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A preliminary account is given of the jump of the click beetle, Athous haemorrhoidalis (F.). The jump is normally made from an inverted position. It involves a jack-knifing movement whereby a prosternal peg is slid very rapidly down a smooth track into a mesosternal pit. The muscles which produce this movement are allowed to build up tension by a friction hold on the dorsal side of the peg. The anatomy of this jumping mechanism is briefly described. Ciné recording showed that the jump was usually nearly vertical and could exceed 0.3m in height; the beetle normally rotated several times head over tail during a jump. The jump was produced by a very rapid upwards movement of the beetle's centre of gravity during the jack-knifing action. In a typical jump, a 4 × 10−5 kg beetle could be subjected to an upwards acceleration of 3800 m/s−2 (380 g). The minimum work done and the power output of the muscles causing jumping have been calculated. A simple mechanical model has been constructed to simulate a jump, and several possible ways in which the jumping mechanism could operate have been discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2023,26(2):102045
Thambus planifrons Muona & Meng sp. nov. and Otho rutriclypeus Muona & Meng sp. nov. are described from China. Both genera are recorded for the first time from China. Except for the European T. friwaldszkyi Bonvouloir, 1871, and the Japanese T. curvicaria Hisamatsu, 1956, all other previously known species belonging to Otho were from the Americas. Eight Otho species have been described from disparate parts of Asia earlier.urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:10B667F6-F11E-454B-9653-D66A2D7ABFA1.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of the Elateridae subfamily Thylacosterninae was studied using morphological characters and mitochondrial 16S rDNA sequences. Five monophyletic groups were recovered: the Asian Cussolenis , the American Pterotarsus , Balgus and Thylacosternus , and the African " Cussolenis ", which is described here as Lumumbaia new genus Muona & Vahtera (type-species Cussolenis attenuatus Fleutiaux, 1925). The following new combinations are made: Lumumbaia africanus (Fleutiaux, 1897) [ Soleniscus ], Lumumbaia praeustus (Fleutiaux, 1926) [ Cussolenis ], Lumumbaia nigripes (Fleutiaux, 1926) [ Cussolenis ], Lumumbaia robustus (Fleutiaux, 1925) [ Cussolenis ], Lumumbaia attenuatus (Fleutiaux, 1925) [ Cussolenis ] and Lumumbaia notabilis (Fleutiaux, 1926) [ Cussolenis ]. A key to the genera of the subfamily is provided. The data were efficient in recovering generic limits within the group. At species level the mitochondrial 16S rDNA data seemed to work unpredictably, either agreeing or not with traditional species-level limits based on male genitalia and body structure. The evolution of bioluminescence is optimized as a feature originating in the ancestors of clicking elateroids.  © The Willi Hennig Society 2009.  相似文献   

The typology, number and placement of antennal sensilla of the click beetle Melanotus villosus (Geoffroy) (Coleoptera: Elateridae) were studied using scanning electron microscopy. On both the males and females the antennae are made up of the scape, pedicel and nine flagellomeres. Two types of basiconic sensilla, three types of trichoid sensilla, one type of styloconic sensilla, one type of chetoid sensilla, dome-shaped sensilla, grooved pegs, and Böhm sensilla all appear on the antennae of the beetles of both sexes, with the exception of trichoid sensilla type II, whose large number (average of 1635 hairs per antenna) was found only in male beetles. Sensilla trichodea type II evidently respond to the sex pheromone produced by the female beetle. Unlike the other two click beetles, studied up till now, Agriotes obscurus and Limonius aeruginosus, the trichoid and basiconic sensilla of M. villosus, whose proven or assumed function is olfactory, are located predominantly on the flagellomeres ventral extensions. It is assumed that the placement of the olfactory sensilla, mainly on the ventral side of M. villosuss antennae, and their more or less even distribution on the flagellomeres, can be seen as morphological adaptation of this species of insect, whose specific behavioural reaction of olfactory searching is flying, both before and after contact with an odour plume.  相似文献   

Although the taxonomy of click beetles (family Elateridae) has been studied extensively, inconsistencies remain. We examine here the relationships between species of Elateridae based on partial sequences of nuclear 28S ribosomal DNA. Specimens were collected primarily from Japan, while luminous click beetles were also sampled from Central and South America to investigate the origins of bioluminescence in Elateridae. Neighbor-joining, maximum-parsimony, and maximum-likelihood analyses produced a consistent basal topology with high statistical support that is partially congruent with the results of previous investigations based on the morphological characteristics of larvae and adults. The most parsimonious reconstruction of the "luminous" and "nonluminous" states, based on the present molecular phylogeny, indicates that the ancestral state of Elateridae was nonluminous. This suggests that the bioluminescence in click beetle evolved independent of that of other luminous beetles, such as Lampyridae, despite their common mechanisms of bioluminescence.  相似文献   


