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The herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) UL6 portal protein forms a 12-subunit ring structure at a unique capsid vertex which functions as a conduit for the encapsidation of the viral genome. We have demonstrated previously that the leucine zipper region of UL6 is important for intersubunit interactions and stable ring formation (J. K. Nellissery, R. Szczepaniak, C. Lamberti, and S. K. Weller, J. Virol. 81:8868-8877, 2007). We now demonstrate that intersubunit disulfide bonds exist between monomeric subunits and contribute to portal ring formation and/or stability. Intersubunit disulfide bonds were detected in purified portal rings by SDS-PAGE under nonreducing conditions. Furthermore, the treatment of purified portal rings with dithiothreitol (DTT) resulted in the disruption of the rings, suggesting that disulfide bonds confer stability to this complex structure. The UL6 protein contains nine cysteines that were individually mutated to alanine. Two of these mutants, C166A and C254A, failed to complement a UL6 null mutant in a transient complementation assay. Furthermore, viral mutants bearing the C166A and C254A mutations failed to produce infectious progeny and were unable to cleave or package viral DNA. In cells infected with C166A or C254A, B capsids were produced which contained UL6 at reduced levels compared to those seen in wild-type capsids. In addition, C166A and C254A mutant proteins expressed in insect cells infected with recombinant baculovirus failed to form ring structures. Cysteines at positions 166 and 254 thus appear to be required for intersubunit disulfide bond formation. Taken together, these results indicate that disulfide bond formation is required for portal ring formation and/or stability and for the production of procapsids that are capable of encapsidation.  相似文献   

Glycoprotein D (gD) is a structural component of the herpes simplex virus envelope which is essential for virus penetration. The function of this protein is highly dependent on its structure, and its structure is dependent on maintenance of three intact disulfide bonds. gD contains six cysteines in its ectodomain whose spacing is conserved among all its homologs in other alphaherpesviruses as well as Marek's disease virus. For other proteins, conservation of cysteine spacing correlates with conservation of disulfide bond structure. We have now solved the disulfide bond structure of gD-1 and gD-2 of herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2, respectively. Two approaches were used. First, we constructed 15 double-Cys mutants of gD-1, representing all possible disulfide pairs. In each case, codons for cysteines were changed to serine. We reasoned that if two cysteines normally form a disulfide bond, double mutations which eliminate one proper bond should be less harmful to gD structure than double mutations which eliminate two disulfide bonds. The mutated genes were cloned into a eucaryotic expression vector, and the proteins were expressed in transiently transfected cells. Three double mutations, Cys-1,5, Cys-2,6, and Cys-3,4 permitted gD-1 folding, processing, transport to the cell surface, and function in virus infection, whereas 12 other double mutations each produced a malfolded and nonfunctional protein. Thus, the three functional double-Cys mutants may represent the actual partners in disulfide bond linkages. The second approach was to define the actual disulfide bond structure of gD by biochemical means. Purified native gD-2 was cleaved by CNBr and proteases, and the peptides were separated by high-performance liquid chromatography. Disulfide-linked peptides were subjected to N-terminal amino acid sequencing. The results show that cysteine 1 (amino acid [aa] 66) is bonded to cysteine 5 (aa 189), cysteine 2 (aa 106) is bonded to cysteine 6 (aa 202), and cysteine 3 (aa 118) is bonded to cysteine 4 (aa 127). Thus, the biochemical analysis of gD-2 agrees with the genetic analysis of gD-1. A similar disulfide bond arrangement is postulated to exist in other gD homologs.  相似文献   

