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Cultured TA1 adipocytes treated with tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF) lose intracytoplasmic lipid and, over a period of days, come to resemble their predifferentiated progenitors (preadipocytes). To examine the extent to which this phenotypic reversion represents a return to a less differentiated cell, we examined three major characteristics that distinguish preadipocytes from adipocytes: (a) pattern of gene expression; (b) hormonal requirement for accelerated adipogenesis; and (c) pattern of protein synthesis. We found that within hours of TNF addition to adipocytes, mRNAs for genes whose expression is augmented during adipogenesis decreased to predifferentiated levels; in addition, like preadipocytes, TNF-treated adipocytes required exposure to hormones to accelerate adipogenesis. Further, the pattern of protein synthesis seen on polyacrylamide gels reverted to that seen before differentiation. Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) also caused a rapid decrease in expression of adipose genes when added to fully differentiated cells, an effect that was achieved by treatment with either TGF-beta 1 or TGF-beta 2. These effects were seen in the absence of a demonstrable proliferative response to either TNF or TGF-beta. Thus characteristics that define the "terminally" differentiated state in adipocytes are subject to modulation by environmental influences.  相似文献   

We report here the effects of differentiation on the binding and action of transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) in three lines of myogenic cells. In two lines (L6-A1 and C2) which irreversibly differentiate by fusing to form postmitotic myotubes, there is a virtual disappearance of TGF-beta binding sites as differentiation occurs. Analyses of the binding curves by the method of Scatchard indicates that there is little or no change in affinity but a substantial decrease in the number of binding sites. In L6-A1 cells, responsiveness to TGF-beta decreases in parallel to the loss of receptors. The decreases in TGF-beta binding and activity with differentiation are not paralleled by similar changes in another growth factor, insulin-like growth factor-I, which exhibits little change in binding and only a modest decrease in activity as L6-A1 myoblasts differentiate to form myotubes. In a third cell line (BC3H1), which exhibits reversible differentiation without fusion, there is little or no change in TGF-beta binding as the cells differentiate. Comparisons with reported decreases in binding of fibroblast and epidermal growth factors indicates that there are substantial differences in growth factor binding and actions as muscle cells differentiate, but it is not possible to make the simple generalization that differentiation is accompanied by a decrease in binding of all growth factors.  相似文献   

Influence of arachidonate metabolite pathway on adipose differentiation was investigated using primary culture of adipocyte precursors in defined medium. Treatment of the cells with cyclooxygenase inhibitors stimulates adipose differentiation by at least 2-fold. Among the various arachidonate metabolites tested, only prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha) was found to inhibit the differentiation of adipocyte precursors in a dose dependent fashion. Other eicosanoids tested did not have any effect. A 50% inhibition of adipose differentiation was observed with a dose of PGF2 alpha of 3 x 10(-9)M to 7 x 10(-9)M according to the strain of rats used. Maximal inhibition occurred at PGF2 alpha concentrations equal or higher than 10(-8)M. PGF2 alpha inhibited not only the expression of late markers of adipose differentiation such as G3PDH and triglycerides accumulation but also the mRNA expression of early markers of adipose differentiation such as clone 154, lipoprotein lipase and ap2 gene. These results indicate that PGF2 alpha represents a physiological negative modulator of adipose differentiation.  相似文献   

Type beta transforming growth factor (TGF beta) has been shown to be both a positive and negative regulator of cellular proliferation and differentiation. The effects of TGF beta also are cell-type specific and appear to be modulated by other growth factors. In the present study, we examined the potential of TGF beta for control of myogenic differentiation. In mouse C-2 myoblasts, TGF beta inhibited fusion and prevented expression of the muscle-specific gene products, creatine kinase and acetylcholine receptor. Differentiation of the nonfusing muscle cell line, BC2Hl, was also inhibited by TGF beta in a dose-dependent manner (ID50 approximately 0.5 ng/ml). TGF beta was not mitogenic for either muscle cell line, indicating that its inhibitory effects do not require cell proliferation. Inhibition of differentiation required the continual presence of TGF beta in the culture media. Removal of TGF beta led to rapid appearance of muscle proteins, which indicates that intracellular signals generated by TGF beta are highly transient and require continuous occupancy of the TGF beta receptor. Northern blot hybridization analysis using a muscle creatine kinase cDNA probe indicated that TGF beta inhibited differentiation at the level of muscle-specific mRNA accumulation. These results provide the first demonstration that TGF beta is a potent regulator of myogenic differentiation and suggest that TGF beta may play an important role in the control of tissue-specific gene expression during development.  相似文献   

