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Virus-like particles were isolated from three species of slugs. Further investigation showed that the preparations contained very little nucleic acid and not more than 2% protein. Colorimetric and chromatographic analyses showed that they were composed almost entirely of galactogen and glycogen.  相似文献   

《Experimental mycology》1990,14(3):294-298
A virus-like particle (VLP) has been found in a species of the fungusDrechslera. Four double-stranded RNA species with sizes of 3.8, 2.8, 2.7, and 2.2 kbp were isolated using CF-11 cellulose. These dsRNAs are associated with a 35-nm particle at a density of 1.37 g/cm3 in CsCl. The particle contains a major protein of 117 kDa and a minor protein of 89 kDa. In cellular fractionations of 2-week-old cultures, the VLPs are found in the mitochondrial pellet, but do not band with mitochondria in sucrose step gradients. In 1-week-old cultures, however, the VLP dsRNA is found in the cytoplasmic fraction. VLPs have not been reported previously in this genus.  相似文献   

Pyrococcus furiosus is a hyperthermophilic archaeal microorganism found near deep-sea thermal vents and its optimal growth temperature of 100 degrees C. Recently, a 38.8-kDa protein from P. furiosus DSM 3638 was isolated and characterized. Electron microscopy revealed that this protein aggregated as spheres of approximately 30 nm in diameter, which we designated P. furiosus virus-like particles (PfVs). X-ray crystallographic analysis at 3.6-A resolution revealed that each PfV consisted of 180 copies of the 38.8-kDa protein and retained T=3 icosahedral symmetry, as is often the case in spherical viruses. The total molecular mass of each particle was approximately 7 MDa. An examination of capsid structures suggested strong evolutionary links among PfV, tailed double-stranded DNA bacteriophages, and herpes viruses. The similar three-dimensional structures of the various coat proteins indicate that these viral capsids might have originated and evolved from a common ancestor. The structure of PfV provides a previously undescribed example of viral relationships across the three domains of life (Eukarya, Bacteria, and Archaea).  相似文献   

A study was made of the virus-like particle (VLP) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae S7. This strain contains elevated amounts of P1 double-stranded ribonucleic acid (dsRNA) but no P2 dsRNA. The amount of dsRNA contained in cells grown on a fermentable carbon source (glucose) was compared with that in cells grown on a nonfermentable carbon source (ethanol). It was found that ethanol-grown cells contain higher levels of dsRNA than glucose-grown cells. In the former, the amount of dsRNA increased during the logarithmic phase of growth, whereas in the latter it increased during the transition from the logarithmic to the stationary phase. A method was devised to isolate VLPs from these cells by using CsCl gradients, and the yield was assessed by monitoring the recovery of dsRNA. Three proteins were found to be tightly associated with these particles. They have molecular weights of 75,000, 53,000, and 37,000. Together they account for almost all of the coding capacity of the P1 dsRNA that the VLP contains.  相似文献   

流感病毒样颗粒疫苗研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
流行性感冒(流感)是由正粘病毒科的负链RNA流感病毒引起的一种上呼吸道急性传染病,它传染性强、传播快、潜伏期短、发病率高,严重影响着人类的健康和全球经济的发展,对老年人和婴幼儿危害尤其大。在人类历史上曾经历过多次流感大流  相似文献   

Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever Virus (CCHFV) is a tick-born virus of the Nairovirus genus within the Bunyaviridae family, which is widespread and causes high fatality. The nucleocapsid of CCHFV is comprised of N proteins that are encoded by the S segment. In this research, the N protein of CCHFV was expressed in insect cells using a recombinant baculovirus. Under an electron microscope, Virus-Like Particles (VLPs) with various size and morphology were observed in cytoplasmic vesicles in the infected cells. Sucrose-gradient purification of the cell lysate indicated that the VLPs were mainly located in the upper fraction after ultracentrifugation, which was confirmed by Western blot analysis and immuno-electron microscopy (IEM).  相似文献   

