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Widely distributed in Guineo‐Congolian forests, the genus Hybomys is represented by two species complexes (univittatus and trivirgatus), each restricted to one distinct forest block. In the last revision, these two species complexes were considered as distinct subgenera (Hybomys and Typomys). Previous morphological and karyological studies identified an important divergence between these two subgenera and raised the question of their taxonomic status (subgenus or genus). The number of species within this genus is also a matter of discussion: nine forms were described but only six (Hbadius, Hbasilii, Hlunaris, Hplanifrons, Htrivirgatus, and H. univitttatus) are currently recognized as distinct species, the three others (H. pearcei, Heisentrauti, and Hrufocanus) being considered as synonyms. The monophyly of the genus and its species have never been previously investigated with DNA sequence data. In this study, we combined mitochondrial and nuclear data (for a total of 3,264 nucleotide characters) to test the monophyly of Hybomys and to assess the specific status of H. eisentrauti and Hrufocanus. Our results highlight the paraphyly of the genus: members of the H. univittatus species complex appeared closely related to the genera Stochomys and Dephomys; representatives of H. trivirgatus are the sister clade of the node grouping Stochomys, Dephomys and member of the H. univittatus species complex. Combined with previous morphological findings, our results suggest that Typomys and Hybomys should be considered as two distinct genera. Based on tree topology and genetic distances, we propose to consider H. rufocanus as a valid species, distinct from H. univittaus, and to consider H. badius and H. eisentrauti as junior synonyms of H. rufocanus.  相似文献   

DNA sequences of the mitochondrial nd6 gene and the non-repetitive part of the pseudo-control region (PsiCR) were isolated from 101 individuals to analyze the phylogenetic relationships among all buzzards of the genus Buteo and other buteonine genera. Comparisons of the two marker sequences indicate that the PsiCR evolved two times faster than the nd6 gene. The PsiCR proved to be an efficient, neutral genetic marker sequence for phylogenetic analyses at the intrageneric level, especially suitable for analyses based on old tissues, where only short fragments can be obtained. The molecular data set implies a neotropical origin of the genus Buteo. Monophyly of the genus Buteo as currently defined is contradicted due to the positions of Asturina nitida, Geranoaetus melanoleucus, Buteo magnirostris, and Buteo leucorrhous. These findings suggest several taxonomic consequences. A. nitida and G. melanoleucus should be included into the genus Buteo. Moreover, B. leucorrhous should be transferred into the genus Percnohierax (which clusters with Parabuteo), and B. magnirostris into the genus Rupornis. According to this classification of the genus Buteo, the basal lineage of the genus is formed by a clade containing Buteo polyosoma, Buteo poecilochrous, and Buteo melanoleucus. The "woodland buteos" form a paraphyletic assemblage with B. magnirostris as a clearly separated lineage basal to the genus Buteo.  相似文献   

Approximately 1.7 kbp of mitochondrial DNA were sequenced from 29 individuals assignable to 11 Uromastyx species or subspecies and two other agamids. U. ocellata and U. ornata had an insertion between the glutamine and isoleucine tRNA genes, which could be folded into a stable stem-and-loop structure, and the insertion for U. ornata additionally retained a sequence similar to the glutamine tRNA gene. This corroborates the role of tandem duplication in reshaping mitochondrial gene arrangements, and supports the idea that the origin of light-strand replication could be relocated within mitochondrial genomes. Molecular phylogeny from different tree-building methods consistently placed African and Arabian taxa in mutually monophyletic groups, excluding U. hardwickii inhabiting India and Pakistan. Unlike previous studies based on morphology , U. macfadyeni did not cluster with morphologically similar Arabian taxa, suggesting convergent evolution to be responsible for the morphological similarities. Divergence times estimated among the Uromastyx taxa, together with geological and palaeontological evidence, suggest that the Uromastyx agamids originated from Central Asia during the Eocene and colonized Africa after its connection with Eurasia in the early Miocene. Their radiation may have been facilitated by repeated aridification of North Africa since the middle Miocene, and geological events such as the expansion of the Red Sea and the East African Rift Valley.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 85 , 247–260.  相似文献   

