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Aim To investigate taxonomic homogenization and/or differentiation of insect and vascular plant assemblages across the Southern Ocean Islands (SOI), and how they differ with changing spatial extent and taxonomic resolution. Location Twenty‐two islands located across the Southern Ocean, further subdivided into five island biogeographical provinces. These islands are used because comprehensive data on both indigenous and non‐indigenous insect and plant species are available. Methods An existing database was updated, using newly published species records, identifying the indigenous and non‐indigenous insect and vascular plant species recorded for each island. Homogenization and differentiation were measured using Jaccard’s index (JI) of similarity for assemblages across all islands on a pairwise basis, and for island pairs within each of the biogeographical provinces. The effects of taxonomic resolution (species, genus, family) and distance on levels of homogenization or differentiation were examined. To explore further the patterns of similarity among islands for each of the taxa and groupings (indigenous and non‐indigenous), islands were clustered based on JI similarity matrices and using group averaging. Results Across the SOI, insect assemblages have become homogenized (0.7% increase in similarity at species level) while plant assemblages have become differentiated at genus and species levels. Homogenization was recorded only when pairwise distances among islands exceeded 3000 km for insect assemblages, but distances had to exceed 10,000 km for plant assemblages. Widely distributed non‐indigenous plant species tend to have wider distributions across the SOI than do their insect counterparts, and this is also true of the indigenous species. Main conclusions Insect assemblages across the SOI have become homogenized as a consequence of the establishment of non‐indigenous species, while plant assemblages have become more differentiated. The likely reason is that indigenous plant assemblages are more similar across the SOI than are insect assemblages, which show greater regionalization. Thus, although a suite of widespread, typically European, weedy, non‐indigenous plant species has established on many islands, the outcome has largely been differentiation. Because further introductions of insects and vascular plants are probable as climates warm across the region, the patterns documented here are likely to change through time.  相似文献   

Aim  We argue that 'propagule pressure', a key term in invasion biology, has been attributed at least three distinct definitions (with usage of a related term causing additional confusion). All of the definitions refer to fundamental concepts within the invasion process, with the result that the distinct importance of these different concepts has been at best diluted, and at worst lost.
Location  Global.
Methods  We reviewed pertinent literature on propagule pressure to resolve confusion about different uses of the term 'propagule pressure' and we introduced a new term for one variant, colonization pressure. We conducted a computer simulation whereby the introduction of species is represented as a simple sampling process to elucidate the relationship between propagule and colonization pressure.
Results  We defined colonization pressure as the number of species introduced or released to a single location, some of which will go on to establish a self-sustaining population and some of which will not. We subsequently argued that colonization pressure should serve as a null hypothesis for understanding temporal or spatial differences in exotic species richness, as the more species that are introduced, the more we should expect to establish. Finally, using a simple simulation, we showed that propagule pressure is related to colonization pressure, but in a non-linear manner.
Main conclusion  We suggest that the nature of the relationship between propagule pressure and colonization pressure, as well as the efficacy of various proxy measures of each, require more detailed exploration if invasion ecology is to continue to develop into a more predictive science.  相似文献   

The ecological damage caused by invasive vines poses a considerable threat to many natural ecosystems. However, very little data are available for this potentially environmentally destructive functional group in Australia. In order to address this paucity of information, we assembled the first inventory of exotic vines that have become established in natural ecosystems across Australia. The influence that introduction history attributes, variables that relate to the introduction of a species to a new area, may have on the occurrence and distribution of exotic vines was also determined. We asked whether the continent of origin, reason for introduction, and residence time related to the prevalence and distribution of exotic vines across Australia. A total of 179 exotic climbing plant species from 40 different families were found to have become established across continental Australia. However, five families accounted for over 50% of these species. Most exotic vines originated from South America, and were introduced for ornamental purposes. The length of time in which an exotic vine had been present in its new range was significantly related to its distribution, with a positive relationship found between residence time and area of occupancy across the continent. No other introduction history attribute was significantly related to the area of occupancy, or distribution, of a species. This suggests that while the trends found among introduction history attributes are important in explaining the prevalence of exotic vines in Australia, only residence time is currently a useful predictor of their future success.  相似文献   