Significantly different m values (1.9-2.7 kcal mol-1 M-1) were observed for point mutations at a single, solvent-exposed site (T53) in a variant of the B1 domain of streptococcal Protein G using guanidine hydrochloride (GuHCl) as a denaturant. This report focuses on elucidating the energetic and structural implications of these m-value differences in two Protein G mutants, containing Ala and Thr at position 53. These two proteins are representative of the high (m+) and low (m-) m-value mutants studied. Differential scanning calorimetry revealed no evidence of equilibrium intermediates. A comparison of GuHCl denaturation monitored by fluorescence and circular dichroism showed that secondary and tertiary structure denatured concomitantly. The rates of folding (286 S-1 for the m+ mutant and 952 S-1 for the m- mutant) and the rates of unfolding (11 S-1 for m+ mutant and 3 S-1 for the m- mutant) were significantly different, as determined by stopped-flow fluorescence. The relative solvation free energies of the transition states were identical for the two proteins (alpha ++ = 0.3). Small-angle X-ray scattering showed that the radius of gyration of the denatured state (Rgd) of the m+ mutant did not change with increasing denaturant concentrations (Rgd approximately 23 A); whereas, the Rgd of the m- mutant increased from approximately 17 A to 23 A with increasing denaturant concentration. The results indicate that the mutations exert significant effects in both the native and GuHCl-induced denatured state of these two proteins.  相似文献   

Virus-like particles are supra-molecular assemblages, usually icosahedral or rod-like structures. They incorporate key immunologic features of viruses which include repetitive surfaces, particulate structures and induction of innate immunity through activation of pathogen-associated molecular-pattern recognition receptors. They carry no replicative genetic information and can be produced recombinantly in large scale. Virus-like particles thus represent a safe and effective vaccine platform for inducing potent B- and T-cell responses. In addition to being effective vaccines against the corresponding virus from which they are derived, virus-like particles can also be used to present foreign epitopes to the immune system. This can be achieved by genetic fusion or chemical conjugation. This technological innovation has greatly broadened the scope of their use, from immunizing against microbial pathogens to immunotherapy for chronic diseases. Towards this end, virus-like particles have been used to induce autoantibodies to disease-associated self-molecules involved in chronic diseases, such as hypertension and Alzheimer's disease. The recognition of the potent immunogenicity and commercial potential for virus-like particles has greatly accelerated research and development activities. During the last decade, two prophylactic virus-like particle vaccines have been registered for human use, while another 12 vaccines entered clinical development.  相似文献   

In polyomaviruses the pentameric capsomers are interlinked by the long C-terminal arm of the structural protein VP1. The T=7 icosahedral structure of these viruses is possible due to an intriguing adaptability of this linker arm to the different local environments in the capsid. To explore the assembly process, we have compared the structure of two virus-like particles (VLPs) formed, as we found, in a calcium-dependent manner by the VP1 protein of human polyomavirus BK. The structures were determined using electron cryomicroscopy (cryo-EM), and the three-dimensional reconstructions were interpreted by atomic modeling. In the small VP1 particle, 26.4 nm in diameter, the pentameric capsomers form an icosahedral T=1 surface lattice with meeting densities at the threefold axes that interlinked three capsomers. In the larger particle, 50.6 nm in diameter, the capsomers form a T=7 icosahedral shell with three unique contacts. A folding model of the BKV VP1 protein was obtained by alignment with the VP1 protein of simian virus 40 (SV40). The model fitted well into the cryo-EM density of the T=7 particle. However, residues 297 to 362 of the C-terminal arm had to be remodeled to accommodate the higher curvature of the T=1 particle. The loops, before and after the C-terminal short helix, were shown to provide the hinges that allowed curvature variation in the particle shell. The meeting densities seen at the threefold axes in the T=1 particle were consistent with the triple-helix interlinking contact at the local threefold axes in the T=7 structure.  相似文献   

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The formation of nontransmissible virus-like particles (NTVLP) by cells infected with F-deficient Sendai virus (SeV/deltaF) was found to be temperature sensitive. Analysis by hemagglutination assays and Western blotting demonstrated that the formation of NTVLP at 38 degrees C was about 1/100 of that at 32 degrees C, whereas this temperature-sensitive difference was only moderate in the case of F-possessing wild-type SeV. In order to reduce the NTVLP formation with the aim of improving SeV for use as a vector for gene therapy, amino acid substitutions found in temperature-sensitive mutant SeVs were introduced into the M (G69E, T116A, and A183S) and HN (A262T, G264R, and K461G) proteins of SeV/deltaF to generate SeV/M(ts)HN(ts)deltaF. The use of these mutations allows vector production at low temperature (32 degrees C) and therapeutic use at body temperature (37 degrees C) with diminished NTVLP formation. As expected, the formation of NTVLP by SeV/M(ts)HN(ts)deltaF at 37 degrees C was decreased to about 1/10 of that by SeV/deltaF, whereas the suppression of NTVLP formation did not cause either enhanced cytotoxicity or reduced gene expression of the vector. The vectors showed differences with respect to the subcellular distribution of M protein in the infected cells. Clear and accumulated immunocytochemical signals of M protein on the cell surface were not observed in cells infected by SeV/deltaF at an incompatible temperature, 38 degrees C, or in those infected by SeV/M(ts)HN(ts)deltaF at 37 or 38 degrees C. The absence of F protein in SeV/deltaF and the additional mutations in M and HN in SeV/M(ts)HN(ts)deltaF probably weaken the ability to transport M protein to the plasma membrane, leading to the diminished formation of NTVLP.  相似文献   

