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Two types of smooth muscle myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms, SM1 and SM2, were recently identified to have different carboxyl termini (Nagai, R., Kuro-o, M., Babij, P., and Periasamy, M. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 9734-9737). SM1 and SM2 are considered to be generated from a single gene through alternative RNA splicing. In this study we investigated expression of vascular MHC isoforms during development in rabbits at the mRNA, protein, and histological levels. In adults, all smooth muscle cells reacted with both anti-SM1 and anti-SM2 antibodies on immunofluorescence, suggesting the coexpression of SM1 and SM2 in a single cell. In fetal and perinatal rabbits, however, only anti-SM1 antibody consistently reacted with smooth muscles. Reactivity with anti-SM2 antibody was negative in the fetal and neonatal blood vessels and gradually increased during 30 days after birth. These developmental changes in SM1 and SM2 expression at the histological level coincided with mRNA expression of each MHC isoform as determined by S1 nuclease mapping, indicating that expression of SM1 and SM2 is controlled at the level of RNA splicing. However, sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of myosin from fetal and perinatal aortas revealed the presence of large amount of SM2. Interestingly, fetal SM2 did not cross-react with our anti-SM2 antibody on immunoblotting. We conclude that expression of SM1 and SM2 are differentially regulated during development and that a third type of MHC isoform may exist in embryonic and perinatal vascular smooth muscles.  相似文献   

The development of muscle spindles, with respect to the expression of myosin heavy chain isoforms was studied in rat hind limbs from 17 days of gestation up to seven days after birth. Serial cross-sections were labelled with antibodies against slow tonic, slow twitch and neonatal isomyosins, myomesin, laminin and neurofilament protein. At 17-18 days of gestation, a small population of primary myotubes expressing slow tonic myosin were identified as the earliest spindle primordia. These myotubes also expressed slow twitch and, to a lesser extent, neonatal myosin. At 19-20 days of gestation a second myotube became apparent; this staining strongly with anti-neonatal myosin. A day later this secondary myotube acquired reactivity to anti-slow tonic and anti-slow twitch myosins. By birth, a third myotube was present; this staining strongly with anti-neonatal myosin but otherwise unreactive with the other antibodies against myosin heavy chains. Three days after birth a fourth myotube, with identical reactivity to the third one, became apparent. Regional variation in the expression of isomyosins, which was present since birth in the two nuclear bag fibers was further enhanced: the nuclear bag staining strongly with anti-slow tonic and antineonatal in the equatorial region and with decreasing intensity towards the poles, whilst with anti-slow twitch the stainability was low in the equatorial and high in the polar region. The nuclear bag fiber showed a homogeneous staining: high with anti-slow tonic, moderate with anti-neonatal, and displayed stainability to anti-slow twitch myosin in the polar regions only. No regional variation was found along the chain fiber/myotube.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary The development of muscle spindles, with respect to the expression of myosin heavy chain isoforms was studied in rat hind limbs from 17 days of gestation up to seven days after birth. Serial cross-sections were labelled with antibodies against slow tonic, slow twitch and neonatal isomyosins, myomesin, laminin and neurofilament protein.At 17–18 days of gestation, a small population of primary myotubes expressing slow tonic myosin were identified as the earliest spindle primordia. These myotubes also expressed slow twitch and, to a lesser extent, neonatal myosin. At 19–20 days of gestation a second myotube became apparent; this staining strongly with anti-neonatal myosin. A day later this secondary myotube acquired reactivity to anti-slow tonic and anti-slow twitch myosins. By birth, a third myotube was present; this staining strongly with anti-neonatal myosin but otherwise unreactive with the other antibodies against myosin heavy chains. Three days after birth a fourth myotube, with identical reactivity to the third one, became apparent. Regional variation in the expression of isomyosins, which was present since birth in the two nuclear bag fibers was further enhanced: the nuclear bag2 staining strongly with anti-slow tonic and antineonatal in the equatorial region and with decreasing intensity towards the poles, whilst with anti-slow twitch the stainability was low in the equatorial and high in the polar region. The nuclear bag1 fiber showed a homogeneous staining: high with anti-slow tonic, moderate with anti-neonatal, and displayed stainability to antislow twitch myosin in the polar regions only. No regional variation was found along the chain fiber/myotube. At seven days after birth, the pattern of reactivity was similar to that found in the adult spindles, except for the bag1 fiber which still expressed neonatal myosin.We show that slow tonic myosin is expressed from early development and it is a reliable marker of developing bag fibers. We suggest that muscle spindles are formed from special cell lineages of which the primary generation myotubes expressing slow tonic myosin represent the primordium of muscle spindles.  相似文献   

