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We have examined culture fluids from a variety of Kirsten murine sarcoma virus (KiMSV) transformed rat and mouse cells for the presence of factors which induce normal Rat-1 cells to assume the transformed phenotype. All KiMSV transformants produced transforming factor (TF). Revertants of KiMSV transformed rat or mouse cells failed to relase TF as did normal rat or mouse cells. Cells transformed by a temperature sensitive mutant of KiMSV produced TF at the permissive temperature but not at the nonpermissive temperature. Further, cells from a spontaneous transformant of Rat-1 cells also produced TF. TF is a small polypeptide which competes for the epidermal growth factor receptor. Its effect upon normal cells is reversible and requires de novo RNA and protein synthesis. Cells treated with TF lose the actin fibers observed in normal fibroblasts, assume a transformed cell morphology, become anchorage independent for growth, grow in low concentrations of serum, grow to a high cell density, and have an increased rate of hexose uptake.  相似文献   

The cytotoxic effect of peripheral blood lymphocytes from patients with chronic active hepatitis (CAH) on Chang liver cells was studied using a chromium-51 release assay. Cytotoxic effector cell activity was unaffected or slightly enhanced after the removal of glass-adherent mononuclear cells, indicating that the major effector cell is not a classical monocyte. Lymphocytes from 12 of 18 patients with CAH were cytotoxic, and the cytotoxic cells were contained within T-cell-depleted fractions. Further studies revealed that these effector cells were K cells, not B cells. K cells were identified as Fs- and complement receptor-bearing cells without detectable surface immunoglobulin. Serial studies in CAH showed continuous cytotoxicity in contrast to transient cytotoxicity in acute viral hepatitis, suggesting that the cytotoxic activity of lymphocytes is responsible for persistence of the disease.  相似文献   

Ten human bladder epithelium cell lines were tested for their ability to induce blood vessel formation after intradermal injection into irradiated ST/a mice. Cell lines that were shown to be tumorigenic in nude mice, were able to evoke angiogenesis of a higher intensity than nontumorigenic cell lines. No difference was observed between the angiogeneic ability of tumorigenic cells originating from tumors and from in vitro transformed urothelium of nontumor origin. Similarly the origin of nontumorigenic urothelial cell lines did not show any influence on their angiogeneic abilities, but nontumorigenic cell lines which had undergone "infinite growth transformation" exhibited a higher angiogeneic activity than nontumorigenic cell lines with a finite life. The angiogeneic reaction evoked by human bladder epithelium cell lines showed cell dose- and time-dependence; but it was unrelated to the growth potential of the cultured cells. Two "spontaneously" altered sarcoma-producing murine cell lines showed a higher angiogeneic activity than tumorigenic human bladder epithelial cells. The angiogeneic response to these two murine cell lines was unrelated to morphological signs of transformation and to differences in growth rate, serum requirement, saturation density, anchorage dependence, and isoimmunizing properties.  相似文献   

The lethal effect of 7 beta-hydroxycholesterol (7 beta-OHC) on neonatal rat astrocyte primary cultures and spontaneously transformed cell lines derived from them was investigated. Confluent astrocyte primary cultures were not affected by 30 microM 7 beta-OHC over a period of 72 h. In contrast, spontaneously transformed cells were killed by 20 microM 7 beta-OHC within the first 48 h. Further studies indicated that the cell lines metabolized 7 beta-OHC to a product the polarity of which was less than that of 7 beta-OHC. The metabolite was identified as 7 beta-OHC esterified on C-3 by naturally occurring fatty acids. Incubation of the cell lines with 0.5 microM metabolite markedly affected the cells within 24 h. These observations suggest that the 7 beta-OHC metabolite is implicated in the mechanism of action of 7 beta-OHC cytotoxicity on spontaneously transformed cells.  相似文献   

