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Nested structure, which is non-random, controls cooperation dynamics and biodiversity in plant-animal mutualistic networks. This structural pattern has been explained in a static (non-growth) network models. However, evolutionary processes might also influence the formation of such a structural pattern. We thereby propose an evolving network model for plant-animal interactions and show that non-random patterns such as nested structure and heterogeneous connectivity are both qualitatively and quantitatively predicted through simple evolutionary processes. This finding implies that network models can be simplified by considering evolutionary processes, and also that another explanation exists for the emergence of non-random patterns and might provide more comprehensible insights into the formation of plant-animal mutualistic networks from the evolutionary perspective.  相似文献   

Prediction of plant species distributions across six millennia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The usefulness of species distribution models (SDMs) in predicting impacts of climate change on biodiversity is difficult to assess because changes in species ranges may take decades or centuries to occur. One alternative way to evaluate the predictive ability of SDMs across time is to compare their predictions with data on past species distributions. We use data on plant distributions, fossil pollen and current and mid-Holocene climate to test the ability of SDMs to predict past climate-change impacts. We find that species showing little change in the estimated position of their realized niche, with resulting good model performance, tend to be dominant competitors for light. Different mechanisms appear to be responsible for among-species differences in model performance. Confidence in predictions of the impacts of climate change could be improved by selecting species with characteristics that suggest little change is expected in the relationships between species occurrence and climate patterns.  相似文献   

Luis Gimenez 《Ecography》2019,42(4):643-657
Dispersal and migration can be important drivers of species distributions. Because the paths followed by individuals of many species are curvilinear, spatial statistical models based on rectilinear coordinates systems would fail to predict population connectivity or the ecological consequences of migration or species invasions. I propose that we view migration/dispersal as if organisms were moving along curvilinear geometrical objects called smooth manifolds. In that view, the curvilinear pathways become the ‘shortest realised paths’ arising from the necessity to minimise mortality risks and energy costs. One can then define curvilinear coordinate systems on such manifolds. I describe a procedure to incorporate manifolds and define appropriate coordinate systems, with focus on trajectories (1D manifolds), as parts of mechanistic ecological models. I show how a statistical method, known as ‘manifold learning’, enables one to define the manifold and the appropriate coordinate systems needed to calculate population connectivity or study the effects of migrations (e.g. in aquatic invertebrates, fish, insects and birds). This approach may help in the design of networks of protected areas, in studying the consequences of invasion, range expansions, or transfer of parasites/diseases. Overall, a geometrical view to animal movement gives a novel perspective to the understanding of the ecological role of dispersal and migration.  相似文献   

Aim Species distribution models (SDMs) or, more specifically, ecological niche models (ENMs) are a useful and rapidly proliferating tool in ecology and global change biology. ENMs attempt to capture associations between a species and its environment and are often used to draw biological inferences, to predict potential occurrences in unoccupied regions and to forecast future distributions under environmental change. The accuracy of ENMs, however, hinges critically on the quality of occurrence data. ENMs often use haphazardly collected data rather than data collected across the full spectrum of existing environmental conditions. Moreover, it remains unclear how processes affecting ENM predictions operate at different spatial scales. The scale (i.e. grain size) of analysis may be dictated more by the sampling regime than by biologically meaningful processes. The aim of our study is to jointly quantify how issues relating to region and scale affect ENM predictions using an economically important and ecologically damaging invasive species, the Argentine ant (Linepithema humile). Location California, USA. Methods We analysed the relationship between sampling sufficiency, regional differences in environmental parameter space and cell size of analysis and resampling environmental layers using two independently collected sets of presence/absence data. Differences in variable importance were determined using model averaging and logistic regression. Model accuracy was measured with area under the curve (AUC) and Cohen's kappa. Results We first demonstrate that insufficient sampling of environmental parameter space can cause large errors in predicted distributions and biological interpretation. Models performed best when they were parametrized with data that sufficiently sampled environmental parameter space. Second, we show that altering the spatial grain of analysis changes the relative importance of different environmental variables. These changes apparently result from how environmental constraints and the sampling distributions of environmental variables change with spatial grain. Conclusions These findings have clear relevance for biological inference. Taken together, our results illustrate potentially general limitations for ENMs, especially when such models are used to predict species occurrences in novel environments. We offer basic methodological and conceptual guidelines for appropriate sampling and scale matching.  相似文献   