Summary— The distribution of smooth muscle (SM)-type myosin heavy chain isoforms in several bovine muscular and non-muscular (NM) tissues was evaluated by immunofluorescence tests using monoclonal antibodies SM-E7, reactive with 204 (SM1) and 200 (SM2) kDa isoforms, and SM-F11, specific for SM2 isoform. SM-E7 reacted equally with vascular, respiratory and intestinal SM tissues, whereas SM-F11 stained heterogeneously SM cells in the various muscular systems examined and in some peculiar tissues was unreactive (perisinusoidal cells of hepatic lobule, pulmonary interstitial cells and intestinal muscularis mucosae) or uniquely reactive (nerve cells). On the whole, our findings indicate that SM1 and SM2 isoforms are unequally distributed at the cellular level in various SM and NM tissues and support previous results obtained with tissue extracts and electrophoretic procedures.  相似文献   

Digastric muscle (DGM) is a powerful jaw-opening muscle that participates in chewing, swallowing, breathing, and speech. For better understanding of its contractile properties, five pairs of adult human DGMs were obtained from autopsies and processed with immunocytochemistry and/or immunoblotting. Monoclonal antibodies against alpha-cardiac, slow tonic, neonatal, and embryonic myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms were employed to determine whether the DGM fibers contain these MHC isoforms, which have previously been demonstrated in restricted specialized craniocervical skeletal muscles but have not been reported in normal adult human trunk and limb muscles. The results showed expression of all these MHC isoforms in adult human DGMs. About half of the fibers reacted positively to the antibody specific for the alpha-cardiac MHC isoform in DGMs, and the number of these fibers decreased with age. Slow tonic MHC isoform containing fibers accounted for 19% of the total fiber population. Both the alpha-cardiac and slow tonic MHC isoforms were found to coexist mainly with the slow twitch MHC isoform in a fiber. A few DGM fibers expressed the embryonic or neonatal MHC isoform. The findings suggest that human DGM fibers may be specialized to facilitate performance of complex motor behaviors in the upper airway and digestive tract.  相似文献   

The alternatively spliced SM1 and SM2 smooth muscle myosin heavy chains differ at their respective carboxyl termini by 43 versus 9 unique amino acids. To determine whether these tailpieces affect filament assembly, SM1 and SM2 myosins, the rod region of these myosin isoforms, and a rod with no tailpiece (tailless), were expressed in Sf 9 cells. Paracrystals formed from SM1 and SM2 rod fragments showed different modes of molecular packing, indicating that the tailpieces can influence filament structure. The SM2 rod was less able to assemble into stable filaments than either SM1 or the tailless rods. Expressed full-length SM1 and SM2 myosins showed solubility differences comparable to the rods, establishing the validity of the latter as a model for filament assembly. Formation of homodimers of SM1 and SM2 rods was favored over the heterodimer in cells coinfected with both viruses, compared with mixtures of the two heavy chains renatured in vitro. These results demonstrate for the first time that the smooth muscle myosin tailpieces differentially affect filament assembly, and suggest that homogeneous thick filaments containing SM1 or SM2 myosin could serve distinct functions within smooth muscle cells.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies were prepared to stage-specific chicken pectoral muscle myosin heavy chain isoforms. From comparison of serial sections reacted with these antibodies, the myosin heavy chain isoform composition of individual myofibers was determined in denervated pectoral muscle and in regenerating myotubes that developed following cold injury of normal and denervated muscle. It was found that the neonatal myosin heavy chain reappeared in most myofibers following denervation of the pectoral muscle. Regenerating myotubes in both innervated and denervated muscle expressed all of the myosin heavy chain isoforms which have thus far been characterized in developing pectoral muscle. However, the neonatal and adult myosin heavy chains appeared more rapidly in regenerating myotubes compared to myofibers in developing muscle. While the initial expression of these isoforms in the regenerating areas was similar in innervated and denervated muscles, the neonatal myosin heavy chain did not disappear from noninnervated regenerating fibers. These results indicate that innervation is not required for the appearance of fast myosin heavy chain isoforms, but that the nerve plays some role in the repression of the neonatal myosin heavy chain.  相似文献   

