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The contribution of head movement to the control of roll responses in flying locusts (Locusta migratoria) has been examined (i) on a flight balance, recording the angles through which the locust turns when following an artificial horizon; (ii) by recording activity in a pair of flight muscles in restrained conditions; and (iii) by observations on free flying locusts. Responses were compared when the head was free to turn about the thorax, as normal, and when the head was waxed to the thorax, blocking any relative motion between the two (head-fixed). These experiments suggest that the major signal generating corrective roll manoeuvres is the visual error between the angle of the head and the horizon, rather than a signal that includes a measure of the head-thorax angle.
1.  On the flight balance in the head-free condition the roll angle of the thorax was consistently less than in the head-fixed state, and followed the stimulus with longer response lags. Furthermore, the difference between the angle of the thorax assumed during head-free and head-fixed rolls was close to the angle of the head relative to the thorax during head-free responses.
2.  Records of activity of the forewing first basalar muscles (M97) were made during rotation of the horizon about immobilized animals. When the head could follow the horizon, the relative latency between activity in the left and right basalar muscles decreased as the head position turned to approach the displaced horizon. When head-fixed, the relative latency was directly proportional to horizon angle.
3.  The relative latency between left and right M97 flight muscles correlates better with the visual error signal than with the horizon position signal, lagging by approximately 40 ms.
4.  In the open air, head-fixed locusts appear able to fly as well as head-free locusts.
These data suggest that the reduction in visual inputs caused by compensatory motion of the head during roll manoeuvres is not functionally replaced by inputs from cervical proprioceptors. Some reasons why the locust may nevertheless allow head movement relative to the thorax during flight are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Studies of the optomotor response, the tendency to turn in response to a moving pattern, have yielded some understanding of the motion detection capabilities of the fly. We present data from extracellular microelectrode recordings from the optic lobes of the housefly, Musca domestica and the blowflies Eucalliphora lilaea and Calliphora phaenicia. Directionally selective and directionally nonselective motion sensitive units were observed in the region between the medulla and the lobula of all three species. Employing similar stimulus conditions to those used in the optomotor reaction studies, it was found that the response of the directionally selective units exhibited most of the characteristics of the optomotor response torque measurements. It is concluded that these units code the information prerequisite to the optomotor response and hence, that much data processing is achieved in the first few synaptic layers of the insect visual nervous system.  相似文献   

Tethered flying desert locusts, Schistocerca gregaria, generate yaw-torque in response to rotation of a radial grating located beneath them. By screening parts of the pattern, rotation of the unscreened grating turned out to induce a compensatory steering (by pattern motion within transversally oriented 90° wide sectors) as well as an upwind/downwind turning response (by pattern motion within the anterior ventral 90° wide sector). The strength and polarity of responses upon the unscreened grating results from a linear superposition of these two response components. The results are discussed with regard to a functional specialization of eye regions.In a typical experiment, 3 consecutive flight-phases, assumed to mirror start, long-range flight, and landing of a free-flying locust, were distinguished. They may result from a time dependent variation of the polarity and relative strength of upwind/downwind turning and compensatory steering responses. Starting and landing phases were under strong optomotor control and were dominated by the high-gain compensatory steering. In contrast, the phase of long-range flight was under weak optomotor control resulting from a low gain in both of the two response components. The biological significance of this variable strength of optomotor control on free flight orientation of swarming locusts is discussed.  相似文献   

