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Protein interactions in the assembly of the baseplate have been investigated. The baseplate of the phage T4 tail consists of a hub and six wedges which surround the former. Both reversible and irreversible interactions were found. Reversible association includes gp5 and gp27 (gp: gene product) which form a complex in a pH-dependent manner and gp18 polymerization, i.e. the tail sheath formation depends on the ionic strength. These reversible interactions were followed by irreversible or tight binding which pulls the whole association reaction to complete the assembly. The wedge assembly is strictly ordered which means that if one of the seven wedge proteins is missing, the assembly proceeds to that point and the remaining molecules stay non-associated. The strictly sequential assembly pathway is suggested to be materialized by successive conformational change upon binding, which can be shown by proteolytic probe.  相似文献   

The features of random chemical modification are defined with reference to acetylation of bovine hemoglobin, which has been performed in a random manner so that all of the amino groups that participate in functional chloride binding (i.e., those that are oxygen-linked) could be identified. Random chemical modification, which has objectives different from those of both specific (selective) and extensive chemical modification, has been achieved for bovine hemoglobin with the mild reagent,14C-methyl acetate phosphate; retention of function was demonstrated by a Hill coefficient ofn=2.2 for the modified hemoglobin. After removal of unmodified Hb chains, the mixture of randomly modified acetylated or chains was subjected to tandem treatment with trypsin and chymotrypsin. Peptides were purified by HPLC and identified by amino acid analysis. The amount of radioactivity in the acetylated amino group of a purified peptide was taken as an estimate of the degree of chloride binding. For bovine Hb, two amino groups of the -chain (Val-1 and Lys-99) and three amino groups of the -chain (Met-1, Lys-81, and Lys-103) were shown to be oxygen-linked (i.e., to have incorporated significantly more radioactivity in the deoxy conformation compared to the same site in the oxy conformation). Three of these sites were already known chloride-binding sites [i.e., Val-1(), the N-terminus of the -chain, and two sites between the 2 -chains of bovine hemoglobin, Met-1() and Lys-81(); these findings support the conclusions of the random modification approach. Two other chloride-binding sites, Lys-99() and Lys-103(), align the sides of the central dyad axis connecting the two well-known major chloride-binding sites of bovine Hb. The interrelationship of these five chloride-binding sites was assessed by improved molecular graphics. When viewed through the central dyad axis, the functional chloride-binding sites in the central cavity appear to be symmetrically related and to connect the two major chloride-binding sites. Modifiers or mutants that are directed at these regions in the central dyad axis may favor the deoxy conformation to provide a lower oxygen affinity by preventing the constriction of the central cavity that normally occurs upon oxygenation.  相似文献   

Viruses use sophisticated mechanisms to allow the specific packaging of their genome over that of host nucleic acids. We examined the in vitro assembly of the Cowpea chlorotic mottle virus (CCMV) and observed that assembly with viral RNA follows two different mechanisms. Initially, CCMV capsid protein (CP) dimers bind RNA with low cooperativity and form virus-like particles of 90 CP dimers and one copy of RNA. Longer incubation reveals a different assembly path. At a stoichiometry of about ten CP dimers per RNA, the CP slowly folds the RNA into a compact structure that can be bound with high cooperativity by additional CP dimers. This folding process is exclusively a function of CP quaternary structure and is independent of RNA sequence. CP-induced folding is distinct from RNA folding that depends on base-pairing to stabilize tertiary structure. We hypothesize that specific encapsidation of viral RNA is a three-step process: specific binding by a few copies of CP, RNA folding, and then cooperative binding of CP to the "labeled" nucleoprotein complex. This mechanism, observed in a plant virus, may be applicable to other viruses that do not halt synthesis of host nucleic acid, including HIV.  相似文献   