A biochemical analysis of glycoprotein C (gC of herpes simplex virus was undertaken to further characterize the structure of the glycoprotein and to determine its disulfide bond arrangement. We used three recombinant forms of gC, gC1(457t), gC1(delta33-123t), and gC2(426t), each truncated prior to the transmembrane region. The proteins were expressed and secreted by using a baculovirus expression system and have been shown to bind to monoclonal antibodies which recognize discontinuous epitopes and to complement component C3b in a dose-dependent manner. We confirmed the N-terminal residues of each mature protein by Edman degradation and confirmed the internal deletion in gC1(delta33-123t). The molecular weight and extent of glycosylation of gC1 (457t), gC1(delta33-123t), and gC2(426t) were determined by treating each protein with endoglycosidases and then subjecting it to sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and mass spectrometric analysis. The data indicate that eight to nine of the predicted N-linked oligosaccharide sites on gC1(457t) are occupied by glycans of approximately 1,000 Da. In addition, O-linked oligosaccharides are present on gC1(457t), primarily localized to the N-terminal region (amino acids [aa] 33 to 123) of the protein. gC2(426t) contains N-linked oligosaccharides, but no O-linked oligosaccharides were detected. To determine the disulfide bond arrangement of the eight cysteines of gC1(457t),the protein was cleaved with cyanogen bromide. SDS-PAGE analysis followed by Edman degradation identified three cysteine-containing fragments which are not connected by disulfide linkages. Chemical modification of cysteines combined with matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry identified disulfide bonds between cysteine 1 (aa 127) and cysteine 2 (aa 144) and between cysteine 3 (aa 286) and cysteine 4 (aa 347). Further proteolysis of the cyanogen bromide-generated fragment containing cysteine 5 through cysteine 8, combined with mass spectrometry and Edman degradation, showed that disulfide bonds link cysteine 5 (aa 386) to cysteine 8 (aa 442) and cysteine 6 (aa 390) to cysteine 7 (aa 419). A similar disulfide bond arrangement is postulated to exist in gC homologs from other herpesviruses.  相似文献   

The capsid of herpes simplex virus has an icosahedral surface lattice with a nonskew triangulation number, T=16. Nevertheless, the proteins arrayed on this lattice necessarily have an intrinsic handedness. We have determined the handedness of both the herpes simplex virus type 1 capsid and its precursor procapsid by a cryoelectron microscopic tilting method.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) capsids were found to assemble spontaneously in a cell-free system consisting of extracts prepared from insect cells that had been infected with recombinant baculoviruses coding for HSV-1 capsid proteins. The capsids formed in this system resembled native HSV-1 capsids in morphology as judged by electron microscopy, in sedimentation rate on sucrose density gradients, in protein composition, and in their ability to react with antibodies specific for the HSV-1 major capsid protein, VP5. Optimal capsid assembly required the presence of extracts containing capsid proteins VP5, VP19, VP23, VP22a, and the maturational protease (product of the UL26 gene). Assembly was more efficient at 27 degrees C than at 4 degrees C. The availability of a cell-free assay for HSV-1 capsid formation will be of help in identifying the morphogenetic steps that occur during capsid assembly in vivo and in evaluating candidate antiherpes therapeutics directed at capsid assembly.  相似文献   

After fusion of the viral envelope with the plasma membrane, herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV1) capsids are transported along microtubules (MTs) from the cell periphery to the nucleus. The motor ATPase cytoplasmic dynein and its multisubunit cofactor dynactin mediate most transport processes directed toward the minus-ends of MTs. Immunofluorescence microscopy experiments demonstrated that HSV1 capsids colocalized with cytoplasmic dynein and dynactin. We blocked the function of dynein by overexpressing the dynactin subunit dynamitin, which leads to the disruption of the dynactin complex. We then infected such cells with HSV1 and measured the efficiency of particle binding, virus entry, capsid transport to the nucleus, and the expression of immediate-early viral genes. High concentrations of dynamitin and dynamitin-GFP reduced the number of viral capsids transported to the nucleus. Moreover, viral protein synthesis was inhibited, whereas virus binding to the plasma membrane, its internalization, and the organization of the MT network were not affected. We concluded that incoming HSV1 capsids are propelled along MTs by dynein and that dynein and dynactin are required for efficient viral capsid transport to the nucleus.  相似文献   

