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We studied the characteristics of the rhythmicity of heart rate (HR), body temperature (BT), and locomotor activity (LA) in conscious and unrestrained guinea pigs using a telemetry system. HR and/or LA in some guinea pigs clearly showed circadian rhythms, but in others there were no significant daily patterns; BT did not show significant daily rhythms. These results suggest that guinea pigs might have different individual characteristics of rhythmicity, and we should, therefore, be careful when using guinea pigs in chrono-biomedical research. We believe that the results of this study may be useful for future biomedical studies using guinea pigs.  相似文献   

Marmosets, Saguinus oedipus oedipus and S. fuscicollis, have been shown to have a diurnal heart rate pattern that has a marked difference between high and low values (about 55 beats/minute) and shows a low point during daylight hours around 1300–1400 hours. A similar pattern for body temperature was seen. A species difference existed; the larger S. o. oedipus has a higher heart rate during both light and dark periods. All measurements were made on undisturbed animals at hourly intervals using radiotelemetry. They were kept in a controlled environment with a light cycle of 12L: 12D and a temperature of 27 ± 1°C.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms of body temperature, heart rate, and locomotor activity were observed in the unanesthetized and unrestrained Syrian hamsters, Djungarian hamsters and Chinese hamsters, and the differences in these biological characters among the three species of hamster were investigated. In each species, body temperature, heart rate, and locomotor activity in the dark period were higher than those in the light period. Heart rate of Chinese hamsters was higher than that of the others in both the light and dark periods. In addition, it was found that the body temperature of Djungarian hamsters decreased rapidly one time a day. These results show species differences in body temperature, heart rate and locomotor activity of Syrian, Djungarian and Chinese hamsters.  相似文献   

The effects of food on biological rhythms may influence the findings of chronopharmacological studies. The present study evaluated the influence of a restricted food access during the rest (light) span of nocturnally active Wistar rats on the 24 h time organization of biological functions in terms of the circadian rhythms of temperature (T), heart rate (HR), and locomotor activity (LA) in preparation for subsequent studies aimed at evaluating the influence of timed food access on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of medications. Ten-wk-old male Wistar rats were housed under controlled 12:12 h light:dark (LD) environmental conditions. Food and water were available ad libitum, excepted during a 3 wk period of restriction. Radiotelemetry transmitters were implanted to record daily rhythms in T, HR, and LA. The study lasted 7 wk and began after a 21-d recovery span following surgery. Control baseline data were collected during the first wk (W1). The second span of 3 wk duration (W2 to W4) consisted of the restricted feeding regimen (only 3 h access to food between 11:00 and 14:00 h daily) during the L (rest span) under 12:12 h LD conditions. The third period of 3 wk duration (W5 to W7) consisted of the recovery span with ad libitium normal feeding. Weight loss in the amount of 5% of baseline was observed during W1 with stabilization of body weight thereafter during the remaining 2 wk of food restriction. The 3 h restricted food access during the L rest span induced a partial loss of circadian rhythmicity and the emergence of 12 h rhythms in T, HR, and LA. Return to ad libitum feeding conditions restored circadian rhythmicity in the manner evidenced during the baseline control span. Moreover, the MESORS and amplitudes of the T, HR, and LA 24 h patterns were significantly attenuated during food restriction (p < 0.001) and then returned to initial values during recovery. These changes may be interpreted as a masking effect, since T, HR, and LA are known to directly react to food intake. The consequences of such findings on the methods used to conduct chronokinetic studies, such as the fasting of animals the day before testing, are important since they may alter the temporal structure of the organism receiving the drug and thereby compromise findings.  相似文献   

Skin temperature measurements of the face have shown that the cheek cools faster than the nose and the nose faster than the forehead. The cooling effect of wind is maximum at wind speeds between 4.5 and 6.7 m/s. Cold winds produce significant bradycardia, which is, however, much more pronounced during the expiratory phase of respiration. A significant correlation was noted between cooling of face and the reflex bradycardia observed. Similarly, a very significant correlation was noted between drop in skin temperature and subjective evaluation of cold discomfort. Consequently, the drop in skin temperature, reflex bradycardia, and subjective evaluation are parameters which are directly affected by cold wind and can be used as adequate indicators of the degree of discomfort. When comparing the present results with the windchill index, it was found that in the zone described as "dangerously cold" the index fits well with the physiological measurements. In the zone described as "bitterly cold," the index by comparison with actual skin temperature measurements and subjective evaluation underestimates the cooling effects of combined temperature and wind by approximately 10 degrees C.  相似文献   

