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Granier热消散探针法是目前研究树木生理生态和森林水文最常用的测定整树水分利用的方法之一.然而,已有的相关综述文献中,还没有专门介绍利用Granier热消散探针研究木质部液流的综述文章.本文重点介绍了Granier热消散探针测定系统的理论基础,对有关该探针的校准和改进的最新研究进展进行了综述,并还深入探讨了零液流信号值的确定、自然热梯度、损伤效应、液流的逆格型和将木质部液流密度外推至整树蒸腾耗水量等重要的实际问题.  相似文献   

通过对计算树干液流密度的Granier经验公式进行试验验证和校正,比较不同长度的热消散探针(TDP)测量粉单竹液流的结果,探讨TDP在粉单竹液流研究中的适用性,并与邻近生长的常见树种荷木的液流日变化进行比较分析.结果表明:由于粉单竹的竹壁较薄、解剖结构异质性较高,10 mm探针可能低估粉单竹的液流密度,8和5 mm探针监测的液流密度值较准确.粉单竹液流密度平均值和日变化格局的偏度均大于荷木,而夜间荷木的液流活动比粉单竹活跃,说明粉单竹的夜间补水不如荷木.以TDP探针研究竹子的液流是可行的,但应用于不同竹种之前,必须对Granier经验公式进行有效的验证和校正.  相似文献   

介绍了Granier热消散探针在树干液流测定中的工作原理,并利用该系统长期监测广东鹤山马占相思林14株样树的液流密度,分析了树木个体内和个体之间液流密度的差异、整树和林段水分利用的量化特征.由于树木边材结构以及周围微环境的差别,树木内和个体间的液流密度差异非常明显,变异系数的平均值分别为15.51%-37.26%、37.46%-50.73%.尽管液流密度的差异较大,但同一株树木不同方位的液流密度之间却呈现明显的线性相关(p<0.0001),这是重要的特征值,使得只需测定某一方位的液流密度经尺度外推计算整树和林段蒸腾成为可能.树木液流对环境因子响应的变化规律取决于所参照的时间尺度,日变化主要受光辐射、水汽压差等气候因子的控制,而土壤水份对液流的季节变化影响较大.形态特征明显影响树木的液流,高大树木由于边材较厚、树干粗壮和冠幅较宽而承载较多的辐射能量,因而水分蒸腾较高.对树木液流密度在径向和方位上进行适当的整合,可较准确地计算整树和林段蒸腾.由液流估测的马占相思整树和林段蒸腾的结果显示,该群落的水分利用在时间和空间上均有明显的分化.  相似文献   

由于竹壁较薄,测定液流时安装常规长度(20 mm)的TDP探针易穿破竹壁。与木材的热传导不同,暴露于竹腔内的部分上探针的热量以辐射形式消散,加之竹壁水分传导分子的分布不均匀,导致液流密度的测定值不准确。因此,不少学者主张选用较短的探针,然而,对于改短探针的应用缺乏必要的户外原位验证。本文分析自制的5、8和10 mm的TDP探针原位测定粉单竹液流的适用性和理论依据。结果表明:新建立的液流密度公式与Granier原始经验公式的参数α值的差异较大,主要原因是竹腔的储热效应导致上探针周围温度偏高,竹秆水分含量较低,热消散系数(h0)较小,上探针周围的热量囤积致使上下探针的温差较大;此外,探针的安装方式也影响液流密度的测定结果,是导致相同长度探针测定粉单竹液流密度值明显差别的重要因子。本文通过分析探针周围介质的h0的变化,较合理地解释了这些差异的原因。  相似文献   

 介绍了热扩散式液流探针的工作原理及利用液流探针测定树木边材液流速率的方法。利用边材液流探针和多种气象因子传感器及数据采集系统组成的微型气象站,通过对北京西山地区油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)、栓皮栎(Quercus variabilis)混交林林分平均木树干边材液流速率及风速、有效辐射和空气温度、空气相对湿度的日变化和连日变化的测定和分析,揭示了5月干旱季节两树种蒸腾耗水的日变化和连日变化规律,以及栓皮栎树干基部和树冠大枝边材液流的差异,并进行了理论推导,同时分析了液流速率的波动规律与主要气象因素波动的相关性。  相似文献   