Disulfide bonds of herpes simplex virus type 2 glycoprotein gB.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Glycoprotein B (gB) is the most highly conserved envelope glycoprotein of herpesviruses. The gB protein is required for virus infectivity and cell penetration. Recombinant forms of gB being used for the development of subunit vaccines are able to induce virus-neutralizing antibodies and protective efficacy in animal models. To gain structural information about the protein, we have determined the location of the disulfide bonds of a 696-amino-acid residue truncated, recombinant form of herpes simplex virus type 2 glycoprotein gB (HSV gB2t) produced by expression in Chinese hamster ovary cells. The purified protein, which contains virtually the entire extracellular domain of herpes simplex virus type 2 gB, was digested with trypsin under nonreducing conditions, and peptides were isolated by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The peptides were characterized by using mass spectrometry and amino acid sequence analysis. The conditions of cleavage (4 M urea, pH 7) induced partial carbamylation of the N termini of the peptides, and each disulfide peptide was found with two or three different HPLC retention times (peptides with and without carbamylation of either one or both N termini). The 10 cysteines of the molecule were found to be involved in disulfide bridges. These bonds were located between Cys-89 (C1) and Cys-548 (C8), Cys-106 (C2) and Cys-504 (C7), Cys-180 (C3) and Cys-244 (C4), Cys-337 (C5) and Cys-385 (C6), and Cys-571 (C9) and Cys-608 (C10). These disulfide bonds are anticipated to be similar in the corresponding gBs from other herpesviruses because the 10 cysteines listed above are always conserved in the corresponding protein sequences.  相似文献   

The herpes simplex virus type 1 protease and related proteins are involved in the assembly of viral capsids. The protease encoded by the UL26 gene can process itself and its substrate ICP35, encoded by the UL26.5 gene. To better understand the functions of the protease in infected cells, we have isolated a complementing cell line (BMS-MG22) and constructed and characterized a null UL26 mutant virus, m100. The mutant virus failed to grow on Vero cells and required a complementing cell line for its propagation, confirming that the UL26 gene product is essential for viral growth. Phenotypic analysis of m100 shows that (i) normal amounts of the c and d forms of ICP35 were produced, but they failed to be processed to the cleaved forms, e and f; (ii) viral DNA replication of the mutant proceeded at near wild-type levels, but DNA was not processed to unit length or encapsidated; (iii) capsid structures were observed in thin sections of m100-infected Vero cells by electron microscopy, but assembly of VP5 into hexons of the capsid structure was conformationally altered; and (iv) nuclear localizations of the protease and ICP35 are independent of each other, and the function(s) of Na, at least in part, is to direct the catalytic domain N(o) to the nucleus.  相似文献   

To study the importance of individual sulfhydryl residues during the folding and assembly in vivo of influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA), we have constructed and expressed a series of mutant HA proteins in which cysteines involved in three disulfide bonds have been substituted by serine residues. Investigations of the structure and intracellular transport of the mutant proteins indicate that (a) cysteine residues in the ectodomain are essential both for efficient folding of HA and for stabilization of the folded molecule; (b) cysteine residues in the globular portion of the ectodomain are likely to form native disulfide bonds rapidly and directly, without involvement of intermediate, nonnative linkages; and (c) cysteine residues in the stalk portion of the ectodomain also appear not to form intermediate disulfide bonds, even though they have the opportunity to do so, being separated from their correct partners by hundreds of amino acids including two or more other sulfhydryl residues. We propose a role for the cellular protein BiP in shielding the cysteine residues of the stalk domain during the folding process, thus preventing them from forming intermediate, nonnative disulfide bonds.  相似文献   

The capsid of the herpes simplex virus initially assembles as a procapsid that matures through a massive conformational change of its 182 MDa surface shell. This transition, which stabilizes the fragile procapsid, is facilitated by the viral protease that releases the interaction between the shell and the underlying scaffold; however, protease-deficient procapsids mature slowly in vitro. To study procapsid maturation as a time-resolved process, we monitored this reaction by cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM). The resulting images were sorted into 17 distinct classes, and three-dimensional density maps were calculated for each. When arranged in a chronological series, these maps yielded molecular movies of procapsid maturation. A single major switching event takes place at stages 8-9, preceded by relatively subtle adjustments in the pattern of interactions and followed by similarly small 'aftershocks'. The primary mechanism underlying maturation is relative rotations of domains of VP5, the major capsid protein.  相似文献   

