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Liverworts, the most ancient group of land plants, form a range of intimate associations with fungi that may be analogous to the mycorrhizas of vascular plants. Most thalloid liverworts contain arbuscular mycorrhizal glomeromycete fungi similar to most vascular plants. In contrast, a range of leafy liverwort genera and one simple thalloid liverwort family (the Aneuraceae) have switched to basidiomycete fungi. These liverwort switches away from glomeromycete fungi may be expected to parallel switches undergone by vascular plants that target diverse lineages of basidiomycete fungi to form ectomycorrhizas. To test this hypothesis, we used a cultivation-independent approach to examine the basidiomycete fungi associated with liverworts in varied worldwide locations by generating fungal DNA sequence data from over 200 field collections of over 30 species. Here we show that eight leafy liverwort genera predominantly and consistently associate with members of the Sebacina vermifera species complex and that Aneuraceae thalloid liverworts associate nearly exclusively with Tulasnella species. Furthermore, within sites where multiple liverwort species co-occur, they almost never share the same fungi. Our analyses reveal a strikingly conservative ecological and evolutionary pattern of liverwort symbioses with basidiomycete fungi that is unlike that of vascular plant mycorrhizas.  相似文献   

Journal of Mathematical Biology - The Kirkpatrick–Barton model, well known to invasion biologists, is a pair of reaction–diffusion equations for the joint evolution of population...  相似文献   

Precise estimations of molecular rates are fundamental to our understanding of the processes of evolution. In principle, mutation and evolutionary rates for neutral regions of the same species are expected to be equal. However, a number of recent studies have shown that mutation rates estimated from pedigree material are much faster than evolutionary rates measured over longer time periods. To resolve this apparent contradiction, we have examined the hypervariable region (HVR I) of the mitochondrial genome using families of Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) from the Antarctic. We sequenced 344 bps of the HVR I from penguins comprising 508 families with 915 chicks, together with both their parents. All of the 62 germline heteroplasmies that we detected in mothers were also detected in their offspring, consistent with maternal inheritance. These data give an estimated mutation rate (micro) of 0.55 mutations/site/Myrs (HPD 95% confidence interval of 0.29-0.88 mutations/site/Myrs) after accounting for the persistence of these heteroplasmies and the sensitivity of current detection methods. In comparison, the rate of evolution (k) of the same HVR I region, determined using DNA sequences from 162 known age sub-fossil bones spanning a 37,000-year period, was 0.86 substitutions/site/Myrs (HPD 95% confidence interval of 0.53 and 1.17). Importantly, the latter rate is not statistically different from our estimate of the mutation rate. These results are in contrast to the view that molecular rates are time dependent.  相似文献   

Individual bacterial cells can communicate via quorum sensing, cooperate to harvest nutrients from their environment, form multicellular biofilms, compete over resources and even kill one another. When the environment that bacteria inhabit is an animal host, these social behaviours mediate virulence. Over the last decade, much attention has focussed on the ecology, evolution and pathology of bacterial cooperation, and the possibility that it could be exploited or destabilised to treat infections. But how far can we really extrapolate from theoretical predictions and laboratory experiments to make inferences about ‘cooperative’ behaviours in hosts and reservoirs? To determine the likely importance and evolution of cooperation ‘in the wild’, several questions must be addressed. A recent paper that reports the dynamics of bacterial cooperation and virulence in a field experiment provides an excellent nucleus for bringing together key empirical and theoretical results which help us to frame – if not completely to answer – these questions.  相似文献   

The effect of the Cretaceous–Palaeogene (K–Pg) mass extinction on the evolution of many groups, including placental mammals, has been hotly debated. The fossil record suggests a sudden adaptive radiation of placentals immediately after the event, but several recent quantitative analyses have reconstructed no significant increase in either clade origination rates or rates of character evolution in the Palaeocene. Here we use stochastic methods to date a recent phylogenetic analysis of Cretaceous and Palaeocene mammals and show that Placentalia likely originated in the Late Cretaceous, but that most intraordinal diversification occurred during the earliest Palaeocene. This analysis reconstructs fewer than 10 placental mammal lineages crossing the K–Pg boundary. Moreover, we show that rates of morphological evolution in the 5 Myr interval immediately after the K–Pg mass extinction are three times higher than background rates during the Cretaceous. These results suggest that the K–Pg mass extinction had a marked impact on placental mammal diversification, supporting the view that an evolutionary radiation occurred as placental lineages invaded new ecological niches during the Early Palaeocene.  相似文献   