The food preferences and rates of growth of the omnivorous pasture wireworm, Conoderus exsul (Sharp) were studied. Larvae of soil-living insects were preferred to germinating maize seed, and wireworm growth rate was greater on insect compared with plant food. In glasshouse pot trials, wireworms increased their attack rate as the density of grass grub (Costelytra zealandica (White)) or white-fringed weevil (Graphthognathus leucoloma Boheman) larvae was increased. In field experiments that compared grass grub numbers in cages accessible to wireworms or protected from predators, predation varied with season from a low of 15% in late summer up to 82% in late autumn. White-fringed weevil larval mortality was increased by addition of wireworms in two field experiments, but not affected in a third trial where initial white-fringed weevil density was low. Grass grub mortality was increased by the presence of wireworms in field plots. Adult C. exsul were observed feeding on sweetcorn pollen.  相似文献   

Abstract Wireworms (Coleoptera: Elateridae) damage the eyes and young shoots of germinating cane setts in many growing regions. Insecticides can be applied at planting to avoid damage. However, there are no guidelines for deciding on whether treatment is warranted and a sampling method to detect wireworms before planting has not been developed. Baits of rolled oats were tested as a method for detecting wireworms in preplant fallows. In 1995 at Bundaberg, the reduction in crop establishment when treatment was withheld was positively correlated with the catch of wireworms at baits before planting. However, no similar relationship was seen in 1996 or at Mackay in either 1995 or 1996: severe damage was recorded on one farm at Mackay where no wireworms had been found. A sampling plan was developed to estimate wireworm numbers at baits with a fixed level of precision. Wireworms collected at the baits and in samples from established canefields in Queensland and New South Wales included five named and 21 unnamed species from five genera, the most abundant being Agrypnus , Conoderus and Heteroderes . Possible barriers to the adoption of baiting as a decision-support tool are discussed. Development of a reliable monitoring system would require considerably more research, which could not be justified at present.  相似文献   

Little is known about the natural enemies of wireworms (Coleoptera: Elateridae), but there are frequent anecdotal reports of (usually unnamed) stiletto fly larvae (Diptera: Therevidae) preying on various species. We observed larvae of Thereva nobilitata (Fabricius) feeding on larvae of the dusky wireworm, Agriotes obscurus L., during the summer of 2011, in Agassiz, British Columbia. This finding is of interest as: both the predator and the wireworm are introduced species to this area from Europe; T. nobilitata is uncommon in North America; and this predator has not been associated with any wireworm species previously. We observed that larvae of male and female T. nobilitata will feed on various sizes of A. obscurus larvae, most feeding being carried out by the smallest T. nobilitata larvae. These findings suggest future work should assess the potential for therevid larvae as top‐down regulators of Agriotes larvae under field conditions.  相似文献   

A new tribe, two new genera, and seven new species of click beetles are described: Pollostelaterini, trib. nov., Pollostelater baissensis, gen. et sp. nov. from the Lower Cretaceous of Transbaikalia (Baisa locality), five new species in the genus Cryptocoelus Dolin et Nel C. sinitshenkovae, sp. nov. (Romanovka locality), C. shcherbakovi, sp. nov., C. baissensis, sp. nov., C. lukashevichae, sp. nov., C. dolini, sp. nov. (all from Baisa locality), and Turonelater giganteus, gen. et sp. nov. from the Turonian of Southern Kazakhstan (Kzyl-Dzhar locality).  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》1999,2(1):15-18
Two new species, M. insularis sp. nov. and M. woonhahi sp. nov., of the genus Melanotus Eschscholtz from Korea are described. The external characteristics of both species are similar to a Japanese species, M. senilis Candeze. In addition to the difference of male genitalia, however, M. insularis can be distinguished by the strong body punctures from M. woonhahi and by short antennae and small and sparse body puncture from M. senilis.  相似文献   

