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转化酶在高等植物蔗糖代谢中的作用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘慧英  朱祝军 《植物学报》2002,19(6):666-674
蔗糖转化酶在高等植物蔗糖代谢中起着关键的作用。研究表明,转化酶参与植物的生长、器官建成、糖分运输、韧皮部卸载及调节库组织糖分构成及水平。近年来关于该酶的生化特性、基因表达与调控以及结构与功能等的研究取得了重要进展。本文介绍了转化酶在植物体内的种类、分布、分子结构特点、生理作用及分子生物学研究进展。  相似文献   

转化酶在高等植物蔗糖代谢中的作用研究进展   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
蔗糖转化酶在高等植物蔗糖代谢中起着关键的作用。研究表明 ,转化酶参与植物的生长、器官建成、糖分运输、韧皮部卸载及调节库组织糖分构成及水平。近年来关于该酶的生化特性、基因表达与调控以及结构与功能等的研究取得了重要进展。本文介绍了转化酶在植物体内的种类、分布、分子结构特点、生理作用及分子生物学研究进展。  相似文献   

Feeding strawberry and poplar leaves with iodoacetate, arsenite,or fluoride decreased the contents of sucrose and ascorbate.The content of hexose increased in high concentrations of iodoacetatebut decreased in moderate strengths. Iodo-acetate increasedthe rate of CO2 output and caused a large decrease in phospholipidwith increase of inorganic phosphate. When iodoacetate was fedin nitrogen, CO2 output did not increase. An explanation of the results is that the sucrose and ascorbateof the cell are mainly confined to the vacuole and that theabove poisons accelerate the leakage of these compounds fromthe vacuole so that they are metabolized more rapidly in thecytoplasm. An additional possibility is that iodoacetate ‘uncouples’oxidative phosphorylation, thereby stimulating respiration andmore rapid metabolism of both sucrose and ascorbate.  相似文献   

Oxygen at pressures of 2 and 3 atmospheres caused an initialincrease in CO2 output of strawberry leaves followed by a decrease.In oxygen at 2 atmospheres, but not in oxygen at 3 atmospheres,the increase in CO2 output could be attributed to an increasein glucose-6-phosphate and in fructose diphosphate; in oxygenat 3 atmospheres the increase may be due to an increased accessibilityof substrates and enzymes or to other causes. The decline inCO2 output in oxygen at both 2 and 3 atmospheres was associatedwith large decreases in glucose-6-phosphate and 3-phosphoglycerate,probably due to a large decrease in adenosine triphosphate relatedto a ‘block’ of the tricarboxylic acid cycle.  相似文献   

