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Purification and properties of a neutral protease from rat liver chromatin   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
M T Chong  W T Garrard  J Bonner 《Biochemistry》1974,13(25):5128-5134

The action of DNA and nucleotide phosphate on histone hydrolysis by nuclear matrix preparations from rat liver has been studied. It is shown that proteinase specific for H1 histone is associated with the nuclear matrix. This proteinase is activated by denatured DNA and by DNA treatment with DNase I or gamma-irradiation, but it is not activated by UV-irradiated DNA. In the presence of nucleotide triphosphates, particularly GTP and ATP, proteolysis of H1 histone is markedly increased. The nuclear matrix proteinase specific for H1 histone and activated by DNA or GTP and ATP appears inhibited by antipain, leupeptin, phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (the inhibitors of serine proteinases) as well as by dithiotreitol.  相似文献   

A study has been made of histone and non-histone proteins of the peripheral chromatin fraction linked to the nuclear envelope. Electrophoresis in polyacrylamide-SDS gels has shown that this chromatin fraction, although not differing from the bulk chromatin in the content and composition of octameric histones as well as in the nucleosome conformation, lacks the H1 histone. It also contains some non-histone proteins and presents a special kind of linkage with the nuclear envelope.  相似文献   

The importance of histone H1 heterogeneity and total H1 stoichiometry in chromatin has been enigmatic. Here we report a detailed characterization of the chromatin structure of cells overexpressing either H1(0) or H1c. Nucleosome spacing was found to change during cell cycle progression, and overexpression of either variant in exponentially growing cells results in a 15-base pair increase in nucleosome repeat length. H1 histones can also assemble on chromatin and influence nucleosome spacing in the absence of DNA replication. Overexpression of H1(0) and, to a lesser extent, H1c results in a decreased rate of digestion of chromatin by micrococcal nuclease. Using green fluorescent protein-tagged H1 variants, we show that micrococcal nuclease-resistant chromatin is specifically enriched in the H1(0) variant. Overexpression of H1(0) results in the appearance of a unique mononucleosome species of higher mobility on nucleoprotein gels. Domain switch mutagenesis revealed that either the N-terminal tail or the central globular domain of the H1(0) protein could independently give rise to this unique mononucleosome species. These results in part explain the differential effects of H1(0) and H1c in regulating chromatin structure and function.  相似文献   



Histone H1 is involved in the formation and maintenance of chromatin higher order structure. H1 has multiple isoforms; the subtypes differ in timing of expression, extent of phosphorylation and turnover rate. In vertebrates, the amino acid substitution rates differ among subtypes by almost one order of magnitude, suggesting that each subtype might have acquired a unique function. We have devised a competitive assay to estimate the relative binding affinities of histone H1 mammalian somatic subtypes H1a-e and H1° for long chromatin fragments (30–35 nucleosomes) in physiological salt (0.14 M NaCl) at constant stoichiometry.  相似文献   

We have reconstituted salt-treated SV40 minichromosomes with differentially phosphorylated forms of histone H1 extracted from either G0-, S- or M-phase cells. Sedimentation studies revealed a clear difference between minichromosomes reconstituted with S-phase histone H1 compared with histone H1 from G0- or M-phase cells, indicating that the phosphorylation state of histone H1 has a direct effect on chromatin structure. Using reconstituted minichromosomes as substrate in the SV40 in vitro replication system, we measured a higher replication efficiency for SV40 minichromosomes reconstituted with S-phase histone H1 compared with G0- or M-phase histone H1. These data indicate that the chromatin structure induced by the phosphorylation of histone H1 influences the replication efficiency of SV40 minichromosomes in vitro.  相似文献   

Influence of histone H1 on chromatin structure   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
F Thoma  T Koller 《Cell》1977,12(1):101-107
Removal of histone H1 produces a transition in the structure of chromatin fibers as observed by electron microscopy. Chromatin containing all histone proteins appears as fibers with a diameter of about 250 A. The nucleosomes within these fibers are closely packed. If histone H1 is selectively removed with 50-100 mM NaCl in 50 mM sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) in the presence of the ion-exchange resin AG 50 W - X2, chromatin appears as "beads-on-a-string" with the nucleosomes separated from each other by distances of about 150-200 A. If chromatin is treated in the presence of the resin with NaCl at concentrations of 650 mM or more, the structural organization of the chromatin is decreased, yielding fibers of irregular appearance.  相似文献   

A procedure is described for quantitative purification of H10 and five H1-1 subtypes--named H1-1a to e--from adult rat liver by reverse-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography. Milligram amounts of each fraction have been obtained. The H1-1a subtype shows a very high lysine content (34%) and H1-1d subtype has an amino-acid composition close to that of H10, but its electrophoretic mobility is different. Salt dependent folding of these subtypes has been studied by circular dichroism. In the presence of 2 or 10 mM sodium phosphate buffers at pH 7.5, H1-1a shows the lowest alpha-helix content. In phosphate-buffer containing 1 M NaCl the number of residues in alpha-helix for all the subtypes rises to 9-10%. Partial cleavage of these subtypes by endoproteinase Glu-C produce three main peptides arising from C-terminal domains. The interaction of the H1-1 subtypes with 196 basepairs linear DNA, purified from rat liver chromatin by high-pressure ion-exchange liquid chromatography, has for consequences a modification of the patterns of digestion: partial proteolysis of the H1-1a and H1-1b subtypes shows differences in the presence or in absence of DNA; on the contrary, H1-1c and H1-1d seem to have the same organization. So these subtypes may play a role in the differential packing of specific region of chromatin.  相似文献   

