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The organic matter extracted from various mineral horizons of two forest soils, one under silver fir (Abies alba Mill.), the other under European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), was fractionated by dialysis into three fractions, 100–1000, 1000–8000, and >8000Da. On a C basis, in all horizons the recovered organic matter amounted to less than a half of the total and was mainly composed of molecules >8000Da. The 100–1000Da fraction had a principal elemental composition profoundly different from the other two fractions, which, instead differed from each other significantly only for the S content and the molar ratio of C with N. No significant difference in this regard was found between soils. The richness in O and some typical absorption bands in the FT-IR spectra indicated that the 100–1000Da fraction had a lot of carboxyl moieties. The spectroscopic (13C NMR) investigation showed that the 1000–8000 and >8000Da fractions had a prevalently aliphatic nature and signals attributable to polysaccharides (O-alkyl C) revealed overall a high presence of non-humic biopolymers. These latter were significantly more abundant, suggesting a lower degree of humification, in the >8000Da fraction than in the 1000–8000Da fraction. Comparing soils, that under beech appeared significantly richer in O-alkyl C than that under fir. The organics extracted from the A horizon of both soils had positive 14C values, indicating recent synthesis mainly due to the present forest cover. The mean residence time (MRT) of the combined 100–1000Da and 1000–8000Da fractions and the >8000Da fraction increased with depth, even to about 5000 years in the more than 1-m deep BC horizons under beech. In some cases, and especially in the soil under fir, despite higher values of 13C denoting stronger microbial decomposition, the 100–8000Da fraction showed a higher MRT than that of the >8000Da fraction, perhaps due to its ascertained lower content of non-humic biopolymers.  相似文献   

Behavioral and physiological responses to hypoxia were examined in three sympatric species of sharks: bonnethead shark Sphyrna tiburo, blacknose shark, Carcharhinus acronotus, and Florida smoothhound shark, Mustelus norrisi, using closed system respirometry. Sharks were exposed to normoxic and three levels of hypoxic conditions. Under normoxic conditions (5.5–6.4mg l–1), shark routine swimming speed averaged 25.5 and 31.0cm s–1 for obligate ram-ventilating S. tiburo and C. acronotus respectively, and 25.0cm s–1 for buccal-ventilating M. norrisi. Routine oxygen consumption averaged about 234.6 mg O2kg–1h–1 for S. tiburo, 437.2mg O2kg–1h–1 for C. acronotus, and 161.4mg O2 kg–1 h–1 for M. norrisi. For ram-ventilating sharks, mouth gape averaged 1.0cm whereas M. norrisi gillbeats averaged 56.0 beats min–1. Swimming speeds, mouth gape, and oxygen consumption rate of S. tiburo and C. acronotus increased to a maximum of 37–39cm s–1, 2.5–3.0cm and 496 and 599mg O2 kg–1 h–1 under hypoxic conditions (2.5–3.4mg l–1), respectively. M. norrisi decreased swimming speeds to 16cm s–1 and oxygen consumption rate remained similar. Results support the hypothesis that obligate ram-ventilating sharks respond to hypoxia by increasing swimming speed and mouth gape while buccal-ventilating smoothhound sharks reduce activity.  相似文献   

Strain H-984 of G. fujikuroi grown for 38h in a shake flask with medium containing 20g glucose l–1, 3g yeast extract l–1, 2.5g NH4NO3 l–1, 0.5g KH2PO4 l–1, 0.1g MgSO4 l–1, 1g CaCO3 l–1, and inoculated into a bioreactor with medium containing 60g glucose l–1; 1g NH4Cl l–1; 3g KH2PO4 l–1 and 1.5g MgSO4 l–1 produced 1100mg gibberellic acid l–1.  相似文献   

