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Three particulate methane monooxygenase PCR primer sets (A189-A682, A189-A650, and A189-mb661) were investigated for their ability to assess methanotroph diversity in soils from three sites, i.e., heath, oak, and sitka, each of which was capable of oxidizing atmospheric concentrations of methane. Each PCR primer set was used to construct a library containing 50 clones from each soil type. The clones from each library were grouped by restriction fragment length polymorphism, and representatives from each group were sequenced and analyzed. Libraries constructed with the A189-A682 PCR primer set were dominated by amoA-related sequences or nonspecific PCR products with nonsense open reading frames. The primer set could not be used to assess methanotroph diversity in these soils. A new pmoA-specific primer, A650, was designed in this study. The A189-A650 primer set demonstrated distinct biases both in clone library analysis and when incorporated into denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis. The A189-mb661 PCR primer set demonstrated the largest retrieval of methanotroph diversity of all of the primer sets. However, this primer set did not retrieve sequences linked with novel high-affinity methane oxidizers from the soil libraries, which were detected using the A189-A650 primer set. A combination of all three primer sets appears to be required to examine both methanotroph diversity and the presence of novel methane monooxygenase sequences.  相似文献   

We have developed a new package of computer programs and algorithms for different PCR applications, including allele-specific PCR, multiplex PCR, and long PCR. The package is included in the upcoming VectorNTI suite software and attempts to incorporate most of the current knowledge about PCR primer design. A wide range of primer characteristics is available for user manipulation to provide improved efficiency and increased flexibility of primer design. To accelerate the primer calculations, we have optimized algorithms using recent advances in computer science such as dynamic trees and lazy evaluation. Proper structural organization of input parameters provides further program acceleration. New Vector NTI primer design software allows calculations of primer pairs for long PCR amplification of 120-kb genomic DNA in 5 min under most stringent input parameters and clustering 435 primer pairs for multiplex PCR within 30 min on a standard Pentium III PC. Our program allows the user to take advantage of molecule annotation by applying different kinds of filtering features during PCR primer design.  相似文献   

Comparative biogerontology has much to contribute to the study of aging. A broad range of aging rates have evolved to meet environmental challenges, and understanding these adaptations can produce valuable insights into aging. The supra Phylum Lophotrochozoa is particularly understudied and has several groups that have intriguing patterns of aging. Members of the Lophotrochozoan phylum Rotifera are particularly useful for aging studies because cohort life tables can be conducted with them easily, and biochemical and genomic tools are available for examining aging mechanisms. This paper reviews a variety of caloric restriction (CR) regimens, small molecule inhibitors, and dietary supplements that extend rotifer lifespan, as well as important interactions between CR and genotype, antioxidant supplements, and TOR and jun-N-terminal kinase (JNK) pathways, and the use of RNAi to identify key genes involved in modulating the aging response. Examples of how rapamycin and JNK inhibitor exposure keeps mortality rates low during the reproductive phase of the life cycle are presented, and the ease of conducting life table experiments to screen natural products from red algae for life extending effects is illustrated. Finally, experimental evolution to produce longer-lived rotifer individuals is demonstrated, and future directions to determine the genetic basis of aging are discussed.  相似文献   

Spirochetes of the genus Leptospira infect animals and humans and are the causative agents for the emerging infectious disease leptospirosis. Rapid and simple assays for the identification of individual Leptospira species are currently not available. For identification of individual Leptospira species, PCR primers that detect the ompL1 gene sequence for the majority of pathogenic leptospires were developed in this study. The primer pairs detect Leptospira interrogans, Leptospira borgpetersenii, Leptospira kirschneri, Leptospira santarosai, Leptospira weilii and Leptospira noguchii, without cross-reacting with other Leptospira species. The development of the primers revealed a divergence of the ompL1 gene within L. interrogans, splitting this species into two separate groups. The species-specific primers will be especially useful in epidemiological studies and disease outbreak investigations for the detection of Leptospira species in human, animal and environmental samples.  相似文献   

