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Synthesis of acid-soluble spore proteins by Bacillus subtilis.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The major acid-soluble spore proteins (ASSPs) of Bacillus subtilis were detected by immunoprecipitation of radioactively labeled in vitro- and in vivo-synthesized proteins. ASSP synthesis in vivo began 2 h after the initiation of sporulation (t2) and reached its maximum rate at t7. This corresponded to the time of synthesis of mRNA that stimulated the maximum rate of ASSP synthesis in vitro. Under the set of conditions used in these experiments, protease synthesis began near t0, alkaline phosphatase synthesis began at about t2, and refractile spores were first observed between t7 and t8. In vivo- and in vitro-synthesized ASSPs comigrated in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. Their molecular weights were 4,600 (alpha and beta) and 11,000 (gamma). The average half-life of the ASSP messages was 11 min when either rifampin (10 micrograms/ml) or actinomycin D (1 microgram/ml) was used to inhibit RNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Acid-soluble spore proteins of Bacillus subtilis   总被引:3,自引:12,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Acid-soluble spore proteins (ASSPs) comprise about 5% of the total protein of mature spores of different Bacillus subtilis strains. They consist of three abundant species, alpha, beta, and gamma, four less abundant species, and several minor species, alpha, beta, and gamma make up about 18, 18 and 36%, respectively, of the total ASSPs of strain 168, have molecular weights of 5,900, 5,9000, and 11,000, respectively, and resemble the major (A, C, and B) components of Bacillus megaterium ASSPs in several respects, including sensitivity to a specific B. megaterium spore endopeptidase. However, they have pI's of 6.58, 6.67, and 7.96, all lower than those of any of the B. megaterium ASSPs. Although strains varied in the proportions of different ASSPs, to overall patterns seen on gel electrophoresis are constant. ASSPs are located interior to the cortex, presumably in the spore cytoplasm, and are synthesized during sporulation and degraded during germination.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli cell division gene ftsW (2 min) was cloned and sequenced. It encodes a hydrophobic protein(s) with 414 and/or 384 amino acid residues. The deduced amino acid sequence and the hydropathy profile of the protein showed high homology with those of the E. coli RodA protein functioning in determination of the cell shape and the Bacillus subtilis SpoVE protein functioning in spore formation. Probably similar functional membrane proteins are involved in these three cell cycle process.  相似文献   

Sporulation of a Bacillus subtilis strain (termed alpha(-) beta(-)) lacking the majority of the alpha/beta-type small, acid-soluble spore proteins (SASP) that are synthesized in the developing forespore and saturate spore DNA exhibited a number of differences from that of the wild-type strain, including delayed forespore accumulation of dipicolinic acid, overexpression of forespore-specific genes, and delayed expression of at least one mother cell-specific gene turned on late in sporulation, although genes turned on earlier in the mother cell were expressed normally in alpha(-) beta(-) strains. The sporulation defects in alpha(-) beta(-) strains were corrected by synthesis of chromosome-saturating levels of either of two wild-type, alpha/beta-type SASP but not by a mutant SASP that binds DNA poorly. Spores from alpha(-) beta(-) strains also exhibited less glutaraldehyde resistance and slower outgrowth than did wild-type spores, but at least some of these defects in alpha(-) beta(-) spores were abolished by the synthesis of normal levels of alpha/beta-type SASP. These results indicate that alpha/beta-type SASP may well have global effects on gene expression during sporulation and spore outgrowth.  相似文献   