Life-history characteristics of the double-ended pipefish, Syngnathoides biaculeatus (Bloch), were investigated to determine growth rate, degree of sexual dimorphism, size at maturity, and reproductive biology. Growth rates of wild juveniles and adults calculated from monthly progression of length-frequency modes ranged from 0.8mmd–1 (fish lengths 120–145mm standard length (SL)) in summer to 0.2mmd–1 in winter (185–200mm SL). Growth of laboratory-reared juveniles up to 63d old was greater, ranging from 0.8 to 2.3mmd-1. The von Bertalanffy growth constant K was estimated at 0.0076d- 1, or 2.8year–1. Morphological differentiation between the sexes based upon abdominal pattern was possible for fish larger than 120mm SL, with females possessing a zigzag pattern on the abdomen. The association between this pattern and sex was confirmed by histological gonad analysis. Males were significantly longer than females during four of seven seasons examined, and a 1:1 sex ratio was determined for all seasons except autumn when the ratio was female biased. The breeding season was marked by the appearance of pregnant males between October and April, and during courtship both species exhibited increased pigmentation. The minimum paternal size at maturity was 185mm, the maximum length recorded 260mm. Clutch size ranged between 60 and 200 eggs, with a mean of 153. Ovaries had a sequential pattern of egg development, resulting in egg batches that approximated the number of eggs carried by brooding males. Additionally, all eggs in a brood were at the same developmental stage. This suggests that one female provides all of the eggs for one male per breeding event in a monogamous mating system.  相似文献   

Annual nitrogen and phosphorus budgets for the whole North Sea taking into account the most recent data available were established. The area considered has a total surface of approximately 700,000km2 and corresponds to the definition by OSPARCOM (Oslo and Paris Commission) with the exclusion of the Skagerrak and Kattegat areas. Input and output fluxes were determined at the marine, atmospheric, sediment and continental boundaries, and riverine inputs based on river flows and nutrient concentrations at the river–estuary interface were corrected for possible estuarine retention. The results showed that the North Sea is an extremely complex system subjected to large inter-annual variability of marine water circulation and freshwater land run-off. Consequently, resulting total N (TN) and P (TP) fluxes are extremely variable from 1 year to another and this has an important influence on the budget of these elements. Total inputs to the North Sea are 8870±4860kTNyear–1 and 494±279kTPyear–1. Denitrification is responsible for the loss of 23±7% of the TN inputs while sediment burial is responsible for the retention of only of 2±2% of the TP input. For TN, due to the large variability on marine and estuarine fluxes, and to the uncertainty related to the denitrification rate, it was concluded that the North Sea could either be a source (1930kTNyear–1) or a sink (1700kTNyear–1) for the waters of the North Atlantic Ocean. For TP it was concluded that the North Sea is mostly a source (–4 to 52kTPyear–1) for the waters of the North Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

Lentil is a protein-rich pulse, grown mainly in developing countries as a rain-fed crop in nutrient-poor soils. Hence, the importance of root traits for efficient capture of soil nutrients and water can be crucial to its economical yield. Little is known about the lentil root system and even less about its relationship to grain yield. We compared the root system of two Bangladeshi lentil varieties, Barimasur-3 (BM-3) and Barimasur-4 (BM-4), in a pot experiment and related it to their multi-location grain yield in the fields. BM-4 maintained faster root development both at an early growth stage (20days after sowing) and at flowering (60days) compared to BM-3. The roots of BM-4 penetrated the 25cm depth of the soil profile after 19±1days and while those of BM-3 took 24±2days to reach the same depth. The roots of BM-4 were covered with denser (26±3mm–1) and longer (0.48±0.11) root hairs than BM-3 (density 17±2mm–1, length 0.32±0.09mm). The differential presence of root hairs increased the effective length of root system of BM-4 by 12 times and that of BM-3 by five times. The lentil varieties did not differ in their ability to induce pH change and acid phosphatase activity in rhizosphere. In the pot experiment, the uptake of macro-nutrients (K, P, Ca, and Mg) as well as micro-nutrients (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, B and Mo) by BM-4 was significantly higher, compared to BM-3. The varieties produced the same amount of shoot biomass. At five of six agro-ecological distinct field locations in Bangladesh, BM-4 gave significantly higher (10–20%) grain yield than BM-3. Linked with the higher grain yield, the benefit-cost ratio (BCR) of BM-4 was 3.14 and that of BM-3 were 2.62, indicating that BM-4 provided better return per unit investment, compared to BM-3, supported by the better root morphology and higher nutrient uptake. This may be one of the reasons supporting the popularity and preferred adoption of BM-4 among the Bangladeshi farmers, who grow lentil mainly on nutrient-poor soils. The results indicate the benefits of selection and breeding for superior root traits for better agro-economics.  相似文献   