Cardiospermum L. belongs to the Paullinieae tribe (Sapindaceae) and comprises 16 species. Of these, 12 species are present in South America and all occur in Brazil. Cardiospermum shows the most variable chromosome number of the tribe. Phylogenetic relationships within the genus Cardiospermum, especially with other species of the tribe, are poorly understood. This research focuses on characterisation of the karyotypic features of Cardiospermum using conventional cytogenetic methods, CMA/DAPI chromosome banding and fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH). To elucidate the phylogeny of the genus, the nuclear markers ITS1 and ITS2 were sequenced and analysed using maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference. Cardiospermum shows important diversity in basic numbers, with x = 7, 9, 10, 11 and 12. All species studied have metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes, some species have subtelocentric chromosomes, while telocentric chromosomes are absent. The interphase nuclei differentiate the Cardiospermum species into two groups. The CMA3/DAPI chromosome banding revealed the presence of an AT‐rich terminal region in C. corindum, C. grandiflorum and C. urvilleoides, whereas GC‐rich regions were found in C. grandiflorum, C. halicacabum var. halicacabum, C. halicacabum var. microcarpum, C. heringeri and C. integerrimum. FISH revealed syntenic and non‐syntenic distribution of the 18‐5.8‐26S and 5S rDNA. The syntenic distribution always occurred in the short arms of the same chromosome in all of the species. The phylogenetic relationships reveal, in part, the taxonomic arrangement of the genus Cardiospermum.  相似文献   

We constructed a phylogeny of the ground beetle subgenus Nialoe ( s. lat. ), genus Pterostichus (Coleoptera: Carabidae) based on two mitochondrial (cytochrome oxidase I and 16S ribosomal DNA) and one nuclear (28S ribosomal DNA) gene sequences. Thirty-three representative species of the group and three outgroup species were analyzed. The resultant trees (maximum parsimonious, maximum likelihood and Bayesian trees of the combined data of the three gene sequences) indicated that there are two large and three small lineages in the group, some of which were supported by a previous morphology-based phylogeny. In all the analyses, the small lineage composed of two Korean species is sister to the rest of the subgenus, but relationships of other four lineages differed among the analyses and remained unresolved. The implications of the present results are discussed in terms of taxonomy and biogeography of the group.  相似文献   

A survey of morphological characters is carried out for Stapeliopsis . The information obtained from this is combined with molecular data from the plastid trn L-F DNA region and ITS1 of the nuclear encoded 18S−26S rRNA cistron, to obtain a hypothesis of the evolutionary relationships among the species. It is shown that Stapeliopsis is monophyletic in a combined molecular and morphological analysis. Stapeliopsis is sister to a clade containing Huernia , Orbea and Tromotriche . The species of Stapeliopsis group into two clades. One contains S. khamiesbergensis , S. neronis and S. urniflora , and this is highly supported. The remaining species fall into an unsupported clade in which S. exasperata is sister to the others. The genera Hermanschwartzia Plowes and Neopectinaria Plowes are rejected. It is shown that a synapomorphy for Stapeliopsis is the laterally flattened inner corona-lobes, which touch the anthers only at their bases. Eight species of Stapeliopsis are recognized, with no subgeneric divisions.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 148 , 125–155.  相似文献   

The Seychelles harbour an endemic frog family, the Sooglossidae, currently containing two genera: Sooglossus , with three species, and Nesomantis , with one species. These unique frogs are generally considered to be basal neobatrachians, although their relationships to other neobatrachian taxa, except the Nasikabatrachidae, remain unresolved. Our molecular phylogeny based on a dataset consisting of fragments of the nuclear rag-1 and rag-2 genes, as well as mitochondrial 16S rRNA in representatives of the major neobatrachian lineages, confirmed the previously postulated Sooglossidae + Nasikabatrachidae clade and the placement of the South American Caudiverbera with the Australian Myobatrachidae, but did not further resolve the position of sooglossids. Our results do, however, unambiguously show sooglossids to be monophyletic but the genus Sooglossus to be paraphyletic, with the type species Sooglossus sechellensis being more closely related to Nesomantis thomasseti than to Sooglossus gardineri and Sooglossus pipilodryas , in agreement with morphological, karyological, and bioacoustic data. As a taxonomic consequence, we propose to consider the genus name Nesomantis as junior synonym of Sooglossus , and to transfer the species thomasseti to Sooglossus . For the clade composed of the species gardineri and pipilodryas , here, we propose the new generic name Leptosooglossus . A significant genetic differentiation of 3% was found between specimens of Sooglossus thomasseti from the Mahé and Silhouette Islands, highlighting the need for further studies on their possible taxonomic distinctness.   © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 347–359.  相似文献   

With c. 85 species, the genus Micranthes is among the larger genera of the Saxifragaceae. It is only distantly related to the morphologically similar genus Saxifraga, in which it has frequently been included as Saxifraga section Micranthes. To study the molecular evolution of Micranthes, we analysed nuclear ribosomal (internal transcribed spacer, ITS) and plastid (trnLtrnF) DNA sequences in a comprehensive set of taxa comprising c. 75% of the species. The molecular phylogenetic tree from the combined dataset revealed eight well‐supported clades of Micranthes. These clades agree in part with previously acknowledged subsections or series of Saxifraga section Micranthes. As these eight groups can also be delineated morphologically, we suggest that they should be recognized as sections of Micranthes. New relationships were also detected for some species and species groups, e.g. section Davuricae sister to sections Intermediae and Merkianae, and M. micranthidifolia as a member of section Micranthes. Species proposed to be excluded from the genus Micranthes for morphological reasons were resolved in the molecular tree in Saxifraga. Many morphological characters surveyed were homoplasious to varying extents. Micromorphological characters support comparatively well the clades in the phylogenetic tree. An updated nomenclature and a taxonomic conspectus of sections and species of Micranthes are provided. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 178 , 47–66.  相似文献   