Galactose was specifically inserted into the carbohydrate moiety of rhodopsin by incubating retinal disk membranes with UDP-galactose: N-acetylglucosamine galactosyltransferase. The stoichiometry of labeling ranged from 1.2 to 1.8 (average = 1.5) residues of galactose per molecule of rhodopsin, indicating that some or all of the oligosaccharide chains of membrane-bound rhodopsin are readily accessible to enzymatic modification. These modified membranes were treated with galactose oxidase to generate an aldehyde at the C-6 position of the inserted galactose units. The enzymatically-oxidized membranes were then reacted with dansyl hydrazide to yield a fluorescent hydrazone which is sufficiently stable to permit spectroscopic analysis. This procedure for the specific attachment of a spectroscopic probe should be applicable to a wide variety of membrane glycoproteins.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》2014,588(9):1537-1541
Cytochrome bd ubiquinol oxidase uses the electron transport from ubiquinol to oxygen to establish a proton gradient across the membrane. The enzyme complex consists of subunits CydA and B and contains two b- and one d-type hemes as cofactors. Recently, it was proposed that a third subunit named CydX is essential for the function of the complex. Here, we show that CydX is indeed a subunit of purified Escherichia coli cytochrome bd oxidase and that the small protein is needed either for the assembly or the stability of the active site di-heme center and, thus, is essential for oxidase activity.Structured summary of protein interactionscydA physically interacts with cydB by affinity technology (View interaction)cydA physically interacts with cydB by molecular sieving (View interaction)cydB, cydA and cydX physically interact by molecular sieving (View interaction)cydB, cydA, and cydX physically interacts by affinity technology (1, 2)  相似文献   

The C1 complex of human complement comprises two loosely interacting subunits, C1q and the Ca2+-dependent C1s-C1r-C1r-C1s tetramer. With a view to gain information on the nature of the ionic interactions involved in C1 assembly, we have studied the effects of the chemical modifications of charged residues of C1q or the tetramer on their ability to reconstitute the C1 complex. Treatment of C1q with pyridoxal-5-phosphate, acetic anhydride, and citraconic anhydride, as well as with cyclohexanedione and diethylpyrocarbonate, inhibited its ability to associate with C1s-C1r-C1r-C1s. Treatment of the collagen-like fragments of C1q with the same reagents yielded the same effects. Treatment of C1s-C1r-C1r-C1s with 1-ethyl-3-[3-(dimethylamino) propyl] carbodiimide also prevented C1 assembly, through modification of acidic amino acids which were shown to be located in C1r. Further studies on the location of the interaction sites within C1q, using ligand-blotting and competition experiments with synthetic peptides, were unsuccessful, suggesting that these sites are contributed to by two or three of the C1q chains. It is concluded that C1 assembly involves interactions between acidic amino acids of C1r and lysine (hydroxylysine) and arginine residues located within the collagen-like region of C1q. Sequence comparison with mannan binding protein, another collagen-like molecule which binds the C1s-C1r-C1r-C1s tetramer, suggests Arg A38, and HyL B32, B65, and C29 of C1q as possible interaction sites.  相似文献   

NMR techniques have been used to characterise the effects of a lipid-like post-translational modification on barley lipid transfer protein (LTP1b). NMR chemical shift data indicate that the lipid-like molecule lies in the hydrophobic cavity of LTP1b, with Tyr 79 being displaced to accommodate the ligand in the cavity. The modified protein has a reduced level of backbone amide hydrogen exchange protection, presumably reflecting increased dynamics in the protein. This may result from a loosening of the protein structure and may explain the enhanced surface properties observed for LTP1b.  相似文献   

Nucleoside diphosphate kinase from extremely halophilic archaeon (HsNDK) requires above 2M NaCl concentration for in vitro refolding. Here an attempt was made to isolate mutations that allow HsNDK to refold in low salt media. Such a screening resulted in isolation of an HsNDK mutant, Gly114Arg, which efficiently refolded in the presence of 1M NaCl. This mutant, unlike the wild type enzyme, was expressed in Escherichia coli as an active form. The residue 114 is in close proximity to Glu155 of the neighboring subunit in the three dimensional hexameric structure of the HsNDK. It is thus possible that the attractive electrostatic interactions occur between Arg114 and Glu155 in the mutant HsNDK, stabilizing the hexameric subunit assembly.  相似文献   

