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In evaluating carbon flux in coastal and oceanic waters offcentral Chile (~36°S), the grazing pressure by copepod size-assemblagesand the gravitational flux from the surface layer were estimatedduring two contrasting seasons: spring upwelling (October 1998)and winter (July 1999) periods. Grazing pressure upon phytoplanktonbiomass was small (<5%) during both periods at all stations.It was, however, an important proportion of primary productionat the coast during the spring (17–43%) but minimal inwinter (<5%) while, at the oceanic station, it was significantduring both seasons (13–46%). Similarly, the downwardflux of particulate organic carbon was a significant percentageof primary production at the coast during the spring (31%) andless so in winter (15%); at the oceanic station, it was a higherfraction during both seasons (46–47%). Copepod pelletswere only a minor component of the faecal flux, suggesting thatthey were rapidly recycled in the water column. The seasonaldifferences in these carbon fluxes in the coastal upwellingzone were related directly to the larger quantities of organicmatter in the water column during the spring upwelling period,including higher chlorophyll a concentrations and primary productionrates. During the winter, the particulate organic carbon appearsto be mainly recycled in the water column. In the oceanic zone,in contrast to what is expected, a large percentage of the primaryproduction appears to be exported during both periods, thoughconsumption by copepod assemblages was also important, suggestingsignificant horizontal carbon export from the coast to the openocean.  相似文献   

The pattern of biomass and abundance of microzooplankton andmesozooplankton were studied over an annual cycle in the NuecesEstuary, Texas. Zooplankton samples and associated hydrographicdata were collected at four locations at biweekly intervalsfrom September 1987 through October 1988. This is a broad, shallowbay system with an average depth of 2.4 m. The concentrationof chlorophyll a in the surface waters averaged 7.4 µgl–1with 85% passing through a 20 µ mesh. Microzooplankton(20–200 µ in length) were extremely abundant throughoutthis study. Abundances of ciliates (including both aloricateciliates and tintinnids) ranged from 5000 to 400 000 l,with a mean of 38 000 l–1 of seawater over the entirecourse of the study. Mesozooplankton (200–2000 µmin length) abundance averaged 6100 m–3 for samples collectedduring the day and 10 100 m–3 for samples collected atnight. Mesozooplankton were dominated by Acartia tonsa whichmade up {small tilde}50% of the total. Biomass estimates formicrozooplankton (based on volume estimates) were often higherthan measured biomass of mesozooplankton. Given the shortergeneration times and higher metabolic rate of microzooplanktoncompared to mesozooplankton, microzooplankton should have agreater effect on the trophic dynamics of the Nueces Estuarythan mesozooplankton.  相似文献   

Grazing on phytoplankton by the micro- and mesozooplankton communitieswas measured during four cruises in a shallow (1.5 m) productive(up to 6 g C m–2 day–1 estuary in the northern Gulfof Mexico. Grazing-induced mortality on phytoplankton was alwayshigh and >95% of the grazing was by the microzooplanktoncommunity The grazing contribution from the mesozooplanktoncommunity, comprised primarily of Acartia tonsa, is believedto be small because populations were kept low by predation andadvective losses. A simple model is developed to describe phytoplankton-zooplanktoninteractions in this estuary. Attempts to understand the distributionand abundance of phytoplankton in estuaries must include estimatesof grazer-induced mortality on the phytoplankton.  相似文献   