Posttranslational modifications (PTMs) of proteins greatly expand proteome diversity, increase functionality, and allow for rapid responses, all at relatively low costs for the cell. PTMs play key roles in plants through their impact on signaling, gene expression, protein stability and interactions, and enzyme kinetics. Following a brief discussion of the experimental and bioinformatics challenges of PTM identification, localization, and quantification (occupancy), a concise overview is provided of the major PTMs and their (potential) functional consequences in plants, with emphasis on plant metabolism. Classic examples that illustrate the regulation of plant metabolic enzymes and pathways by PTMs and their cross talk are summarized. Recent large-scale proteomics studies mapped many PTMs to a wide range of metabolic functions. Unraveling of the PTM code, i.e. a predictive understanding of the (combinatorial) consequences of PTMs, is needed to convert this growing wealth of data into an understanding of plant metabolic regulation.The primary amino acid sequence of proteins is defined by the translated mRNA, often followed by N- or C-terminal cleavages for preprocessing, maturation, and/or activation. Proteins can undergo further reversible or irreversible posttranslational modifications (PTMs) of specific amino acid residues. Proteins are directly responsible for the production of plant metabolites because they act as enzymes or as regulators of enzymes. Ultimately, most proteins in a plant cell can affect plant metabolism (e.g. through effects on plant gene expression, cell fate and development, structural support, transport, etc.). Many metabolic enzymes and their regulators undergo a variety of PTMs, possibly resulting in changes in oligomeric state, stabilization/degradation, and (de)activation (Huber and Hardin, 2004), and PTMs can facilitate the optimization of metabolic flux. However, the direct in vivo consequence of a PTM on a metabolic enzyme or pathway is frequently not very clear, in part because it requires measurements of input and output of the reactions, including flux through the enzyme or pathway. This Update will start out with a short overview on the major PTMs observed for each amino acid residue (PTMs, including determination of the localization within proteins (i.e. the specific residues) and occupancy. Challenges in dealing with multiple PTMs per protein and cross talk between PTMs will be briefly outlined. We then describe the major physiological PTMs observed in plants as well as PTMs that are nonenzymatically induced during sample preparation (PTMs, in particular for enzymes in primary metabolism (Calvin cycle, glycolysis, and respiration) and the C4 shuttle accommodating photosynthesis in C4 plants (PTMs observed in plants
Amino Acid ResidueObserved Physiological PTM in PlantsPTMs Caused by Sample Preparation
Ala (A)Not known
Arg (R)Methylation, carbonylation
Asn (N)Deamidation, N-linked gycosylationDeamidation
Asp (D)Phosphorylation (in two-component system)
Cys (C)Glutathionylation (SSG), disulfide bonded (S-S), sulfenylation (-SOH), sulfonylation (-SO3H), acylation, lipidation, acetylation, nitrosylation (SNO), methylation, palmitoylation, phosphorylation (rare)Propionamide
Glu (E)Carboxylation, methylationPyro-Glu
Gln (Q)DeamidationDeamidation, pyro-Glu
Gly (G)N-Myristoylation (N-terminal Gly residue)
His (H)Phosphorylation (infrequent)Oxidation
Ile (I)Not known
Leu (L)Not known
Lys (K)N-ε-Acetylation, methylation, hydroxylation, ubiquitination, sumoylation, deamination, O-glycosylation, carbamylation, carbonylation, formylation
Met (M)(De)formylation, excision (NME), (reversible) oxidation, sulfonation (-SO2), sulfoxation (-SO)Oxidation, 2-oxidation, formylation, carbamylation
Phe (F)Not known
Pro (P)CarbonylationOxidation
Ser (S)Phosphorylation, O-linked glycosylation, O-linked GlcNAc (O-GlcNAc)Formylation
Thr (T)Phosphorylation, O-linked glycosylation, O-linked GlcNAc (O-GlcNAc), carbonylationFormylation
Trp (W)Glycosylation (C-mannosylation)Oxidation
Tyr (Y)Phosphorylation, nitration
Val (V)Not known
Free NH2 of protein N terminiPreprotein processing, Met excision, formylation, pyro-Glu, N-myristoylation, N-acylation (i.e. palmitoylation), N-terminal α-amine acetylation, ubiquitinationFormylation (Met), pyro-Glu (Gln)
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Table II.

Most significant and/or frequent PTMs observed in plants
Type of PTM (Reversible, Except if Marked with an Asterisk)Spontaneous (S; Nonenzymatic) or Enzymatic (E)Comment on Subcellular Location and Frequency
Phosphorylation (Ser, Thr, Tyr, His, Asp)EHis and Asp phosphorylation have low frequency
S-Nitrosylation (Cys) and nitration* (Tyr)S (RNS), but reversal is enzymatic for Cys by thioredoxinsThroughout the cell
Acetylation (N-terminal α-amine, Lys ε-amine)EIn mitochondria, very little N-terminal acetylation, but high Lys acetylation; Lys acetylation correlates to [acetyl-CoA]
Deamidation (Gln, Asn)S, but reversal of isoAsp is enzymatic by isoAsp methyltransferaseThroughout the cell
Lipidation (S-acetylation, N-meristoylation*, prenylation*; Cys, Gly, Lys, Trp, N terminal)ENot (or rarely) within plastids, mitochondria, peroxisomes
N-Linked glycosylation (Asp); O linked (Lys, Ser, Thr, Trp)EOnly proteins passing through the secretory system; O linked in the cell wall
Ubiquination (Lys, N terminal)ENot within plastids, mitochondria, peroxisomes
Sumoylation (Lys)ENot within plastids, mitochondria, peroxisomes
Carbonylation* (Pro, Lys, Arg, Thr)S (ROS)High levels in mitochondria and chloroplast
Methylation (Arg, Lys, N terminal)EHistones (nucleus) and chloroplasts; still underexplored
Glutathionylation (Cys)EHigh levels in chloroplasts
Oxidation (Met, Cys)S (ROS) and E (by PCOs; see Fig. 1B), but reversal is enzymatic by Met sulfoxide reductases, glutaredoxins, and thioredoxins, except if double oxidizedHigh levels in mitochondria and chloroplast
Peptidase* (cleavage peptidyl bond)EThroughout the cell
S-Guanylation (Cys)S (RNS)Rare; 8-nitro-cGMP is signaling molecule in guard cells
Formylation (Met)S, but deformylation is enzymatic by peptide deformylaseAll chloroplasts and mitochondria-encoded proteins are synthesized with initiating formylated Met
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Table III.