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based nuclear DNA markers were developed for fern species. We first determined the partial nucleotide sequence of cDNA of the pgiC gene encoding cytosolic phosphoglucose isomerase from Dryopteris caudipinna, and then PCR primers for exon-primed, intron-crossing (EPIC) amplifications were designed. The EPIC primers are universally applicable to the most derived indusiate fern families such as Dryopteridaceae, Thelypteridaceae, and Woodsiaceae. The PCR products of primers 14F/16R containing two introns are moderate in size (534 bp–ca.1000 bp) and are possibly of value in phylogenetic reconstruction at specific and generic levels. Codominant nuclear DNA markers applicable to the estimation of mating systems and other population genetic studies were also developed by a combination of single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) and EPIC amplification using primers 14F/15R and 15F/16R. In order to provide a case study using these markers, allelic variation of PCR products using 15F/16R was examined in populations of Arachniodes standishii (Dryopteridaceae). Received: July 4, 2001 / Accepted: September 12, 2001  相似文献   

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based nuclear DNA markers were developed for fern species. We first determined the partial nucleotide sequence of cDNA of the pgiC gene encoding cytosolic phosphoglucose isomerase from Dryopteris caudipinna, and then PCR primers for exon-primed, intron-crossing (EPIC) amplifications were designed. The EPIC primers are universally applicable to the most derived indusiate fern families such as Dryopteridaceae, Thelypteridaceae, and Woodsiaceae. The PCR products of primers 14F/16R containing two introns are moderate in size (534 bp-ca.1000 bp) and are possibly of value in phylogenetic reconstruction at specific and generic levels. Codominant nuclear DNA markers applicable to the estimation of mating systems and other population genetic studies were also developed by a combination of single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) and EPIC amplification using primers 14F/15R and 15F/16R. In order to provide a case study using these markers, allelic variation of PCR products using 15F/16R was examined in populations of Arachniodes standishii (Dryopteridaceae).  相似文献   

Lipid derivatives that can be activated by light, often referred to as ‘caged’ lipids, are useful tools to manipulate intact cells non-invasively. Here we focus on experimental approaches that have made use of caged lipids. Apart from summarizing the recent advances and available tools in the field, we strive to highlight the experimental challenges that arise from lipid-specific biophysical properties and the abundance of an enormous diversity of distinct molecular lipid species in cells. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Tools to study lipid functions.  相似文献   

In an effort to develop a rapid diagnostic test for the fish pathogen Aeromonas salmonicida, the performance of 2 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primer sets (AP and PAAS) targeting the fish pathogen A. salmonicida and 1 PCR primer set (MIY) targeting A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida were evaluated. Initially, the PCR assays were used to screen purified DNA extracted from 308 A. salmonicida isolates. The AP and PAAS PCR tests were demonstrated to be 100% specific for the species A. salmonicida and did not cross-react with any of the non-target organisms (bacterial species other than A. salmonicida) used in this study. The combined sensitivity of the AP and PAAS tests was 99.4% and offered the best coverage in terms of identifying the target organism. The MIY PCR appeared to be 100% sensitive and specific for A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida. Studies with tissues, spiked with known quantities of bacteria, were conducted to determine the lower detection limit of the PCR tests, and then the ability of these PCR tests to detect A. salmonicida in experimentally infected salmonids was assessed.  相似文献   

We describe a method for producing specific PCR primers directly from PCR product, bypassing the usual need to know the primer sequence. Lack of abundance of primers derived from a PCR product is compensated for by the incorporation of an arbitrary 5'TAG sequence which acts as a surrogate template target for the bulk amplification phase. We use the technique to amplify clonospecific rearranged immunoglobulin genes, which have applications as markers of lymphoid neoplasms for tracing the success of therapy. The principle may have wider application wherever conserved and variable regions of DNA are juxtaposed.  相似文献   

