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Recent advances in high throughput experiments and annotations via published literature have provided a wealth of interaction maps of several biomolecular networks, including metabolic, protein-protein, and protein-DNA interaction networks. The architecture of these molecular networks reveals important principles of cellular organization and molecular functions. Analyzing such networks, i.e., discovering dense regions in the network, is an important way to identify protein complexes and functional modules. This task has been formulated as the problem of finding heavy subgraphs, the heaviest k-subgraph problem (k-HSP), which itself is NP-hard. However, any method based on the k-HSP requires the parameter k and an exact solution of k-HSP may still end up as a "spurious" heavy subgraph, thus reducing its practicability in analyzing large scale biological networks. We proposed a new formulation, called the rank-HSP, and two dynamical systems to approximate its results. In addition, a novel metric, called the standard deviation and mean ratio (SMR), is proposed for use in "spurious" heavy subgraphs to automate the discovery by setting a fixed threshold. Empirical results on both the simulated graphs and biological networks have demonstrated the efficiency and effectiveness of our proposal  相似文献   

The rapid accumulation of biological network data is creating an urgent need for computational methods capable of integrative network analysis. This paper discusses a suite of algorithms that we have developed to discover biologically significant patterns that appear frequently in multiple biological networks: coherent dense subgraphs, frequent dense vertex-sets, generic frequent subgraphs, differential subgraphs, and recurrent heavy subgraphs. We demonstrate these methods on gene co-expression networks, using the identified patterns to systematically annotate gene functions, map genome to phenome, and perform high-order cooperativity analysis.  相似文献   

Real-world complex systems may be mathematically modeled as graphs, revealing properties of the system. Here we study graphs of functional brain organization in healthy adults using resting state functional connectivity MRI. We propose two novel brain-wide graphs, one of 264 putative functional areas, the other a modification of voxelwise networks that eliminates potentially artificial short-distance relationships. These graphs contain many subgraphs in good agreement with known functional brain systems. Other subgraphs lack established functional identities; we suggest possible functional characteristics for these subgraphs. Further, graph measures of the areal network indicate that the default mode subgraph shares network properties with sensory and motor subgraphs: it is internally integrated but isolated from other subgraphs, much like a "processing" system. The modified voxelwise graph also reveals spatial motifs in the patterning of systems across the cortex.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Identification of functional modules in protein interaction networks is a first step in understanding the organization and dynamics of cell functions. To ensure that the identified modules are biologically meaningful, network-partitioning algorithms should take into account not only topological features but also functional relationships, and identified modules should be rigorously validated. RESULTS: In this study we first integrate proteomics and microarray datasets and represent the yeast protein-protein interaction network as a weighted graph. We then extend a betweenness-based partition algorithm, and use it to identify 266 functional modules in the yeast proteome network. For validation we show that the functional modules are indeed densely connected subgraphs. In addition, genes in the same functional module confer a similar phenotype. Furthermore, known protein complexes are largely contained in the functional modules in their entirety. We also analyze an example of a functional module and show that functional modules can be useful for gene annotation. CONTACT: yuan.33@osu.edu SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.  相似文献   

We describe a computationally efficient statistical framework for estimating networks of coexpressed genes. This framework exploits first-order conditional independence relationships among gene-expression measurements to estimate patterns of association. We use this approach to estimate a coexpression network from microarray gene-expression measurements from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We demonstrate the biological utility of this approach by showing that a large number of metabolic pathways are coherently represented in the estimated network. We describe a complementary unsupervised graph search algorithm for discovering locally distinct subgraphs of a large weighted graph. We apply this algorithm to our coexpression network model and show that subgraphs found using this approach correspond to particular biological processes or contain representatives of distinct gene families.  相似文献   

The increasing interest in systems biology has resulted in extensive experimental data describing networks of interactions (or associations) between molecules in metabolism, protein-protein interactions and gene regulation. Comparative analysis of these networks is central to understanding biological systems. We report a novel method (PHUNKEE: Pairing subgrapHs Using NetworK Environment Equivalence) by which similar subgraphs in a pair of networks can be identified. Like other methods, PHUNKEE explicitly considers the graphical form of the data and allows for gaps. However, it is novel in that it includes information about the context of the subgraph within the adjacent network. We also explore a new approach to quantifying the statistical significance of matching subgraphs. We report similar subgraphs in metabolic pathways and in protein-protein interaction networks. The most similar metabolic subgraphs were generally found to occur in processes central to all life, such as purine, pyrimidine and amino acid metabolism. The most similar pairs of subgraphs found in the protein-protein interaction networks of Drosophila melanogaster and Saccharomyces cerevisiae also include central processes such as cell division but, interestingly, also include protein sub-networks involved in pre-mRNA processing. The inclusion of network context information in the comparison of protein interaction networks increased the number of similar subgraphs found consisting of proteins involved in the same functional process. This could have implications for the prediction of protein function.  相似文献   