 Relationships between leaf or shoot size, number, and arrangement in response to light were investigated to test the hypothesis that these characteristics are linked. In order to test this hypothesis, the divergence in allometry and shoot dynamics in saplings of Japanese beech (Fagus crenata) obtained from four populations and having different leaf sizes were examined in a nursery under both full sun and shade conditions. Trees with different leaf sizes also showed large differences in canopy structure, particularly when shade-grown saplings were compared. The final leaf mass distributions of the large-leaf populations were conical or “bottom - heavy”, while those of the small-leaf populations were planar or “top - heavy”. The slope of the allometric relations between leaf mass and shoot and branch mass in small-leaved populations were steeper than those in large-leaf populations. The four populations were classified into two growth types: populations producing a few large leaf and shoot modules corresponded to “stem growth type”, and those producing many small leaf and shoot modules corresponded to “leaf growth type”. These kinds of intra-specific variation in architecture and growth of F. crenata trees may influence the structure and dynamics of forests in accordance with differences in competitive ability or sensitivity to disturbances such as windstorm. Received: 18 March 1997 / Accepted: 21 October 1997  相似文献   

Although the role of aromatase in many estrogen-dependent reproductive and metabolic functions is well documented in vertebrates, its involvement in the ovarian development of species exhibiting temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD) is incompletely understood. This is partly due to the conflicting temporal and spatial pattern of aromatase expression and activity across taxa. To help resolve this ongoing debate, we compared for the first time the embryological ontogeny of aromatase expression in turtles possessing genotypic sex determination (GSD) (Apalone mutica) and TSD (Chrysemys picta) incubated under identical conditions. As anticipated, we found no significant thermal differences in aromatase expression at any stage examined (prior to until the end of the thermosensitive period) in A. mutica. Surprisingly, the same was true for C. picta. When placed in a phylogenetic context, our results suggest that aromatase expression is evolutionarily plastic with respect to sex determination in reptiles, and that differences between reptilian TSD and GSD are not aromatase-driven. Further research across TSD and GSD species is warranted to fully decipher the evolution of functional differences among sex-determining mechanisms.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Colonisation is a critical ecological process influencing both population and community level dynamics by connecting spatially discrete habitat patches. How communities respond to both natural and anthropogenic disturbances, furthermore, requires a basic understanding of how any environmental change modifies colonisation rates. For example, disturbance‐induced shifts in the quantity of forest cover surrounding aquatic habitats have been associated with the distribution and abundance of numerous aquatic taxa. However, the mechanisms generating these broad and repeatable field patterns are unclear. 2. Such patterns of diversity could result from differential spatial mortality post colonisation, or from colonisation alone if species select sites non‐randomly along canopy coverage gradients. We examined the colonisation/oviposition dynamics of aquatic beetles in experimental ponds placed under both open and closed forest canopies. 3. Canopy coverage imposed a substantial behavioural filter on the colonisation and reproduction of aquatic beetles representing multiple trophic levels, and resulted in significantly higher abundance, richness, and oviposition activity in open canopy ponds. These patterns strengthened overtime; although early in the experiment, the most abundant beetle had similar abundance in open and closed ponds. However, its abundance subsequently declined and then most other species heavily colonised open canopy ponds. 4. The primary response of many aquatic species to disturbances that generate canopy coverage gradients surrounding aquatic ecosystems is behavioural. The magnitude of the colonisation responses reported here rivals, if not exceeds, those produced by predators, suggesting that aquatic landscapes are behaviourally assessed and partitioned across multiple environmental gradients. The community level structure produced solely by selective colonisation, is predicted to strongly modify how patch area and isolation affect colonisation rates and the degree to which communities are linked by the flux of individuals and species.  相似文献   

We characterized Fos-like expression patterns in the primary visual cortex (V1) by binocular flicking stimulation with UV light to investigate cone-based UV vision in four bat species representing four lineages: Hipposideros armiger and Scotophilus kuhlii, insectivores using constant frequency (CF) or frequency modulation (FM) echolocation, respectively, and Rousettus leschenaultii and Cynopterus sphinx, cave-roosting and tree-roosting fruit bats, respectively. The optic centre processing the visual image, V1, appears more distinctly immunostaining in S. kuhlii and C. sphinx after 1 h of UV light stimuli while in H. armiger and R. leschenaultii, staining was no more distinct than in corresponding controls. Our immunohistochemical evidence supports differences in the distribution of cone-based UV vision in the order Chiroptera and supports our earlier postulate that due to possible sensory tradeoffs and roosting ecology, defects in the short wavelength opsin genes have resulted in loss of UV vision in CF but not in FM bats. In addition, fruit bats roosting in caves have lost UV vision but not those roosting in trees. Our results thus confirm that bats are a further mammalian taxon that has retained cone-based UV sensitivity in some species.  相似文献   