Insulin-degrading neutral proteinase with molecular weight of 70 kDa was partly purified from the rat liver and erythrocyte plasma membranes. Incubation of membranes with [gamma-32P]ATP resulted in the enzyme phosphorylation. Intensity of this process greatly increased in the presence of insulin (100 microU/ml), and correlated with the elevation of the insulin-degrading activity in proteinase. Ca2+, Mn2+, dithiothreitol, cysteine were shown to have a stimulatory effect on insulin degradation; p-chloromercuribenzoate significantly repressed this process. Phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride and soybean trypsin inhibitor did not affect the activity of the proteinase. It was concluded that the investigated enzyme was a calpain and may participate in the mechanism of insulin action.  相似文献   

Nucleosomal subunits isolated from rabbit thymus nuclei in 0.04 M K2SO4-0.02 M Tris, pH 7.4 were devoid of histone H1, while whole chromatin prepared in the same buffer contained the full complement of histone H1. The question is asked why histone H1 dissociates from the subunits but not from the high molecular weight material. We propose that, at physiological salt concentrations, histone H1 is not bound to linker DNA as depicted in the current models; rather, alternate attachment sites, present only in the polymer, are involved.  相似文献   

After removal of histone H1 about 40% of DNA in chromatin acquires the sensitivity of naked DNA to DNAse I. Digestion of H1-depleted chromatin with DNAse I leads to a qualitative change in the digestion pattern, generating DNA fragments of approx. 200 b.p. and multiples, similar to those obtained with micrococcal nuclease. Both effects are reversed upon reconstitution of purified H1 to H1-depleted chromatin.  相似文献   

Assembly and properties of chromatin containing histone H1   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
The Xenopus oocyte supernatant (oocyte S-150) forms chromatin in a reaction that is affected by temperature and by the concentration of ATP and Mg. Under optimal conditions at 27 degrees C, relaxed DNA plasmids are efficiently assembled into supercoiled minichromosomes with the endogenous histones H3, H4, H2A and H2B. This assembly reaction is a gradual process that takes four to six hours for completion. Micrococcal nuclease digestions of the chromatin assembled under these conditions generate an extended series of DNA fragments that are, on average, multiples of 180 base-pairs. We have examined the effect of histone H1 in this system. Exogenous histone H1, when added at a molar ratio of H1 to nucleosome of 1:1 to 5:1, causes an increase in the micrococcal nuclease resistance of the chromatin without causing chromatin aggregation under these experimental conditions. Furthermore, the periodically arranged nucleosomes display longer internucleosome distances, and the average length of the nucleosome repeat is a function of the amount of histone H1 added, when this histone is present at the onset of the assembly process. In contrast, no major change in the length of the nucleosome repeat is observed when histone H1 is added at the end of the chromatin assembly process. Protein analyses of the purified minichromosomes show that histone H1 is incorporated in the chromatin that is assembled in the S-150 supplemented with histone H1. The amount of histone H1 bound to chromatin is a function of the total amount of histone H1 added. We define here the parameters that generate histone H1-containing chromatin with native nucleosome repeats from 160 to 220 base-pairs, and we discuss the implications of these studies.  相似文献   

The condensation of chromatin and histone H1-depleted chromatin by spermine   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
At low ionic strength, spermine induces aggregation of native and H1-depleted chromatin at spermine/phosphate (Sp/P) ratios of 0.15 and 0.3, respectively. Physico-chemical methods (electric dichroism, circular dichroism and thermal denaturation) show that spermine, at Sp/P less than 0.15, does not appreciably alter the conformation of native chromatin and interacts unspecifically with all parts of chromatin DNA (linker as well as regions slightly or tightly bound to histones). In chromatin, the role of spermine could be more important in the stabilization of higher-order structure than in the condensation of the 30 nm solenoid. The addition of spermine to H1-depleted chromatin revealed two important features: (i) spermine can partially mimic the role of histone H1 in the condensation of chromatin; (ii) the core histone octamer does not appear to play any role in the aggregation process by spermine as DNA and H1-depleted chromatin aggregate at the same Sp/P ratio.  相似文献   

Release of free F1 histone during nuclease digestion of rat liver chromatin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
C B Chae 《Biochemistry》1974,13(6):1110-1115

Reconstitution of the 30 nm filament of chromatin from pure histone H5 and chromatin depleted of H1 and H5 has been studied using small-angle neutron-scattering. We find that depleted, or stripped, chromatin is saturated by H5 at the same stoichiometry as that of linker histone in native chromatin. The structure and condensation behavior of fully reconstituted chromatin is indistinguishable from that of native chromatin. Both native and reconstituted chromatin condense continuously as a function of salt concentration, to reach a limiting structure that has a mass per unit length of 6.4 nucleosomes per 11 nm. Stripped chromatin at all ionic strengths appears to be a 10 nm filament, or a random coil of nucleosomes. In contrast, both native and reconstituted chromatin have a quite different structure, showing that H5 imposes a spatial correlation between neighboring nucleosomes even at low ionic strength. Our data also suggest that five to seven contiguous nucleosomes must have H5 bound in order to be able to form a higher-order structure.  相似文献   

Chromatin-remodeling complexes have been a central area of focus for research dealing with accessing cellular DNA sequestered in chromatin. Although the linker histone H1 plays a major role in promoting and maintaining higher-order chromatin structure, it has been noticeably absent from assays utilizing chromatin-remodeling enzymes. This review focuses on two ATP-dependent chromatin-remodeling complexes, Drosophila ISWI and mammalian SWI/SNF, that have been assayed using chromatin templates containing histone H1.  相似文献   

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