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Migratory behavior of related moose   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a Swedish moose population containing both migratory and non-migratory individuals, 15 cows, 19 first generation and 2 second generation offspring were radiocollared and monitored during 1980–87 to determine their migratory behavior. The migratory behavior of offspring was evaluated when they were > 1 year old and independent of their dams. All 11 migratory cows produced migratory offspring (10♀, 3♂). Two migratory offspring produced female calves (grandchildren to the originally sampled cows) that were also migratory. Four of the originally sampled cows were non-migratory and they produced six non-migratory offspring (3♀, 3♂). Distances migrated by independent offspring were related to those of their dam. No moose changed its migrant or non-migrant nature during the study. Results indicate that the proportion of migratory moose in the population is determined by the survival and reproductive success of migratory versus non-migratory cows. Migratory and non-migratory moose may be regarded as two distinct phenotypes in this population.  相似文献   

Migration is expected to benefit individuals through exposure to higher quality forage and reducing predation rates more than non‐migratory conspecifics. Previous studies of partially migratory ungulates (with migrant and resident individuals) have focused on bottom–up factors regulating resident and migrant segments, yet differential predation between strategies could also be a density‐dependent regulatory mechanism. Our study tested for density‐dependence in mortality, as well as mechanisms of ­bottom–up or top–down regulation in the resident and migrant portions of the partially migratory Ya Ha Tinda elk population. We tested for density dependence in adult female and juvenile survival rates, and then discriminated between predator‐ and food‐regulation hypotheses by testing for density‐dependence amongst mortality causes for adult female elk. Notably, the population declined almost 70% from near previously published estimates of carrying capacity over 10 years, providing ideal conditions to test for density dependence. In contrast to predictions, we found only weak support for density dependence in adult survival and juvenile survival. We also found few differences between migrant and resident elk in adult or juvenile survival, though juvenile survival differences were biologically significant. Predation by humans and grizzly bears was density dependent, but similar between migratory strategies. Predation by wolves was the leading known cause of mortality, yet remained constant with declining elk density equally for both migrant and resident elk, indicating wolf predation was density‐independent. Instead of being strongly regulated by food or predation, we found adult female survival was driven by density‐independent predation and climatic factors. The few differences between migratory strategies suggest equivalent fitness payoffs for migrants and residents. This population is being limited by density‐independent predation leading to declines of both migratory strategies. Our results challenge classical predator–prey theory, and call for better integration between predator–prey and migration theory.  相似文献   

Populations of animals with resident and migratory individuals provide an ideal system for addressing questions concerning the evolution of migration. Partially migratory populations may persist because residents and migrants have equal fitness or because migration is based on conditional asymmetries. Studies measuring the costs and benefits of migration provide empirical data to test hypotheses concerning the maintenance of partial migration within a population. In this study, we measured the reproductive differences between resident and migrant females in a pond-breeding amphibian, the red-spotted newt Notophthalmus viridescens . We used large field enclosures to repeatedly sample egg laying over the prolonged breeding season of this species. Resident females did not lay a greater number of eggs or begin laying eggs earlier, despite beginning the breeding season earlier and having a higher mass than migrant newts. The only difference in reproduction we detected was that the eggs of resident females hatched into larger larvae compared with the larvae of migrant females. We discuss this result in the context of other potential trade-offs between residency and migration. This study illustrates the phenology of egg laying of N. viridescens and our results contribute to understanding the population dynamics of partially migratory species.  相似文献   

Birds exhibit a range of wintering behaviour from strictly migrant to strictly resident species. In partially migrating ones, some birds overwinter within their breeding region (resident birds) while others, although breeding in the same area, winter far away (migrant birds). Accordingly, choosing a wintering region is a key stage in the annual life cycle of birds, notably for inexperienced first‐year individuals. The present study aimed to investigate this issue, and more specifically to study the distribution pattern during winter and factors influencing the wintering behaviour of first‐year pied avocets Recurvirostra avosetta. Based on a 10‐yr ringing study carried out on five of the major French breeding colonies distributed along the Atlantic coast, we showed the coexistence of different wintering tactics. The resident tactic was predominant (approximately 86% of the 575 birds re‐sighted), while the other birds adopted migration. Among resident individuals, two different tactics occurred: 43% of birds overwintered within their natal colony, whereas the others wintered in another site located at relatively close proximity along the French Atlantic coast. Hatching date was a consistent predictor of all wintering tactics. More specifically, the probability of migrating was the highest for early‐hatched birds, and for resident ones, the probability of wintering within their natal colony rather than in another French site was the highest for both median‐ and late‐hatched individuals. In addition, a colony effect was demonstrated for resident birds. Several biological interpretations, including social system, variations in both individual body condition and habitat quality, were put forward to explain these correlates.  相似文献   

