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Compartmentation of malate in relation to ion absorption in beet   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Malate in beet discs treated in different salt solutions was labeled by a 30 min pulse of 14CO2, and subsequent changes in specific activity were followed for several hr. In treatments which resulted in net acid synthesis in response to excess cation absorption, malate specific activity fell slowly after removal of 14CO2. In solutions where no net acid synthesis occurred, and from which cation and anion were absorbed equally, malate specific activity fell rapidly when 14CO2 was removed. The foregoing suggests that the net synthesis of organic acids in response to excess cation absorption leads to the removal of organic anions from cytoplasmic metabolic pools as counter-ions in salt transport to the vacuole.  相似文献   

The adsorption of Cd2+ and Pb2+ on sugar beet pulp (SBP), a low-cost material, has been studied. In the present work, the abilities of native (SBP) to remove cadmium (Cd2+) and lead (Pb2+) ions from aqueous solutions were compared. The (SBP) an industrial by product and solid waste of sugar industry were used for the removal of Cd2+ and Pb2+ ions from aqueous water. Batch adsorption studies were carried out to examine the influence of various parameters such as initial pH, adsorbent dose, initial metal ion concentration, and time on uptake. The sorption process was relatively fast and equilibrium was reached after about 70 min of contact. As much as 70-75% removal of Cd2+ and Pb2+ ions for (SBP) are possible in about 70 min, respectively, under the batch test conditions. Uptake of Cd2+ and Pb2+ ions on (SBP) showed a pH-dependent profile. The overall uptake for the (SBP) is at a maximum at pH 5.3 and gives up to 46.1 mg g(-1) for Cd2+ and at pH 5.0 and gives 43.5 mg g(-1) for Pb2+ for (SBP), which seems to be removed exclusively by ion exchange, physical sorption and chelation. A dose of 8 gL(-1) was sufficient for the optimum removal of both the metal ions. The Freundlich represented the sorption data for (SBP). In the presence of 0.1M NaNO3 the level of metal ion uptake was found to reach its maximum value very rapidly with the speed increasing both with the (SPB) concentration and with increasing initial pH of the suspension. The reversibility of the process was investigated. The desorption of Cd2+ and Pb2+ ions which were previously deposited on the (SBP) back into the deionised water was observed only in acidic pH values during one day study period and was generally rather low. The extent of adsorption for both metals increased along with an increase of the (SBP) dosage. (SBP), which is cheap and highly selective, therefore seems to be a promising substrate to entrap heavy metals in aqueous solutions.  相似文献   

Electrical and tracer techniques were used to investigate the movement of Na+, K+ and Cl? through discs of a range of thicknesses cut from the root tissue of sugar beet, Beta vulgaris L. cv. Amono. At low external concentration the electrical resistance across a discs is less than that of an equivalent volume of solution. This does not appear to be due to a low resistance symplastic pathway but rather, to an enhanced concentration of cation in the apoplast. The resistance is proportional to the thickness of tissue. Although measurement of diffusion potential gives about 25 mV difference across the disc for a ten-fold change in cation concentration, there is little discrimination between K+ and Na+. The observed tracer kinetics of 86Rb through the disc are consistent with those of diffusion, with a coefficient of diffusion, D, of 0.19 × 10?9 m2 s?1 and a tissue partition coefficient, k, of 0.27 (or of 2.7 if referred to the cell wall phase only). 36Cl gives a similar value for D, but has a k reduced by a factor of 3.3, a result that is consistent with the diffusion potential observation. However, a much larger discrimination would have been expected from the chemically measured cation exchange capacity.  相似文献   

Washing excised or intact primary roots of corn (Zea mays L., WF9 × M14) in aerated distilled water or dilute salt solutions for 2 hours induced doubling of the rate of accumulation of various nutrient ions and solutes. This response to washing depended upon aerobic metabolism, but involved no increase in aerobic respiration. Excision of root tissue was not required as the effect could be obtained with intact root systems. Increased phosphate absorption followed after a lag period of 30 to 40 minutes and continued for 6 hours before leveling off at about 3.5 times the initial rate. Chloramphenicol was not inhibitory to the development of increased absorption, while inhibitors of RNA and protein synthesis were. Auxins and kinetin were also inhibitory, but so was the antiauxin, 2,4,6-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid.  相似文献   

