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The evolution rates of mtDNA in early metazoans hold important implications for DNA barcoding. Here, we present a comprehensive analysis of intra- and interspecific COI variabilities in Porifera and Cnidaria (separately as Anthozoa, Hydrozoa, and Scyphozoa) using a data set of 619 sequences from 224 species. We found variation within and between species to be much lower in Porifera and Anthozoa compared to Medusozoa (Hydrozoa and Scyphozoa), which has divergences similar to typical metazoans. Given that recent evidence has shown that fungi also exhibit limited COI divergence, slow-evolving mtDNA is likely to be plesiomorphic for the Metazoa. Higher rates of evolution could have originated independently in Medusozoa and Bilateria or been acquired in the Cnidaria + Bilateria clade and lost in the Anthozoa. Low identification success and substantial overlap between intra- and interspecific COI distances render the Anthozoa unsuitable for DNA barcoding. Caution is also advised for Porifera and Hydrozoa because of relatively low identification success rates as even threshold divergence that maximizes the “barcoding gap” does not improve identification success. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Across the animal kingdom, Hox genes are organized in clusters whose genomic organization reflects their central roles in patterning along the anterior/posterior (A/P) axis . While a cluster of Hox genes was present in the bilaterian common ancestor, the origins of this system remain unclear (cf. ). With new data for two representatives of the closest extant phylum to the Bilateria, the sea anemone Nematostella and the hydromedusa Eleutheria, we argue here that the Cnidaria predate the evolution of the Hox system. Although Hox-like genes are present in a range of cnidarians, many of these are paralogs and in neither Nematostella nor Eleutheria is an equivalent of the Hox cluster present. With the exception of independently duplicated genes, the cnidarian genes are unlinked and in several cases are flanked by non-Hox genes. Furthermore, the cnidarian genes are expressed in patterns that are inconsistent with the Hox paradigm. We conclude that the Cnidaria/Bilateria split occurred before a definitive Hox system developed. The spectacular variety in morphological and developmental characteristics shown by extant cnidarians demonstrates that there is no obligate link between the Hox system and morphological diversity in the animal kingdom and that a canonical Hox system is not mandatory for axial patterning.  相似文献   

A sequestered germline in Metazoa has been argued to be an obstacle to lateral gene transfer (LGT), though few studies have specifically assessed this claim. Here, we test the hypothesis that the origin of a sequestered germline reduced LGT events in Bilateria (i.e., triploblast lineages) as compared to early‐diverging Metazoa (i.e., Ctenophora, Cnidaria, Porifera, and Placozoa). We analyze single‐gene phylogenies generated with over 900 species sampled from among Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryota to identify well‐supported interdomain LGTs. We focus on ancient interdomain LGT (i.e., those between prokaryotes and multiple lineages of Metazoa) as systematic errors in single‐gene tree reconstruction create uncertainties for interpreting eukaryote‐to‐eukaryote transfer. The breadth of the sampled Metazoa enables us to estimate the timing of LGTs, and to examine the pattern before versus after the evolution of a sequestered germline. We identified 58 LGTs found only in Metazoa and prokaryotes (i.e., bacteria and/or archaea), and seven genes transferred from prokaryotes into Metazoa plus one other eukaryotic clade. Our analyses indicate that more interdomain transfers occurred before the development of a sequestered germline, consistent with the hypothesis that this feature is an obstacle to LGT.  相似文献   

