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不同培养方式对细菌纤维素产量和结构性质的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
考察了自行筛选的Acetobacter xylinum NUST4.2在静置培养和发酵罐培养获得的细菌纤维素(BC)的产量、基本结构和性能的差异。结果表明:静置培养时产纤维素7.5g/L,产率为0.052g/L/h,在机械搅拌发酵罐中培养3d产量达3.13g/L,产率达0.043g/L/h;SEM分析显示静置培养和发酵罐培养得到的纤维素均具有网状结构,但静置获得的纤维素丝带相互缠绕且层状重叠,更加致密,丝带更细;FT-IR分析知搅拌不改变纤维素的化学结构,但能减弱分子间氢键,和XRD结合分析可知静置培养的纤维素具有更高结晶指数,更高Iα含量和更大晶粒尺寸,但不改变晶型,仍为纤维素I型,说明搅拌会干扰纤维素初始纤丝的结晶,有利于形成更小的晶粒和较Iα稳定的Iβ。与棉纤维素相比,静置培养获得的纤维素的热稳定性更好,而发酵罐培养获得的纤维素则阻燃性更好。  相似文献   

Acetobacter xylinum BPR2001 produces water-insoluble bacterial cellulose (BC) and a water-soluble polysaccharide called acetan in corn steep liquor-fructose medium. Acetobacter xylinum EP1, which is incapable of acetan production was derived by disrupting the aceA gene of BPR2001. The BC production by EP1 (2.88 g/L) was lower than that by BPR2001 (4.6 g/L) in baffled-flask culture. When purified acetan or agar was added to the medium from the start of cultivation, the BC production by EP1 was enhanced and the final BC yield of EP1 was almost the same as that of BPR2001. A similar improvement of BC production by EP1 by the addition of agar was also confirmed by cultivation in a 50-L airlift reactor. From these results, the role of acetan in BC production is associated with the increase in the viscosity of the culture medium which may hinder coagulation of BC and cells in the culture, thereby accelerating the growth of BPR2001 and BC production by BPR2001.  相似文献   

Aims: Bacterial cellulose is an extracellular polysaccharide secreted by Acetobacter xylinum, which has become a novel material increasingly used in food and medical industries. However, its broad application is limited by its low yield and high cost. 1‐Methylcyclopropene (1‐MCP) is a potent inhibitor to either exogenous or endogenous ethylene during the biological senescence of plants, which has been broadly applied in commercial preservation of fruits and vegetables. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 1‐MCP on both the growth of Acet.  xylinum and its cellulose production to demonstrate the potential enhancement of bacterial cellulose yield. Methods and Results: Three groups of samples were fermented under agitated culture with 125 rev min?1 rotational speed. To the culture media, 0·14 mg of 1‐MCP contained in 100 mg dextrose powder was added on assigned days or on the first culture day only. Results from the measurement of bacterial cell concentration and bacterial cellulose yield at the end of a 12‐day culture demonstrated that cultures excluding 1‐MCP displayed a higher cell concentration and a lower cellulose production, while cultures containing 1‐MCP produced 15·6% more cellulose (1‐MCP added on day 1) and 25·4% (1‐MCP added on each assigned day) with less biomass. Conclusions: 1‐MCP was able to affect the growth of Acet. xylinum cells and resulted in increasing bacterial cellulose yield up to 25·4% over controls, which did not contain 1‐MCP. Significance and Impact of the Study: This was the first study to use the growth inhibitor of plants to investigate its effects on bacterial growth and production. It also demonstrated a significant enhancement of bacterial cellulose yield by the addition of 1‐MCP during the common agitated culture of Acet. xylinum.  相似文献   

Acetobacter xylinum produces highly crystalline cellulose extracellulary using glucose as a carbon source. The polymer formed is free of other biogenic compounds, separable in a simple way and characterized by its high water-absorption capacity. Stepwise solvent exchange from water to unpolar solvents leads to a drastic decrease of the water content of the bacterial cellulose without decrease of the highly swollen and activated state. Heterogeneous as well as homogeneous derivatizations, e.g. carboxymethylation, silylation and acetylation, were performed on the wet or dried biopolymer. Furthermore, different methods for formation of hollow fibres during biosynthesis were investigated. Such tubes may have applications as biocompatible material in medicine.  相似文献   