The effect of transforming growth factor beta on testicular steroidogenesis was studied by using a model of immature porcine Leydig cells cultured in a chemically defined medium. Leydig cells were cultured in the presence of human or porcine purified TGF beta and the following parameters were measured: cell proliferation, LH/hCG binding, and hCG-stimulated steroid hormone productions (DHEA, DHEAS and testosterone). Whereas TGF beta from the two sources had no effect on Leydig cell multiplication, it markedly inhibited LH/hCG-stimulated DHEA and DHEAS in a time- and dose-dependent manner. The maximal inhibitory effect of this peptide on LH/hCG binding (65% decrease), hCG-stimulated DHEA (77% decrease) and DHEAS (92% decrease) productions was observed with 2 ng/ml for 48 h of treatment. In contrast, TGF beta exerted a biphasic effect on hCG-stimulated testosterone production: stimulating (110% increase) until 2 ng/ml and inhibiting (35% decrease) for higher concentrations. [125I]TGF beta was cross-linked to Leydig cells using disuccinimidyl suberate; cells affinity labelled with [125I]TGF beta exhibit a major labelled band of approx 280 kDa, which has the properties expected from a TGF beta receptor. These data demonstrate that TGF beta is a direct potent regulator of Leydig cell steroidogenic function and its effects are probably mediated via a specific receptor.  相似文献   

The role of transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-beta 1) in enterocytic differentiation was examined by treating two undifferentiated HT29 colon carcinoma sublines, U4 and U9, with hexamethylene bisacetamide to up-regulate their level of TGF-beta 1 mRNA expression. Although both lines after treatment secreted approximately equal levels of biologically active TGF-beta 1, only U4H cells were found to undergo enterocytic differentiation when cultured postconfluence on collagen I-coated transwells, forming polarized monolayer cells with an apical brush border, whereas U9H cells remained multilayered and undifferentiated. Enterocytic U4H cells exhibited four times as much cell surface expression of the collagen I-binding protein alpha 2-integrin, twice as much of the accessory collagen-binding protein carcinoembryonic antigen, and almost twice as much binding to collagen I films as undifferentiated U9H cells. TGF-beta 1 treatment doubled U4 cell collagen I binding, increased expression of alpha 2-integrin 4-fold, but increased carcinoembryonic antigen expression only marginally. U4H cells displayed cell cycle regulation by arresting reversibly at a restriction point in G1 when placed in the postconfluent culture conditions which initiated enterocytic differentiation. In contrast, undifferentiated U9H cells exhibited no restriction point but arrested throughout G1. TGF-beta 1 blocked synchronized U4H cells in G1, whereas it stimulated the growth of U9H cells. Thus, TGF-beta 1 has two roles in enterocytic differentiation: to increase levels of collagen I adhesion proteins and to block enterocytic cells in G1 so that they can differentiate.  相似文献   

An homogeneous cell population isolated from the inguinal tissue of 3-day-old rats is able to proliferate in primary culture. In the presence of a physiological concentration of insulin (1.5 nM) it converts into cells exhibiting the morphology and the biochemical characteristics of adipocytes. Insulin and epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptors were studied during both the exponential growth and the adipose conversion phases of these cells. Binding experiments with 125I-labelled peptides were performed directly in the culture dishes. The number of high affinity insulin binding sites increased, during the entire culture period studied, reaching 18 days after plating the value of 10,600 x 2360. Control cells (cultured in the presence of anti-insulin antibody) exhibited an increase of the concentration of insulin binding sites from no more than 500 sites/cell to 6880 +/- 1710 sites/cell between dat 0 and 9 (corresponding to the exponential growth phase); this increase was followed by a rapid reduction in insulin receptors during the stationary phase. The density of EGF binding sites increased between day 0 and 4 (one cell cycle), whether the cells were maintained or not with insulin, and plateaued thereafter. Mature adipocytes freshly isolated from the inguinal tissue of 3-day-old rats had no detectable EGF binding sites, but their content in high affinity binding sites for insulin was similar to that of cells after complete adipocyte conversion in primary culture.  相似文献   

