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Gelatin-binding chymotryptic fragments from placental fibronectin contain polylactosamine carbohydrates (Zhu, B.C.R., Fisher, S.R., Pande, H., Calaycay, J. Shively, J.E., and Laine, R.A. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 3962-3970). We have separated polylactosamine-containing gelatin-binding fragments of placental fibronectin from their counterparts containing smaller "complex" N-linked saccharides using Sephadex G-200 gel permeation chromatography. The peptide portions of both fragments have similar amino acid composition and N-terminal sequence (see reference above). The strength of binding of these two glycosylation types of chymotryptic fragments to gelatin differs as shown by the following experiments. 1) Upon urea gradient elution of affinity-bound fibronectin fragments from gelatin-Sepharose chromatography, the apex of the elution peak for polylactosamine-containing fragments occurs at 2.0 M urea while the peak for complex N-linked carbohydrate-containing fragments maximized at 2.5 M urea indicating a tighter binding. Removal of polylactosamine sequences from the former glycopeptide by endo-beta-galactosidase digestion caused the elution peak for this fraction to change from 2.0 to 2.5 M, the same as for the complex N-linked carbohydrate-containing glycopeptide. 2) Competitive displacement experiments give an apparent dissociation constant of polylactosamine-containing fragments at 3 X 10(-9) M whereas this constant for complex carbohydrate-containing fragments is 1 X 10(-9) M. These results indicate that the binding of placental fibronectin to gelatin is weakened by the presence of high molecular weight polylactosamine carbohydrate. To our knowledge this is the first report that the type and extent of glycosylation of a glycoprotein can affect its binding affinity to a proteinacious ligand. Thus, fetal placental fibronectin may have different biological properties than fibronectins containing only the smaller N-linked complex carbohydrate.  相似文献   

The melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R), a major determinant of skin pigmentation and phototype, mediates the actions of α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone on melanocytes and is critical for melanocyte proliferation and differentiation. MC1R has two putative N-glycosylation targets, Asn15 and Asn29. It has been shown that MC1R is a glycoprotein with an unusual sensitivity to endoglycosidase H digestion. However, the occupancy and functional importance of each specific glycosylation sequon remains unknown. We demonstrate that MC1R is N-glycosylated at Asn15 and Asn29, with structurally and functionally different glycan chains. N-glycosylation is not necessary for high affinity agonist binding or functional coupling but has a strong effect on the availability of MC1R molecules on the plasma membrane, most likely by a combination of improved forward trafficking and decreased internalization. Finally, we found that MC1R variants exhibit different degrees of glycosylation which do not show a simple correlation with their functional status or intracellular trafficking.  相似文献   

Amino acid sequence of the human fibronectin receptor   总被引:83,自引:40,他引:43       下载免费PDF全文
The amino acid sequence deduced from cDNA of the human placental fibronectin receptor is reported. The receptor is composed of two subunits: an alpha subunit of 1,008 amino acids which is processed into two polypeptides disulfide bonded to one another, and a beta subunit of 778 amino acids. Each subunit has near its COOH terminus a hydrophobic segment. This and other sequence features suggest a structure for the receptor in which the hydrophobic segments serve as transmembrane domains anchoring each subunit to the membrane and dividing each into a large ectodomain and a short cytoplasmic domain. The alpha subunit ectodomain has five sequence elements homologous to consensus Ca2+-binding sites of several calcium-binding proteins, and the beta subunit contains a fourfold repeat strikingly rich in cysteine. The alpha subunit sequence is 46% homologous to the alpha subunit of the vitronectin receptor. The beta subunit is 44% homologous to the human platelet adhesion receptor subunit IIIa and 47% homologous to a leukocyte adhesion receptor beta subunit. The high degree of homology (85%) of the beta subunit with one of the polypeptides of a chicken adhesion receptor complex referred to as integrin complex strongly suggests that the latter polypeptide is the chicken homologue of the fibronectin receptor beta subunit. These receptor subunit homologies define a superfamily of adhesion receptors. The availability of the entire protein sequence for the fibronectin receptor will facilitate studies on the functions of these receptors.  相似文献   