液流是分析树木耗水特性、研究树木水分传输机制的重要途径之一,热消散探针法已广泛用于树干液流变化的监测.热消散探针法是目前研究不同时空尺度上植物蒸腾耗水特性较为灵活、可靠、经济的一种方法.但由于物种特性的差异,可能造成试验过程中出现测量值与实际值相比偏低的状况.此外,相当一部分植物依赖树干储存水进行蒸腾,因此木材含水量的...  相似文献   

明确树木夜间水分补充现象有助于提高总蒸腾量和冠层气孔导度估算的精确度,进一步认识冠层蒸腾与树干液流之间存在的时滞关系.本研究采用热消散探针法测定了广州地区的荷木树干液流密度,同步监测了主要的环境因子,从不同时间尺度分析了树干夜间液流的水分补充现象.结果表明:与白天相比,荷木夜间液流密度较小,旱季变化幅度比湿季大;夜间水分补充的时间段主要在前半夜(18:00-22:00);年内各季节夜间水分补充量之间没有显著差异,与环境因子之间的偏相关关系不显著,但与胸径、树高、冠幅、树干生物量、冠层生物量的回归曲线拟合很好,表明树形特征和生物量能更好地解释夜间补水的变化;各季节夜间水分补充量对总蒸腾量的贡献有显著差异,旱季明显高于湿季.  相似文献   

沈元  孙俊  兰策介  许林  赵强  陈继平  戴新 《生态学杂志》2012,31(7):1751-1757
明确树木夜间水分补充现象有助于提高总蒸腾量和冠层气孔导度估算的精确度,进一步认识冠层蒸腾与树干液流之间存在的时滞关系.本研究采用热消散探针法测定了广州地区的荷木树干液流密度,同步监测了主要的环境因子,从不同时间尺度分析了树干夜间液流的水分补充现象.结果表明:与白天相比,荷木夜间液流密度较小,旱季变化幅度比湿季大;夜间水分补充的时间段主要在前半夜(18:00-22:00);年内各季节夜间水分补充量之间没有显著差异,与环境因子之间的偏相关关系不显著,但与胸径、树高、冠幅、树干生物量、冠层生物量的回归曲线拟合很好,表明树形特征和生物量能更好地解释夜间补水的变化;各季节夜间水分补充量对总蒸腾量的贡献有显著差异,旱季明显高于湿季.  相似文献   

In this paper we report measurements concerning the conductivityof water and ions and the interaction between the two in excisedpieces of xylem of red maple stems under various conditions.We have also demonstrated that it is possible to detect theflow of solutions through the stems of maple by measuring thedegree of interaction between the flow of water and ions. Inthis technique we apply voltage pulses of ±V volts acrossa length of stem and detect the unequal current pulses resultingfrom the greater frictional drag when current (which is carriedprimarily by cations) is flowing against the water stream thanwhen flowing with the water stream. The hydraulic conductivityof recent maple sapwood ranges from 30 to 90 cm3 s–1 cm–2(J cm–3)–1 cm; in 2 mM KCl the electrical conductivityis roughly 3 x 10–4 mho cm–1 and the electro-kineticcross coefficient is roughly 4x10–5 A cm–2 (J cm–3)–1cm.  相似文献   