徐宾铎  任一平  叶振江  曾晓起 《生态学报》2007,27(10):4224-4232
根据2004年春、秋季渔业资源底拖网调查数据,应用单元和多元统计方法分析了青岛近岸水域春、秋季鱼类群落结构。春、秋季调查分别渔获31、32种鱼类,平均每网渔获量分别为7.36kg/h和2.99kg/h,优势种类主要包括赤鼻棱鳀Thrissa chefuensis、大泷六线鱼Hexagrammo sotakii、方氏云鳚Enedrias fangi、黄鳍刺鰕虎鱼Acanthogobius flavimanus、细纹狮子鱼Liparis tanakai和长条蛇鲻Saurida elongata等。聚类分析表明,春、秋季青岛近岸水域鱼类群落都可划分为3个站位组,分别对应于北部、中部和南部调查水域。不同站位组的优势种组成变化较大,不同站位组间种类组成差异显著。分析了造成站位组内种类组成相似的特征种和造成不同站位组间相异的分歧种。不同站位组的特征种不同。赤鼻棱鳀、大泷六线鱼、黄鳍刺鰕虎鱼、方氏云鳚、星康吉鳗Conger myriaster、角木叶鲽Pleuronichthys cornutus和细纹狮子鱼是春季所有站位组间的分歧种;赤鼻棱鳀、白姑鱼Argyrosomus argentatus、大泷六线鱼、带鱼Trichiurus lepturus、短吻红舌鳎Cynoglossus joyneri、方氏云鳚、细条天竺鱼Apogonichthys lineatus、小黄鱼Pseudosciaena polyactis和矛尾鰕虎鱼Chaeturichthys stigmatias是秋季所有站位组间的分歧种。大多数特征种也是不同站位组间的分歧种,主要是由于这些种类的数量分布的空间变化造成的。青岛沿海鱼类群落结构存在明显的时空异质性。  相似文献   

Some investigators have proposed aspartate transcarbamylase(ATCase) activity as an overall index of mesozooplankton productivity.However, seasonal changes in mesozooplankton species compositionhave never been investigated as a possible source of variationin ATCase activity. In this study, we investigate mesozooplanktoncomposition in terms of (i) developmental stages, (ii) speciesand developmental stages body mass and (iii) species composition,and their relationship to ATCase activity. In controlled laboratoryconditions, ATCase activity variability was closely relatedto changes in somatic growth rate of the copepod Calanus helgolandicus,but was not related to changes in nucleic acid concentrations.It can be argued, however, that the activity of this enzymeis partially involved in copepod somatic productivity, and shouldbe a good index of embryogenesis. In addition, changes in ATCaseactivity were not significantly influenced by variability inmesozooplankton biomass, when investigated both on inter- andintraspecific levels. Finally, when a complete seasonal cyclewas investigated at a fixed station off Plymouth (English Channel),ATCase activity was not correlated with the abundance of anymesozooplankton species apart from copepodites and adult C.helgolandicus.Furthermore, ATCase activity measured both on mesozooplanktonand female C.helgolandicus was significantly correlated (R2= 0.72, n = 33, P < 0.001) throughout the year, apart fromApril. At that particular time of the year, ATCase activitywas in phase with the peak of abundance of copepod eggs andnauplii. It is suggested that mesozooplankton peaks of ATCaseactivity reflect two periods in the life history of the copepod:embryogenesis and terminal moult. We propose further experimentsto test this hypothesis and to promote the development of molecularbiomarkers in order to characterize specific zooplankton metabolicprocesses.  相似文献   

The abundance and several estimators of mesozooplankton biomass(dry weight, ash-free dry weight, displacement volume, carbonand nitrogen) were measured in a coastal upwelling area offLa Coru*****na (NW Spain) at monthly intervals between 1990and 1995. Holoplanktonic copepods dominated in most of the samples,but meroplanktonwere also important near the coast, especiallyduring late spring and through summer. Gelatinous organisms(medusae, siphonophores and larvaceans) reached significantabundances (-10%) in shelf waters by late summer, but also nearthe coast in spring. Log-linear equations were computed betweendry weight, displacement volumeand the other biomass estimators,to allow for interconversion among different measurements. Toprevent the influence of meroplankton and gelatinous zooplanktonin the estimations of biomass, the equations were adjusted usingonly samples in which the abundance of each of these groupswas <10% of total individuals. Our equations produced carbonand ash-free dry weight estimates that are comparable to thoseobtained with the ratiosgiven in other studies in the region.However, the esti mations of mesozooplankton carbon from displacementvolume using the adjusted equation with our data are lower thanthose reported previously for the area, which werecomputed usingequations adjusted with data from a different ecosystem. Theuse of interconversion factors taken from the literature isdiscussed, along with the implications of the estimations ofmesozooplankton biomass in the computations of the flux of carbonthrough the ecosystem.  相似文献   