Aim The phylogeny of the enid land-snail genus Pachnodus was determined in order to provide information on biogeographical patterns within the granitic Seychelles islands. Location The genus Pachnodus is endemic to the granitic islands of Seychelles (Mahé, Silhouette, Praslin, La Digue and Fregate). Methods Phylogeny was determined using a cladistic analysis of nineteen shell and soft-body anatomy characters. The outgroup used was the central-east African genus Cerastus. Results The proposed phylogeny indicates that the genus divided into two distinct subgenera early in its history. Subsequent speciation occurred in parallel in the two subgenera, resulting in several islands supporting at least two distinct species representing the two subgenera. Main conclusions The pattern of speciation is largely explicable by vicariance as a result of sea-level rises, followed by habitat specialisation and further speciation. The pattern is in contrast to previously published scenarios for other taxa in the islands and indicates significant differences between evolutionary and habitat factors in the biogeography of the Seychelles fauna  相似文献   

The genus Labulla Simon is circumscribed in phylogenetic terms to include the species Labulla thoracica (Wider), L. flahaulti Simon and L. machadoi sp. nov. The genital anatomy of the genus is described in detail and the taxonomy of the genus is reviewed. The monophyly of Labulla is supported by numerous morphological apomorphies of the male palp and female epigynum. Based on a cladistic analysis, a new genus, Pecado gen. nov. , is erected to place Labulla impudica Denis, from Northern Africa. Lepthyphantes insularis Saito and ' Labulla ' nepula Tikader, both formerly included in Labulla , are not congeneric with the type species of Labulla .  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 143 , 359–404.  相似文献   

Didymodon Hedw., with approximately 140 species in the family Pottiaceae, is distributed nearly throughout the world, with the greatest diversity and important ecological functions in drought lands and alpine ecosystems. Several studies involving morphology, molecular systematics, and macro-systematic analysis have addressed the infrageneric classification of Didymodon, but controversy over the position of the infrageneric and species classification remains due to its high degree of morphological variation in micro-habitats and strong sensitivity to climate change at regional and global scale. To date, only a few phylogenetic studies have been conducted with an incomplete number of Didymodon species; further, there is no study published regarding the divergence time of Didymodon. Consequently, we conducted a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of Didymodon species, sampling a total of 107 species, based on one nuclear (ITS) and five chloroplast DNA. Moreover, divergence time analysis was conducted to infer the age of origin and divergence of Didymodon species. Our results presented the largest scale phylogenetic relationship of Didymodon to date and resolved the phylogenetic status of some controversial taxa and the new species. The divergence time estimation showed that Didymodon species originated around the early Cretaceous, and the diversification was concentrated in the Cretaceous and Eocene. Paleoclimate and environmental change have a direct impact on the origin and divergence of Didymodon species by shaping their morphology, resource availability and ecological niche. Our study will help understand species origin and speciation of Didymodon as well as reflecting species adaptability and experience to historical events.  相似文献   

丁方美  黄原 《昆虫学报》2008,51(1):55-60
本文的目的是通过对斑翅蝗科部分种类的线粒体ND2基因进行分析,重建斑翅蝗科昆虫的系统发育关系,并探讨分子系统发育关系和传统分类结果的异同。扩增并测定了我国斑翅蝗科10属16种蝗虫的线粒体ND2全基因1 023 bp的序列,对序列的碱基组成、转换颠换、系统发育信号等进行了分析。并基于ND2全基因序列数据,分别采用邻接法(NJ)、最简约法(MP)、最大似然法(ML)和贝叶斯法重建了10属16种蝗虫的系统发育关系。结果表明:斑翅蝗科蝗虫ND2全基因A+T含量平均为74.6%;痂蝗亚科和异痂蝗亚科没能得到区分,建议合并为一个亚科;而斑翅蝗亚科和飞蝗亚科的分类地位还存在争议。  相似文献   