Sesbania mosaic virus (SeMV) capsids are stabilized by RNA-protein, protein-protein and calcium-mediated protein-protein interactions. The removal of calcium has been proposed to be a prerequisite for the disassembly of the virus. The crystal structure of native T=3 SeMV capsid revealed that residues D146 and D149 from one subunit and Y205, N267 and N268 of the neighboring subunit form the calcium-binding site (CBS). The CBS environment is found to be identical even in the recombinant CP-NDelta65 T=1 capsids. Here, we have addressed the role of calcium and the residues involved in calcium co-ordination in the assembly and stability of T=3 and T=1 capsids by mutational analysis. Deletion of N267 and N268 did not affect T=3 or T=1 assembly, although the capsids were devoid of calcium, suggesting that assembly does not require calcium ions. However, the stability of the capsids was reduced drastically. Site-directed mutagenesis revealed that either a single mutation (D149N) or a double mutation (D146N-D149N) of SeMV coat protein affected drastically both the assembly and stability of T=3 capsids. On the other hand, the D146N-D149N mutation in CP-NDelta65 did not affect the assembly of T=1 capsid, although their stability was reduced considerably. Since the major difference between the T=3 and T=1 capsids is the absence of the N-terminal arginine-rich motif (N-ARM) and the beta-annulus from the subunits forming the T=1 capsids, it is possible that D149 initiates the N-ARM-RNA interactions that lead to the formation of the beta-annulus, which is essential for T=3 capsid assembly.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c oxidase or complex IV, catalyzes the final step in mitochondrial electron transfer chain, and is regarded as one of the major regulation sites for oxidative phosphorylation. This enzyme is controlled by both nuclear and mitochondrial genomes. Among its 13 subunits, three are encoded by mitochondrial DNA and ten by nuclear DNA. In this work, an RNA interference approach was taken which led to the generation of mouse A9 cell derivatives with suppressed expression of nuclear-encoded subunit IV (COX IV) of this complex. The amounts of this subunit are decrease by 86% to 94% of normal level. A detail biosynthetic and functional analysis of several cell lines with suppressed COX IV expression revealed a loss of assembly of cytochrome c oxidase complex and, correspondingly, a reduction in cytochrome c oxidase-dependent respiration and total respiration. Furthermore, dysfunctional cytochrome c oxidase in the cells leads to a compromised mitochondrial membrane potential, a decreased ATP level, and failure to grow in galactose medium. Interestingly, suppression of COX IV expression also sensitizes the cells to apoptosis. These observations provide the evidence of the essential role of the COX IV subunit for a functional cytochrome c oxidase complex and also demonstrate a tight control of cytochrome c oxidase over oxidative phosphorylation. Finally, our results further shed some insights into the pathogenic mechanism of the diseases caused by dysfunctional cytochrome c oxidase complex.  相似文献   

The role aromatic amino acids play in the formation of amyloid is a subject of controversy. In an effort to clarify the contribution of aromaticity to the self‐assembly of human islet amyloid polypeptide (hIAPP)22‐29, peptide analogs containing electron donating groups (EDGs) or electron withdrawing groups (EWGs) as substituents on the aromatic ring of Phe‐23 at the para position have been synthesized and characterized using turbidity measurements in conjunction with Raman and fluorescence spectroscopy. Results indicate the incorporation of EDGs on the aromatic ring of Phe‐23 virtually abolish the ability of hIAPP22‐29 to form amyloid. Peptides containing EWGs were still capable of forming aggregates. These aggregates were found to be rich in β‐sheet secondary structure. Transmission electron microscopy images of the aggregates confirm the presence of amyloid fibrils. The observed difference in amyloidogenic propensity between peptides containing EDGs and those with EWGs appears not to be based on differences in peptide hydrophobicity. Fluorescence and Raman spectroscopic investigations reveal that the environment surrounding the aromatic ring becomes more hydrophobic and ordered upon aggregation. Furthermore, Raman measurements of peptide analogs containing EWGs, conclusively demonstrate a distinct downshift in the ? C?C? ring mode (ca. 1600 cm?1) upon aggregation that has previously been shown to be indicative of π‐stacking. While previous work has demonstrated that π‐stacking is not an absolute requirement for fibrillization, our findings indicate that Phe‐23 also contributes to fibril formation through π‐stacking interactions and that it is not only the hydrophobic nature of this residue that is relevant in the self‐assembly of hIAPP22‐29. © Proteins 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We present a detailed analysis of the protein structures in the 30 S ribosomal subunit from Thermus thermophilus, and their interactions with 16 S RNA based on a crystal structure at 3.05 A resolution. With 20 different polypeptide chains, the 30 S subunit adds significantly to our data base of RNA structure and protein-RNA interactions. In addition to globular domains, many of the proteins have long, extended regions, either in the termini or in internal loops, which make extensive contact to the RNA component and are involved in stabilizing RNA tertiary structure. Many ribosomal proteins share similar alpha+beta sandwich folds, but we show that the topology of this domain varies considerably, as do the ways in which the proteins interact with RNA. Analysis of the protein-RNA interactions in the context of ribosomal assembly shows that the primary binders are globular proteins that bind at RNA multihelix junctions, whereas proteins with long extensions assemble later. We attempt to correlate the structure with a large body of biochemical and genetic data on the 30 S subunit.  相似文献   

