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Abstract We examined mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation in pipevine swallowtail butterflies ( Battus philenor ) from throughout its extant range to provide a historical, phylogeographical context for ecological studies of the disjunct population in California. We evaluate current hypotheses regarding host plant use, behavior, and mimetic relationships of B. philenor populations and generate alternative hypotheses. Compared to populations throughout the rest of the species' range, California populations are ecologically distinct in that they lack mimics, lay significantly larger clutches of eggs, and exclusively use a unique, endemic larval host plant. Analysis of molecular variance, tests of population differentiation, and nested clade analysis of mtDNA variation indicate that, despite low levels of population genetic structure across the species' range, there is evidence of recent range expansion from presumed Pleistocene refuge(s) in southeastern North America. Colonization of California appears to have been a recent event. This phylogeographic investigation also suggests that the evolution of life-history adaptations to a novel larval host has occurred rapidly in California and the lack of mimics in California may be attributable to the recency of colonization.  相似文献   

Abstract. Parasitoid host range may proceed from traits affecting host suitability, traits affecting parasitoid foraging behaviour, or both. We tested the hypothesis that encapsulation can be used as a reliable indicator of parasitoid host range in two closely related larval endoparasitoids of Lepidoptera. Cotesia glomerata (L.) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is gregarious and a generalist on several species of Pieridae, whereas C. rubecula (Marshall) is solitary and specific to Pieris rapae (L.). We determined the effects of host species ( Pieris brassicae (L.), P. napi (L.) and P. rapae ) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) and host developmental stage (early first, second and third instar) on encapsulation of parasitoid eggs. Host species and parasitoid species, as well as the resulting interaction between these two factors had significant effects on encapsulation of Cotesia eggs. Encapsulation in Pieris hosts was much lower for C. glomerata (<34%, except for second and third instar of P. rapae ) than for C. rubecula (>32%), even when the latter was parasitizing P. rapae. Encapsulation increased with the age of the larvae, although the only significant difference was for C. glomerata. Overall, P. rapae showed a stronger encapsulation reaction than P. brassicae and P. napi. Encapsulation levels of C. glomerata corresponded well to patterns of female host species and host age preference for oviposition and parasitoid larval performance. In contrast, percentages of encapsulation of C. rubecula were not consistent with host preference and host suitability. We argue that encapsulation alone is unlikely to provide a sufficient explanation for C. glomerata and C. rubecula host range.  相似文献   

Although oviposition behavior of butterflies has been studied extensively, physiological parameters that may affect various aspects of female behavior have been overlooked almost completely. The number of mature eggs carried by a female Battus philenorgreatly affects her behavior at any particular time. Females with many eggs search significantly more for host plants than females with fewer eggs, which tend to rest more. Parameters affecting the number of mature eggs are also studied.  相似文献   

In prey‐predator systems, top‐down effects can be a powerful determinant for spatial distributions of prey through their search for enemy‐free space. Leafminers live and eat within leaves, making feeding tracks called mines, and mine conspicuousness exposes them to a high risk of parasitism. Those lepidopteran leafminers that use lower leaf surfaces as mining sites show wide evolutionary radiation. We hypothesized that leafminers making mines on the lower surface are less often detected by parasitoids and thus have a selective advantage in avoiding parasitism compared to those on the upper surface. To investigate the adaptiveness of lower‐surface mining, we examined the relationship between parasitism and within‐leaf mine distribution for 3 years using a field population of the leafminer Phyllocnistis spec. (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae, Phyllocnistinae), which prefers the lower surface of leaves of the Japanese privet, Ligustrum japonicum Thunb. (Oleaceae). Parasitoid attack was more frequent in the upper‐surface mines than in the lower‐surface mines and on leaves with upper‐surface mines than on leaves with only lower‐surface mines. When both surfaces were mined, leafminers on the lower surface could avoid parasitism. Upper‐surface mines were attacked by more parasitoid species as compared to lower‐surface mines. Although the results demonstrated that mining on the lower surface was advantageous in avoiding parasitism, the vulnerability of lower‐surface mines to parasitism varied depending on their abundance. When many lower‐surface mines were present, lower‐surface mines suffered a higher parasitism rate than upper‐surface mines, probably because parasitoids formed search images for and concentrated on lower‐surface mines. This study suggests that the preferential use of the lower leaf surface by leafminers is in part attributed to interactions with parasitoids.  相似文献   