In migratory systems, variation in individual phenology can arise through differences in individual migratory behaviors, and this may be particularly apparent in partial migrant systems, where migrant and resident individuals are present within the same population. Links between breeding phenology and migratory behavior or success are generally investigated at the individual level. However, for breeding phenology in particular, the migratory behaviors of each member of the pair may need to be considered simultaneously, as breeding phenology will likely be constrained by timing of the pair member that arrives last, and carryover effects on breeding success may vary depending on whether pair members share the same migratory behavior or not. We used tracking of marked individuals and monitoring of breeding success from a partially migrant population of Eurasian oystercatchers (Haematopus ostralegus) breeding in Iceland to test whether (a) breeding phenology varied with pair migratory behavior; (b) within‐pair consistency in timing of laying differed among pair migratory behaviors; and (c) reproductive performance varied with pair migratory behavior, timing of laying, and year. We found that annual variation in timing of laying differed among pair migratory behaviors, with resident pairs being more consistent than migrant and mixed pairs, and migrant/mixed pairs breeding earlier than residents in most years but later in one (unusually cold) year. Pairs that laid early were more likely to replace their clutch after nest loss, had higher productivity and higher fledging success, independent of pair migratory behavior. Our study suggests that the links between individual migratory behavior and reproductive success can vary over time and, to a much lesser extent, with mate migratory behavior and can be mediated by differences in laying dates. Understanding these cascading effects of pair phenology on breeding success is likely to be key to predicting the impact of changing environmental conditions on migratory species.  相似文献   

Parts of the Arctic charr population of the subarctic Lake Visjön in north-west Sweden migrate upstream during the spring to two small, recently eutrophied and very productive lakes. Large repeat migrants arrive first, followed by young first-time migrants. Charr in the small lakes grow more rapidly than those resident in L. Visjön. In early September mature fish leave the lakes, followed by immature fish later in September and in October. Overwintering and spawning takes place in L. Visjön. Migratory females attain maturity at age 4 years and resident females at age 6 years. The migrant fish return annually until they are 5–6 years old. This limit may be due to reduced relative growth benefits of the habitat shift for larger individuals. The rapid development of these regular habitat shifts could be explained by an internally fixed exploratory behaviour in these Arctic charr that makes the detection and utilization of distant feeding resources possible. Migrants will possess a considerably higher fitness, if survival rates for migratory and resident fish are equal.  相似文献   

1. In many species, males can use different behavioural tactics to achieve fertilization, so-called alternative reproductive tactics (ARTs). Few field studies have measured fitness consequences of ARTs under varying environmental conditions. 2. Here, we describe fitness consequences of three phenotypically plastic ARTs in the African striped mouse (Rhabdomys pumilio) and show that relative fitness of ARTs differs between years. Each year represents a different generation. 3. For the generation living under high population density, tactics differed in relative fitness in accordance with the theory of conditional strategies, with highly successful territorial breeding males having 10 times higher success than solitary roaming males and 102 times higher success than adult natally philopatric males. 4. For the generation living under intermediate population density, the territorial breeding and roaming tactics yielded similar fitness, which would be in agreement with the theory of mixed strategies. No philopatric males occurred. 5. For the generation living under low population density, roaming was the only tactic used and some roamers had very high fitness. 6. The main prediction of status-dependent selection for conditional strategies is a correlation between fitness and status, often measured as body mass, but we did not find this correlation within tactics when more than one tactic was expressed in the population. 7. Female distribution seems to have an effect on which reproductive tactics male chose: female defence polygyny when females are clumped (interference competition), but a searching tactic when females are dispersed (scramble competition). In contrast to predictions arising from theory on scramble competition, male body mass was important in determining fitness only in the year when females were dispersed, but not in other years. 8. Our results indicate that the differentiation between conditional and mixed strategies is not an absolute one. In many other species, environmental conditions might fluctuate temporally and spatially so that the normally suboptimal tactic yields similar fitness to the (usually) dominant tactic or that only a single tactic prevails. 9. We suggest the term single strategy, independent of current fitness consequences, for systems where tactics are not genetically determined, in contrast to genetically determined alternative strategies.  相似文献   