Aim  In this study, a dataset on world-wide squirrel introductions has been used to locate the relative pathways and to determine the factors correlated with species establishment.
Location  The world.
Methods  The analysis includes a chronological table of introductions, a biogeographical analysis and an assessment of the likelihood of establishment according to species, propagule pressure, area of origin and characteristics of the recipient area.
Results  The main vector of such introductions was the intentional importation of live animals. Introductions increased in developed countries and proportionately to the volume of imported mammals. Moreover, areas characterized by higher numbers of native squirrels were more invaded. Squirrels were often introduced deliberately and only to a smaller extent escaped from captivity. The likelihood of their establishment increased proportionately to the number of animals released and decreased proportionately to the increase of the latitudinal distance between the recipient area and the native range of the species. The likelihood that the release of one pair of either Sciurus or Callosciurus species would establish a new population was higher than 50%.
Main conclusion  Squirrels proved to be successful invaders and their importation should be restricted so as to prevent further introductions.  相似文献   

We identify a significant relationship between domestic market-based propagule pressure, as measured both in presence in the British horticultural market and in seed prices of ornamental plant species, with success in invasion. We employ a multispecies temporal approach and use a Generalized Estimation Equation model comparing ornamental non-native species introduced into Britain which started to invade with species introduced but not known outside cultivation. Historical nursery catalogues gave information on the availability and prices of seeds of 506 ornamental species in the British horticultural market every 20 years from 1885 to 1985. Higher market frequency and cheap prices of seeds were more significant and had a greater impact on the invading probability 20 years later than at the date of listing in a nursery catalogue. Our results suggest that national economic factors are an important part of the explanation for the invasiveness of ornamental plant species, and hence for the development of potential solutions.  相似文献   

The success of species invasions depends on multiple factors, including propagule pressure, disturbance, productivity, and the traits of native and non‐native species. While the importance of many of these determinants has already been investigated in relative isolation, they are rarely studied in combination. Here, we address this shortcoming by exploring the effect of the above‐listed factors on the success of invasions using an individual‐based mechanistic model. This approach enables us to explicitly control environmental factors (temperature as surrogate for productivity, disturbance, and propagule pressure) as well as to monitor whole‐community trait distributions of environmental adaptation, mass, and dispersal abilities. We simulated introductions of plant individuals to an oceanic island to assess which factors and species traits contribute to invasion success. We found that the most influential factors were higher propagule pressure and a particular set of traits. This invasion trait syndrome was characterized by a relative similarity in functional traits of invasive to native species, while invasive species had on average higher environmental adaptation, higher body mass, and increased dispersal distances, that is, had greater competitive and dispersive abilities. Our results highlight the importance in management practice of reducing the import of alien species, especially those that display this trait syndrome and come from similar habitats as those being managed.  相似文献   

Aim We tested the hypothesis that anthropogenic fires favour the successful establishment of alien annual species to the detriment of natives in the Chilean coastal matorral. Location Valparaíso Region, central Chile. Methods We sampled seed rain, seedbank emergence and establishment of species in four paired burned and unburned areas and compared (using GLMM) fire resistance and propagule arrival of alien and native species. To assess the relative importance of seed dispersal and seedbank survival in explaining plant establishment after fire, we compared seed rain and seedbank structure with post‐fire vegetation using ordination analyses. Results Fire did not change the proportion of alien species in the coastal matorral. However, fire increased the number of annual species (natives and aliens) of which 87% were aliens. Fire reduced the alien seedbank and not the native seedbank, but alien species remained dominant in burned soil samples (66% of the total species richness). Seed rain was higher for alien annuals than for native annuals or perennials, thus contributing to their establishment after fire. Nevertheless, seed rain was less important than seedbank survival in explaining plant establishment in burned areas. Main conclusions Anthropogenic fires favoured alien and native annuals. Thus, fire did not increase the alien/native ratio but increased the richness of alien species. The successful establishment of alien annuals was attributable to their ability to maintain rich seedbanks in burned areas and to the greater propagule arrival compared to native species. The native seedbank also survived fire, indicating that the herbaceous community has become highly resilient after centuries of human disturbances. Our results demonstrate that fire is a relevant factor for the maintenance of alien‐dominated grasslands in the matorral and highlight the importance of considering the interactive effect of seed rain and seedbank survival to understand plant invasion patterns in fire‐prone ecosystems.  相似文献   