Graph representations have been widely used to analyze and design various economic, social, military, political, and biological networks. In systems biology, networks of cells and organs are useful for understanding disease and medical treatments and, in structural biology, structures of molecules can be described, including RNA structures. In our RNA-As-Graphs (RAG) framework, we represent RNA structures as tree graphs by translating unpaired regions into vertices and helices into edges. Here we explore the modularity of RNA structures by applying graph partitioning known in graph theory to divide an RNA graph into subgraphs. To our knowledge, this is the first application of graph partitioning to biology, and the results suggest a systematic approach for modular design in general. The graph partitioning algorithms utilize mathematical properties of the Laplacian eigenvector (µ2) corresponding to the second eigenvalues (λ2) associated with the topology matrix defining the graph: λ2 describes the overall topology, and the sum of µ2′s components is zero. The three types of algorithms, termed median, sign, and gap cuts, divide a graph by determining nodes of cut by median, zero, and largest gap of µ2′s components, respectively. We apply these algorithms to 45 graphs corresponding to all solved RNA structures up through 11 vertices (∼220 nucleotides). While we observe that the median cut divides a graph into two similar-sized subgraphs, the sign and gap cuts partition a graph into two topologically-distinct subgraphs. We find that the gap cut produces the best biologically-relevant partitioning for RNA because it divides RNAs at less stable connections while maintaining junctions intact. The iterative gap cuts suggest basic modules and assembly protocols to design large RNA structures. Our graph substructuring thus suggests a systematic approach to explore the modularity of biological networks. In our applications to RNA structures, subgraphs also suggest design strategies for novel RNA motifs.  相似文献   



Finding the subgraphs of a graph database that are isomorphic to a given query graph has practical applications in several fields, from cheminformatics to image understanding. Since subgraph isomorphism is a computationally hard problem, indexing techniques have been intensively exploited to speed up the process. Such systems filter out those graphs which cannot contain the query, and apply a subgraph isomorphism algorithm to each residual candidate graph. The applicability of such systems is limited to databases of small graphs, because their filtering power degrades on large graphs.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Biological and engineered networks have recently been shown to display network motifs: a small set of characteristic patterns that occur much more frequently than in randomized networks with the same degree sequence. Network motifs were demonstrated to play key information processing roles in biological regulation networks. Existing algorithms for detecting network motifs act by exhaustively enumerating all subgraphs with a given number of nodes in the network. The runtime of such algorithms increases strongly with network size. Here, we present a novel algorithm that allows estimation of subgraph concentrations and detection of network motifs at a runtime that is asymptotically independent of the network size. This algorithm is based on random sampling of subgraphs. Network motifs are detected with a surprisingly small number of samples in a wide variety of networks. Our method can be applied to estimate the concentrations of larger subgraphs in larger networks than was previously possible with exhaustive enumeration algorithms. We present results for high-order motifs in several biological networks and discuss their possible functions. AVAILABILITY: A software tool for estimating subgraph concentrations and detecting network motifs (mfinder 1.1) and further information is available at http://www.weizmann.ac.il/mcb/UriAlon/  相似文献   

A motif in a network is a connected graph that occurs significantly more frequently as an induced subgraph than would be expected in a similar randomized network. By virtue of being atypical, it is thought that motifs might play a more important role than arbitrary subgraphs. Recently, a flurry of advances in the study of network motifs has created demand for faster computational means for identifying motifs in increasingly larger networks. Motif detection is typically performed by enumerating subgraphs in an input network and in an ensemble of comparison networks; this poses a significant computational problem. Classifying the subgraphs encountered, for instance, is typically performed using a graph canonical labeling package, such as Nauty, and will typically be called billions of times. In this article, we describe an implementation of a network motif detection package, which we call NetMODE. NetMODE can only perform motif detection for -node subgraphs when , but does so without the use of Nauty. To avoid using Nauty, NetMODE has an initial pretreatment phase, where -node graph data is stored in memory (). For we take a novel approach, which relates to the Reconstruction Conjecture for directed graphs. We find that NetMODE can perform up to around times faster than its predecessors when and up to around times faster when (the exact improvement varies considerably). NetMODE also (a) includes a method for generating comparison graphs uniformly at random, (b) can interface with external packages (e.g. R), and (c) can utilize multi-core architectures. NetMODE is available from netmode.sf.net.  相似文献   