The European biotype of the parasitoid Microctonus aethiopoides Loan (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is being considered for release against Sitona lepidus Gyllenhal (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in New Zealand. Host specificity was evaluated in the laboratory using both endemic and introduced weed biological control curculionid species, with 12 no-choice and three choice experiments carried out comparing the S. lepidus and test weevils. Two further no-choice tests used the Moroccan M. aethiopoides biotype to compare attack rate between European and Moroccan M. aethiopoides, the latter released in 1982 to control the lucerne pest S. discoideus. Across all experiments, total parasitism of S. lepidus was 69% compared with 15% for the test weevils. European M. aethiopoides was able to develop in the native weevils Irenimus aequalis, Nicaeana cervina, Catoptes cuspidatus, Protolobus porculus and Steriphus variabilis with parasitism rates of 13, 28, 2, 7 and 8%, respectively. These levels were significantly less than those in the corresponding S. lepidus control. Total parasitism of I. aequalis and C. cuspidatus increased significantly in the presence of S. lepidus than recorded under no-choice conditions. The presence of European M. aethiopoides caused minor, if any, test weevil mortality prior to the onset of prepupal emergence and there was no significant reproductive suppression in parasitoid-exposed test weevils. Parasitism of the introduced weed control agent R. conicus by European M. aethiopoides was significantly lower (1.1%) compared to the Moroccan biotype (47.5%). Based on these and other experiments, should the European M. aethiopoides be released as a biological control agent of S. lepidus, its ecological impacts are likely to be less severe than those already exhibited by the Moroccan M. aethiopoides.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Parasitoid attack strategy has been divided into two broad categories, koinobiosis and idiobiosis, based on the arrest of host development and the intimacy of larval contact. Koinobionts allow the host to continue developing and larvae usually feed within the host body, whereas idiobionts stop host development and larvae usually feed externally.
2. Comparisons of host ranges from rearings of parasitoids from specific host communities have shown that koinobionts are more host specific than idiobionts. These tests suggested that parasitoid attack strategy influenced specialisation in parasitoid–host interactions within certain host communities.
3. To determine whether this pattern was consistent within a single parasitoid lineage that utilises hosts from many different communities, the host ranges of koinobiont and idiobiont braconid genera of the New World were compared. Koinobiont genera utilised fewer host families than idiobionts, suggesting that parasitoid attack strategy may direct the evolution of host specificity throughout the evolutionary history of parasitoid lineages.  相似文献   

Phytophagous insects have several defence strategies to defend themselves against attack by parasitic wasps. Larval lepidopteran hosts can defend themselves actively to prevent oviposition by the parasitoid. Among the aggressive kinds of behaviour exhibited by hosts against parasitoids are violent wriggling, biting and spitting. The behaviour of the braconid parasitoid Cotesia sesamiae attacking stemboring larvae inside their feeding tunnel in the plant stem was investigated in maize and sugarcane stem pieces and transparent artificial tunnels. Attacking a defending stemborer host inside the confined space of a tunnel was shown to be risky for the female parasitoid. A considerable proportion (25%) of female wasps were killed in their attempt to attack the spitting and biting host. No difference was found in the behaviour of C. sesamiae attacking the suitable host Sesamia calamistis or the unsuitable host Eldana saccharina. The consequences of this high mortality risk involved in each host attack is discussed in relation to the ecology of the parasitoid.  相似文献   

