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Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) J1668 sporulated ectopically in the substrate hyphae (the Esp phenotype) with the same time course as sporulation in the aerial hyphae. Examination of related strains implied that the Esp phenotype was caused by the deletion of DNA that lies close to, but is distinct from, the glucose kinase gene ( glkA ). Co-transduction of the Esp phenotype with the deletion present in J1668 confirmed this hypothesis. The size of the deletion was found to be 7.4 kb. Construction of a strain carrying both the J1668 deletion and a whiG mutation demonstrated that the Esp phenotype depends on at least one of the genes required for the differentiation of aerial hyphae into spores.  相似文献   

By complementing developmental mutants of Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2), at least 15 regulatory genes for sporulation have been identified and studied at the molecular level, and some of their intracellular interactions have been characterised. Extensive interplay of the regulatory cascade with metabolic, morphological, homeostatic and stress-related checkpoints is emerging.  相似文献   

The Streptomyces coelicolor dnaE gene, encoding the catalytic alpha-subunit of DNA polymerase III (pol III) was isolated by genetic complementation of a temperature-sensitive DNA replication mutant, S. coelicolor ts-38. The deduced protein sequence (1179 residues) is highly similar to the Escherichia coli-type pol III alpha-subunit, rather than to the PolC-type alpha-subunit that is known to be essential for replication in the 'low G + C' Gram-positive bacteria such as Bacillus subtilis. The dnaE gene is able to restore replication to a 'slow stop' mutant (ts-38) and a 'fast stop' mutant (ts-114); the dnaE gene of ts-38 carries a single amino acid substitution (Glu-802 to Lys), and the mutation in ts-114 has been mapped between codons 697 and 1062 of dnaE. Mutant ts-38 is considered to be defective in assembly of the multisubunit pol III holoenzyme and, hence, in initiation of replication, whereas ts-114 is defective in chain elongation. This study provides the first evidence that a DnaE-type pol III is essential for replication in a Gram-positive bacterium. In addition, the complementation studies suggest that the C-terminal 117 residues are not essential for DnaE function in S. coelicolor. When integrated at a distant site on the chromosome, a fragment containing the 3' half of dnaE(codons 697-1179) is capable of rescuing ts-38 (but not ts-114) at the restrictive temperature; it was demonstrated that homogenotization was responsible for this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Using an Escherichia coli-Streptomyces shuttle vector derived from a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC), we developed methodologies for the construction of BAC libraries of filamentous actinomycetes. Libraries of Streptomyces coelicolor, the model actinomycete, and Planobispora rosea, a genetically intractable strain, were constructed. Both libraries have an average insert size of 60 kb, with maximal insert larger than 150 kb. The S. coelicolor library was evaluated by selected hybridisations to DraI fragments and by end sequencing of a few clones. Hybridisation of the P. rosea library to selected probes indicates a good representation of the P. rosea genome and that the library can be used to facilitate the genomic analysis of this actinomycete.  相似文献   

Identification and cloning of a umu locus in Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The umuDC operon of Escherichia coli is required for efficient mutagenesis by UV and many other DNA-damaging agents. E. coli umu mutants are defective in mutagenesis and slightly more sensitive to DNA-damaging agents. The existence of a umuDC analogue in Streptomyces coelicolor was suggested by data of our previous works. We cloned from Streptomyces coelicolor a fragment of DNA homologous to the E. coli umuDC region that is able to complement the E coli umuC122::Tn5 mutation. Therefore our data suggest that S. coelicolor contains a functional umu-like operon.  相似文献   

Streptomyces lividans ZX1 has become a preferred host for DNA cloning in Streptomyces species over its progenitor, the wild-type strain 66 (stock number 1326 from the John Innes Center collection), especially when stable DNA is crucial for in vitro electrophoresis, because DNA from strain 66 contains a novel modification that makes it sensitive to oxidative double-strand cleavage during electrophoresis. Detailed analysis of this modification-deficient mutant (ZX1) revealed that it has several additional phenotypic traits associated with a chromosomal deletion of ca. 90 kb, which was cloned and mapped by using a cosmid library. Comparative sequence analysis of two clones containing the left and right deletion ends originating from strain 66 and one clone with the deletion and fused sequence cloned from strain ZX1 revealed a perfect 15-bp direct repeat, which may have mediated deletion and fusion to yield strain ZX1 by site-specific recombination. Analysis of AseI linking clones in the deleted region in relation to the published AseI map of strain ZX1 yielded a complete AseI map for the S. lividans 66 genome, on which the relative positions of a cloned phage phiHAU3 resistance (phiHAU3r) gene and the dnd gene cluster were precisely localized. Comparison of S. lividans ZX1 and its progenitor 66, as well as the sequenced genome of its close relative, Streptomyces coelicolor M145, reveals that the ca. 90-kb deletion in strain ZX1 may have originated from an insertion from an unknown source.  相似文献   