The relaxin receptor, RXFP1, is a member of the leucine-rich repeat-containing G-protein-coupled receptor (LGR) family. These receptors are characterized by a large extracellular ectodomain containing leucine-rich repeats which contain the primary ligand binding site. RXFP1 contains six putative Asn-linked glycosylation sites in the ectodomain at positions Asn-14, Asn-105, Asn-242, Asn-250, Asn-303, and Asn-346, which are highly conserved across species. N-Linked glycosylation is the most common post-translational modification of G-protein-coupled receptors, although its role in modulating receptor function differs. We herein investigate the actual N-linked glycosylation status of RXFP1 and the functional ramifications of these post-translational modifications. Site-directed mutagenesis was utilized to generate single- or multiple-glycosylation site mutants of FLAG-tagged human RXFP1 which were then transiently expressed in HEK-293T cells. Glycosylation status was analyzed by immunoprecipitation and Western blot and receptor function analyzed with an anti-FLAG ELISA, (33)P-H2 relaxin competition binding, and cAMP activity measurement. All of the potential N-glycosylation sites of RXFP1 were utilized in HEK-293T cells, and importantly, disruption of glycosylation at individual or combinations of double and triple sites had little effect on relaxin binding. However, combinations of glycosylation sites were required for cell surface expression and cAMP signaling. In particular, N-glycosylation at Asn-303 of RXFP1 was required for optimal intracellular cAMP signaling. Hence, as is the case for other LGR family members, N-glycosylation is essential for the transport of the receptor to the cell surface. Additionally, it is likely that glycosylation is also essential for the conformational changes required for G-protein coupling and subsequent cAMP signaling.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibody DH12, directed against the beta-subunit of the fibronectin receptor recognizes a doublet of proteins (100 and 110 kDa) in Western blots of solubilized whole fibroblasts. Pulse-chase experiments with [35S]methionine in human skin fibroblasts suggested that the two proteins might be metabolically related as precursor (100 kDa) and product (110 kDa). Endo H digestion and [3H]fucose labeling suggested that maturation converted the high-mannose oligosaccharides (100 kDa) to the endoglycosidase H resistant complex type (110 kDa). This was supported by N-glycanase digestion and by chemical deglycosylation which showed a single polypeptide. Surface iodination of intact cells labeled only the presumed mature beta-subunit.  相似文献   

Melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) is known to act through two G-protein-coupled receptors MCHR1 and MCHR2. MCHR1 has three potential sites (Asn13, Asn16 and Asn23) for N-linked glycosylation in its extracellular amino-terminus which may modulate its reactivity. Site-directed mutagenesis of the rat MCHR1 cDNA at single or multiple combinations of the three potential glycosylation sites was used to examine the role of the putative carbohydrate chains on receptor activity. It was found that all three potential N-linked glycosylation sites in MCHR1 were glycosylated, and that N-linked glycosylation of Asn23 was necessary for full activity. Furthermore, disruption of all three glycosylation sites impaired proper expression at the cell surface and receptor activity. These data outline the importance of the N-linked glycosylation of the MCHR1.  相似文献   

Expression and glycosylation studies of human FGF receptor 4   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Fibroblast growth factor receptor subtype 4 (FGFR4) has been shown to have special activation properties and just one splicing form, unlike the other FGFRs. FGFR4 overexpression is correlated with breast cancer and therefore FGFR4 is a target for drug design. Our aim is to overexpress high amounts of homogeneous FGFR4 extracellular domain (FGFR4(ed)) for structural studies. We show that baculovirus-insect cell-expressed FGFR4(ed) is glycosylated on three (N88, N234, and N266) of the six possible N-glycosylation sites but is not O-glycosylated. The deglycosylated triple mutant was expressed and had binding properties similar to those of glycosylated FGFR4(ed), but was still heterogeneous. Large amounts of FGFR4(ed) have been produced into inclusion bodies in Escherichia coli and refolded at least partly correctly but the refolded E. coli-produced FGFR4(ed) still aggregates.  相似文献   

The human transferrin receptor is a glycoprotein containing three N-linked and one O-linked glycosylation sites. Tryptic digestion of the receptor, followed by chromatography on BioGel P-2 and reverse-phase HPLC, yields a glycopeptide (amino acids 101-120) containing the O-linked site. Amino acid sequence analysis reveals that the site of O-glycosylation is Thr-104. Mass spectral analysis is consistent with the presence of a Gal-GalNAc core with predominantly two sialic acid residues.  相似文献   