Field measurements of xylem sap osmotic and pressure potentialwere made on sugar maple trecs (Acer saccharum Marsh) duringthe winter and spring of 3 years to determine whether the hydrostaticpressure was osmotically generated. Sap osmotic potential waslow enough to account for the hydrostatic pressure but the dynamicsof its diurnal behaviour indicated that osmotic potential wasnot directly responsible for hydrostatic pressure. The diurnalcourse of hydrostatic pressure showed definite peaks but osmoticpotential often did not. The magnitude of the diurnal changesin hydrostatic pressure was approximately 0·15 MPa whereasthe changes in osmotic potential were only 0·05 MPa.Because the sap osmoticum is primarily sucrose, and starch isstored in the xylem throughout the tree, the temperature dependenceof the sucrose-starch interconversion system was investigated.More active amylase was formed in maple twigs after incubationat 0°C and 4°C than at –3, 6 or 15°C. Therate of starch hydrolysis by maple amylase increased with temperature,reaching a maximum at approximately 45°C. There was somestarch hydrolysis at –3°C. The starch hydrolysis systemthus indicated no critical role for temperature fluctuationsabout 0°C. Starch was found to be densely stored in therays of the trunk and twigs and around the central pith in thetwigs. Key words: Acer succhmum Marsh, Osmotic potential, Xylem sap pressure  相似文献   

Gray, H. R-, Erickson, P. I. and Stone, J. F. 1985. An improvedthermoelectric probe for measurement of apparent sap flow velocityin intact plant stems.—J. exp. Bot. 36: 1320–1324. An improved thermoelectric technique for non-intrusive, non-destructive,and direct sensing of the apparent velocity of sap flow in intactplant stems is presented. The thermoelectric probe was madeof extruded Teflon (DuPont) rod. One of two heating elements,positioned 0.5 cm and 1.0 cm below the temperature sensor, wasused to generate the heat pulse. Heating element selection wasbased on daily environmental conditions. A thermistor touchingthe stem sensed the heat pulse. A second thermistor mountedin dose proximity was used to cancel ambient temperature fluctuations. The improved thermoelectric probe was tested using irrigatedpeanuts (Arachis hypogeae L.). After canopy closure was completein both treatments, apparent sap flow velocity(Va) was measuredon 17 dat 1200 s intervals between 0830 h and 1630 h apparentsolar time. Successful Va, measurements were accomplished on94% of the attempts. In order to verify performance on otherspecies with different types of stems, non-replicated Va, determinationswere also made on cotton (Gossypiwn spp.), prickly sida (Sidasptnosa L.), goosegrass (Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn.), Palmerpigweed (Amaranthus Palmerii S. Wats.), and cottonwood (Populusdeltoides Marsh.). Success of the probe was due in part to the design of the probewhich included remotely selectable spacing between heater andthermistor and adequate insulation and shielding of the probeand sensed portion of the stem. In addition, acclimatizationof the probe to the operating environment was essential. Key words: Sap velocity, instrumentation  相似文献   

The feasibility of obtaining sap flow (SF), maximum daily trunk shrinkage (MDS) and midday stem water potential (Ψstem) baselines or reference values for use in irrigation scheduling was studied in adult Fino lemon trees (Citrus limon (L.) Burm. fil.) grafted on sour orange (C. aurantium L.) rootstocks. Plants were irrigated daily above their water requirements in order to obtain non-limiting soil water conditions. The results indicated that baselines for plant-based water status indicators (MDS, SF and Ψstem) can be obtained, even though there was a certain scattering of the data points representing the relations between the plant-based measurements and the environmental variables (reference evapotranspiration, solar radiation, vapour pressure deficit and temperature). SF was more closely associated with changes in the studied evaporative demand variables than were MDS and Ψstem. SF and Ψstem were more closely correlated with changes in reference evapotranspiration (ETo) (r 2 = 0.93 and 0.79, respectively), while MDS behaviour was best correlated with mean daily air temperature (T m) (r 2 = 0.76). Increases in the evaporative demand induced more negative Ψstem values and, as a consequence, SF increased, which, in turn, was translated into an increase in MDS. This confirmed that SF and MDS were very good predictors of the plant water status during the observation period and their continuous recording offers the promising possibility of their use in automatic irrigation scheduling in lemon trees.  相似文献   