Summary Monoclonal antibodies specifically recognizing cardiac and extraocular muscle myosin heavy chains of the quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) were used to determine the patterns of expression of these isoforms in clonal cultures of embryonic quail myoblasts. Myoblasts prepared from 9 day embryonic pectoralis are virtually homogeneous in their ability to form clones expressing both cardiac and extraocular isoforms. The majority of myoblasts obtained from day 5 embryos also formed clones which co-express the cardiac and extraocular isoforms, but a small percentage of the clones expressed only cardiac isoforms.  相似文献   

We previously reported the characterization of a rabbit uterus cDNA clone (SMHC29) which encoded part of the light meromyosin of smooth muscle myosin heavy chain (Nagai, R., Larson, D.M., and Periasamy, M. (1988) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 85, 1047-1051). We have now characterized a second cDNA clone (SMHC40) which also encodes part of the light meromyosin but differs from SMHC29 in the following respects. Nucleotide sequence analysis demonstrates that the two myosin heavy chain mRNAs are identical over 1424 nucleotides but differ in part of the 3'-carboxyl coding region and a portion of the 3'-nontranslated sequence. Specifically, SMHC40 cDNA encodes a unique stretch of 43 amino acids at the carboxyl terminus, whereas SMHC29 cDNA contains a shorter carboxyl terminus of 9 unique amino acids which is the result of a 39-nucleotide insertion. Recent peptide mapping of smooth muscle myosin heavy chain identified two isotypes with differences in the light meromyosin fragment that were designated as SM1 (204 kDa) and SM2 (200 kDa) type myosin (Eddinger, T. J., and Murphy, R.A. (1988) Biochemistry 27, 3807-3811). In this study we present direct evidence that SMHC40 and SMHC29 mRNA encode the two smooth muscle myosin heavy chain isoforms, SM1 and SM2, respectively, by immunoblot analysis using antibodies against specific carboxyl terminus sequences deduced from SMHC40 and SMHC29 cDNA clones.  相似文献   

Abalone myosin contains two kinds of light chain, regulatory light chain (LC2) and essential light chain (LC1) according to SDS-PAGE. Three distinct light chain bands were observed on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of purified abalone myosin in the presence of urea (urea-PAGE). The slower two components showed had mobility on SDS-PAGE and they also showed regulatory activity as the regulatory light chain. They were termed LC2-a and LC2-b in order of increasing mobility on urea-PAGE and isolated by DE-32 ion exchange column chromatography in the presence 8 M urea. The ratio of LC2-a and LC2-b in the central portion of adductor muscle of abalone (LC2-a: LC2-b = 7:3) was different from that (1:1) in the peripheral portion. These results suggest that the two light chains are isoforms of the regulatory light chain. The amino acid compositions of LC2-a and LC2-b were very similar to each other except for the Cys content. The UV absorption spectra were also quite similar, as were the UV difference absorption spectra induced by Ca2+. Phosphorylation was not detectable with the myosin light chain kinase of chicken gizzard. The Ca2+ concentration dependencies of Mg-ATPase activity of LC2-a or LC2-b hybridized abalone myosin (a-myosin, b-myosin) were similar to each other in the absence of rabbit F-actin, but differed in the presence of actin. The b-myosin had a higher maximum value of actomyosin ATPase activity and a lower apparent binding constant of actin and myosin than a-myosin.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Talmadge, Robert J., Roland R. Roy, and V. Reggie Edgerton.Distribution of myosin heavy chain isoforms in non-weight-bearing rat soleus muscle fibers. J. Appl.Physiol. 81(6): 2540-2546, 1996.The effects of14 days of spaceflight (SF) or hindlimb suspension (HS) (Cosmos 2044)on myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoform content of the rat soleus muscleand single muscle fibers were determined. On the basis ofelectrophoretic analyses, there was a de novo synthesis of type IIx MHCbut no change in either type I or IIa MHC isoform proportions aftereither SF or HS compared with controls. The percentage of fiberscontaining only type I MHC decreased by 26 and 23%, and the percentageof fibers with multiple MHCs increased from 6% in controls to 32% inHS and 34% in SF rats. Type IIx MHC was always found in combinationwith another MHC or combination of MHCs; i.e., no fibers contained typeIIx MHC exclusively. These data suggest that the expression of thenormal complement of MHC isoforms in the adult rat soleus muscle isdependent, in part, on normal weight bearing and that the absence ofweight bearing induces a shift toward type IIx MHC protein expression in the preexisting type I and IIa fibers of the soleus.


