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Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation system for perilla (Perilla frutescens Britt) was developed. Agrobacterium strain EHA105 harboring binary vector pBK I containing bar and γ-tmt cassettes or pIG121Hm containing nptII, hpt, and gusA cassettes were used for transformation. Three different types of explant, hypocotyl, cotyledon and leaf, were evaluated for transformation and hypocotyl explants resulted in the highest transformation efficiency with an average of 3.1 and 2.2%, with pBK I and pIG121Hm, respectively. The Perilla spp. displayed genotype-response for transformation. The effective concentrations of selective agents were 2 mg l−1 phosphinothricin (PPT) and 150 mg l−1 kanamycin, respectively, for shoot induction and 1 mg l−1 PPT and 125 mg l−1 kanamycin, respectively, for shoot elongation. The transformation events were confirmed by herbicide Basta spray or histochemical GUS staining of T0 and T1 plants. The T-DNA integration and transgene inheritance were confirmed by PCR and Southern blot analysis of random samples of T0 and T1 transgenic plants.  相似文献   

Summary Since the success of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of rice in the early 1990s, significant advances in Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of monocotyledonous plant species have been achieved. Transgenic plants obtained via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation have been regenerated in more than a dozen monocotyledonous species, ranging from the most important cereal crops to ornamental plant species. Efficient transformation protocols for agronomically important cereal crops such as rice, wheat, maize, barley, and sorghum have been developed and transformation for some of these species has become routine. Many factors influencing Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of monocotyledonous plants have been investigated and elucidated. These factors include plant genotype, explant type, Agrobacterium strain, and binary vector. In addition, a wide variety of inoculation and co-culture conditions have been shown to be important for the transformation of monocots. For example, antinecrotic treatments using antioxidants and bactericides, osmotic treatments, desiccation of explants before or after Agrobacterium infection, and inoculation and co-culture medium compositions have influenced the ability to recover transgenic monocols. The plant selectable markers used and the promoters driving these marker genes have also been recognized as important factors influencing stable transformation frequency. Extension of transformation protocols to elite genotypes and to more readily available explants in agronomically important crop species will be the challenge of the future. Further evaluation of genes stimulating plant cell division or T-DNA integration, and genes increasing competency of plant cells to Agrobacterium, may increase transformation efficiency in various systems. Understanding mechanisms by which treatments such as desiccation and antioxidants impact T-DNA delivery and stable transformation will facilitate development of efficient transformation systems.  相似文献   

A reproducible plant regeneration and an Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated genetic transformation protocol were developed for Perilla frutescens (perilla). The largest number of adventitious shoots were induced directly without an intervening callus phase from hypocotyl explants on MS medium supplemented with 3.0 mg/l 6-benzylaminopurine (BA). The effects of preculture and extent of cocultivation were examined by assaying -glucuronidase (GUS) activity in explants infected with A. tumefaciens strain EHA105 harboring the plasmid pIG121-Hm. The highest number of GUS-positive explants were obtained from hypocotyl explants cocultured for 3 days with Agrobacterium without precultivation. Transgenic perilla plants were regenerated and selected on MS basal medium supplemented with 3.0 mg/l BA, 125 mg/l kanamycin, and 500 mg/l carbenicillin. The transformants were confirmed by PCR of the neomycin phosphotransferase II gene and genomic Southern hybridization analysis of the hygromycin phosphotransferase gene. The frequency of transformation from hypocotyls was about 1.4%, and the transformants showed normal growth and sexual compatibility by producing progenies.  相似文献   

Summary An efficient regeneration and transformation system was developed for two elite aspen hybrid clones (Populus canescens × P. grandidentada and P. tremuloides × P. davidiana). Callus was induced from in vitro leaf explants on modified Murashige and Skoog medium (MSA) and woody plant medium (WPM) containing four different combinations of cytokinins and auxins. Callus tissues regenerated into shoots on WPM medium supplemented with 2.0 mgl−1 (9.12 μM) zeatin or 0.01 mgl−1 (0.045 μM) thidiazuron. P. canescens × P. grandidentata exhibited the higher callus and shoot production. In vitro leaf explants from the two hybrid clones were cocultivated with Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain EHA105 harboring the binary Ti plasmid pBI121 carrying the uidA gene encoding for β-glucuronidase (GUS) and the npt II gene encoding for neomycin phosphotransferase II. Transformation was confirmed by GUS assays, polymerase chain reaction, and Southern blot analyses. Agrobacterium concentration, acetosyringone, and pH of the cocultivation medium were evaluated for enhancing transformation efficiency with the clone P. canescens × P. grandidentata.  相似文献   

