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马缨丹抑菌试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:研究马缨丹的体外抑菌效果。方法:制备马缨丹水煎煮液和乙醇提取液,测定其对枯草芽孢杆菌、大肠杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌的抑菌圈直径、最小抑菌浓度及灭菌前后提取液抑菌效果的变化。结果:当两种提取液生药含量大于0.4 g/mL时,它们对三种细菌的抑菌效果依次为:枯草芽孢杆菌〉金黄色葡萄球菌〉大肠杆菌。马缨丹乙醇提取液对三种细菌的最小抑菌浓度分别为1/64g/mL1、/16g/mL和1/32g/mL,都比水煎煮液的结果1/32g/mL、1/8g/mL和1/16g/mL低。两种提取液经121℃高压蒸汽灭菌处理后对枯草芽孢杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌的抑制作用有所增强。结论:两种提取液对三种细菌均有不同程度的抑制作用,因此,马缨丹可考虑用于食品、化妆品及饲料防腐等领域,以提高产品质量。  相似文献   

马缨丹总岩茨烯对小菜蛾和斜纹夜蛾幼虫的拒食作用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
董易之  张茂新  凌冰 《应用生态学报》2005,16(12):2361-2364
从马缨丹叶片中提取总岩茨烯,测定总岩茨烯对小菜蛾2龄幼虫和斜纹夜蛾1、2龄幼虫的拒食作用.结果表明,在非选择性试验中,1.6 mg·ml-1的总岩茨烯对小菜蛾2龄幼虫和斜纹夜蛾1龄幼虫有拒食作用,8 h的拒食率分别为62.%和31.1%;在选择性试验中,0.4 mg·ml-1的总岩茨烯即对小菜蛾2龄幼虫有拒食作用,0.4、0.8和1.6 mg·ml-1浓度处理下的拒食率分别为52.7%、55.5%和78.9%;总岩茨烯只有在高浓度(1.6 mg·ml-1)时,才对斜纹夜蛾1龄幼虫有拒食作用,拒食率仅为33.0%.在选择性和非选择性试验中,总岩茨烯对斜纹夜蛾2龄幼虫均无拒食作用.  相似文献   

Spores may be reversibly activated by the application of heat, dimethyl sulfoxide, urea, or ethylene glucol. Severe changes in four environmental variables (high osmotic pressure, low oxygen tension, low or high pH, and low or high temperature) interfere with the germination process. Spores at the end of the postactivation lag phase of germination were usually deactivated if exposed to severe environmental conditions and thus did not swell; spores in the swelling and oxygen uptake which began during spore activation was primarily attributable to a cyanide-sensitive pathway and secondarily to a salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM) sensitive pathway. Inhibition of the SHAM-sensitive pathway did not cause spore deactivation while the addition of cyanide resulted in rapid spore deactivation. Treatment of activated spores with azide or environmental shifts also resulted in inhibition of oxygen uptake and spore deactivation. Deactivating spores did not demonstrate the amino acid incorporation, uridine incorporation, and expression of trehalase activity which is found in the later stages of germinating control spores. Protein synthesis inhibitors did not cause spore deactivation or a decrease in oxygen uptake but they inhibited amino acid incorporation and the expression trehalase activity in swollen spores. It is concluded that control of respiratory activity is involved in regulation of reversible activation.  相似文献   

酚酸类化感自毒物质对枸杞种子萌发的抑制作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李敏  闫兴富  马丽  马璐  时榕 《生态学报》2020,40(6):2072-2079
酚酸类化感自毒物质是导致农作物连作障碍的重要诱因之一。枸杞作为多年生木本植物,连作障碍突出,成因复杂。为揭示酚酸类物质对枸杞的化感自毒作用,研究了22种常见酚酸对枸杞种子萌发的抑制作用,并运用比较分子场分析方法(CoMFA)进行构效关系研究。结果发现,酚酸化合物对枸杞种子萌发作用的半抑制浓度IC50范围为39.94—115.97 mg/L;CoMFA结果表明,运用立体场和静电场能较好解释该类化合物对枸杞种子萌发的化感自毒特征,苯环1/2/3/4位具有大体积、1位具有强负电性取代基的酚酸化合物,对枸杞种子萌发具有较强抑制作用。研究结果可为客观评价酚酸类化合物对枸杞的化感自毒作用提供基础数据支撑。  相似文献   

