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The Aloysia gratissima complex is a group of 22 accepted, specific and infraspecific taxa, the boundaries of which are controversial. Various different authors have chosen different characters as criteria for delimiting taxa in this complex, which has been reflected in the variable number of accepted species. To resolve the taxonomy of this group, a modified population aggregation analysis, based on the phylogenetic species concept, was employed. As a result, the Aloysia gratissima complex is here circumscribed as compromising only four species, A. decipiens, A. gratissima s.s., A. oblanceolata and A. schulziana. These species are sustained by a different combination of four characters, of the 16 qualitative attributes analysed. A new approach based on cluster analysis is proposed here delimiting varieties. As a consequence two varieties, supported by significant differences in quantitative characters, are recognized here: A. gratissima var. gratissima and A. gratissima var. sellowii. A complete taxonomic revision of the accepted taxa is presented and six new synonyms are proposed. A key, illustrations and geographical distribution maps are included. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2016, 180 , 193–212.  相似文献   

Lippia section Goniostachyum comprises plants distinguished by their numerous axillary florescences (three to six, sometimes up to nine) and tetrastichous floral bracts. Species of section Goniostachyum occur in the Neotropics, from Mexico to northern Argentina. Delimitation of the species grouped under Goniostachyum has remained unclear. Forty‐one names exist under this section, but only c. eight to ten names have been used frequently. To resolve the taxonomy of this group, a modified population aggregation analysis, based on the phylogenetic species concept, was employed. As a result, Goniostachyum is here circumscribed to only four species: L. grata, L. origanoides, L. sericea and L. stachyoides. These species are supported by different combinations of three characters of the 13 qualitative attributes analysed: canescent sericeous pubescence, frondose or frondose‐bracteose inflorescences and free or fused florescence apical bracts. Two varieties based on significant differences among quantitative characters are recognized: L. stachyoides var. stachyoides and L. stachyoides var. martiana comb. nov. Fifteen lectotypifications and four neotypifications are proposed. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 170 , 197–219.  相似文献   

A recent examination of color vision in the ringtail lemur produced evidence that these prosimians could make color discriminations consistent with a diagnosis of trichromatic color vision. However, it was unclear if this behavior reflected the presence of three classes of cone or whether lemurs might be able to utilize signals from rods in conjunction with those from only two classes of cone. To resolve that issue, spectral sensitivity functions were obtained from ringtail lemurs (Lemur catta) and brown lemurs (Eulemur fulvus) using a noninvasive electrophysiological procedure, electroretinographic flicker photometry. Results from experiments involving chromatic adaptation indicate that these lemurs routinely have only a single class of cone photopigment in the middle to long wavelengths (peak sensitivity of about 545 nm); they also have a short-wavelengthsensitive cone pigment with peak of about 437 nm. The earlier behavioral results are suggested to have resulted from the ability of lemurs to jointly utilize signals from rods and cones. The cone pigment complements of these lemurs differ distinctly from those seen among the anthropoids. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Whilst the ability to follow human gaze has been demonstrated in monkeys and apes, there is little evidence that prosimians share this ability. The current study used a food choice paradigm to assess whether captive brown (Eulemur fulvus) and ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) use human gaze direction as a cue when choosing between an attending or non-attending human. Four experiments assessed the use of body, head and eye cues by the lemurs. In experiment 1, the non-attending human stood with her back to a food item; 3 of the 5 lemurs preferentially chose the attending human with an equivalent food item in view. In experiments 2 and 3, which used head angles of 90°, 4 out of 5 lemurs preferentially chose the attending human. In experiment 4, in which the humans differed only by whether their eyes were open or shut, no significant preferences were found. This study provides the first tentative evidence that lemurs are capable of discriminating human gaze direction and can use both body and head direction to do so.  相似文献   

Despite much effort in the past decade to resolve the taxonomy of algae in the Gracilariaceae, the family remains problematic. Genetic concepts have become equivocal as their diagnostic reproductive features have been reported as mixed in single species. Species concepts are often also uncertain since the full phenotypic range of a species is seldom known or appreciated. This paper reviews some of the recent taxonomic controversy from the viewpoints of morphology and molecular biology. As more observations are made, features like spermatangial configuration and mode of gonimoblast nutrition, once considered characteristic of genera and subgenera, are emerging as a continuum of types that may vary within species. Culture studies to establish the reproductive anatomy of a life history and to test crossabilities are invaluable to species concepts but also may yield false results owing to clonal variability and intraspecific sterility. Characteristics of DNA have been effective in clarifying some aspects of gracilariacean taxonomy and phylogeny, and may be able to resolve the major inconsistencies if more widely applied. NRCC 38089  相似文献   

