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Abstract. Head regeneration in hydra is initiated by an extensive release of head inhibitor and head activator from tissue close to the cut surface. Release of both substances is less extensive after removal of the foot. Incubation of regenerating animals in medium with head inhibitor blocks not only regeneration of a new head but also release of head activator and head inhibitor. No effect was found of the head activator on the release of both substances. Release of head-specific substances is thus controlled by the inhibitor alone. Cellular determination in a head-specific direction and the production of new sources for head factors requires head activator.  相似文献   

Abstract. Studies of the changes of the head inhibitor and the head activator during hydra head regeneration have shown that free head inhibitor blocks its own release from sources and that of head activator as well. On the basis of this feedback mechanism a system of differential equations was formulated which describes the changes of the free and bound substances during regeneration in a computer simulation. Removal of the head is assumed to cause a loss of free inhibitor by leakage. The resulting decrease in the concentration of free inhibitor allows extensive release of both substances from sources close to the cut surface. The fast diffusing inhibitor spreads out over the whole tissue. Due to its smaller diffusion rate the activator accumulates near the cut surface. This distribution is stable during the first hours of regeneration, and we propose that it is the necessary prerequisite for head formation. Using the stimulating property of the head activator on the production of nerve cells, which are in turn activator- and inhibitor-producing cells, restoration of the gradient of the sources in the model is assured. Budding, which is another important morphogenetic event of hydra, can also be described in terms of the model.  相似文献   

The head of a hydra is composed of two parts, a domed hypostome with a mouth at the top and a ring of tentacles below. When animals are decapitated a new head regenerates. During the process of regeneration the apical tip passes through a transient stage in which it exhibits tentacle-like characteristics before becoming a hypostome. This was determined from markers which appeared before morphogenesis took place. The first was a monoclonal antibody, TS-19, that specifically binds to the ectodermal epithelial cells of the tentacles. The second was an antiserum against the peptide Arg-Phe-amide (RFamide), which in the head of hydra is specific to the sensory cells of the hypostomal apex and the ganglion cells of the lower hypostome and tentacles. The TS-19 expression and the ganglion cells with RFamide-like immunoreactivity (RLI) arose first at the apex and spread radially. Once the tentacles began evaginating in a ring, both the TS-19 antigen and RLI+ ganglion cells gradually disappeared from the presumptive hypostome area and RLI+ sensory cells appeared at the apex. By tracking tissue movements during morphogenesis it became clear that the apical cap, in which these changes took place, did not undergo tissue turnover. The implications of this tentacle-like stage for patterning the two-part head are discussed.  相似文献   

Different signaling systems coordinate and regulate the development of a multicellular organism. In hydra, the canonical Wnt pathway and the signal transduction pathways mediated by PKC and Src regulate early stages of head formation. In this paper, we present evidence for the participation of a third pathway, the PI3K-PKB pathway, involved in this process. The data presented here are consistent with the participation of ERK 1-2 as a point of convergence for the transduction pathways mediated by PKC, Src and PI3K for the regulation of the regeneration of the head in hydra. The specific developmental point regulated by them appears to be the commitment of tissue at the apical end of the regenerate to form the head organizer.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the early patterning processes leading to the regeneration of a head in tissue excised from the body column of Hydra oligactis were examined by using a monoclonal antibody, CP8. This antibody displays position-specific binding, labeling the head ectodermal epithelial cells. During regeneration of a head, antibody labeling is present well before morphological signs of the head, at a time correlated with the determination of the tissue (Javois et al., Dev. Biol., 117:607-618, '86). By quantifying antibody labeling during regeneration of three different pieces of tissue excised from the body column, it was found that the dynamics of the early patterning processes as visualized by CP8 labeling varied. The pattern of labeling observed as well as the spread of labeled tissue suggested that the amount and geometry of apical tissue in the regenerate played a critical role in the patterning processes. Contrary to the labeling pattern observed in heads which formed during bud development or which regenerated following decapitation (Javois et al., '86), not all the CP8+ tissue was confined to the head structures in these regenerates. Several alternative explanations for this surprising result are presented. The usefulness of these data in refining pattern formation models by more explicitly constraining their parameters is discussed.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody, CP8, has been isolated which displays a position-specific binding pattern to epithelial cells of Hydra oligactis. Antibody binding is restricted to the head of adult animals. When a new head develops during the budding process, CP8 binding is present in the area which will form the head well before morphological signs of it. Similarly, following decapitation as a new head regenerates, CP8 label appears covering a domed area at the apical end of the regenerate before tentacles evaginate delineating the head. When bud development or regeneration is complete, CP8 label is restricted to the new head. Experiments indicate the appearance of CP8 label during the formation of a head correlates closely with the patterning events which result in the determination of the tissue to form a head. The usefulness of CP8 as a diagnostic tool for exploring the dynamics of head pattern formation in hydra is discussed.  相似文献   