Lantana camara, an abundantly available non-edible lignocellulosic biomass has been found to be a potential feedstock for ethanol production. The substrate was first pretreated with laccase followed by simultaneous saccharification and fermentation using cellulase and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, respectively. Laccase was produced from Pleurotus sp. and carbohydratases (cellulase and xylanase) were produced from Trichoderma reesei Rut C30. Using pretreated substrate simultaneous saccharification and fermentation was optimized through central composite design-based response surface methodology. Maximum bioethanol concentration of 5.14 % (v/v) was obtained at optimum process conditions of substrate concentration 17 % (w/v), inoculum volume 9 % (v/v), inoculum age 60 and 144 h of incubation time. To enhance ethanol yield, S. cerevisiae was treated with ethyl methane sulfonate, a chemical mutagenic agent which induced mutagenesis. A maximum bioethanol concentration of 6.01 % (v/v) was obtained using the mutated strain of S. cerevisiae (CM5).  相似文献   

适量烟气能促进种子萌发,但对苔藓植物孢子的作用尚不清楚.选取采自长白山区泥炭地的粗叶泥炭藓和中位泥炭藓的孢蒴为试验材料,通过燃烧泥炭地植物产生烟气,制备烟溶液,分别与不同大小(大:直径为2.10~2.50 mm;小:直径为1.50~1.90 mm)以及不同保存时长(旧:4.3和6.3年;新:0.3年)的孢蒴进行两组双因素试验,经不同时长的烟溶液浸泡和萌发试验,模拟研究烟气、孢蒴大小和保存时长对苔藓植物孢子萌发的影响.结果表明: 烟溶液浸泡影响孢子萌发,培养10 d时,不同时长的烟溶液浸泡均可使孢子的萌发率提高5倍以上,小孢蒴孢子的萌发率高;培养21 d时,仅适度浸泡(3 d)表现出促进萌发的作用,孢蒴大小对孢子萌发率无影响;烟溶液浸泡对长时间保存(4.3和6.3年)的孢蒴孢子萌发无促进作用.研究表明,适量烟气可加速新泥炭藓孢子以及小孢蒴孢子的萌发.在存在不定期火烧干扰的泥炭地中,与对种子植物的作用类似,烟气可能在苔藓植物种群的有性更新和种群维持中发挥重要作用.  相似文献   

青蒿素对蔬菜种子发芽和幼苗生长的化感效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
白祯  黄玥  黄建国 《生态学报》2013,33(23):7576-7582
试验以菜豆、豇豆、大白菜和小白菜为对象,用不同浓度的青蒿素浸种,研究了黄花蒿产生的化感物质??青蒿素对蔬菜种子发芽及幼苗生长的影响。结果表明,青蒿素对蔬菜种子发芽和幼苗生长的化感作用表现出浓度效应和品种差异,即浓度越高,抑制作用愈强,尤以豇豆种子发芽率和小白菜生长的表现最为明显,前者的发芽率可降低75.00%,后者的苗高降幅高达88.37%,且胚根停止生长。青蒿素抑制同季和后季作物的种子发芽和幼苗生长,有利于扩大黄花蒿的生存空间,增强生存竞争优势。在黄花蒿?蔬菜种植体系中,选择抗化感作用较强的大白菜和菜豆可提高土地利用率和整体生产水平。用青蒿素浸种后,蔬菜幼苗的根系活力降低,菜豆和豇豆叶绿素含量提高,而大、小白菜降低,均可视为妨碍生长的生理原因。此外,青蒿素浸种还提高蔬菜种子可溶性糖和游离氨基酸含量,推测青蒿素对种子水解酶活性的影响较小,但抑制合成酶催化的生化反应,导致代谢紊乱,抑制幼苗生长。  相似文献   

