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Homing pigeons     
Dora Biro 《Current biology : CB》2018,28(17):R966-R967

Summary Experiments designed to test the olfactory hypothesis of pigeon navigation by application of odorous substances to the birds' beaks and nostrils had shown until now variable results which have been interpreted differently. Using a new procedure, we were able to obtain consistent results. In each of the ten experiments performed, pigeons treated with -pinene were randomly oriented whereas control birds were not. Increase of homing time in experimental birds was also confirmed.This work was supported by a grant from the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche.  相似文献   

Summary In a second attempt to repeat recently published experiments that appear to support an hypothesis that olfactory cues play an important role in pigeon navigation, we have conducted 15 experiments in which-pinene in vaseline was applied to the birds' beak and nostrils prior to release, a procedure reported by Benvenutiet al. (1973) to cause a decrement in homing performance. Our results show no consistent difference between the experimental and control birds in any of the three parameters (initial orientation, rapidity of orientation, homing speed) measured by Benvenutiet al. We thank our colleagues Timothy Larkin, Marilyn Yodlowski, and Lindsay Goodloe for their help in conducting the releases. This research was supported by Grant BMS 72-02198-AO2 from the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Summary Pigeons kept in two cages with screens which deflect the wind clockwise (CW) or counterclockwise (CCW) show corresponding deflections in their initial orientation. In order to determine the nature of this phenomenon, experimental birds were treated as follows: 1. The anterior commissure of the forebrain (AC), which mediates the interhemispheric transfer of olfactory input was sectioned; 2. After surgery, each experimental bird was kept alternately in a CW cage with its right nostril plugged, and in a CCW cage with its left nostril plugged; the two treatments were alternated every 3 days for 69 days before test releases began. In 23 out of 28 cases the experimentals showed CW deflections when released with the right nostril plugged and CCW deflections when released with the left nostril plugged. The controls were intact, and their nostrils were free in each phase of the experiment. They were subdivided into two groups: one group was kept in the CW cage when the experimentals were in the same cage, the other group in the CCW cage when the experimentals stayed there. In the remaining time each group was kept in a fenced loft. The behaviour of controls demonstrated that the time the experimentals had spent in each kind of deflector cage had been long enough to produce the corresponding deflections in initial orientation. Control experiments were then performed on pigeons with the AC sectioned (2 series) and on intact birds (1 series), both maintained in lofts which did not deflect the wind, and released with one nostril plugged. They did not show deflections similar to those of the experimentals. The present results allow to conclude that the deflector loft effect is olfactory in nature, and that the AC sectioned pigeons, alternately subjected to different treatments in deflector cages are able to acquire two different odour maps for navigation.Abbreviations AC anterior commissure of the forebrain sectioned - CCW counterclockwise - CW clockwise  相似文献   

Corallivorous crown-of-thorns starfishes (Acanthaster spp.) can decimate coral assemblages on Indo-Pacific coral reefs during population outbreaks. While initial drivers of population irruptions leading to outbreaks remain largely unknown, subsequent dispersal of outbreaks appears coincident with depletion of coral prey. Here, we used in situ time-lapse photography to characterize movement of the Pacific crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthaster cf. solaris) in the northern and southern Great Barrier Reef in 2015, during the fourth recorded population outbreak of the starfish, but prior to widespread coral bleaching. Daily tracking of 58 individuals over a total of 1117 h revealed all starfish to move a minimum of 0.52 m, with around half of all tracked starfish showing negligible daily displacement (less than 1 m day−1), ranging up to a maximum of 19 m day−1. Movement was primarily nocturnal and daily displacement varied spatially with variation in local availability of Acropora spp., which is the preferred coral prey. Two distinct behavioural modes emerged: (i) homing movement, whereby tracked paths (as tested against a random-walk-model) involved short displacement distances following distinct ‘outward'' movement to Acropora prey (typically displaying ‘feeding scars'') and ‘homebound'' movement to nearby shelter; versus (ii) roaming movement, whereby individuals showed directional movement beyond initial tracking positions without return. Logistic modelling revealed more than half of all tracked starfish demonstrated homing when local abundance (percentage cover) of preferred Acropora coral prey was greater than 33%. Our results reveal facultative homing by Acanthaster with the prey-dependent behavioural switch to roaming forays providing a mechanism explaining localized aggregations and diffusion of these population irruptions as prey is locally depleted.  相似文献   