Regulation by PTMs in plant metabolism and classic examples of well-studied enzymes and pathwaysMany of these enzymes also undergo allosteric regulation through cellular metabolites. GAPDH, Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase; PRK, phosphoribulokinase.
ProcessEnzymesPTMs, Protein Modifiers, LocalizationReferences
Calvin-Benson cycle (chloroplasts)Many enzymesOxidoreduction of S-S bonds, reversible nitrosylation, glutathionylation; through ferredoxin/ferredoxin-thioredoxin reductase/thioredoxins (mostly f and m) and glutaredoxins; proteomics studies in Arabidopsis and C. reinhardtiiMichelet et al. (2013)
RubiscoMethylation, carbamylation, acetylation, N-terminal processing, oligomerization; classical studies in pea (Pisum sativum), spinach (Spinacia oleracea), and ArabidopsisHoutz and Portis (2003); Houtz et al. (2008)
GAPDH/CP12/PRK supercomplexDynamic heterooligomerization through reversible S-S bond formation controlled by thioredoxinsGraciet et al. (2004); Michelet et al. (2013); López-Calcagno et al. (2014)
GlycolysisCytosolic PEPCPhosphorylation (S, T), monoubiquitinationO’Leary et al. (2011)
PhotorespirationSeven enzymes are phosphorylatedPhosphorylation from meta-analysis of public phosphoproteomics data for Arabidopsis; located in chloroplasts, peroxisomes, mitochondriaHodges et al. (2013)
Maize glycerate kinaseRedox-regulated S-S bond; thioredoxin f; studied extensively in chloroplasts of C4 maizeBartsch et al. (2010)
Respiration (mitochondria)Potentially many enzymes, but functional/biochemical consequences are relatively unexploredRecent studies suggested PTMs for many tricarboxylic acid cycle enzymes, including Lys acetylation and thioredoxin-driven S-S formation; in particular, succinate dehydrogenase and fumarase are inactivated by thioredoxinsLázaro et al. (2013); Schmidtmann et al. (2014); Daloso et al. (2015)
PDHSer (de)phosphorylation by intrinsic kinase and phosphatase; ammonia and pyruvate control PDH kinase activity; see Figure 1BThelen et al. (2000); Tovar-Méndez et al. (2003)
C4 cycle (C3 and C4 homologs also involved in glycolysis and/or gluconeogenesis)Pyruvate orthophosphate dikinasePhosphorylation by pyruvate orthophosphate dikinase-RP, an S/T bifunctional kinase-phosphatase; in chloroplastsChastain et al. (2011); Chen et al. (2014)
PEPCPhosphorylation; allosteric regulation by malate and Glc-6-P; in cytosol in mesophyll cells in C4 species (e.g. Panicum maximum); see Figure 1AIzui et al. (2004); Bailey et al. (2007)
PEPC kinaseUbiquitination resulting in degradation (note also diurnal mRNA levels and linkage to activity level; very low protein level); in cytosol in mesophyll cells in C4 species (e.g. Flaveria spp. and maize)Agetsuma et al. (2005)
PEPC kinasePhosphorylation in cytosol in bundle sheath cellsBailey et al. (2007)
Starch metabolism (chloroplasts)ADP-Glc pyrophosphorylaseRedox-regulated disulfide bonds and dynamic oligomerization; thioredoxins; see Figure 1CGeigenberger et al. (2005); Geigenberger (2011)
Starch-branching enzyme IIPhosphorylation by Ca2+-dependent protein kinase; P-driven heterooligomerizationGrimaud et al. (2008); Tetlow and Emes (2014)
Suc metabolism (cytosol)SPS (synthesis of Suc)(De)phosphorylation; SPS kinase and SPS phosphatase; 14-3-3 proteins; cytosol (maize and others)Huber (2007)
Suc synthase (breakdown of Suc)Phosphorylation; Ca2+-dependent protein kinase; correlations to activity, localization, and turnoverDuncan and Huber (2007); Fedosejevs et al. (2014)
Photosynthetic electron transport (chloroplast thylakoid membranes)PSII core and light-harvesting complex proteins(De)phosphorylation by state-transition kinases (STN7/8) and PP2C phosphatases (PBCP and PPH1/TAP38)Pesaresi et al. (2011); Tikkanen et al. (2012); Rochaix (2014)
Nitrogen assimilationNitrate reductase(De)phosphorylation; 14-3-3 proteinsLillo et al. (2004); Huber (2007)
Open in a separate windowThere are many recent reviews focusing on specific PTMs in plant biology, many of which are cited in this Update. However, the last general review on plant PTMs is from 2010 (Ytterberg and Jensen, 2010); given the enormous progress in PTM research in plants over the last 5 years, a comprehensive overview is overdue. Finally, this Update does not review allosteric regulation by metabolites or other types of metabolic feedback and flux control, even if this is extremely important in the regulation of metabolism and (de)activation of enzymes. Recent reviews for specific pathways, such as isoprenoid metabolism (Kötting et al., 2010; Banerjee and Sharkey, 2014; Rodríguez-Concepción and Boronat, 2015), tetrapyrrole metabolism (Brzezowski et al., 2015), the Calvin-Benson cycle (Michelet et al., 2013), starch metabolism (Kötting et al., 2010; Geigenberger, 2011; Tetlow and Emes, 2014), and photorespiration (Hodges et al., 2013) provide more in-depth discussions of metabolic regulation through various posttranslational mechanisms. Many of the PTMs that have been discovered in the last decade through large-scale proteomics approaches have not yet been integrated in such pathway-specific reviews, because these data are not always easily accessible and because the biological significance of many PTMs is simply not yet understood. We hope that this Update will increase the general awareness of the existence of these PTM data sets, such that their biological significance can be tested and incorporated in metabolic pathways.  相似文献   

