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Superhydrophobic surfaces prevent certain body parts of semiaquatic and aquatic insects from getting wet while submerged in water. The air layer on these surfaces can serve the insects as a physical gill. Using scanning electron microscopy, we investigated the morphology of air‐retaining surfaces in five insect species with different levels of adaptation to aquatic habitats. We found surfaces with either large and sparse hairs (setae), small and dense hairs (microtrichia), or hierarchically structured surfaces with both types of hairs. The structural parameters and air‐film persistence of these surfaces were compared. Air‐film persistence varied between 2 days in the beetle Galerucella nymphaea possessing only sparse setae and more than 120 days in the bugs Notonecta glauca and Ilyocoris cimicoides possessing dense microtrichia (up to 6.6 × 106 microtrichia per millimeter square). From our results, we conclude that the density of the surface structures is the most important factor that affects the persistence of air films. Combinations of setae and microtrichia are not decisive for the overall persistence of the air film but might provide a thick air store for a short time and a thin but mechanically more stable air film for a long time. Thus, we assume that a dense cover of microtrichia acts as a “backup system” preventing wetting of the body surface in case the air–water interface is pressed toward the surface. Our findings might be beneficial for the development of biomimetic surfaces for long‐term air retention and drag reduction under water. In addition, the biological functions of the different air retention capabilities are discussed. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Females of the water strider Aquarius paludum insularis (Motschulsky) (Heteroptera: Gerridae) carry males on their backs and oviposit under water after copulation. This study focuses on the benefit  A. paludum insularis receives by ovipositing in tandem.
2. Males guarded females in tandem through to the end of oviposition in 85% of copulations. Females in tandem dived deeper than single females, and the density of A. paludum insularis eggs increased with water depth. The proportion of eggs parasitized by a scelionid wasp, Tiphodytes gerriphagus Marchal (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) decreased with increasing water depth.
3. These results suggest that during oviposition guarding by males is beneficial for females, because it enables pairs to dive and lay eggs deeper and in oviposition sites where the risk of egg parasitism is lower.  相似文献   

The waterstrider Aquarius najas is wingless in Northern Europe, while winged individuals occur frequently in Central and Southern Europe. To test if the latitudinal difference is genetically controlled, we collected mature individuals from 10 different populations and raised their offspring in ‘common garden’ laboratory conditions. Half of these populations were from southern and the other half from central Finland. Daylength and temperature do influence wing development among other species of waterstriders, and thus we maintained a similar short daylength and warm conditions for all populations. These conditions should be favourable for wing development in general. Among laboratory-bred individuals several winged individuals appeared, and their proportion varied between populations. The relative frequency of winged individuals was highest in the southern populations. Thus, apart from phenotypic plasticity there seems to be some genetic control over the occurrence of wings, and the latitudinal trend coincides with the direction in natural populations over a larger European scale. Overwinter survival in our laboratory conditions was higher among the wingless individuals. The survival cost may explain why the proportion of winged individuals was lower in the northern populations with more extreme overwintering conditions than in the southern ones.  相似文献   

Insects live in a three-dimensional space, and need to be able to attach to different types of surfaces in a variety of environmental and behavioral contexts. Adult leaf beetles possess great attachment ability due to their hairy attachment pads. In contrast, their larvae depend on smooth pads to attach to the same host plant. We tested friction forces generated by larvae and adults of dock leaf beetles Gastrophysa viridula on different rough surfaces, and found that adults generate much higher attachment to various substrates than larvae, but are more susceptible to completely losing attachment ability on surfaces with “critical” roughness. Furthermore, sex-specific setal morphology has the effect that attachment forces of male adults are generally higher than those of females when adjusted for body weight. The results are discussed in the context of development, ecology, and changing behavioral strategies of successive life stages.  相似文献   