During germination of spores of Bacillus species the degradation of the spore's pool of small, acid-soluble proteins (SASP) is initiated by a protease termed GPR, the product of the gpr gene. Bacillus megaterium and B. subtilis mutants with an inactivated gpr gene grew, sporulated, and triggered spore germination as did gpr+ strains. However, SASP degradation was very slow during germination of gpr mutant spores, and in rich media the time taken for spores to return to vegetative growth (defined as outgrowth) was much longer in gpr than in gpr+ spores. Not surprisingly, gpr spores had much lower rates of RNA and protein synthesis during outgrowth than did gpr+ spores, although both types of spores had similar levels of ATP. The rapid decrease in the number of negative supertwists in plasmid DNA seen during germination of gpr+ spores was also much slower in gpr spores. Additionally, UV irradiation of gpr B. subtilis spores early in germination generated significant amounts of spore photoproduct and only small amounts of thymine dimers (TT); in contrast UV irradiation of germinated gpr+ spores generated almost no spore photoproduct and three to four times more TT. Consequently, germinated gpr spores were more UV resistant than germinated gpr+ spores. Strikingly, the slow outgrowth phenotype of B. subtilis gpr spores was suppressed by the absence of major alpha/beta-type SASP. These data suggest that (i) alpha/beta-type SASP remain bound to much, although not all, of the chromosome in germinated gpr spores; (ii) the alpha/beta-type SASP bound to the chromosome in gpr spores alter this DNA's topology and UV photochemistry; and (iii) the presence of alpha/beta-type SASP on the chromosome is detrimental to normal spore outgrowth.  相似文献   

Even though cell wall proteins of Bacillus subtilis are characterized by specific cell wall retention signals, some of these are also components of the extracellular proteome. In contrast to the majority of extracellular proteins, wall binding proteins disappeared from the extracellular proteome during the stationary phase and are subjected to proteolysis. Thus, the extracellular proteome of the multiple protease-deficient strain WB700 was analyzed which showed an increased stability of secreted WapA processing products during the stationary phase. In addition, stabilization of the WapA processing products was observed also in a sigD mutant strain which is impaired in motility and cell wall turnover. Next, we analyzed if proteins that can be extracted from B. subtilis cell walls are stabilized in the WB700 strain as well as in the sigD mutant. Thus, the cell wall proteome of B. subtilis wild type was defined showing most abundantly cell wall binding proteins (CWBPs) resulting from the WapA and WprA precursor processing. The inactivation of extracellular proteases as well as SigmaD caused an increase of CWBP105 and a decrease of CWBP62 in the cell wall proteome. We conclude that WapA processing products are substrates for the extracellular proteases which are stabilized in the absence of sigD due to an impaired cell wall turnover.  相似文献   

The Bacillus subtilis cell wall binding protein, CwbA, stimulated the cell wall lytic activities of the B. subtilis and B. licheniformis autolysins (CwlA and CwlM, respectively) in addition to that of the major B. subtilis autolysin (CwlB). Even though the substrate for the enzyme reaction was changed from B. subtilis cell wall containing a teichoic acid to Micrococcus luteus cell wall containing a teichuronic acid, the stimulatory effect of CwbA on CwlA activity was observed.  相似文献   

The chromosomal locations of four genes which code for small, acid-soluble spore proteins (SASP) in Bacillus subtilis have been determined. Although these four genes code for extremely homologous small, acid-soluble spore proteins (greater than 65% sequence identity), the genes are not clustered but are located at 70 degrees (adjacent to glyB [sspB gene]), 115 degrees (between metC and pyr cluster [sspD gene]), 180 degrees (between metB and kauA [sspC gene]), and 260 degrees (between ilvC and aroG [sspA gene]) on the B. subtilis genetic map.  相似文献   