Expression of green fluorescent protein (GFP) linked to an actin binding domain is a commonly used method for live cell imaging of the actin cytoskeleton. One of these chimeric proteins is GFP-mTalin (GFP fused to the actin binding domain of mouse talin). Although it has been demonstrated that GFP-mTalin colocalizes with the actin cytoskeleton, its effect on actin dynamics and cell expansion has not been studied in detail. We created Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) plants harboring alcohol inducible GFP-mTalin constructs to assess the effect of GFP-mTalin expression in vivo. We focused on the growing root hair as this is a model cell for studying cell expansion and root hair tip growth that requires a highly dynamic and polar actin cytoskeleton. We show that alcohol inducible expression of GFP-mTalin in root hairs causes severe defects in actin organization, resulting in either the termination of growth, cell death, and/or changes in cell shape. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching experiments demonstrate that the interaction of GFP-mTalin and actin filaments is highly dynamic. To assess how GFP-mTalin affects actin dynamics we performed cosedimentation assays of GFP-mTalin with actin on its own or in the presence of the actin modulating protein, actin depolymerizing factor. We show that that GFP-mTalin does not affect actin polymerization but that it does inhibit the actin depolymerizing activity of actin depolymerizing factor. These observations demonstrate that GFP-mTalin can affect cell expansion, actin organization, and the interaction of actin binding proteins with actin.  相似文献   

"Spontaneously" or SV40 virus transformed AL/N mouse cell lines were passed repeatedly through syngeneic mice. Cell lines were re-established in culture from minced pieces of tumors in the presence of concentrated fetal calf serum or from tumor cells dispersed by trypsin. The aim of this study was to compare the two cell lines in regard to the selection processes which operate during such procedures by characterization of the resulting cell lines. Measurements of growth in tissue culture on substratum showed no significant difference between any of the transformed cell lines. The SV40 transformed cells and its derivative cells had a low anchorage requirement for growth. The greatest anchorage requirement for growth was in the normal untransformed cells and in the derivative cells from the "spontaneously" transformed cells which were established from minced tumors. The spontaneously transformed cells and all derivative cells had high tumorigenicity (TD50 is less than 10-2). The SV40 transformed cells had no observable tumorigenicity (TD50 is greater than 10-8), except when injected into irradiated mice (TD50 = 1-5 X 10-5 in the immunocompetent mice, 5 X 10-4 in the irradiated mice). The SV40 transformed derivative cells maintained their SV40 specific T antigen and their susceptibility to lysis by specific antiserum.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the relationship between the reorganisation of actin cytoskeleton and the changes at cell surface level (i.e. PS exposure and blebbing) in two neoplastic cell lines during apoptosis: Chang liver cells (adherent culture) and promyelocytic HL-60 cells (suspension culture), treated with the podophyllotoxin derivative VP16. The morphological analysis, performed by means of conventional fluorescence microscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy, on Chang cells showed that onset and progress of the two processes are synchronised. The initial disassembly of stress fibers was associated with the early PS exposure on the cell surface. Moreover, the accumulation of actin at cortical level appeared strongly associated with an intense labelling for Annexin V and, in some cases, especially in the areas of membrane blebbing. The double staining for actin and PS exposure, quantitatively analysed by flow cytometry in HL-60 cells after different treatment times, demonstrated that the decrease of Annexin V binding in the late stages of apoptosis is associated with the strong reduction of actin labelling probably also due to a proteolytic cleavage. These events were also partially related to variations of the functional state of mitochondria, by analysing cytofluorometrically the dissipation of the inner membrane potential (delta psi m).  相似文献   

NAL1A is a murine type 2 pneumocyte-related cell line cultured from normal BALB/c adult mouse lung. In vitro spontaneous transformation of 3 out of 7 clones of NAL1A has led to the isolation and establishment in continuous cell culture of sibling-related non-neoplastic (NAL1A) and spontaneously arising neoplastic (NAL1As) cell strains. NAL1As cells exhibited a similar phenotype to cloned NUL1 cells cultured from urethane-induced mouse lung adenomas. All NAL1As and NUL1 clones grew vigorously in 0.3% agar and formed invasive, poorly differentiated carcinomas following subcutaneous inoculation into immunesuppressed mice. Several subcutaneous nodules metastasised preferentially to the lung. All spontaneous and chemically-derived malignant clones were less differentiated than the non-malignant clones as assessed by staining with a type 2 pneumocyte-specific polyclonal antiserum. The clones described in this report form a useful model in the study of spontaneous and chemically-induced neoplastic transformation in mouse epithelial lung cells.  相似文献   