In order to study the impact of premature birth and low income on mother–infant interaction, four Portuguese samples were gathered: full-term, middle-class (n = 99); premature, middle-class (n = 63); full-term, low income (n = 22); and premature, low income (n = 21). Infants were filmed in a free play situation with their mothers, and the results were scored using the CARE Index. By means of multinomial regression analysis, social economic status (SES) was found to be the best predictor of maternal sensitivity and infant cooperative behavior within a set of medical and social factors. Contrary to the expectations of the cumulative risk perspective, two factors of risk (premature birth together with low SES) were as negative for mother–infant interaction as low SES solely. In this study, as previous studies have shown, maternal sensitivity and infant cooperative behavior were highly correlated, as was maternal control with infant compliance. Our results further indicate that, when maternal lack of responsiveness is high, the infant displays passive behavior, whereas when the maternal lack of responsiveness is medium, the infant displays difficult behavior. Indeed, our findings suggest that, in these cases, the link between types of maternal and infant interactive behavior is more dependent on the degree of maternal lack of responsiveness than it is on birth status or SES. The results will be discussed under a developmental and evolutionary reasoning.  相似文献   

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Personality exists in non-human animals and can impact fitness. There is, however, a shortage of empirical studies in certain areas within the field, and fundamental evolutionary theory on personality remains largely untested. For example, little is known on how variation in personality is maintained over evolutionary time. Theory suggests that fluctuating selection pressures due to spatiotemporal variation in conditions, e.g. food availability, is a possible mechanism and a few studies have shown that the success of different personality types varies with spatiotemporal conditions. However, it remains unknown whether different mechanisms can maintain personality within a species. Here we use a reintroduction programme for the critically endangered European mink (Mustela lutreola) to test whether multiple personality trait domains (boldness, exploration and sociability) affected survival in two different years and islands. This was done through pre-release personality tests and post-release radio-tracking monitoring. Survival was positively correlated with boldness, whereas the relationship with exploration was either negative or positive depending on year/island. The results show a complex relationship between personality and survival and suggest that exploration can be maintained over evolutionary time via spatiotemporal variation in conditions. However, in contrast to exploration, boldness did not vary spatiotemporally and sociability had no impact on survival. This indicates that different personality trait domains might be maintained by different mechanisms. To date, personality has been studied primarily within behavioural sciences, but through empirical findings we highlight the importance of personality also in ecology and conservation biology.  相似文献   

Numerous Mediterranean geophytes are hysteranthous, i.e. they flower in a leafless stage during autumn. On the basis of their life cycles and other features two types can be recognized: In the Crocus type flowers with subterranean ovary develop at the start of the new reproductive cycle from an annual storage organ; seed dispersal and germination are delayed to the spring and the next autumn. In the Urginea type, flowers with supraterranean ovary originate from a perennial storage organ at the end of the life cycle; seed dispersal and germination follow flowering immediately. Similar rhythms exist in other seasonal climates. Field observations and some experiments demonstrate flower stimulation by temperature decrease or increase in different geophytes, and relationships between water supply and synanthous versus hysteranthous leaf development. The origin, ecological importance, and horticultural implication of the hysteranthous syndrome is discussed.  相似文献   

BglII, a type II restriction–modification (R–M) system from Bacillus globigii, recognizes the sequence 5′-AGATCT-3′. The system has been cloned into E. coli in multiple steps: first the methyltransferase (MTase) gene, bglIIM, was cloned from B. globigii RUB561, a variant containing an inactivated endonuclease (ENase) gene (bglIIR). Next the ENase protein (R.BglII) was purified to homogeneity from RUB562, a strain expressing the complete R–M system. Oligonucleotide probes specific for the 5′ end of the gene were then synthesized and used to locate bglIIR, and the gene was isolated and cloned in a subsequent step. The nucleotide sequence of the system has been determined, and several interesting features have been found. The genes are tandemly arranged, with bglIIR preceding bglIIM. The amino acid sequence of M.BglII is compared to those of other known MTases. A third gene encoding a protein with sequence similarity to known C elements of other R–M systems is found upstream of bglIIR. This is the first instance of a C gene being associated with an R–M system where the R and M genes are collinear. In addition, open reading frames (ORFs) resembling genes involved with DNA mobility are found in close association with BglII. These may shed light on the evolution of the R–M system.  相似文献   

In humans we know 25 selenoproteins that play important roles in redox regulation, detoxification, immune-system protection and viral suppression. In particular, selenoprotein M (SelM) may function as thiol disulfide oxidoreductase that participates in the formation of disulfide bonds, and can be implicated in calcium responses. However, it presents a redox motif (CXXU), where U is a selenocysteine, and may also function as redox regulator because its decreased or increased expression regulated by dietary selenium alters redox homeostasis. No data are reported in literature about its involvement in cancer but only in neurodegenerative diseases. In this paper we evaluated the SelM expression in two hepatoma cell lines, HepG2 and Huh7, compared to normal hepatocytes. The results suggested its involvement in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) as well as its possible use to follow the progression of this cancer as putative marker. The aim of this study has been to analyze the structure–function relationships of SelM. Hence, firstly we studied the evolutionary history of this protein by phylogenetic analysis and GC content of genes from various species. So, we modeled the three-dimensional structure of the human SelM evaluating its energetic stability by molecular dynamics simulations. Moreover, we modeled some of its mutants to obtain structural information helpful for structure-based drug design.  相似文献   