A new hypothesis for the evolution of Bilateria is presented. It is based on a reinterpretation of the morphological characters shared by protostomes and deuterostomes, which, when taken together with developmental processes shared by the two lineages, lead to the inescapable conclusion that the last common ancestor of Bilateria was complex. It possessed a head, a segmented trunk, and a tail. The segmented trunk was further divided into two sections. A dorsal brain innervated one or more sensory cells, which included photoreceptors. "Appendages" or outgrowths were present. The bilaterian ancestor also possessed serially repeated "segments" that were expressed ontogenetically as blocks of mesoderm or somites with adjoining fields of ectoderm or neuroectoderm. It displayed serially repeated gonads (gonocoels), each with a gonoduct and gonopore to the exterior, and serially repeated "coeloms" with connections to both the gut and the exterior (gill slits and pores). Podocytes, some of which were serially repeated in the trunk, formed sites of ultrafiltration. In addition, the bilaterian ancestor had unsegmented coeloms and a contractile blood vessel or "heart" formed by coelomic myoepithelial cells. These cells and their underlying basement membrane confine the hemocoelic fluid, or blood, in the connective tissue compartment. A possible scenario to account for this particular suite of characters is one in which a colony of organisms with a cnidarian grade of organization became individuated into a new entity with a bilaterian grade of organization. The transformation postulated encompassed three major transitions in the evolution of animals. These transitions included the origins of Metazoa, Eumetazoa, and Bilateria and involved the successive development of poriferan, cnidarian, and bilaterian grades of organization. Two models are presented for the sponge-to-cnidarian transition. In both models the loss of a flow-through pattern of water circulation in poriferans and the establishment of a single opening and epithelia sensu stricto in cnidarians are considered crucial events. In the model offered for the cnidarian-to-bilaterian transition, the last common ancestor of Eumetazoa is considered to have had a colonial, cnidarian-grade of organization. The ancestral cnidarian body plan would have been similar to that exhibited by pennatulacean anthozoans. It is postulated that a colonial organization could have provided a preadaptive framework for the evolution of the complex and modularized body plan of the triploblastic ancestor of Bilateria. Thus, one can explore the possibility that problematica such as ctenophores, the Ediacaran biota, archaeocyaths, and Yunnanozoon reflect the fact that complexity originated early and involved the evolution of a macroscopic compartmented ancestor. Bilaterian complexity can be understood in terms of Beklemishev "cycles" of duplication and colony individuation. Two such cycles appear to have transpired in the early evolution of Metazoa. The first gave rise to a multicellular organism with a sponge grade of organization and the second to the modularized ancestor of Bilateria. The latter episode may have been favored by the ecological conditions in the late Proterozoic. Whatever its cause, the individuation of a cnidarian-grade colony furnishes a possible explanation for the rapid diversification of bilaterians in the late Vendian and Cambrian. The creation of a complex yet versatile prototype, which could be rapidly modified by selection into a profusion of body plans, is postulated to have affected the timing, mode, and extent of the "Cambrian explosion." During the radiations, selective loss or simplification may have been as creative a force as innovation. Finally, colony individuation may have been a unique historical event that imprinted the development of bilaterians as the zootype and phylotypic stage. (ABSTRACT TRUNCATED)  相似文献   

The past two years have seen a dramatic increase in the availabledata on gene sequence and gene expression for cnidarians andother "lower" Metazoa, and a flurry of recent papers has drawnon these to address the origins of bilaterality. Cnidarian homologsof many genes that play key roles in the specification of boththe A/P and D/V axes of bilaterians have been characterized,and their patterns of expression determined. Some of these expressionpatterns are consistent with the possibility of conservationof function between Cnidaria and Bilateria, but others clearlydiffer. Moreover, in some cases very different interpretationshave been made on the basis of the same, or similar, data. Inpart, these differences reflect the inevitable uncertaintiesassociated with the depth of the divergence between cnidariansand bilaterians. In this article, we briefly summarize the cnidariandata on gene expression and organization relevant to axis formation,the varying interpretations of these data, and where they conflict.Our conclusion is that the presently available data do not allowus to unequivocally homologize the single overt axis of cnidarianswith either of the bilaterian axes.  相似文献   

Larval development in Cnidaria: A connection to bilateria?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Among the basal animal phyla, the Cnidaria display many characteristics similar to the Bilateria (the higher Metazoa). However, the relation of that outgroup phyla to the Bilateria is still equivocal. Additionally to morphological and genetic data, studies on cnidarian embryogenesis are essential to clarify the Cnidaria-Bilateria relationship. We analyzed cellular differentiation during planula larvae development of the jellyfish Podocoryne carnea. Within 24 to 30 h postfertilization, the diploblastic body structure and all cell types found in polyps have already differentiated in the larva. Whereas the differentiating smooth muscles, RFamide-positive nerve cells, or nematocytes (stinging cells) express no axial polarity, a newly discovered tyrosine-tubulin-positive nervous system develops gradually in repetitive patterns from anterior to posterior. These data demonstrate that part of the cnidarian nervous system develops from anterior to posterior in serially repeated patterns. This developmental mechanism seems to follow the bilaterian pattern and would have antedated the Cambrian explosion.  相似文献   