Studies were made on the effect of water level of culture medium on the mycelial compositions and enzyme production in Aspergillus sojae K. S. The mold was grown on the media of various water levels made of powder of defatted soybean and wheat granule. The mycelia grown on the medium of low water level produced more protease and α-amylase, consumed more oxygen, formed less ammonia, and were richer in 2 n H2SO4-soluble glycogen, 60% H2SO4-soluble carbohydrates, protein and RNA per mg dry weight than the mycelia grown on the medium of high water level. Chromatographic analyses were carried out for nucleotides, sugar phosphates and free carbohydrates in cold TCA-soluble fraction of the mycelia.  相似文献   

This report is concerned with the time course of changes of several enzymes during endogenous respiration. It was observed that enzymes such as deaminases, amidases and transaminases found in the mycelia increased in activity more or less during endogenous respiration. It was assumed that enzyme formation occurred as the result of glucose starvation or depression of carbohydrate metabolism during endogenous respiration of the mold mycelia on buffer solution.  相似文献   

Studies were made on the endogenous respiration of Aspergillus sojae K.S. Observing the changes of Kjeldahl-nitrogen in each fraction of the mycelial components, the author concluded that pool amino acids, bound amino acids, protein, nucleic acids and nucleotides covered whole of the nitrogenous reserves available for endogenous respiration in the mycelia. A study was carried out on the effect of preincubation with glucose or amino acids on endogenous respiration. Stimulation of either oxygen uptake, protein breakdown or ammonia formation was observed during respiration of the mycelia incubated with a suitable concentration of azide, 2,4-dinitrophenol, potossium fluoride, monoiodoacetic acid or ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. Ammonia formation accompanied with endogenous respiration seemed to proceed inversely by the influence of energy yielding reaction.  相似文献   

Endogenous respiration of Aspergillus sojae K.S. was studied in terms of biochemical analysis. It was found that the different kind of substrates was utilized for the endogenous respiratoin according to C:N ratio of the agar medium on which the mold was grown. In the mycelial mats grown on the medium of low C:N value, pool amino acids, protein, and nucleic acids were mainly utilized from the beginning while carbohydrate or lipid displayed a minor role. The corresponding amount of ammonia was formed. On the other hand, in the mycelial mats grown on the medium of rather high C:N value, carbohydrate or lipid was the major substrate of endogenous respiration in the early stages of incubation. The utilization of the nitrogenous materials and the accompanying formation of ammonia got to start only after the lapse of several hours of incubation.  相似文献   

It was found that either γ-glutamic hydrazide or hydrazine at an appropriate concentration stimulated the formation of glutamic dehydrogenase as well as transaminases. Addition of l-glutamine partially reduced the stimulating effects of analogues.  相似文献   

Studies on Plant Antitranspirants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

植物次生代谢基因工程   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
植物次生代谢基因工程,是利用基因工程技术对植物次生代谢途径的遗传特性进行改造,进而改变植物次生代谢产物。植物次生代谢基因工程的出现是人类对次生代谢途径的深入了解和分子生物学向纵深发展的结果,同时它又促进了次生代谢分子生物学的发展。调控因子的应用和多基因的协同转化为植物次生代谢基因工程拓宽了思路。从次生代谢图谱、植物基因工程策略和植物转基因方法等方面对植物次生代谢的基因工程研究进展做一简要概述。  相似文献   

Ethanol Metabolism in Plant Tissues   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

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