To clarify consistency in the size of carbon pool of a lowland tropical rainforest, we calculated changes in above-ground biomass in the Pasoh Forest Reserve, Peninsular Malaysia. We estimated the total above-ground biomass of a mature stand using tree census data obtained in a 6-ha plot every 2years from 1994 to 1998. The total above-ground biomass decreased consistently from 1994 (431Mgha–1) to 1998 (403Mgha–1) (1Mg=103 kg). These are much lower than that in 1973 for a 0.2ha portion of the same area, suggesting that the the total above-ground biomass reduction might have been consistent in recent decades. This trend contrasted with a major trend for neotropical forests. During 1994–1998, the forest gained 23.0 and 0.88Mgha–1 of the total above-ground biomass by tree growth and recruitment, respectively, and lost 51.9Mgha–1 by mortality. Overall, the biomass decreased by 28.4Mgha–1 (i.e. 7.10Mgha–1·year–1), which is almost equivalent to losing a 76-cm-diameter living tree per hectare per year. Analysis of positive and negative components of biomass change revealed that deaths of large trees dominated the total above-ground biomass decrease. The forest biomass also varied spatially, with the total above-ground biomass density ranging 212–655Mgha–1 on a 0.2-ha basis (n= 30 subplots, 1998) and 365–440Mgha–1 on a 1ha basis. A large decrease of the total above-ground biomass density (>50Mg per ha per 2years) in several 0.2-ha subplots contributed to the overall decrease in the 6-ha total above-ground biomass. In the present study, we discuss the association between forest dynamics and biomass fluctuation, and the implication for carbon cycling in mature forests with emphasis on forest monitoring and assessments of soil and decomposition systems.  相似文献   

Pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) is particularly sensitive to decline in clayey soils presenting a high-perched temporary water table. These soils induce two successive constraints in one-year cycle: water excess (and hypoxy) in winter and early spring, and water shortage in summer (water stress being more restrictive to oak). We determined the porosity and water properties of temporarily waterlogged clayey soils supporting forest stands of decliningQuercus robur trees in a 101yr-old oak stand in Belgium (50°06N, 4°16E). Roots unevenly colonized the soil down to 1.6m: fine roots (diameter<5mm) were mostly distributed on the surface horizons (0–0.3 m) and around 1.3m deep, despite dense clayey horizons appearing at 0.35m depth. Clay content below this depth reached 46–51. Illite and vermiculite were the dominant clay minerals. The clayey horizons exhibited marked shrink–swell properties: bulk density at 30kPa increased from 1.41 to 1.88gcm–3 from the surface to 2m depth. There was also evidence of hypoxic conditions caused by water saturation of pore space in the rooting zone from October to mid-April. Extractable water (EW), calculated between moisture tensions of 5 and 1600kPa was 152.8mm. The level of perched temporary water table strongly depended on the seasonal rhythm of water uptake by trees and on the shrink–swell behaviour of soil.  相似文献   

This study examined macronutrient input from pollen in two naturally regenerating pine stands in southeast Korea. Durham gravity pollen collectors were used to measure pine pollen deposition and the macronutrients in the collected pine pollen were analyzed. In 1998, pine pollen deposition began just before 18 April and lasted for approximately 2weeks. Total pine pollen deposition differed between the two sampling sites; 27.5kgha–1 was collected from the mature stand and 17.7kgha–1 was collected from the young stand. The values for nutrient deposition from pine pollen are 549gha–1 N, 78gha–1 P, 240gha–1 K, 45gha–1 S and 22gha–1 Mg at the mature stand and 353gha–1 N, 51gha–1 P, 151gha–1 K, 27gha–1 S and 14gha–1 Mg at the young stand, suggesting that nutrients from pine pollen contribute to forest nutrient cycling. The pine pollen deposition values obtained from our study (17.7–27.5kg–1ha–1year–1) are approximately 1/115–180-fold that of pine litterfall in Korea. If we take pollen nutrients into account, the contribution rate of pollen to the annual nutrient input is very high in our study (N 1/30, P 1/5, K 1/9 that of litterfall). Macronutrient deposition from pine pollen is concentrated temporally in spring. Although the annual contribution of nutrient mass by pollen is small compared to that of litterfall, the rapid turnover rate of pollen nutrients combined with episodic deposition suggests that pollen may play a disproportionate role in temperate pine forest nutrient cycling.  相似文献   

