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This paper provides an overview of the research that has been carried out in Sheffield over the last decade into searching techniques for databases of three-dimensional (3D) chemical structures. A 3D structure or query pattern is represented by a labelled graph, in which the nodes and the edges of the graph are used to represent atoms and the associated inter-atomic distances, respectively. The presence of a pharmacophore in each of the structures in a database can then be tested by means of a subgraph isomorphism algorithm, the computational requirements of which are minimized by the use of an initial screening procedure that eliminates the majority of the structures from the subgraph-isomorphism search. Analogous graph-based representation and searching methods can also be used with flexible 3D structures: in this case, the edges of the graphs represent inter-atomic distance ranges and a final conformational search needs to be carried out for those molecules that match the query pharmacophore in the subgraph-isomorphism search. The paper also reviews related work on the automatic identification of pharmacophoric patterns and on 3D similarity searching.  相似文献   

The amyloid conversion is a massive detrimental modification affecting several proteins upon specific physical or chemical stimuli characterizing a plethora of diseases. In many cases, the amyloidogenic stimuli induce specific structural features to the protein conferring the propensity to misfold and form amyloid deposits. The investigation of mutants, structurally similar to their native isoform but inherently prone to amyloid conversion, may be a viable strategy to elucidate the structural features connected with amyloidogenesis. In this article, we present a computational protocol based on the combination of molecular dynamics (MD) and grid‐based approaches suited for the pairwise comparison of closely related protein structures. This method was applied on the cellular prion protein (PrPC) as a case study and, in particular, addressed to the quali/quantification of the structural features conferred by either E200K mutations and treatment with CaCl2, both able to induce the scrapie conversion of PrP. Several schemes of comparison were developed and applied to this case study, and made up suitable of application to other protein systems. At this purpose an in‐house python codes has been implemented that, together with the parallelization of the GRID force fields program, will spread the applicability of the proposed computational procedure. Proteins 2015; 83:1751–1765. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A newquantum similarity measure is defined. It is proposed as a way to project density functions from infinite dimensional spaces, where density functions belong, to finite dimensional ones. The procedure allows the representation of a given molecule initially described in terms ofnth order density functions as a point in a finite dimensional Euclidean space: apoint-molecule. Further manipulation of the obtained information permits the representation of a molecular set as a cloud of points: amolecular point cloud, in a variety of graphical manners. A previous experience in the field is compared with this new approach.A contribution of the Grup de Química Quàntica del Institut d'Estudis Catalans.  相似文献   

The identification of protein biochemical functions based on their three-dimensional structures is strongly required in the post-genome-sequencing era. We have developed a new method to identify and predict protein biochemical functions using the similarity information of molecular surface geometries and electrostatic potentials on the surfaces. Our prediction system consists of a similarity search method based on a clique search algorithm and the molecular surface database eF-site (electrostatic surface of functional-site in proteins). Using this system, functional sites similar to those of phosphoenoylpyruvate carboxy kinase were detected in several mononucleotide-binding proteins, which have different folds. We also applied our method to a hypothetical protein, MJ0226 from Methanococcus jannaschii, and detected the mononucleotide binding site from the similarity to other proteins having different folds.  相似文献   

Annotations of the genes and their products are largely guided by inferring homology. Sequence similarity is the primary measure used for annotation purpose however, the domain content and order were given less importance albeit the fact that domain insertion, deletion, positional changes can bring in functional varieties. Of late, several methods developed quantify domain architecture similarity depending on alignments of their sequences and are focused on only homologous proteins. We present an alignment-free domain architecture-similarity search (ADASS) algorithm that identifies proteins that share very poor sequence similarity yet having similar domain architectures. We introduce a “singlet matching-triplet comparison” method in ADASS, wherein triplet of domains is compared with other triplets in a pair-wise comparison of two domain architectures. Different events in the triplet comparison are scored as per a scoring scheme and an average pairwise distance score (Domain Architecture Distance score - DAD Score) is calculated between protein domains architectures. We use domain architectures of a selected domain termed as centric domain and cluster them based on DAD score. The algorithm has high Positive Prediction Value (PPV) with respect to the clustering of the sequences of selected domain architectures. A comparison of domain architecture based dendrograms using ADASS method and an existing method revealed that ADASS can classify proteins depending on the extent of domain architecture level similarity. ADASS is more relevant in cases of proteins with tiny domains having little contribution to the overall sequence similarity but contributing significantly to the overall function.  相似文献   