Aim Pine trees (genus Pinus) represent an ancient lineage, naturally occurring almost exclusively in the Northern Hemisphere, but introduced and widely naturalized in both hemispheres. As large trees of interest to forestry, they attract much attention and their distribution is well documented in both indigenous and naturalized ranges. This creates an opportunity to analyse the relationship between indigenous and naturalized range sizes in the context of different levels of human usage, biological traits and the characteristics of the environments of origin. Location Global. Methods We combined and expanded pre‐existing data sets for pine species distributions and pine species traits, and used a variety of regression techniques (including generalized additive models and zero‐inflated Poisson models) to assess which variables explained naturalized and indigenous range sizes. Results Indigenous and naturalized range sizes are positively correlated but there are many notable exceptions. Some species have large indigenous ranges but small or no naturalized ranges, whereas others have small indigenous ranges, but have naturalized in many regions. Indigenous range is correlated to factors such as seed size (?), age at first reproduction (?), and latitude (+, supporting Rapoport's rule), but also to the extent of coverage of species in the forestry literature (+). Naturalized range size is strongly influenced by the extent of coverage of species in the forestry literature (+), a proxy for propagule pressure. Naturalization was also influenced by average elevation in the indigenous range (?) and age at first reproduction (?). Main conclusions The macroecological and evolutionary pressures facing plant groups are not directly transferable between indigenous and naturalized ranges. In particular, there are strong biases in species naturalization and expansion in invasive ranges that are unrelated to factors determining indigenous range size. At least for Pinus, a new set of macroecological patterns are emerging which are profoundly influenced by humans.  相似文献   

The geographical extent of exotic plant species is a major component of invasiveness, which has been explained by intrinsic attributes of the plants, such as growth rate, reproductive type, life form, and biogeographical origin. We assessed quantitatively life cycle and biogeographical origin as determinants of the geographical distribution of naturalized plants in continental Chile, using minimum residence time (MRT) as an estimator of introduction date. We assembled a database with information on 428 plants (principally herbs) in continental Chile, corresponding to 61% of the exotic naturalized flora. For each species we recorded: (1) minimum residence time (introduction date or first recorded date in the country); (2) biogeographical origin (American, Eurasian, others); (3) life cycle (annual, perennial, others); (4) number of Chilean regions occupied by the plant. We found that 82 species (19%) have been recorded in only one region of Chile, while only three species have been found in all 13 regions of the country. About 89% of the species (381) have been found only in central Chile (Regions IV to VIII), while the remaining 11% (47) are found only in the northern (Regions I to III) or southern parts of the country (Regions IX to XII). We detected significant differences in regional spread of naturalized plants according to minimum residence time: those species with shorter MRT had more limited spread ranges than those with longer MRT. Biogeographical origin and life cycle did not explain geographical extent in Chile. This study shows that historical factors are more important than biological ones in determining the geographical extent of naturalized plants in continental Chile. Thus, caution should be exercised when assigning value to biological attributes that may confer invasiveness to naturalized plants.  相似文献   

区域性维管植物编目对于该区域内植物多样性保护及植物资源可持续利用具有重要意义。北京作为中国首都, 尽管编目工作早在20世纪60年代就得以开展, 但近30年来没有进行系统更新。现有数据零散、不系统, 相关编目进展甚至已经落后于周边地区。本文在《北京植物志(1992年修订版)》的基础上, 结合多年实际野外调查, 通过系统检索文献资料对现有编目数据进行查漏补缺(补充新分类群、新记录)、修订名称(基于新分类修订成果)、更新分类系统(采用基于分子数据的新分类系统), 并添加物种等级、分布状态、生长状态、室内/室外、分布区、了解程度及保护状况等相关信息, 最终完成北京维管植物编目和分布数据集(分为本土植物和外来植物两个表单, 其中外来植物主要基于志书和文献记载)。截至2021年12月31日, 该数据集共有数据2,883条(本土1,680条, 外来1,203条), 其中包含北京本土野生维管植物134科611属1,597个类群(1,440种3天然杂交种46亚种97变种11变型), 与《北京植物志(1992年修订版)》相比增加3科26属173种4亚种28变种11变型, 其中列入《国家重点保护野生植物名录(2021)》的有16种(一级仅1种), 列入《北京市重点保护野生植物名录(2008)》的有90种3亚种4变种; 收录外来维管植物137科581属1,184个类群(含992种及其他种下等级), 其中栽培植物854种19杂交种15亚种29变种2变型87栽培品种38栽培群, 逸生植物132种1亚种, 归化植物77种2变种, 入侵植物27种。编目数据显示, 北京本土野生维管植物多样性整体上并不高, 主要以广泛分布的常见种为主, 特有种、狭域种以及珍稀濒危种数量不多; 同时, 北京存在大量的外来植物(许多种类在《北京植物志》各版中已经收录), 这些植物也是北京维管植物多样性的重要组成部分, 但现有数据尚不完整。  相似文献   