Summary Ion absorption and transport by intact roots, isolated cortex and isolated stele were compared shortly after tissue isolation and after aging. Absorption isotherms in the low and in the high concentration range show that in stripped-stele, which absorbs at a very low rate immediately after isolation, the capacity of system 1 but not system 2 is built up with aging. In agreement with this result analysis of individual fluxes across plasmamembrane and tonoplast reveals that only the influx from the medium into the cytoplasm increases considerably with aging of stele. Changes observed in aging excised roots and in isolated cortex are much less significant. In spite of the increase of absorption with aging by isolated stele, long distance transport, which is essentially passive through freshly stripped stele, decreases with aging. The reported results reflect the marked permeability of the plasmamembrane of fresh isolated stele, and demonstrate the importance of the cortex as a tissue collecting ions for long distance transport. New evidence for the theory of symplasmatic transport of ions into the xylem vessels is thus provided.
Zusammenfassung Die Ionenaufnahme durch intakte Wurzeln, isolierte Rinde und isolierte Zentralzylinder und der Ferntransport durch intakte und entrind ete Wurzeln wurden verglichen, und zwar kurz nach der Isolierung und nach Altern der Gewebe. Frisch isolierte Zentralzylinder akkumulieren Io nen nur in ganz geringem Maße oder überhaupt nicht. Von den beiden Systemen der metabolischen Ionenaufnahme, die in einem niedrigen (System 1: bis 0,5 meq/l) und in einem hohen Konzentrationsbereich (System 2: 1-50 meq/l) die Geschwindigkeit der Ionenaufnahme durch intakte Wurzeln und isolierte Wurzelrinde bestimmen, entwickelt sich während des Alterungsprozesses in isolierten Zentralzylindern System 1, nicht aber System 2.In Übereinstimmung mit diesem Befund zeigt die Analyse der Einzelfluxe am Plasmalemma und am Tonoplasten, daß nur der Influx aus der Außenlösung in das Cytoplasma beim Altern der Zentralzylinder beträchtlich ansteigt. Veränderungen beim Altern von abgeschnittenen, intakten Wurzeln und isolierter Rinde sind viel weniger ausgeprägt.Obwohl die Ionenaufnahme beim Altern isolierter Zentralzylinder steigt, verringert sich der Ferntransport, der bei frisch isolierten Zentralzylindern rein passiv ist. Die mitgeteilten Ergebnisse zeigen die ausgeprägte Permeabilität frisch isolierter Zentralzylinder und demonstrieren die Bedeutung der Wurzelrinde als ein Gewebe, das Ionen für den Ferntransport sammelt. Auf diese Weise werden neue Anhaltspunkte für die Theorie des symplasmatischen Transportes der Ionen in die Gefäße gewonnen.

To investigate the factors governing the accumulation of sucroseand amino acids in the taproots of sugar beet, their contentswere measured in the leaves, phloem sap and the taproots ofsugar beet, fodder beet and a hybrid between both, grown oneither 3.0 or 0.5 mM nitrate. In the taproots the contents ofmalate, citrate and inorganic ions were also determined. Forthe high sucrose accumulation in sugar beet as compared to theother varieties three factors were found. (a) In sugar beet,less amino acids and more sucrose are taken up into the phloemthan in fodder beet. (b) In sugar beet, the sucrose and aminoacid syntheses are less sensitive to the nitrate concentrationsthat are required for optimal plant growth than in other varieties.In fodder beet, upon raising the nitrate concentration from0.5 mM to 3 mM, the synthesis and storage of sucrose is decreasedand that of amino acids increased. The corresponding valuesin sugar beet (0.5 mM) are similar to those in fodder beet andare not much affected by an increase of nitrate. (c) The sucroseaccumulation is limited by the accumulation of inorganic ionsin the taproots. The sucrose content in the taproots is negativelycorrelated to the total ion content. Whereas sucrose representstwo-third of all solutes in the taproots of sugar beet, it amountsto only one-third of the solutes in fodder beet taproots. Key words: Amino acids, Beta vulgans L, phloem sap, potassium, sucrose storage, sugar beet, taproots, transport  相似文献   

