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We analyzed the phylogeny of the Neotropical pitvipers within the Porthidium group (including intra-specific through inter-generic relationships) using 1.4 kb of DNA sequences from two mitochondrial protein-coding genes (ND4 and cyt-b). We investigated how Bayesian Markov chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) phylogenetic hypotheses based on this 'mesoscale' dataset were affected by analysis under various complex models of nucleotide evolution that partition models across the dataset. We develop an approach, employing three statistics (Akaike weights, Bayes factors, and relative Bayes factors), for examining the performance of complex models in order to identify the best-fit model for data analysis. Our results suggest that: (1) model choice may have important practical effects on phylogenetic conclusions even for mesoscale datasets, (2) the use of a complex partitioned model did not produce widespread increases or decreases in nodal posterior probability support, and (3) most differences in resolution resulting from model choice were concentrated at deeper nodes. Our phylogenetic estimates of relationships among members of the Porthidium group (genera: Atropoides, Cerrophidion, and Porthidium) resolve the monophyly of the three genera. Bayesian MCMC results suggest that Cerrophidion and Porthidium form a clade that is the sister taxon to Atropoides. In addition to resolving the intra-specific relationships among a majority of Porthidium group taxa, our results highlight phylogeographic patterns across Middle and South America and suggest that each of the three genera may harbor undescribed species diversity.  相似文献   

Historical relationships were inferred for the oriental lizards of the genus Takydromus Daudin 1802 (Lacertidae) on the basis of DNA sequences. Of the 17 species currently recognized for the genus, 13 species represented by 42 specimens from 29 localities were examined. Maximum-likelihood and maximum-parsimony analyses of data for 829 aligned sites from parts of the mitochondrial 12S and 16S rRNA genes yielded relationships that, while showing no substantial discrepancy with each other, were strikingly different from a currently prevailing phylogenetic hypothesis from a parsimony analysis of morphological characters. Based on the results of these molecular analyses, supplemented by results of the morphological analysis that offered robust evidence for positions of two additional species ( T. khasiensis and T. sylvaticus ), the following interrelationships were hypothesized as the most preferred phylogeny: ( kuehnei ( sexlineatus khasiensis ))( tachydromoides (( smaragdinus ( sauteri ( dorsalis sylvaticus ))) ( amurensis ((( formosanus wolteri ) hsuehshanensis )( toyamai ( septentrionalis stejnegeri )))))). These interrelationships indicate: (1) invalidity of Platyplacopus Boulenger 1917 , which was recently resurrected as a subgenus of Takydromus on the basis of the morphological analysis; (2) homoplasy in states of some morphological characters, such as green dorsal coloration, that were considered as synapomorphs of certain nodes in the morphological analysis; and (3) involvement of the genus in a series of vicariances in both the continental and insular parts of eastern Eurasia. Due to the paucity of available samples, phylogenetic status of T. intermedius and T. haughtonianus remain to be examined in future studies.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 76 , 493–509.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of the Oriental semiaquatic lygosomine skinks of the genus Tropidophorus were inferred from 1219 base positions of mitochondrial 12S and 16S rRNA genes. Results of the phylogenetic analyses incorporating data for representatives of other lygosomine genera indicated that the basal phylogenetic split within Tropidophorus separated a clade of continental Indochinese species exclusive of T. cocincinensis and T. microlepis from one comprising T. cocincinensis , T. microlepis and species from Borneo, Sulawesi and the Philippines. Of the latter group, the two continental species form the sister taxon to a clade comprising the island species. Diversification among species in Indochina and among Borneo, the Philippines and Sulawesi was likely concentrated in the Miocene, with no apparent dispersal among these regions during the Pleistocene. The body depression recognized in several Indochinese species is likely to have occurred twice in parallel as an adaptation to saxicolous habitats.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic position of Cephalenchus is enigmatic with respect to other tylench nematodes. In this study, Cephalenchus populations representing 11 nominal species were sampled worldwide for molecular and morphological characterization. Species identification was based on light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Molecular analyses were based on the genes (i.e. 18S, 28S, 5.8S) and internal transcribed spacers (ITS‐1 and ITS‐2) of the ribosomal RNA (rRNA). Phylogenetic analyses (i.e. full and reduced alignments) of either concatenated or single genes always supported the monophyly of Cephalenchus. A sister relationship between Cephalenchus and Eutylenchus excretorius was recovered by most analyses, although branch support varies depending on the dataset used. The position of Cephalenchus + E. excretorius within Tylenchomorpha nevertheless remains ambiguous, thus highlighting the importance of sampling additional genes as well as taxa. Placement of Cephalenchus + E. excretorius as sister of Tylenchinae or Boleodorinae could not be rejected on the basis of 18S and 28S rRNA genes. Within Cephalenchus, amphidial opening morphology shows congruence with molecular‐based phylogenetic relationships, whereas the number of lines in the lateral field is likely to be a convergent trait. Morphometric analyses clearly distinguished short tail from medium–long tail species, and SEM observations seem to suggest a relation between tail length and amphidial opening. In addition, molecular phylogenies support the non‐monophyly of Cephalenchus cephalodiscus, Cephalenchus cylindricus, Cephalenchus daisuce and Cephalenchus leptus. The known extent of Cephalenchus diversity is increased with the inclusion of two new species, and the biogeography of the genus is discussed.  相似文献   

