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Cytoplasmic dynein has been implicated in numerous aspects of intracellular movement. We recently found dynein inhibitors to interfere with the reorientation of the microtubule cytoskeleton during healing of wounded NIH3T3 cell monolayers. We now find that dynein and its regulators dynactin and LIS1 localize to the leading cell cortex during this process. In the presence of serum, bright diffuse staining was observed in regions of active ruffling. This pattern was abolished by cytochalasin D, and was not observed in cells treated with lysophosphatidic acid, conditions which allow microtubule reorientation but not forward cell movement. Under the same conditions, using total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy, clear punctate dynein/dynactin containing structures were observed along the sides and at the tips of microtubules at the leading edge. Overexpression of dominant negative dynactin and LIS1 cDNAs or injection of antidynein antibody interfered with the rate of cell migration. Together, these results implicate a leading edge cortical pool of dynein in both early and persistent steps in directed cell movement.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic dynein is the major minus end-directed microtubule motor in animal cells, and associates with many of its cargoes in conjunction with the dynactin complex. Interaction between cytoplasmic dynein and dynactin is mediated by the binding of cytoplasmic dynein intermediate chains (CD-IC) to the dynactin subunit, p150(Glued). We have found that both CD-IC and p150(Glued) are cleaved by caspases during apoptosis in cultured mammalian cells and in Xenopus egg extracts. Xenopus CD-IC is rapidly cleaved at a conserved aspartic acid residue adjacent to its NH(2)-terminal p150(Glued) binding domain, resulting in loss of the otherwise intact cytoplasmic dynein complex from membranes. Cleavage of CD-IC and p150(Glued) in apoptotic Xenopus egg extracts causes the cessation of cytoplasmic dynein--driven endoplasmic reticulum movement. Motility of apoptotic membranes is restored by recruitment of intact cytoplasmic dynein and dynactin from control cytosol, or from apoptotic cytosol supplemented with purified cytoplasmic dynein--dynactin, demonstrating the dynamic nature of the association of cytoplasmic dynein and dynactin with their membrane cargo.  相似文献   

Vanadate selectively inhibited dynein ATPase, 10?7M causing 50% inhibition under favorable conditions. Actomyosin ATPase was inhibited only by up to a thousand times higher concentration. In both cases vanadate inhibition was not competitive with ATP. Reversal by catecholamines was correlated with reduction of vanadate. The motility of demembranated sea urchin or mammalian sperm was arrested by vanadate concentrations similar to those which inhibited dynein ATPase; a thousand times higher concentration was needed to paralyze live sperm. The possible utility of vanadate sensitivity as a probe for dynein involvement in non-axonemal motile systems was explored with respect to brain ATPase associated with tubulin obtained by cycles of assembly, and ATPases associated with mitotic apparatus isolated from sea urchin embryos.  相似文献   

In previous work we found cytoplasmic dynein to be a complex of two catalytic heavy chains and at least seven co-purifying polypeptides of unknown function. The most prominent of these is a 74-kD electrophoretic species which can be resolved as two to three bands by SDS-PAGE. We have now selected a series of overlapping rat brain cDNAs encoding the 74-kD species. The deduced sequence of a full-length cDNA predicts a 72,753 D polypeptide which includes the amino acid sequences of nine peptides determined by NH2-terminal microsequencing. PCR performed on first strand rat brain cDNA together with the sequence of a partially matching tryptic peptide indicated the existence of at least three isoforms of the 74-kD cytoplasmic dynein subunit. Comparison with known sequences revealed that the carboxyl-terminal half of the polypeptide is 26.4% identical and 47.7% similar to the product of the Chlamydomonas ODA6 gene, a 70-kD intermediate chain of flagellar outer arm dynein. Immunoblot analysis with a monoclonal antibody to the 74-kD species indicated a widespread tissue distribution, as expected for a cytoplasmic dynein subunit. Nonetheless, the antibody recognized a 67-kD species in ram sperm flagella and pig tracheal cilia, supporting the existence of distinct but related cytoplasmic and axonemal polypeptides in mammals. In view of evidence for a role for the ODA6 gene product in anchoring flagellar dynein to the A subfiber microtubule in the axoneme, we predict an analogous role for the 74-kD polypeptide, perhaps in mediating the interaction of cytoplasmic dynein with membranous organelles and kinetochores.  相似文献   