The present study demonstrates a procedure for the rapid development of a high number of somatic embryos from embryogenic suspension culture. This method might be efficient for mass propagation of Phnix dactylifera L. Embryogenic callus placed in liquid medium with 10–5M ABA yielded an average 72 embryos per 100ml of culture medium within 2months, while those placed on solid medium yielded an average of 33, 20 and 16 embryos per 100ml of culture medium respectively for 10–7, 10–6 and 10–5 M ABA after 4months. The combination of 2,4-DIchlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) (4.5×10–7M), glutamine (6.7×10–4M), and ABA (10–5M) (L8 liquid medium) showed a beneficial effect on somatic embryos production compared to 2,4-D and glutamine alone, while this combination significantly (p<0.05) increased the accumulation of storage proteins (144 and 138mgg–1 DW respectively for Jihel and Bousthami noir cultivars) in somatic embryos. The somatic embryos which underwent maturation on medium containing only 4.5×10–7M 2,4-D and 10–5M ABA (L6 liquid medium) accumulated more sugars (292 and 265mgg–1 DW respectively for Jihel and Bousthami noir) than those matured on any other liquid medium. Histological studies revealed that somatic embryos (developed in L6 and L8 liquid media) accumulated less reserve compounds (proteins and sugars) than zygotic embryos. The addition of activated charcoal (0.25 and 0.5gl–1) and phytagel® (2.5gl–1) to the germination medium may be useful for enhancing the germination of Phnix dactyliferasomatic embryos.  相似文献   

The biomass of summer forage and their contributions were surveyed to show that litterfall supported a high-density population of sika deer (Cervus nippon Temminck) in summer on Nakanoshima Island, Toya Lake, Japan. In July 1974, the grassland had the highest productivity among understory vegetations (228±55kgha–1: mean±SE). In deciduous forests, palatable plants occupied only 0.1% of the biomass of 0.872±0.366kgha–1, and deciduous leaves within the reach of deer (=220cm at height) produced 0.208±0.070kgha–1. However, litterfall during this period had the highest productivity, 28.7± 5.3kgha–1. The deer consumed litterfall (75.6% in dry weight), short grasses (17.2%), deciduous forest understory (4.1%), deciduous leaves within the reach of deer (3.0%) and conifer plantation under story (0.1%). It is suggested that the high-density deer population would be maintained by litterfall through the year instead of browsing in deciduous forests, which has been overlooked.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae-based ethanol fermentations were conducted in batch culture, in a single stage continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR), a multistage CSTR, and in a fermentor contaminated with Lactobacillus that corresponded to the first fermentor of the multistage CSTR system. Using a glucose concentration of 260 g l–1 in the medium, the highest ethanol concentration reached was in batch (116gl–1), followed by the multistage CSTR (106gl–1), and the single stage CSTR continuous production system (60gl–1). The highest ethanol productivity at this sugar concentration was achieved in the multistage CSTR system where a productivity of 12.7gl–1h–1 was seen. The other fermentation systems in comparison did not exceed an ethanol productivity of 3gl–1h–1. By performing a continuous ethanol fermentation in multiple stages (having a total equivalent working volume of the tested single stage), a 4-fold higher ethanol productivity was achieved as compared to either the single stage CSTR, or the batch fermentation.  相似文献   