Use of knowledge based scoring function (KBSF) for virtual screening and molecular docking has become an established method for drug discovery. Lack of a precise and reliable free energy function that describes several interactions including water-mediated atomic interaction between amino-acid residues and ligand makes distance based statistical measure as the only alternative. Till now all the distance based scoring functions in KBSF arena use atom singularity concept, which neglects the environmental effect of the atom under consideration. We have developed a novel knowledge-based statistical energy function for protein-ligand complexes which takes atomic environment in to account hence functional group as a singular entity. The proposed knowledge based scoring function is fast, simple to construct, easy to use and moreover it tackle the existing problem of handling molecular orientation in active site pocket. We have designed and used Functional group based Ligand retrieval (FBLR) system which can identify and detect the orientation of functional groups in ligand. This decoy searching was used to build the above KBSF to quantify the activity and affinity of high resolution protein-ligand complexes. We have proposed the probable use of these decoys in molecular build-up as a de-novo drug designing approach. We have also discussed the possible use of the said KSBF in pharmacophore fragment detection and pseudo center based fragment alignment procedure.  相似文献   

Children categorize stimuli at the basic level faster than at the superordinate level. We hypothesized that between-category similarity may affect this basic level superiority effect. Dissimilar categories may be easy to distinguish at the basic level but be difficult to group at the superordinate level, whereas similar categories may be easy to group at the superordinate level but be difficult to distinguish at the basic level. Consequently, similar basic level categories may produce a superordinate-before-basic learning trend, whereas dissimilar basic level categories may result in a basic-before-superordinate learning trend. We tested this hypothesis in pigeons by constructing superordinate level categories out of basic level categories with known similarity. In Experiment 1, we experimentally evaluated the between-category similarity of four basic level photographic categories using multiple fixed interval-extinction training (Astley and Wasserman, 1992). We used the resultant similarity matrices in Experiment 2 to construct two superordinate level categories from basic level categories with high between-category similarity (cars and persons; chairs and flowers). We then trained pigeons to concurrently classify those photographs into either the proper basic level category or the proper superordinate level category. Under these conditions, the pigeons learned the superordinate level discrimination faster than the basic level discrimination, confirming our hypothesis that basic level superiority is affected by between-category similarity.  相似文献   

5-HydroxyTriptamine 2A antagonists are potential targets for treatment of various cerebrovascular and cardiovascular disorders. In this study, we have developed and performed a unique screening pipeline for filtering ZINC database compounds on the basis of similarities to known antagonists to determine novel small molecule antagonists of 5-HydroxyTriptamine 2A. The screening pipeline is based on 2D similarity, 3D dissimilarity and a combination of 2D/3D similarity. The shortlisted compounds were docked to a 5-HydroxyTriptamine 2A homology-based model, and complexes with low binding energies (287 complexes) were selected for molecular dynamics (MD) simulations in a lipid bilayer. The MD simulations of the shortlisted compounds in complex with 5-HydroxyTriptamine 2A confirmed the stability of the complexes and revealed novel interaction insights. The receptor residues S239, N343, S242, S159, Y370 and D155 predominantly participate in hydrogen bonding. ππ stacking is observed in F339, F340, F234, W151 and W336, whereas hydrophobic interactions are observed amongst V156, F339, F234, V362, V366, F340, V235, I152 and W151. The known and potential antagonists shortlisted by us have similar overlapping molecular interaction patterns. The 287 potential 5-HydroxyTriptamine 2A antagonists may be experimentally verified.  相似文献   

Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is an important food legume crop, particularly for the arid regions including Indian subcontinent. Considering the detrimental effect of drought, temperature and salt stress on crop yield, efforts have been initiated in the direction of developing improved varieties and designing alternate strategies to sustain chickpea production in adverse environmental conditions. Identification of genes that confer abiotic stress tolerance in plants remains a challenge in contemporary plant breeding. The present study focused on the identification of abiotic stress responsive genes in chickpea based on sequence similarity approach exploiting known abiotic stress responsive genes from model crops or other plant species. Ten abiotic stress responsive genes identified in other plants were partially amplified from eight chickpea genotypes and their presence in chickpea was confirmed after sequencing the PCR products. These genes have been functionally validated and reported to play significant role in stress response in model plants like Arabidopsis, rice and other legume crops. Chickpea EST sequences available at NCBI EST database were used for the identification of abiotic stress responsive genes. A total of 8,536 unique coding long sequences were used for identification of chickpea homologues of these abiotic stress responsive genes by sequence similarity search (BLASTN and BLASTX). These genes can be further explored towards achieving the goal of developing superior chickpea varieties providing improved yields under stress conditions using modern molecular breeding approaches.  相似文献   