Why some organisms become invasive when introduced into novel regions while others fail to even establish is a fundamental question in ecology. Barriers to success are expected to filter species at each stage along the invasion pathway. No study to date, however, has investigated how species traits associate with success from introduction to spread at a large spatial scale in any group. Using the largest data set of mammalian introductions at the global scale and recently developed phylogenetic comparative methods, we show that human‐mediated introductions considerably bias which species have the opportunity to become invasive, as highly productive mammals with longer reproductive lifespans are far more likely to be introduced. Subsequently, greater reproductive output and higher introduction effort are associated with success at both the establishment and spread stages. High productivity thus supports population growth and invasion success, with barriers at each invasion stage filtering species with progressively greater fecundity.  相似文献   

Aim Invasive alien species usually exhibit very high adaptation and rapid evolution in a new environment, but they often have low levels of genetic diversity (invasive species paradox). Genetic variation and population genetic structure of feral American mink, Neovison vison, in Poland was investigated to explain the invasion paradox and to assess current gene flow. Furthermore, the influence of mink farming on adaptation of the feral population was evaluated by comparing the genetic structure of feral and ranch mink. Location Samples from feral mink were collected in 11 study areas in northern and central Poland and from ranch mink at 10 farms distributed throughout the country. Methods A 373‐bp‐long mtDNA control region fragment was amplified from 276 feral and 166 ranch mink. Results Overall, 31 haplotypes, belonging to two groups from genetically diverse sources, were detected: 11 only in feral mink, 12 only in ranch mink and eight in both. The genetic differentiation of feral mink from the trapping sites was high, while that among ranch mink from various farms was moderate. There was no significant relationship between genetic and geographic distance. The number of trapping sites where given haplotypes occurred correlated with the number of farms with these haplotypes. The mink from two sites were the most divergent, both from all other feral mink and from ranch mink. Comparison of mtDNA and microsatellite differentiation suggests male‐biased dispersal in this species. Main conclusions American mink in Poland exhibit high genetic diversity and originate from different source populations of their native range. The process of colonization was triggered by numerous escapees from various farms and by immigrants from Belarus. The genetic structure of local feral mink populations was shaped by the founder effect and multiple introductions. The genomic admixture that occurred during mixing of different populations might have increased the fitness of individuals and accelerated the invasiveness of this species.  相似文献   

Interactions between resource availability and enemy release in plant invasion   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Understanding why some exotic species become invasive is essential to controlling their populations. This review discusses the possibility that two mechanisms of invasion, release from natural enemies and increased resource availability, may interact. When plants invade new continents, they leave many herbivores and pathogens behind. Species most regulated by enemies in their native range have the most potential for enemy release, and enemy regulation may be strongest for high-resource species. High resource availability is associated with low defence investment, high nutritional value, high enemy damage and consequently strong enemy regulation. Therefore, invasive plant species adapted to high resource availability may also gain most from enemy release. Strong release of high-resource species would predict that: (i) both enemy release and resources may underlie plant invasion, leading to potential interactions among control measures; (ii) increases in resource availability due to disturbance or eutrophication may increase the advantage of exotic over native species; (iii) exotic species will tend to have high-resource traits relative to coexisting native species; and (iv) although high-resource plants may experience strong enemy release in ecological time, well-defended low-resource plants may have stronger evolutionary responses to the absence of enemies.  相似文献   