Estimates of transpiration obtained with the heat pulse velocity(HPV) method and the deuterium tracing method were comparedin two Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden trees aged 18 monthsand 4 years, respectively. The HPV estimate of weighted meandaily flow rate differed from the deuterium mean by 7% in theolder tree, and 35% in the younger tree. An analysis of possiblesources of error revealed that the discrepancy in the youngertree may have arisen as a result of inadequate probe espacementradially through the sapwood, or from sapwood disruption causedwhen holes were drilled to release the tracer. We conclude thatthe two methods can provide very similar estimates of mean weightedtranspiration rate in E. grandis trees if due precautions aretaken to minimize known sources of error. The relative meritsof the two techniques, which in many respects are complementary,are discussed. Key words: Eucalyptus grandis, heat pulse velocity, deuterium, tracer, transpiration  相似文献   

A magnetohydrodynamic sap flux meter with a mains energisedelectromagnet is described, and its calibration discussed. Thewhole apparatus was designed to operate from the mains supply,to obviate the need for batteries when working in the laboratory.The calibration curve for the instrument was not that expectedfor a single pipe. If the stem was treated as a large numberof pipes in parallel a theoretical curve was obtained that wasvery similar to the empirical one.  相似文献   



DNA barcode differences within animal species are usually much less than differences among species, making it generally straightforward to match unknowns to a reference library. Here we aim to better understand the evolutionary mechanisms underlying this usual “barcode gap” pattern. We employ avian barcode libraries to test a central prediction of neutral theory, namely, intraspecific variation equals 2 Nµ, where N is population size and µ is mutations per site per generation. Birds are uniquely suited for this task: they have the best-known species limits, are well represented in barcode libraries, and, most critically, are the only large group with documented census population sizes. In addition, we ask if mitochondrial molecular clock measurements conform to neutral theory prediction of clock rate equals µ.


Intraspecific COI barcode variation was uniformly low regardless of census population size (n = 142 species in 15 families). Apparent outliers reflected lumping of reproductively isolated populations or hybrid lineages. Re-analysis of a published survey of cytochrome b variation in diverse birds (n = 93 species in 39 families) further confirmed uniformly low intraspecific variation. Hybridization/gene flow among species/populations was the main limitation to DNA barcode identification.


To our knowledge, this is the first large study of animal mitochondrial diversity using actual census population sizes and the first to test outliers for population structure. Our finding of universally low intraspecific variation contradicts a central prediction of neutral theory and is not readily accounted for by commonly proposed ad hoc modifications. We argue that the weight of evidence–low intraspecific variation and the molecular clock–indicates neutral evolution plays a minor role in mitochondrial sequence evolution. As an alternate paradigm consistent with empirical data, we propose extreme purifying selection, including at synonymous sites, limits variation within species and continuous adaptive selection drives the molecular clock.  相似文献   

Non-invasive sampling techniques are increasingly being used to monitor glucocorticoids, such as cortisol, as indicators of stressor load and fitness in zoo and wildlife conservation, research and medicine. For cetaceans, exhaled breath condensate (blow) provides a unique sampling matrix for such purposes. The purpose of this work was to develop an appropriate collection methodology and validate the use of a commercially available EIA for measuring cortisol in blow samples collected from belugas (Delphinapterus leucas). Nitex membrane stretched over a petri dish provided the optimal method for collecting blow. A commercially available cortisol EIA for measuring human cortisol (detection limit 35 pg ml−1) was adapted and validated for beluga cortisol using tests of parallelism, accuracy and recovery. Blow samples were collected from aquarium belugas during monthly health checks and during out of water examination, as well as from wild belugas. Two aquarium belugas showed increased blow cortisol between baseline samples and 30 minutes out of water (Baseline, 0.21 and 0.04 µg dl−1; 30 minutes, 0.95 and 0.14 µg dl−1). Six wild belugas also showed increases in blow cortisol between pre and post 1.5 hour examination (Pre 0.03, 0.23, 0.13, 0.19, 0.13, 0.04 µg dl−1, Post 0.60, 0.31, 0.36, 0.24, 0.14, 0.16 µg dl−1). Though this methodology needs further investigation, this study suggests that blow sampling is a good candidate for non-invasive monitoring of cortisol in belugas. It can be collected from both wild and aquarium animals efficiently for the purposes of health monitoring and research, and may ultimately be useful in obtaining data on wild populations, including endangered species, which are difficult to handle directly.  相似文献   

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