The restriction enzymes AseI (ATTAAT), DraI (TTTAAA), and SspI (AATATT) cut the Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) chromosome into 17, 8, and 25 fragments separable by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). The sums of their lengths indicated that the chromosome consists of about 8 Mb of DNA, some 75% more than that of Escherichia coli K-12. A physical map of the chromosome was constructed for AseI and DraI, using single and double digests, linking clones, cross-hybridization of restriction fragments, and locations of genetically mapped genes, insertion sequences, prophages, and the integrated SCP1 and SLP1 plasmids on the physical map. The physical map was aligned with the previously established genetic map, revealing that the two long opposite quadrants of the genetic map that are almost devoid of markers (the silent regions at 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock) are indeed physically long rather than being hot spots for genetic exchange. They must therefore contain long stretches of DNA different in function from the remainder of the genome. Consistent with this conclusion are the locations of significant deletions in both of the silent regions. Of these, a 40-kb deletion in the 9 o'clock region accompanied or followed integration of the SCP1 linear plasmid to produce the NF fertility state. PFGE analysis of Streptomyces lividans 66, a close relative of S. coelicolor A3(2), was hampered by the previously described susceptibility of its DNA to degradation during electrophoresis. However, ZX7, a mutant derivative of S. lividans lacking the DNA modification responsible for this degradation, yielded good PFGE preparations. Not more than 7 of the 17 S. coelicolor AseI fragments could be shared by the S. lividans strain.  相似文献   

Rifampicin-resistant mutants of Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Valine dehydrogenase (VDH) from Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) was purified from cell-free extracts to apparent homogeneity. The enzyme had an Mr 41,000 in denaturing conditions and an Mr 70,000 by gel filtration chromatography, indicating that it is composed of two identical subunits. It oxidized L-valine and L-alpha-aminobutyric acid efficiently, L-isoleucine and L-leucine less efficiently, and did not act on D-valine. It required NAD+ as cofactor and could not use NADP+. Maximum dehydrogenase activity with valine was at pH 10.5 and the maximum reductive amination activity with 2-oxoisovaleric acid and NH4Cl was at pH 9. The enzyme exhibited substrate inhibition in the forward direction and a kinetic pattern with NAD+ that was consistent with a sequential ordered mechanism with non-competitive inhibition by valine. The following Michaelis constants were calculated from these data: L-valine, 10.0 mM; NAD+, 0.17 mM; 2-oxoisovalerate, 0.6 mM; and NADH, 0.093 mM. In minimal medium, VDH activity was repressed in the presence of glucose and NH4+, or glycerol and NH4+ or asparagine, and was induced by D- and L-valine. The time required for full induction was about 24 h and the level of induction was 2- to 23-fold.  相似文献   

The giant linear plasmid SCP1 can integrate into the central region of the linear chromosome of Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2). Nucleotide sequence analysis around the target site for SCP1 integration in strain M145 identified a total of five copies of four insertion sequences (ISs) in a 6.5-kb DNA stretch. Three of the four (IS468, IS469, and IS470) are new IS elements, and the other is IS466. All of these elements contain one open reading frame which encodes a transposase-like protein. Two copies of IS468 (IS468A and -B) are tandemly aligned at the left end of the cluster. Following these, IS469 and IS466 are located in a tail-to-tail orientation with 69.3% identity to each other. IS470 is located at the right end of the cluster. The activities of IS466 and IS468 were demonstrated by transposition experiments and sequence comparison of several copies, respectively.  相似文献   

In whiG mutants of Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2), aerial hyphae do not show any sign of sporulation. A library of S. coelicolor DNA was prepared in a phi C31 temperate phage vector (KC516), and one recombinant phage (KC750) that could restore the wild-type phenotype to a collection of whiG mutants when integrated into their genomes was found. Subcloning experiments with low- and high-copy-number Streptomyces plasmid vectors allowed partial localization of whiG in the cloned DNA and revealed that hypersporulation was associated with the presence of extra copies of whiG.  相似文献   

The unstable feature of ristomycin resistance in S. coelicolor A3 (2) was studied. It was shown that the frequency of ristomycin-resistant derivatives was high in both chloramphenicol sensitive mutants and their resistant revertants. The 15- and 20-kb DNA sequences capable of amplifying were detected in the chloramphenicol resistant revertants. In the genomes of the studied strains they were represented by 50 and 40 copies, respectively.  相似文献   

RNA polymerase heterogeneity in Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2)   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:18  

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