Polyclonal antibodies have been raised against four 16 residue peptides with sequences taken from the C-terminal quarter of the human cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain. The sites are downstream from a known microtubule-binding domain associated with the "stalk" that protrudes from the motor domain. The antisera were assayed using bacterially expressed proteins with amino acid sequences taken from the human cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain. Every antiserum reacted specifically with the appropriate expressed protein and with pig brain cytoplasmic dynein, whether the protein molecules were denatured on Western blots or were in a folded state. But, whereas three of the four antisera recognized freshly purified cytoplasmic dynein, the fourth reacted only with dynein that had been allowed to denature a little. After affinity purification against the expressed domains, whole IgG molecules and Fab fragments were assayed for their effect on dynein activity in in vitro microtubule-sliding assays. Of the three anti-peptides that reacted with fresh dynein, one inhibited motility but the others did not. The way these peptides are exposed on the surface is compatible with a model whereby the dynein motor domain is constructed from a ring of AAA protein modules, with the C-terminal module positioned on the surface that interacts with microtubules. We have tentatively identified an additional AAA module in the dynein heavy chain sequence, which would be consistent with a heptameric ring.  相似文献   

Lissencephaly is a brain developmental disorder characterized by disorganization of the cortical regions resulting from defects in neuronal migration. Recent evidence has implicated the human LIS-1 gene in Miller-Dieker lissencephaly and isolated lissencephaly sequence. LIS-1 is homologous to the fungal genes NudF and PAC1, which are involved in cytoplasmic dynein mediated nuclear transport, but it is also almost identical to a subunit of PAF acetylhydrolase, an enzyme which inactivates the lipid mediator platelet activating factor. Recent evidence from our laboratory has revealed that cytoplasmic dynein coimmunoprecipitates with LIS-1 in bovine brain cytosol, supporting a role in the dynein pathway in vertebrates. Overexpression of LIS-1 interferes with cell division, with noteworthy effects on chromosome attachment to the mitotic spindle and on the interaction of astral microtubules with the cell cortex. Other aspects of dynein function, such as the organization of the Golgi apparatus, are not affected. Together, these results suggest a role for LIS-1 in cytoplasmic dynein functions involving microtubule plus-ends. Furthermore, they suggest that mutations in LIS-1 may produce a lissencephalic phenotype either by interfering with the movement of neuronal nuclei within extending processes, or by interference with the division cycle of neuronal progenitor cells in the ventricular and subventricular zones of the developing nervous system.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic dynein is responsible for a wide range of cellular roles. How this single motor protein performs so many functions has remained a major outstanding question for many years. Part of the answer is thought to lie in the diversity of dynein regulators, but how the effects of these factors are coordinated in vivo remains unexplored. We previously found NudE to bind dynein through its light chain 8 (LC8) and intermediate chain (IC) subunits (1), the latter of which also mediates the dynein-dynactin interaction (2). We report here that NudE and dynactin bind to a common region within the IC, and compete for this site. We find LC8 to bind to a novel sequence within NudE, without detectably affecting the dynein-NudE interaction. We further find that commonly used dynein inhibitory reagents have broad effects on the interaction of dynein with its regulatory factors. Together these results reveal an unanticipated mechanism for preventing dual regulation of individual dynein molecules, and identify the IC as a nexus for regulatory interactions within the dynein complex.  相似文献   

A model for the unidirectional movement of dynein is presented based on the structuralobservations and biochemical experimental results available.In this model,the binding affinity of dynein formicrotubule (MT) is independent of its nucleotide state and the change between strong and weak MT-bindingis determined naturally by the variation of relative orientation between the stalk and MT,as the stalk rotatesfollowing nucleotide-state transition.Thus the enigmatic communication from the adenosine triphosphate(ATP)-binding site in the globular domain to the far MT-binding site in the tip of the stalk,which is aprerequisite in conventional models,is not required.Using the present model,the previous experimentalresults such as the effect of ATP and adenosine diphosphate (ADP) bindings on dissociation of dynein fromMT,the movement of single-headed axonemal dyneins at saturating ATP concentration,the load dependenceof step-size for the movement of two-headed cytoplasmic dyneins and the dependence of stall force on ATPconcentration can be well explained.  相似文献   