Using field and laboratory observations and experiments over 3 years, I investigated whether reproductive trade-offs shape individual life histories in two natural populations of the water strider, Aquarius remigis, in which univoltine and bivoltine life cycles coexist. Both later eclosion dates and food shortages, even after adult eclosion, induced diapause in females, thus deferring reproduction to the following spring. Adult body size was positively affected by food availability during juvenile development. Higher food levels also increased the reproductive output of females, but not their longevity or oviposition period. When compared to spring breeders (univoltine life cycle), direct (summer) breeders (bivoltine life cycle) experienced reduced lifetime egg numbers and longevity, as well as reduced survivorship of their second-summer-generation offspring; these reproductive costs offset, at least in part, the advantage in non-decreasing populations of having two generations per year. Fecundity was correlated with body size, and among summer-generation females direct breeders were larger than non-breeders. The time remaining before the onset of winter and/or the time since adult eclosion augmented cumulative energy uptake, and consequently the lipid reserves and winter survival probability of non-breeding (diapausing) summer adults approaching hibernation. Overwintered spring reproductives died at faster rates than non-reproductive summer individuals despite greater food availability in spring, indicating a mortality cost of reproduction. Body length correlated with absolute and not with proportional lipid content but showed no consistent relationship with survivorship in the field. These results are in agreement with current theory on the evolution of insect voltinism patterns, and further indicate high degrees of life history flexibility (phenotypic plasticity) in the study populations in response to variable environmental factors (notably photoperiod and food availability). This may be related to their location in a geographic transition zone from uni- to bivoltine life cycles.  相似文献   

We addressed the general hypothesis that life history differences among eastern populations of the North American water strider, Aquarius remigis (Heteroptera: Gerridae), along a north-south gradient are manifestations of genetic differentiation due to natural selection. We raised offspring of two field-caught populations from each of three latitudes in a common laboratory environment at 20° C and two photoperiods. Nearly all Quebec (PQ) individuals (ca. 46° N) entered diapause to reproduce the following spring (univoltine life cycle), while intermediate proportions of New York (NY; ca. 43° N) and New Jersey (NJ; ca. 41° N) individuals reproduced directly, producing a second generation (bivoltine life cycle). PQ females were smaller, developed faster, and laid smaller eggs than NY and NJ individuals; NY and NJ populations differed little in these variables. NY females had longer life spans than either PQ or NJ females, but lower oviposition rates. Total reproductive output did not differ across latitudes. Photoperiod affected body length, development time, and reproductive pathway, resulting in a latitude by environmental interaction. PQ individuals reproduced directly under 15L : 9D (summer) conditions only, while the NY and NJ populations exhibited more direct reproduction under 13L : 11D (spring or fall) conditions. Some life history characters of the NY and NJ populations displayed the higher variability indicative of phenological transition zones. These results indicate local adaptation of populations to long-term climatic patterns. Water striders appear to adapt to longer seasons by extending development, growing larger, and breeding directly. Larger body size and extended or rapid development are associated with bivoltinism and increase in egg size, but not necessarily with higher fecundity or oviposition rate. The phenological transition zone appears to be unrelated to a transition zone a little further south established by allozyme data and morphology, as all populations studied here could be electrophoretically identified as northern "type".  相似文献   

Water strider Aquarius paludum (Fabricius) is a cosmopolitan species colonizes mainly freshwater but occasionally brackish habitats throughout the Palearctic and Oriental regions. Water strider Gerris latiabdominis (Miyamoto) is a common species in Japan lives in temporary habitats as freshwater paddy fields. These two species often occur syntopically. We investigated differences in the developmental response to brackish water during embryonic and larval stages between the two species. Eggs were exposed to 0–1.8% NaCl solutions within 24 h of oviposition. Larvae of G. latiabdominis were exposed to salinities of 0, 0.5%, and 0.9% from the first instar until adult emergence. Limits of NaCl concentration for hatching were 1.3% and 1.0% for A. paludum and G. latiabdominis, respectively. The hatching rate of G. latiabdominis was lower than that of A. paludum at salinities ≥0.9%. The period of embryonic development of G. latiabdominis was more prolonged than that of A. paludum at a given salinity. Although the salinity tolerance of G. latiabdominis was lower than that of A. paludum, our results suggest G. latiabdominis has the physiological capacity to expand into brackish waters. High and low salinity tolerances of A. paludum and G. latiabdominis, respectively, reflect the relatively wide range of habitat salinities utilized by A. paludum and the relatively restricted habitats preferred by G. latiabdominis. The high salinity tolerance of A. paludum could be an important factor contributing to their cosmopolitan distribution because high tolerance to salinity means the possibility of them to be dispersed via ocean or sea to other continents and islands.  相似文献   