We investigated the changes in autonomic nervous activity, body temperature, blood pressure (BP), and heart rate (HR) after intake of the non-pungent pepper CH-19 Sweet and of hot red pepper in humans to elucidate the mechanisms of diet-induced thermogenesis (DIT) due to CH-19 Sweet. We found that CH-19 Sweet activates the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and enhances thermogenesis as effectively as hot red pepper, ant that the heat loss effect due to CH-19 Sweet is weaker than that due to hot red pepper. Furthermore, we found that intake of CH-19 Sweet does not affect systolic BP or HR, while hot red pepper transiently elevates them. These results indicate that DIT due to CH-19 Sweet can be induced via the activation of SNS as well as hot red pepper, but that the changes in BP, HR, and heat loss effect are different between these peppers.  相似文献   

We asked whether, during the postnatal period, the daily patterns of body temperature (Tb), heart rate (HR) and breathing frequency (f) begin and develop in synchrony. To this end, measurements of HR, f and Tb were performed weekly, on two consecutive days, for the first two postnatal months on puppies of three breeds of dogs (Rottweiler, Cocker Spaniel and Carlino dogs) with very different birth weights and postnatal growth patterns. Ambient conditions and feeding habits were constant for all puppies. The results indicated that (1) the 24-h average Tb increased and average HR and f decreased with growth, (2) the daily rhythms in Tb were apparent by 4 weeks, irrespective of the puppy’s growth pattern, (3) the daily rhythm of Tb in the puppy was not necessarily following that of the mother; in fact, it could anticipate it. (4) The daily rhythms in HR and f were not apparent for the whole study period. We conclude that in neonatal dogs the onset of the daily rhythms of Tb has no obvious relationship with body size or rate of growth and is not cued by the maternal Tb rhythm. The daily rhythms of HR and f do not appear before 2 months of age. Hence, they are not in synchrony with those of Tb.  相似文献   

Buprenorphine is a potent analgesic commonly used clinically in humans and rodents experiencing severe pain. However, effects of therapeutic doses on locomotor activity and the cardiovascular system have not been studied in conscious animals. The effects of buprenorphine were therefore evaluated in this study using telemetric monitoring in conscious animals. Telemetry transmitters were implanted in the peritoneal cavity of Wistar rats with a pressure catheter in the aorta and electrodes for electrocardiogram (ECG) recording subcutaneously. After a single subcutaneous administration of saline, each rat was administered single subcutaneous doses of 0.006, 0.03 or 0.15 mg/kg body weight (bw) of buprenorphine. During a 10 h period after administration, buprenorphine induced a varying dose-dependent increase in body temperature, heart rate, dP/dt and systolic-diastolic blood pressure, as well as a corresponding decrease in QT time. At high dose, however, QT time was still decreased 24 h post-administration, but no arrhythmias or visual changes were observed in the ECG complex. Body temperature and heart rate increased at the high dose of buprenorphine, even at 20-24 h after administration. Moreover, the high dose of buprenorphine induced a biphasic response in diastolic blood pressure, with an early and pronounced increase that, at 14 h after administration, reversed to a decrease, failing to normalize within 24 h post-dosage. The results indicate that buprenorphine induces long-lasting effects (such as body temperature and cardiovascular effects) in the rat after a single subcutaneous dose at 0.15 mg/kg bw.  相似文献   

Diurnal fluctuations of heart rate (HR), body temperature (BT) and locomotor activity (LA) in the unanaesthetized and unrestrained house musk shrew (Suncus murinus) were studied using a telemetry system. Six adult male shrews (Jic:SUN) weighing 60-70 g were used in the present study. They were housed under conditions of 24 C and a 12/12-hr light-dark cycle. HR, BT and LA were recorded over 10 days, following the post-implantation period (10 days or more) of the telemetric transmitter. A clear nocturnal rhythm of LA was shown, while intermittent and short-term LA were shown during the light period. The mean HR was 323.5 +/- 8.8 bpm in the light period and 354.3 +/- 5.2 bpm in the dark period, and the fluctuation of HR showed a nocturnal pattern. A nocturnal pattern was also observed in BT fluctuation, and all animals lowered their body temperature from 35-37 C to approximately 30 C or below, mostly during the light period. The fall of body temperature progressed over 2-3 hr, and then rose to the baseline temperature rapidly within approximately 30 min. While the body temperature fell, HR markedly decreased to approximately 100 bpm. These results suggest that the shrew has unique physiological properties in maintaining metabolic balance which are anticipated to be caused by the dramatic alteration of the autonomic nervous function.  相似文献   