Newly assembled herpesvirus capsids travel from the nucleus to the plasma membrane by a mechanism that is poorly understood. Furthermore, the contribution of cellular proteins to this egress has yet to be clarified. To address these issues, an in vitro nuclear egress assay that reproduces the exit of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) capsids from nuclei isolated from infected cells was established. As expected, the assay has all the hallmarks of intracellular transport assays, namely, a dependence on time, energy, and temperature. Surprisingly, it is also dependent on cytosol and was slightly enhanced by infected cytosol, suggesting an implication of both host and viral proteins in the process. The capsids escaped these nuclei by budding through the inner nuclear membrane, accumulated as enveloped capsids between the two nuclear membranes, and were released in cytosol exclusively as naked capsids, exactly as in intact cells. This is most consistent with the view that the virus escapes by crossing the two nuclear membranes rather than through nuclear pores. Unexpectedly, nuclei isolated at the nonpermissive temperature from cells infected with a U(L)26 thermosensitive protease mutant (V701) supported capsid egress. Although electron microscopy, biochemical, and PCR analyses hinted at a likely reconstitution of capsid maturation, DNA encapsidation could not be confirmed by a traditional SQ test. This assay should prove very useful for identification of the molecular players involved in HSV-1 nuclear egress.  相似文献   

Effects of herpes simplex virus on mRNA stability.   总被引:4,自引:24,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文

Capsids of herpes simplex virus (HSV) types 1 and 2 contain seven polypeptides ranging in molecular weight from 154,000 to 12,000 (termed NC-1 through NC-7 in order of descending molecular weight). Antibodies prepared to HSV-1 capsid polypeptides isolated from sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels reacted in an immunofluorescence assay against HSV-1-infected KB cells. Three of the antibodies (anti-NC-1, anti-NC-2, and anti-NC-3,4) also reacted with HSV-2-infected cells. Tryptic peptide analysis showed that each of the HSV-1 capsid polypeptides had a unique methionine peptide profile, and none appeared to be derived from the major capsid polypeptide. Comparative peptide analysis of HSV-1 and HSV-2 showed that one polypeptide (NC-7, 12,000 molecular weight) had an identical methionine peptide profile and a very similar arginine peptide profile in both virus types. The arginine peptide profile of NC-7 of HSV-1 was very different from the arginine profile of KB histone H4. Although there were certain intertypic similarities in the methionine peptide profiles of the other capsid components especially in NC-1 (the major capsid protein), there was no case where the tryptic peptides were identical in the two virus types.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus virion protein 19C (VP19C) is a constituent of both unenveloped (nuclear) and enveloped (cytoplasmic) capsids. In this paper we report that 32P-labeled DNA, either supercoiled or linear double stranded, efficiently bound to VP19C electrically transferred from denaturing polyacrylamide gels containing electrophoretically separated proteins from purified capsids. Analyses of the polypeptides specified by herpes simplex virus type 1 X herpes simplex type 2 recombinants with respect to electrophoretic mobility and binding of 32P-labeled DNA indicate that VP19C maps at the same location as infected cell polypeptide 32 and is derived from it.  相似文献   

The dispositions of 39 alpha helices of greater than 2.5 turns and four beta sheets in the major capsid protein (VP5, 149 kDa) of herpes simplex virus type 1 were identified by computational and visualization analysis from the 8.5A electron cryomicroscopy structure of the whole capsid. The assignment of helices in the VP5 upper domain was validated by comparison with the recently determined crystal structure of this region. Analysis of the spatial arrangement of helices in the middle domain of VP5 revealed that the organization of a tightly associated bundle of ten helices closely resembled that of a domain fold found in the annexin family of proteins. Structure-based sequence searches suggested that sequences in both the N and C-terminal portions of the VP5 sequence contribute to this domain. The long helices seen in the floor domain of VP5 form an interconnected network within and across capsomeres. The combined structural and sequence-based informatics has led to an architectural model of VP5. This model placed in the context of the capsid provides insights into the strategies used to achieve viral capsid stability.  相似文献   