Third-party interventions in conflicts have revealed complexity in primate social relationships. This type of intervention has seldom been analyzed in prosimians, although many of these species exhibit complex (multimale/multifemale) social organizations. The present study on captive brown lemurs (Eulemur fulvus fulvus) shows that dominant individuals were more likely to intervene in conflicts. Both males and females intervened aggressively in conflicts. Female aggressive interventions occurred mainly on behalf of close kin, whereas males mainly intervened on behalf of juveniles. This study also provides the first record of neutral or peaceful interventions in lemurs. Although females intervened neutrally, almost all neutral interventions were by dominant males. Dominant males intervened in conflicts neutrally more often than aggressively, principally in conflicts between adults and juveniles or between juveniles. Neutral interventions by males always ended the conflicts and were often followed by affiliative contacts between participants (intervenors and opponents). In lemurs, female interventions can be explained by kin selection, while the nature of dominant males' interventions suggests a control role. Interventions by males on behalf of juveniles may increase the formers' fitness.  相似文献   

The simple and convergent morphologies of many red algae make these species difficult to identify using traditional morphological characters. Many cryptic species have been described in recent years based on molecular datasets, and this has led to the application of an integrative taxonomy approach in species delimitation. Here, we performed several species delimitation methods (mBGD, ABGD, SPN, PTP, GMYCs and GMYCm) based on two different loci (COI-5P and rbcL) in species of the Hypnea cornuta complex. These methods were combined with morphological and phylogenetic data, extensive sampling, analysis of topotype material, and historically relevant herbarium samples. Our findings demonstrate that the groups morphologically assigned to H. cornuta and H. stellulifera consist of five different cryptic species. H. cornuta is a polyphyletic taxon composed of three well-separated lineages, thus requiring sequencing of type or topotype specimens to determine which one is Hypnea cornuta sensu stricto. We have revealed that the distribution of H. stellulifera is limited to Asia, while the Brazilian specimens initially assigned to this species were clarified as a new endemic species: Hypnea cryptica sp. nov. Our results indicated that only an integrative approach combining several lines of evidence, including morphology, nomenclature history, molecular data, biogeography and ecology can correctly solve the taxonomic status of widely distributed cryptic species.  相似文献   

Cornus kousa (Asian dogwood), an East Asia native tree, is the most economically important species of the dogwood genus, owing to its desirable horticultural traits and ability to hybridize with North America‐native dogwoods. To assess the species genetic diversity and to better inform the ongoing and future breeding efforts, we assembled an herbarium and arboretum collection of 131 noncultivated C. kousa specimens. Genotyping and capillary electrophoresis analyses of our C. kousa collection with the newly developed genic and published nuclear genomic microsatellites permitted assessment of genetic diversity and evolutionary history of the species. Regardless of the microsatellite type used, the study yielded generally similar insights into the C. kousa diversity with subtle differences deriving from and underlining the marker used. The accrued evidence pointed to the species distinct genetic pools related to the plant country of origin. This can be helpful in the development of the commercial cultivars for this important ornamental crop with increased pyramided utility traits. Analyses of the C. kousa evolutionary history using the accrued genotyping datasets pointed to an unsampled ancestor population, possibly now extinct, as per the phylogeography of the region. To our knowledge, there are few studies utilizing the same gDNA collection to compare performance of genomic and genic microsatellites. This is the first detailed report on C. kousa species diversity and evolutionary history inference.  相似文献   

Degraded forest habitats typically show low fruit availability and scattered fruit tree distribution. This has been shown to force frugivorous primates either to move further in search of food, resulting in large home ranges, or to use energy saving strategies. Malagasy lemurs are known to face pronounced seasonality and resource unpredictability, which is amplified by the overall reduction in food availability due to the human-driven habitat disturbance on the island. To explore lemur flexibility to habitat disturbance, we examined the ranging behavior of collared brown lemurs (Eulemur collaris) in two differently degraded fragments of littoral forest of southeastern Madagascar. We collected data from February 2011 to January 2012 on two groups living in a degraded area and two groups living in a less disturbed forest. We calculated annual ranges, monthly ranges, and daily distance traveled. We then ran repeated measures ANOVAs using seasonality as dichotomous, intrasubject factor and site/group as intersubject nested factors. In the degraded forest, the lemurs had larger monthly ranges, and their annual ranges were either fragmented or characterized by multiple core areas. They were able to use a habitat mosaic that also included nonforested areas and swamps. In addition, they shortened their daily path length, possibly to preserve energy, and used different areas of their annual home ranges seasonally. Although a number of possible confounding factors may have been responsible for the observed differences between sites, our findings highlight the ranging flexibility of collared brown lemurs in littoral forest fragments.  相似文献   

