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Summary Protoplasts isolated from a barley cell suspension (cv Dissa) were transformed with plasmid DNA containing the neomycinphosphotransferase II (NPT) and -glucuronidase (GUS) genes, using polyethyleneglycol (PEG) to induce DNA uptake. Transformed microcalli were selected in media containing G418 sulphate. NPT activity was detected in all antibiotic-resistant cell lines, but not all NPT-positive cell lines had GUS activity. Southern analysis confirmed the presence of sequences homologous to the APT and GUS genes in DNA of G418-resistant callus.  相似文献   

Summary Two lines of transgenic Nicotiana tabacum transformed to kanamycin resistance by means of a binary Agrobacterium vector containing a nos-npt gene were investigated over three generations. Southern hybridization and crossing analyses revealed that a single copy of T-DNA had integrated in each line and that the kanamycin resistance was regularly transmitted to the progeny as a monogenic dominant trait. Homozygous transgenic plants were fully fertile, morphologically normal and did not significantly differ from wild-type plants in the quantitative characters examined (plant height, flowering time). The two lines showed very low, but significantly different levels of meiotic instability: kanamycin-sensitive plants occurred among backcross progeny from homozygous transgenic plants with frequencies of 6/45,000 and 25/45,000, respectively. The sensitive plants arose independently of each other and thus resulted from meiotic rather than mitotic events. These findings demonstrate for the first time that integrated foreign genes can be transmitted to progeny with the high degree of meiotic stability required for commercial varieties of crop plants. They emphasize the importance of non-homologous integration and of avoiding co-integration of inactive gene copies for achieving meiotically stable transformants.  相似文献   

Summary Highly repeated nuclear DNA sequences from leaves of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia were cloned in pBR322 and tested for their effect on direct gene transfer in protoplasts of the same organism. Protoplasts were prepared from suspension cultures and were incubated in the presence of the plasmid pHP23 carrying the kanamycin resistance gene APH(3)II and in the presence of the plasmids carrying the cloned sequence. DNA uptake was induced by a polyethyleneglycol (PEG) treatment. Out of the 22 tested clones, 3 significantly stimulated the frequency of appearance of transformed colonies. DNA was extracted from some of the kanamycin-resistant calli obtained by co-transformations. Dot-blots have shown that the stimulatory effect on transformation frequency is often accompanied by a consistent increase in integrated genes sequences.  相似文献   

Summary Direct gene transfer has proved to be an efficient transformation method for arabidopsis thaliana, a member of the Brassicaceae. Transgenic Arabidopsis plants resistant to hygromycin B have been regenerated from mesophyll protoplasts treated with polyethylene glycol and plasmid DNA carrying the hygromycin phosphotransferase (HPT) gene under the control of the 35 S promoter of cauliflower mosaic virus. The transformation procedure reproducibly yields transformants at frequencies of approximately 1×10-4 (based on the number of protoplasts treated) or 5% (based on the number of regenerating calli). DNA from plants regenerated from hygromycin resistant colonies was analysed by Southern blot hybridization demonstrating that the foreign gene is stably integrated into the plant chromosome. Genetic analysis of several hygromycin resistant plants showed that the HPT gene is transmitted to the progeny. Transformation experiments performed with a selectable and a non-selectable gene on separate plasmids resulted in a co-transformation rate of functionally active copies in about 25% of the transformants analysed. Hence this approach can be used to introduce non-selectable genes into the Arabidopsis genome.  相似文献   

Summary A leaf-disk transformation experiment was performed with tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) using a binary vector and a strain of Agrobacterium tumefaciens that carried a wild-type Ti-plasmid, pTiBo542. Although the majority of kanamycin-resistant, transgenic plants was morphologically normal, one of the plants was double-flowered and had a slightly wavy stem and leaves whose edges were bent slightly upwards. The abnormal morphology was controlled by a single, dominant Mendelian gene. Young plants that carried this gene were distinguishable from normal plants at the stage of cotyledons. The homozygotes, with respect to this gene, were more seriously deformed than the heterozygotes. DNA segments derived from the binary vector and from the TL-and TR-DNA of pTiBo542 were detected in the double-flowered plant, but the T-DNA genes involved in biosynthesis of phytohormones were absent from the plant. The abnormal morphology, the resistance to kanamycin, and the segments of foreign DNA were genetically linked, and the linkage was very tight, at least between the abnormal morphology and the resistance to kanamycin; the meiotic recombination frequency was less than 0.02%, if recombination occurred at all.  相似文献   