Cultivated peanut is an allotetraploid with an AB-genome. In order to learn more of the genomic structure of peanut, we characterized and studied the evolution of a retrotransposon originally isolated from a resistance gene analog (RGA)-containing bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone. It is a moderate copy number Ty1-copia retrotransposon from the Bianca lineage and we named it Matita. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) experiments showed that Matita is mainly located on the distal regions of chromosome arms and is of approximately equal frequency on both A- and B-chromosomes. Its chromosome-specific hybridization pattern facilitates the identification of individual chromosomes, a useful cytogenetic tool considering that chromosomes in peanut are mostly metacentric and of similar size. Phylogenetic analysis of Matita elements, molecular dating of transposition events, and an estimation of the evolutionary divergence of the most probable A- and B-donor species suggest that Matita underwent its last major burst of transposition activity at around the same time of the A- and B-genome divergence about 3.5 million years ago. By probing BAC libraries with overgos probes for Matita, resistance gene analogues, and single- or low-copy genes, it was demonstrated that Matita is not randomly distributed in the genome but exhibits a significant tendency of being more abundant near resistance gene homologues than near single-copy genes. The described work is a further step towards broadening the knowledge on genomic and chromosomal structure of peanut and on its evolution.  相似文献   

Kim JH  Cho HT  Kende H 《Planta》2000,212(1):85-92
To investigate the evolutionary history of expansins and their role in cell elongation in early land plants, we isolated two α-expansin genes, Mq-EXP1 and Rd-EXP1, respectively, from the semiaquatic ferns Marsilea quadrifolia L. and Regnellidium diphyllum Lindm. The deduced amino acid sequences of the fern expansins exhibit a high degree of identity to those of seed plants, showing that expansin genes were conserved during the evolution of vascular plants. Gel-blot analysis of M. quadrifolia and R. diphyllum genomic DNA indicated that, in both ferns, α-expansins are encoded by multigene families. Expression of α-expansin genes probed with Mq-EXP1 was confined to the elongating region of the Marsilea rachis. Cell-wall proteins of M.␣quadrifolia induced in-vitro extension of acidified cucumber cell walls. In R. diphyllum, expression of Rd-EXP1 increased when elongation of the rachis was enhanced by submergence or ethylene. These results indicate that α-expansins act as wall-loosening proteins in ferns, as has been proposed for angiosperms. In addition, Rd-EXP1 may play a role in mediating elongation of the rachis in submerged plants. Received: 7 March 2000 / Accepted: 29 April 2000  相似文献   

The taxonomic rank of subspecies remains highly contentious, largely because traditional subspecies boundaries have sometimes been contradicted by molecular phylogenetic data. The most complete meta-analysis to date, for instance, found that only 3% of traditional avian subspecies represented distinct phylogenetic lineages. However, the global generality of this phenomenon remains unclear due to this previous study's narrow geographic focus on continental Nearctic and Palearctic subspecies. Here, we present a new global analysis of avian subspecies and show that 36% of avian subspecies are, in fact, phylogenetically distinct. Among biogeographic realms we find significant differences in the proportion of subspecies that are phylogenetically distinct, with Nearctic/Palearctic subspecies showing significantly reduced levels of differentiation. Additionally, there are differences between island and continental subspecies, with continental subspecies significantly less likely to be genetically distinct. These results indicate that the overall level of congruence between taxonomic subspecies and molecular phylogenetic data is greater than previously thought. We suggest that the widespread impression that avian subspecies are not real arises from a predominance of studies focusing on continental subspecies in North America and Eurasia, regions which show unusually low levels of genetic differentiation. The broader picture is that avian subspecies often provide an effective short-cut for estimating patterns of intraspecific genetic diversity, thereby providing a useful tool for the study of evolutionary divergence and conservation.  相似文献   

Recreational big game hunters make a significant contribution to conservation through kills of deer, pigs, chamois and tahr. New opportunities for managing recreational hunting through the proposed Game Animal Council underscore the need to understand the implications of potential changes in recreational hunting participation and harvests. Based on a survey of hunters' recall over a year, hunters averaged 15.63 (SEM = 0.58) big game hunts per year, spending 30.53 (SEM = 0.85) days hunting and killing 8.92 (SEM = 0.69) big game animals. Hunters commonly targeted several species on a single hunt, with highly skewed distributions for hunter effort and kills. Mean monthly expenditure on big game hunting items was $296.78 (SEM = $8.95). Results demonstrate that big game hunting is a significant activity in New Zealand, but this varies considerably among hunters with a small number responsible for the vast majority of kills. These are important considerations for future big game hunting management.  相似文献   

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