AIM: The purpose of this study was to analyse the effects of different culture parameters on Gluconacetobacter hansenii (ATCC 10821) to determine which conditions provided optimum cellulose growth. METHODS AND RESULTS: Five culture factors were investigated: carbon source, addition of ethanol, inoculation ratio, pH and temperature. jmp Software (SAS, Cary, NC, USA) was used to design this experiment using a fractional factorial design. After 22 days of static culture, the cellulose produced by the bacteria was harvested, purified and dried to compare the cellulose yields. The results were analysed by fitting the data to a first-order model with two-factor interactions. CONCLUSIONS: The study confirmed that carbon source, addition of ethanol, and temperature were significant factors in the production of cellulose of this G. hansenii strain. While pH alone does not significantly affect average cellulose production, cellulose yields are affected by pH interaction with the carbon source. Culturing the bacteria on glucose at pH 6.5 produces more cellulose than at pH 5.5, while using mannitol at pH 5.5 produces more cellulose than at pH 6.5. The bacteria produced the most cellulose when cultured on mannitol, at pH 5.5, without ethanol, at 20 degrees C. Inoculation ratio was not found to be a significant factor or involved in any significant two-factor interaction. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: These findings give insight into the conditions necessary to maximize cellulose production from this G. hansenii strain. In addition, this work demonstrates how the fractional factorial design can be used to test a large number of factors using an abbreviated set of experiments. Fitting a statistical model determined the significant factors as well as the significant two-factor interactions.  相似文献   

Bacterial cellulose has multiple applications in various industries such as food, biomedical, textile due to its uniqueness of being a better bio-compatible coating agent, binding material, etc. In this study, optimization of the culture medium for producing BC from Leifsonia soli was carried out by selecting different parameters. Five significant factors such as maltose, pH, incubation days, soy whey and calcium chloride were estimated through ANOVA based response surface methodology. Maximum cellulose production (5.97 g/L) was obtained where maltose 1 % (w/v) supplemented with 0.8 % (v/v) soy whey and calcium chloride 0.8 % (w/v) at pH 6.5 for 7 days of incubation. In addition, assurance of cellulose production from bacteria was done by using High-performance liquid chromatography analysis. Further, the structure and purity of obtained cellulose were examined by SEM and elemental analysis where it was observed that the sample holds the value of carbon 44.1 ± 0.20 % and hydrogen 6.2 ± 0.3 %, respectively. This study concludes that the addition of maltose and soy whey could be used as carbon, nitrogen sources and calcium chloride was used as an additive for the bacterial cellulose production compared to the Hestrin Schramm medium. In addition, the calculated water holding capacity of the sample was found to be 73 %.  相似文献   

About 14.5 kb of DNA fragments from Acetobacter xylinum ATCC23769 and ATCC53582 were cloned, and their nucleotide sequences were determined. The sequenced DNA regions contained endo-beta-1,4-glucanase, cellulose complementing protein, cellulose synthase subunit AB, C, D and beta-glucosidase genes. The results from a homology search of deduced amino acid sequences between A. xylinum ATCC23769 and ATCC53582 showed that they were highly similar. However, the amount of cellulose production by ATCC53582 was 5 times larger than that of ATCC23769 during a 7-day incubation. In A. xylinum ATCC53582, synthesis of cellulose continued after glucose was consumed, suggesting that a metabolite of glucose, or a component of the medium other than glucose, may be a substrate of cellulose. On the other hand, cell growth of ATCC23769 was twice that of ATCC53582. Glucose is the energy source in A. xylinum as well as the substrate of cellulose synthesis, and the metabolic pathway of glucose in both strains may be different. These results suggest that the synthesis of cellulose and the growth of bacterial cells are contradictory.  相似文献   

Silicone rubber membrane bioreactors for bacterial cellulose production   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cellulose production byAcetobacter pasteurianus was investigated in static culture using four bioreactors with silicone rubber membrane submerged in the medium. The shape of the membrane was flat sheet, flat sack, tube and cylindrical balloon. Production rate of cellulose as well as its yield on consumed glucose by the bacteria grown on the flat type membranes was approximately ten-fold greater than those on the non-flat ones in spite of the same membrane thickness. The membrane reactor using flat sacks of silicone rubber membrane as support of bacterial pellicle can supply greater ratio of surface to volume than a conventional liquid surface culture and is promising for industrial production of bacterial cellulose in large scale.  相似文献   

During the bacterial production of cellulosic films on non-agitated liquid media, the mass of the system does not change. An equation is therefore proposed to evaluate the volume of inoculated medium to be placed in a given tray so that, when no more free aqueous medium may be detected under the wet pellicle produced, a dried film of a desired average thickness is produced.  相似文献   