The assembly of cilia and flagella depends on the activity of two microtubule motor complexes, kinesin-2 and dynein-2/1b, but the specific functions of the different subunits are poorly defined. Here we analyze Chlamydomonas strains expressing different amounts of the dynein 1b light intermediate chain (D1bLIC). Disruption of D1bLIC alters the stability of the dynein 1b complex and reduces both the frequency and velocity of retrograde intraflagellar transport (IFT), but it does not eliminate retrograde IFT. Flagellar assembly, motility, gliding, and mating are altered in a dose-dependent manner. iTRAQ-based proteomics identifies a small subset of proteins that are significantly reduced or elevated in d1blic flagella. Transformation with D1bLIC-GFP rescues the mutant phenotypes, and D1bLIC-GFP assembles into the dynein 1b complex at wild-type levels. D1bLIC-GFP is transported with anterograde IFT particles to the flagellar tip, dissociates into smaller particles, and begins processive retrograde IFT in <2 s. These studies demonstrate the role of D1bLIC in facilitating the recycling of IFT subunits and other proteins, identify new components potentially involved in the regulation of IFT, flagellar assembly, and flagellar signaling, and provide insight into the role of D1bLIC and retrograde IFT in other organisms.  相似文献   

The dynein motor domain consists of a ring of six AAA domains with a protruding microtubule-binding stalk and a C-terminal domain of unknown function. To understand how conformational information is communicated within this complex structure, we produced a series of recombinant and proteolytic rat motor domain fragments, which we analyzed enzymatically. A recombinant 210-kDa half-motor domain fragment surprisingly exhibited a 6-fold higher steady state ATPase activity than a 380-kDa complete motor domain fragment. The increased ATPase activity was associated with a complete loss of sensitivity to inhibition by vanadate and an approximately 100-fold increase in the rate of ADP release. The time course of product release was discovered to be biphasic, and each phase was stimulated approximately 1000-fold by microtubule binding to the 380-kDa motor domain. Both the half-motor and full motor domain fragments were remarkably resistant to tryptic proteolysis, exhibiting either two or three major cleavage sites. Cleavage near the C terminus of the 380-kDa motor domain released a 32-kDa fragment and abolished sensitivity to vanadate. Cleavage at this site was insensitive to ATP or 5'-adenylyl-beta,gamma-imidodiphosphate but was blocked by ADP-AlF3 or ADP-vanadate. Based on these data, we proposed a model for long range allosteric control of product release at AAA1 and AAA3 through the microtubule-binding stalk and the C-terminal domain, the latter of which may interact with AAA1 to close the motor domain ring in a cross-bridge cycle-dependent manner.  相似文献   

A system distinct from the central pair–radial spoke complex was proposed to control outer arm dynein function in response to alterations in the mechanical state of the flagellum. In this study, we examine the role of a Chlamydomonas reinhardtii outer arm dynein light chain that associates with the motor domain of the γ heavy chain (HC). We demonstrate that expression of mutant forms of LC1 yield dominant-negative effects on swimming velocity, as the flagella continually beat out of phase and stall near or at the power/recovery stroke switchpoint. Furthermore, we observed that LC1 interacts directly with tubulin in a nucleotide-independent manner and tethers this motor unit to the A-tubule of the outer doublet microtubules within the axoneme. Therefore, this dynein HC is attached to the same microtubule by two sites: via both the N-terminal region and the motor domain. We propose that this γ HC–LC1–microtubule ternary complex functions as a conformational switch to control outer arm activity.  相似文献   

We report here the cloning and sequencing of a cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain gene from the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum. Using a combination of approaches, we have isolated 14,318 bp of DNA sequence which contains an open-reading frame of 4,725 amino acids. The deduced molecular weight of the polypeptide predicted by this reading frame is 538,482 D. Overall, the polypeptide sequence is 51% similar and 28% identical to the recently published sequences of the beta-dynein heavy chain from sea urchin flagella (Gibbons, I. R., B. H. Gibbons, G. Mocz, and D. J. Asai. 1991. Nature (Lond.). 352: 640-643; Ogawa, K. 1991. Nature (Lond.). 352:643-645). It contains four GXXXXGKT/S motifs that form part of a consensus sequence for ATP-binding domains; these motifs are clustered near the middle of the polypeptide. The distribution of the regions sharing sequence similarity between the Dictyostelium and sea urchin heavy chain polypeptides suggests that the amino termini of dyneins may contain domains that specify axonemal or cytoplasmic functions.  相似文献   

Flagellar motility is generated by the activity of multiple dynein motors, but the specific role of each dynein heavy chain (Dhc) is largely unknown, and the mechanism by which the different Dhcs are targeted to their unique locations is also poorly understood. We report here the complete nucleotide sequence of the Chlamydomonas Dhc1 gene and the corresponding deduced amino acid sequence of the 1alpha Dhc of the I1 inner dynein arm. The 1alpha Dhc is similar to other axonemal Dhcs, but two additional phosphate binding motifs (P-loops) have been identified in the NH(2)- and COOH-terminal regions. Because mutations in Dhc1 result in motility defects and loss of the I1 inner arm, a series of Dhc1 transgenes were used to rescue the mutant phenotypes. Motile cotransformants that express either full-length or truncated 1alpha Dhcs were recovered. The truncated 1alpha Dhc fragments lacked the dynein motor domain, but still assembled with the 1beta Dhc and other I1 subunits into partially functional complexes at the correct axoneme location. Analysis of the transformants has identified the site of the 1alpha motor domain in the I1 structure and further revealed the role of the 1alpha Dhc in flagellar motility and phototactic behavior.  相似文献   