An innovative and efficient genetic transformation protocol for European chestnut is described in which embryogenic cultures are used as the target material. When somatic embryos at the globular or early-torpedo stages were cocultured for 4 days with Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain EHA105 harbouring the pUbiGUSINT plasmid containing marker genes, a transformation efficiency of 25% was recorded. Murashige and Skoog culture medium containing 150 mg/l of kanamycin was used as the selection medium. The addition of acetosyringone was detrimental to the transformation efficiency. Transformation was confirmed by a histochemical -glucuronidase (GUS ) assay, PCR and Southern blot analyses for the uidA (GUS) and nptII (neomycin phosphotransferase II) genes. At present, 93 GUS-positive chestnut embryogenic lines are being maintained in culture. Low germination rates (6.3%) were recorded for the transformed somatic embryos. The presence of the transferred genes in leaves and shoots derived from the germinated embryos was also verified by the GUS assay and PCR analysis.  相似文献   

AnAgrobacterium-mediated gene transfer system with recovery of putative transformants was developed for cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) cv. Cocker-312. Two-month-old hypocotyl-derived embryogenic calli were infected through agroinfiltration for 10 min at 27 psi in a suspension ofAgrobacterium tumefaciens strain GV3101 carrying tDNA with theGUS gene, encoding β-glucuronidase (GUS), and the neomycin phosphotransferase II (nptII) gene as a kanamycin-resistant plant-selectable marker. Six days after the histochemicalGUS assay was done, 46.6% and 20%GUS activity was noted with the vacuum-infiltration and commonAgrobacterium-mediated transformation methods, respectively. The transformed embryogenic calli were cultured on selection medium (100 mg/L and 50 mg/L kanamycin for 2 wk and 10 wk, respectively) for 3 mo. The putative transgenic plants were developed via somatic embryogenesis (25 mg/L kanamycin). In 4 independent experiments, up to 28.23% transformation efficiency was achieved. PCR amplification and Southern blot analysis fo the transformants were used to confirm the integration of the transgenes. Thus far, this is the only procedure available for cotton that can successfully be used to generate cotton transformants.  相似文献   

Meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis Huds.) is an important cool-season forage grass in Europe and Asia. We developed a protocol for producing meadow fescue transgenic plants mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens transformation. Embryogenic calli derived from mature embryos were transformed with A. tumefaciens strain AGL1 carrying the binary vector pDM805, coding for the phosphinothricin acetyltransferase (bar) and β-glucuronidase (uidA) genes. Bialaphos was used as the selective agent throughout all phases of tissue culture. In total, 40 independent transgenic plants were recovered from 45 bialaphos-resistant callus lines and an average transformation efficiency of 2% was achieved. The time frame from infection of embryogenic calli with Agrobacterium to transferring the transgenic plants to the greenhouse was 18 weeks. In a study of 11 BASTA-resistant transgenic lines, the uidA gene was expressed in 82% of the transgenic lines. Southern blot analysis revealed that 82% of the tested lines integrated one or two copies of the uidA gene. C. Gao and J. Liu contributed equally to the work.  相似文献   

A method to produce transgenic plants of Vitis rotundifolia was developed. Embryogenic cultures were initiated from leaves of in vitro grown shoot cultures and used as target tissues for Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation. A green fluorescent protein/neomycin phosphotransferase II (gfp/nptII) fusion gene that allowed for simultaneous selection of transgenic cells based on GFP fluorescence and kanamycin resistance was used to optimize parameters influencing genetic transformation. It was determined that both proembryonal masses (PEM) and mid-cotyledonary stage somatic embryos (SE) were suitable target tissues for co-cultivation with Agrobacterium as evidenced by transient GFP expression. Kanamycin at 100 mg l−1 in the culture medium was effective in suppression of non-transformed tissue and permitting the growth and development of transgenic cells, compared to 50 or 75 mg l−1, which permitted the proliferation of more non-transformed cells. Transgenic plants of “Alachua” and “Carlos” were recovered after secondary somatic embryogenesis from primary SE explants co-cultivated with Agrobacterium. The presence and stable integration of transgenes in transgenic plants was confirmed by PCR and Southern blot hybridization. Transgenic plants exhibited uniform GFP expression in cells of all plant tissues and organs including leaves, stems, roots, inflorescences and the embryo and endosperm of developing berries.  相似文献   