Non-symmetrical cytosine methylation in tobacco pollen DNA   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We have detected sequence-specific non-symmetrical cytosine methylation within a 140 bp region of the promoter for the tobacco auxin-binding protein gene T85 in pollen DNA. Direct sequencing of the population of bisulphite reaction products showed that, in this region, 10 out of a possible 49 cytosine residues were methylated at a high frequency in pollen whereas the corresponding region from somatic cells (leaf DNA) did not show a detectable level of methylation. The context of these sites was 1×m5CpTpC, 1×m5CpGpT, 1×m5CpCpT, 2×m5CpTpT, 2×m5CpGpG, and 3×m5CpApT of which only m5CpGpG and m5CpGpT fitted the consensus sequence for symmetrical methylation in plants.  相似文献   

Summary Two DNA sequences, R8.1 and R8.3, representing two distinct classes of tobacco genomic repeated DNA, were cloned and characterized by Southern blot analysis. Both R8.1 and R8.3 were found to be homologous to the Nicotiana tomentosiformis component of the allotetraploid Nicotiana tabacum genome, and each of them represents about 0.3% of nuclear DNA. The R8.1 and R8.3 differ in the mode of distribution in chromosomes, as revealed by in situ DNA/DNA hybridization.  相似文献   

The presence of a newly formed primary cell wall was shown to be required for attachment and subsequent transformation of tobacco leaf protoplasts by Agrobacterium tumefaciens in cocultivation experiments. In these experiments both protoplasts at different stages after their isolation and cell-wall inhibitors were used. The specificity of Agrobacterium attachment was shown by using other kinds of bacteria that did not attach. By diminishing the concentration of divalent cations using ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, neither attachment nor transformation was found; however, when more specifically the Ca2+concentration was lowered by ethylene glycol-bis (-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid, both phenomena occurred. Commercial lectins had no effect on binding, but this observation does not exclude the involvement of other lectins. Protoplasts isolated from various crown-gall callus tissues also developed binding sites, but when they were at the stage of dividing cells, attachment of agrobacteria was no longer observed. In this respect, cells from protoplasts of normal tobacco leaves behaved differently. Even 16 d after protoplast isolation, the dividing cells were still able to bind A. tumefaciens, while transformation was not detected. For transformation of 3-d-old tobacco protoplasts, a minimal co-cultivation period of 24 h was required, while optimal attachment took place within 5 h. It is concluded that the primary cell wall was sufficiently well formed that certain functional receptor molecules were available for attachment of Agrobacterium as the first step of a multistep process leading to the transformation of cells. The expression of bacterial functions required for attachment, moreover, was independent of the presence of Ti-plasmid.Abbreviations ConA concanavalin A - CW calcofluor white - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - EGTA ethylene glycol-bis (-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid - -Man -methyl-d-mannoside  相似文献   

Summary One of the transformed tobacco plants obtained by direct DNA transformation possessed two marker genes, a chimeric aminoglycoside phosphotransferase and nopaline synthase genes. Selfed progenies of this plant (T3-d) showed stable inheritance of these two genes. The minimum size of foreign DNA integrated into tobacco genome was estimated to be 5.4 kbp. A deleted nopaline synthase gene co-existed with an intact gene. The linkage analysis indicated that two transformants, T1-b and T3-c, possessed foreign DNA inserted in different chromosomes or in different sites of the same chromosome that recombine freely.  相似文献   

