However, garden quadrats were much less similar to each other than quadrats from semi‐natural habitats or derelict land.  相似文献   

Environmental gradients have been shown to affect animal diversity, but knowledge of fine‐scale drivers of insect diversity is, in many cases, poorly developed. We investigated the drivers of beetle diversity and composition at different microhabitats, and how this may be mediated by past agricultural activities. The study was undertaken in temperate eucalypt grassy woodland near Canberra, south‐eastern Australia, with a 200‐year history of pastoral land use. We sampled beetles using pitfall traps at three microhabitats (open grassland, logs and under trees). We analysed the effects of soil properties, vegetation structure, and plant composition on beetle composition, and compared beetle responses among the microhabitats. We found that microhabitat was a strong determinant of the way beetle communities responded to their environment. Soil nutrients (C, N and P) were the strongest drivers of beetle species richness, abundance and composition at open and log microhabitat, however vegetation structure (tree basal area) was more important for beetle richness, abundance and biomass under trees. We also found significant differences in beetle composition among distinct ground‐layer plant communities at log and tree microhabitat. We show that prior agricultural land use, particularly fertilization, has altered soil and plant communities, and that these effects continue to flow through the system affecting beetle assemblages. These findings have implications for future management of microhabitat structures in temperate grassy woodlands with a history of agricultural use.  相似文献   

Aim Plant communities across the temperate zone are changing in response to successional processes and human‐induced disturbances. Here, we assess how upland forest under‐ and overstorey community composition has changed along an edaphic gradient. Location Northern Wisconsin, USA. Methods Forest sites initially sampled in the 1950s were resampled for overstorey composition and diversity, basal area, and understorey composition and diversity. We used clustering methods to identify groups of stands based on overstorey composition, and we used similarity indices, ordination and diversity indices to evaluate changes in species abundance and overall community structure. Results Sites clustered into four overstorey groups along the edaphic gradient: ‘hemlock’ sites dominated by hemlock in 1950, ‘mesic’ sites dominated by northern hardwoods, ‘dry’ sites with a significant pine inclusion in the canopy and diverse ‘dry‐mesic’ sites in the middle. Collectively, forests gained maple, ash and cherry while losing pines, birches and red oaks. The hemlock forest sites gained hardwoods, while the dry‐mesic sites shifted towards a more mesic hardwood composition. Only the driest sites have remained relatively stable in species composition. Main conclusions These trends reflect both ‘mesification’ and homogenization among northern forests. Highly diverse mid‐gradient and mesic hemlock‐dominated stands are transitioning to maple dominance. Fire suppression may be favouring invasions of more mesic plants into historically drier sites, while high deer abundance likely limits hemlock regeneration. If current trends continue, maples will dominate the majority of northern forests, with significant losses of local native species richness and substantial shifts in understorey composition.  相似文献   

Aim Owing to their role as insect predators, web‐building spiders can be important biological control agents within agricultural systems. In complex tropical agroecosystems such as agroforests, management determines plant architecture, vegetation composition and associated ant density, but little is known on how these attributes, together with landscape context, determine spider web density. We hypothesized that all three spatial scales and the presence of Philidris ants significantly contribute to the explanation of spider web density with web types being differently affected. Location In 42 differently managed cacao agroforestry systems in Sulawesi, Indonesia. Methods We surveyed the distribution of five spider‐web types on 420 cacao trees to determine how these relate to habitat variables and a numerically dominant ant species at three different spatial scales, comparing tree, plot and landscape features. We fitted linear mixed‐effects model, selected the best model subset using information‐theoretic criteria and calculated the model‐averaged estimates. We used non‐metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) to determine and visualize guild level responses to the effects of the tree, plot and landscape‐scale variables. Results The five spider guilds preferred different features of cacao tree architecture. Most frequently recorded webs belonged to the line‐ and orb‐web type. At the tree scale, overall web density was positively related to canopy openness. At the plot scale, a higher number of shade trees was related to a higher web density. At the landscape scale, the altitude determined the distribution patterns of web‐building spiders. Presence of Philidris ants was positively associated with density of orb webs, while no pattern was found for other web types. Main conclusions Results suggest spider web density could be increased by pruning of cacao trees while keeping shade trees at high density in cacao plots. The results emphasize the need to consider scale dependency of crop management and web‐guild‐specific responses that may be related to different functional roles of spiders as a high‐density predator group in agroforestry.  相似文献   