Crystallographic and computer modeling studies throughout the last 25 years have shown the structure of diethylstilbestrol (DES) to exist in two symmetrical or one asymmetrical conformation. As a result of specific comparisons to estradiol-17β (E2), the asymmetrical DES conformer has been suggested as the geometry possessing estrogenic activity. In the present study, a more complete set of DES conformations has been elucidated through the use of computer modeling. All previously defined DES geometries were found within this new set of ten structural forms. Differences between the molecular mechanics heat of formation energies of the ten conformers, as well as the transition energies separating them from each other, were found to be less than I kcal/mol. Additionally, a computer-based molecular alignment method was employed to quantitatively compare the steric and electrostatic molecular features of each DES conformer relative to E2. All ten DES structures were found to have shape relationships similar to E2. Thus, a model for the estrogen action of DES is presented whereby this stilbene can favorably interact with the estrogen receptor regardless of the conformation or orientation of the initial ligand-receptor association.  相似文献   


The over-activation of Ras/mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway associated with a variety of cancers is usually related with abnormal activation of Src-homology 2 domain-containing protein tyrosine phosphatase (SHP2). For this purpose, SHP2 has attracted extensive interest as a potential target for cancer treatment. RMC-4550, as a newly developed selective inhibitor of SHP2, possesses an overwhelming advantage over the previous generation inhibitor SHP099 in terms of in vitro activity. However, the binding mode of SHP2 with RMC-4550 and the reason for the high efficiency of RMC-4550 as SHP2 inhibitor at molecular level are still unclear. Therefore, in this study, the binding mode of RMC-4550 with SHP2 and the superiorities of RMC-4550 as inhibitor at binding affinity and dynamic interactive behavior with SHP2 were probed by molecular docking and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. By comparing the results of molecular docking, it was found that SHP2 formed more tight interaction with RMC-4550 than that with SHP099. Subsequently, a series of post-dynamic analyses on three simulation trajectories (SHP2WT, SHP2SHP099 and SHP2RMC-4550) were performed and found that the SHP2 protein bound with RMC-4550 maintained a firmer interaction between N-Src-homology 2 (N-SH2) and PTP domain throughout the MD simulation, leading to a more stable protein conformation. The finding here provides new clues for the design of SHP2 inhibitor against the over-activation of Ras/MAPK pathway.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

Adhesive multi-subunit fibres are assembled on the surface of many pathogenic bacteria via the chaperone-usher pathway. In the periplasm, a chaperone donates a β-strand to a pilus subunit to complement its incomplete immunoglobulin-like fold. At the outer membrane, this is replaced with a β-strand formed from the N-terminal extension (Nte) of an incoming pilus subunit by a donor-strand exchange (DSE) mechanism. This reaction has previously been shown to proceed via a concerted mechanism, in which the Nte interacts with the chaperone:subunit complex before the chaperone has been displaced, forming a ternary intermediate. Thereafter, the pilus and chaperone β-strands have been postulated to undergo a strand swap by a ‘zip-in-zip-out’ mechanism, whereby the chaperone strand zips out, residue by residue, as the Nte simultaneously zips in, although direct experimental evidence for a zippering mechanism is still lacking. Here, molecular dynamics simulations have been used to probe the DSE mechanism during formation of the Saf pilus from Salmonella enterica at the atomic level, allowing the direct investigation of the zip-in-zip-out hypothesis. The simulations provide an explanation of how the incoming Nte is able to dock and initiate DSE due to inherent dynamic fluctuations within the chaperone:subunit complex. In the simulations, the chaperone donor strand was seen to unbind from the pilus subunit, residue by residue, in direct support of the zip-in-zip-out hypothesis. In addition, an interaction of a residue towards the N-terminus of the Nte with a specific binding pocket (P*) on the adjacent pilus subunit was seen to stabilise the DSE product against unbinding, which also proceeded in the simulations by a zippering mechanism. Together, the study provides an in-depth picture of DSE, including the first atomistic insights into the molecular events occurring during the zip-in-zip-out mechanism.  相似文献   