Routine procedures in the laboratory, inducing acute stress, will have an impact on the animals and might thereby influence scientific results. In an attempt to gain more insight into quantifying this acute stress by means of the parameters heart rate (HR) and body temperature (BT), we subjected mice to different restraint and injection methods. We first compared the treatment response of HR and BT, measured by means of radiotelemetry, with the treatment response of plasma corticosterone (pCORT), a common and well-validated parameter for measuring acute stress responses. It was found that HR, and to a lesser extent also BT, parallels pCORT values after subjecting the animals to different methods of restraint. Secondly, the acute stress response caused by different injection methods was evaluated. Again, HR was found to be a more sensitive parameter than BT. We found that, in case of sham injections, the acute stress response after an intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection was more pronounced than after intramuscular (i.m.) or subcutaneous (s.c.) injections, but this difference was found to be inconsistent when saline was used as injection fluid. In a third experiment we investigated if the level of experience of the animal technician influenced the stress response after s.c. injections, but no differences were found. Overall, the results have indicated that HR might be considered as a useful parameter for measuring acute stress responses to routine procedures, but the value of BT seems to be of limited value in this respect.  相似文献   

Neurons of the brain's biological clock located in the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) generate circadian rhythms of physiology (core body temperature, hormone secretion, locomotor activity, sleep/wake, and heart rate) with distinct temporal phasing when entrained by the light/dark (LD) cycle. The neuropeptide vasoactive intestinal polypetide (VIP) and its receptor (VPAC2) are highly expressed in the SCN. Recent studies indicate that VIPergic signaling plays an essential role in the maintenance of ongoing circadian rhythmicity by synchronizing SCN cells and by maintaining rhythmicity within individual neurons. To further increase the understanding of the role of VPAC2 signaling in circadian regulation, we implanted telemetric devices and simultaneously measured core body temperature, spontaneous activity, and heart rate in a strain of VPAC2-deficient mice and compared these observations with observations made from mice examined by wheel-running activity. The study demonstrates that VPAC2 signaling is necessary for a functional circadian clock driving locomotor activity, core body temperature, and heart rate rhythmicity, since VPAC2-deficient mice lose the rhythms in all three parameters when placed under constant conditions (of either light or darkness). Furthermore, although 24-h rhythms for three parameters are retained in VPAC2-deficient mice during the LD cycle, the temperature rhythm displays markedly altered time course and profile, rising earlier and peaking ~4-6 h prior to that of wild-type mice. The use of telemetric devices to measure circadian locomotor activity, temperature, and heart rate, together with the classical determination of circadian rhythms of wheel-running activity, raises questions about how representative wheel-running activity may be of other behavioral parameters, especially when animals have altered circadian phenotype.  相似文献   

This study was investigated the roles of interleukin-1 (IL-1) on diurnal rhythms of heart rate (HR), locomotor activity (LA), and body temperature (BT). For this purpose, HR, LA, and BT were recorded from conscious and unrestrained IL-1 alpha/beta doubly deficient (KO) and normal C57BL/6J mice using a telemetry system. These parameters were continuously recorded from just after to 2 weeks after transmitter implantation, because we thought that the surgical stress-induced IL-1 might affect the biobehavioral activities of the animals. At 1 day after implantation, HR and LA in IL-1 alpha/beta KO mice were higher than those in C57BL/6J mice. While BT in IL-1 alpha/beta KO mice was lower than that in C57BL/6J mice. Moreover, diurnal rhythmicity in these parameters after implantation in IL-1 alpha/beta KO mice appeared earlier than in C57BL/6J mice. At 2 weeks after implantation, there were no significant differences in the light- and dark-phase values of each parameter between IL-1 alpha/beta KO and C57BL/6J mice, however, IL-1 alpha/beta KO mice showed clear ultradian rhythmicity. It is thought that a phenotypical difference in biobehavioral activities between IL-1 alpha/beta KO and C57BL/6J mice may reflect IL-1 induced febrile and behavioral responses. These results suggest that IL-1 may play important physiological and pathophysiological roles on biobehavioral activities.  相似文献   