The early diverging metazoan lineages have highly disparate adult body plan geometries, which can be characterised in terms of five major types of symmetry (asymmetrical, spherical, cylindrical, n-radial, bilateral). Patterns of evolutionary changes in symmetry types and the homology of body axes across lineages are discussed here by confronting evidence from comparative anatomy, phylogeny, genomics and evo-devo. The conventional scenario, postulating a graded complexification from asymmetry to radial and finally bilateral symmetry, is considered untenable. Cylindrical symmetry is likely to be the ancestral type from which derived all remaining types through multiple convergences. Recent proposals prompted by molecular data that the bilateral anatomies of many cnidarians and of the Bilateria are homologous are clearly not supported. The Hox-based patterning system operating along the antero-posterior axis of the Bilateria does not seem to predate their divergence with the Cnidaria, but intercellular signalling systems, notably the Wnt pathway, could have been involved in generating the main body axis in the last common ancestor of the Metazoa. To cite this article: M. Manuel, C. R. Biologies 332 (2009).  相似文献   

Among the bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic animals (the Bilateria), a conserved set of developmental regulatory genes are known to function in patterning the anterior–posterior (AP) axis. This set includes the well-studied Hox cluster genes, and the recently described genes of the ParaHox cluster, which is believed to be the evolutionary sister of the Hox cluster ( Brooke et al. 1998 ). The conserved role of these axial patterning genes in animals as diverse as frogs and flies is believed to reflect an underlying homology (i.e., all bilaterians derive from a common ancestor which possessed an AP axis and the developmental mechanisms responsible for patterning the axis). However, the origin and early evolution of Hox genes and ParaHox genes remain obscure. Repeated attempts have been made to reconstruct the early evolution of Hox genes by analyzing data from the triphoblastic animals, the Bilateria ( Schubert et al. 1993 ; Zhang and Nei 1996 ). A more precise dating of Hox origins has been elusive due to a lack of sufficient information from outgroup taxa such as the phylum Cnidaria (corals, hydras, jellyfishes, and sea anemones). In combination with outgroup taxa, another potential source of information about Hox origins is outgroup genes (e.g., the genes of the ParaHox cluster). In this article, we present cDNA sequences of two Hox-like genes ( anthox2 and anthox6 ) from the sea anemone, Nematostella vectensis. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that anthox2 (=Cnox2) is homologous to the GSX class of ParaHox genes, and anthox6 is homologous to the anterior class of Hox genes. Therefore, the origin of Hox genes and ParaHox genes occurred prior to the evolutionary split between the Cnidaria and the Bilateria and predated the evolution of the anterior–posterior axis of bilaterian animals. Our analysis also suggests that the central Hox class was invented in the bilaterian lineage, subsequent to their split from the Cnidaria.  相似文献   

Comparative anatomy and embryology provide impressive evidence that the ventral side of all Bilateria (except Chordata) originates from the blastoporal surface, while the mouth and anus develop, respectively, from the anterior and posterior extremities of an elongated blastopore. From the point of view of paleontology, some Vendian multicellular animals represent transitional forms between Radiata and Bilateria. Vendian Bilateria are metameric organisms with a symmetrical or asymmetrical arrangement of segments; they can be considered as bilaterally symmetrical coelenterates crawling on the oral surface. In the recent Cnidaria, homologues of the genes “Brachyury,” “goosecoid” and “fork head” are expressed around the mouth. In the recent Bilateria these genes are expressed along the elongated blastopore and around the mouth and anus. These data corroborate the validity of the idea of amphistomy and the homology between the ventral surface in Bilateria and oral disk in coelenterates. It is supposed that the ancestors of Bilateria were crawling on the oral surface (=ventral side) and gave rise to both Fanerozoic Cnidaria and triploblastic Bilateria. This allows us to suggest the origin of Bilateria from Vendian bilaterally symmetrical coelenterates with numerous metameric pockets of the gastral cavity. Such ancestors gave rise to both Cnidaria and Bilateria. Apparently the primary Bilateria were complicated organisms having a coelom and segmentation, which allows us to explain the great diversity of highly organized organisms (arthropods, mollusks, and others) in the Cambrian era. An idea is proposed that Ctenophora are the only group of recent Eumetazoa that retain primary axial symmetry.  相似文献   