Fibroblasts from skin and skin lesions of patients with tuberous sclerosis (TS) and from skin of normal individuals were grown in culture. ELISA showed that the spent medium of those derived from TS skin lesions contained significantly more fibronectin (FN) than spent medium from the other cells. Amino acid compositional analysis of the FN from TS and normal sources revealed no substantial differences. However the FN of fibroblasts from TS-skin lesions was shown by HPAEC to contain a two- to three-fold increased content of carbohydrate. The changed monosaccharide composition was consistent with an increased content of N- and O-linked glycans and with the former containing polylactosamine chains. Fibroblasts from a normal individual were shown to proliferate more slowly and to produce larger cells when grown on FN from a TS skin lesion compared to growth on FN from normal skin. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Binding of the Fc domain of Immunoglobulin G (IgG) to Fcγ receptors on leukocytes can initiate a series of signaling events resulting in antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) and other important immune responses. Fc domains lacking glycosylation at N297 have greatly diminished Fcγ receptor binding and lack the ability to initiate a robust ADCC response. Earlier structural studies of Fc domains with either full length or truncated N297 glycans led to the proposal that these glycans can stabilize an "open" Fc conformation recognized by Fcγ receptors. We determined the structure of an E. coli expressed, aglycosylated human Fc domain at 3.1 ? resolution and observed significant disorder in the C'E loop, a region critical for Fcγ receptor binding, as well as a decrease in distance between the C(H)2 domains relative to glycosylated Fc structures. However, comparison of the aglycosylated human Fc structure with enzymatically deglycosylated Fc structures revealed large differences in the relative orientations and distances between C(H)2 domains. To provide a better appreciation of the physiologically relevant conformation of the Fc domain in solution, we determined Radii of Gyration (R(g)) by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and found that the aglycosylated Fc displays a larger R(g) than glycosylated Fc, suggesting a more open C(H)2 orientation under these conditions. Moreover, the R(g) of aglycosylated Fc was reduced by mutations at the C(H)2-C(H)3 interface (E382V/M428I), which confer highly selective binding to FcγRI and novel biological activities.  相似文献   

Human amniotic fluid fibronectin had different carbohydrate moieties from plasma fibronectin. Nearly 90% of glycopeptides released from amniotic fluid fibronectin was not bound by concanavalin A-Sepharose, whereas 75% of glycopeptides from plasma fibronectin was bound. Amniotic fluid fibronectin showed a significantly lower gelatin-binding affinity than plasma fibronectin at 25 degrees C. When the incubation temperature was lowered to 4 degrees C, no significant difference in this activity was found. Cell-attachment promoting activity of the two fibronectins was not significantly different.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factors of the beta-class (TGFs-beta) stimulate extracellular matrix synthesis and have been implicated in embryogenesis, wound healing, and fibroproliferative responses to tissue injury. Because cells communicate with several extracellular matrix components via specific cell membrane receptors, we hypothesized that TGFs-beta may also regulate the expression of such receptors. We confirmed that TGF-beta 1 increases the expression of fibronectin, an adhesive glycoprotein expressed during embryogenesis and tissue remodeling. Based upon the 48-72-h period required for a maximal fibroproliferative response to dermal injections of TGF-beta 1, we exposed human fetal lung fibroblasts (IMR-90) to TGF-beta 1 for periods up to 48 h in vitro. We observed as much as 6-fold increases in fibronectin synthesis by 24 h as previously reported for fibroblastic cells (Ignotz, R. A., and Massagué, J. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 4337-4345; Ignotz, R. A., Endo, T., and Massagué, J. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 6443-6446; Raghow, R., Postlethwaithe, A. E., Keski-Oja, J., Moses, H. L., and Kang, A. H. (1987) J. Clin. Invest. 79, 1285-1288), but up to 30-fold increases by 48 h. These increases are accompanied by similar increases in fibronectin mRNA levels which are prevented by actinomycin D treatment. Using a monospecific antibody raised to the human placental fibronectin receptor complex, we found that TGF-beta 1 stimulated fibronectin receptor synthesis up to 20-40-fold and increases mRNA levels encoding both the alpha- and beta-subunits up to 3-fold, compared to control IMR-90 in serum-free medium. Actinomycin D blocks TGF-beta 1-mediated increases in receptor mRNA levels. The earliest detectable TGF-beta 1-mediated increases in fibronectin receptor complex protein synthesis and mRNA levels occur at 8 h, whereas the earliest increases in fibronectin protein synthesis and mRNA levels occur at 12 h. These results demonstrate that TGF-beta 1 stimulates fibronectin receptor synthesis, extending the diverse stimulatory activities of this polypeptide to matrix receptors. In addition, because fibronectin matrix assembly may involve the fibronectin cell adhesive receptor complex, increased receptor expression may help drive fibronectin deposition into matrix.  相似文献   