Predation, habitat, hunting, and environmental conditions have all been implicated as regulatory mechanisms in ungulate populations. The low-density equilibrium hypothesis predicts that in low-density populations, predators regulate their prey and that the population will not escape unless predation pressure is eased. We evaluated survival of adult and juvenile moose (Alces alces) in north-central Alaska to determine whether or not the population supported the hypothesis. We instrumented adult male and female moose with radiocollars and used aerial observations to track parturition and subsequent survival of juvenile moose. Generalized linear mixed-effects models were used to assess survival. Adult annual survival rates were high (∼89%), but may be negatively influenced by winter conditions. Migratory status did not affect moose survivorship or productivity. Approximately 60% of the calf crop died before 5 months of age. Productivity was significantly lower in the northern section of the study area where there is less high-quality habitat, suggesting that, even in this low-density population, nutrition could be a limiting factor. It appears that predation on young calves, winter weather, and nutritional constraints may be interacting to limit this population. Latent traits, such as overproduction of calves and migratory behavior, which do not currently enhance fitness, may persist within this population so that individuals with these traits can reap benefits when environmental conditions change.  相似文献   

Partial migration is widespread in ungulates, yet few studies have assessed demographic mechanisms for how these alternative strategies are maintained in populations. Over the past two decades the number of resident individuals of the Ya Ha Tinda elk herd near Banff National Park has been increasing proportionally despite an overall population decline. We compared demographic rates of migrant and resident elk to test for demographic mechanisms partial migration. We determined adult female survival for 132 elk, pregnancy rates for 150 female elk, and elk calf survival for 79 calves. Population vital rates were combined in Leslie‐matrix models to estimate demographic fitness, which we defined as the migration strategy‐specific population growth rate. We also tested for differences in factors influencing risk of mortality between migratory strategies for adult females using Cox‐proportional hazards regression and time‐varying covariates of exposure to forage biomass, wolf predation risk, and group size. Despite higher pregnancy rates and winter calf weights associated with higher forage quality, survival of migrant adult females and calves were lower than resident elk. Resident elk traded high quality food to reduce predation risk by selecting areas close to human activity, and by living in group sizes 20% larger than migrants. Thus, residents experienced higher adult female survival and calf survival, but lower pregnancy and calf weights. Cause‐specific mortality of migrants was dominated by wolf and grizzly bear mortality, whereas resident mortality was dominated by human hunting. Demographic differences translated into slightly higher (2–3%), but non‐significant, resident population growth rate compared to migrant elk, suggesting demographic balancing between resident strategies during our study. Despite statistical equivalence, our results are also consistent with slow long‐term declines in migrants because of high predation because of higher wolf‐caused mortality in migrants. These results emphasize that migrants and residents will make different tradeoffs between forage and risk may affect the demographic balance of partially migratory populations, which may explain recent declines in migratory behavior in many ungulate populations around the world.  相似文献   