Aim The introduction of non‐indigenous species has resulted in wide‐ranging ecological and economic impacts. Predictive modelling of the introduction and establishment of non‐indigenous species is imperative to identify areas at high risk of invasion to effectively manage non‐indigenous species and conserve native populations. Smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu), a warm water fish species native to central North America has negatively impacted native fish communities, including cyprinids and salmonid populations, as a result of intentional introductions. We predicted the introduction risk; species establishment based on habitat suitability; identified lakes at high risk of invasion; and finally assessed the consequential impacts on native salmon, trout and cyprinid populations. Location Ontario and British Columbia, Canada. Methods Classification tree and logistic regression models were developed and validated to predict the introduction and establishment of smallmouth bass for thousands of lakes. Results Densely human populated areas and larger lake surface areas successfully identify lakes associated with the introduction of smallmouth bass (introduction model) in British Columbia. Climate, lake morphology and water chemistry variables were the driving environmental parameters to define suitable smallmouth bass habitat (establishment model). A combination of the introduction and establishment model identified 138 lakes that are currently at risk in British Columbia to the introduction and establishment of smallmouth bass. Of these 138 high‐risk lakes, 95% of them contain at least one species of salmon, trout or cyprinid, thereby increasing the potential impact of an invasion by smallmouth bass. Main conclusions Our framework can be applied to other terrestrial and aquatic species to obtain a better understanding of the potential risk posed by a non‐indigenous species to an ecosystem. Furthermore, our methodology can be used to focus management efforts on areas at higher risk (e.g. number of potential releases, more favourable habitats) to control future introductions of non‐indigenous species, thereby conserving native populations.  相似文献   

The traditional approach to understanding invasions has focused on properties of the invasive species and of the communities that are invaded. A well‐established concept is that communities with higher species diversity should be more resistant to invaders. However, most recently published field data contradict this theory, finding instead that areas with high native plant diversity also have high exotic plant diversity. An alternative environment‐based approach to understanding patterns of invasions assumes that native and exotic species respond similarly to environmental conditions, and thus predicts that they should have similar patterns of abundance and diversity. Establishment and growth of native and exotic species are predicted to vary in response to the interaction of plant growth rates with the frequency and intensity of mortality‐causing disturbances. This theory distinguishes between the probability of establishment and the probability of dominance, predicting that establishment should be highest under unproductive and undisturbed conditions and also disturbed productive conditions. However, the probability of dominance by exotic species, and thus of potential negative impacts on diversity, is highest under productive conditions. The theory predicts that a change in disturbance regime can have opposite effects in environments with contrasting levels of productivity. Manipulation of productivity and disturbance provides opportunities for resource managers to influence the interactions among species, offering the potential to reduce or eliminate some types of invasive species.  相似文献   

Aim Resolving the origin of invasive plant species is important for understanding the introduction histories of successful invaders and aiding strategies aimed at their management. This study aimed to infer the number and origin(s) of introduction for the globally invasive species, Macfadyena unguiscati and Jatropha gossypiifolia using molecular data. Location Native range: Neotropics; Invaded range: North America, Africa, Europe, Asia, Pacific Islands and Australia. Methods We used chloroplast microsatellites (cpSSRs) to elucidate the origin(s) of introduced populations and calculated the genetic diversity in native and introduced regions. Results Strong genetic structure was found within the native range of M. unguiscati, but no genetic structuring was evident in the native range of J. gossypiifolia. Overall, 27 haplotypes were found in the native range of M. unguiscati. Only four haplotypes were found in the introduced range, with more than 96% of introduced specimens matching a haplotype from Paraguay. In contrast, 15 haplotypes were found in the introduced range of J. gossypiifolia, with all invasive populations, except New Caledonia, comprising multiple haplotypes. Main conclusions These data show that two invasive plant species from the same native range have had vastly different introduction histories in their non‐native ranges. Invasive populations of M. unguiscati probably came from a single or few independent introductions, whereas most invasive J. gossypiifolia populations arose from multiple introductions or alternatively from a representative sample of genetic diversity from a panmictic native range. As introduced M. unguiscati populations are dominated by a single haplotype, locally adapted natural enemies should make the best control agents. However, invasive populations of J. gossypiifolia are genetically diverse and the selection of bio‐control agents will be considerably more complex.  相似文献   

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