Present report is aimed to study the batch kinetics of Lantana camara. Dynamic changes of parameters, such as pH, conductivity, wet and dry cell concentrations, consumption of major nutrients, carbon source and agitation speeds were investigated to understand the culture characteristics of suspended cells grown on MS + BAP + 2,4-D + NAA in shake flasks. Results indicated that the consumption of phosphate resulted in the onset of stationary phase in cultures. Maltose as carbon source resulted in production of maximum triterpenoid content (31.08 mg/L) while the least was found on glucose (10.69 mg/L). Notably, both did not support accumulation of betulinic acid. Sucrose, although stood second in terms of quantity (21.6 mg/L), supported the production of all the three triterpenoids-oleanolic, ursolic and betulinic acids. Maximum viable cultures were obtained at a rotation speed of 120 rpm. The present finding will form a background for further scale-up related studies.  相似文献   

The allelopathic potential of two cultivars of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Lech and Ogrodowy was studied. Leaf aqueous extracts of sunflower at 2.5, 5, and 10 % (m/v) concentrations were applied to determine their effect on mustard (Sinapis alba) seed germination and seedlings growth under laboratory conditions. Increasing concentration of aqueous extracts of sunflower inhibited seed germination, up to almost complete failure of germination, observed in the presence of 10 % extract from sunflower cv. Ogrodowy. The decrease in germinability was well correlated with increased membrane deterioration, assayed as electrical conductivity and enhanced lipid peroxidation, detected as increased malondialdehyde content.  相似文献   

This laboratory-based study sought to determine the efficacy of using carbofuran in an exclusion experiment aimed at assessing the impacts of biocontrol agents on Lantana camara L. (sensu lato) (Verbenaceae). Two separate experiments were conducted, the first one on insect-free plants, to determine the effects of carbofuran solely on plant growth; and the second one, on Teleonemia scrupulosa Stål (Hemiptera: Tingidae) infested plants, with the objective of determining the impact of carbofuran on this biocontrol agent, as well as its impacts on plant growth. Carbofuran granules (10% a.i.) were applied at 7?g/m2 a.i. to the potting medium. It was found that carbofuran did not have a significant effect on plant growth. Total removal of T. scrupulosa from exclusion plants (carbofuran-treated plants) was not achieved; however the low level of leaf feeding lesions on those plants indicated that carbofuran had considerably reduced the insect’s population density. Results from a bioassay showed 100% and 40% T. scrupulosa mortality on leaves collected from carbofuran-treated and control plants, respectively, within three weeks of exposure. Analysis of chemical residue levels in the leaf material revealed that carbofuran potency only persisted for about three weeks, and was detectable at trace levels (<0.1?mg/kg). It was therefore concluded that carbofuran was effective at reducing the population of T. scrupulosa on its host plant, but only briefly. Carbofuran should be applied at least once every three weeks or at a higher dosage in order to maintain a low insect population for the duration of an experiment or to achieve total exclusion. For better insect removal, one should consider combining carbofuran and foliar insecticides.  相似文献   

Lantana camara L. (sensu lato) has a wide range of impacts throughout its global invasive range. Here we review the mechanisms driving its invasion dynamics in South Africa at national (biome, habitat) and regional (within a protected area) scales. Although only three introduction events into South Africa have been recorded (the earliest in 1858), as of 1998 L. camara was found in over 2 million ha (total area), with a condensed area of about 70,000 ha. Moreover, L. camara is present in most of the country's major biomes and a diversity of habitats, confirming its broad ecological tolerance. Using correlative bioclimatic models, we show that under future climate conditions, L. camara's range in South Africa could expand considerably over the coming decades. While human-mediated dispersal and climatic suitability have been crucial in shaping L. camara's current broad-scale distribution in South Africa, dispersal by birds and along rivers are important drivers of invasion at landscape scales. For example, current evidence suggests that in the Kruger National Park, L. camara has spread primarily along rivers. We conclude with a discussion on the implications of the different invasion dynamics for biological control and management, and provide recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