The osteology of the early Eocene (about 50 mya) avian taxon Pseudasturidae Mayr, 1998 is revised and its phylogenetic affinities are analysed. Members of the Pseudasturidae are known from abundant and excellently preserved skeletal material, both complete skeletons on slabs as well as isolated, three-dimensional bones. Although this taxon is thus among the best represented of all small early Tertiary birds, its systematic affinities were unknown so far. Derived osteological characters which are visible in newly recognized specimens from the Lower Eocene London Clay of England most convincingly support classification of the Pseudasturidae into the Psittaciformes (parrots). Both, in overall morphology and in terms of derived characters, the tarsometatarsus of the Pseudasturidae closely resembles that of the Eocene Quercypsittidae, which were assigned to the Psittaciformes by Mourer-Chauviré (1992 ). The Pseudasturidae are considered to be stem-group representatives of the Psittaciformes and the sister taxon of all other known psittaciform birds. The Eocene taxon lacks the specialized bill morphology of crown-group Psittaciformes of the Psittacidae. Several other osteological differences between the Pseudasturidae and the Psittacidae probably are also functionally correlated with the specialized feeding technique of the latter.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 136 , 715–729.  相似文献   

Rhus gall aphids (Fordinae : Melaphidini) have a disjunct distribution in East Asia and North America and have specific host plant relationships. Some of them are of economic importance and all species form sealed galls which show great variation in shape, size, structure, and galling‐site. We present a phylogeny incorporating ten species and four subspecies of Rhus gall aphids based on 1694 base pairs of nuclear elongation factor‐1α (EF1α) and mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit II (COII) DNA sequence data. The results suggest that Melaphidini is monophyletic and at the genus level, Schlechtendalia, Nurudea, and Floraphis were each monophyletic. Kaburagia and Meitanaphis were not monophyletic and therefore inconsistent with the current classification. The North American sumac gall aphid, Melaphis rhois, was most closely related to the East Asian Floraphis species, although this was poorly supported. The conservation of gall morphology with respect to aphid phylogeny rather than their host plants suggests that gall morphology is largely determined by the aphids. While there is no evidence of strict co‐speciation between the aphids and their primary host plants, switching between recently diverged host plants may be involved in the speciation process in Melaphidini.  相似文献   

Two Orthotrichum species of the subgenus Orthophyllum were compared with other representatives of this genus using internally transcribed spacer regions 1 and 2, the chloroplast trn H-psbA region, and inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) and intron-exon splice conjunction (ISJ) markers. The ISSR and ISJ markers used revealed many bands and mutations specific only to O. Gymnostomum and O. Obtusifolium. Phylogenetic analysis clearly supported previous concepts postulating that species of the subgenus Orthophyllum should be recognized as the separate genus Nyholmiella.  相似文献   

The parrot genus Prioniturus occurs in the oceanic Philippines, Palawan and Wallacea, a geologically dynamic region with a complex history of land and sea. The described taxa of Prioniturus have been variously placed in different assemblages, and different numbers of species have been recognized. However, a phylogenetic framework is so far lacking. This would be the prerequisite to reconstructing dispersal and colonization patterns of Prioniturus across and within Wallacea and the Philippines. Following our robustly supported phylogenetic hypothesis based on two mitochondrial genes, we propose to treat Prioniturus mindorensis comb. nov. as well as Prioniturus montanus and Prioniturus waterstradti as separate species. In Prioniturus discurus discurus and Prioniturus discurus whiteheadi, further studies using additional data and specimens are necessary to clarify their taxonomic status. This result is congruent with other studies demonstrating that alpha diversity of the Philippine avifauna is strongly underestimated. According to our biogeographic reconstruction, Prioniturus has diversified by a complex combination of colonization of islands and subsequent divergence in allopatry among and within island groups. Dispersal between Sulawesi/Wallacea and the Philippines occurred twice and documents a rare case of faunal exchange between these two regions.  相似文献   

The monotypic genus Tanganikallabes, endemic to Lake Tanganyika, is a poorly known member of the family Clariidae. Examination of 142 specimens housed in museum collections has revealed the presence of at least two additional species in this genus. Tanganikallabes alboperca sp. nov. is distinguished from all congeners by the length of its pelvic fins, the presence of a depigmented vertical bar on the opercular margin, and a combination of additional morphometric (pectoral spine length, preanal length, body depth at anus) and meristic (dorsal and anal fin ray counts) characters. Tanganikallabes stewarti sp. nov. is distinguished from other Tanganikallabes species by having a relatively shorter, incomplete lateral line, and shallow body depth at the anus, as well as shorter prepelvic and preanal lengths, and a longer anal fin with a higher number of fin rays. Several morphological characters, as well as genetic data from cytochrome b (mitochondrial DNA) and 18SITS15.8SITS228S (ribosomal DNA), indicate that Tanganikallabes constitutes a monophyletic group within the Clariidae and support the recognition of additional species diversity. The monophyly of Tanganikallabes, coupled with the geographical isolation of this group to a single lake satisfy the requirements for its classification as a true species flock, the latest to be described from Lake Tanganyika. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 165 , 121–142.  相似文献   

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