Extensive skin loss from a variety of conditions such as severe thermal injury is associated with significant functional morbidity and mortality. In recent years, the healing quality has been improved for patients who suffer burns due in part to the usage of skin replacement mainly prepared from multi-layered sheets of cultured keratinocytes. Although it is known that keratinocytes are a rich source of wound healing promoting factors such as transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1), it is not clear whether differentiated keratinocytes in a multi-layer form release this multi-functional growth factor and has any functional influence on dermal fibroblasts. This study examined the hypothesis that keratinocytes in mono- and multi-layer forms express different levels of TGF-beta1. To address this hypothesis, keratinocytes were grown in serum free medium (KSFM) supplemented with bovine pituitary extract (50 microg/ml) and EGF (5 microg/ml). When cells reached confluency, conditioned medium was removed and replaced with 50% KSFM with no additives and 50% DMEM without serum and cells were allowed to form multi-layers and differentiate. The conditioned medium was then collected every 48 h up to 24 days and the level of TGF-beta1 and the efficacy of a keratinocyte released fibroblast mitogenic factor were evaluated by ELISA and (3)H-thymidine incorporation, respectively. Northern analysis was also employed to evaluate the expression of TGF-beta1, involucrin, TIMP-1, and 18 S ribosomal RNA in keratinocytes at different times of the onset of differentiation. The microscopic morphology of keratinocytes at different times of induction of cell differentiation showed detachments (nodules) of many regions of keratinocyte sheet from culture substratum within 1-2 weeks. The numbers and sizes of these nodules were increased as the process of keratinocyte differentiation proceed. The results of TGF-beta1 evaluation revealed that mono-layers of cultured keratinocytes which were round, attached, and proliferating in KSFM + BPE and EGF containing medium released a significantly higher level of TGF-beta1 (196 +/- 58 pg /ml) relative to those grown in multi-layer forms (28 +/- 7.8 pg/ml). A longitudinal experiment was then conducted and the results showed that cells on the onset of differentiation released even greater level of TGF-beta1 (388 +/- 53 pg/ml) relative to those grown in KSFM + BPE and EGF. This finding was consistent with the expression of TGF-beta1 mRNA evaluated in keratinocytes grown in test medium for various duration. In general, the level of TGF-beta1 protein and mRNA gradually reduced to its lowest level within 12 days of growing cells in our test medium. When aliquots of the collected keratinocyte conditioned medium were added to dermal fibroblasts, the level of (3)H-thymidine incorporation increased only in those cells receiving aliquots of conditioned medium containing high levels of TGF-beta1. When involucrin was used as a differentiation marker for keratinocytes at different time points, the highest level of involucrin mRNA expression was found at the later stage of cell differentiation. In conclusion, high involucrin expressing differentiated keratinocytes seem to be quiescent in releasing both TGF-beta1 and a fibroblast mitogenic factor.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) enhances replication and bone matrix protein synthesis and associates with distinct binding sites in osteoblast-enriched cultures from fetal rat bone. In the organism high levels of or sustained exposure to glucocorticoids alters bone cell activity and decreases bone mass, effects that may be mediated in part by changes in local TGF-beta actions in skeletal tissue. Preexposure of osteoblast-enriched cultures to 100 nM cortisol reduced the stimulatory effects of TGF-beta 1 on DNA and collagen synthesis by 40 to 50%. Binding studies showed that cortisol moderately enhanced total TGF-beta 1 binding, but chemical cross-linking and polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic analysis revealed an increase only within Mr 250,000 (type III) TGF-beta-binding complexes, which are thought to represent extracellular TGF-beta storage sites. In contrast, a decrease in TGF-beta 1 binding was detected in Mr 65,000 (type I) and 85,000 (type II) complexes, which have been implicated as signal-transducing TGF-beta receptors. Our present studies therefore indicate that glucocorticoids can decrease the anabolic effects of TGF-beta 1 in bone, and these may occur in part by a redistribution of its binding toward extracellular matrix storage sites. Alterations of this sort could contribute to bone loss associated with glucocorticoid excess.  相似文献   

A reproducible cell culture system is described that allows the study of adipose conversion in fibroblast-like cells isolated by collagenase digestion of epididymal and perirenal adipose tissue from male rats weighing 70-200 g. Adipose conversion as measured by lipid accumulation and increase in glycerophosphate dehydrogenase (GPDH) activity during differentiation strongly depends on the density at which cells are inoculated and starts only when cells are confluent and when physiological amounts of corticosterone and insulin are added. beta-Estradiol, testosterone, thyroxine, triiodothyronine, and growth hormone do not affect the differentiation process. Methylisobutylxanthine added during the first 2 days after confluence, added with insulin and corticosterone, potentiates the effect of insulin on GPDH activity and accelerates triglyceride accumulation. The effect of methyl-isobutylxanthine seems to be mediated by increased cyclic AMP concentrations, inasmuch as it may be replaced by forskolin.  相似文献   

