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Recent years have seen a growing body of evidence showing that plant competition and facilitation usually operate simultaneously to drive population dynamics, community structure and ecosystem functions. However, the potential role of facilitation in spatial patterning of plant populations has rarely been explicitly examined. We used a ‘zone‐of‐influence’ model to explore how facilitation interacts with competition and abiotic stress to determine the spatial patterning of populations during density‐dependent mortality. Model simulations revealed that started with the same clustered pattern, the final pattern of simulated populations depended strongly on the interaction among facilitation, stress level and size‐symmetry of competition. Asymmetric competition consistently led to immediate and non‐random mortality towards regularity, thus rapidly decayed the initially clustered pattern to final patterns of small‐scale regularity and large‐scale randomness. The role of symmetric competition in decaying the clustered pattern increased with abiotic stress because stress‐induced reductions in plants’ growth rates can make individuals in high‐density clusters more likely to die even from symmetric competition. Facilitation played a clear role in counteracting the effect of stress, thus tended to maintain the degree of clustering of the pattern during density‐dependent mortality. This is because the amelioration of harsh conditions by neighboring plants relieved the reductions in plant growth due to competition, thus slowed down and reduced the mortality inside clusters (relative to that outside clusters). Moreover, the effect of facilitation appeared to increase with abiotic stress. Our results indicate that facilitation among neighboring plants should partially be responsible for clustered population spatial patterns observed in stressful environments, even though its contribution relative to other factors (e.g. local dispersal and environmental heterogeneity) remains to be evaluated. In addition, the potential influence of facilitation on self‐thinning trajectory should be explicitly examined in future modeling and experimental studies considering its effects on density‐dependent mortality.  相似文献   

Although differential selective pressures on males and females of the same species may result in sex‐specific evolutionary trajectories, comparative studies of adaptive radiations have largely neglected within‐species variation. In this study, we explore the potential effects of natural selection, sexual selection, or a combination of both, on bite performance in males and females of 19 species of Liolaemus lizards. More specifically, we study the evolution of bite performance, and compare evolutionary relationships between the variation in head morphology, bite performance, ecological variation and sexual dimorphism between males and females. Our results suggest that in male Liolaemus, the variation in bite force is at least partly explained by the variation in the degree of sexual dimorphism in head width (i.e. our estimate of the intensity of sexual selection), and neither bite force nor the morphological variables were correlated with diet (i.e. our proxy for natural selection). On the contrary, in females, the variation in bite force and head size can, to a certain extent, be explained by variation in diet. These results suggest that whereas in males, sexual selection seems to be operating on bite performance, in the case of females, natural selection seems to be the most likely and most important selective pressure driving the variation in head size. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 101 , 461–475.  相似文献   

Interactions between density‐dependent and density‐independent processes can lead to variation in both growth and survival rates. Detecting such effects, however, will often require sampling on an individual level and at the appropriate spatial and temporal scale. This study documents substantial variation in survival and growth of stream‐dwelling brown trout Salmo trutta from a small Norwegian stream. The data is based on seasonal capture–recaptures of individually marked trout on fixed stations during eight years. The fish were small‐sized, rarely reaching sizes larger than 20 cm and ages older than seven years. Density varied between 0.2–0.8 fish m?2. Variation in survival and recapture probabilities was analysed using program MARK. Apparent survival (the probability of being alive and present within the study area) generally decreased with increasing trout density and increasing drought level (measured as lowest observed water flow) during both winter and summer. Further, there was a significant interaction effect between density and water flow, indicating that density‐dependent effects on survival predominated when environmental conditions were benign (no drought), while density‐independent processes were most important under harsh environmental conditions (drought). Observed length‐at‐age during autumn indicated a more or less linear growth trajectory throughout life, and no effect of density, water flow or temperature was found. However, using the individual‐based capture–recapture data to estimated specific growth rate, significant positive effects of water flow and temperature and a negative effect of density were identified. Thus, the capture–recapture data suggest a strong potential for population regulation at the rather low densities found in this stream, and regulation may occur both through effects on survival and growth.  相似文献   