Dense subgraphs of Protein-Protein Interaction (PPI) graphs are assumed to be potential functional modules and play an important role in inferring the functional behavior of proteins. Increasing amount of available PPI data implies a fast, accurate approach of biological complex identification. Therefore, there are different models and algorithms in identifying functional modules. This paper describes a new graph theoretic clustering algorithm that detects densely connected regions in a large PPI graph. The method is based on finding bounded diameter subgraphs around a seed node. The algorithm has the advantage of being very simple and efficient when compared with other graph clustering methods. This algorithm is tested on the yeast PPI graph and the results are compared with MCL, Core-Attachment, and MCODE algorithms.  相似文献   

We find recurring amino-acid residue packing patterns, or spatial motifs, that are characteristic of protein structural families, by applying a novel frequent subgraph mining algorithm to graph representations of protein three-dimensional structure. Graph nodes represent amino acids, and edges are chosen in one of three ways: first, using a threshold for contact distance between residues; second, using Delaunay tessellation; and third, using the recently developed almost-Delaunay edges. For a set of graphs representing a protein family from the Structural Classification of Proteins (SCOP) database, subgraph mining typically identifies several hundred common subgraphs corresponding to spatial motifs that are frequently found in proteins in the family but rarely found outside of it. We find that some of the large motifs map onto known functional regions in two protein families explored in this study, i.e., serine proteases and kinases. We find that graphs based on almost-Delaunay edges significantly reduce the number of edges in the graph representation and hence present computational advantage, yet the patterns extracted from such graphs have a biological interpretation approximately equivalent to that of those extracted from distance based graphs.  相似文献   



Protein-protein interactions (PPIs) play fundamental roles in nearly all biological processes. The systematic analysis of PPI networks can enable a great understanding of cellular organization, processes and function. In this paper, we investigate the problem of protein complex detection from noisy protein interaction data, i.e., finding the subsets of proteins that are closely coupled via protein interactions. However, protein complexes are likely to overlap and the interaction data are very noisy. It is a great challenge to effectively analyze the massive data for biologically meaningful protein complex detection.


Many people try to solve the problem by using the traditional unsupervised graph clustering methods. Here, we stand from a different point of view, redefining the properties and features for protein complexes and designing a “semi-supervised” method to analyze the problem. In this paper, we utilize the neural network with the “semi-supervised” mechanism to detect the protein complexes. By retraining the neural network model recursively, we could find the optimized parameters for the model, in such a way we can successfully detect the protein complexes. The comparison results show that our algorithm could identify protein complexes that are missed by other methods. We also have shown that our method achieve better precision and recall rates for the identified protein complexes than other existing methods. In addition, the framework we proposed is easy to be extended in the future.


Using a weighted network to represent the protein interaction network is more appropriate than using a traditional unweighted network. In addition, integrating biological features and topological features to represent protein complexes is more meaningful than using dense subgraphs. Last, the “semi-supervised” learning model is a promising model to detect protein complexes with more biological and topological features available.

Complex networks are frequently characterized by metrics for which particular subgraphs are counted. One statistic from this category, which we refer to as motif-role fingerprints, differs from global subgraph counts in that the number of subgraphs in which each node participates is counted. As with global subgraph counts, it can be important to distinguish between motif-role fingerprints that are ‘structural’ (induced subgraphs) and ‘functional’ (partial subgraphs). Here we show mathematically that a vector of all functional motif-role fingerprints can readily be obtained from an arbitrary directed adjacency matrix, and then converted to structural motif-role fingerprints by multiplying that vector by a specific invertible conversion matrix. This result demonstrates that a unique structural motif-role fingerprint exists for any given functional motif-role fingerprint. We demonstrate a similar result for the cases of functional and structural motif-fingerprints without node roles, and global subgraph counts that form the basis of standard motif analysis. We also explicitly highlight that motif-role fingerprints are elemental to several popular metrics for quantifying the subgraph structure of directed complex networks, including motif distributions, directed clustering coefficient, and transitivity. The relationships between each of these metrics and motif-role fingerprints also suggest new subtypes of directed clustering coefficients and transitivities. Our results have potential utility in analyzing directed synaptic networks constructed from neuronal connectome data, such as in terms of centrality. Other potential applications include anomaly detection in networks, identification of similar networks and identification of similar nodes within networks. Matlab code for calculating all stated metrics following calculation of functional motif-role fingerprints is provided as S1 Matlab File.  相似文献   