Chi JH  Wilson DW 《Journal of virology》2000,74(3):1468-1476
The herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) capsid shell is composed of four major polypeptides, VP5, VP19c, VP23, and VP26. VP26, a 12-kDa polypeptide, is associated with the tips of the capsid hexons formed by VP5. Mature capsids form upon angularization of the shell of short-lived, fragile spherical precursors termed procapsids. The cold sensitivity and short-lived nature of the procapsid have made its isolation and biochemical analysis difficult, and it remains unclear whether procapsids contain bound VP26 or whether VP26 is recruited following shell angularization. By indirect immunocytochemical analysis of virally expressed VP26 and by direct visualization of a transiently expressed VP26-green fluorescent protein fusion, we show that VP26 fails to specifically localize to intranuclear procapsids accumulated following incubation of the temperature-sensitive HSV mutant tsProt.A under nonpermissive conditions. However, following a downshift to the permissive temperature, which allows procapsid maturation to proceed, VP26 was seen to concentrate at intranuclear sites which also contained epitopes specific to mature, angularized capsids. Like the formation of these epitopes, the association of VP26 with maturing capsids was blocked in a reversible fashion by the depletion of intracellular ATP. We conclude that unlike the other major capsid shell proteins, VP26 is recruited in an ATP-dependent fashion after procapsid maturation begins.  相似文献   

In pseudorabies virus (PrV), an open reading frame that partially overlaps the gene for the essential glycoprotein gII has been shown to encode a protein homologous to the ICP18.5 polypeptide of herpes simplex virus type 1 (N. Pederson and L. Enquist, Nucleic Acids Res. 17:3597, 1989). To study the function of this protein during the viral replicative cycle, a PrV mutant which carries a beta-galactosidase expression cassette interrupting the ICP18.5(PrV) gene was constructed. This mutant could be propagated only on cell lines that were able to provide ICP18.5(PrV) in trans after transformation with a corresponding genomic PrV DNA fragment. Detailed analysis showed that inactivation of the ICP18.5(PrV) gene did not impair infection of noncomplementing cells, nor did it impair early or late gene expression, as shown by immunoprecipitation of glycoproteins gII, gIII, and gp50. Surface localization of glycoproteins as demonstrated by fluorescence-activated cell sorting analyses was also not affected. Southern blot hybridizations, however, showed that cleavage of replicative concatemeric viral DNA did not occur in noncomplementing cells infected by the ICP18.5 mutant PrV. In addition, electron microscopic analysis revealed an accumulation of empty capsids in the nucleus of mutant-infected noncomplementing cells. We conclude that the ICP18.5(PrV) protein is necessary for viral replication and plays an essential role in the process of mature capsid formation.  相似文献   

DNA-filled capsids (C capsids) of herpes simplex virus type 1 were treated in vitro with guanidine-HCl (GuHCl) and analyzed for DNA loss by sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation and electron microscopy. DNA was found to be lost quantitatively from virtually all capsids treated with GuHCl at concentrations of 0.5 M or higher, while 0.1 M GuHCl had little or no effect. DNA removal from 0.5 M GuHCl-treated capsids was effected without significant change in the capsid protein composition, as judged by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, or in its structure, as judged by electron microscopy. Electron microscopic examination of capsids in the process of emptying showed that DNA was extruded from multiple, discrete sites which appeared to coincide with capsid vertices. DNA exited the capsid in the form of thick strands or fibers that varied in diameter from approximately 4 to 13 nm with preferred diameters of 7 and 11 nm. The fibers most probably correspond to multiple, laterally aligned DNA segments, as their diameters are nearly all greater than that of a single DNA double helix. The results suggest that GuHCl treatment promotes an alteration in the capsid pentons which allows DNA to escape locally. Hexons must be more resistant to this change, since DNA loss appears to be restricted to the pentons. The ability of GuHCl to cause loss of DNA from C capsids with no accompanying change in capsid morphology or protein composition suggests that penton sites may open transiently to permit DNA exist and then return to their original state.  相似文献   

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