Enzymatic kinetic resolution of racemic 1-phenylethanol catalysed by immobilized Candida antarctica lipase B was investigated in a neat system at the temperature range of 30–70?°C. Synthetic triglycerides, namely glycerol triacetate and glycerol tributyrate, were applied as the esterification agents. Both esterification agents were efficient regarding to the enantioselectivity (>1000). Initial rate of reaction and the kinetic constants were influenced by the applied esterification agent significantly. A detailed modelling approach is presented and verified in the temperature range on 3060?°C for the tributyrin system.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional solution- and solid-state structures of the human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) matrix protein have been determined recently in our laboratories by NMR and X-ray crystallographic methods (Massiah et al. 1994. J Mol Biol 244:198-223; Hill et al. 1996. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 93:3099-3104). The matrix protein exists as a monomer in solution at low millimolar protein concentrations, but forms trimers in three different crystal lattices. Although the NMR and X-ray structures are similar, detailed comparisons have revealed an approximately 6 A displacement of a short 3(10) helix (Pro 66-Gly 71) located at the trimer interface. High quality electron density and nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) data support the integrity of the X-ray and NMR models, respectively. Because matrix apparently associates with the viral membrane as a trimer, displacement of the 3(10) helix may reflect a physiologically relevant conformational change that occurs during virion assembly and disassembly. These findings further suggest that Pro 66 and Gly 71, which bracket the 3(10) helix, serve as "hinges" that allow the 3(10) helix to undergo this structural reorientation.  相似文献   

The Atg1 complex, which contains 5 major subunits: Atg1, Atg13, Atg17, Atg29, and Atg31, regulates the induction of autophagy and autophagosome formation. To gain a better understanding of the overall architecture and assembly mechanism of this essential autophagy regulatory complex, we have reconstituted a core assembly of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Atg1 complex composed of full-length Atg17, Atg29, and Atg31, along with the C-terminal domains of Atg1 (Atg1[CTD]) and Atg13 (Atg13[CTD]). Using chemical-crosslinking coupled with mass spectrometry (CXMS) analysis we systematically mapped the intersubunit interaction interfaces within this complex. Our data revealed that the intrinsically unstructured C-terminal domain of Atg29 interacts directly with Atg17, whereas Atg17 interacts with Atg13 in 2 distinct intrinsically unstructured regions, including a previously unknown motif that encompasses several putative phosphorylation sites. The Atg1[CTD] crosslinks exclusively to the Atg13[CTD] and does not appear to make direct contact with the Atg17-Atg31-Atg29 scaffold. Finally, single-particle electron microscopy analysis revealed that both the Atg13[CTD] and Atg1[CTD] localize to the tip regions of Atg17-Atg31-Atg29 and do not alter the distinct curvature of this scaffolding subcomplex. This work provides a comprehensive understanding of the subunit interactions in the fully assembled Atg1 core complex, and uncovers the potential role of intrinsically disordered regions in regulating complex integrity.  相似文献   