The Bay of Biscay is a coastal area intensively exploited forfishing and is submitted to important human actions (proximityof important industrial and agricultural areas). Thus, the understandingof the materials and energy transfers in such ecosystems isof great interest. However, investigations on zooplankton (animportant component of the marine food web) are very scarcein this area. Our study concerns the grazing impact of the zooplanktonin shelf waters in the plume of dilution of the Gironde estuaryprior to the spring bloom. Samples were taken through the photiclayer in April 1993. Our results have shown that Temora longicornisand Paracalanus parvus dominated the ‘herbivorous’planktonic community. The grazing impact of the zooplanktoncommunity on the total phytoplankton stock and on the totalprimary production was low (9–14 and 17–21% day–1,respectively) during this period, which is in accordance withmost results in coastal areas. However, due to the small sizeof the algae (  相似文献   

The temporal variation in egg production of the planktonic copepodsCalanus helgolandicus, Temora longicornis and Pseudocalanuselongatus was studied during two different spring bloom periodsin 1989 and 1990 by weekly sampling at two permanent stationsin coastal waters off Plymouth (SW England). Copepod egg productionwas estimated in situ by incubating individual adult femalesin filtered seawater for 24 h (72 h until hatching for P.elongatus)at the field surface temperature. The relationship between copepodegg production rates and: (i) chlorophyll a concentration (totaland >10 µm size fraction), (ii) temperature and (iii)initial copepod gut pigment content was investigated. The springbloom periods were very different in both years, with the occurrenceof a Phaeocystis sp. bloom in 1990, which negatively affectedthe feeding and fecundity of copepods. Egg production ratesin spring 1989 were significantly correlated with chlorophylla concentration (particularly with the >10 µm fraction),field temperature and copepod gut pigment contents. In spring1990, egg production rates were also correlated with copepodgut pigment contents, but no significant correlations were obtainedwith temperature or with chlorophyll a concentration, as a consequenceof the lower egg production rates obtained during the Phaeocystissp. dominance period. These results show that food availabilityis the factor which mainly affects the fecundity of neriticcopepods in short time periods.  相似文献   

Grazing by microzooplankton on autotrophic and heterotrophicpicoplankton as well as >0.7 µm phytoplankton (as measuredby chlorophyll a) was quantified during July, August, October,January and April in the surface layer of Logy Bay, Newfoundland(47°38'14'N, 52°39'36'W). Rates of growth and grazingmortality of bacteria, Synechococcus and >0.7 µm phytoplanktonwere measured using the sea water dilution technique. Microzooplanktoningested 83–184, 96–366 and 64–118% of bacterial,Synechococcus and >0.7 µm phytoplankton daily potentialproduction, respectively and 34–111, 25–30 and 16–131%of bacterial, Synechococcus and >0.7 µm phytoplanktonstanding stocks, respectively. The trends in prey net growthrates followed the seasonal cycles of prey biomass, suggestingthat microzooplankton are important grazers in Newfoundlandcoastal waters. Ingestion was lowest during January and October(~2 µg C l–1 day–1) and highest in August(~20 µg C l–1 day–1). Aside from April when>0.7 µm phytoplankton represented the majority (~80%)of carbon ingested, bacterioplankton and <1 µm phytoplanktonrepresented most of the carbon ingested (~40–100%). Althoughmicrozooplankton have here-to-fore been unrecognized as an importantgrazer population in Newfoundland coastal waters, these resultssuggest that they play an important role in carbon flow withinthe pelagic food web, even at low temperatures in Logy Bay.  相似文献   