Gao C  Long D  Lenk I  Nielsen KK 《Plant cell reports》2008,27(10):1601-1609
Agrobacterium-mediated transformation and particle bombardment are the two most widely used methods for genetically modifying grasses. Here, these two systems are compared for transformation efficiency, transgene integration and transgene expression when used to transform tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.). The bar gene was used as a selectable marker and selection during tissue culture was performed using 2 mg/l bialaphos in both callus induction and regeneration media. Average transformation efficiency across the four callus lines used in the experiments was 10.5% for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation and 11.5% for particle bombardment. Similar transgene integration patterns and co-integration frequencies of bar and uidA were observed in both gene transfer systems. However, while GUS activity was detected in leaves of 53% of the Agrobacterium transformed lines, only 20% of the bombarded lines showed GUS activity. Thus, Agrobacterium-mediated transformation appears to be the preferred method for producing transgenic tall fescue plants.  相似文献   

An efficient method for Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation of embryogenic cell suspension cultures of Santalum album L. is described. Embryogenic cell suspension cultures derived from stem internode callus were transformed with Agrobacterium tumefaciens harbouring pCAMBIA 1301 plant expression vector. Transformed colonies were selected on medium supplemented with hygromycin (5 mg/l). Continuously growing transformed cell suspension cultures were initiated from these colonies. Expression of β-glucuronidase in the suspension cultures was analysed by RT-PCR and GUS histochemical staining. GUS specific activity in the transformed suspension cultures was quantified using a MUG-based fluorometric assay. Expression levels of up to 105,870 pmol 4-MU/min/mg of total protein were noted in the transformed suspension cultures and 67,248 pmol 4-MU/min/mg of total protein in the spent media. Stability of GUS expression over a period of 7 months was studied. Plantlets were regenerated from the transformed embryogenic cells. Stable insertion of T-DNA into the host genome was confirmed by Southern blot analysis. This is the first report showing stable high-level expression of a foreign protein using embryogenic cell suspension cultures in S. album. U. K. S. Shekhawat and T. R. Ganapathi contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Transient genetic transformation of plant organs is an indispensable way of studying gene function in plants. This study was aimed to develop an optimized system for transient Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of the Arabidopsis leaves. The β-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene was employed to evaluate growth and biochemical parameters that influence the levels of transient expression. The effects of plant culture conditions, Agrobacterial genetic backgrounds, densities of Agrobacterial cell suspensions, and of several detergents were analyzed. We found that optimization of plant culture conditions is the most critical factor among the parameters analyzed. Higher levels of transient expression were observed in plants grown under short day conditions (SDs) than in plants grown under long day conditions (LDs). Furthermore, incubation of the plants under SDs at high relative humidity (85–90%) for 24 h after infiltration greatly improved the levels of transient expression. Under the optimized culture conditions, expression of the reporter gene reached the peak 3 days after infiltration and was rapidly decreased after the peak. Among the five Agrobacterial strains examined, LAB4404 produced the highest levels of expression. We also examined the effects of detergents, including Triton X-100, Tween-20, and Silwet L-77. Supplementation of the infiltration media either with 0.01% Triton X-100 or 0.01% Tween-20 improved the levels of expression by approximately 1.6-fold. Our observations indicate that transient transformation of the Arabidopsis leaves in the infiltration media supplemented with 0.01% Triton X-100 and incubation of the infiltrated plants under SDs at high relative humidity are necessary for maximal levels of expression.  相似文献   