Wang G  Yi X  Li YQ  Setlow P 《Journal of bacteriology》2011,193(9):2301-2311
Release of Ca(2+) with dipicolinic acid (CaDPA) was monitored by Raman spectroscopy and differential interference contrast microscopy during germination of individual spores of Bacillus subtilis strains with alterations in GerD and SpoVA proteins. Notable conclusions about germination after the addition of nutrient were as follows. (i) Following L-alanine addition, wild-type and gerD spores and spores with elevated SpoVA protein levels (↑SpoVA spores) slowly released ~10% of their CaDPA during a variable (6- to 55-min) period ending at T(lag), the time when faster CaDPA release began. (ii) T(lag) times were lower for ↑SpoVA spores than for wild-type spores and were higher for gerD spores. (iii) The long T(lag) times of gerD spores were partially due to slow commitment to germinate. (iv) The intervals between the commitment to germinate and CaDPA release were similar for wild-type and ↑SpoVA spores but longer for gerD spores. (v) The times for rapid CaDPA release, ΔT(release) = T(release) - T(lag) (with T(release) being the time at which CaDPA release was complete), were similar for wild-type, gerD, and ↑SpoVA spores. (vi) Spores with either one of two point mutations in the spoVA operon (spoVA(1) and spoVA(2) spores) exhibited a more rapid rate of CaDPA release beginning immediately after L-alanine addition leading to ~65% CaDPA release prior to T(lag). (vii) T(lag) times for spoVA(1) and spoVA(2) spores were longer than for wild-type spores. (viii) The intervals between spoVA(1) and spoVA(2) spores' commitment and CaDPA release were similar to those for wild-type spores, but commitment occurred later. In contrast to germination after the addition of nutrient, T(lag) and ΔT(release) times were relatively similar during dodecylamine germination of spores of the five strains. These findings suggest the following. (i) GerD plays no role in CaDPA release during spore germination. (ii) SpoVA proteins are involved in CaDPA release during germination with nutrients, and probably with dodecylamine. (iii) Spores release significant CaDPA before commitment. (iv) CaDPA release during T(lag) and ΔT(release) may signal subsequent germination events.  相似文献   

To investigate the chemical mechanism of silicate binding to the surface of Bacillus subtilis, we chemically modified cell wall carboxylates to reverse their charge by the addition of an ethylenediamine ligand. For up to 9 weeks, mixtures of Si, Al-Fe-Si, and Al-Fe-Si plus toxic heavy metals were reacted with these cells for comparison with control cells and abiotic solutions. In general, more Si and less metal were bound to the chemically modified surfaces, thereby showing the importance of an electropositive charge in cell walls for fine-grain silicate mineral development. The predominant reaction for this development was the initial silicate-to-amine complexation in the peptidoglycan of ethylenediamine-modified and control cell walls, although metal ion bridging between electronegative sites and silicate had an additive effect. The binding of silicate to these bacterial surfaces can thus be described as outer sphere complex formation because it occurs through electrostatic interaction.  相似文献   

The GerAA, -AB, and -AC proteins of the Bacillus subtilis spore are required for the germination response to L-alanine as the sole germinant. They are likely to encode the components of the germination apparatus that respond directly to this germinant, mediating the spore's response; multiple homologues of the gerA genes are found in every spore former so far examined. The gerA operon is expressed in the forespore, and the level of expression of the operon appears to be low. The GerA proteins are predicted to be membrane associated. In an attempt to localize GerA proteins, spores of B. subtilis were broken and fractionated to give integument, membrane, and soluble fractions. Using antibodies that detect Ger proteins specifically, as confirmed by the analysis of strains lacking GerA and the related GerB proteins, the GerAA protein and the GerAC+GerBC protein homologues were localized to the membrane fraction of fragmented spores. The spore-specific penicillin-binding protein PBP5*, a marker for the outer forespore membrane, was absent from this fraction. Extraction of spores to remove coat layers did not release the GerAC or AA protein from the spores. Both experimental approaches suggest that GerAA and GerAC proteins are located in the inner spore membrane, which forms a boundary around the cellular compartment of the spore. The results provide support for a model of germination in which, in order to initiate germination, germinant has to permeate the coat and cortex of the spore and bind to a germination receptor located in the inner membrane.  相似文献   