The functional properties of the three horizontal cells (north horizontal cell, HSN; equatorial horizontal cell, HSE; south horizontal cell, HSS) in the lobula plate of the blowflyCalliphora erythrocephala were investigated electrophysiologically. 1. The receptive fields of the HSN, HSE, and HSS cover the dorsal, equatorial and ventral part of the ipsilateral visual field, respectively. In all three cells, the sensitivity to visual stimulation is highest in the frontal visual field and decreases laterally. The receptive fields and spatial sensitivity distributions of the horizontal cells are directly determined by the position and extension of their dendritic fields in the lobula plate and the dendritic density distributions within these fields. 2. The horizontal cells respond mainly to progressive (front to back) motion and are inhibited by motion in the reverse direction, the preferred and null direction being antiparallel. The amplitudes of motion induced excitatory and inhibitory responses decline like a cosine function with increasing deviation of the direction of motion from the preferred direction. Stimulation with motion in directions perpendicular to the preferred direction is ineffective. 3. The preferred directions of the horizontal cells show characteristic gradual orientation changes in different parts of the receptive fields: they are horizontally oriented only in the equatorial region and increasingly tilted vertically towards the dorsofrontal and ventrofrontal margins of the visual field. These orientation changes can be correlated with equivalent changes in the local orientation of the lattice of ommatidial axes in the pertinent compound eye. 4. The response amplitudes of the horizontal cells under stimulation with a moving periodic grating depend strongly on the contrast frequency of the stimulus. Maximal responses were found at contrast frequencies of 2–5 Hz. 5. The spatial integration properties of the horizontal cells (studied in the HSE) are highly nonlinear. Under stimulation with extended moving patterns, their response amplitudes are nearly independent of the size of the stimuli. It is demonstrated that this response behaviour does not result from postsynaptic saturation in the dendrites of the cells. The results indicate that the horizontal system is essentially involved in the neural control of optomotor torque responses performed by the fly in order to minimize unvoluntary deviations from a straight flight course.  相似文献   

The three horizontal cells of the lobula plate of the blowflyCalliphora erythrocephala were studied anatomically and physiologically by means of cobalt impregnations and intracellular recordings combined with Procion and Lucifer Yellow injections. The cells are termed north, equatorial and south horizontal cell (HSN, HSE, HSS) and are major output neurons of the optic lobe. 1. The dendritic arborizations of the HSN, HSE, HSS reside in a thin anterior layer of the lobula plate and extend over the dorsal, equatorial and ventral parts of this neuropil, respectively. Due to the retinotopic organization of the optic lobe, these parts correspond anatomically to respective regions of the ipsilateral visual field. Homologue horizontal cells in both lobula plates of the same animal and in different animals are highly variable with respect to their individual dendritic branching patterns. They are extraordinarily constant, on the other hand, with regard to the position and size of their dendritic fields as well as their dendritic branching density distributions. Each cell covers about 40% of the total area of the lobula plate and shows the highest dendritic density near the lateral margin of the neuropil which subserves the frontal eye region. The axons of the horizontal cells are relatively short and large in diameter; they terminate in the posterior ventrolateral protocerebrum. 2. The horizontal cells are directionally selective motion sensitive visual interneurons responding preferentially to progressive (front to back) motion in the ipsilateral visual field with graded depolarization of their axons and superimposed action potentials. Stimulation with motion in the reverse direction leads to hyperpolarizing graded responses. The HSE and HSN are additionally activated by regressive motion in the contralateral visual field.  相似文献   

Summary Physical measurements of the energy content of effective optomotor stimuli for the fly Musca support the notion that single light quanta trapped by the photopigment of the retinal receptors generate adequate sensory messages. The results of an electrophysiological experiment on single retinula cells in the fly's eye are presented to strengthen confidence in certain assumptions it was necessary to adopt with regard to receptor optical and spectral properties in order to calibrate the complex movement stimuli. This experiment also emphasizes the small amplitude of electrical signals generated in the receptors by dim but behaviourally effective pattern illumination levels.  相似文献   

Summary The output connections of a bilaterally symmetrical pair of wind-sensitive interneurones (called A4I1) were determined in a non-flying locust (Schistocerca gregaria). Direct inputs from sensory neurones of specific prosternai and head hairs initiate spikes in these interneurones in the prothoracic ganglion.The interneurone with its axon in the right connective makes direct, excitatory connections with the two mesothoracic motor neurones innervating the pleuroaxillary (pleuroalar, M85) muscle of the right forewing, but not with the comparable motor neurones of the left forewing. The connections can evoke motor spikes.The interneurones also exert a powerful, but indirect effect on the homologous metathoracic pleuroaxillary motor neurones (muscle 114), and a weaker, indirect effect on subalar motor neurones of the hindwings. No connections or effects were found with other flight motor neurones, or motor neurones innervating hindleg muscles, including common inhibitor 1 which also innervates the pleuroaxillary muscle.One thoracic interneurone with its cell body in the right half of the mesothoracic ganglion and with its axon projecting ipsilaterally to the metathoracic ganglion receives a direct input from the right A4I1 interneurone.These restricted output connections suggest a role for the A4I1 interneurones in flight steering.Abbreviations DCMD descending contralateral movement detector - EPSP excitatory postsynaptic potential - TCG tritocerebral commissure giant (interneurone)  相似文献   