The results of a wide variety of transplantation experiments with Hydra, including experiments on animals in various stages of head regeneration, can be accounted for in a quantitatively satisfactory way with a reaction-diffusion model. This model, a proportion-regulating version of the Gierer-Meinhardt model, also accounts for the observed allometry of the head in Hydra. Values can be derived for all nine of the independent parameters of the model using eleven experimental results, and the model with these parameter values predicts the results of six further experiments.  相似文献   

After bisection, Hydra polyps regenerate their head from the lower half thanks to a head-organizer activity that is rapidly established at the tip. Head regeneration is also highly plastic as both the wild-type and the epithelial Hydra (that lack the interstitial cell lineage) can regenerate their head. In the wild-type context, we previously showed that after mid-gastric bisection, a large subset of the interstitial cells undergo apoptosis, inducing compensatory proliferation of the surrounding progenitors. This asymmetric process is necessary and sufficient to launch head regeneration. The apoptotic cells transiently release Wnt3, which promotes the formation of a proliferative zone by activating the beta-catenin pathway in the adjacent cycling cells. However the injury-induced signaling that triggers apoptosis is unknown. We previously reported an asymmetric immediate activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase/ribosomal S6 kinase/cAMP response element binding protein (MAPK/RSK/CREB) pathway in head-regenerating tips after mid-gastric bisection. We show here that pharmacological inhibition of the MAPK/ERK pathway or RNAi knockdown of the RSK, CREB, CREB binding protein (CBP) genes prevents apoptosis, compensatory proliferation and blocks head regeneration. As the activation of the MAPK pathway upon injury plays an essential role in regenerating bilaterian species, these results suggest that the MAPK-dependent activation of apoptosis-induced compensatory proliferation represents an evolutionary-conserved mechanism to launch a regenerative process.  相似文献   

Characterization of the head organizer in hydra   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A central process in the maintenance of axial patterning in the adult hydra is the head activation gradient, i.e. the potential to form a secondary axis, which is maximal in the head and is graded down the body column. Earlier evidence suggested that this gradient was based on a single parameter. Using transplantation experiments, we provide evidence that the hypostome, the apical part of the head, has the characteristics of an organizer in that it has the capacity to induce host tissue to form most of the second axis. By contrast, tissue of the body column has a self-organizing capacity, but not an inductive capacity. That the inductive capacity is confined to the hypostome is supported by experiments involving a hypostome-contact graft. The hypostome, but not the body column, transmits a signal(s) leading to the formation of a second axis. In addition, variations of the transplantation grafts and hypostome-contact grafts provide evidence for several characteristics of the organizer. The inductive capacity of the head and the self-organizing capacity of the body column are based on different pathways. Head inhibition, yya signal produced in the head and transmitted to the body column to prevent head formation, represses the effect of the inducing signal by interfering with formation of the hypostome/organizer. These results indicate that the organizer characteristics of the hypostome of an adult hydra are similar to those of the organizer region of vertebrate embryos. They also indicate that the Gierer-Meinhardt model provides a reasonable framework for the mechanisms that underlie the organizer and its activities. In addition, the results suggest that a region of an embryo or adult with the characteristics of an organizer arose early in metazoan evolution.  相似文献   

A quantitative method is proposed for the evaluation of distal regeneration in Hydra attenuata; it is based on estimates of tentacle elongation during 10 days of regeneration, determination of a Tentacle Regeneration Index, and a statistical analysis of profiles obtained from various samples in different experiments. The results show that: polyps under normal conditions have similar regeneration patterns, regardless of individual variability; and ATxII, a neurotoxin of cnidarian origin, produces a statistically significant increase in the Tentacle Regeneration Index. The results are discussed in relation to pattern formation and growth in Hydra.  相似文献   

The relationship between populations of nerve cells defined by two monoclonal antibodies was investigated in Hydra oligactis. A population of sensory nerve cells localized in the head (hypostome and tentacles) is identified by the binding of antibody JD1. A second antibody, RC9, binds ganglion cells throughout the animal. When the nerve cell precursors, the interstitial cells, are depleted by treatment with hydroxyurea or nitrogen mustard, the JD1+ nerve cells are lost as epithelial tissue is sloughed at the extremities. In contrast, RC9+ nerve cells remain present in all regions of the animal following treatment with either drug. When such hydra are decapitated to initiate head regeneration, the new head tissue formed is again free of JD1+ sensory cells but does contain RC9+ ganglion cells. Our studies indicate that (1) nerve cells are passively displaced with the epithelial tissue in hydra, (2) JD1+ sensory cells do not arise by the conversion of body column nerve cells that are displaced into the head, whereas RC9+ head nerve cells can originate in the body column, (3) formation of new JD1+ sensory cells requires interstitial cell differentiation. We conclude from these results that the two populations defined by these antibodies are incorporated into the h ad via different developmental pathways and, therefore, constitute distinct nerve cell lineages.  相似文献   