Dynein is a motor ATPase, and the C-terminal two-thirds of its heavy chain form a ring structure. One of protrudings from this ring structure is a stalk whose tip, the dynein stalk head (DSH), is thought to be the microtubule-binding domain. As a first step toward elucidating the functional mechanisms of DSH, we aimed at the NMR structural analysis of an isolated DSH from mouse cytoplasmic dynein. The DSH expressed in bacteria and purified was coprecipitated with microtubules, suggesting its proper folding. Chemical shifts of the DSH were obtained from NMR measurements, and backbone assignment identified 94% of the main-chain N-H signals. Secondary structural prediction programs showed that about 60% of the residues formed alpha-helices. A region with cationic residues K58 and R61 (and possibly R66 as well), and another with R86, K88, K90, and K91, were found to form alpha-helices. Both of these regions may be important in the formation of the DSH-binding site to a microtubule that has a low pI with a number of acidic residues. Two synthetic peptides containing the sequence of the alpha-helix 12 of beta-tubulin, considered to be important in binding to DSH, were investigated. Of these two peptides, the one with higher helix-formation propensity appeared to bind to DSH, since it precipitated with DSH in a nearly stoichiometric manner. This suggested that the alpha-helicity of this region would be important in its binding to DSH.  相似文献   

Axonemal dynein is the molecular motor responsible for the rhythmic beating of eukaryotic cilia and flagella. An individual axonemal dynein molecule is capable of both unidirectional and oscillatory motion along a microtubule (Nature 393 (1998) 711). We propose a model which links the physical motion of a two-headed dynein molecule to its ATP hydrolysis cycle, and which exhibits both processive and oscillatory behaviors. A mathematical analysis of the model is used to make experimentally testable predictions.  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic dynein regulatory factor Lis1, which induces a persistent tight binding to microtubules and allows for transport of cargoes under high-load conditions, is also present in motile cilia/flagella. We observed that Lis1 levels in flagella of Chlamydomonas strains that exhibit defective motility due to mutation of various axonemal substructures were greatly enhanced compared with wild type; this increase was absolutely dependent on the presence within the flagellum of the outer arm dynein α heavy chain/light chain 5 thioredoxin unit. To assess whether cells might interpret defective motility as a "high-load environment," we reduced the flagellar beat frequency of wild-type cells through enhanced viscous load and by reductive stress; both treatments resulted in increased levels of flagellar Lis1, which altered the intrinsic beat frequency of the trans flagellum. Differential extraction of Lis1 from wild-type and mutant axonemes suggests that the affinity of outer arm dynein for Lis1 is directly modulated. In cytoplasm, Lis1 localized to two punctate structures, one of which was located near the base of the flagella. These data reveal that the cell actively monitors motility and dynamically modulates flagellar levels of the dynein regulatory factor Lis1 in response to imposed alterations in beat parameters.  相似文献   

Normal human somatic cells, unlike cancer cells, stop dividing after a limited number of cell divisions through the process termed cellular senescence or replicative senescence, which functions as a tumor-suppressive mechanism and may be related to organismal aging. By means of the cDNA subtractive hybridization, we identified eight genes upregulated during normal chromosome 3-induced cellular senescence in a human renal cell carcinoma cell line. Among them is the DNCI1 gene encoding an intermediate chain 1 of the cytoplasmic dynein, a microtubule motor that plays a role in chromosome movement and organelle transport. The DNCI1 mRNA was also upregulated during in vitro aging of primary human fibroblasts. In contrast, other components of cytoplasmic dynein showed no significant change in mRNA expression during cellular aging. Cell growth arrest by serum starvation, contact inhibition, or gamma-irradiation did not induce the DNCI1 mRNA, suggesting its specific role in cellular senescence. The DNCI1 gene is on the long arm of chromosome 7 where tumor suppressor genes and a senescence-inducing gene for a group of immortal cell lines (complementation group D) are mapped. This is the first report that links a component of molecular motor complex to cellular senescence, providing a new insight into molecular mechanisms of cellular senescence.  相似文献   

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