聂瑞娥  杨星科 《昆虫学报》2013,56(9):1055-1062
鞘翅目是世界上物种最丰富的类群, 分为原鞘亚目(Archostemata Kolbe, 1908)、 藻食亚目(Myxophaga Crowson, 1955)、 肉食亚目(Adephaga Schellenberg, 1806)和多食亚目(Polyphaga Emery, 1886)。随着分子生物学的发展,分子系统学的技术被广泛应用于鞘翅目系统学研究中。本文综述了鞘翅目高级阶元的分子系统学的研究进展及存在问题。基于分子生物学手段, 分子分类学家提出了关于鞘翅目高级阶元分子系统学很多假说, 分子分析结果支持鞘翅目的4个亚目各为单系, 而亚目间的系统关系还不统一。基于分子手段对于亚目内的系统发育关系的研究也有了一定的进展, 比如: 分子系统学结果支持肉食亚目的水生类群和陆生类群分别为单系, 水生类群为一次起源。目前, 鞘翅目高级阶元分子系统学的研究还不够成熟和完善, 主要表现为: 材料选择有限且不均衡、 基因数目和适合度不理想, 以及一些关键节点研究的欠缺。  相似文献   

分子水平和土壤系统化感作用研究现状与展望   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
化感作用是生态学研究中的十分活跃的领域之一。除概述化感作用对于植物细胞、组织以及环境胁迫对于化感效应的影响外 ,本文主要讨论了在分子和土壤生态系统水平上的化感作用的研究。在分子水平化感作用研究中 ,主要从化感基因的定位、蛋白质和核酸合成、基因表达和调控以及生化机制等几个方面进行了论述。在化感作用对于土壤生态系统的影响方面 ,主要对其在土壤性质、土壤微生物和土壤动物方面的效应进行了评述。最后 ,并就化感作用研究中存在的问题和未来发展提出一些看法与展望。  相似文献   

The attachment of SARA-CoV-2 happens between ACE2 and the receptor binding domain (RBD) on the spike protein. Mutations in this domain can affect the binding affinity of the spike protein for ACE2. S477N, one of the most common mutations reported in the recent variants, is located in the RBD. Today's computational approaches in biology, especially during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, assist researchers in predicting a protein's behavior in contact with other proteins in more detail. In this study, we investigated the interactions of the S477N-hACE2 in silico to find the impact of this mutation on its binding affinity for ACE2 and immunity responses using dynamics simulation, protein–protein docking, and immunoinformatics methods. Our computational analysis revealed an increased binding affinity of N477 for ACE2. Four new hydrogen and hydrophobic bonds in the mutant RBD-ACE2 were formed (with S19 and Q24 of ACE2), which do not exist in the wild type. Also, the protein spike structure in this mutation was associated with an increase in stabilization and a decrease in its fluctuations at the atomic level. N477 mutation can be considered as the cause of increased escape from the immune system through MHC-II.  相似文献   

Molecular 16S rDNA-based techniques were applied to a peat sample from northern Germany in order to investigate the bacterial diversity present and compare the clone sequences with those obtained from similar studies on other terrestrial samples. Genomic DNA was extracted from the peat matrix by a direct lysis procedure. 16S rRNA genes were amplified using PCR primers targeting conserved regions of bacterial 16S rDNA. 16S rDNA fragments were blunt end cloned into a plasmid vector and the resulting clone library of 262 sequences was screened by hybridization with different oligonucleotide probes and sequence analysis of randomly selected clones. The 16S rDNA insert of 76 clones was partially sequenced. Clones identified either by hybridization or by sequence analysis fell into three phyla. As judged by hybridization with a specific oligonucleotide probe, 42% of the clones represented members of the alpha subclass of Proteobacteria. Twenty-five of these clones were selected randomly for sequence analysis; none could be assigned to any of the known genera of this subclass. The second largest clone group comprises 15% of the clones and clusters aroundAcidimicrobium ferrooxidans andRubrobacter radiotolerans, both of which are remotely related to members of the order Actinomycetales. The third major clone cluster (10%) was moderately to remotely related to theAcidobacterium capsulatum phylum. Of the additional clones sequenced, a few could be assigned to other subclasses ofProteobacteria, theVerrucomicrobium phylum and the phylum of spirochetes. Comparison of the results presented here with those from other environments reveals a significant number of common clone clusters. As the vast majority of sequences retrieved from any of the marine and terrestrial samples investigated so far by molecular methods indicate the presence of novel bacterial species it can be assumed that a huge, as yet untapped biotechnological potential is present in the environment.  相似文献   