We examined morphological variation among populations of the stream-dwelling waterstrider, Aquarius remigis. A previous analysis of allozyme variation along a transect from southern Quebec to southern North Carolina revealed two distinct 'types' of A. remigis, north and south of a transition zone in southern New York and northern Pennsylvania. To assess the concordance of morphological and allozyme differentiation, adults were sampled from 15 populations along the original transect, as well as 11 additional populations in New York, Connecticut and New Jersey. Eight measurements of leg and body size were taken of preserved individuals. Univariate and multivariate analyses (multiple regression, PCA, discriminant analysis) reveal significant differentiation between northern and southern populations with a transition zone between latitudes 39oand 42onorth. Strong clines within each region and a clear transition between regions support previous suggestions that there are two distinct 'types' of this species in eastern North America. The transition zone, in morphology coincides with that revealed by the allozyme variation, but extends further south. The covariance of allozyme frequency and morphometric traits suggests that differentiation has occurred through vicariance and secondary contact, and that in this system, cladistic and adaptive differentiation are coupled.  相似文献   

The free-swimming early larval stages of Argulus foliaceus (Linneaus) (Branchiura) are studied using digital video, light microscopy, and SEM. We analyze and document the mode of swimming in the hatching stage of A. foliaceus and the subsequent juvenile stages with fully developed thoracopods. We present new observations and an analysis of the functional morphology of a cleaning behavior in the first stage. This stage swims very efficiently using the large exopods of the second antennae in concert with the mandibular palp (naupliar limbs), while the subsequent stages use the now developed thoracopods for propulsion. This posterior shift in propulsion is similar to--but independent from--what is seen in other crustaceans. The hatching stage has previously been referred as a "metanauplius" but as the first and second maxillae are developed and active, and buds of all four thoracopods are present, it is too advanced to be included in the naupliar phase. The hooks of the first antennae and the distal hooks of the maxillae are demonstrated to function not only as attachment organs (to the host), but also to play a significant role in the cleaning of the naupliar swimming appendages. A digital video-based analysis of the swimming mode is provided. The larval swimming pattern is generally similar to that of other crustaceans such as Branchiopoda and Cirripedia, but autapomorphies of the Branchiura include the following: 1) While actively swimming, the naupliar appendages are almost straight during the recovery stroke and 2) they have a relatively small deflection during movement ( approximately 25 degrees or approximately 35 degrees for mandible and second antenna respectively), 3) the larval mandible has a uniramous palp which is the retained exopod. The morphological implications of the transition from the possibly nonfeeding pelagic, or free-swimming, first larval stage to the feeding, parasitic second stage are discussed and compared with other crustaceans.  相似文献   

Setae are vital in grooming activities and aiding in the removal of epibionts and sedimentary fouling from the body surfaces of decapod crustaceans. Thus, the setal structures and their arrangement on the grooming appendages and sensory structures of the commercially important shrimp, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, were examined using scanning electron microscopy. Macrobrachium rosenbergii is extensively grown in aquaculture and exhibits unique male morphological forms, termed morphotypes. The three male morphotypes are termed blue‐clawed males, orange‐clawed males, and small‐clawed or undifferentiated males and all three differ in their dominance, behavior, body morphology, and reproductive success. Seven setal types, two of which have never been described in the literature, are identified on the grooming appendages (third maxillipeds, first, second, and fifth pereopods) and antennae: simple, serrate, serrulate, spiniform, pappose, crinoid, and spinulate. The latter two setae are newly identified. Certain setal types, such as serrate and serrulate setae were located and associated with specific grooming appendages such as the first pereopods. The types of setae on the grooming appendages varied among females and male morphotypes and the novel setal types (crinoid and spinulate) were found only on two of the male morphotypes. A literature review of terminology related to the structure of setae and setal types in decapod crustaceans is offered as the usage of various terms is ambiguous and conflicting in the literature. The intention of this review is to provide future authors with a comprehensive collection of terms and images that can be used to describe various aspects of setal morphology in decapods. J. Morphol. 275:634–649, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Water striders are insects living on the water surface, over which they can move very quickly and rarely get wetted. We measured the force of free walking in water striders, using a hair attached to their backs and a 3D strain gauge. The error was calculated by comparing force and data derived from geometry and was estimated as 13%. Females on average were stronger (1.32 mN) than males (0.87 mN), however, the ratio of force to weight was not significantly different. Compared with other lighter species, Aquarius paludum seems stronger, but the ratio of force to weight is actually lower. A. paludum applies about 0.3 mN·cm-1 to 0.4 mN·cm-1 with its mid-legs, thus avoiding penetrating the surface tension layer while propelling itself rapidly over the water surface.We also investigated the external morphology with SEM. The body is covered by effectively two layers of macro-and micro-hairs, which renders them hydrophobic. The setae are long (40 um-60 um) and stiff, being responsible for waterproofing, and the microtrichia are much smaller (<10 um), slender, and flexible, holding a bubble over the body when submerged.  相似文献   