An Agrobacterium tumefaciens-based transformation procedure was developed for the desiccation tolerant species Lindernia brevidens. Leaf explants were infected with A. tumefaciens strain GV3101 harbouring a binary vector that carried the hygromycin resistance gene and an eGFP reporter gene under the control of a native dehydration responsive LEA promoter (Lb2745pro). PCR analysis of the selected hygromycin-resistant plants revealed that the transformation rates were high (14/14) and seeds were obtained from 13/14 of the transgenic lines. A combination of RNA gel blot and microscopic analyses demonstrated that eGFP expression was induced upon dehydration and ABA treatment. Comparison with existing procedures used to transform the well studied resurrection plant and close relative, Craterostigma plantagineum, revealed that the transformation process is both rapid and leads to the production of viable seed thus making L. brevidens a candidate species for functional genomics approaches to determine the genetic basis of desiccation tolerance.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the successful Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of oat, and on some factors influencing this process. In the first step of the experiments, three cultivars, two types of explant, and three combinations of strain/vectors, which were successfully used for transformation of other cereals were tested. Transgenic plants were obtained from the immature embryos of cvs. Bajka, Slawko and Akt and from leaf base explants of cv. Bajka after transformation with A. thumefaciens strain LBA4404(pTOK233). The highest transformation rate (12.3%) was obtained for immature embryos of cv. Bajka. About 79% of the selected plants proved to be transgenic; however, only 14.3% of the T0 plants and 27.5% of the T1 showed GUS expression. Cell competence of both types of explant differed in terms of their transformation ability and transgene expression. The next step of the study was to test the suitability for oat transformation of the pGreen binary vector combined with different selection cassettes: nptII or bar under the nos or 35S promoter. Transgenic plants were selected in combinations transformed with nos::nptII, 35S::nptII and nos::bar. The highest transformation efficiency (5.3%) was obtained for cv. Akt transformed with nos::nptII. A detailed analysis of the T0 plants selected from a given callus line and their progeny revealed that they were the mixture of transgenic, chimeric-transgenic and non-transgenic individuals. Southern blot analysis of T0 and T1 showed simple integration pattern with the low copy number of the introduced transgenes.  相似文献   

Genetic engineering of a wide variety of plant species has led to the improvement of plant traits. In this study, the genetic transformation of two potentially important flowering ornamentals, Melastoma malabathricum and Tibouchina semidecandra, with sense and antisense dihydroflavonol-4-reductase (DFR) genes using the Agrobacterium-mediated method was carried out. Plasmids pBETD10 and pBETD11, each harbouring the DFR gene at different orientations (sense and antisense) and selectable marker nptII for kanamycin resistance, were used to transform M. malabathricum and T. semidecandra under the optimized transformation protocol. Putative transformants were selected in the presence of kanamycin with their respective optimized concentration. The results indicated that approximately 4.0% of shoots and 6.7% of nodes for M. malabathricum regenerated after transforming with pBETD10, whereas only 3.7% (shoots) and 5.3% (nodes) regenerated with pBETD11 transformation. For the selection of T. semidecandra, 5.3% of shoots and 9.3% of nodes regenerated with pBETD10 transformation, while only 4.7% (shoots) and 8.3% (nodes) regenerated after being transformed with pBETD11. The presence and integration of the sense and antisense DFR genes into the genome of M. malabathricum and T. semidecandra were verified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and nucleotide sequence alignment and confirmed by southern analysis. The regenerated putative transformants were acclimatized to glasshouse conditions. Approximately 31.0% pBETD10-transformed and 23.1% pBETD11-transformed M. malabathricum survived in the glasshouse, whereas 69.4% pBETD10-transformed and 57.4% pBETD11-transformed T. semidecandra survived. The colour changes caused by transformation were observed at the budding stage of putative T. semidecandra transformants where greenish buds were produced by both T. semidecandra harbouring the sense and antisense DFR transgenes. Besides that, the production of four-petal flowers also indicated another morphological difference of putative T. semidecandra transformants from the wild type plants which produce five-petal flowers.  相似文献   