Axis formation in animals The last common ancestor of Cnidaria and Bilateria likely used the WNT/β‐Catenin pathway in a regionalized fashion to establish its primary, anterior‐posterior axis. Unexpectedly, the morphological head of Cnidaria corresponds to the rear end of Bilateria. Moreover, annelids use the WNT/β‐Catenin system for early, local and binary decisions, and insects developed a completely unrelated pathway. They use Bicoid (Drosophila) – or Hunchback/Orthodenticle (Tribolium) – to control axis formation. Nevertheless, WNT functions are essential during the segmentation phase in insects and in ancestral insects as well as in other arthropods during formation of posterior structures. In summary, the WNT/β‐Catenin system is an essential part of the molecular tool kit, which helped to establish the unique features of animals.  相似文献   

The transition to a vermiform body shape is one of the most important events in animal evolution, having led to the impressive radiation of Bilateria. However, the sister group of Bilateria has remained obscure. Cladistic analyses of morphology indicate that Ctenophora is the sister group of Bilateria. Previous analyses of SSU rRNA sequences have yielded conflicting results; in many studies Ctenophora forms the sister group of Cnidaria + Bilateria, but in others the ctenophores group with poriferans. Here we re‐examine the SSU sequence by analyzing a dataset with 528 metazoan + outgroup sequences, including almost 120 poriferan and diploblast sequences. We use parsimony ratchet and jackknife methods, as well as Bayesian methods, to analyze the data. The results indicate strong phylogenetic signals for a cnidarian + bilaterian group and for the comb jellies to have branched off early within a group uniting all epithelial animals [(Ct,(Cn,Bi))]. We demonstrate the importance of inclusive taxonomic coverage of ribosomal sequences for resolving this problematic part of the metazoan tree: topological stability increases dramatically with the addition of taxa, and the jackknife frequencies of the internal nodes uniting the lineages [(Cn,Bi) and ((Ct,(Cn,Bi))] also increase. We consider the reconstructed topology to represent the current best hypothesis of the interrelationships of these old lineages. Some morphological features supporting alternative hypotheses are discussed in the light of this result. © The Willi Hennig Society 2004.  相似文献   

Topological patterns in Metazoa, using previously elaborated methodology with employment of the genus of the surface (p) as topological invariant are considered. The term "density of the genus of the surface" is introduced. In sponges and in a lesser degree among Cnidaria and, Ctenophoria an increase of genus p up to indefinite high values and the shaping of topologically complicated quasifractal systems (irrigation system in sponges and gastro-vascular system in Radiata) are evident. In most Bilateria a stable topological pattern with open digestive tube is formed and subsequent topological complications of other systems may occur. Complicated topological patterns increasing the genus of the surface are evolved on the base of quasifractal systems: gut pockets in turbellaria, tracheal system in arthropods, bronchial system in birds, gills in bivalve mollusks, etc. Peculiarities of ordered and disordered topological patterns as well as topological origin of the increase of the genus of the surface are considered.  相似文献   

The Ediacaran biota is profoundly mysterious. There is a growing realization that these organisms should not be grouped in a single taxon, such as Petalonamae or Vendobionta, but debate continues on what the group as a whole represents. It is argued here that the Ediacarans constitute a broad, megascopic, paraphyletic grade of organization which overlaps the stem groups (and perhaps some crown groups) of the Porifera, Ctenophora, Cnidaria and Bilateria.