To confirm the presence of the outer spore membrane in dormant spore coats of Bacillus subtilis, the proteins from vegetative cell membrane and dormant spore coat fractions were compared by immunoblot assay with antibodies prepared against both preparations. The spore coat fraction contained at least 11 proteins antigenically identical to those in the vegetative cell membranes. Further, the cytochemical localization of the proteins derived from vegetative cell membrane in dormant spores was examined by an immunoelectron microscopy method with a colloidal gold-immunoglobulin G complex. The colloidal gold particles were observed in the coat region and around the core region of dormant spore. These results have provided evidence that some proteins from vegetative cell membrane remain in the dormant spore coat region of B. subtilis, although it is not clear whether the outer membrane persists as an intact functional entity or not.  相似文献   

Surface properties, such as adhesion and hydrophobicity, constrain dispersal of bacterial spores in the environment. In Bacillus subtilis, these properties are influenced by the outermost layer of the spore, the crust. Previous work has shown that two clusters, cotVWXYZ and cgeAB, encode the protein components of the crust. Here, we characterize the respective roles of these genes in surface properties using Bacterial Adherence to Hydrocarbons assays, negative staining of polysaccharides by India ink and Transmission Electron Microscopy. We showed that inactivation of crust genes caused increases in spore relative hydrophobicity, disrupted the spore polysaccharide layer, and impaired crust structure and attachment to the rest of the coat. We also found that cotO, previously identified for its role in outer coat formation, is necessary for proper encasement of the spore by the crust. In parallel, we conducted fluorescence microscopy experiments to determine the full network of genetic dependencies for subcellular localization of crust proteins. We determined that CotZ is required for the localization of most crust proteins, while CgeA is at the bottom of the genetic interaction hierarchy.  相似文献   

Spores formed by wild-type Bacillus subtilis are encased in a multilayered protein structure (called the coat) formed by the ordered assembly of over 30 polypeptides. One polypeptide (CotB) is a surface-exposed coat component that has been used as a vehicle for the display of heterologous antigens at the spore surface. The cotB gene was initially identified by reverse genetics as encoding an abundant coat component. cotB is predicted to code for a 43-kDa polypeptide, but the form that prevails in the spore coat has a molecular mass of about 66 kDa (herein designated CotB-66). Here we show that in good agreement with its predicted size, expression of cotB in Escherichia coli results in the accumulation of a 46-kDa protein (CotB-46). Expression of cotB in sporulating cells of B. subtilis also results in a 46-kDa polypeptide which appears to be rapidly converted into CotB-66. These results suggest that soon after synthesis, CotB undergoes a posttranslational modification. Assembly of CotB-66 has been shown to depend on expression of both the cotH and cotG loci. We found that CotB-46 is the predominant form found in extracts prepared from sporulating cells or in spore coat preparations of cotH or cotG mutants. Therefore, both cotH and cotG are required for the efficient conversion of CotB-46 into CotB-66 but are dispensable for the association of CotB-46 with the spore coat. We also show that CotG does not accumulate in sporulating cells of a cotH mutant, suggesting that CotH (or a CotH-controlled factor) stabilizes the otherwise unstable CotG. Thus, the need for CotH for formation of CotB-66 results in part from its role in the stabilization of CotG. We also found that CotB-46 is present in complexes with CotG at the time when formation of CotB-66 is detected. Moreover, using a yeast two-hybrid system, we found evidence that CotB directly interacts with CotG and that both CotB and CotG self-interact. We suggest that an interaction between CotG and CotB is required for the formation of CotB-66, which may represent a multimeric form of CotB.  相似文献   

Spores produced by a mutant of Bacillus subtilis were slow to develop their resistance properties during sporulation, and were slower to germinate than were wild-type spores. The coat protein composition of the mutant spores, as analysed by SDS-PAGE, was similar to that of the wild-type spores. However, one of the proteins (mol. wt 12000) which is normally present in the outer-most layers of mature wild-type spores and which is surface-exposed, was assembled abnormally into the coat of the mutant spores and not surface-exposed. The mutation responsible for this phenotype (spo-520) has been mapped between pheA and leuB on the B. subtilis chromosome, and was 47% cotransformable with leuB16. This mutation, and three others closely linked to it, define a new sporulation locus, spoVIB, which is involved in spore coat assembly. The phenotype of the mutant(s) supports the contention that spore germination and resistance properties may be determined by the assembly of the coat.  相似文献   