The in vivo assembly of ribosomal subunits is a highly complex process, with a tight coordination between protein assembly and rRNA maturation events, such as folding and processing of rRNA precursors, as well as modifications of selected bases. In the cell, a large number of factors are required to ensure the efficiency and fidelity of subunit production. Here we characterize the immature 30S subunits accumulated in a factor-null Escherichia coli strain (?rsgA?rbfA). The immature 30S subunits isolated with varying salt concentrations in the buffer system show interesting differences on both protein composition and structure. Specifically, intermediates derived under the two contrasting salt conditions (high and low) likely reflect two distinctive assembly stages, the relatively early and late stages of the 3' domain assembly, respectively. Detailed structural analysis demonstrates a mechanistic coupling between the maturation of the 5' end of the 17S rRNA and the assembly of the 30S head domain, and attributes a unique role of S5 in coordinating these two events. Furthermore, our structural results likely reveal the location of the unprocessed terminal sequences of the 17S rRNA, and suggest that the maturation events of the 17S rRNA could be employed as quality control mechanisms on subunit production and protein translation.  相似文献   

Abstract. The development and cell wall architecture of guard cells in the Cyperaceae were studied with light and electron microscopy. Development occurs along parallel files and results in a stomatal complex that consists of two guard cells each flanked by a subsidiary cell. The developmental pattern and general morphology are thus similar to that in the Gramineae. Several key differences, however, were observed. Wall synthesis in the Cyperaceae, as observed in the polarization and fluorescence microscope, occurs suddenly, within three to four complexes along a file, but is more gradual in the Gramineae. Mature cell walls in the Cyperaceae predominantly contain microfibrils oriented radially relative to the pore, while those in the Gramineae contain axial microfibrils. This difference was demonstrated in numerous species using freshly-collected as well as preserved material. In Cyperus esculentus, however, the alignment of microfibrils appears to be subject to environmental modification. Plants grown in the greenhouse contain guard cells with axial microfibrils, compared to the radial arrangement found in those grown in the field. In the former, wall is deposited gradually, as in the Gramineae. On return to more stressful conditions, radially micellated guard cells again develop. In each case, the cortical cytoplasm adjacent to areas where the wall is to thicken contains microtubules oriented parallel to the microfibril alignment characteristic of that treatment. These results are discussed in terms of the role of varied wall architecture in stomatal mechanics, the regulation of cell wall biosynthesis, and the evolutionary relationship of the Cyperaceae, Gramineae, and other taxa.  相似文献   

The contribution of solvent-exposed charged residues to protein stability was evaluated using ubiquitin as a model protein. We combined site-directed mutagenesis and specific chemical modifications to first replace all Arg residues with Lys, followed by carbomylation of Lys-amino groups. Under the conditions in which all carboxylic groups are protonated (at pH 2), the chemically modified protein is folded and very stable (DeltaG = 18 kJ/mol). These results indicate that surface charge-charge interactions are not an essential fundamental force for protein folding and stability.  相似文献   

Type 1 pili from uropathogenic Escherichia coli strains mediate bacterial attachment to target receptors on the host tissue. They are composed of up to 3000 copies of the subunit FimA, which form the stiff, helical pilus rod, and the subunits FimF, FimG, and FimH, which form the linear tip fibrillum. All subunits in the pilus interact via donor strand complementation, in which the incomplete immunoglobulin-like fold of each subunit is complemented by insertion of an N-terminal extension from the following subunit. We determined the NMR structure of a monomeric, self-complemented variant of FimF, FimFF, which has a second FimF donor strand segment fused to its C-terminus that enables intramolecular complementation of the FimF fold. NMR studies on bimolecular complexes between FimFF and donor strand-depleted variants of FimF and FimG revealed that the relative orientations of neighboring domains in the tip fibrillum cover a wide range. The data provide strong support for the intrinsic flexibility of the tip fibrillum. They lend further support to the hypothesis that this flexibility would significantly increase the probability that the adhesin at the distal end of the fibrillum successfully targets host cell receptors.  相似文献   

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