Click beetles (Coleoptera: Elateridae) represent one of the largest groups of beetle insects. Some click beetles in larval form, known as wireworms, are destructive agricultural pests. Morphological identification of click beetles is generally difficult and requires taxonomic expertise. This study reports on the DNA barcoding of Japanese click beetles to enable their rapid and accurate identification. We collected and assembled 762 cytochrome oxidase subunit I barcode sequences from 275 species, which cover approximately 75% of the common species found on the Japanese main island, Honshu. This barcode library also contains 20 out of the 21 potential pest species recorded in Japan. Our analysis shows that most morphologically identified species form distinct phylogenetic clusters separated from each other by large molecular distances. This supports the general usefulness of the DNA barcoding approach for quick and reliable identification of Japanese elaterid species for environmental impact assessment, agricultural pest control, and biodiversity analysis. On the other hand, the taxonomic boundary in dozens of species did not agree with the boundary of barcode index numbers (a criterion for sequence-based species delimitation). These findings urge taxonomic reinvestigation of these mismatched taxa.  相似文献   

饥饿胁迫对褐纹金针虫生理特征的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】褐纹金针虫Melanotus caudex发生为害日趋严重。本研究分析饥饿环境条件下褐纹金针虫的生理特征变化,以期揭示其饥饿胁迫下的生理和生态适应对策。【方法】以2-3龄幼虫为试验的起始对象,以喂食小麦(中旱101)苗的褐纹金针虫为对照,在土壤和蛭石两种饲养环境条件下测定不同饥饿时期金针虫的存活率、活动性、蜕皮次数、体重、含水量及呼吸率的变化。【结果】饥饿胁迫下褐纹金针虫存活率、蜕皮次数与喂食(对照)组之间无显著差异,在饥饿120 d的情况下仍有90%以上的存活率,蜕皮次数10次左右,试虫在触碰时全部具有活动性。土壤和蛭石环境饥饿胁迫下褐纹金针虫的鲜重、干重分别呈下降趋势,与喂食组相比存在显著差异。处理120 d时,土壤和蛭石环境饥饿褐纹金针虫的含水量分别达到72.52%和72.22%,相应对照组的含水量分别为49.01%和51.37%,饥饿组含水量较喂食对照组显著升高。随饥饿处理时间的延长褐纹金针虫呼吸率表现为显著下降趋势,土壤和蛭石环境饥饿胁迫下褐纹金针虫的CO2释放率分别下降了62.11%和60.46%。【结论】褐纹金针虫具有较强的耐饥饿能力,在饥饿胁迫下可通过降低呼吸代谢的生理对策维持其生长发育(正常蜕皮)。  相似文献   

The subfamily Denticollinae is a taxonomically diverse group in the family Elateridae. Denticollinae includes many morphologically similar species and crop pests, as well as many undescribed species at each local fauna. To construct a rapid and reliable identification system for this subfamily, the effectiveness of molecular species identification was assessed based on 421 cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) sequences of 84 morphologically identified species. Among the 84 morphospecies, molecular species identification of 60 species (71.4%) was consistent with their morphological identifications. Six cryptic and/or pseudocryptic species with large genetic divergence (>5%) were confirmed by their sympatric or allopatric distributions. However, 18 species, including a subspecies, had ambiguous genetic distances and shared overlapping intra- and interspecific genetic distances (range: 2.12%–3.67%) suggesting incomplete lineage sorting, introgression of mitochondrial genome, or affection by endosymbionts, such as Wolbachia infection, between species and simple genetic variation within species. In this study, we propose a conservative threshold of 3.6% for convenient molecular operational taxonomic unit (MOTU) identification in the subfamily Denticollinae based on the results of pairwise genetic distances analyses using neighbor-joining, mothur, Automatic Barcode Gap Discovery analysis, and tree-based species delimitation by Poisson Tree Processes analysis. Using the 3.6% threshold, we identified 87 MOTUs and found 8 MOTUs in the interval between 2.5% to 3.5%. Evaluation of MOTUs identified in this range requires integrative species delimitation, including review of morphological and ecological differences as well as sensitive genetic markers. From this study, we confirmed that COI sequence is useful for reassessing species diversity for polymorphic and polytypic species occurring in sympatric and allopatric distributions, and for a single species having an extensively large habitat.  相似文献   


The genus Metablax is endemic to New Zealand. The fauna falls into 2 distinct species‐groups, here designated the acutipennis‐group (acutipennis, brouni) and the approximans‐group (approximans, gourlayi n.sp., cinctiger). All taxa are described and illustrated, and a key is given for their separation. A typical Metablax larva is described and illustrated. The systematic position of the genus is discussed in relation to the Neotropical Campsosterninae, and on the basis of both adult and larval characters Metablax is here assigned to subfamily Campsosterninae.  相似文献   

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