We investigated the carbon dynamics and budget in a grassland of Miscanthus sinensis, which is widely distributed in Japan, over a 2-year period (2000–2001). Plant biomass began to increase from May and peaked in September, then decreased towards the end of the growing season (October). Soil respiration rates also exhibited seasonal fluctuations that reflected seasonal changes in soil temperature and root respiration. The contribution of root respiration to total soil respiration was 22–41% in spring and summer, but increased to 52–53% in September. To determine the net ecosystem production (carbon budget), we estimated annual net primary production, soil respiration, and root respiration. Net primary production was 1207 and 1140gCm–2 in 2000 and 2001, respectively. Annual soil respiration was 1387gCm–2 in 2000 and 1408gCm–2 in 2001; root respiration was 649 and 695gCm–2 in 2000 and 2001, respectively. Moreover, some of the carbon fixed as net production (457–459gCm–2) is removed by mowing in autumn in this grassland. Therefore, the annual carbon budget was estimated to be –56gCm–2 in 2000 and – 100gCm–2 in 2001. These results suggest that the Miscanthus sinensis grassland in Japan can act as a source of CO2.  相似文献   

This paper presents a large data set on carbon isotope composition (13C) of modern soils which were collected under the main vegetation communities along an altitude of 1250–5500m above sea level in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. The 13C values of 198 samples range from –28.6 to –15.1 versus PDB and exhibit a clean relation to different vegetation communities from forest (–25.9±1.2) to shrub (–24.7±1.4), steppe (–23.1±1.3), alpine meadow (–23.6±0.7), alpine desert steppe (–21.3±1.6), and alpine desert (–18.9±2.5). We attributed the observed variability in 13C values to that the mean annual precipitation (MAP) and the mean annual temperature (MAT) are the main factors controlling the distribution of vegetation types in the Tibetan Plateau, which causes the change in carbon isotope composition of modern soils at any given altitude. The result of both linear and nonlinear regression analyses also confirms that MAP and MAT are the major factors affecting the 13C values of surface soils. In the absence of favorable moisture and temperature conditions, low pCO2 alone is not sufficient to cause the distinct changes in carbon isotope composition of modern soils in the Tibetan Plateau. This study provides some fundamental information on the carbon isotope composition of terrestrial carbon pools and bears some practical significance for the use of carbon isotope data to document vegetation changes and environmental conditions of the high plateau in the past.  相似文献   

The eddy correlation technique was employed to measure net ecosystem carbon dioxide (CO2) (NEE) and water vapor exchange (LE) over a C3/C4 co-occurring wet temperate Miscanthus-type grassland in the Kanto plain of Japan in the 1999 growing season. The maximal mean canopy height and maximal leaf area index were 1.0m and 5.5, respectively. The daily maximal LE was approximately 540Wm–2. The maximum value of daily accumulative LE was 16.3MJday–1. Daily variation of the decoupling factor () suggests that in the morning LE decoupled with the atmosphere, and the available energy was the major driving force for LE, whereas in the afternoon LE coupled strongly with the atmosphere, and the atmospheric evaporative demand played a critical role in LE. The decline in (from 0.8 to 0.5) with the growing season demonstrates that LE decoupled from the atmosphere in the later growth season. The peak NEE value was 57.4µmolCO2m–2s–1 (the positive value signifies the canopy carbon gain was from the air). The maximal daily integrated NEE was 1.06molCO2m–2day–1 observed during the peak growth stage. A rectangular hyperbolic model was used to describe the relation between daytime NEE and incident photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD). The net ecosystem CO2 was not light-saturated up to a PPFD level of 2000µmol m–2s–1. The initial slope estimated with the NEE–PPFD response model was approximately 0.042molCO2mol–1photon on average. The canopy light compensation point ranged from 210 to 430µmolm–2s–1 with an average of approximately 310µmolm–2s–1. Both the initial slope and the canopy light compensation point decreased as the canopy senesced. The switch in dominance from C3 to C4 plants played an important role in the canopy fluxes.  相似文献   

The brain microdialysis technique has been used to examine the in vivo effects of the neurotoxin domoic acid (an ionotropic glutamate receptor agonist) on dopamine (DA) release in the striatum of conscious and freely moving rats. Local application of domoic acid (500M) through the microdialysis probe produced an increase in striatal DA content (597±96% with respect to basal levels). The release of DA induced by domoic acid was not attenuated in a Ca+2-free medium (469±59%) or after pretreatment with 10mg/kg reserpine (533±79%). Intrastriatal infusion of 1M tetrodotoxin (TTX) partially reduced the domoic acid–evoked DA release (278±34%). Moreover, domoic acid perfusion had no effect on K+-evoked DA release. The results suggest that domoic acid increases the striatal DA release according to a reserpine-independent, calcium-independent and partially TTX-insensitive mechanism, suggesting that these effects probably involve a nonexocytotic process. On the other hand, the inhibitor of DA uptake nomifensine (10M) reduced the domoic acid–evoked DA release (356±59%), suggesting that a carrier-dependent mechanism could be involved in the effect of domoic acid on the striatal DA levels.  相似文献   