Micrococcal nuclease digestion was used to analyze Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) DNA structure in nuclei of transformed cells. Digests of virus-producing (P3HR-1), non-virus-producing (Raji), and superinfected Rajii cell nuclei were fractionated by electrophoresis on agarose gels, transferred to nitrocellulose, and hybridized to 32P-labeled EBV DNA. The viral DNA of Raji nuclei produced a series of bands on electrophoresis whose lengths were integral multiples of a unit size, which was the same as the repeat length of host DNA. Viral DNA in nuclei of P3HR-1 and superinfected Raji cells produced faintly visible bands superimposed on a smear of viral DNA which dominated the hybridization pattern. No differences were detected in the patterns when total DNA digests from Raji, P3HR-1, and an EBV DNA-negative cell line (U-698M) were analyzed by ethidium bromide staining or by hybridization with the use of 32P-labeled lymphoblastoid cell DNA as probe. We conclude that the EBV episomal DNA of Raji cells is folded into nucleosomes, whereas most of the viral DNA of P3HR-1 and superinfected Raji cells is not. This pattern of DNA organization differs signficantly from that in papova group viruses.  相似文献   

The cell coat of cultivated fetal rat brain cells as well as malignant rat neurogenic cell lines in culture were studied by transmission electron microscopy with the ruthenium red staining technique. Some of the transformed cell lines demonstrated alteration in the bindng properties of ruthenium red to the cell surface. Otherwise no significant correlation between the visualized cell coat thickness and neoplastic transformation was noted.  相似文献   

The nuclear DNA content in thyroid tumor cells has been shown to be closely related to the malignant potential of the neoplasm. Besides DNA, nuclear protein (NP) constitutes the major mass of the nucleus. The NP content may vary significantly in relation to the proliferative stage in growing as compared to growth-arrested cells. The increase in NP content associated with the transition from G0 to G1 occurs before the onset of DNA synthesis and may be used to assess growth activity. The nuclear DNA and NP contents were analyzed in 90 nonneoplastic lesions and 75 benign and 62 malignant thyroid tumors. All nonneoplastic specimens were euploid, and 1 of 90 was growth activated. In the group of benign tumors, 59 were euploid, and 16 were aneuploid. Among these there were 5 (9%) of 59 and 6 (38%) of 16 growth-activated specimens, respectively. In the group of malignant tumors 57 of 62 were classified as euploid, and in this group 12 (21%) showed growth activity according to the NP content. Five of 62 were aneuploid, and 3 (60%) of these 5 tumors were growth activated. Evaluation of the growth activity by means of monoclonal antibody Ki-67 was performed on a subgroup of 32 thyroid specimens, both nonneoplastic and neoplastic lesions. Ki-67 immunoreactivity was observed in 0-1.1% cells of 6 nonneoplastic lesions, in 0-3.1% cells of 14 benign cells and in 0.2-3.9% cells of 12 malignant thyroid tumors. Growth activity, as reflected by the NP/DNA ratio and Ki-67 immunoreactivity, appears to be low both in nonneoplastic thyroid lesions and thyroid tumors.  相似文献   

Trypsinization of neonatal rat astrocyte primary cultures (normal cells) inhibited the activity of ethanolamine base exchange enzyme (EBEE) by 80%, whereas ethanolamine phosphotransferase (EPT) and choline base exchange (CBEE) enzymatic activities were not affected; subcellular fractionation demonstrated that trypsin treatment affected the intracellular EBEE activity. During trypsinization the enzyme was not taken up by cultured astrocytes but the cell surface was affected. In contrast, the same treatment did not alter EPT, CBEE and EBEE activities of spontaneously transformed cell lines derived from the primary cultures. However, treatment of the transformed cells with db-cAMP prior to trypsin, restored the pattern found in the primary culture, i.e. only EBEE activity was affected. These data suggest that a relationship exists between cell surface organization and intracellular EBEE activity in a culture system which possesses the property to control its own cell division or/and differentiation.  相似文献   

J M Coll  S W Luborsky  P T Mora 《Biochemistry》1977,16(14):3169-3177
A family of mouse fibroblast cell lines in exponential phase of growth were compared in protein constitution of their cell membranes. In preparations from these cells enriched in cell-surface membrane we observed one protein component (apparent molecular weight about 250 000) consistently to be reduced or absent in an SV40 virus transformed cell line, when compared with the normal cell line. No such compositional difference was observed in a spontaneously transformed tumorigenic clonal derivative cell line, or in subclones of such a derivative cell line, with or without SV40 virus infection. However, in metabolic labeling experiments with 14C-labeled mixed amino acids, a consistent decrease also was demonstrated in the biosynthesis of the same protein in the SV40 virus infected subclone, as compared to an uninfected sister subclone, during exponential growth. This specific difference in biosynthesis is apparently related to the presence and functioning of the SV40 gene, and correlates with the ability of these cells to grow in viscous medium, but not with cellular tumorigenicity.  相似文献   

