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A high resolution micropalaeontological study of the core MD 04-2797 CQ recovered in the Sicilian–Tunisian Strait provides insights into the paleoclimatic history of the Mediterranean Sea at the transition between the western and eastern basin over the last 30 ka. Using the analysis of dinoflagellate cyst and planktonic foraminiferal assemblages, we reconstruct the paleoenvironmental changes that took place in this region. High abundances of cold temperate dinocyst species (Nematosphaeropsis labyrinthus, Spiniferites elongatus, Bitectatodinium tepikiense) and the polar planktonic foraminifera Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (left coiling) reveal three major cooling events synchronous with North Atlantic Henrich events 1 and 2 (H1 and H2) and the European and North Atlantic Younger Dryas event. During the Holocene, the presence of warm dinocyst species (Spiniferites mirabilis and Impagidinium aculeatum) and planktonic foraminifera (Globorotalia inflata and Globigerinoides ruber), reflects a significant increase of sea surface temperatures in the western Mediterranean basin, but a full warming was not recorded until 1500 years after the onset of the Holocene. Moreover, our results show that the Holocene was interrupted by at least four brief cooling events at ~ 9.2 ka, ~ 8 ka, ~ 7 ka and ~ 2.2 ka cal. BP, which may be correlated to climatic events recorded in Greenland ice cores and in the Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

Sea cucumbers are benthic marine invertebrates with immense ecological and commercial value. Processed sea cucumbers known as “Beche-de-mer” are a delicacy in southeast Asian countries with an ever-increasing demand depleting wild stocks on a global scale. Aquaculture techniques are well developed for commercially important species (e.g. Holothuria scabra) to aid in conservation and trade. In the Arabian Peninsula and Iran, where the major land mass is surrounded by marginal seas (Arabian Gulf, Gulf of Oman, Arabian Sea, Gulf of Aden, and Red Sea), studies on sea cucumbers are rather limited and its economic value is underestimated. Historical and current research trends indicate impoverished diversity (82 species) due to environmental extremes. Artisanal fisheries exist for the sea cucumbers of Iran, Oman, and Saudi Arabia, with Yemen and United Arab Emirates (UAE) playing a key role in collection and export to Asian countries. Stock assessment and data on export indicates depletion of natural stocks in Saudi Arabia and Oman. Aquaculture trials of high value species (H. scabra) were successful in Saudi Arabia, Oman and Iran with prospects for further expansion. Research on ecotoxicological properties and bioactive substances conducted in Iran demonstrates an immense research potential. Molecular phylogeny, biology, use in bioremediation, and characterisation of bioactive compounds were identified as potential gaps in research. Expanding aquaculture operations could revive exports and recuperate damaged stocks through sea ranching. Furthermore, regional cooperation, networking, training, and capacity building could help fill the gaps in sea cucumber research, which will aid in its effective conservation and management.  相似文献   

The temporal variation in the stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of particulate organic matter (POM) in the Rhone River was investigated on a monthly basis during a 2-year period (2004–2005). In spite of high month-to-month variation, interannually consistent seasonal trends appeared, with significantly lower δ13C (<?28.2‰) in spring than in the other seasons. In contrast, δ15N did not exhibit significant temporal variation. In spring and summer, high chlorophyll a and b concentrations were associated with low C/N values (<8) and a high percentage of organic carbon (%C) and organic nitrogen (%N), testifying to high development of autochthonous riverine phytoplankton (mainly diatoms and chlorophytes). In fall and winter, higher δ13C (>?27.2‰) and C/N (>8) values, and lower %C, %N, and chlorophylls concentrations indicated the predominance of allochthonous terrestrial detritus material in the river POM. The lower δ13C values recorded in spring–summer, when the phytoplankton biomass was high, were related to the lower carbon isotopic signatures of freshwater diatoms and chlorophytes compared to those of terrestrial plants. Overall, Rhone River POM was mainly composed of terrestrially derived material (90%), with autochthonous phytoplankton representing only 10% as a mean, in spite of a higher mean contribution of phytoplankton (27%) to river POM in summer.  相似文献   

