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Considerable attention has been focused on the therapeutic role of lithium (Li) in bipolar disorders. Although no consensus has emerged, Li presumably influences the behavior of neurons that regulate mood and behavior. Using PC12 cells to study cellular and molecular actions of Li, we previously reported that Li modulates the expression of proteins associated with large dense-core vesicles (LDCVs; organelles typically containing monoamines, neuropeptides and other cargo proteins). The current investigation indicates that this enhanced expression of LDCV proteins correlates with an altered secretory phenotype in Li-treated cells. Immunoblotting detects significant increases in the cellular content and secretion of the LDCV cargo proteins chromogranin B and secretogranin II. Amperometry reveals an increase of spike number elicited by K+-depolarization of Li-treated cells but no change of spike amplitude or kinetics. Electron microscopy reveals no significant change in LDCV number per unit area in Li-treated cells. However, there is a significant increase (about 15%) in the diameter of LDCVs after Li. Thus, Li induces changes in the properties of LDCVs that culminate in augmented regulated secretion in nerve growth factor-differentiated PC12 cells. These results extend our understanding of Li-dependent changes of cellular function that may be germane to the therapeutic action of Li.  相似文献   

Noradrenaline and adrenaline are secreted by adrenal medulla chromaffin cells via exocytosis. Exocytosis of catecholamines occurs after cell stimulation with various endogenous activators such as nicotine or after depolarization of the plasma membrane and is regulated by calcium ions. Cytosolic [Ca2+] increases in response to cell excitation and triggers a signal‐initiated secretion. Annexins are known to participate in the regulation of membrane dynamics and are also considered to be involved in vesicular trafficking. Some experimental evidence suggests that annexins may participate in Ca2+‐regulated catecholamine secretion. In this report the effect of annexin A6 (AnxA6) isoforms 1 and 2 on catecholamine secretion has been described. Overexpression of AnxA6 isoforms and AnxA6 knock‐down in PC12 cells were accompanied by almost complete inhibition or a 20% enhancement of dopamine secretion, respectively. AnxA6‐1 and AnxA6‐2 overexpression reduced Δ[Ca2+]c upon depolarization by 32% and 58%, respectively, while AnxA6 knock‐down increased Δ[Ca2+]c by 44%. The mechanism of AnxA6 action on Ca2+ signalling is not well understood. Experimental evidence suggests that two AnxA6 isoforms interact with different targets engaged in regulation of calcium homeostasis in PC12 cells. J. Cell. Biochem. 111: 168–178, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Large dense core vesicles in rat pheochromocytoma cells are morphologically distinct from dense core vesicles in mast and chromaffin cells in that the dense core occupies a much smaller fraction of the vesicular volume, allowing for a much larger vesicular clear space, or halo. In this work, we present evidence indicating that upon treatment with L-DOPA the majority of the dopamine loaded into these vesicles is preferentially compartmentalized into the halo portion of the vesicle. Amperometry was used to monitor release of loaded neurotransmitter from cells in both isotonic and hypertonic extracellular conditions, with the latter condition causing inhibition of dense core dissociation. In combination with this we have used transmission electron microscopy to determine the morphological characteristics of dense core vesicles before and after treatment with L-DOPA in solutions of varied osmolarity. The results provide a more complete understanding of the complex interaction of molecules within dense core vesicles, suggesting that newly loaded dopamine is located in the halo of the vesicle. This finding has fundamental significance for studies of neurotransmitter release from dense core vesicles, as the core appears to have a function involving more than simple storage of neurotransmitter and associated molecules, and the often overlooked vesicular halo appears to be an important storage compartment for neurotransmitter.  相似文献   

Calbindin-D(28K) is suggested to play a postsynaptic role in neurotransmission and in the regulation of the intracellular Ca(2+) concentration. However, it is still unclear whether calbindin-D(28K) has a role in the regulation of exocytosis, either as Ca(2+) buffer or as Ca(2+) sensor. Amperometric recordings of catecholamine exocytosis from wild-type and calbindin-D(28K) knockout mouse chromaffin cells reveal a strong reduction in the number of released vesicles, as well as in the amount of neurotransmitter released per fusion event in knockout cells. However, Ca(2+) current recordings and Ca(2+) imaging experiments, including video-rate confocal laser scanning microscopy, revealed that the intracellular Ca(2+) dynamics are remarkably similar in wild-type and knockout cells. The combined results demonstrate that calbindin-D(28K) plays an important and dual role in exocytosis, affecting both release frequency and quantal size, apparently without strong effects on intracellular Ca(2+) dynamics. Consequently, the possibility that calbindin-D(28K) functions not only as a Ca(2+) buffer but also as a modulator of vesicular catecholamine release is discussed.  相似文献   