Many species of gekkotans possess adhesive subdigital pads that allow them to adhere to, and move on, a wide variety of surfaces. The natural surfaces exploited by these lizards may be rough, undulant and unpredictable and therefore likely provide only limited, patchy areas for adhesive contact. Here, we examine the microtopography of rock surfaces used by seven species of Rhoptropus and compare this to several rough and smooth artificial surfaces employed in previous studies of gekkotan adhesion. These data are considered in relation to the form, configuration, compliance and functional morphology of the setal fields of these species. Our results demonstrate that natural rock surfaces are rough and unpredictable at the scale of the setal arrays, with equal amounts of variation existing within and between the various types of rock surfaces examined. Such surfaces differ from smooth and rough artificial surfaces in the proportion of surface area available for attachment and the relative predictability of surface undulance. Generally, setal field characteristics of individual species are not relatable to specific substrates, but instead are configured to allow for sufficient attachment to a wide variety of unpredictable surfaces. Our findings provide insight into the evolution and microanatomy of the adhesive system of gekkotan lizards and its adaptive relationship to topographically unpredictable surfaces.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. The hypothesis that the migratory tendency of macropters is correlated with proportion macropterous in wing-polymorphic insects is tested by comparing the migration of macropters of three species of waterstriders (Heteroptera, Gerridae) under natural conditions.
2. Migration of marked individuals among four permanent and seventeen ephemeral water bodies was recorded between 1 April 1986 and 2 June 1987, within an area of approximately 2 km2.
3. The proportion of macropters migrating was significantly lower for G.buenoi Kirkaldy than for L.dissortis Drake and Harris and G.comatus Drake and Hottes. Similar results were obtained in. comparisons of proportions captured on ephemeral sites.
4. Distances measured in this study appear to be small relative to the migratory capacity of all of the species, and migration distance did not differ significantly among species. All species migrated primarily in early spring, and differences among species were most apparent at this time.
5. The observed differences among species combined with the results of a similar study of macropters from the primarily apterous species, G.remigis Say, support the initial hypothesis. The implications of this for our understanding of the evolution and maintenance of wing polymorphisms are discussed.  相似文献   

We describe the mating system of Aquarius paludum insularis based on field observations and test hypotheses about the effects of body size, hunger level and post-copulatory guarding on reproductive performance. The mating sequence of this species was typical for temperate water striders, except that most oviposition was carried out by tandem pairs, most of which were submerged. Mate guarding continued until the end of oviposition, lasting up to 18.2h, which was much longer than that recorded for other species of water striders. Pair partners changed after oviposition. Extended contact guarding reduced female mobility. In the case of females that carried long-winged males, there was a significant reduction in speed and stride between tandem as opposed to single females. However, when short-winged males were carried, there was not a significant difference. Short-term foraging efficiency did not differ significantly between tandem and single females, and thus did not reflect the difference in mobility. Hunger level did not significantly affect female mating receptivity. Although the number of harassment bouts by unpaired males did not differ between single and tandem females, single females suffered significantly more harassment. Females were able to lay fertilized eggs for about 15 days after a single copulation, but they accepted long guarding and multiple mating during this period as well. The cost of resisting male mating attempts appears to be greater than the cost of carrying males.  相似文献   