In laboratory-reared male Glossina austeni the ultrastructure of the dorsal longitudinal flight muscles has been studied in flies ranging from 2-day-old tenerals to flies which have had 10 blood meals. Mitochondrial volume increases throughout this period at a relatively uniform rate but myofibril volume increases until around the third and fourth blood meal (8 to 10 days after emergence) when it reaches a level above which it does not rise significantly. Sarcoplasmic volume correspondingly declines steeply at first, therefter more slowly.  相似文献   

Rosner R  Warzecha AK 《PloS one》2011,6(10):e26886
Behavioral responses of an animal vary even when they are elicited by the same stimulus. This variability is due to stochastic processes within the nervous system and to the changing internal states of the animal. To what extent does the variability of neuronal responses account for the overall variability at the behavioral level? To address this question we evaluate the neuronal variability at the output stage of the blowfly''s (Calliphora vicina) visual system by recording from motion-sensitive interneurons mediating head optomotor responses. By means of a simple modelling approach representing the sensory-motor transformation, we predict head movements on the basis of the recorded responses of motion-sensitive neurons and compare the variability of the predicted head movements with that of the observed ones. Large gain changes of optomotor head movements have previously been shown to go along with changes in the animals'' activity state. Our modelling approach substantiates that these gain changes are imposed downstream of the motion-sensitive neurons of the visual system. Moreover, since predicted head movements are clearly more reliable than those actually observed, we conclude that substantial variability is introduced downstream of the visual system.  相似文献   

A mathematical analogy between the holographic models of temporal memory and Reichardt's optomotor theory is stressed. It is pointed out that the sequence of operations which is essential to any holographic model of brain functioning is actually carried out by a nervous structure in the optomotor behaviour.Some implications in both the optomotor theory and the hypothesis of neural holographic processes are further suggested.  相似文献   

InManduca sexta, large tangential cells connect the medulla via the lobula valley (LoV) tract to the midbrain and the contralateral medulla. Tract neurons have been stained and recorded to determine their responses to optomotor stimulation. Neurons in the LoV-tract comprise a physiologically and anatomically heterogeneous population:
  1. Motion insensitive medulla tangential (Mt) neurons arise from cell bodies in the ventral rind. Heterolateral cells arborize massively in both medullae and one or both halves of the midbrain. Mt-neurons respond to changes in light intensity. Physiological and anatomical evidence argues for their monocularity and transmission from the medulla on the side of the soma to the central brain and the contralateral medulla.
  2. Motion sensitive neurons with cell bodies behind the protocerebral bridge connect the midbrain to the ipsior contralateral medulla. Direction-selective responses are characterized by excitation to motion in the preferred and inhibition in the opposite direction with maxima either in a horizontal or vertical direction. Peak values appear at contrast frequencies of appr. 3/s. The results suggest that these neurons are binocular and relay information from the midbrain to the medulla. They have been labelled as centrifugal medulla tangential (cMt) neurons.
The possible roles for tract neurons in visually guided behaviour are discussed.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of locust muscles with different function is examined: the pleuroaxillary flight steering muscle is compared with a typical flight (power muscle) and a typical leg muscle, in particular with respect to sarcomere length, tracheation, mitochondria, and sarcoplasmatic reticulum. The pleuroaxillary muscle exhibits some features characteristic of flight muscles but most of the ultrastructure resembles that of leg muscles. This is in agreement with the innervation of this muscle by an octopaminergic neuron, which also innervates leg muscles but no other flight muscles. It also supports the hypothesis that octopaminergic neurons are important metabolic regulators and that the above muscle types exhibit important differences in energy metabolism.  相似文献   

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