Abstract. The braconid parasitoid Asobara tabida Nees attacks larvae of several Drosophila species in fermenting substrates. Northwestern and central European populations of the parasitoid attack mainly D.subobscura Collin. Southern European parasitoids attack mainly D.melanogaster Meigen. Larvae of this last species can defend themselves against parasitoids by encapsulating the parasitoid egg. Parasitoids from southern European populations are better able to resist encapsulation of their eggs than their northwestern and central European conspecifics. The eggs of southern European parasitoids appear to have a 'sticky' egg chorion. As a result of this 'stickiness' the eggs become embedded in host tissue where they are not completely covered by the host's blood cells. This leads to, at most, partial encapsulation of the egg. Parasitoid larvae can escape from partially closed capsules.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Ecological interactions between parasitoids and their hosts are extremely strong as parasitoid offspring rely entirely on an individual host to complete development. The ability of a parasitoid to use a host is influenced directly by the degree to which the parasitoid can overcome host defences and grow within the host.
2. Hymenopteran parasitoids have evolved different host-specific strategies to defeat the host immune system, such as the use of venom, endosymbiont virus, or mimicking the host tissue. Dipteran parasitoids from the Tachinidae family do not use these subterfuges and rely mainly on avoiding the host immune system by hiding in specific tissues.
3. Little is known of the effect of this strategy on the host immune system, the absorption of nutrients by the parasitoid larvae, or the implications for parasitoid host range.
4. In this study, the impact of a polyphagous tachinid parasitoid Compsilura concinnata Meigen on a pest lepidopteran Trichoplusia ni Hübner are assessed. Phenoloxidase levels and haemolymph proteins were measured in parasitised T. ni as a function of host immune response.
5. Haemolymph phenoloxidase in the host did not vary with parasitisation but was triggered when a piece of monofilament was implanted in the haemocoel. Haemolymph proteins were depleted in heavily parasitised T. ni .
6. These results indicate that C. concinnata has a strategy that avoids the host immune system, and accesses the necessary nutrients for larval growth. This strategy could explain the success of this tachinid and its wide host range.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The egg parasitoid Telenomus heliothidis Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) arrested development and prevented emergence of its host, the egg of Heliothis virescens F. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Arrestment was due to a factor injected by the ovipositing parasitoid just prior to egg release. T. heliothidis prevented hatching of H. virescens eggs up to 62 h old. Implantation of the distal region of the parasitoid common oviduct also prevented host emergence. Examination of the distal common oviduct revealed large numbers of protein-containing vesicles in the cytoplasm of the oviduct epithelial cells. These vesicles may be the source of the arrestment factor. The arrestment factor did not prevent emergence of Trichogramma pretiosum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), an interspecific competitor of T. heliothidis.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Parasitoids locate hosts using reliable and predictable cues such as smells derived from host plants or from the hosts themselves. For host species that live with mutualistic organisms, such as several wood boring insects, cues derived from the symbionts are likely to be exploited by specific parasitoids. Through a set of bioassays, the behaviour of the parasitoid Ibalia leucospoides Hochenwarth (Hymenoptera: Ibaliidae) is studied in response to the fungus Amylostereum areolatum Boidin (Basidiomycotina: Corticiaceae), a symbiont of its host, the wood wasp Sirex noctilio Fabricius (Hymenoptera: Siricidae). The results show that parasitoids are attracted to the fungus when growing naturally within pine logs, and also when growing on an artificial medium. Fungal volatiles also elicit increased parasitoid activity and may provide information on relative densities of hosts available for parasitization. It is speculated that the the chemical information derived from the host fungal symbiont comprises reliable and detectable host-locating cues used by parasitoids to search for concealed hosts.  相似文献   

Infochemicals are the most important cues used by parasitoids for host location. The attractiveness of infochemicals in a tritrophic context is expected to be determined by the degree of specialization of the parasitoid and its host(s). Microctonus hyperodae Loan (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is an oligophagous parasitoid that attacks adult Curculionidae of the Brachycerinae subfamily, especially Listronotus bonariensis Kuschel, on Gramineae. In 1996, a new host–parasitoid association between the carrot weevil Listronotus oregonensis LeConte and M. hyperodae was created in the laboratory. In this study, the infochemicals used by M. hyperodae when searching for its adult weevil hosts were determined using a Y‐shaped olfactometer. Three curculionid species (L. oregonensis, Listronotus sparsus Say, and Neydus flavicaudis Boheman) and one bruchid species [Callosobruchus maculatus (Fabricius)], and their feces, were tested. It was expected that hosts phylogenetically and ecologically close to L. bonariensis would be more attractive than species less related but in fact, M. hyperodae responded only to L. oregonensis and its feces. When feces and host insects were tested separately, M. hyperodae responded to the odors emitted by L. oregonensis adults but not to their feces, suggesting that most of the kairomones came from the host itself. Host plants were also tested, but M. hyperodae responded neither to Lolium multiflorum Lamark (Gramineae) nor to Daucus carota L. (Umbelliferae) leaves.  相似文献   