Alkaline pectin lyase finds applications in the degumming and retting of plant fibres, textile industry and pectic wastewater treatment where it degrades highly methylesterified pectin without prior action of any other pectinase. Response surface methodology (RSM) has been frequently utilized for the optimization of production process of industrially important enzymes from microbes. In the present work, fermentation conditions for the production of pectin lyase from Bacillus cereus were optimized using the factorial and central composite design of RSM. The cubic order polynomial regression model was found to be adequate and significant with a determination coefficient R2 of 0.9505 (p?相似文献   

The present study reports statistical optimization of growth conditions of an opportunistic fungal strain Pichia guilliermondii, isolated from the blood of patients suffering from bancroftian filariasis. Seven key determinants, namely, primary inoculums size (%), volume (mL) and pH of media, serum proportion, temperature (°C), incubation time (hr), and agitation speed (rpm) that influence in vitro growth of the pathogen were optimized statistically using response surface methodology (RSM). RSM with seven factors and two-level Box–Behnken design was employed for designing experimental run, prediction of case statistics, suitable exploration of quadratic response surfaces, and constructing a second-order polynomial equation. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that primary inoculums size, volume of culture media, temperature, incubation time, and agitation speed exert most significant influence over fungal growth. The RSM study predicted that optimum fungal growth can be obtained using 10% primary inoculums size in 100 mL culture media with pH 6.0, 6.28% serum, 32.5°C temperature, and 24 hr of incubation, alongside agitation speed at 400 rpm. The desirability of the optimized growth model for P. guilliermondii is 99.123%, which indicated its accuracy and acceptability. Finally, the optimized growth module illustrated in the study could be useful in improving in vitro growth of clinically important P. guilliermondii.  相似文献   

Factors affecting the yield and properties of bacterial cellulose   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Acetobacter xylinum E25 has been applied in our studies in order to find optimal culture conditions for effective bacterial cellulose (BC) production. The strain displays significantly higher stability in BC production under stationary culture conditions. In contrast, intensive agitation and aeration appear to drastically reduce cellulose synthesis since such conditions induced formation of spontaneous cellulose nonproducing mutants (Cel−), which dominated in the culture. Mutation frequency strictly depends on the medium composition in agitated cultures. Enrichment of the standard SH and Yamanaka media with 1% ethanol significantly enhanced BC production in stationary cultures. Horizontal fermentors equipped with rotating discs or rollers were successfully applied in order to improve culture conditions. Relatively slow rotation velocity (4 rpm) and large surface area enabling effective cell attachment are optimal parameters for cellulose production. Physical properties of BC samples synthesized either in stationary cultures or in a horizontal fermentor revealed that cellulose from stationary cultures demonstrated a much higher value of Young's modulus, but a much lower value of water-holding capacity. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2002) 29, 189–195 doi:10.1038/sj.jim.7000303 Received 01 March 2002/ Accepted in revised form 18 July 2002  相似文献   

Aims: To improve exopolysaccharides (EPS) production of Cordyceps militaris (C. militaris), effects of different culture method on mycelial biomass and EPS production in the submerged culture of C. militaris were investigated. Methods and Results: A new two‐stage fermentation process for EPS production of C. militaris was designed in this work. Central composite design (CCD) was utilized to optimize the two‐stage fermentation process. The results showed that the two‐stage fermentation process for EPS production was superior to other culture method (conventional static culture and shake culture). CCD revealed that the optimum values of the test variables for EPS production were shaken for 140 h followed by 130‐h static culture. The maximum EPS production reached 3·2 g l?1 under optimized two‐stage culture and was about 2·3‐fold and 1·6‐fold in comparison with those of original static culture and shake culture. Conclusions: It was indicated that a new two‐stage culture method obtained in this work possessed a high potential for the industrial production for EPS of C. militaris. Significance and Impact of the Study: The fundamental information obtained in this work is complementary to those of previous investigations on the submerged culture of C. militaris for the production of bioactive metabolites.  相似文献   

Background: Colonization of the gastric mucosa by Helicobacter pylori is one of the most important causes of acute and chronic gastric pathologies in humans. Achieving the growth of H. pylori in liquid media is of great importance in the development of clinical studies. In this study, we developed a sequential optimization strategy based on statistical models to improve the conditions of liquid culture of H. pylori. Materials and Methods: Four statistical models were sequentially used. First, a Box‐Behnken design was used to select the best process conditions (shaking speed, inoculum concentration, and final volume of culture). Secondly, a general factorial design was used to evaluate the influence of adding gel blocks or gel beads (shape and composition). Then a D‐optimal reduce design was carried out to allow the selection of the most influential factors in increasing the cell concentration (culture media components). Finally, another Box‐Behnken design was used to optimize the concentration of the culture media components previously selected. Results: After 12 hours of liquid culture a concentration of 25 × 108 cells per mL (9.4 log10 cells per mL) of H. pylori was obtained, compared with a predicted 32 × 108 (9.5 log10 cells per mL), which means between 1 and 5 log10 units higher than some previous reports. Conclusions: The sequential statistical approach increased the planktonic H. pylori cell culture. The final culture media and conditions were: Brain Heart Infusion, blood agarose (1.5% w/v), lamb’s blood (3.18% v/v), DENT (0.11% v/v), and Vitox (0.52% v/v) at 60 rpm and 37 °C with filtered CO2 (5% v/v) bubbled directly into the culture media in a final volume of 76.22 mL.  相似文献   