Alternative reproductive tactics can be maintained through differentevolutionary avenues. They can be genetically or stochasticallydetermined, in which case they must yield equal fitness, ortheir use can be conditional, in which case the fitness payoffof alternatives may differ. We attempted to assess the reproductivesuccess of alternative reproductive tactics employed by wildmale and female burying beetles in natural associations on carcassesplaced in the field. A beetle's reproductive tactic was definedby its potential involvement in care of larvae, and parentagewas assessed using oligolocus DNA fingerprinting of offspringand potential parents. Both in males and in females, alternativetactics yielded significantly different reproductive benefits:subordinate females (brood parasites) and males (satellite males)had considerably lower reproductive success than dominant oruncontested individuals. Joint breeding was too infrequent forstatistical inferences, generating intermediate offspring numbers.About 15% of offspring were sired by males not present on thecarcass, suggesting that mating away from reproductive resourcescan produce reproductive benefits to males. Our results, inconcert with the observation that beetles using one tactic canbe manipulated into employing the alternative, support the notionthat Nicrophorus vespilloides uses alternatives conditionally,opportunistically employing lower-benefit tactics when moreprofitable tactics are not available, or as additional "on-the-side"tactics to bolster reproductive success.  相似文献   

Decomposing variation in juvenile recruitment is a key component of understanding population dynamics for partially migratory ungulates. We investigated reproductive parameters of adult female elk (Cervus canadensis) with calves at heel, and survivorship, cause-specific mortality, and intrinsic and extrinsic factors affecting risk of mortality for calves in a partially migratory elk population from 2013–2016 in Alberta, Canada. Elk calves born to resident mothers had 45% lower survivorship on average compared to migrant calves (0.24 vs. 0.69) and nearly twice the mortality rate (0.37 vs. 0.19) from bears (Ursus spp.), the dominant source of mortality. Contrary to our predictions, we found that increasing levels of maternal ingesta-free body fat were associated with increasing risk of calf mortality, indicating predation may have overwhelmed nutritional effects. We found no evidence that timing of calf birth or birth weight differed between migratory tactics or influenced mortality risk. We found that as percentage of cut forest increased, risk of calf mortality marginally decreased, which benefited migrant elk that were exposed to more clear-cuts compared to residents. Exposure to bear predation risk was unimportant during the hiding phase (≤10 days after birth) for either migratory tactic, presumably because neonatal hiding behavior reduced vulnerability. In contrast, bear predation risk was important for mortality risk after 10 days in age, especially for resident elk calves, which were exposed to higher bear predation risk compared to migrants. We conclude that relative differences in bear predation between migratory tactics are contributing to the dynamics of partial migration in this population through additive effects on calf mortality. Thus, wildlife managers should anticipate that recovering grizzly bear (U. arctos) populations may substantially lower elk recruitment through effects on summer calf survival, especially in areas with diverse carnivore assemblages.  相似文献   

Alternative reproductive tactics have been described in male mammals, but little information exists regarding fitness benefits and whether males change tactics. Adult male prairie voles Microtus ochrogaster (Wagner, 1842) display alternative tactics described as resident and wanderer. Enclosure studies provide conflicting data concerning the relative success of each tactic and whether males display one tactic throughout adulthood. To characterize further residents and wanderers in this species, we examined data collected during 5 years of monitoring a natural population in Illinois, USA. We found that during the breeding period, wandering males survived longer, moved longer distances, and were more likely than residents to have scrotal testes. During the nonbreeding period, wandering and resident males differed only in whether or not they established residency. Data on sources and fates of resident and wandering males revealed that a substantial proportion of males switched tactics. Our estimate of the reproductive contribution of wandering males to the population, which is based on the premise that wandering males typically mate with single females, suggests that wanderers contribute 34–38% of young recruited during March through October and 4–12% in November, when single females are less common. Parentage studies in natural populations are necessary to test our estimates.  相似文献   

Summary The breeding phenology of temperate wood-lice is strongly seasonal, the result of physiological constraints and precise environmental cues for reproduction. The adaptive value of such mechanisms is that the release of offspring coincides with favourable conditions for growth and survival (Willows 1984). We recorded the breeding phenology of Armadillidium vulgare (Latreille) on two grassland sites in Great Britain and found between-site and between-year variation in the onset of reproduction, the duration of reproductive activity, the release of offspring, the size of reproductive females and the number of broods per female. Between 82.7 and 97.7% of gravid females sampled were semelparous at 23 months, with the remainder iteroparous, producing a second brood after 35 months. On one site (Weeting Health) improved growth conditions during 1984 allowed some females (19.3% of gravid females sampled in that year) to produce a brood after 11 months. There was also an increase in the number of 3-year-old females found to be gravid. An experimental manipulation of the same habitat confirmed that such changes in life history tactics could be phenotypic responses. The observed phenotypic variation was sufficient to produce a range of life history tactics within a population. Mixtures of life history tactics within a population may be typical of invasive species and populations at the edge of the species range. Our results support the idea that phenotypic plasticity can be an appropriate tactic to maximise fitness in a fluctuating environment (Caswell 1983, 1989).  相似文献   