Because head regeneration occurs in nerve-free hydra mutants, neurogenesis was regarded as dispensable for this process. Here, in wild-type hydra, we tested the function of the ParaHox gsx homolog gene, cnox-2, which is a specific marker for bipotent neuronal progenitors, expressed in cycling interstitial cells that give rise to apical neurons and gastric nematoblasts (i.e. sensory mechanoreceptor precursors). cnox-2 RNAi silencing leads to a dramatic downregulation of hyZic, prdl-a, gsc and cnASH, whereas hyCOUP-TF is upregulated. cnox-2 indeed acts as an upstream regulator of the neuronal and nematocyte differentiation pathways, as cnox-2(-) hydra display a drastic reduction in apical neurons and gastric nematoblasts, a disorganized apical nervous system and a decreased body size. During head regeneration, the locally restricted de novo neurogenesis that precedes head formation is cnox-2 dependent: cnox-2 expression is induced in neuronal precursors and differentiating neurons that appear in the regenerating tip; cnox-2 RNAi silencing reduces this de novo neurogenesis and delays head formation. Similarly, the disappearance of cnox-2(+) cells in sf-1 mutants also correlates with head regeneration blockade. Hence in wild-type hydra, head regeneration requires the cnox-2 neurogenic function. When neurogenesis is missing, an alternative, slower and less efficient, head developmental program is possibly activated.  相似文献   

At the cellular level the head activator from hydra acts as a mitogen or growth hormone. It shortens cell cycle times by stimulating cells arrested in the G2 period to go through mitosis. This is true for continuously proliferating cell types like epithelial cells, gland cells, and interstitial cells, and for differentiating interstitial cells including those undergoing a last mitosis before differentiating into nerves or nematocytes.  相似文献   

The kinetics of nerve commitment during head regeneration in Hydra were investigated using a newly developed assay for committed cells. Committed nerve precursors were assayed by their ability to continue nerve differentiation following explanation of small pieces of tissue. Committed nerve precursors appear at the site of regeneration within 6 hr after cutting and increase rapidly. The increase is localized to the site of regeneration and does not occur at proximal sites in the body column of the regenerate. The increase is delayed about 8–12 hr when regeneration occurs at sites lower in the body column. The results show, furthermore, that redistribution of committed precursors does not play a major role in the pattern of nerve differentiation during regeneration. Since the increase in committed nerves coincides with the increase in morphogenetic potential of the regenerating tissue, the results strengthen the idea that morphogenetic signals are involved directly in the control of nerve commitment in Hydra.  相似文献   

In addition to its role as a growth hormone (preceding paper), at the cellular level the head activator functions as one of the substances which control the determination of uncommitted stem cells in hydra. In the presence of head activator the determination of interstitial stem cells to nerve cells is stimulated, the determination of interstitial cells to nematocytes is inhibited. The determination of interstitial cells to nerves occurs shortly before or in the very early S period of interstitial cells.  相似文献   

Foot regeneration in the freshwater hydra Pelmatohydra robusta was examined using a monoclonal antibody AE03 as a marker. This antibody specifically recognizes mucous-producing ectodermal epithelial cells in the basal disk, but not cells in the peduncle region located just above the basal disk in the foot. When the basal disk was removed by amputation at the upper or lower part of the peduncle, AE03-positive (basal disk) cells always appeared at the regenerating tip of the footless polyp approximately 12-16 h later. When a small piece of tissue was cut out from the upper or lower peduncle region, the tissue invariably turned into a smooth spherical or oblong shape within a few hours. AE03 signal appeared in these spheres variably depending on their origin: when tissue pieces were derived from the lower peduncle, the signal appeared in nearly all pieces and often covered the entire surface of the pieces within 24 h. In contrast, the signal appeared in less than 10% of pieces derived from the upper peduncle. Furthermore, the signal seldom covered more than half of the surface of these pieces. When maintained for many days, pieces derived from the upper peduncle often regenerated tentacles, whereas those from the lower peduncle seldom did. These and other observations suggest that epithelial cells in the peduncle can rapidly differentiate into basal disk cells when the basal tissue is removed. However, cells in the upper peduncle are not irreversibly committed to differentiate into basal disk cells because, when cut out as small tissue pieces, they could remain AE03 negative and become tentacle cells. In contrast, the cells in the lower peduncle apparently are irreversibly committed to differentiate into basal disk cells, as they always turned rapidly into AE03-positive cells once they were physically separated from (and freed from the influence of) the basal disk itself, regardless of the separation methods used.  相似文献   

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