【目的】比较3对基于16S rRNA基因、用于检测人肠道中重要细菌Feacalibacterium prausnitzii的引物(FPR-1/FPR-2、FPR-2F/Fprau645R和Fprau223F/Fprau420R)的特异性。【方法】用Clustal X比对每个引物与F.prausnitzii和其他细菌的16S rRNA基因的序列。在Ribosomal Database Project(RDP)数据库中使用Probe Match工具比较每个引物匹配的Faecalibacterium spp.序列数目。利用本课题组建立的中国人粪便菌群的16S rRNA基因全长文库的7255个克隆序列,用Simulated PCR(SPCR)预测每对引物检测到的F.prausnitzii和其他细菌的克隆数;用3对引物分别对代表克隆进行PCR扩增。用3对引物分别对14个健康人的粪便样品进行实时定量PCR。【结果】引物Fprau645R的3端最后一个碱基与非F.prausnitzii序列的错配度高于其它引物,它在RDP中匹配的Faecalibacterium spp.序列数占其匹配的细菌序列数的百分比(97.6%)显著高于其他引物。SPCR预测,3对引物检测到的F.prausnitzii克隆数均为1171左右;在检测到的非Faecalibacterium spp.克隆中,FPR-2F/Fprau645R主要是Subdoligranulum spp.,而FPR-1/FPR-2和Fprau223F/Fprau420R还有Oscillibacter spp.、Ruminococcus spp.和unclassified Ruminococcaceae等。真实PCR与SPCR的结果吻合。实时定量PCR中,FPR-1/FPR-2和Fprau223F/Fprau420R检测到的细菌数量高于FPR-2F/Fprau645R。【结论】3对引物能检测到F.prausnitzii和Subdoligranulum spp.,FPR-2F/Fprau645R的特异性优于FPR-1/FPR-2和Fprau223F/Fprau420R。  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: Primers were designed for amplifying intron 1 of the single-copy nuclear LEAFY gene for species of Davalliaceae. ? Methods and Results: New primer sets were designed and successfully amplified for intron 1 of the LEAFY gene in 13 species representing the five genera of Davalliaceae. The orthology of these sequences was further confirmed by phylogenetic analyses. Site variation in LEAFY intron 1 sequences across genera of the Davalliaceae and among accessions of the Humata repens complex were 18% and 8%, respectively. Such variation was greater than that for the cpDNA atpB-rbcL intergenic spacer region across the same taxa and accessions. ? Conclusions: Using our newly designed primers, intron 1 of the LEAFY gene could be amplified for all species tested. In addition, this single-copy, biparentally inherited, and quickly evolving region showed considerable potential for addressing infraspecific-level questions.  相似文献   

A new pmoA gene-based PCR primer set was designed for detection of nitrite-dependent anaerobic oxidation of methane (n-damo) bacteria from four different ecosystems, namely rice paddy soil, freshwater reservoir, reed bed, and sludge from wastewater treatment plant. This primer set showed high specificity and efficiency in recovering n-damo bacteria from these diverse samples. The obtained sequences showed 88–94 and 90–96 % similarity to nucleotide and amino acid sequences, respectively, with the known NC10 phylum bacterium. According to the UniFrac principal coordinates analysis (PCoA), DNA sequences retrieved by the new PCR primer set in this study formed a separate group from the reported sequences, indicating higher diversity of n-damo in the environment. This newly designed PCR primer is capable of amplifying not only the currently known n-damo bacteria but also those that have not been reported, providing new information on the ecological diversity and distribution of this group of microorganisms in the ecosystem.  相似文献   

Two Aeromonas salmonicida-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests and 1 A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida-specific PCR test were used to screen salmonid populations that were either overtly or covertly infected with A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida. It was demonstrated that these PCR assays could be used to replace the biochemical testing currently employed to confirm the identity of A. salmonicida isolates cultured from infected fish. The AP and PAAS PCR assays were also capable of direct detection of A. salmonicida in overtly infected fish, with mucus, gill and kidney samples most likely to yield a positive result. Culture was a more reliable method for the direct detection of A. salmonicida in covertly infected salmonids than was the direct PCR testing of tissue samples, with the AP and PAAS PCRs having a lower detection limit (LDL) of approximately 4 x 10(5) colony-forming units (CFU) g(-1) sample.  相似文献   

甲烷厌氧氧化作用是减少海洋底泥甲烷释放的重要生物地球化学过程,然而在陆地生态系统中甲烷厌氧氧化作用及其功能菌群的生态功能仍然不确定。对甲烷厌氧氧化菌多样性的研究可为减少甲烷排放提供重要科学依据。与传统的分离培养方法比较,分子检测方法是一种更为快速和高效的研究手段,可直接和全面的反映参与甲烷厌氧氧化作用的功能微生物。以DNA分子标记物为研究对象,重点探讨三类主要的分子标记基因,即16S rRNA,mcr A和pmo A,所采用的相关探针和引物信息,同时从定性和定量两个角度综述土壤甲烷厌氧氧化菌的多样性研究的主要进展,最后提出厌氧甲烷氧化菌多样性研究中存在的一些问题和相应的解决思路。  相似文献   