With rapid global change, organisms in natural systems are exposed to a multitude of stressors that likely co‐occur, with uncertain impacts. We explored individual and cumulative effects of co‐occurring environmental stressors on the striking, yet poorly understood, phenomenon of facultative migration. We reared offspring of a brown trout population that naturally demonstrates facultative anadromy (sea migration), under different environmental stressor treatments and measured life history responses in terms of migratory tactics and freshwater maturation rates. Juvenile fish were exposed to reduced food availability, temperatures elevated to 1.8°C above natural conditions or both treatments in combination over 18 months of experimental tank rearing. When considered in isolation, reduced food had negative effects on the size, mass and condition of fish across the experiment. We detected variable effects of warm temperatures (negative effects on size and mass, but positive effect on lipids). When combined with food restriction, temperature effects on these traits were less pronounced, implying antagonistic stressor effects on morphological traits. Stressors combined additively, but had opposing effects on life history tactics: migration increased and maturation rates decreased under low food conditions, whereas the opposite occurred in the warm temperature treatment. Not all fish had expressed maturation or migration tactics by the end of the study, and the frequency of these ‘unassigned’ fish was higher in food deprivation treatments, but lower in warm treatments. Fish showing migration tactics were smaller and in poorer condition than fish showing maturation tactics, but were similar in size to unassigned fish. We further detected effects of food restriction on hypo‐osmoregulatory function of migrants that may influence the fitness benefits of the migratory tactic at sea. We also highlight that responses to multiple stressors may vary depending on the response considered. Collectively, our results indicate contrasting effects of environmental stressors on life history trajectories in a facultatively migratory species.  相似文献   

One explanation for hybridization between species is the fitness benefits it occasionally confers to the hybridizing individuals. This explanation is possible in species that have evolved alternative male reproductive tactics: individuals with inferior tactics might be more prone to hybridization provided it increases their reproductive success and fitness. Here we experimentally tested whether the propensity of hybridization in the wild depends on male reproductive tactic in Calopteryx splendens damselflies. Counter to our expectation, it was males adopting the superior reproductive tactic (territoriality) that had greatest propensity to hybridize than males adopting the inferior tactics (sneakers and floaters). Moreover, among the territorial males, the most ornamented males had greatest propensity to hybridize whereas the pattern was reversed in the sneaker males. Our results suggest that there is fluctuating selection on male mate discrimination against heterospecific females depending on both ornament size and the male’s reproductive tactic.  相似文献   

Age at primiparity plays a crucial role in population dynamics and life-history evolution. Long-term data on female North American red squirrels were analysed to study the fitness consequences of delaying first reproduction. Early breeders were born earlier, had a higher breeding success and achieved a higher lifetime reproductive success than females who delayed their first reproduction, which suggests a higher quality of early breeders. However, early breeders had similar mass when tagged, and similar number of food caches available at one year of age as late breeders. Nevertheless, we found evidence of survival costs of early primiparity. Early breeders had a lower survival between one and two years of age than late breeders and a lower lifespan. Our study points out that two reproductive tactics co-occurred in this population: a tactic based on early maturity at the cost of a lower survival versus a tactic based on delayed maturity and long lifespan. High quality individuals express the most profitable tactic by breeding early whereas low quality individuals do the best of a bad job by delaying their first reproduction.  相似文献   