Blue jack mackerel Trachurus picturatus collected at six sampling locations of the north-east Atlantic Ocean (Azores, Madeira, Canaries, and Matosinhos, Peniche and Portimão, mainland Portugal) and one location in the Mediterranean (Sicily), were used to examine the genetic structure of this species. Three mitochondrial gene regions (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I, cytochrome b and control region) were used to study the genetic structure of the species in Macaronesia, as well as to compare the genetic diversity of this region with published results from its eastern distribution. All markers indicated the absence of genetic structure among populations, with high indices of genetic diversity. These results suggest that the species went through a bottleneck event, followed by a recent population expansion. Moreover, the comparison with previously published results from the T. picturatus Mediterranean distribution suggests the existence of a single panmictic population throughout the species' full range. This was, however, an unexpected result since other methodologies have shown the presence of, at least, three different population-units in the NE Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

Anabolic metabolism of carbon in mammals is mediated via the one- and two-carbon carriers S-adenosyl methionine and acetyl-coenzyme A. In contrast, anabolic metabolism of three-carbon units via propionate has not been shown to extensively occur. Mammals are primarily thought to oxidize the three-carbon short chain fatty acid propionate by shunting propionyl-CoA to succinyl-CoA for entry into the TCA cycle. Here, we found that this may not be absolute as, in mammals, one nonoxidative fate of propionyl-CoA is to condense to two three-carbon units into a six-carbon trans-2-methyl-2-pentenoyl-CoA (2M2PE-CoA). We confirmed this reaction pathway using purified protein extracts provided limited substrates and verified the product via LC-MS using a synthetic standard. In whole-body in vivo stable isotope tracing following infusion of 13C-labeled valine at steady state, 2M2PE-CoA was found to form via propionyl-CoA in multiple murine tissues, including heart, kidney, and to a lesser degree, in brown adipose tissue, liver, and tibialis anterior muscle. Using ex vivo isotope tracing, we found that 2M2PE-CoA also formed in human myocardial tissue incubated with propionate to a limited extent. While the complete enzymology of this pathway remains to be elucidated, these results confirm the in vivo existence of at least one anabolic three- to six-carbon reaction conserved in humans and mice that utilizes propionate.  相似文献   

Several biodiversity experiments have shown positive effects of species richness on aboveground biomass production, but highly variable responses of individual species. The well-known fact that the competitive ability of plant species depends on size differences among species, raises the question of effects of community species richness on small-stature subordinate species. We used experimental grasslands differing in species richness (1-60 species) and functional group richness (one to four functional groups) to study biodiversity effects on biomass production and ecophysiological traits of five small-stature herbs (Bellis perennis, Plantago media, Glechoma hederacea, Ranunculus repens and Veronica chamaedrys). We found that ecophysiological adaptations, known as typical shade-tolerance strategies, played an important role with increasing species richness and in relation to a decrease in transmitted light. Specific leaf area and leaf area ratio increased, while area-based leaf nitrogen decreased with increasing community species richness. Community species richness did not affect daily leaf carbohydrate turnover of V. chamaedrys and P. media indicating that these species maintained efficiency of photosynthesis even in low-light environments. This suggests an important possible mechanism of complementarity in such grasslands, whereby smaller species contribute to a better overall efficiency of light use. Nevertheless, these species rarely contributed a large proportion to community biomass production or achieved higher yields in mixtures than expected from monocultures. It seems likely that the allocation to aboveground plant organs to optimise carbon assimilation limited the investment in belowground organs to acquire nutrients and thus hindered these species from increasing their performance in multi-species mixtures.  相似文献   

The migration sources and pathways of Sogatella furcifera (Horváth) in topologically complex regions like Yunnan, China, and adjacent montane areas have long been a challenging task and a bottleneck in effective pest forecast and control. The present research reinvestigated this issue using a combination of mtDNA and long‐term historical wind field data in an attempt to provide new insights. Genetic analyses showed that the 60 populations of S. furcufera collected across Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Yunnan, Guizhou, and Sichuan lack genetic structure and geographic isolation, while spatial analysis of haplotype and diversity indices discovered geographic relevance between populations. Migration rate analysis combined with high‐resolution 10‐year wind field analysis detected the following migration sources, pathways, and impacted areas which could explain the outbreak pattern in Yunnan. (a) Dominating stepwise northward migrations originated from northern Indochina, southern Yunnan, and central‐eastern Yunnan, impacting their northern areas. (b) Concurring summer–autumn southward (return) migration originated from nearly all latitude belts of Sichuan and Yunnan mainly impacting central and southern Yunnan. (c) Regular eastward and summer–autumn westward migrations across Yunnan. The northward migration reflects the temporal rhythm of gradual outbreaks from the south to the north in a year, while the return migration may explain the repeated or very severe outbreaks in the impacted areas. To form a better pest forecast and control network, attention must also be paid to the northern part of Yunnan to suppress the impact of return migration in summers and autumns.  相似文献   