Asymmetric flow field-flow fractionation (AFFFF) coupled with multiple-angle light scattering (MALS) is a powerful technique showing potential for the analysis of pharmaceutically-relevant virus-like particles (VLPs). A lack of published methods, and concerns that membrane adsorption during sample fractionation may cause sample aggregation, have limited widespread acceptance. Here we report a reliable optimized method for VLP analysis using AFFFF-MALS, and benchmark it against dynamic light scattering (DLS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). By comparing chemically identical VLPs having very different quaternary structure, sourced from both bacteria and insect cells, we show that optimized AFFFF analysis does not cause significant aggregation, and that accurate size and distribution information can be obtained for heterogeneous samples in a way not possible with TEM and DLS. Optimized AFFFF thus provides a quantitative way to monitor batch consistency for new vaccine products, and rapidly provides unique information on the whole population of particles within a sample.  相似文献   

Canine parvovirus disease is an acute infectious disease caused by canine parvovirus (CPV). Current commercial vaccines are mainly attenuated and inactivated; as such, problems concerning safety may occur. To resolve this problem, researchers developed virus-like particles (VLPs) as biological nanoparticles resembling natural virions and showing high bio-safety. This property allows the use of VLPs for vaccine development and mechanism studies of viral infections. Tissue-specific drug delivery also employs VLPs as biological nanomaterials. Therefore, VLPs derived from CPV have a great potential in medicine and diagnostics. In this study, small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) fusion motif was utilized to express a whole, naturalVP2 protein of CPV in Escherichia coli. After the cleavage of the fusion motif, the CPV VP2 protein has self-assembled into VLPs. The VLPs had a size and shape that resembled the authentic virus capsid. However, the self-assembly efficiency of VLPs can be affected by different pH levels and ionic strengths. The mice vaccinated subcutaneously with CPV VLPs and CPV-specific immune responses were compared with those immunized with the natural virus. This result showed that VLPs can effectively induce anti-CPV specific antibody and lymphocyte proliferation as a whole virus. This result further suggested that the antigen epitope of CPV was correctly present on VLPs, thereby showing the potential application of a VLP-based CPV vaccine.  相似文献   

肠道病毒B家族是引发人类病毒性脑炎和脑膜炎的重要病原体之一. 然而目前市场上尚缺乏针对此类病毒的特异性疫苗. 病毒样颗粒具有保留病毒真实结构特点、不含病毒核酸、不具备病毒复制与感染能力的特征,为开发有效、稳定且安全的新型疫苗提供了理想方案,特别是针对无囊膜的肠道病毒. 本研究中,我们基于昆虫细胞表达系统,经密度梯度离心等方法获得了埃可病毒16(E16)型的病毒样颗粒(virus-like particle; VLP). 借助冷冻电镜单颗粒技术,我们成功将该病毒VLP解析到原子分辨率(2.8 ?),结构分析显示:与同源病毒E30的结构相类似,E16-VLP具备肠道病毒所特有的能够引起机体产生特异性中和免疫反应的重要结构特征,具有较大的疫苗开发价值. 我们所建立的方法在抗肠道病毒B家族通用疫苗的设计与开发上具有巨大潜力.  相似文献   

Southern South America is expected to play an increasingly important role in global food production, but climate change could seriously threaten it. Here we have analysed long‐term historical data for major crops (rice, oats, barley, sunflower, soybean, sorghum, wheat, maize) at subnational scale to (a) look for common features among crop yield dynamics, evaluating their structure and implications for the persistence of that crop; (b) address complex crop responses to changes in environmental growing conditions; and (c) identify climate impact hotspots that are crucial for adaptation and mitigation. We have proposed a novel methodological approach based on dynamics systems in order to understand the processes behind annual crop yield fluctuations. We report the results of general patterns in the internal process (biophysical adjustments by rapid negative feedbacks) regulating crop production and analyse how it influences crop persistence and yield ceilings. The structure of a crop yield dynamic system defines its behaviour, but climate variations could displace it from yield equilibrium and affect its stability. Our findings suggest that weather conditions have a stronger impact on yield growth at high rather than at low yield levels (non‐additive impacts). This allows agriculture management to be refined and applied more efficiently, weakening the relationship between crop productivity and climate change and predicting the response of crop production to yield‐improvement strategies. We have identified those crops and regions which are most vulnerable to the current climate change trends in southern South American agroecosystems. Our results allow us to point to new ways to enhance self‐regulatory success, maximising the efficiency of crop production and reducing climate impacts. We have discussed important implications for crop management and climate change mitigation in an area where agriculture plays a key role in its socioeconomic and ecologic dimensions.  相似文献   