Arup K. Pathak 《Biopolymers》2015,103(3):148-157
Constant pH molecular dynamics (CpHMD) is a commonly used sampling method, which incorporates the coupling of conformational flexibility and protonation state of a protein during the simulation by using pH as an external parameter. The effects on the structure and stability of a hyperstable variant of staphylococcal nuclease (Δ+PHS) protein of an artificial charge pair buried in its hydrophobic core are investigated by applying both CpHMD and accelerated molecular dynamics coupled with constant pH (CpHaMD) methods. Generalized Born electrostatics is used to model the solvent water. Two sets of starting coordinates of V23E/L36K variant of Δ+PHS, namely, Maestro generated coordinates from Δ+PHS and crystal structure coordinates of the same are considered for detail investigations. On the basis of root mean square displacement (RMSD) and root mean square fluctuations (RMSF) calculations, it is observed that this variant is stable over a wide range of pH. The calculated pKa values for aspartate and glutamate residues based on both CpHMD and CpHaMD simulations are consistent with the reported experimental values (within ± 0.5 to ± 1.5 pH unit), which clearly indicates that the local chemical environment of the carboxylic acids in V23E/L36K variant are comparable to the parent form. The strong salt bridge interaction between the mutated pair, E23/K36 and additional hydrogen bonds formed in the V23E/L36K variant, may help to compensate for the unfavorable self‐energy experienced by the burial of these residues in the hydrophobic core. However, from RMSD, RMSF, and pKa analysis, no significant change in the global conformation of V23E/L36K variant with respect to the parent form, Δ+PHS is noticed. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 103: 148–157, 2015.  相似文献   

The current emergence of novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2 and its ceaseless expansion worldwide has posed a global health emergency that has adversely affected the humans. With the entire world striving to understand the newly emerged virus, differences in morbidity and infection rate of SARS-CoV-2 have been observed across varied geographic areas, which have been ascribed to viral mutation and evolution over time. The homotrimeric Spike (S) glycoprotein on the viral envelope surface is responsible for binding, priming, and initiating infection in the host. Our phylogeny analysis of 1947 sequences of S proteins indicated there is a change in amino acid (aa) from aspartate (Group-A) to glycine (Group-B) at position 614, near the receptor- binding domain (RBD; aa positions 331-524). The two variants are reported to be in circulation, disproportionately across the world, with Group-A dominant in Asia and Group-B in North America. The trimeric, monomeric, and RBD of S protein of both the variant groups (A & B) were modeled using the Swiss-Model server and were docked with the human receptor angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (hACE2) employing the PatchDock server and visualized in PyMol. Group-A S protein''s RBD bound imperceptibly to the two binding clefts of the hACE2 protein, on the other hand, Group-B S protein''s RBD perfectly interacted inside the binding clefts of hACE2, with higher number of hydrogen and hydrophobic interactions. This implies that the S protein''s amino acid at position 614 near the core RBD influences its interaction with the cognate hACE2 receptor, which may induce its infectivity that should be explored further with molecular and biochemical studies.  相似文献   

T Ichiye  M Karplus 《Proteins》1991,11(3):205-217
A method is described for identifying collective motions in proteins from molecular dynamics trajectories or normal mode simulations. The method makes use of the covariances of atomic positional fluctuations. It is illustrated by an analysis of the bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor. Comparison of the covariance and cross-correlation matrices shows that the relative motions have many similar features in the different simulations. Many regions of the protein, especially regions of secondary structure, move in a correlated manner. Anharmonic effects, which are included in the molecular dynamics simulations but not in the normal analysis, are of some importance in determining the larger scale collective motions, but not the more local fluctuations. Comparisons of molecular dynamics simulations in the present and absence of solvent indicate that the environment is of significance for the long-range motions.  相似文献   

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