In order to characterize the dynamics of the interaction between the emergent membrane translocated exoprotein and the components of Bacillus subtilis cell wall, we examined the kinetics of the in vitro refolding of levansucrase and alpha-amylase, at pH 7 and 37 degrees C, in the presence of polyphosphates (polyP) of various chain lengths (2/=16. In contrast, polyP modulate indirectly the rate of alpha-amylase refolding via their affinity for calcium. These differential effects might explain that the rate of the cell wall translocation of alpha-amylase secretion was found to be half that of levansucrase.  相似文献   

B Setlow  A R Hand    P Setlow 《Journal of bacteriology》1991,173(5):1642-1653
Small, acid-soluble proteins (SASP) of the alpha/beta-type are associated with DNA in spores of Bacillus subtilis. Induction of synthesis of alpha/beta-type SASP in Escherichia coli resulted in rapid cessation of DNA synthesis, followed by a halt in RNA and then protein accumulation, although significant mRNA and protein synthesis continued. There was a significant loss in viability associated with SASP synthesis in E. coli: recA+ cells became extremely long filaments, whereas recA mutant cells became less filamentous. The nucleoids of cells with alpha/beta-type SASP were extremely condensed, as viewed in both light and electron microscopes, and immunoelectron microscopy showed that the alpha/beta-type SASP were associated with the cell DNA. Induction of alpha/beta-type SASP synthesis in E. coli increased the negative superhelical density of plasmid DNA by approximately 20%; UV irradiation of E. coli with alpha/beta-type SASP gave reduced yields of thymine dimers but significant amounts of the spore photoproduct. These changes in E. coli DNA topology and photochemistry due to alpha/beta-type SASP are similar to the effects of alpha/beta-type SASP on the DNA in Bacillus spores, further suggesting that alpha/beta-type SASP are a major factor determining DNA properties in bacterial spores.  相似文献   

The synthesis and proteolysis of the spore coat proteins, SpoIVA and YrbA, of Bacillus subtilis were analyzed using antisera. Almost no intact full-length proteins of either type were extracted from wild-type spores, while yabG mutant spores contained intact SpoIVA and YrbA proteins. We purified recombinant YrbA and YabG proteins from Escherichia coli transformants and found that YrbA was cleaved to the smaller moiety in the presence of YabG in vitro. These observations indicate that YabG is a protease involved in the proteolysis and maturation of SpoIVA and YrbA proteins, conserved with the cortex and/or coat assembly by B. subtilis.  相似文献   

During endospore formation in Bacillus subtilis, over two dozen polypeptides are assembled into a multilayered structure known as the spore coat, which protects the cortex peptidoglycan (PG) and permits efficient germination. In the initial stages of coat assembly a protein known as CotE forms a ring around the forespore. A second morphogenetic protein, SpoVID, is required for maintenance of the CotE ring during the later stages, when most of proteins are assembled into the coat. Here, we report on a protein that appears to associate with SpoVID during the early stage of coat assembly. This protein, which we call SafA for SpoVID-associated factor A, is encoded by a locus previously known as yrbA. We confirmed the results of a previous study that showed safA mutant spores have defective coats which are missing several proteins. We have extended these studies with the finding that SafA and SpoVID were coimmunoprecipitated by anti-SafA or anti-SpoVID antiserum from whole-cell extracts 3 and 4 h after the onset of sporulation. Therefore, SafA may associate with SpoVID during the early stage of coat assembly. We used immunogold electron microscopy to localize SafA and found it in the cortex, near the interface with the coat in mature spores. SafA appears to have a modular design. The C-terminal region of SafA is similar to those of several inner spore coat proteins. The N-terminal region contains a sequence that is conserved among proteins that associate with the cell wall. This motif in the N-terminal region may target SafA to the PG-containing regions of the developing spore.  相似文献   

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