A non-intrusive optical technique has been developed to monitor heartbeat in late third-instar Drosophila larvae. Heartbeat in this insect is an oscillation that is not temperature compensated. Deuterium oxide lengthens the period of a number of high and low frequency oscillators and clocks in a variety of organisms. To determine whether deuterium affects heart rate, flies were raised on proteated and deuterated media and their heartbeat was monitored at four temperatures ranging from 18 to 33 degrees C. The rate of heartbeat increased linearly with increasing temperature, and decreased with increasing concentrations of deuterium. There was a significant interaction between temperature and deuterium: the higher the concentration of deuterium oxide the less temperature-sensitive was the heart rate. Raising temperatures also increased the amount of "noise" in the rhythm: signal-to-noise ratio, which characterizes the amount of power in a rhythmic signal, decreased with increasing temperatures. Deuterium oxide had no effect on signal-to-noise ratio.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Coatis are chiefly diurnal, showing marked nycthemeral variations of body temperature and oxygen uptake.
  • 2.2. The thermoneutral zone extends from 25–33°C; the basal metabolic rate is about 40% below the value predicted from body mass.
  • 3.3. Thermoregulation in cold is excellent, partly due to decreasing thermal conductance at falling ambient temperatures.
  • 4.4. Exposure to temperatures above 35°C is endured for only short periods.
  • 5.5. Basal heart rate is reduced to about 70% of the predicted level. The contribution of heart rate to increased oxygen demands at falling ambient temperatures is rather low.
  • 6.6. The measured physiological characteristics of coatis are discussed with regard to the high mobility and the wide distribution range of these procyonids.

K Matsui 《Jikken dobutsu》1990,39(2):231-238
Using a data logger system, body temperature (dorsal subcutaneous temperature), heart rate, ingestive or ruminating behaviour and posture in adult Shiba goats tied to a stanchion were recorded automatically during 24 hours, to obtain basic information on the biological rhythms. A 600 g of usual ration mixed with hay cube, hay, beet pulp and wheat bran was fed twice a day (morning; 9:00-9:30, evening; 16:00-16:30). Animals kept under an artificial photoperiod (12L-12D, light period; 5:30-17:30) and about 10 degrees C room temperature. 1) Diurnal patterns of the above-mentioned items were recorded, mutual relationships relationships between these items were revealed. 2) The heart rate was higher after morning feeding, or during a light period and decreased gradually from midnight to early morning. Twice feeding greatly increased the heart rate. 3) The body temperature was lower in the early morning and increased gradually after morning feeding and showed the highest level during 1 to 1.5 hours after evening feeding. After that it decreased gradually till the early morning. 4) The numbers of jaw movement (bites/min) were a 70-90 bites in the ingestive behaviour and a 80-90 bites in the ruminating behaviour at dark period. 5) The total heart rate was a 110000 to 120000 beats/day, the total biting time was a 9.5 hours/day, and the mean standing time was a 9.3 to 11.7 hours/day. The standing time during light period (12 hours) was a 7.3 to 9.9 hours and that during dark period (12 hours) was a 1.8 to 2 hours.  相似文献   

Respiration rate, heart rate, and body temperature values were obtained from 14 cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) during neurosurgery under barbiturate anesthesia. Vital sign values markedly declined below baseline during the early stages of surgery, steadily increased as surgery progressed and neared completion, and finally returned to baseline by the end of the postsurgical recovery period. There was considerable variability among the 14 monkeys, but the ranking of each monkey relative to the others remained constant across the period of observation. The findings suggested that the cynomolgus monkey may be more sensitive to barbiturates than the rhesus monkey, and cynomolgus monkeys may exhibit considerable individual differences in their sensitivity to barbiturates.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The effectiveness of recorded harp music as a tool for relaxation for non-human primates is explored in this study. METHODS: Konigsberg Instruments Model T27F-1B cardiovascular telemetry devices were implanted into nine African green monkeys (Chlorocebus aethiops). After post-surgical recovery, animals were exposed to recorded harp music. Telemetry data were collected on heart rate, mean blood pressure, respiratory rate, and body temperature for a 30-minute baseline period before music exposure; a 90-minute period of music exposure; and a 90-minute post-exposure period, where no music was played. RESULTS: No statistical differences were noted in heart rate, mean blood pressure, respiratory rate, and body temperature between pre-exposure, exposure, and post-exposure periods. CONCLUSIONS: The lack of response in these African green monkeys may be attributable to their generally calm demeanor in captivity; experiments with a more excitable species such as the rhesus macaque might demonstrate a significant relaxation response to music.  相似文献   

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