A novel stilbene synthase gene (STS), cloned from Chinese wild Vitis pseudoreticulata (W. T. Wang) and responsible for synthesis of the phytoalexin resveratrol in grapevine, was successfully transferred into V. vinifera L. cv. Thompson Seedless via Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. Using transformation procedures developed in the present study, 72% GFP-positive germinated embryos were produced with about 38% of transformed embryos regenerated into normal plantlets. Integration of the STS gene into the transgenic plants was verified by PCR and Southern blot analysis. Expression of the STS gene was detected by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), which showed that the resveratrol concentration in the transgenic plants was 5.5 times higher than that in non-transformed control plants. Chaohong Fan and Ni Pu contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

An optimized protocol for Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of mature Quercus suber L. embryogenic masses is reported. In this work several variables were tested. Plant genotype, explant type and time elapsed between the last subculture and inoculation, i.e. the explant preculture period, were found to be very important. Interaction between inoculum density and cocultivation period influenced the transformation efficiency as well. A transformation efficiency (i.e. percentage of the inoculated explants that yielded independent transgenic embryogenic lines) of up to 43% was obtained, greatly improving the previously described method for plant transformation of adult-selected cork oak. It was also shown that this protocol could be applied to various genotypes. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Six plasmids carrying a snowdrop lectin (Galanthus nivalis agglutinin, GNA) and one of three selection markers were successfully transferred into two sugarcane cultivars (FN81–745 and Badila) via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Agrobacterium strains LBA4404, EHA105 and A281 that harboured a super-binary vector were used for sugarcane transformation. The use of the hygromycin (Hyg) resistance gene (hpt II), phosphinothrincin (PPT) resistance gene (bar) or G418 resistance gene (npt II) as a screenable marker facilitated the initial selection of GNA transgenic sugarcane callus with different efficiencies and helped the rapid segregation of individual transformation events. All the three selective marker genes were controlled by CaMV 35S promoter, while GNA gene was controlled by promoter of RSs-1 (rice sucrose synthase-1) or Ubi (maize ubiquitin). Factors important to successful transformation mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens were optimized, which included concentration of A. tumefaciens, medium composition, co-cultivated methods with plant tissue, strain virulence and different selective marker genes. An efficient protocol for sugarcane transformation mediated by A. tumefaciens was established. The GNA gene has been integrated into sugarcane genome as demonstrated by PCR and Southern dot blotting detections. The preliminary results from bioassay demonstrated a significant resistance of the transgenic sugarcane plants to woolly aphid (Ceratovacuna lanigera Zehnther) indicating thus the possibility for obtaining a transgenic sugarcane cultivar with resistance to woolly aphid.  相似文献   

Efficient Agrobacterium -mediated transformation of Antirrhinum majus L. was achieved via indirect shoot organogenesis from hypocotyl explants of seedlings. Stable transformants were obtained by inoculating explants with A. tumefaciens strain GV2260 harboring the binary vector pBIGFP121, which contains the neomycin phosphotransferase gene (NPT II) as a selectable marker and the gene for the Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) as a visual marker. Putative transformants were identified by selection for kanamycin resistance and by examining the shoots using fluorescence microscopy. PCR and Southern analyses confirmed integration of the GFP gene into the genomes of the transformants. The transformants had a morphologically normal phenotype. The transgene was shown to be inherited in a Mendelian manner. This improved method requires only a small number of seeds for explant preparation, and three changes of medium; the overall transformation efficiency achieved, based on the recovery of transformed plants after 4–5 months of culture, reached 8–9%. This success rate makes the protocol very useful for producing transgenic A. majus plants.Communicated by G. Jürgens  相似文献   

Pinus patula Schiede et Deppe is one of the most important softwood species for pulp production by the South African forestry industry. This study was aimed at developing a protocol for the genetic transformation of Pinus patula embryogenic tissue. This was achieved via the introduction of a bar-GUS cassette under the control of the ubiquitin promoter, through biolistic transfer. A stepwise selection was obtained using MSG3 maintenance medium supplemented with BASTA® herbicide at 1 mg l–1 followed by 3 mg l–1 active ingredient. Transgene delivery was more efficient when the medium was supplemented with 0.25 M sorbitol. Expression of positive histochemical GUS activity in embryonal heads was observed. Positive PCR analysis of both GUS and bar transgenes (40% and 47% transformation efficiency, respectively) indicated successful genetic modification of P. patula embryonal suspensor masses by the pAHC25 plasmid. This indicates that P. patula is amenable to gene transfer.  相似文献   

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