We have recently shown that hypomethylation of cytosine residues in the HRS60 family of repetitive DNA sequences can be induced with 5-azacytidine (5-azaC) in tobacco tissue cultures. We have also proven that such a DNA methylation status is maintained during the recovery of protoplasts, plant regeneration, and vegetative development. In the present paper we follow meiotic transmission of hypomethylated HRS60 DNA. Plants obtained from seeds treated with 5-azaC were either self pollinated or crossed with a non-treated control in a reciprocal way. Analysis of the methylation status of the HRS60 DNA revealed that these sequences were hypomethylated in the progenies up to the extent found in the parental 5-azaC-treated plant. Since no parent-of-origin effect was observed, we presume that both male and female gametes transmit an artificial methylation imprint to a similar extent. This result is supported by methylcytosine evaluation in the total genomic DNA samples. A temporal analysis of 5-azaC effects on germinating seeds and a phenotypic evaluation of 5-azaC-treated tobacco plants are also presented.On leave from the School of Biology and Biochemistry, University of Bath, England  相似文献   

Two different heterologous expression systems, microsomal fractions of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and transgenic tobacco plants, were used to investigate the enzymatic activities of flavonoid 3′-hydroxylase (GtF3′H) and flavone synthase II (GtFSII) homologues isolated from gentian petals. Recombinant GtF3′H expressed in yeast showed hydroxylation activities in the 3′ position with several flavonoid substrates, while recombinant GtFSII was able to produce flavone from flavanone. GtF3′ H-expressing transgenic tobacco plants showed a slight increase in anthocyanin content and flower color intensity, and conversion of the flavonol quercetin from kaempferol. On the other hand, GtFSII-expressing plants showed a remarkable reduction in anthocyanin content and flower color intensity, and additional accumulation of flavone, especially luteolin derivatives. We demonstrated that two cytochrome P450s from gentian petals have F3′H and FSII enzymatic activities both in vitro and in vivo, and might therefore be useful in modification of flower color using genetic engineering.  相似文献   

Plasticity of the tobacco genome was studied by testing the DNAs of protoplast-derived regenerants with three different repetitive DNA sequences by the method of quantitative DNA/DNA hybridizations. A large population of 91 regenerants belonging to 35 different protoclones was analysed and a high degree of heterogeneity in the contents of the different DNA repeats was detected. The contents of middle repetitive sequences of two types were more stable or changed in the same direction, while the highly repetitive sequence varied independently and displayed a significant reduction in comparison with the two other sequences. Comparing the variation within the subpopulations of plants of the same clonal origin and the variation among the protoclones led to a conclusion that the pre-existing DNA variability in the starting plant material and/or thein vitro stress during the very early stages of protoclone regeneration played a decisive role in the formation of modified genomes in regenerants.  相似文献   

Transgenic tobacco plants and progeny carrying coding sequences for neomycin phosphotransferase II (NPTII) and beta-glucuronidase (GUS) were recovered following microprojectile bombardment of tobacco leaves. Transgenic plants were regenerated from bombarded leaf pieces of tobacco cvs. Xanthi and Ky 17 which were cultured in the presence of 100 or 200 g/ml kanamycin for six to eight weeks. Among 160 putative transgenic plants from at least 16 independent transformation events 76% expressed NPTII, and 50% expressed GUS. Southern analysis of plants expressing either one or both of the enzymes indicated DNA in high molecular weight DNA in 8 of 9 independent transformants analyzed. Two independent transformants and their progeny were analyzed in detail. Analysis of progeny for quantitative enzyme levels of NPTII and GUS, and Southern analysis of parents and progeny clearly demonstrated that the genes were transmitted to progeny. One transformant demonstrated Mendelian ratios for seed germination on kanamycin-containing medium while the other transformant had non-Mendelian ratios. DNA analysis of progeny indicate complex integration of the plasmid DNA, and suggest that rearrangements of this DNA has occurred. These results are consistent with other methods of direct DNA uptake into cells, and verify that the microprojectile bombardment method is capable of DNA delivery into intact plant cells which can give rise to transgenic plants and progeny.  相似文献   