Accumulation of sucrose in vacuoles isolated from red beet tissue   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Vacuoles were isolated from red beets (Beta vulgaris L.) by slicing the tissue and separated using a discontinuous dextran gradient centrifugation. The uptake of sucrose against a concentration gradient into the dextran-impermeable [3H]-H2O space of these organelles was studied using silicone layer filtering centrifugation on both fluorometric and 14C-measurement of sucrose. The rate is 24 nmol sucrose (unit betacyanin)-1 h-1 and appears to be stimulated by ATP to an uptake rate of 34 nmol. Control experiments with slices cut from red beet tissue and incubated with [14C]sucrose gave comparable results. An ATPase activity dependent on both Mg2+ and K+ seems to be localized at the inner surface of the tonoplast. This activity is strongly inhibited by EDAC and tartrate and there is no effect of oligomycin, whereas a slight stimulation was caused by DCCD.Abbreviation CCCP carbonylcyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone - EDAC ethyl-3(3-dimethylaminopropylcarbodiimide) - EDTA ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid - fr.wt. fresh weight - HEPES n-2-hydroxyethylepiperazine-n-2-ethanesulfonic acid - MES 2(n-morpholino)ethane sulfonic acid - Pi inorganic phosphate - Tris tris-(hydroxymethyl)-aminomethan Dedicated to A.L. Kursanov, Moscow, on his 75th birhday  相似文献   

Summary Poly-L-lysine concentrations (10–6 m) which cause slight leakage of pigment from beet cells completely disrupt the kinetics of*K (labeled) absorption at 25°C in the range 0.01 to 50mm KCl. Lower concentrations of polylysine (10–7 to 10–9 m) interfere with potassium fluxes at both cell membranes, initially increasing efflux across the plasma membrane and decreasing the capacity of the cytoplasm to retain ions during flux experiments at 2°C. At 25°C, these concentrations of polylysine increase*K (labeled) absorption from 0.2mm KCl, but not from 10mm KCl. These responses are discussed in relation to ion transport via the three-compartment in-series model proposed for plant cells. Particular emphasis is placed on the role of the plasma membrane in K transport from solutions of low concentration.  相似文献   

Turgor regulation of sucrose transport in sugar beet taproot tissue   总被引:5,自引:11,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Sink tissues that store osmotically active compounds must osmoregulate to prevent excessively high turgor. The ability to regulate turgor may be related to membrane transport of solutes and thus sink strength. To study this possibility, the kinetics of sugar uptake were determined in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) taproot tissue discs over a range of cell turgors. Sucrose uptake followed biphasic kinetics with a high affinity saturating component below 20 millimolar and a low affinity linear component at higher concentrations. Glucose uptake exhibited only simple saturation type kinetics. The high affinity saturating component of sucrose and glucose uptake was inhibited by increasing cell turgor (decreasing external mannitol concentrations). The inhibition was evident as a decrease in Vmax but no effect on Km. Sucrose uptake by tissue equilibrated in dilute buffer exhibited no saturating component. Ethylene glycol, a permeant osmoticum, had no effect on uptake kinetics, suggesting that the effect was due to changes in cell turgor and not due to decreased water potential per se. p-(Chloromercuri)benzene sulfonic acid (PCMBS) inhibited sucrose uptake at low but not high cell turgor. High cell turgor caused the tissue to become generally leaky to potassium, sucrose, amino acids, and reducing sugars. PCMBS had no effect on sucrose leakage, an indication that the turgor-induced leakage of sucrose was not via back flow through the carrier. The ability of the tissue to acidify the external media was turgor dependent with an optimum at 300 kilopascals. Acidification was sharply reduced at cell turgors above or below the optimum. The results suggest that the secondary transport of sucrose is reduced at high turgor as a result of inhibition of the plasma membrane ATPase. This inhibition of ATPase activity would explain the reduced Vmax and leakiness to low molecular weight solutes. Cell turgor is an important regulator of sucrose uptake in this tissue and thus may be an important determinant of sink strength in tissues that store sucrose.  相似文献   

Alcohols and hydrogen peroxide altered the permeability of membranes of Beta vulgaris root cells. Generally alcohols increased the permeability of membranes without going through an induction period except methanol which required a 10- to 15-hour induction period. The membrane effect of methanol could be inhibited with CaCl2, cholesterol, β-sitosterol, and stigmasterol. Cholesterol was the most effective inhibitor, followed by β-sitosterol and stigmasterol; and at the same concentration, the sterols were more effective than CaCl2, the classic membrane stabilizer.  相似文献   