Luziola is a small genus from aquatic environments of the New World. The most widespread species in the genus isL. peruviana. Morphological variation has been documented for this species throughout its entire range of distribution, however this variation has been difficult to characterize. A population aggregation analysis was performed in order to determine how many species can be identified when analyzing characters from the individuals of this taxon as well as with individuals from closely related taxa such asL. divergens, L. doelliana, andL. pittieri. Multivariate analysis, ANOVA and ANCOVA analyses were also performed to detect if quantitative morphological variation is related to altitude and latitude. Results indicate that within this complex only one species should be recognized, referable toL. peruviana, and that plants near the equator are larger, and have larger lemmas and paleas in both female and male flowers. An identification key for the nine species now recognized inLuziola is included.  相似文献   

We demonstrate the importance of using multiple criteria in species delimitations, whatever the conceptual base for species delimitation. We do this by studying plumage, biometrics, egg coloration, song, mitochondrial DNA and habitat/altitudinal distribution in the Spotted Bush Warbler Bradypterus thoracicus (Blyth) complex, and by conducting playback experiments. Taxa that we suggest are best treated as separate species [B. thoracicus (Blyth), B. davidi (La Touche) and B. kashmirensis (Sushkin)] differ in most or all of these aspects, particularly in song and mitochondrial DNA, while those that we treat as subspecies (suschkini) or synonyms (przevalskii) differ slightly and only in morphology. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 154 , 291–307.  相似文献   

The evolution of group-living has fascinated but also puzzled researchers from the inception of behavioural ecology. We use a simple optimality approach to examine some of the costs and benefits of group-living in redfronted lemurs (Eulemur fulvus rufus). We show that dominant males profit from accepting subordinates within their groups, as the latter significantly decrease the likelihood that the group is taken over by intruders. This benefit is large enough to outweigh the costs of reproductive competition and may constitute the driving force behind the evolution of multi-male associations in this species.  相似文献   

Four forest areas were censused in southeastern Madagascar from June–August 1995 to estimate local population densities and habitat conditions for two threatened subspecies of brown lemur (Eulemur fulvus collaris and Eulemur fulvus albocollaris). Survey transects varied in length (1–3.5 km) and in surveillance frequency (three to seven times). Additional test surveys were conducted at the Parc National de Ranomafana to compare transect methods in an area with known population densities of Eulemur fulvus. Based on these tests, we demonstrate that the use of existing trails for transects can result in a close estimate of local population size, although more replications and longer transects increase precision. Results from regional surveys indicate considerably smaller population densities for E. f. albocollaris (0.086 animals/ha). In contrast, E. f. collaris densities were relatively high (.107 animals/ha) at Midongy‐Sud. We also noted variation among sites in the density of lianas, which was positively correlated with local population density (a possible indication of habitat degradation). More generally, habitats in E. f. albocollaris's range suffered from fragmentation, reduction in forest area, logging, and potentially greater hunting pressure. Based on these results, it is apparent that more immediate steps are necessary to preserve E. f. albocollaris populations and habitats. Am. J. Primatol. 47:51–60, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

记录了目前分布在中国的中剑水蚤属共计10个种:刘氏中剑水蚤Mesocyclops leuckarti(Claus,1857)、温中剑水蚤M.thermocyclopoides Harada,1931、特异中剑水蚤M.dissimilis Defaye&Kawabata,1993、北碚中剑水蚤M.pehpeiensis Hu,1943、奥贡中剑水蚤M.ogunnus Onabamiro,1957、邬氏中剑水蚤M.woutersi Van de Velde,1987、糙角中剑水蚤M.aspericornis(Daday,1906)、玛丽中剑水蚤M.mariae Guo,2000、深圳中剑水蚤M.shenzhenensis Guo,2000、蒙古中剑水蚤M.mongoliensis Kiefer,1981。对每一种的主要形态特征和地理分布分别做了详尽描述,给出了如何鉴定这10个种的检索表。同时还讨论和更正了过去一些学者对分布在中国的中剑水蚤属个别种诸如同物异名或同名异物的错误。  相似文献   