The African wattle-eyes (genera Platysteira and Dyaphorophyia) comprise 10 species endemic to Africa. We analyzed both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequence data to test the monophyly of this group and its two genera, provide a preliminary assessment of species limits, and gain insight into the phylogeographic history of the wattle-eye radiation. Analyses based on mitochondrial ND2 sequences failed to recover wattle-eye monophyly, but the alternatives were not well-supported. In contrast, analyses of two nuclear introns (myoglobin intron-2 and beta-fibrinogen intron-5) recovered wattle-eye monophyly, as did combined analyses of mitochondrial and nuclear data. These analyses, however, did not support reciprocal monophyly of the two wattle-eye genera typically recognized, suggesting instead that Platysteira is nested within a paraphyletic Dyaphorophyia. The diversification of most wattle-eye species and many subspecies occurred through the divergence of allopatric populations well before the Pleistocene. Species and subspecies with disjunct distributions are typically characterized by deep genetic divergences, suggesting that many of these populations are evolutionary independent and could be recognized as additional phylogenetic species. In D. castanea and D. chalybea, for example, divergent haplotypes from geographically disjunct populations were paraphyletic with respect to those of D. tonsa and D. jamesoni, respectively. Similarly, Platysteira laticincta is highly divergent from its sister taxon P. peltata ( approximately 9.5% ND2 sequence divergence), consistent with species level recognition of this endangered species. In contrast, more broadly distributed taxa inhabiting a greater diversity of habitats (e.g., P. peltata and P. cyannea) show evidence of gene flow and connectivity among regions, suggesting that previously isolated populations expanded and fused into one another. Our study provides a framework for additional analyses of intraspecific phylogeography and species limits in these colorful birds.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of gecarcinucoid freshwater crabs were investigated, based on morphology of the male second gonopod. In addition, a comparison of sequences from the mitochondrial large subunit rRNA gene helped to resolve the phylogeny of this group and relationships to other Old World freshwater crabs. As a result, we recognise two sister groups within the Gecarcinucoidea, the African Deckeniidae and the Asian Gecarcinucidae. Deckeniidae includes three monophyletic clades, the Deckeniinae in East Africa and on the Seychelles, the West African Globonautinae and the Malagasy Hydrothelphusinae. Gecarcinucidae comprises two sister groups, the Gecarcinucinae with representatives in Sri Lanka, India and southeast Asia, and the Parathelphusinae in India, southeast Asia, the Sundaic Islands and Australia. Interpretation of our phylogenetic results leads us to propose a new biogeographic hypothesis for the Gecarcinucoidea. Most likely, the gecarcinucoid freshwater crabs have an African origin; their distribution can be explained by successive events of dispersal. This model can be correlated with palaeogeographical and palaeoclimatological data for the Cenozoic, suggesting a gecarcinucoid dispersal to Asia via the “Lemurian Stepping-Stones”, a chain of islands in the West-Indian Ocean that were emergent in times of low sea levels during the Oligocene.  相似文献   