采用模拟的方式,利用生物测定和室内培养的方法,研究了不同浓度的己二酸二异丁酯对辣椒种子萌发、幼苗生长及辣椒枯萎菌的化感效应.结果表明:己二酸二异丁酯对辣椒种子萌发和幼苗生长具有低浓度促进、高浓度抑制的化感效应;己二酸二异丁酯对辣椒和茄子种子的化感效应存在较大差异,在低浓度时对辣椒种子萌发和幼苗生长的促进作用强于茄子种子,而高浓度时对辣椒种子萌发和幼苗生长的抑制强度弱于茄子种子;各浓度己二酸二异丁酯对辣椒枯萎菌菌丝生长有极显著的抑制作用,且作用强度随着浓度增加而增强,当浓度为1 mnol·L~(-1)时抑制作用最强,抑制率为10.75%;在田间抗病性调查期间内各浓度处理均提高了辣椒幼苗的抗病性,其中以1 mmol·L~(-1)处理抗病性最好,病情指数比对照降低了49.88%.
By the methods of laboratory incubation and bioassay, a simulation test was conducted to study the allelopathic effects of different concentration diisobutyl adipate on pepper seed germi-nation and its seedling growth and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum. For the pepper seed germination and seedling growth, diisobutyl adipate exhibited allelopathic promotion at low con-centration, but allelopathic inhibition at high concentration. There existed greater differences in the allelopathic effects of diisobutyl adipate on the seed germination and seedling growth of pepper and eggplant. The promotion effects of low concentration diisobutyl adipate on pepper were stron-ger than those on eggplant, while the inhibition effects of high concentration diisobutyl adipate on pepper were weaker than those on eggplant. All test concentration diisobutyl adipate had signifi-cant inhibition effects on the mycelium growth of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum, and the effects increased with increasing diisobutyl adipate concentration, being the strongest (an inhibi-tory rate of 10. 75%) at 1 mnol·L~(-1). Field text indicated that diisobutyl adipate at all test con-centrations enhanced the disease resistance of pepper seedlings. The best effect was observed at 1 mmol·L~(-1) of diisobutyl adipate, with the disease index decreased by 49.88%, compared to the control.  相似文献   

Lantadene C (22β-2-methylbutanoyloxy -3-oxoolean-12-en-28-oic acid) isolated from the leaves of the hepatotoxic plant Lantana camara var. aculeata (Red) has been found to be identical with dihydrolan-tadene A reported earlier. Molecular structure of lantadene C has been deduced from single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. It resembles lantadene A in the pentacyclic portion of the molecule but differs in the side chain region. Atom C-34 is cis to C-35 in lantadene C but is transin lantadene A. Semisynthetic lantadene C was prepared by catalytic hydrogenation of lantadene A. Lantadene C was obtained in two forms, I and II. Form I was crystalline while form II was amorphous. Unlike lantadene A, both form I and II of lantadene C elicited strong hepatotoxic response in guinea pigs associated with decrease in fecal output, feed intake, hepatomegaly, hepatic injury at the cellular and subcellular level, increase in plasma bilirubin, and acid phosphatase activity. All the clinical signs, hepatic lesions, and changes in blood plasma typified lantana toxicity. This is the first report on the hepatotoxicity of lantadene C. The interrelation of molecular structure and biological activity of lantadene A and C has been discussed.  相似文献   

The absorbance of a suspension of germinating bacterial spores describes a sigmoidal time dependence. This behavior is accurately described by a model which considers that the spore must pass through an intermediate state before reaching its final, germinated state. By attributing to each of these three states a characteristic turbidity coefficient, it is possible to write an expression for the absorbance of the suspension at any time after initiation of germination. The transition between neighboring states is characterized by a probability coefficient which is a function of the experimental variables, but which is independent of time. It is thus possible to separate the underlying time dependence of germination itself, characterized by the changes of state, from the observed manifestation of this phenomenon.  相似文献   

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