Eleven postflexion larvae (9.1–23.9mm standard length: SL) of a bothid, Arnoglossus elongatus, from northwestern Australian waters were described. These specimens were characterized by vertebral numbers of 11–12+32–34=43–45, slender body, remarkably elongated second dorsal fin ray, and presence of melanophores on and slightly above midlateral line of body, plus on dorsal wall of abdominal cavity and air bladder (specimens >12.6mm SL), proximally on caudal fin rays (>16.5mm SL), and on pterygiophore zones of dorsal fin and anal fin (>23.8mm SL).  相似文献   

Planktonic microbial interactions in the central basin of Lake Baikal were examined on a summer day in 1999. The subsurface maxima of bacterial abundance and chlorophyll concentration were recorded at the same depth, whereas the vertical distribution of heterotrophic nanoflagellates was the inverse of those of bacteria and picophytoplankton. Release of extracellular organic car-bon (EOC) from phytoplankton was estimated by the NaH14CO3 method as 2.4µgCl–1day–1. Bacterial production (4.3µgCl–1day–1), estimated in a bottle incubation experiment using size-fractionated water samples, exceeded the EOC released. Thus, other supplying sources of organic matter are needed for the bacterial production. Grazing (2.6µgCl–1day–1) was also estimated in the experiment and accounted for 60% of the bacterial production. This is the first report on the microbial food web in the central basin of Lake Baikal.  相似文献   

Early-stage morphologies of the mandarinfish Siniperca chuatsi are described on the basis of an ontogenetic series of reared specimens in an aquarium. Spherical eggs (diameter 1.70–1.82mm) with a single oil globule (0.40–0.48mm) were free-demersal and easily floated when agitated. Hatching occurred about 3 days after spawning at about 24°C. Newly hatched larvae (3.8–4.2mm in notochord length: NL) had many melanophores on the yolk sac. After reaching ca. 5.5mm NL (8–9+19–20=27–28 myomeres), larvae had almost completely absorbed the yolk, possessed a large mouth and sharp teeth, and were starting to prey on other fish larvae. Three large preopercle spines appeared at ca. 5.5mm NL, five spines by ca. 8.5mm NL, and eight by ca. 21mm in standard length (SL). The interopercle bore a single spine at ca. 8.5mm NL and two spines at ca. 13.5mm SL. A single spine appeared at the supracleithrum and another at the opercle at ca. 10mm SL. Dorsal fin spines and pelvic, anal, and caudal fins were completed at ca. 10mm SL. Dorsal fin rays and pectoral fins were completed at ca. 13.5mm SL. Four ontogenetic characters (free-demersal eggs, large jaws with large teeth, conspicuous head spination, and precocious completion of dorsal fin spines) are rare among freshwater percoids.  相似文献   

Inoculation of sugar mill by-products compost with N2-fixing bacteria may improve its quality by increasing total N and available P. Compost was inoculated with Azotobacter vinelandii(ATCC 478), Beijerinckia derxii (ATCC 49361), and Azospirillumsp. TS8, each alone and all three together. Numbers of all N2-fixing bacteria in compost declined from an initial population of 5×105cellsg–1 during incubation. The population of Azotobacter declined to approximately 2×102cellsg–1 and the population of Beijerinckia and Azospirillum declined to approximately 9×103 and 3.5×104cellsg–1 respectively, at day 50. Inoculation with N2-fixing bacteria increased acetylene reduction, total N by 6–16 and available P by 25–30% in comparison to the uninoculated control. Increasing the N content and P availability of compost increases its value and there may be additional benefit from providing N2 fixing bacteria.  相似文献   

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