Delayed density‐dependent demographic processes are thought to be the basis for multi‐annual cyclic fluctuations in small rodent populations, but evidence for delayed density dependence of a particular demographic trait is rare. Here, using capture–recapture data from 22 sites collected over nine years, we demonstrate a strong effect of population density with a one‐year lag on the timing of the onset of spring reproduction in a cyclically fluctuating population of field voles Microtus agrestis in northern England. The mean date for the onset of spring reproduction was delayed by about 24 days for every additional 100 voles ha?1 in the previous spring. This delayed density dependence is sufficient to generate the type of cyclic population dynamics described in the study system.  相似文献   

Sex‐specific genetic structure is a commonly observed pattern among vertebrate species. Facing differential selective pressures, individuals may adopt sex‐specific life history traits that ultimately shape genetic variation among populations. Although differential dispersal dynamics are commonly detected in the literature, few studies have used genetic structure to investigate sex‐specific functional connectivity. The recent use of graph theoretic approaches in landscape genetics has demonstrated network capacities to describe complex system behaviours where network topology represents genetic interaction among subunits. Here, we partition the overall genetic structure into sex‐specific graphs, revealing different male and female dispersal dynamics of a fisher (Pekania [Martes] pennanti) metapopulation in southern Ontario. Our analyses based on network topologies supported the hypothesis of male‐biased dispersal. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the effect of the landscape, identified at the population level, could be partitioned among sex‐specific strata. We found that female connectivity was negatively correlated with snow depth, whereas connectivity among males was not. Our findings underscore the potential of conducting sex‐specific analysis by identifying landscape elements or configuration that differentially promotes or impedes functional connectivity between sexes, revealing processes that may otherwise remain cryptic. We propose that the sex‐specific graph approach would be applicable to other vagile species where differential sex‐specific processes are expected to occur.  相似文献   

Reliable estimates of effective population size are of central importance in population genetics and evolutionary biology. For populations that fluctuate in size, harmonic mean population size is commonly used as a proxy for (multi‐) generational effective size. This assumes no effects of density dependence on the ratio between effective and actual population size, which limits its potential application. Here, we introduce density dependence on vital rates in a demographic model of variance effective size. We derive an expression for the ratio in a density‐regulated population in a fluctuating environment. We show by simulations that yearly genetic drift is accurately predicted by our model, and not proportional to as assumed by the harmonic mean model, where N is the total population size of mature individuals. We find a negative relationship between and N. For a given N, the ratio depends on variance in reproductive success and the degree of resource limitation acting on the population growth rate. Finally, our model indicate that environmental stochasticity may affect not only through fluctuations in N, but also for a given N at a given time. Our results show that estimates of effective population size must include effects of density dependence and environmental stochasticity.  相似文献   

The coexistence of plant species in species‐rich tropical forests can be promoted by specialised enemies acting in a negatively density‐dependent manner. While survival of tropical tree seedlings is often negatively density‐dependent, the causes have rarely been identified. We tested whether insects and plant pathogens cause density‐dependent seedling recruitment and survival in five forest tree species in Belize, Central America. We manipulated densities of seeds or newly germinated seedlings in small (1 m2 or 0.25 m2) plots close to fruiting conspecific trees. Using a factorial design, we excluded enemies from subsets of the plots with fungicides and insecticides. Seed germination (for two species) and early seedling survival (for all species) were monitored at approximately weekly intervals for up to eight weeks, during the period when plants are likely to be most susceptible to natural enemies. In Terminalia amazonia, seed germination was negatively density‐dependent and the proportion of seeds germinating increased when insects were excluded. However, the magnitude of the insecticide effect was independent of density. The only significant density effect for survival of young seedlings was in Acacia polyphylla; counter to expectation, seedling survival was higher at high densities. In a few cases pesticide application had a significant effect on seedling survival, but in only one case (Terminalia amazonia) was a significant pesticide × density interaction detected. Our results caution against generalising from studies conducted on a single species at a single time and place and illustrate the challenges of experimentally testing for enemy‐mediated negative density‐dependence. Experimental outcomes are likely to depend on the spatial scale at which the principal enemies disperse and respond to plant density, and the timescales over which they act. Gathering information on these variables will improve our understanding of the natural histories of tropical forest species and help inform the design of future experiments.  相似文献   