Functional diversities of micro-organisms in arctic soils at three incubation temperatures were assessed using sole-carbon-source-utilization (SCSU). Soil samples were collected from an area of anthropogenic fertilization (mixed Dorset/Thule/Historic site), an area of animal enrichment (bird rock perches), and unaltered tundra (raised beach; control soil site). The micro-organisms were extracted from the soil samples and inoculated into Gram-negative (GN) Biolog plates incubated at 30°C, 10°C, and 4°C. Calculations of the Shannon index, substrate utilization richness, Shannon evenness, and the Jaccard coefficient of similarity were based upon substrate utilization on the Biolog plates. Principal component analysis distinguished microbial communities in enriched soils from unenriched soils. At 10°C and 4°C, Shannon indices of enriched soil microbial communities (10°C: soils influenced by wild animals=4.28, soils influenced by human activities=4.20; 4°C: soils influenced by wild animals=4.15, soils influenced by human activities=4.03) were significantly higher than unenriched soil microbial communities (10°C: 3.66; 4°C: 3.38). Substrate utilization richness and evenness displayed similar trends. Although Jaccard coefficients showed uniformity across the different soil samples, cluster analysis supported patterns demonstrated by PCA. Lower temperatures (4°C and 10°C) yielded greater resolution between soil microbial communities than 30°C based on Biolog colour development patterns.  相似文献   

The biodiversity of tropical forests consists primarily of small organisms that are difficult to detect and characterize. Next‐generation sequencing (NGS) methods can facilitate analyses of these arthropod and microbial communities, leading to a better understanding of existing diversity and factors influencing community assembly. The pitchers of carnivorous pitcher plants often house surprisingly discrete communities and provide ideal systems for analysis using an NGS approach. The plants digest insects in order to access essential nutrients while growing in poor soils; however, the pitchers are also home to communities of living organisms, called inquilines. Certain arthropods appear to have coevolved with their pitcher plant hosts and are not found in other environments. We used Illumina amplicon sequencing of 18S rDNA to characterize the eukaryotes in three species of Nepenthes (Nepenthaceae) pitcher plants – N. gracilis, N. rafflesiana and N. ampullaria – in each of three different parks in Singapore. The data reveal an unexpected diversity of eukaryotes, significant differences in community diversity among host species, variation in host specificity of inquilines and the presence of gregarine parasites. Counts of whole inquiline arthropods from the first collection year were roughly correlated with scaled 18S sequence abundances, indicating that amplicon sequencing is an effective means of gauging community structure. We barcoded a subset of the dipteran larvae using COI primers, and the resulting phylogenetic tree is mostly congruent with that found using the 18S locus, with the exception of one of five morphospecies. For many 18S and COI sequences, the best BLASTn matches showed low sequence identity, illustrating the need for better databases of Southeast Asian dipterans. Finally, networks of core arthropods and their host species were used to investigate degree of host specificity across multiple hosts, and this revealed significant specialization of certain arthropod fauna.  相似文献   

Interactions among symbiotic organisms and their hosts are major drivers of ecological and evolutionary processes. Monitoring the infection patterns among natural populations and identifying factors affecting these interactions are critical for understanding symbiont–host relationships. However, many of these interactions remain understudied since the knowledge about the symbiont species is lacking, which hinders the development of appropriate tools. In this study, we developed a digital droplet PCR (ddPCR) assay based on apicomplexan COX1 gene to detect an undescribed agamococcidian symbiont. We show that the method gives precise and reproducible results and enables detecting cryptic symbionts in low target concentration. We further exemplify the assay''s use to survey seasonally sampled natural host (Pygospio elegans) populations for symbiont infection dynamics. We found that symbiont prevalence differs spatially but does not show seasonal changes. Infection load differed between populations and was low in spring and significantly increased towards fall in all populations. We also found that the symbiont prevalence is affected by host length and population density. Larger hosts were more likely to be infected, and high host densities were found to have a lower probability of infection. The observed variations could be due to characteristics of both symbiont and host biology, especially the seasonal variation in encounter rates. Our findings show that the developed ddPCR assay is a robust tool for detecting undescribed symbionts that are otherwise difficult to quantify, enabling further insight into the impact cryptic symbionts have on their hosts.  相似文献   

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