Based on 28 taxa, including six species of Phylloporia, and respectively one representative of 17 genera of the Hymenochaetales, a phylogenetic analysis of a region of the large subunit of the nuclear encoded ribosomal DNA was performed. Molecular sequence data as well as morphological and anatomical features show the genus to be monophyletic. Next related to Phylloporia is Fulvifomes. The phylogenetic relationships of Phylloporia are discussed. In addition the genus Phylloporia is monographed; 12 species are accepted and described with a key.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses were conducted on cytochrome b sequence data of the most geographically and taxonomically broad sampling of Cavia taxa to date. Primary objectives included providing the first extensive molecular phylogenetic framework for the genus, testing the taxonomic and systematic hypotheses of previous authors and providing insight into the evolutionary and biogeographic history of the genus. Support was found for the morphologically defined species C. aperea, C. tschudii, C. magna and C. fulgida and the taxonomic placement of taxa previously subject to conflicting taxonomic opinions (e.g. C. nana, C. anolaimae and C. guianae) was further resolved. Additionally, we elevate the Ecuadorian C. a. patzelti to species status, restrict the distributional limits and suggest taxonomic affiliations of some C. tschudii subspecies, and provide strong evidence for the geographic origin of guinea pig domestication. Finally, we provide an estimated evolutionary timeline for the genus Cavia, which appears to extend well into the late Miocene.  相似文献   

The parrot genus Prioniturus occurs in the oceanic Philippines, Palawan and Wallacea, a geologically dynamic region with a complex history of land and sea. The described taxa of Prioniturus have been variously placed in different assemblages, and different numbers of species have been recognized. However, a phylogenetic framework is so far lacking. This would be the prerequisite to reconstructing dispersal and colonization patterns of Prioniturus across and within Wallacea and the Philippines. Following our robustly supported phylogenetic hypothesis based on two mitochondrial genes, we propose to treat Prioniturus mindorensis comb. nov. as well as Prioniturus montanus and Prioniturus waterstradti as separate species. In Prioniturus discurus discurus and Prioniturus discurus whiteheadi, further studies using additional data and specimens are necessary to clarify their taxonomic status. This result is congruent with other studies demonstrating that alpha diversity of the Philippine avifauna is strongly underestimated. According to our biogeographic reconstruction, Prioniturus has diversified by a complex combination of colonization of islands and subsequent divergence in allopatry among and within island groups. Dispersal between Sulawesi/Wallacea and the Philippines occurred twice and documents a rare case of faunal exchange between these two regions.  相似文献   

The genus Platycerium is one of the few pantropical epiphytic fern genera with six species in Afro-Madagascar, 8-11 Australasian species, and a single species in tropical South America. Nucleotide sequences of four chloroplast DNA markers are employed to reconstruct the phylogeny of these ferns and to explore their historical biogeography. The data set was designed to resolve conflicting hypotheses on the relationships within the genus that were based on previous phylogenetic studies exploring morphological evidence. Our results suggest a basal split of Platycerium into two well-supported clades. One clade comprises species occurring in Africa, Madagascar, and South America, whereas the second clade contains exclusively Australasian species. The latter clade is further divided into a clade corresponding to P. bifurcatum and its putative segregates and a clade of seven species occurring from Indochina throughout the Malesian region to New Guinea and Australia. The Afro-Madagascan clade includes a clade of two species found in tropical Africa and a clade of four species that includes three species endemic to Madagascar. The single neotropical species of this genus, P. andinum, is nested within the Afro-Madagascan clade but is not closely related to any extant species.  相似文献   

Abstract The dung beetle genus Phanaeus as currently recognized by Edmonds (1994) consists of 51 species placed in 13 species groups and two subgenera. Here, I examine the phylogeny and biogeography of this genus by analysing the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (530 bp), nuclear large subunit ribosomal RNA (28S, D2 region), and 67 morphological characters for 28 species of Phanaeus. Both maximum parsimony and Bayesian analyses from the combined data yielded well‐resolved trees, although low bootstrap and posterior probability support were found for basal nodes. The phylogenetic hypotheses presented here suggest that the subgenera Phanaeus s.str. and Notiophanaeus should each be elevated to the status of full genus. With the exception of the eucraniine outgroups, the paleano species group of the genus Phanaeus is recovered as sister to all other taxa, including the outgroups Oxysternon, Sulcophanaeus and Coprophanaeus. High bootstrap values and posterior probabilities supported the species groups endymion, tridens and vindex. Biogeographical analyses suggest an ancestral distribution for Phanaeus in the Andes in South America, although numerous dispersal events evidently have produced a complicated biogeographical history.  相似文献   