Validity of the multiphasic concept of ion absorption in plants   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Borstlap (Naturwissenschaften 68: 41–43, 1981; Plant Cell Environ. 4: 189–195, 1981) has alleged that the concept of multiphasic uptake of solutes in plants is invalid. This claim is considered in detail and shown not to be justified. Contrary to Borstlap, the concentration-dependence of uptake cannot be adequately represented by the sum of two Michaelis-Menten terms and a linear term, or by similar continuous functions, if sufficiently detailed and precise data are used. Published evidence for the multiphasic concept, including the existence of discontinuities and separate uptake and transition sites, remains valid.  相似文献   

Invalidity of the multiphasic concept of ion absorption in plants   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
Abstract. According to the multiphasic concept uptake isotherms consist of a number of successive Michaelis-Menten phases separated by discontinuous transitions. In this paper evidence is provided that the concept is most probably due to an erroneous interpretation of continuous uptake isotherms that yield non-linear, concave downward Lineweaver-Burk plots. With reference to the isotherm of sulphate uptake in barley roots (Nissen, 1971) uptake isotherms were simulated in which the uptake rates, computed from the sum of two Michaelis-Menten terms and a linear term, contained a 4% (or 5%) random error. The same arguments that have been adduced in support of the multiphasic concept would also lead to a multiphasic interpretation of the simulated isotherms. The conclusions concerning a multiplicity of transition points and the multiphasic concept follow from the particular form of statistical test that had been applied rather than from the set of data itself. Characteristics that have been noted in multiphasic uptake appear to follow simply from the multiphasic interpretation of uptake isotherms that yield non-linear, concave downward Lineweaver–Burk plots.  相似文献   

The ATP content of disks of storage tissue of red beet is reduced under N2 atmosphere to between 10 and 25% of its value in air. Plasmalemma fluxes of K+ and Cl are inhibited within 1 minute or less following removal of O2, and the extent of this inhibition is entirely attributable to the depletion of ATP. The ATP content remains approximately constant or decreases slightly for up to 1 hour under N2. On return to air, the ATP content recovers, reaching 75% of the aerobic level within 45 second.  相似文献   

The effect of various alkylguanidines on ion absorption and energy metabolism in oat (Avena sativa cv. Goodfield) roots has been investigated. Of several alkylguanidines tested, octylguanidine was the most effective inhibitor of both K+ and Cl absorption by excised roots. At 225 μm octylguanidine, the transport of both ions was inhibited within 60 seconds and to a similar extent. Octylguanidine inhibited mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and mitochondrial adenosine 5′-triphosphatase (ATPase). The plasma membrane ATPase was also inhibited if the membranes were diluted and pretreated with Triton X-100.  相似文献   

This study concerns the selective absorption of K and Rb or of K and Na by intact sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) plants from modified conventional nutrient solutions over an extended period of plant growth. Long term results agreed with those of short term experiments by other investigators using excised root systems and simple salt solutions. Potassium and Rb were mutually competitive in their absorption. High selectivity of K relative to Na absorption was observed. Sodium was excluded during the early growth period of sugar beets.  相似文献   

Short term (10 min) influx of (86)Rb-labeled potassium into corn (Zea mays L. WF9 x M14) root segments was inhibited by La (NO(3))(3) or LaCl(3). Half maximal inhibition of K(+) influx from 0.25 mm KCl was obtained with 0.025 mm La(3+). Kinetic analysis indicated the inhibition to be of a competitive nature. With absorption periods exceeding one hour, La(3+) no longer inhibited, but rather stimulated K(+) influx rates. La(3+) was not an inhibitor of (36)Cl or (32)P absorption. Separated cortex and stele absorbed labeled potassium (and phosphate) at comparable rates, and La(3+) inhibited potassium influx in both tissues. The effects of La(3+) on ion absorption were similar to those of Ca(2+), suggesting that the two polyvalent cations act at the same site. Based on this and the observation that La(3+) does not seem to penetrate the plasma membrane, it was concluded that La(3+) and Ca(2+) affect changes in ion transport without entering cells.  相似文献   

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