Range expansions and biological invasions are prime examples of transient processes that are likely impacted by rapid evolutionary changes. As a spatial process, range expansions are driven by dispersal and movement behaviour. Although it is widely accepted that dispersal and movement may be context‐dependent, for instance density‐dependent, and best represented by reaction norms, the evolution of density‐dependent movement during range expansions has received little experimental attention. We therefore tested current theory predicting the evolution of increased movement at low densities at range margins using highly replicated and controlled range expansion experiments across multiple genotypes of the protist model system Tetrahymena thermophila. Although rare, we found evolutionary changes during range expansions even in the absence of initial standing genetic variation. Range expansions led to the evolution of negatively density‐dependent movement at range margins. In addition, we report the evolution of increased intrastrain competitive ability and concurrently decreased population growth rates in range cores. Our findings highlight the importance of understanding movement and dispersal as evolving reaction norms and plastic life‐history traits of central relevance for range expansions, biological invasions and the dynamics of spatially structured systems in general.  相似文献   

In this study, the topic of sexual growth dimorphism in whiting Merlangius merlangus is examined. To understand the magnitude and underlying mechanisms, North Sea International Bottom Trawl Survey (IBTS) data and two additional datasets from the third quarter of 2007 and the first quarter of 2012 were analysed. Merlangius merlangus displays distinct differences in growth parameters between males and females, with females reaching a higher asymptotic length (L) than males. To identify the mechanisms which lead to higher growth in females, the quantity and the quality of the diet of M. merlangus in the North Sea were investigated to compare the sex‐specific energy uptake levels. The diet composition did not differ between the sexes, but females had higher stomach content masses than males of the same total length (LT), and showed lower proportions of empty stomachs. Moreover, female M. merlangus had higher liver and empty stomach masses compared with males of the same size, which indicates additional sex‐specific differences in the metabolic costs and energy allocation patterns. Finally, interannual differences were found in the stomach contents, the share of empty stomachs and liver masses of M. merlangus in the North Sea.  相似文献   

Locust phase polymorphism is an extreme example of behavioral plasticity; in response to changes in population density, locusts dramatically alter their behavior. These changes in behavior facilitate the appearance of various morphological and physiological phase characteristics. One of the principal behavioral changes is the more intense flight behavior and improved flight performance of gregarious locusts compared to solitary ones. Surprisingly, the neurophysiological basis of the behavioral phase characteristics has received little attention. Here we present density‐dependent differences in flight‐related sensory and central neural elements in the desert locust. Using techniques already established for gregarious locusts, we compared the response of locusts of both phases to controlled wind stimuli. Gregarious locusts demonstrated a lower threshold for wind‐induced flight initiation. Wind‐induced spiking activity in the locust tritocerebral commissure giants (TCG, a pair of identified interneurons that relay input from head hair receptors to thoracic motor centers) was found to be weaker in solitary locusts compared to gregarious ones. The solitary locusts' TCG also demonstrated much stronger spike frequency adaptation in response to wind stimuli. Although the number of forehead wind sensitive hairs was found to be larger in solitary locusts, the stimuli conveyed to their flight motor centers were weaker. The tritocerebral commissure dwarf (TCD) is an inhibitory flight‐related interneuron in the locust that responds to light stimuli. An increase in TCD spontaneous activity in dark conditions was significantly stronger in gregarious locusts than in solitary ones. Thus, phase‐dependent differences in the activity of flight‐related interneurons reflect behavioral phase characteristics. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol 57: 152–162, 2003  相似文献   

Understanding population change is essential for conservation of imperiled species, such as amphibians. Worldwide amphibian declines have provided an impetus for investigating their population dynamics, which can involve both extrinsic (density‐independent) and intrinsic (density‐dependent) drivers acting differentially across multiple life stages or age classes. In this study, we examined the population dynamics of the endangered Barton Springs Salamander (Eurycea sosorum) using data from a long‐term monitoring program. We were interested in understanding both the potential environmental drivers (density‐independent factors) and demographic factors (interactions among size classes, negative density dependence) to better inform conservation and management activities. We used data from three different monitoring regimes and multivariate autoregressive state‐space models to quantify environmental effects (seasonality, discharge, algae, and sediment cover), intraspecific interactions among three size classes, and intra‐class density dependence. Results from our primary data set revealed similar patterns among sites and size classes and were corroborated by our out‐of‐sample data. Cross‐correlation analysis showed juvenile abundance was most strongly correlated with a 9‐month lag in aquifer discharge, which we suspect is related to inputs of organic carbon into the aquifer. However, sedimentation limited juvenile abundance at the surface, emphasizing the importance of continued sediment management. Recruitment from juveniles to the sub‐adult size class was evident, but negative density‐dependent feedback ultimately regulated each size class. Negative density dependence may be an encouraging sign for the conservation of E. sosorum because populations that can reach carrying capacity are less likely to go extinct compared to unregulated populations far below their carrying capacity. However, periodic population declines coupled with apparent migration into the aquifer complicate assessments of species status. Although both density‐dependent and density‐independent drivers of population change are not always apparent in time series of animal populations, both have important implications for conservation and management of E. sosorum.  相似文献   