The modular organization of many Ediacarans suggests that they were fundamentally colonial organisms. The early disc‐shaped forms may have been solitary individuals, perhaps with a choanoflagellate or simple sponge‐like grade of organization; the modular forms may represent bud colonies of those entities. The more complex fronds, as well as other segmented and bilaterally symmetrical Ediacarans, seem to exhibit a trend toward higher levels of integration and individuation. This trend is comparable to those observed among more recent colonial organisms. Interpretation of modular Ediacarans as colonial organisms leads to a new perspective on the evolution of metazoans. It suggests that the earliest solitary Ediacarans furnished a framework for the development of cell and tissue specialization, including the formation of epithelia and complex connective tissues. Later colonial forms provided a mechanism to increase nested or hierarchical complexity, through duplication, integration, and individuation. Early acquisition of complexity had a profound impact on the subsequent evolution of metazoan body plans.

The Ediacarans seem to have evolved the range of colonial forms required to give rise to the radiation of complex bilaterians in the Cambrian. If this is true, it obviates the need to postulate the existence of the microscopic, acoelomate ancestors of basal metazoan taxa that are required by prevailing hypotheses bearing on the early evolution of the Metazoa.  相似文献   

The current phase of molecular phylogenetics can be named the 18S rRNA gene era, which is now approaching the end. To date, almost all phyla of metazoans and many taxa of protists are represented in databases of 18S rRNA gene sequences. The elements of the phylogenetic tree of Metazoa inferred from 18S rRNA genes are characterized by unequal validity: some of them seem to be well grounded; others are not adequately supported, and probably will be revised later. The validity of phylogenetic reconstruction is influenced by two main factors: (1) erroneous grouping of long branches that occur because of abnormally high evolution rate; (2) deficit of phylogenetically informative characters. A method for overcoming these difficulties is suggested in addition to known tools: using phylogenetic markers that are stable within individual taxa and evolve by punctuated equilibrium. These markers are least influenced by the convergence caused by a high evolution rate of the entire gene. The nature of these markers of ancient taxa, paradoxical from the perspective of neutral evolution, is discussed, as well as their importance for establishing monophyly of both new large-scale taxonomic groups of invertebrates (Bilateria + Rhombozoa + Orthonectida + Myxozoa + Cnidaria + Placozoa and Echinodermata + Hemichordata) and some major taxa of Nematoda.  相似文献   

Animals with bilateral symmetry comprise the majority of the described species within Metazoa. However, the nature of the first bilaterian animal remains unknown. As most recent molecular phylogenies point to Xenacoelomorpha as the sister group to the rest of Bilateria, understanding their biology, ecology and diversity is key to reconstructing the nature of the last common bilaterian ancestor (Urbilateria). To date, sampling efforts have focused mainly on coastal areas, leaving potential gaps in our understanding of the full diversity of xenacoelomorphs. We therefore analysed 18S rDNA metabarcoding data from three marine projects covering benthic and pelagic habitats worldwide. Our results show that acoels have a greater richness in planktonic environments than previously described. Interestingly, we also identified a putative novel clade of acoels in the deep benthos that branches as sister group to the rest of Acoela, thus representing the earliest-branching acoel clade. Our data highlight deep-sea environments as an ideal habitat to sample acoels with key phylogenetic positions, which might be useful for reconstructing the early evolution of Bilateria.  相似文献   

Petrov NB  Aleshin VV 《Genetika》2002,38(8):1043-1062
The current phase of molecular phylogenetics can be named the 18S rRNA gene era, which is now approaching the end. To date, almost all phyla of metazoans and many taxa of protists are represented in databases of 18S rRNA gene sequences. The elements of the phylogenetic tree of Metazoa inferred from 18S rRNA genes are characterized by unequal validity: some of them seem to be well grounded; others are not adequately supported, and probably will be revised later. The validity of phylogenetic reconstruction is influenced by two main factors: (1) erroneous grouping of long branches that occur because of abnormally high evolution rate; (2) deficit of phylogenetically informative characters. A method for overcoming these difficulties is suggested in addition to known tools: using phylogenetic markers that are stable within individual taxa and evolve by punctuated equilibrium. These markers are least influenced by the convergence caused by a high evolution rate of the entire gene. The nature of these markers of ancient taxa, paradoxical from the perspective of neutral evolution, is discussed, as well as their importance for establishing monophyly of both new large-scale taxonomic groups of invertebrates (Bilateria + Rhombozoa + Orthonectida + Myxozoa + Cnidaria + Placozoa and Echinodermata + Hemichordata) and some major taxa of Nematoda.  相似文献   

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