In Australia's arid and semi‐arid zone, most aquatic habitats are nonpermanent. Although approximately 70% of its land surface belongs to these zones, very little is known of the iconic ‘large branchiopods’ that inhabit these important and widespread habitats. In the present study, we investigated 737 Australian specimens of the spinicaudatan taxa Caenestheria and Caenestheriella with a combination of one mitochondrial (cytochrome oxidase subunit I; COI) and three nuclear (elongation factor 1α, internal transcribed spacer 2, and 28S) markers to assess the diversity of species, their phylogenetic relationships, and phylogeographical history. The initial species delimitation was based on COI employing a combination of phylogenetic analyses and two automated approaches to species delimitation (general mixed Yule coalescent model and Automated Barcode Gap Discovery). The outcome was tested by the nuclear markers and considered under differing species concepts. The number of delineated species ranged from 14–27, in no case being in full agreement with any of the two automated approaches. The lower numbers resulted if inferred reproductive isolation, as required for the biological or Hennigian species concept, was employed. Although nuclear markers did not indicate ongoing reproduction, the lack of sympatric co‐occurrences inhibited inferences of definitive reproductive isolation in several instances. If monophyly or an ‘independent evolutionary fate’ was employed, as required for the phylogenetic or evolutionary species concepts, the species' distribution was of no importance and up to 27 species could be delimitated. Because the Australian representatives of both studied genera could not be clearly separated from each other but constitute a single monophyletic clade separated from all available non‐Australian representatives of these genera, we describe a new spinicaudatan genus Ozestheria gen. nov. to accommodate these species. Populations revealed relatively small levels of genetic differentiation over large areas of central and eastern Australia. By far the most pronounced levels of genetic differentiation were observed towards the north‐eastern regions, a pattern possibly explainable by ecological conditions and the movement of nomadic water birds that disperse resting eggs. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Pelagic dispersal of marine organisms provides abundant opportunity for gene flow and presumably inhibits population genetic divergence. However, ephemeral, fine-scale, temporal and spatial genetic heterogeneity is frequently observed in settled propagules of marine species that otherwise exhibit broad-scale genetic homogeneity. A large variance in reproductive success is one explanation for this phenomenon. Here, genetic analyses of 16 microsatellite loci are used to examine temporal patterns of variation in young-of-year kelp rockfish (Sebastes atrovirens) recruiting to nearshore habitat in Monterey Bay, California, USA. Population structure of adults from central California is also evaluated to determine if spatial structure exists and might potentially contribute to recruitment patterns. Genetic homogeneity was found among 414 young-of-year sampled throughout the entire 1998 recruitment season. No substantial adult population structure was found among seven populations spanning 800 km of coastline that includes the Point Conception marine biogeographic boundary. Comparison of young-of-year and adult samples revealed no genetic differentiation and no measurable reduction in genetic variation of offspring, indicating little variance in reproductive success and no reduction in effective population size for this year class. Simulation analyses determined that the data set was sufficiently powerful to detect both slight population structure among adults and a small reduction in effective number of breeders contributing to this year class. The findings of high gene flow and low genetic drift have important implications for fisheries management and conservation efforts.  相似文献   

Species form the fundamental units of analysis in many areas of biology and, therefore, rigorous delimitation of this unit is important to a broad array of researchers. Recently, many new empirical methods have been proposed to delimit species in nature, and a large literature exists on the theoretical merit and superiority of each method. However, few empirical studies actually compare the results of these methods applied in the same study system. We used a large allozyme and chromosome dataset to apply a number of genetic-distance, character-based, and tree-based methods to a well-studied, data-rich system: the Sceloporus grammicus lizard complex of central Mexico. We hypothesized species boundaries under a general lineage or evolutionary species conceptual framework in an a priori fashion using mapped restriction-site data (mitochondrial DNA and nuclear rDNA), allozymes, and morphology. We then compared the ability of different methods to recover the "hypothesized evolutionary species" (HES). Highton's genetic-distance method and a tree-based method consistently recovered all four HES, although sometimes with weak support. With two exceptions, other methods recovered the same HES, but additional groups were weakly delimited and nested within the HES. Given the apparent recent divergence of some of the chromosome races and distinct populations in this complex, these are encouraging results. We emphasize the value of specifying testable criteria as clearly as possible and testing these with methods that make use of different properties of a single dataset.  相似文献   

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