Summary A sex ratio response to host resources as measured by external host dimensions has been demonstrated in many parasitoid wasps, includingSpalangia cameroni. The responses generally are in the direction predicted by sex ratio theory, specifically the host-size models. Here I show that femaleS. cameroni also respond to differences in resource availability not associated with changes in external host dimensions, and this response is in the direction predicted by host-size models. When given old and young hosts simultaneously, femaleS. cameroni oviposit a greater proportion of sons in old than in young host pupae, at least for 0-day old versus 3-day old hosts. Old hosts weigh less than young hosts but are not significantly different in external width. Thus it appears that the offspring sex ratio response may result from mothers detecting physical or chemical changes within the host which are associated with host age. No evidence is found that the manipulation in response to host age has been selected for via an effect of host age on wasp size; there was no significant effect of host age on either male of female wasp size. A second prediction of the host-size models is also supported by this study: when each female is presented with only a single host age, rather than two host ages simultaneously, host age has no effect on offspring sex ratio.  相似文献   

Regulation of host diapause by an insect parasitoid   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. 1. The interaction between larval development and parasitism by the braconid wasp Cotesia koebelei (Riley), was investigated in a population of the butterfly Euphydryas editha (Boisduval) (Nymphalidae). In this population, the butterfly host has an obligatory overwintering larval diapause.
2. It was found that E. editha larvae harbouring parasitoids were more likely to pass through an extra feeding instar before entering diapause than were non-parasitized conspecifics.
3. In addition, some individuals that were experimentally exposed to multiple parasitoid attacks bypassed diapause completely; these larvae passed through five or six feeding instars, reaching sizes typical of final instar post-diapause larvae.
4. The observed effect of superparasitism occurred regardless of whether the host larvae subsequently produced mature parasitoids, suggesting that parasitoid attack is sufficient to invoke the response.
5. It is proposed that the parasitoid C.koebelei regulates the number of pre-diapause feeding instars of its insect host E. editha, and that some component of the female venom, injected at oviposition, is responsible for this regulation.  相似文献   

The wheat stem sawfly, Cephus cinctus (Hymenoptera: Cephidae) is the major pest of wheat in the northern plains of North America, with biological control providing a potentially useful management tool. Foreign exploration by the USDA-ARS identified Collyria catoptron (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), a parasitoid wasp of Cephus fumipennis in northern China, as a potential biological control agent. Here we carry out a preliminary evaluation of the potential suitability of C. catoptron, as a candidate agent against C. cinctus. Specifically we: (1) Quantify the spatio-temporal variation in parasitism rates on the native host from collection sites in northern China over six years, and (2) Assess whether C. catoptron will oviposit and complete development in the novel targeted host. Maximum parasitism of the native host in the native range was 38%, exceeding the theoretical threshold for successful biological control. Site occupancy levels were high (83%) suggesting good colonisation abilities. C. catoptron clearly recognised and attacked C. cinctus, with parasitism levels exceeding those observed on the co-evolved host C. fumipennis. However, we found no evidence that C. catoptron can complete development in C. cinctus; no adults were reared from this host in either year of the study. In contrast 50–60% of the parasitoids survived to emerge as adults in C. fumipennis. Thus, C. catoptron is unlikely to be a suitable agent against C. cinctus due to basic host incompatibility. Future work will be directed towards developing conservation biological control approaches using native parasitoid species already present in the USA.  相似文献   

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