Transmitter uptake and exocytosis of secretory vesicles are two essential aspects of neurotransmission. Here we show that transient overexpression of plasma membrane monoamine transporters in rat pheochromocytoma PC12 cells induced an approximate 20-fold enhancement of cellular uptake of monoamines. Intravesicular amine concentration was greatly increased, as demonstrated directly by carbon fibre amperometry. However, the amount of stored monoamines diminished over a 5-h period, unless monoamine oxidase was inhibited, indicating that monoamines leak out from secretory vesicles. This efflux of monoamines accounts for the reported dependence of vesicular monoamine content (the quantal size) on the kinetics of vesicular monoamine uptake. Measuring radiolabelled monoamines release from the cell population provided accurate determination of the secretory activity of the subpopulation (10-20%) of cells transfected with monoamine transporters, since they contained about 95% of the radiolabel. Accordingly, significant modification of the secretory responses was observed, at the cell population level, upon transient expression of the serotonin transporter and of proteins known to interfere with exocytosis, such as botulinum neurotoxin C1, GTPase-deficient Rab3 proteins, truncated Rabphilin constructs or Rim. The co-transfection assay described here, based on transient expression of monoamine transporters, should prove useful in functional studies of the secretory machinery.  相似文献   

Effects of Pb(2+) on vesicular catecholamine release in intact and ionomycin-permeabilized PC12 cells were investigated using carbon fibre microelectrode amperometry. Changes in intracellular Pb(2+) and Ca(2+) were measured from indo-1 fluorescence by confocal laser scanning microscopy. Depolarization of intact cells and superfusion of permeabilized cells with saline containing > or = 100 microm Ca(2+) rapidly evokes quantal catecholamine release. Superfusion with up to 10 microm Pb(2+) -containing saline evokes release of similar catecholamine quanta after a concentration-dependent delay. Thresholds to induce exocytosis within 30 min of exposure are between 1 and 10 microm Pb(2+) in intact cells and between 10 and 30 nm Pb(2+) in permeabilized cells. Additional inhibition of exocytosis occurs in permeabilized cells exposed to 10 microm Pb(2+). Using membrane-impermeable and -permeable chelators it is demonstrated that intracellular Ca(2+) is not required for Pb(2+) -induced exocytosis. In indo- 1-loaded cells Pb(2+) reduces the fluorescence intensity after a concentration-dependent delay, whereas the fluorescence ratio, indicating intracellular Ca(2+) concentration, remains unchanged. The delay to detect an increase in free intracellular Pb(2+) (> or = 30 nm) is much longer than the delay to Pb(2+) -induced exocytosis, indicating that cytoplasmic components buffer Pb(2+) with high affinity. It is concluded that Pb(2+) acts as a high-affinity substitute for Ca(2+) to trigger essential steps leading to vesicular catecholamine release, which occurs when only approximately 20% of the intracellular high-affinity binding capacity ( approximately 2 attomol/cell) is saturated with Pb(2+).  相似文献   

Rabphilin is generally thought to be involved in the regulation of secretory vesicle exocytosis in neurons and neuroendocrine cells, and it has recently been hypothesized that the C2B domain of rabphilin promotes the docking of dense-core vesicles to the plasma membrane through simultaneous interaction with a vesicle protein, Rab3A/27A, and a plasma membrane protein, SNAP-25 (synaptosome-associated protein of 25 kDa). However, the physiological significance of the rabphilin-SNAP-25 interaction in the vesicle-docking step has never been elucidated. In this study we demonstrated by a mutation analysis that the polybasic sequence (587 KKAKHKTQIKKK 598) in the C2B domain of rabphilin is required for SNAP-25 binding, and that the Asp residues in the Ca(2+)-binding loop 3 (D628 and D630) of the C2B domain are not required. We also investigated the effect of Lys-->Gln (KQ) mutations in the polybasic sequence of the C2B domain on vesicle dynamics by total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy in individual PC12 cells. A rabphilin(KQ) mutant that completely lacks SNAP-25-binding activity significantly decreased the number of plasma-membrane-docked vesicles and strongly inhibited high-KCl-induced dense-core vesicle exocytosis. These results indicate that the polybasic sequence in the C2B domain functions as an effector domain for SNAP-25 and controls the number of 'releasable' vesicles docked to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) are ligand-gated cation channels that can modulate various neuronal processes by altering intracellular Ca(2+) levels. Following nAChR stimulation Ca(2+) can enter cells either directly, through the intrinsic ion channel, or indirectly following voltage-operated Ca(2+) channel (VOCC) activation; Ca(2+) levels can subsequently be amplified via Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release from intracellular stores. We have used subtype-selective nAChR agonists to investigate the Ca(2+) sources contributing to alpha7 and non-alpha7 nAChR-mediated increases in intracellular Ca(2+) in PC12 cells. Application of the alpha7 nAChR positive allosteric modulator PNU 120596 (10 mum), in conjunction with the alpha7 nAChR agonist, compound A [(R)-N-(1-azabicyclo[2.2.2]oct-3-yl)(5-(2-pyridyl)thiophene-2-carboxamide), 10 nm], produces a rapid increase in fluo-3 fluorescence that is prevented by the selective alpha7 nAChR antagonist alpha-bungarotoxin. The non-alpha7 nAChR agonist 5-Iodo-A-85380 produces alpha-bungarotoxin-insensitive increases in intracellular Ca(2+) (EC(50) = 11.2 mum). Using these selective agonists or KCl in conjunction with general and selective VOCC inhibitors, we demonstrate that the primary route of Ca(2+) entry following either non-alpha7 nAChR activation or KCl stimulation is via L-type VOCCs. In contrast, the alpha7 nAChR-mediated response is unaffected by VOCC blockers but is inhibited by modulators of intracellular Ca(2+) stores. These results indicate that alpha7 and non-alpha7 nAChRs are differentially coupled to Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release and VOCCs, respectively.  相似文献   