Pancreas disease (PD) and sleeping disease (SD) are important viral scourges in aquaculture of Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout. The etiological agent of PD and SD is salmonid alphavirus (SAV), an unusual member of the Togaviridae (genus Alphavirus). SAV replicates at lower temperatures in fish. Outbreaks of SAV are associated with large economic losses of ~17 to 50 million $/year. Current control strategies rely on vaccination with inactivated virus formulations that are cumbersome to obtain and have intrinsic safety risks. In this research we were able to obtain non-infectious virus-like particles (VLPs) of SAV via expression of recombinant baculoviruses encoding SAV capsid protein and two major immunodominant viral glycoproteins, E1 and E2 in Spodoptera frugiperda Sf9 insect cells. However, this was only achieved when a temperature shift from 27°C to lower temperatures was applied. At 27°C, precursor E2 (PE2) was misfolded and not processed by host furin into mature E2. Hence, E2 was detected neither on the surface of infected cells nor as VLPs in the culture fluid. However, when temperatures during protein expression were lowered, PE2 was processed into mature E2 in a temperature-dependent manner and VLPs were abundantly produced. So, temperature shift-down during synthesis is a prerequisite for correct SAV glycoprotein processing and recombinant VLP production.  相似文献   

The optimization of production and purification processes is usually approached by engineers from a strictly biotechnological point of view. The present paper envisages the definition and application of an optimization model that takes into account the impact of both biological and technological issues upon the optimization protocols and strategies. For this purpose, the optimization of three analogous but different systems comprising animal cell growth and bioparticle production is presented. These systems were: human immunodeficiency 1 (HIV-1) and porcine parvovirus (PPV) virus-like particles (VLPs) produced in insect cells and retrovirus produced in mammalian cells. For the systematization of the optimization process four levels of optimization were defined-product, technology, design and integration. In this paper, the limits of each of the optimization levels defined are discussed by applying the concept to the systems described. This analysis leads to decisions regarding the production of VLPs and retrovirus as well as on the points relevant for further process development. Finally, the definition of the objective function or performance index, the possible strategies and tools for bioprocess optimization are described. Although developed from the three described processes, this approach can, based on the recent literature evidence reviewed here, be applied more universally for the process development of complex biopharmaceuticals.  相似文献   

The purification of an intracellular product from a complex mixture of contaminants after cell disruption is a common problem in processes downstream of fermentation systems. This is particularly challenging for the recovery of particulate (80 nm in diameter) multimeric protein products, named virus-like particles (VLPs), from cell debris and other intracellular components. Selective flocculation for debris removal followed by selective precipitation of the target protein can be used as a preclarification step to aid purification. In this paper, selective borax flocculation of cell debris in yeast homogenate, followed by selective poly(ethylene glycol) precipitation of VLPs are defined with a view to demonstrating their potential in aiding the initial clarification stages of the purification sequence. The translation from laboratory scale to pilot scale operation is addressed, demonstrating the challenge of scale-up of solid-liquid separation stages for biological particle processing.  相似文献   

Murabutide (MB) is a synthetic immunomodulator recognized by the nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-containing protein 2 (NOD2) receptor on mammalian cells. MB has previously been approved for testing in multiple human clinical trials to determine its value as an antiviral therapeutic, and as an adjuvant for injected vaccines. We have found a new use for this immunomodulator; it functions as a mucosal adjuvant that enhances immunogenicity of virus-like particles (VLP) administered intranasally. MB enhanced Norwalk virus (NV) VLP-specific IgG systemically and IgA production at distal mucosal sites following intranasal (IN) vaccination. A dose escalation study identified 100 μg as the optimal MB dosage in mice, based on the magnitude of VLP-specific IgG, IgG1, IgG2a and IgA production in serum and VLP-specific IgA production at distal mucosal sites. IN vaccination using VLP with MB was compared to IN delivery VLP with cholera toxin (CT) or gardiquimod (GARD) and to parenteral VLP delivery with alum; the MB groups were equivalent to CT and GARD and superior to alum in inducing mucosal immune responses and stimulated equivalent systemic VLP-specific antibodies. These data support the further testing of MB as a potent mucosal adjuvant for inducing robust and durable antibody responses to non-replicating subunit vaccines.  相似文献   

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