We explored the hypothesis that discrepancies in the literature concerning the nature of myosin expression in cultured smooth muscle cells are due to the appearance of a new form of myosin heavy chain (MHC) in vitro. Previously, we used a very porous sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis system to detect two MHCs in intact smooth muscles (SM1 and SM2) which differ by less than 2% in molecular weight (Rovner, A. S., Thompson, M. M., and Murphy, R. A. (1986) Am. J. Physiol. 250, C861-C870). Myosin-containing homogenates of rat aorta cells in primary culture were electrophoresed on this gel system, and Western blots were performed using smooth muscle-specific and nonmuscle-specific myosin antibodies. Subconfluent, rapidly proliferating cultures contained a form of heavy chain not found in rat aorta cells in vivo (NM) with electrophoretic mobility and antigenicity identical to the single unique heavy chain seen in nonmuscle cells. Moreover, these cultures expressed almost none of the smooth muscle heavy chains. In contrast, postconfluent growth-arrested cultures expressed increased levels of the two smooth muscle heavy chains, along with large amounts of NM. Analysis of cultures pulsed with [35S] methionine indicated that subconfluent cells were synthesizing almost exclusively NM, whereas postconfluent cells synthesized SM1 and SM2 as well as larger amounts of NM. Similar patterns of MHC content and synthesis were found in subconfluent and postconfluent passaged cells. These results show that cultured vascular smooth muscle cells undergo differential expression of smooth muscle- and nonmuscle-specific MHC forms with changes in their growth state, which appear to parallel changes in expression of the smooth muscle and nonmuscle forms of actin (Owens, G. K., Loeb, A., Gordon, D., and Thompson, M. M. (1986) J. Cell Biol. 102, 343-352). The reappearance of the smooth muscle MHCs in postconfluent cells suggests that density-related growth arrest promotes cytodifferentiation, but the continued expression of the nonmuscle MHC form in these smooth muscle cells indicates that other factors are required to induce the fully differentiated state while in culture.  相似文献   

The present paper describes the isolation and linkage mapping of two isoforms of skeletal muscle myosin heavy chain in pig. Two partial cDNAs (pAZMY4 and pAZMY7), coding for the porcine myosin heavy chain-2B and -β respectively, have been isolated from a pig skeletal muscle cDNA library. Four RFLPs were detected with the putative porcine skeletal myosin heavy chain-2B probe (pAZMY4) and one RFLP was identified with the putative myosin heavy chain-β probe (pAZMY7). Two myosin heavy chain loci were mapped by linkage analysis performed with the five RFLPs against the PiGMaP linkage consortium ResPig database: the MYH1 locus, which identifies the fast skeletal muscle myosin heavy chain gene cluster, was located at the end of the map of porcine chromosome 12, while the MYH7 locus, which identifies the myosin heavy chain-α/-β gene cluster, was assigned to the long arm of porcine chromosome 7.  相似文献   

These experiments were performed totest the hypotheses that myosin light chain 17 (MLC17) aand b isoform expression varies between individual vascular smoothmuscle (SM) cells and that their expression correlates with cellunloaded shortening velocity. Single SM cells isolated from rabbitaorta and carotid arteries were used to measure unloaded shorteningvelocity and subsequently were analyzed via RT-PCR forMLC17 a and b mRNA ratio. The MLC17b/a mRNA andprotein ratios from adjacent tissue sections correlate very well(R2 = 0.68), allowing use of the mRNA ratio topredict the protein ratio. The rabbit MLC17 isoform proteinsequence was found to be similar to, but unique from, the swine, mouse,and chicken sequences. Isolated single SM cells from the aorta andcarotid have resting lengths of 70-280 µm and shorten to33-88 µm after contraction. Isolated cell maximum unloadedshortening velocity is highly variable (0.5-7.5 µm/s) butbecomes more uniform when normalized to initial cell length(0.01-0.05 cell lengths/s). Carotid cells activated in thepresence of okadaic acid (1 µm) have mean maximal unloaded shorteningvelocities not significantly different from carotid cells activatedwithout okadaic acid (0.016 vs. 0.019 cell lengths/s). Resting celllength before activation is significantly correlated with final celllength after unloaded shortening. Neither initial cell length, finalcell length, total cell length change, nor maximum unloaded shorteningvelocity (absolute or normalized) was significantly correlated withsingle-cell MLC17b/a mRNA ratio. These studies wereperformed in isolated single SM cells where unloaded shorteningvelocity and MLC17b/a mRNA ratios were measured in the samecell. In this preparation, the three-dimensional organization andmilieu of the cell is kept intact, but without the intercellularheterogeneity concerns of multicellular preparations. These resultssuggest the MLC17b/a ratio is variable between individual SM cells from the same tissue, but it is not a determinant of unloadedshortening velocity in single SM cells.


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