春季海南岛近岸海域尿素与浮游生物的脲酶活性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2011年春季(4-5月),对海南岛的海口湾、澄迈湾、文昌八门湾、陵水新村湾和大东海5个海湾的尿素浓度及浮游生物的脲酶活性开展调查研究,结合其它理化环境因子,分析海南岛近岸海域尿素的可利用性及其对该海区浮游植物生长可能产生的影响.结果表明,海南岛近岸水体中尿素平均浓度为2.07-3.30 μmol/L,占总溶解态氮TDN含量的14%-38%,尿素占TDN比例由北向东、南方向递增.浮游生物脲酶活性为0.30-0.84 μmolN· L-1· h-1,海口湾最高,从北部向东、南部逐渐减少.各海湾较高水平的尿素和脲酶活性主要分布在排污口、养殖区或旅游区的近岸海域.硅藻为优势种,甲藻种类少且密度低,部分甲藻密度达到104-105个/L的水体,尿素和脲酶活性也处于较高水平.海区浮游植物细胞密度与脲酶活性或尿素占TDN比例等因子存在相关性,表明尿素是海南海域浮游植物生长不可忽略的重要氮源.尿素在一定程度上促进春季海南岛近岸海域甲藻等浮游植物的生长,可能对浮游植物群落结构的改变产生重要影响.  相似文献   

山东近海鱼类群落分类多样性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李凡  周兴  张岚  任中华  吕振波 《生态学报》2015,35(7):2322-2330
根据相关文献整理了山东近海鱼类名录,并根据1998—2009年山东近海鱼类调查名录,应用平均分类差异指数(Δ+)和分类差异变异指数(Λ+)研究了鱼类分类学多样性特征。结果表明,山东近海鱼类名录包括2纲28目91科169属225种,1998年调查仅2纲11目41科58属62种,2006年调查为1纲13目41科71属78种,2009年调查为1纲9目32科55属62种。1998年—2009年调查鱼类种类远远低于鱼类名录记录的种数,分类阶元包含指数较低,平均每属包含1.1种。根据山东近海鱼类名录计算鱼类平均分类差异指数为66.1,分类差异变异指数为141.7;1998—2009年历次调查鱼类平均分类差异指数在60.9—62.7之间,分类差异变异指数在65.4—92.3之间。将1998—2009年历次调查鱼类群落分类多样性指数计算值叠加到山东近海鱼类总名录的95%置信漏斗曲线图,结果表明大部分调查值在置信漏斗曲线之外,目前山东近海鱼类分类多样性已大幅下降。  相似文献   

瓯江口海域夏秋季鱼类多样性   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
徐兆礼 《生态学报》2008,28(12):5948-5956
利用2007年6月和9月瓯江口海域渔业资源调查资料,研究瓯江口海域鱼类种类组成和多样性的时空分布,探索地形地貌、海流和水文等因素对鱼类多样性的影响。结果表明,在两次拖网调查中,共鉴定鱼类64种,其中16种是暖温种,其余48种为暖水种。银姑鱼(白姑鱼)(Pennahia argentatus)是6月份的关键种,龙头鱼(Harpodon nehemus)是9月份的关键种。瓯江口北部岛屿密集的区域,也是鱼类种类密集的水域。多样性指数(H’)值平面分布格局显示:岛群之间水域H’值较高,岛群外部水域H’值远远低于岛群之间和岛群内侧水域。岛屿周围与岛屿之间鱼类物种丰富,物种分布与海底地形多样化、底质多样化和水流环境多样化有关。单一优势种出现是导致外侧水域鱼类H’值较低的主要原因,种数较少仅仅是次要原因。瓯江径流的季节变化,瓯江南口和北口冲淡水势力差异,台湾暖流势力的季节变化是影响瓯江口海域鱼类种类和多样性分布的主要水文因素。暖流势力减弱,一些物种开始向外海深水做越冬洄游,这是9月份鱼类种数少于6月份的主要原因。  相似文献   

北部湾雷州近海春、夏季鱼类群落结构初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据2005年4月、7月和8月在北部湾雷州近海进行的渔业资源刺网和底拖网调查,对该海域春、夏季鱼类群落结构进行了初步研究.结果表明,银鲳(Stromateoides argenteus)是当地绝对的优势种,其它鱼类优势种随区域和季节有着较大的差异.分别计算了北部湾雷州近海春、夏季鱼类生物多样性指数的种类丰度指数(R)、多样性指数(H')、均匀度指数(J').聚类分析表明该水域鱼类群落结构存在一定程度的时空异质性,但空间异质性不如时间异质性明显.此外,不同群落中的鱼类呈现出不同的生态型特征.同时部分结果表明,在不同网具的调查下,有的结果会出现较大变化.  相似文献   