Highly-purified human fibronectin receptor (a heterodimer of two distinct subunits, alpha and beta) was studied using electron microscopy and a variety of preparative procedures. It was found that the receptor consists of a globular head approximately 80 by 120 A and two tails about 20 A thick and 180-200 A long. The whole complex is approximately 280 A long. At low concentrations of detergent the receptor forms doublets, triplets or rosettes associated with the tails which possess the transmembrane portion of the molecule. Computer-assisted structure prediction using the published amino acid sequence of both subunits showed differences in the secondary structure of the tails, the alpha-tail being rich in beta-strands, the beta-tail having five cysteine-rich repeats analogous to the EGF-like repeats of laminin. Estimates of the length of the tails from the predicted structure conformed well with the dimensions obtained from electron micrographs.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of the human IFN gamma receptor was studied using metabolic labeling techniques and immunoprecipitation with receptor-specific monoclonal antibodies. Colo-205 and HepG2 cells labeled with [35S]methionine gave rise to two components with molecular mass 75 and 90 kDa following sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. No bands were detected when immunoprecipitation was performed using irrelevant monoclonal IgG or in the presence of excess ligand, a condition known to block antibody-receptor interaction. When Colo-205 were labeled for increasing periods of time, the 75-kDa form was detected after 5 min, whereas the 90-kDa form appeared only after 60 min. Pulse-chase analysis established that the 75-kDa form was the precursor of the 90-kDa component. Only the 90-kDa form was detected on extrinsically radioiodinated Colo-205 cell surfaces. This observation was confirmed by Western blot analysis of isolated Colo-205 membranes. Digestion of labeled precipitates with peptide:N-glycosidase F caused a 22% reduction in the apparent molecular weight of the IFN gamma receptor. Receptor derived from tunicamycin-treated Colo-205 labeled for 5 min displayed a single molecular mass of 65 kDa and expressed ligand binding activity. Longer labeling periods in the presence of tunicamycin revealed the appearance of a second ligand-binding form of 70 kDa. Thus, Colo-205 IFN gamma receptors carry asparagine (N)-linked oligosaccharides and possibly some other form of post-translational modification.  相似文献   

When transferrin receptors of human erythroleukemic cells were pulse-labeled with [35S]methionine and then chased in the absence of radioactive precursor, the first detectable immunoprecipitable form of the receptor had a molecular mass of 85 kDa. This form of the receptor was converted to the mature form of 93 kDa with a half-time of about 40-60 min. Both the immature (85 kDa) and mature (93 kDa) receptors associated as dimers, the native form of the receptor. The 85-kDa, as well as the 93-kDa, receptors bound to a monoclonal antibody raised against the transferrin receptor or to transferrin-Sepharose. In order to determine whether glycosylation was necessary for ligand binding, purified receptors were isolated from cells grown in the presence of tunicamycin. When K562 cells were grown in the presence of tunicamycin, an 80-kDa nonglycosylated form of the receptor was synthesized. This nonglycosylated receptor was also capable of dimer formation; however, much less of it reached the cell surface than the fully glycosylated form, although both untreated and tunicamycin-grown cells appeared to synthesize transferrin receptors at similar rates. Although the number of receptor molecules/cell was similar in control and tunicamycin-treated cells, the nonglycosylated receptors exhibited a much lower affinity for transferrin than those of untreated cells; in contrast, when receptors were purified by immunoprecipitation and digested with bacterial alkaline phosphatase, no difference was observed between the affinity of these receptors and undigested immunoprecipitated receptors. These results suggest that glycosylation is not necessary for specific binding of transferrin to its receptor, but the affinity of this binding can be influenced greatly by the presence or absence of carbohydrate residues.  相似文献   

Pilin is the major subunit of the essential virulence factor pili and is glycosylated at Ser63. In this study we investigated the gene pglI to determine whether it is involved in the biosynthesis of the pilin-linked glycan of Neisseria meningitidis strain C311#3. A N. meningitidis C311#3pglI mutant resulted in a change of apparent molecular weight in SDS-PAGE and altered binding of antisera, consistent with a role in the biosynthesis of the pilin-linked glycan. These data, in conjunction with homology with well-characterised acyltransferases suggests a specific role for pglI in the biosynthesis of the basal 2,4-diacetamido-2,4,6-trideoxyhexose residue of the pilin-linked glycan.  相似文献   

Analysis of fibronectin expression during human muscle differentiation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Fibronectin expression during human muscle differentiation was investigated by determining its distribution in foetal, normal adult and dystrophic muscle and in foetal, normal adult and dystrophic muscle cultures during myogenesis. Muscle sections and muscle cultures were studied by indirect immunofluorescence staining using polyclonal and monoclonal anti-human antibodies. Mass and clonal muscle cultures were prepared from foetal, adult and dystrophic muscle tissue. Immunofluorescence staining detected fibronectin on the epimysium, perimysium and endomysium of transverse sections of normal adult muscle, while sarcoplasm was devoid of this glycoprotein. In foetal muscle, some fibers showed a prominent ring of fibronectin. In mass and clonal cultures, myoblasts were found to synthesize and accumulate fibronectin while myotubes did not. No difference in fibronectin distribution was observed between Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) and control myotubes. An enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA), performed on homogenated muscle, sonicated fibroblasts and muscle cells, showed a high fibronectin level in fibroblasts when compared with the other samples tested.  相似文献   