We have developed a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method for sequencing of tobacco chloroplast genome. In a mixture containing chloroplast DNA, 5-end-labeled oligonucleotide primer, Taq DNA polymerase and reaction buffer, we were able to sequence a segment of chloroplast 16S rRNA gene. The results showed that the 750 bp of DNA sequenced were identical to the sequence reported, indicating that direct sequencing method that we have developed is useful for the sequencing of chloroplast genome. To analyze the chloroplast genome more rapidly in those in vitro grown plantlets, we also developed a simple method which is applicable for the amplifications and sequencing of chloroplast 16S rRNA fragment from either 0.15 g of tobacco leaf or stem tissue. The readable sequences obtained from the presented methods were consistent with the published sequence.  相似文献   

Cysteine serves as a precursor for the synthesis of various sulfur-containing metabolites, and the cysteine synthase (CS) gene plays a central role in the sulfur cycle in nature. In the present study, rcs1, a cytosolic CS gene of rice, was introduced into the genome of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). The tolerance of wild-type tobacco plants as well as of the resulting transgenic tobacco plants overexpressing the rcs1 gene to toxic levels of ozone (O3, 0.15 μ mol−1) was measured after various lengths of exposure. Leaf lesions in plants exposed for 2 weeks to O3 were more prevalent in the leaves of the wild-type plants than in those of the transgenic tobacco plants. Transgenic tobacco plants showed a higher growth rate and a higher chlorophyll content than the wild-type plants. Cysteine synthase activity and cysteine and glutathione contents were higher in transgenic plants than in wild-type plants irrespective of the length of the O3 treatment. Our results indicate that the CS gene plays a role in the protection of the plant against toxic O3 gas, probably through the mechanism of an over-accumulation of such sulfur-rich antioxidants as cysteine and glutathione.  相似文献   

This article describes a set of protocols—for retrofitting, transformation and purification—that together enable the delivery of full-sized YAC-DNA to plant cells. To be able to equip YACs of interest with plant selectable markers, we have constructed a retrofitting vector that carriesnptII anduidA. Furthermore, we established a transformation protocol for plant protoplasts that is sufficiently efficient to support transfer of high-molecular-weight DNA. In this protocol lipofection is combined with PEG-mediated direct gene transfer. Large amounts of purified DNA are necessary for lipofection. To obtain sufficient quantities of concentrated, purified YAC-DNA, we used an optimized two-step, gel-purification method. Transient expression of a YAC-bornuidA demonstrates that both retrofitting vector and transformation protocol are effective.  相似文献   

Uptake of nitrogen by flue-cured tobacco during maturation and senescence   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A field experiment with flue-cured tobacco,Nicotiana tabacum L., was conducted to estimate the uptake and partitioning of nitrogen during maturation and senescence. On the 83rd day after transplanting (crop day 83), nitrate which had been leached from the plow layer was replaced with an equivalent amount of15N-labeled nitrate. Plants were harvested at crop day 83, 90, 96, 106, 113, and 127, and each of 11 plant parts was analyzed for nitrogen derived from the soil (NDS) and from the applied15N-labeled fertilizer (NDF). Equivalent quantities of NDF and NDS were taken up during the initial week after15N-fertilizer application; in the subsequent 5 weeks, ten times more NDS than NDF were taken up. It appears likely that the leached nitrate (NDS) accumulated below the hard pan where it became available to plants as their roots penetrated this layer via fractures originating from prior deep chiseling. Of the NDF taken up during the initial week, 20% was partitioned to the root and 42%, 24%, 14% respectively, to the upper, middle and bottom node positions (leaves plus stems). The partitioning reflected the respective growth rates of the tissues. Little change in partitioning was evident during the subsequent 5-week period, indicating that little remobilization of NDF from older to younger tissues occurred. In contrast, some remobilization of NDS was apparent between crop day 96 and 106 when the uptake of both NDF and NDS was negligible. During this period root growth was sustained by the apparent transfer of NDS from the root stump and from the adjacent lower leaf and stem tissues. These responses occurred in tobacco grown under higher nitrogen fertility levels than those usually considered optimal for the growth of flue-cured tobacco, but under conditions which are sometimes encountered. Paper no. 11640 of the Journal series of the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh, NC 27695-7601. Part of a thesis submitted by the senior author in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the Ph.D degree.  相似文献   

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