α-Latrotoxin from the venom of black widow spider induces and augments neurotransmitterand hormone release by way of extracellular Ca~(2 ) influx and cellular signal transduction pathways.By usingwhole cell current and capacitance recording,the photolysis of card Ca~(2 ),and Ca~(2 ) microfluorometry andamperometry,we investigated the stimulating effect and mechá(?)ism of α-latrotoxin on exocytosis in ratpancreatic β cells,LβT2 cells and latrophilin plasmid-transfected INS-1 cells.Our data indicated that:(1)α-latrotoxin increased cytosolic Ca~(2 ) concentration through the formation of cation-permitting pores and sub-sequent Ca~(2 ) influx with the presence of extracellular Ca~(2 );(2)α-latrotoxin stimulated exocytosis in normalbath solution and its stimulating effect on secretion was eradicated in Ca~(2 )-free bath solution; and (3)α-latrotoxin sensitized the molecular machinery of fusion through activation of protein kinase C and increasedthe response of cells to Ca~(2 ) photolysed by a flash of ultraviolet light.In summary,α-latrotoxin inducedexocytosis by way of Ca~(2 ) influx and accelerated vesicle fusion by the sensitization of fusion machinery.  相似文献   

Summary 1. In pheochromocytoma PC12 cells ATP and, to a lesser extent, 2-methylthioATP stimulate phosphoinositide breakdown, release of intracellular calcium, and influx of external calcium, leading to stimulation of norepinephrine release. In contrast, although UTP also stimulates phosphoinositide breakdown, release of intracellular calcium, and influx of external calcium, there is no stimulation of norepinephrine release.2. 2-MethylthioATP, presumably acting at P2y receptors, and UTP, presumably acting at P2u receptors, in combination elicit a phosphoinositide breakdown greater than that elicited by either alone. Intracellular levels of calcium measured with Fura-2 increase to greater levels with ATP than with UTP and are sustained, while the UTP intracellular levels of calcium rapidly return to basal values. Both ATP and UTP cause a similar influx of45 Ca2+ presumably by stimulation of a P2 receptor directly linked to a cation channel.3. It is proposed that PC12 cells contain two distinct G protein-coupled P2 receptors that activate phospholipase C and a P2 receptor linked to a cation channel. The P2y receptor sensitive to ATP (and to 2-methylthioATP) causes the depletion of a pool of intracellular calcium, sufficient to activate so-called receptor-operated calcium entry. The sustained elevation of intracellular calcium after ATP treatment is proposed to result in stimulation of norepinephrine release and activation of calcium-dependent potassium channels and sodium-calcium exchange pathways.4. The P2u receptor sensitive to UTP (and to ATP) causes only a transient elevation in levels of intracellular calcium, perhaps from a different pool, insufficient to activate so-called receptor-operated calcium entry. Further sequelae do not ensue, and the functional role of the UTP-sensitive P2u receptor is unknown.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori causes various gastric diseases, such as gastritis, peptic ulcerations, gastric cancer and mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma. Hpn is a histidine-rich protein abundant in this bacterium and forms oligomers in physiologically relevant conditions. In this present study, Hpn oligomers were found to develop amyloid-like fibrils as confirmed by negative stain transition electron microscopy, thioflavin T and Congo red binding assays. The amyloid-like fibrils of Hpn inhibit the proliferation of gastric epithelial AGS cells through cell cycle arrest in the G2/M phase, which may be closely related to the disruption of mitochondrial bioenergetics as reflected by the significant depletion of intracellular ATP levels and the mitochondrial membrane potential. The collective data presented here shed some light on the pathologic mechanisms of H. pylori infections.  相似文献   

Keyword index     
《Journal of neurochemistry》2002,83(6):1543-1546

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《Journal of neurochemistry》2003,87(6):1579-1582

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