This study used allozymes and mtDNA variation to test that: 1) populations of two fish species, Nematolosa erebi and Retropinna semoni , in lowland rivers in central Australia were highly connected within drainages, 2) populations in different drainages were highly differentiated and 3) there was evidence of historical connections between two major lowland drainages in inland Australia. Levels of genetic differentiation among populations within drainages were low, but still statistically significant, indicating that populations were not as highly connected as had been predicted. Populations from the Murray–Darling and the Lake Eyre drainages were highly differentiated, indicating no contemporary dispersal across drainage boundaries. Both species showed evidence of historical connections between the two drainage basins, although estimates of the time that these last occurred differed between the two species. Nematolosa erebi populations from the two drainages were estimated to have been separated c . 150 000 years ago, whereas populations of R. semoni , were estimated to have been separated c . 1.5 million years ago.  相似文献   

The demography and dynamics of migratory bird populations depend on patterns of movement and habitat quality across the annual cycle. We leveraged archival GPS‐tagging data, climate data, remote‐sensed vegetation data, and bird‐banding data to better understand the dynamics of black‐headed grosbeak (Pheucticus melanocephalus) populations in two breeding regions, the coast and Central Valley of California (Coastal California) and the Sierra Nevada mountain range (Sierra Nevada), over 28 years (1992–2019). Drought conditions across the annual cycle and rainfall timing on the molting grounds influenced seasonal habitat characteristics, including vegetation greenness and phenology (maturity dates). We developed a novel integrated population model with population state informed by adult capture data, recruitment rates informed by age‐specific capture data and climate covariates, and survival rates informed by adult capture–mark–recapture data and climate covariates. Population size was relatively variable among years for Coastal California, where numbers of recruits and survivors were positively correlated, and years of population increase were largely driven by recruitment. In the Sierra Nevada, population size was more consistent and showed stronger evidence of population regulation (numbers of recruits and survivors negatively correlated). Neither region showed evidence of long‐term population trend. We found only weak support for most climate–demographic rate relationships. However, recruitment rates for the Coastal California region were higher when rainfall was relatively early on the molting grounds and when wintering grounds were relatively cool and wet. We suggest that our approach of integrating movement, climate, and demographic data within a novel modeling framework can provide a useful method for better understanding the dynamics of broadly distributed migratory species.  相似文献   

The diversity of marine communities is in striking contrast with the diversity of terrestrial communities. In all oceans, species richness is low in tropical areas and high at latitudes between 20 and 40°. While species richness is a primary metric used in conservation and management strategies, it is important to take into account the complex phylogenetic patterns of species compositions within communities. We measured the phylogenetic skew and diversity of shark communities throughout the world. We found that shark communities in tropical seas were highly phylogenetically skewed, whereas temperate sea communities had phylogenetically diversified species compositions. Interestingly, although geographically distant from one another, tropical sea communities were all highly skewed toward requiem sharks (Carcharhinidae), hammerhead sharks (Sphyrnidae), and whale sharks (Rhincodon typus). Worldwide, the greatest phylogenetic evenness in terms of clades was found in the North Sea and coastal regions of countries in temperate zones, such as the United Kingdom, Ireland, southern Australia, and Chile. This study is the first to examine patterns of phylogenetic diversity of shark communities on a global scale. Our findings suggest that when establishing conservation activities, it is important to take full account of phylogenetic patterns of species composition and not solely use species richness as a target. Protecting areas of high phylogenetic diversity in sharks, which were identified in this study, could form a broader strategy for protecting other threatened marine species.  相似文献   

Abstract. Relative abundance distributions (RADs) are an important feature of community structure, but little is known of the factors affecting which type of RAD is observed in a particular community. We examined the influences of species richness and of spatial scale on the RAD of plant communities. The effect of species richness was examined by analysing simulated communities generated under the Broken stick model, the Sequential breakage model, and a randomized version of Niche pre-emption model. In all cases, when there were few species in the community the data only occasionally gave the best fit to the model that was used to generate it. With 40–65 species, a best fit was obtained for the correct model in about 75 % of cases, almost irrespective of the model. Effects of spatial scale were examined in data from four dune slacks and from two semi-arid grasslands, by analysing biomass values at a range of sample sizes. The model that best fitted the whole sample differed between the four slacks and between the slacks and the semi-arid grasslands. The change in which model of RAD fitted best, as sample size was reduced, varied between sites and between habitat types. At the smallest sample sizes, the Zipf-Mandelbrot model often fitted, and in the slack sites the Broken stick also, though neither fitted (in the vegetation examined) at larger spatial scales. It is concluded the RAD is affected by species richness and by spatial scale, in ways that currently do not enable simple prediction. RADs can theoretically give information on the processes such as resource partitioning, immigration and competition that have structured the community, but they are a blunt tool for this purpose.  相似文献   

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