Intact human plasma fibronectin of 44,000 m.w. and a fibronectin fragment of 180,000 m.w. promote dose-dependent adherence of gelatin-coated particles to human monocytes without phagocytosis. Both of these proteins, however, augment monocyte ingestion of gelatin-coated targets that are particulate activators of the alternative complement pathway or of nonactivators bearing IgG. Unlike intact fibronectin, the 180,000 m.w. fragment also binds directly to particulate activators that lack gelatin to augment their phagocytosis by human monocytes. Prior attachment to monocytes of gelatin-coated sheep erythrocytes bearing increasing concentrations of intact fibronectin decreases in a dose-dependent fashion the capacity of these monocytes to engage in augmented phagocytosis of particulate activators opsonized with the 180,000 m.w. fibronectin. Occupation of the monocyte fibronectin receptors with particle-bound, intact fibronectin does not decrease monocyte phagocytosis of plain particulate activators or of IgG-coated particles. Thus, the 180,000 m.w. fibronectin fragment both directly opsonizes particulate activators and interacts with monocyte fibronectin receptors to promote particle adherence, thereby enhancing phagocytosis through a concerted action with the distinct receptors for particulate activators.  相似文献   

Glycosylation can affect the physical and biochemical properties of the polypeptide chain in glycoproteins. Asparagine-N-linked polylactosaminyl glycosylation of the chymotryptic 44-kDa gelatin-binding domain from human placental fibronectin confers protease resistance [Zhu, B. C. R., Fisher, S. F., Panda, H., Calaycay, J., Shively, J. E. & Laine, R. A. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 3962-3970] and weaken the binding to gelatin [Zhu, B. C. R. & Laine, R. A. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 4041-4045]. Intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence of the gelatin-binding domain was used to probe glycosylation-dependent protein conformation changes. In gelatin-binding fragments containing incrementally smaller polylactosamine oligosaccharides, the fluorescence intensity progressively decreased and the emission spectrum shifted about 7 nm to the blue. Removal of the polylactosamine chains from a highly glycosylated fragment with endo-beta-galactosidase from Escherichia freundii also quenched the protein fluorescence. The fluorescence lifetimes did not appear to be affected by the extent of glycosylation, suggesting static quenching of the tryptophan emission in the low glycosylated fragments. Acrylamide quenching studies showed that the accessibility of the tryptophans to small solutes was not altered by glycosylation. The steady-state emission anisotropy increased with decreasing polylactosamine chain length. The results indicate that the polylactosamine chains alter the tryptophan environments in the gelatin-binding domain, probably by changing the polypeptide conformation. These putative protein conformation changes may be partially responsible for the altered gelatin binding, protease resistance, and cell adhesion functions of fetal tissue fibronectin.  相似文献   

Toll-like receptors (TLRs) play critical roles in bridging the innate and adaptive immune responses. The human TLR3 recognizes foreign-derived double-stranded RNA and endogenous necrotic cell RNA as ligands. Herein we characterized the contribution of glycosylation to TLR3 structure and function. Exogenous addition of purified extracellular domain of TLR3 (hTLR3 ECD) expressed in human embryonic kidney cells was found to inhibit TLR3-dependent signaling, thus providing a reagent for structural and functional characterization. Approximately 35% of the mass of the hTLR3 ECD was due to posttranslational modification, with N-linked glycosyl groups contributing substantially to the additional mass. Cells treated with tunicamycin, an inhibitor of glycosylation, prevented TLR3-induced NF-kappaB activation, confirming that N-linked glycosylation is required for bioactivity of this receptor. Further, mutations in two of these predicted glycosylation sites impaired TLR3 signaling without obviously affecting the expression of the protein. Single-particle structures reconstructed from electron microscopy images and two-dimensional crystallization revealed that hTLR3 ECD forms a horseshoe structure similar to the recently elucidated x-ray structure of the protein expressed in insect cells using baculovirus vectors (Choe, J., Kelker, M. S., and Wilson, I. A. (2005) Science 309, 581-585 and Bell, J. K., Botos, I., Hall, P. R., Askins, J., Shiloach, J., Segal, D. M., and Davies, D. R. (2005) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 102, 10976-10980). There are, however, notable differences between the human cell-derived and insect cell-derived structures, including features attributable to glycosylation.  相似文献   

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