The genus Cylindrocladiella was established to accommodate Cylindrocladium-like fungi that have small, cylindrical conidia and aseptate stipe extensions. Contemporary taxonomic studies of these fungi have relied on morphology and to a lesser extent on DNA sequence comparisons of the internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS 1, 2 and 5.8S gene) of the ribosomal RNA and the ??-tubulin gene regions. In the present study, the identity of several Cylindrocladiella isolates collected over two decades was determined using morphology and phylogenetic inference. A phylogeny constructed for these isolates employing the ??-tubulin, histone H3, ITS, 28S large subunit and translation elongation factor 1-alpha gene regions resulted in the identification of several cryptic species in the genus. In spite of the 18 new Cylindrocladiella species described in this study based on morphological and sequence data, several species complexes remain unresolved.  相似文献   

Zhou LW  Dai YC 《Mycologia》2012,104(1):211-222
Species of Phylloporia (Hymenochaetales, Basidiomycota) are polypores with tiny, yellowish and thick-walled basidiospores and are highly divergent in morphology. The monophyly of 35 cosmopolitan isolates of Phylloporia was strongly supported based on analysis of the nLSU rDNA gene but with exclusion of P. resupinata. Among the 19 lineages recognized in the nLSU rDNA phylogeny five new species from China, Phylloporia crataegi, P. fontanesiae, P. gutta, P. nandinae and P. oreophila, were revealed and these species are introduced with additional morphological evidence. A diagnostic key to all 23 thus far accepted species in Phylloporia is provided.  相似文献   

Lycium comprises approximately 70 species and is disjunctly distributed in temperate to subtropical regions in South America, North America, southern Africa, Eurasia, and Australia. Among them, only Lycium sandwicense A. Gray sporadically occurs widely on oceanic islands in the Pacific Ocean. To investigate phylogenetic and biogeographic relationships of the genus with emphasis on L. sandwicense, the coding region of matK, the two intergenic spacers trnT (UGU)-trnL (UAA) and trnL (UAA)-trnF (GAA), and the trnL (UAA) intron of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) were sequenced. A strict consensus tree resulting from the phylogenetic analysis indicates the following: (1) New World species comprise a potentially paraphyletic assemblage; (2) southern African, Australian, and Eurasian species together are monophyletic; (3) southern African species are a paraphyletic assemblage; and (4) L. sandwicense is in a clade with certain New World species. The estimated biogeographic events based on the cpDNA analysis indicate that (1) Lycium originated in the New World, (2) all southern African, Australian, and Eurasian species have a common ancestor from the New World, (3) Australian and Eurasian species originated once from a southern African progenitor, and (4) L. sandwicense differentiated from the New World species.  相似文献   

Fumana is a diverse genus of the Cistaceae family, consisting of 21 currently accepted species. In this study, nuclear (ITS) and plastid (matK, trnT‐L) molecular markers were used to reconstruct the phylogeny and to estimate divergence times, including 19 species of Fumana. Phylogenetic analyses (Bayesian Inference, Maximum Parsimony and Maximum Likelihood) confirmed the monophyly of Fumana and did not support the infrageneric divisions previously established. The results support four main clades that group species that differ in vegetative and reproductive characters. Given the impossibility to define morphological characters common to all species within the clades, our proposal is to reject infrageneric divisions. Molecular dating and ancestral area analyses provide evidence for a Miocene diversification of the genus in the north‐western Mediterranean. Ancestral state reconstructions revealed ancestral character states for some traits related to xeric and arid habitats, suggesting a preadaptation to the Mediterranean climate.  相似文献   

The Neotropical knifefish genus Gymnotus is the most broadly distributed and the most diverse (34 + species) gymnotiform genus. Its wide range includes both Central and South American drainages, including the Amazon, Orinoco, and La Plata Basins. Like all gymnotiforms, Gymnotus species produce weak electric fields for both navigation and communication, and these fields exhibit interspecific variation in electric waveform characteristics. Both biogeography and electric signal evolution can profitably be analyzed in a phylogenetic context. Here, we present a total evidence phylogeny for 19 Gymnotus species based on data from the mitochondrial cytochrome b and 16S genes (1558 bp), the nuclear RAG2 gene (1223 bp), and 113 morphological characters. Our phylogenetic hypothesis resolves five distinct Gymnotus lineages. In a previous morphology-based analysis, the Central American Gymnotus cylindricus lineage was hypothesized as the sister group to all other Gymnotus species. In our analysis, the G. cylindricus lineage is nested within South American species, and molecular age estimates support a relatively recent origin for the clade in Central America. Phylogenetic optimization of electric signal waveforms indicate that the ancestral state in Gymnotus is a multiphasic (4 + phases of alternating polarity) condition, and independent phase loss has occurred in multiple lineages. Gymnotus is a model group for understanding Neotropical diversification and the evolution of communication at a continental scale.  相似文献   