The past year has seen several sets of experimental results demonstrate that fast, large and highly localized rises in intracellular Ca2+ concentration can occur in neurons. These results confirm previous theoretical predictions of acute spatial compartmentalization of Ca2+ signalling, and document a form of signalling that may occur whenever rapid and local signal processing is the goal. The dimensions involved present severe challenges for attempts to directly measure these signalling events.  相似文献   

We describe an experiment that uses the grouping tendencies and navigational abilities of the homing pigeon (Columba livia) to investigate the possibility of socially mediated information transfer in a field setting. By varying the composition of paired-release types, we allowed some naive birds to receive an accurate demonstration of the home route whilst others were paired with similarly naive conspecifics. After this 'paired phase', we predicted that if any learning of spatial information occurred then naive members of the former pairs would outperform their untutored conspecifics when re-released individually during the subsequent 'single phase' of the experiment. This prediction was not confirmed. Neither homing speed nor initial orientation was superior in individually released tutored versus untutored birds, despite the fact that both performance measures were better in the earlier 'paired phase' with experienced demonstrators. Our results suggest that although naive homing pigeons clearly interact with their experienced partners, they are unable to transfer any individually useful spatial information to subsequent homing flights.  相似文献   

A large body of evidence has shown that anosmic pigeons are impaired in their navigation. However, the role of odours in navigation is still subject to debate. While according to the olfactory navigation hypothesis homing pigeons possess a navigational map based on the distribution of environmental odours, the olfactory activation hypothesis proposes that odour perception is only needed to activate a navigational mechanism based on cues of another nature. Here we tested experimentally whether the perception of artificial odours is sufficient to allow pigeons to navigate, as expected from the olfactory activation hypothesis. We transported three groups of pigeons in air-tight containers to release sites 53 and 61 km from home in three different olfactory conditions. The Control group received natural environmental air; both the Pure Air and the Artificial Odour groups received pure air filtered through an active charcoal filter. Only the Artificial Odour group received additional puffs of artificial odours until release. We then released pigeons while recording their tracks with 1 Hz GPS data loggers. We also followed non-homing pigeons using an aerial data readout to a Cessna plane, allowing, for the first time, the tracking of non-homing homing pigeons. Within the first hour after release, the pigeons in both the Artificial Odour and the Pure Air group (receiving no environmental odours) showed impaired navigational performances at each release site. Our data provide evidence against an activation role of odours in navigation, and document that pigeons only navigate well when they perceive environmental odours.  相似文献   

The social system of 4 adult Chinese hamsters was analysed under semi-natural conditions in a large enclosure. In all trials the home ranges overlapped, but were patterned in a different way and patrolled in turn. ♂♂ were inferior and less aggressive than ♀♀ and had to change their nest site more frequently. The observed social organization is based on a dominance order influenced by home range site and by activity.  相似文献   


How social-living animals make collective decisions is currently the subject of intense scientific interest, with increasing focus on the role of individual variation within the group. Previously, we demonstrated that during paired flight in homing pigeons, a fully transitive leadership hierarchy emerges as birds are forced to choose between their own and their partner''s habitual routes. This stable hierarchy suggests a role for individual differences mediating leadership decisions within homing pigeon pairs. What these differences are, however, has remained elusive. Using novel quantitative techniques to analyse habitual route structure, we show here that leadership can be predicted from prior route-following fidelity. Birds that are more faithful to their own route when homing alone are more likely to emerge as leaders when homing socially. We discuss how this fidelity may relate to the leadership phenomenon, and propose that leadership may emerge from the interplay between individual route confidence and the dynamics of paired flight.  相似文献   

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