The microalgae Chlorella vulgaris produce lipids that after extraction from cells can be converted into biodiesel. However, these lipids cannot be efficiently extracted from cells due to the presence of the microalgae cell wall, which acts as a barrier for lipid removal when traditional extraction methods are employed. Therefore, a microalgae system with high lipid productivity and thinner cell walls could be more suitable for lipid production from microalgae. This study addresses the effect of culture conditions, specifically carbon dioxide and sodium nitrate concentrations, on biomass concentration and the ratio of lipid productivity/cellulose content. Optimization of culture conditions was done by response surface methodology. The empirical model for biomass concentration (R2 = 96.0%) led to a predicted maximum of 1123.2 mg dw L?1 when carbon dioxide and sodium nitrate concentrations were 2.33% (v/v) and 5.77 mM, respectively. For lipid productivity/cellulose content ratio (R2 = 95.2%) the maximum predicted value was 0.46 (mg lipid L?1 day?1)(mg cellulose mg biomass?1)?1 when carbon dioxide concentration was 4.02% (v/v) and sodium nitrate concentration was 3.21 mM. A common optimum point for both variables (biomass concentration and lipid productivity/cellulose content ratio) was also found, predicting a biomass concentration of 1119.7 mg dw L?1 and lipid productivity/cellulose content ratio of 0.44 (mg lipid L?1 day?1)(mg cellulose mg biomass?1)?1 for culture conditions of 3.77% (v/v) carbon dioxide and 4.01 mM sodium nitrate. The models were experimentally validated and results supported their accuracy. This study shows that it is possible to improve lipid productivity/cellulose content by manipulation of culture conditions, which may be applicable to any scale of bioreactors. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 2114–2122. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

PigC is a synthetase that catalyzes the condensation of 4-methoxy-2,2′-bipyrrole-5-carboxyaldehyde and 2-methyl-3-amylpyrrole to produce prodigiosin, which has a wide variety of impressive biological properties. In this study, we optimized PigC production from engineered Escherichia coli BL21(DE3). Investigation of different induction strategies revealed that autoinduction was the most appropriate method for PigC expression. As a result, PigC activity was elevated to 75.7?U/mL, nearly 2.1-fold higher than that with induction by isopropy-β-d-thiogalactoside. To achieve maximum enzyme production, the automedium components were optimized. “Single-factor experiments” showed that PigC production was greatly affected by the concentrations of glucose, yeast extract, and lactose. The Box–Behnken design for response surface methodology was then used to determine the optimal concentrations of these three components. According to a statistical approach, the optimum values of the three most influential parameters were 0.73?g/L glucose, 13.17?g/L yeast extract, and 5.86?g/L lactose. In the optimized automedium, the best PigC activity was obtained at 179.3?U/mL, which was 2.4-fold higher than using the initial medium. This study maximized PigC production as a foundation for further study and future industrial application.  相似文献   

研究不同碳源、氮源和无机盐对毕赤酵母AX181菌株产木聚糖酶的影响。实验表明,分别采用葡萄糖和玉米浆干粉为碳源和氮源可以明显提高木聚糖酶的产量。无机盐单因子优化实验显示添加适量的(NH4)2SO4、KH2PO4、MnSO4·H2O、FeSO4·7H2O也可以部分提高木聚糖酶产量。在此基础上利用响应面法优化毕赤酵母产木聚糖酶培养基,利用12次实验的Plackett—Burman设计实验筛选出影响产木聚糖酶的3个主要因素,即玉米浆干粉、MnSO4·H2O和FeSO4·7H20。并进一步通过最陡爬坡路径逼近最大响应区域,采用中心组合实验设计确定最佳条件。优化后的产木聚糖酶培养基组分为(g/L):葡萄糖40.00,玉米浆干粉80.84,(NH4)2SO46.25,KH2PO41.25、MnSO4·H2O0.35,FeS04-7H2O1.31。培养基优化后,实际产酶2883.86u/mL,是优化前YPD培养基产酶的2.51倍。  相似文献   

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