One of the most time-consuming tasks after performing a gene expression experiment is the biological interpretation of the results by identifying physiologically important associations between the differentially expressed genes. A large part of the relevant functional evidence can be represented in the form of graphs, e.g. metabolic and signaling pathways, protein interaction maps, shared GeneOntology annotations, or literature co-citation relations. Such graphs are easily constructed from available genome annotation data. The problem of biological interpretation can then be described as identifying the subgraphs showing the most significant patterns of gene expression. We applied a graph-based extension of our iterative Group Analysis (iGA) approach to obtain a statistically rigorous identification of the subgraphs of interest in any evidence graph.  相似文献   

A statistically principled way of conducting brain network analysis is still lacking. Comparison of different populations of brain networks is hard because topology is inherently dependent on wiring cost, where cost is defined as the number of edges in an unweighted graph. In this paper, we evaluate the benefits and limitations associated with using cost-integrated topological metrics. Our focus is on comparing populations of weighted undirected graphs that differ in mean association weight, using global efficiency. Our key result shows that integrating over cost is equivalent to controlling for any monotonic transformation of the weight set of a weighted graph. That is, when integrating over cost, we eliminate the differences in topology that may be due to a monotonic transformation of the weight set. Our result holds for any unweighted topological measure, and for any choice of distribution over cost levels. Cost-integration is therefore helpful in disentangling differences in cost from differences in topology. By contrast, we show that the use of the weighted version of a topological metric is generally not a valid approach to this problem. Indeed, we prove that, under weak conditions, the use of the weighted version of global efficiency is equivalent to simply comparing weighted costs. Thus, we recommend the reporting of (i) differences in weighted costs and (ii) differences in cost-integrated topological measures with respect to different distributions over the cost domain. We demonstrate the application of these techniques in a re-analysis of an fMRI working memory task. We also provide a Monte Carlo method for approximating cost-integrated topological measures. Finally, we discuss the limitations of integrating topology over cost, which may pose problems when some weights are zero, when multiplicities exist in the ranks of the weights, and when one expects subtle cost-dependent topological differences, which could be masked by cost-integration.  相似文献   

Metabolic networks of many cellular organisms share global statistical features. Their connectivity distributions follow the long-tailed power law and show the small-world property. In addition, their modular structures are organized in a hierarchical manner. Although the global topological organization of metabolic networks is well understood, their local structural organization is still not clear. Investigating local properties of metabolic networks is necessary to understand the nature of metabolism in living organisms. To identify the local structural organization of metabolic networks, we analysed the subgraphs of metabolic networks of 43 organisms from three domains of life. We first identified the network motifs of metabolic networks and identified the statistically significant subgraph patterns. We then compared metabolic networks from different domains and found that they have similar local structures and that the local structure of each metabolic network has its own taxonomical meaning. Organisms closer in taxonomy showed similar local structures. In addition, the common substrates of 43 metabolic networks were not randomly distributed, but were more likely to be constituents of cohesive subgraph patterns.  相似文献   

Subgraph matching algorithms are designed to find all instances of predefined subgraphs in a large graph or network and play an important role in the discovery and analysis of so-called network motifs, subgraph patterns which occur more often than expected by chance. We present the index-based subgraph matching algorithm (ISMA), a novel tree-based algorithm. ISMA realizes a speedup compared to existing algorithms by carefully selecting the order in which the nodes of a query subgraph are investigated. In order to achieve this, we developed a number of data structures and maximally exploited symmetry characteristics of the subgraph. We compared ISMA to a naive recursive tree-based algorithm and to a number of well-known subgraph matching algorithms. Our algorithm outperforms the other algorithms, especially on large networks and with large query subgraphs. An implementation of ISMA in Java is freely available at http://sourceforge.net/projects/isma/.  相似文献   

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