Partial migration occurs when only some animals in a population migrate. While evidence suggests that migratory strategies are partially controlled by genes, individual and environmental conditions which alter the cost‐benefit trade‐off of migration among individuals are also likely to play a role. Three hypotheses have been advanced to explain condition‐dependent partial migration: the arrival time, dominance and body size hypotheses. In this study, we asked whether these hypotheses explained differences in migratory strategy among individuals in a partially migratory population of western bluebirds Sialia mexicana breeding in southern British Columbia, Canada. We used stable hydrogen isotope signatures in claw tissue to determine migratory strategy of individual bluebirds, and examined patterns of migration at both individual and population levels. The proportion of resident bluebirds varied significantly over the three years of the study, and across study sites. Several migrants switched to the resident strategy between years; however, we found no evidence of strategy switching in the opposite direction. Young birds were significantly more likely to be resident than older birds, a pattern which could arise if early arrival is particularly important for birds obtaining a territory for the first time. Furthermore, young females were the most likely of all sex–age classes to be resident, which may reflect a survival advantage of residency for young females. Finally, birds mated assortatively by migratory strategy and isotopic evidence suggests that members of a pair often wintered in the same place. Our results provided no support for the dominance or body size hypotheses, and only limited support for the arrival time hypothesis in bluebirds. However, taken together, we suggest that our findings indicate that social factors may influence migratory strategies in this system.  相似文献   

1.?Animal migration has long intrigued scientists and wildlife managers alike, yet migratory species face increasing challenges because of habitat fragmentation, climate change and over-exploitation. Central to the understanding migratory species is the objective discrimination between migratory and nonmigratory individuals in a given population, quantifying the timing, duration and distance of migration and the ability to predict migratory movements. 2.?Here, we propose a uniform statistical framework to (i) separate migration from other movement behaviours, (ii) quantify migration parameters without the need for arbitrary cut-off criteria and (iii) test predictability across individuals, time and space. 3.?We first validated our novel approach by simulating data based on established theoretical movement patterns. We then formulated the expected shapes of squared displacement patterns as nonlinear models for a suite of movement behaviours to test the ability of our method to distinguish between migratory movement and other movement types. 4.?We then tested our approached empirically using 108 wild Global Positioning System (GPS)-collared moose Alces alces in Scandinavia as a study system because they exhibit a wide range of movement behaviours, including resident, migrating and dispersing individuals, within the same population. Applying our approach showed that 87% and 67% of our Swedish and Norwegian subpopulations, respectively, can be classified as migratory. 5.?Using nonlinear mixed effects models for all migratory individuals we showed that the distance, timing and duration of migration differed between the sexes and between years, with additional individual differences accounting for a large part of the variation in the distance of migration but not in the timing or duration. Overall, the model explained most of the variation (92%) and also had high predictive power for the same individuals over time (69%) as well as between study populations (74%). 6.?The high predictive ability of the approach suggests that it can help increase our understanding of the drivers of migration and could provide key quantitative information for understanding and managing a broad range of migratory species.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Maternal effects are environmental influences on the phenotype of one individual that are due to the expression of genes in its mother, and are expected to evolve whenever females are better capable of assessing the environmental conditions that their offspring will experience than the offspring themselves. In the dung beetle Onthophagus taurus, conditional male dimorphism is associated with alternative reproductive tactics: majors fight and guard females whereas minors sneak copulations. Furthermore, variation in dung beetle population density has different fitness consequences for each male morph, and theory predicts that higher population density might select for a higher frequency of minors and/or greater expenditure on weaponry in majors. Because adult dung beetles provide offspring with all the nutritional resources for their development, maternal effects strongly influence male phenotype. RESULTS: Here we tested whether female O. taurus are capable of perceiving population density, and responding by changing the phenotype of their offspring. We found that mothers who were reared with other conspecifics in their pre-mating period produced major offspring that had longer horns across a wider range of body sizes than the major offspring of females that were reared in isolation in their pre-mating period. Moreover, our results indicate that this maternal effect on male weaponry does not operate through the amount of dung provided by females to their offspring, but is rather transmitted through egg or brood mass composition. Finally, although theory predicts that females experiencing higher density might produce more minor males, we found no support for this, rather the best fitting models were equivocal as to whether fewer or the same proportions of minors were produced. CONCLUSIONS: Our study describes a new type of maternal effect in dung beetles, which probably allows females to respond to population density adaptively, preparing at least their major offspring for the sexual competition they will face in the future. This new type of maternal effect in dung beetles represents a novel transgenerational response of alternative reproductive tactics to population density.  相似文献   

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