Spatial variability of phytoplankton as well as hydrological and chemical conditions in the Tagus coastal waters were studied during the spring of 1994. The highly patchy distribution of phytoplankton and the community structure were related to the specific abiotic conditions prevailing in the area. Two main water masses were distinguished: a tidally mixed one alongshore Lisbon-cape Espichel and a stratified region strongly related to the Tagus plume river. The latter seems to control, to some extent, the spatial phytoplankton variability and the timing and size of the spring bloom. The highest surficial levels of nutrients, specifically PO4 3–=1.00 M, NO3 =16.0 M and Si(OH)4=14.6 M, were clearly associated with Tagus river discharges, while the lowest levels were attained offshore in the zone of maximum chlorophyll a concentrations (30 mg m–3) reflecting the occurrence of high nutrient consumption. Furthermore, the near depletion of PO4 3– indicates P limitation for phytoplankton growth. The diatom Detonula pumila (0.1×106 cells l–1) was the dominant species of phytoplankton communities in the mixed zone, alongshore Lisbon-cape Espichel, whereas, the small diatom Thalassiosira sp. (3×106 cells l–1) was blooming offshore, associated with the stratified region.  相似文献   

Zooplankton, sampled at five stations from the upper Sangga estuary (7 km upstream) in Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve (MMFR), Malaysia, to 16 km offshore, comprised more than 47% copepod. Copepod abundance was highest at nearshore waters (20,311 ind m−3), but decreased toward both upstream (15,572 ind m−3) and offshore waters (12,330 ind m−3). Copepod abundance was also higher during the wetter NE monsoon period as compared to the drier SW monsoon period, but vice versa for copepod species diversity. Redundancy analysis (RDA) shows that copepod community structure in the upper estuary, nearshore and offshore waters differed, being influenced by spatial and seasonal variations in environmental conditions. The copepods could generally be grouped into estuarine species (dominantly Acartia spinicauda Mori, Acartia sp1, Oithona aruensis Früchtl, and Oithona dissimilis Lindberg), stenohaline species (Acartia erythraea Giesbrecht, Acrocalanus gibber Giesbrecht, Paracalanus aculateus Giesbrecht, and Corycaeus andrewsi Farran) and euryhaline species (Parvocalanus crassirostris Dahl, Oithona simplex Farran, and Bestiolina similis (Sewell)). Shifts in copepod community structure due to monsoonal effects on water parameters occurred at the lower estuary. Copepod peak abundance in mangrove waters could be associated with the peak chlorophyll a concentration prior to it. Evidence of copepod consumption by many species of young fish and shrimp larvae in the MMFR estuary implies the considerable impact of phytoplankton and microphytobenthos on mangrove trophodynamics.  相似文献   

海南岛西北沿岸海域浮游桡足类的分布及群落特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了解昌江沿岸海域生态系统的现状, 探讨海域环境因素对浮游动物的生存环境造成的影响。本文根据2008年11月至2009年7月在海南西部昌江沿岸水域21个测站、4个季度月调查所获的浮游桡足类样品数据, 对该海域浮游桡足类群落结构、分布、季节变化及影响因素进行了分析。本调查共鉴定出桡足类44种, 隶属4目17科24属, 其中秋季25种, 冬季23种, 春季22种, 夏季23种。本次调查共发现优势种6种, 分别是微刺哲水蚤(Canthocalanus pauper)、亚强次真哲水蚤(Subeucalanus subcrassus)、锥形宽水蚤(Temora turbinata)、刺尾纺锤水蚤(Acartia spinicauda)、椭形长足水蚤(Calanopia elliptica)和精致真刺水蚤(Euchaeta concinna), 优势种以近岸暖水种居多。浮游桡足类丰度季节变化明显: 冬季最高, 达409 ind./m3; 秋季次之, 为144 ind./m3, 春季为55 ind./m3, 夏季最低仅为17 ind./m3。其丰度的平面分布显示: 秋、冬季节分别在海区中部和南部形成明显密集区, 春、夏季节则大致呈现由外海向近岸逐渐递减的趋势。浮游桡足类的多样性指数(H')表现为夏季>春季>秋季>冬季, 春、夏季的均匀度指数(J')明显高于秋、冬季。本调查反映出该海区的桡足类群落具有热带—亚热带区系特征, 种类组成季节更替明显, 桡足类种群受海域水温和硅藻的影响明显, 受盐度影响不明显。  相似文献   