Distributional patterns of South American species of aquatic and semiaquatic Heteroptera from the Chaco biogeographic province were analyzed. Based on a track analysis of 60 species of Belostomatidae, Corixidae, Micronectidae, and Gerridae, five generalized tracks were found:(1) Bolivia, and northwestern and central Argentina (Belostoma dallasi, Ectemnostega montana, E. quechua, E. stridulata, E. venturii, Sigara tucma, S. yala, Tenagobia pulchra, Eurygerris fuscinervis, and Trepobates taylori); (2) southern Brazil, eastern Bolivia, Paraguay, and northeastern Argentina (Belostoma bosqi, Heterocorixa brasiliensis, Tenagobia selecta tarahui, and T. schadei); (3) southeastern Brazil and northeastern Argentina, determined by Belostoma candidulum, B. testaceopallidum, Heterocorixa nigra, Sigara hungerfordi, Brachymetra furva,Halobatopsis spiniventris, Metrobates plaumanni plaumanni, and M. vigilis; (4) southeastern Brazil, Uruguay, and central western Argentina (Belostoma cummingsi, B. martini, Sigara argentiniensis, Tenagobia fuscata, and T. carapachay); and (5) southern (Trichocorixa milicorum, Sigara santiagiensis, and S. forciceps). Three panbiogeographic nodes have been determined:(1) northeastern Argentina, in the intersection of generalized tracks 2 and 3; (2) central Argentina, in the intersection of generalized tracks 1 and 4; and (3) central Argentina, in the intersection of generalized tracks 4 and 5. In spite of these complex patterns, these results show that the Chaco province appears to be a natural biogeographic area.  相似文献   

Two rows (anterior and posterior) of long fine setae inserted on the 3rd, 4th and 5th segments of the last two pairs of legs of L. americana form functional swimming blades. Each swimming setal is mounted in a mobile basal socket, and the structure of the setal base and socket configuration ensure that the blades will be passively erected during the leg's power stroke to provide increased thrust and collapsed during the recovery stroke to reduce water resistance. The erect swimming blades increase the effective area for thrust by approximately 500%, making it possible for the mite to lift itself off the bottom. The IVth legs contribute the greater proportion of the thrust developed during paddling, and the 4th segment (genu) bears the largest swimming blades on both legs.  相似文献   

Intersexual conflicts over mating decisions may have an important impact on the evolution of mating behaviours and strategies and may develop into an arms race between the sexes. In waterstrider species, where intersexual conflict is known to occur, the evolution of male traits that allow them to overcome female reluctance to mate is expected. Reproductively active waterstriders,Aquarius remigis, were videotaped in the laboratory to examine the influence of total body length and front femoral width of males, male: female body size ratio, and female reproductive condition (number of mature eggs) on three variables associated with mating success: duration of the premating struggle, duration of mating, and number of successful matings. None of these behaviors was significantly correlated with the size ratio of the mating pair. However, total body length was negatively correlated with premating struggle duration, male front femoral width was positively correlated with number of successful matings, and number of mature eggs in females was positively correlated with duration of both the premating struggle and the mating itself. The relative influence of male sexual armaments and female choice on the outcome of mating interactions is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Individuals of long-winged waterstrider (Gerridae) species were found in spring far from their breeding habitats, which indicates that they fly before reproduction.
2. Field samples and laboratory studies show that once they return to their breeding sites, many individuals of three waterstrider species ( Gerris odontogaster (Zett.), Gerris lacustris (L.) and Limnoporus rufoscutellatus (Lat.)) histolyse wing muscles and lose flight ability during their reproductive period.
3. The extent of flight-muscle histolysis varies with environmental factors. Food scarcity affects flight-muscle histolysis in G.odontogaster females. In G.Lacustris , flight-muscle histolysis was more common in the laboratory than in the field samples. Proportionately more females than males lost their flight ability by the end of the reproductive period.
4. Flight ability had direct costs in reproductive potential with (non-flyer) females, which histolysed their flight muscles, laying more eggs than (flyer) females, which maintained flight ability. This was also the case during food scarcity. Non-flyer males of G.odontogaster survived longer than flyer males.
5. Spring migration was distinguished from dispersal during the reproductive period, because these flights serve different functions. Flight-muscle histolysis of females during reproduction is a qualitative reproductive option, with a trade-off between dispersal ability and reproductive potential. Ability to change reproductive behaviour depending on environmental conditions increases an individual's ability to cope with a large variety of habitats.  相似文献   

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