Density‐dependent population regulation is observed in many taxa, and understanding the mechanisms that generate density dependence is especially important for the conservation of heavily‐managed species. In one such system, North American waterfowl, density dependence is often observed at continental scales, and nest predation has long been implicated as a key factor driving this pattern. However, despite extensive research on this topic, it remains unclear if and how nest density influences predation rates. Part of this confusion may have arisen because previous studies have studied density‐dependent predation at relatively large spatial and temporal scales. Because the spatial distribution of nests changes throughout the season, which potentially influences predator behavior, nest survival may vary through time at relatively small spatial scales. As such, density‐dependent nest predation might be more detectable at a spatially‐ and temporally‐refined scale and this may provide new insights into nest site selection and predator foraging behavior. Here, we used three years of data on nest survival of two species of waterfowl, mallards and gadwall, to more fully explore the relationship between local nest clustering and nest survival. Throughout the season, we found that the distribution of nests was consistently clustered at small spatial scales (?50–400 m), especially for mallard nests, and that this pattern was robust to yearly variation in nest density and the intensity of predation. We demonstrated further that local nest clustering had positive fitness consequences – nests with closer nearest neighbors were more likely to be successful, a result that is counter to the general assumption that nest predation rates increase with nest density.  相似文献   

1. Competition was created between the larvae of two life‐history strains of the blowfly Lucilia cuprina (Wiedemann) that have different requirements for larval resource acquisition. Adult females of one strain had the ability to mature eggs in the absence of adult feeding (autogeny) whereas the other strain lacked this ability. Autogeny shifts the burden of resource acquisition from adults to larvae, potentially leading to greater competition at this earlier life history stage. 2. A replacement series was used to determine the per‐capita competitive effect between strains relative to the intra‐strain effect, and density‐ and frequency‐dependent variation in this per‐capita effect was then evaluated. Evidence was found of competitive superiority of autogenous larvae when they occurred at a low frequency and low density, but their competitive ability was lost or reversed at higher frequencies and densities. 3. A dynamic competitive environment created by frequency and density dependence can account for the maintenance of genetic diversity for major life‐history traits. Such competition may explain why autogeny is rare in field populations of L. cuprina even although underlying genetic variation for the trait seems to be present.  相似文献   

Predicting population colonisations requires understanding how spatio‐temporal changes in density affect dispersal. Density can inform on fitness prospects, acting as a cue for either habitat quality, or competition over resources. However, when escaping competition, high local density should only increase emigration if lower‐density patches are available elsewhere. Few empirical studies on dispersal have considered the effects of density at the local and landscape scale simultaneously. To explore this, we analyze 5 years of individual‐based data from an experimental introduction of wild guppies Poecilia reticulata. Natal dispersal showed a decrease in local density dependence as density at the landscape level increased. Landscape density did not affect dispersal among adults, but local density‐dependent dispersal switched from negative (conspecific attraction) to positive (conspecific avoidance), as the colonisation progressed. This study demonstrates that densities at various scales interact to determine dispersal, and suggests that dispersal trade‐offs differ across life stages.  相似文献   

Density dependence in vital rates is a key feature affecting temporal fluctuations of natural populations. This has important implications for the rate of random genetic drift. Mating systems also greatly affect effective population sizes, but knowledge of how mating system and density regulation interact to affect random genetic drift is poor. Using theoretical models and simulations, we compare Ne in short‐lived, density‐dependent animal populations with different mating systems. We study the impact of a fluctuating, density‐dependent sex ratio and consider both a stable and a fluctuating environment. We find a negative relationship between annual Ne/N and adult population size N due to density dependence, suggesting that loss of genetic variation is reduced at small densities. The magnitude of this decrease was affected by mating system and life history. A male‐biased, density‐dependent sex ratio reduces the rate of genetic drift compared to an equal, density‐independent sex ratio, but a stochastic change towards male bias reduces the Ne/N ratio. Environmental stochasticity amplifies temporal fluctuations in population size and is thus vital to consider in estimation of effective population sizes over longer time periods. Our results on the reduced loss of genetic variation at small densities, particularly in polygamous populations, indicate that density regulation may facilitate adaptive evolution at small population sizes.  相似文献   