The presence of cell surface fibronectin was examined by indirect immunofluorescence in 8 groups of related rat fibroblast lines expressing an in vitro transformed phenotype. The transformed cells were selected for anchorage independent growth either after X-ray treatment (X-ray transformed cells) or from control cultures (spontaneously transformed cells). All transformed fibroblasts of the latter class showed reduced expression of fibronectin at the cell surface, whereas most of the X-ray transformed derivatives exhibited a fibronectin-positive phenotype, like the untransformed parents. Moreover, from the fibronectin-negative spontaneously transformed cells, ouabain-resistant variants were isolated, the majority of which had regained the capacity to form an extracellular matrix of fibronectin. These results emphasize the variability in the properties of transformed cells and suggest that the properties of in vitro transformed cells may depend on the cause of transformation.  相似文献   

In spontaneously metastasizing rat RPS sarcoma cells, a 3D structure of oblique F-actin cables was observed which was associated with active cell migration in vitro. This led us to further comparative investigations of several other neoplastic and normal cell populations in vitro for F-actin structures using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). Various forms of F-actin cytoskeleton were observed and the incidence of podosome-related contact structures appeared to be associated with malignancy, interpreted as metastatic capacity.  相似文献   

F Birg  R Dulbecco  M Fried    R Kamen 《Journal of virology》1979,29(2):633-648
Polyoma virus-transformed rat cell lines were isolated as colonies growing in agar after infection of F2408 cells with low multiplicities of wild-type virus. Viral DNA present in the transformed cells was analyzed by fractionating the cellular DNA on agarose gels before and after digestion with various restriction endonucleases, followed by detection of the DNA fragments containing viral sequences using the procedure described by Southern (E. Southern, J. Mol. Biol., 98:503--515, 1975). Five lines, independently derived, were studied in detail. All five lines, when examined after a minimum number of passages in culture, contained both free and apparently integrated viral DNA. The free polyoma DNA in three of the lines was indistinguishable, by restriction enzyme analysis, from wild-type viral DNA, whereas the two other lines also contained smaller free DNA molecules which lacked parts of the wild-type genome. The integrated DNA in the five lines studies existed as head-to-tail tandem repeats of unit-length polyoma DNA covalently attached to nonviral DNA. The same five polyoma-transformed rat lines were examined after further passage in culture. Free viral DNA was then either undetectable or greatly reduced in amounts, whereas the high-molecular-weight, integrated units persisted after passage of the cells. The subclones, derived from one of the five lines selected for detailed analysis, showed some variations in the quantity and size of the free viral DNA as well as minor alterations in the pattern of the apparently integrated sequences.  相似文献   

The micropipet aspiration technique and the parallel-plate flow chamber were used to investigate the deformation and detachment properties, respectively, of normal and transformed rat fibroblasts. The normal Cloned Rat Embryo Fibroblasts (CREF) cell line was transfected with the T24 ras oncogene to produce the transformed cell line CREF T24. The CREF T24 cell line was transfected with a Kirsten ras revertant gene (K-rev 1a suppressor) to produce the CT24HKB1 cells, which have the same morphological characteristics as the cells in the CREF line. The cells utilized in this investigation were derived from the parent cell line CREF, the only differences being the presence or absence of the T24 ras oncogene and the Kirsten ras revertant gene. The detachment and deformation properties, therefore, could be related to the metastatic phenotype of the cell rather than inherent differences between disparate cell lines. Results indicated that transfecting the CREF cell line with the ras oncogene greatly modified the detachment and deformation properties. The CREF T24 cells were more easily detached from normal cells and were 50% more deformable. Both CREF and CT24HKB1 showed similar detachment properties. Based on these results, it is speculated that K-rev 1a reversed ras-induced membrane alterations in these cells. Preliminary investigations have demonstrated that both CREF and CREF T24 cells in different phases of the cell cycle differed in morphological characteristics. However, the majority of the cells within a given cell line showed similar deformation characteristics. Current investigations are focusing on characterization of both detachment and deformation properties of these cells as a function of the cell cycle using synchronization techniques.  相似文献   

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