The brush and tree lizards (Urosaurus) are a small clade of phrynosomatid lizards native to western North America. Though not as well known as their diverse sister clade, the spiny lizards (Sceloporus), some Urosaurus have nonetheless become model organisms in integrative biology. In particular, dramatic phenotypic and behavioral differences associated with specific mating strategies have been exploited to address a range of ecological and evolutionary questions. However, only two phylogenies have been proposed for the group, one of which is pre-cladistic and both based principally on morphological characters that might not provide robust support for relationships within the group. To help provide investigators working on Urosaurus with a robust phylogeny in which to frame ecological and evolutionary questions, we establish a molecular phylogeny for the group. We sampled three mitochondrial and three nuclear loci, and estimated phylogenetic relationships within Urosaurus using both maximum parsimony (MP) and Bayesian inference (BI), as well as a coalescent-based species tree approach. Finally, we used two methods of ancestral state reconstruction (ASR) to gain insight into the evolution of microhabitat preference and male display signals, traits that have been the focus of studies on Urosaurus. All reconstruction methods yield nearly the same ingroup topology that is concordant in most respects with the previous cladistic analysis of the group but with some significant differences; our data suggest the primary divergence in Urosaurus occurs between a clade endemic to the Pacific versant of Mexico and the lineages of Baja California and the southwestern US, rather than placing Urosaurus graciosus as the basal taxon and linking the Baja and Mexican endemics. We find support for a single transition to a saxicolous lifestyle within the group, and either the independent gain or loss of arboreality. The evolution of throat color patterns (i.e. dewlaps) appears complex, with multiple color morphs likely involving orange reconstructed as ancestral to the group and to most lineages, followed by a single transition to a fixed blue-throated morph in one clade. These results should provide a useful framework for additional comparative work with Urosaurus, and establish the phylogenetic context in which Urosaurus diversity arose.  相似文献   

Abstract The zygopteran genus Enallagma has been the subject of numerous behavioural and ecological studies, but phylogenetic relationships among species have been examined only within eastern North America, and even the composition and diagnosis of the genus are unclear on a world-wide basis. Most authorities currently recognize about seventy species within Enallagma , comprising two major radiations, in North America and Africa. This study, using morphological data, demonstrates that the North American and a few related Palaearctic species form a monophyletic group that is quite distinct from the African species. The latter are themselves divided into at least three, and probably four, separate clades, one of which may be related to E. parvum of India. Consequently, three of Kennedy's long disused genera, Africallagma , Amphiallagma and Proischnura ( Kennedy, 1920 ) are resurrected and two new genera, Azuragrion gen.n. and Pinheyagrion gen.n. are established for the remaining African taxa. Finally, Enallagma is divided into two subgenera, Enallagma s.s ., the typical 'bluets', including many North American, Holarctic and Palaearctic species, and Chromatallagma subgen.n., comprising a group of species of more variable colour that is confined to North America, the Caribbean and northernmost South America.  相似文献   

The round-eared sengis or elephant-shrews (genus Macroscelides) exhibit striking pelage variation throughout their ranges. Over ten taxonomic names have been proposed to describe this variation, but currently only two taxa are recognized (M. proboscideus proboscideus and M. p. flavicaudatus). Here, we review the taxonomic history of Macroscelides, and we use data on the geographic distribution, morphology, and mitochondrial DNA sequence to evaluate the current taxonomy. Our data support only two taxa that correspond to the currently recognized subspecies M. p. proboscideus and M. p. flavicaudatus. Mitochondrial haplotypes of these two taxa are reciprocally monophyletic with over 13% uncorrected sequence divergence between them. PCA analysis of 14 morphological characters (mostly cranial) grouped the two taxa into non-overlapping clusters, and body mass alone is a relatively reliable distinguishing character throughout much of Macroscelides range. Although fieldworkers were unable to find sympatric populations, the two taxa were found within 50 km of each other, and genetic analysis showed no evidence of gene flow. Based upon corroborating genetic data, morphological data, near sympatry with no evidence of gene flow, and differences in habitat use, we elevate these two forms to full species.  相似文献   

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