Individual fitness is expected to benefit from earlier maturation at a larger body size and higher body condition. However, poor nutritional quality or high prevalence of disease make this difficult because individuals either cannot acquire sufficient resources or must divert resources to other fitness‐related traits such as immunity. Under such conditions, individuals are expected to mature later at a smaller body size and in poorer body condition. Moreover, the juvenile environment can also produce longer‐term effects on adult fitness by causing shifts in resource allocation strategies that could alter investment in immune function and affect adult lifespan. We manipulated diet quality and immune status of juvenile Texas field crickets, Gryllus texensis, to investigate how poor developmental conditions affect sex‐specific investment in fitness‐related traits. As predicted, a poor juvenile diet was related to smaller mass and body size at eclosion in both sexes. However, our results also reveal sexually dimorphic responses to different facets of the rearing environment: female life history decisions are affected more by diet quality, whereas males are affected more by immune status. We suggest that females respond to decreased nutritional income because this threatens their ability to achieve a large adult body size, whereas male fitness is more dependent on reaching adulthood and so they invest in immunity and survival to eclosion.  相似文献   

Sexual selection can increase rates of adaptation by imposing strong selection in males, thereby allowing efficient purging of the mutation load on population fitness at a low demographic cost. Indeed, sexual selection tends to be male‐biased throughout the animal kingdom, but little empirical work has explored the ecological sensitivity of this sex difference. In this study, we generated theoretical predictions of sex‐specific strengths of selection, environmental sensitivities and genotype‐by‐environment interactions and tested them in seed beetles by manipulating either larval host plant or rearing temperature. Using fourteen isofemale lines, we measured sex‐specific reductions in fitness components, genotype‐by‐environment interactions and the strength of selection (variance in fitness) in the juvenile and adult stage. As predicted, variance in fitness increased with stress, was consistently greater in males than females for adult reproductive success (implying strong sexual selection), but was similar in the sexes in terms of juvenile survival across all levels of stress. Although genetic variance in fitness increased in magnitude under severe stress, heritability decreased and particularly so in males. Moreover, genotype‐by‐environment interactions for fitness were common but specific to the type of stress, sex and life stage, suggesting that new environments may change the relative alignment and strength of selection in males and females. Our study thus exemplifies how environmental stress can influence the relative forces of natural and sexual selection, as well as concomitant changes in genetic variance in fitness, which are predicted to have consequences for rates of adaptation in sexual populations.  相似文献   

Responses of males and females to salinity were studied in order to reveal sex‐specific adaptation and evolution in Populus cathayana Rehd cuttings. This dioecious tree species plays an important role in maintaining ecological stability and providing commercial raw material in southwest China. Female and male cuttings of P. cathayana were treated for about 1 month with 0, 75 and 150 mM NaCl. Plant growth traits, gas exchange parameters, chlorophyll pigments, intrinsic water use efficiency (WUEi), membrane system injuries, ion transport and ultrastructural morphology were assessed and compared between sexes. Salt stress caused less negative effects on the dry matter accumulation, growth rate of height, growth rate of stem base diameter, total number of leaves and photosynthetic abilities in males than in females. Relative electrolyte leakage increased more in females than in males under salinity stress. Soil salinity reduced the amounts of leaf chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and total chlorophyll, and the chlorophyll a/b ratio more in females than in males. WUEi decreased in both sexes under salinity. Regarding the ultrastructural morphology, thylakoid swelling in chloroplasts and degrading structures in mitochondria were more frequent in females than in males. Moreover, females exhibited significantly higher Na+ and Cl? concentrations in leaves and stems, but lower concentrations in roots than did males under salinity. In all, female cuttings of P. cathayana are more sensitive to salinity stress than males, which could be partially due to males having a better ability to restrain Na+ transport from roots to shoots than do females.  相似文献   

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