采用静态箱-气相色谱法,于2016年6—11月连续观测辽河口芦苇湿地、翅碱蓬湿地和裸滩湿地的CH_4排放速率,同时测定温度、氧化还原电位(Eh)、pH值和电导率(EC)等相关环境因子的动态变化。结果表明,3种类型湿地的CH_4排放具有明显的季节变化特征,均呈先上升后下降趋势。芦苇湿地、翅碱蓬湿地(涨潮前)和裸滩湿地(涨潮前)CH_4排放通量变化范围分别为0.447—10.40、0.045—0.509 mg m~(-2) h~(-1)和0.016—0.593 mg m~(-2) h~(-1),观测期内排放通量均值相应为(3.699±3.679)、(0.165±0.156) mg m~(-2) h~(-1)和(0.198±0.191) mg m~(-2) h~(-1),不同类型湿地之间差异显著(P0.01),芦苇湿地裸滩湿地(涨潮前)翅碱蓬湿地(涨潮前)。涨潮过程中,翅碱蓬湿地和裸滩湿地的排放速率分别变化在0.009—0.353 mg m~(-2) h~(-1)和0.018—0.335 mg m~(-2) h~(-1),观测期间其排放速率均值分别为(0.119±0.132) mg m~(-2) h~(-1)和(0.131±0.103) mg m~(-2) h~(-1),明显低于涨潮前(P0.01)。不同湿地类型间CH_4排放通量与电导率(EC)呈显著负相关(P0.01)。研究结果表明,潮汐和电导率均为影响辽河口不同类型湿地中CH_4排放的关键因子。  相似文献   

长江口冬季和春季浮游植物的粒级生物量   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
根据2005年2月28日—3月10日和5月30日—6月4日在长江口及其邻近水域进行的多学科综合外业调查,报道了冬季和春季浮游植物粒级生物量的空间分布和组成特征,并探讨了影响浮游植物粒级生物量的环境因子.结果表明:冬季长江口及其邻近水域表层叶绿素a平均浓度为1.28 mg·m-3,高值区集中在口门附近;小粒径浮游植物(<20 μm)对浮游植物生物量的贡献率为66.7%,但在冲淡水区大粒径浮游植物(>20 μm)占据优势.春季长江口及其邻近水域表层叶绿素a浓度大幅增加,口门内、外的平均值分别为0.67和6.03 mg·m-3,122.5°—123.0° E间水域因水华爆发出现显著的叶绿素a高值区;小粒径浮游植物对浮游植物生物量的贡献高达83.5%,其优势在水华区尤为明显.典型站位浮游植物粒级生物量的垂向分布显示,2种粒径浮游植物叶绿素a浓度的差异随水深增加而减小,至底层二者浓度相当.根据所获的环境因子资料,盐度和营养盐是影响长江口及其邻近水域浮游植物粒级生物量分布和组成的重要环境因子.  相似文献   

环梅山岛海域春季浮游古菌群落空间分布特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]海洋浮游古菌是生物地球化学循环的关键驱动者,但其在近岸海域的水平空间分布特征还未被充分了解.本研究以与陆地紧密相连的环梅山岛海域为例研究浮游古菌在海陆过渡带的水平分布模式.[方法]利用16S rRNA基因扩增子测序,以期从优势类群分布、群落组成变化和物种共现模式3个层面揭示梅山湾潟湖区和临近海域春季浮游古菌的空...  相似文献   

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