Mature trees and forests contain structural features such as tree hollows, large coarse woody debris and large spreading crowns that provide critical habitat for a wide range of species. These features can take hundreds of years to develop and require careful management to ensure their continued availability. Managing these features requires spatial mapping layers to facilitate landscape‐scale management. This paper outlines how a map of mature forest habitat was developed for Tasmania, Australia. The map was produced using spatial data on vegetation type, mature crown density and senescence, a global layer of forest loss data derived from satellite imagery, a database on timber harvest plans and a spatial layer on the extent of fire. The relationship between mapped mature habitat availability (high, medium, low or negligible) and tree hollow availability in wet forest areas was explored, complementing a similar published study in dry forests. The number of large trees likely to have hollows significantly increased with mapped mature habitat availability, although there was considerable variation and overlap between map categories. Data from a fauna locality database and two radio‐tracking studies showed that three of the vertebrate hollow‐using species examined (Swift Parrot, Common Brushtail Possum and the Tasmanian Long‐eared Bat) and nest records of a species reliant on large tree crowns (the Wedge‐tailed Eagle) were all more likely to occur in areas of higher mapped mature habitat availability. It is concluded that this map reflects the relative availability of tree hollows, is ecologically meaningful and will be useful when managing mature forest habitat at large spatial scales, but the variable accuracy of the map at fine scales needs to be taken into account.  相似文献   

Abstract. Effective management of rangelands requires the development of landscape‐scale models for predicting spatial and temporal variability of forage. In the Magellanic tussock steppes, as in other cold‐temperate regions, grazing capacity is dependent on the winter season. To develop a management tool for the region, we analysed links between winter forage availability, weather, stocking rate and vegetation structure. We studied four paddocks over five years with a range of stocking rates from 0 to 1.53 sheep.ha‐1. We sampled forb and non‐tussock graminoid biomass, vegetation structure and faecal pellet abundance at the end of each summer. Daily temperature and rainfall data were also recorded. A regression model explained the amount of winter forage as a positive function of graminoid cover, spring minimum temperature, annual precipitation and a negative function of dwarf shrub canopy, bare soil and stocking rate (R2= 0.59). Interactions of structural variables with precipitation and stocking rate were detected, indicating strong fluctuations of forage availability in lawn communities dominated by short graminoids. The most probable causes of this response would be higher utilisation and lack of canopy structure. Our results illustrate how maps of vegetation structure, obtainable from satellite images, with weather and stocking rate data could be used for predicting optimal stocking rates in large, heterogeneous sheep paddocks.ed.  相似文献   

Understanding the effects of anthropogenic disturbances on biodiversity is important for conservation prioritization. This study examined the effects of vegetation degradation on bird diversity in Abiata‐Shalla Lakes National Park, Ethiopia. We surveyed birds and vegetation structure between January and March 2015 in disturbed (impacted by settlement and agriculture) and undisturbed (not impacted) transects of two vegetation types (savannah woodland and gallery forest). We compared between disturbed and undisturbed transects at local (within vegetation types) and landscape (across vegetation types) levels: (a) avian species richness of the entire assemblage and feeding guilds and (b) species assemblage composition. We found significantly greater mean and total bird species richness of the entire assemblage and insectivore and granivore feeding guilds in the undisturbed transects, while the nectarivore guild was totally absent in the disturbed transects. We also found significant differences in bird species assemblage composition between the disturbed and undisturbed transects both within and across the vegetation types, and bird species assemblage composition at the landscape level was positively correlated with tree abundance and understorey vegetation height. In conclusion, our results demonstrate and add to the increasing body of evidence concerning the adverse effects of human‐induced vegetation change on bird diversity.  相似文献   

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