We employed immunocytochemical and in situ hybridization techniques to study the expression of transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-beta 1) in rat submandibular gland. Immunoreactivity for TGF-beta 1 was observed in the cells of granular convoluted tubules (GCTs), striated ducts, and excretory ducts, whereas it was absent in the intercalated ducts and secretory acini in both male and female rats. Immunoelectron microscopy revealed the ultrastructural localization of TGF-beta 1 in the secretory granules of GCT cells. On the other hand, signals for rat TGF-beta 1 mRNA were abundant in the GCT and striated duct cells but were lacking in the excretory duct cells. These results provided evidence for the production of TGF-beta 1 in the GCTs and striated ducts of rat submandibular gland.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of transforming growth factor beta1 (TGFbeta1), alone or in combination with FSH and estradiol, on DNA synthesis in primary cultures of immature rat granulosa cells. 3H-Thymidine incorporation was significantly stimulated by TGFbeta1 (5.6-fold). This effect was enhanced by FSH (20 ng/ml, 27.7-fold) or estradiol (100 ng/ml, 13.4-fold) or by a combination of both hormones (59.2-fold). Measurement of TGFbeta bioactivity showed the presence of significant amounts of TGFbeta in conditioned medium from granulosa cell cultures, and most of the activity was present in the latent form. FSH alone or in combination with estradiol produced a marked suppression of the production of latent and active TGFbeta. Activated conditioned medium from control cultures of granulosa cell elicited a 1.4-fold increase in thymidine incorporation. This effect was markedly amplified by FSH (3-fold) and estradiol (4.3-fold) and by a combination of both (8.7-fold). The peptide containing the cell-binding domain of fibronectin (RGDSPC) partially inhibited thymidine incorporation stimulated by TGFbeta1. Fibronectin did not synergize with FSH, and the interaction between TGFbeta1 and FSH was even observed in the presence of this protein. The conclusions reached were as follows: 1) TGFbeta1 is an autocrine stimulator of rat granulosa cell DNA synthesis, 2) FSH and estradiol produce a suppression of latent and active TGFbeta production but markedly amplify TGFbeta action, presumably at a postreceptor level, and 3) the stimulatory effects of TGFbeta1 may be only partly mediated by the increased fibronectin secretion.  相似文献   

Complete differentiation of adipocyte precursors   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Summary Evidence for the complete morphological maturation of precursor cells into adipocytes in vitro is presented. Cells were isolated from the stromal fraction of adipose tissue from adult humans and from rats and were grown in culture. Abdominal skin fibroblasts were used as controls. All cell strains were initially fusiform and replicated. On reaching monolayer confluency, they were transferred to an enriched growth medium in which the human and rat adipocyte precursors differentiated into a homogeneous population of cells, morphologically indistinguishable from mature adipocytes. In contrast, skin fibroblasts from the same person or animal, and grown under identical culture conditions, did not accumulate lipid and retained their fusiform contour. The same results were obtained in the first six subcultures that were studied. Thus, there is firm evidence that fat tissue of adult humans and rats contains adipocyte precursors that differentiate into mature fat cells. The culture system that has been described will facilitate the elucidation of the factors involved in replication and differentiation of adipocyte precursors.This work was supported by The Medical Research Council of Canada Grant MA-5827, The Ontario Heart Foundation, The Atkinson Charitable Foundation, The Banting Research Foundation, The J.P. Bickell Foundation, and the Physicians' Services Incorporated Foundation  相似文献   

Abstract. The newborn rat kidney is not fully developed until approximately 12 days after birth. In order to evaluate the possible role of Transforming Growth Factor beta 1 (TGF beta 1) in renal development we analyzed the mRNA level for TGF beta 1 in sixty Wistar rats aged 1,15 and 30 days. We also performed immunohislochemical studies to visualize the distribution of this peptide in the kidney of these rats using a TGF beta 1 antibody. The results show that the mRNA levels for TGF beta 1 are higher in the kidneys of the 1-day-old rats than in the 15 (1.4 fold) and 30-day-old rats (1.7 fold). The immunohistochemical reaction revealed the presence of TGF beta in the kidneys of the rats. The staining intensity was higher in the renal cortex than in the medulla. The data suggests that TGF beta may be important during kidney development.  相似文献   

Embryonal carcinoma and embryonic stem cells have been very useful models for identifying some of the factors that regulate differentiation in early mammalian development. Here, we present a brief history of their original isolation and characterization and of their later introduction into the Hubrecht Laboratory. We illustrate in a review their contribution to our current understanding of the function of transforming growth factor beta and ligands binding to the receptors of a related factor, activin, in development with some of our own work.  相似文献   

This report describes the labeling of porcine transforming growth factor type beta (TGF-beta) with 125-iodine. Its binding to NRK cells and three other cell lines has been examined. The data indicate that NRK cells exhibit approximately 10,000 receptors for porcine TGF-beta per cell, with an apparent dissociation constant of 45 pM. The binding of porcine 125I-TGF-beta can be blocked by porcine, murine and human TGF-beta but not by several well characterized growth factors. In all respects examined, the binding observed with porcine 125I-TGF-beta appears to be the same as that observed with human TGF-beta. The findings reported here argue that porcine 125I-TGF-beta can be used to quantitate TGF-beta receptors on a wide range of mammalian cells.  相似文献   

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