To improve our understanding of the complex genetic and ecological structure of bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) populations, we examined the acoustic features of communication signals from two geographically contiguous areas: the Central–Eastern North Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea. Variations in the whistles were evaluated for four locations. Ten signal parameters were measured and used to statistically differentiate between the areas. Over 79 % of sightings were correctly classified by discriminant function analysis, confirming an acoustic differentiation between the two basins. The results of cluster analysis using the mean values of the parameters for each sighting showed that the three easternmost sightings from the Mediterranean and one sighting from the Canary archipelago formed a separate cluster from the rest of the Atlantic. The two sightings from the Alboran Sea in the west Mediterranean were grouped with the Atlantic recordings. There was more variability in whistles from the Atlantic Ocean consistent with data from genetic and photo-identification studies that document resident and non-resident animals in the area. The results suggest that the Alboran area may be inhabited by animals differentiated from the rest of the Mediterranean basin as a result of habitat features.  相似文献   

Two experimental longline surveys were carried out in the Santa Maria di Leuca (SML) cold-water coral province (Mediterranean Sea) during May–June and September–October 2010 to investigate the effect of corals on fish assemblages. Two types of “megahabitat” characterized by the virtual absence of fishing were explored. One was characterized by complex topography including mesohabitats with carbonate mounds and corals. The other type of megahabitat, although characterized by complex topographic features, lacks carbonate mounds and corals. The fishing vessel was equipped with a 3,000 m monofilament longline with 500 hooks and snoods of 2.5 m in length. A total of 9 hauls, using about 4,500 hooks, were carried out both in the coral megahabitat and in the non-coral megahabitat during each survey. The fish Leucoraja fullonica and Pteroplatytrygon violacea represent new records for the SML coral province. The coral by-catch was only obtained in the coral megahabitat in about 55% of the stations investigated in both surveys. The total catches and the abundance indices of several species were comparable between the two habitat typologies. The species contributing most to the dissimilarity between the two megahabitat fish assemblages were Pagellus bogaraveo, Galeus melastomus, Etmopterus spinax and Helicolenus dactylopterus for density and P. bogaraveo, Conger conger, Polyprion americanus and G. melastomus for biomass. P. bogaraveo was exclusively collected in the coral megahabitat, whereas C. conger, H. dactylopterus and P. americanus were found with greater abundance in the coral than in the non-coral megahabitat. Differences in the sizes between the two megahabitats were detected in E. spinax, G. melastomus, C. conger and H. dactylopterus. Although these differences most probably related to the presence-absence of corals, both megahabitats investigated play the role of attraction-refuge for deep-sea fish fauna, confirming the important role of the whole SML coral province as a refuge area from fishing.  相似文献   

Nitrification rates were measured along a salinity gradient in the Rhône River estuary, using specific inhibitors (allylthiourea and chlorate) coupled with the measurement of change in nitrite concentration and inorganic carbon uptake by nitrifiers. Rates of ammonium and nitrite oxidation were similar up to 15 practical salinity units (from 1 to 2 mol N oxidized liter-1 day-1). For higher salinities, nitrite and ammonium oxidation rates were 0.14 and 0.23 mol N oxidized liter-1 day-1, respectively. Ammonium oxidizers assimilated 19–150 × 10–3 mol C liter-1 day-1, while nitrite oxidizers fixed 4.8–72.6 × 10–3 mol C liter-1 day-1. The amounts of nitrogen oxidized and C incorporated demonstrated a linear correlation (r 2 > 0.99). The ratio of N oxidized to C incorporated ranged between 14.3 to 12.3 for ammonium oxidizers, and between 31.6 and 29 for nitrite oxidizers, the lower values being measured in seawater. Offprint requests to: M. Bianchi.  相似文献   

Transfer processes from a eutrophic ecosystem, the river Rhône, to an oligotrophic environment, the north-west Mediterranean Sea, were studied during the winter period, when inputs of dissolved and particulate matter are at their highest.During a cruise carried out in February 1987, salinity, temperature, turbidity, nutrients, pigments, suspended particulate matter and particulate carbon and nitrogen were measured in surface and subsurface waters near the Rhône outlet.For most of the parameters the results show that during this period a simple dilution process occurs in the river plume of the Rhône without adsorption, desorption, precipitation or biological uptake, contrary to recordings for some other rivers. All the nutrients discharged into the sea by the Rhône are available for utilization by marine phytoplankters.  相似文献   

A new calanoid copepod species Scaphocalanus emine n. sp. is described for the first time from the Iskenderun Bay, northeastern Levantine Basin. S. emine is similar to S. affinis (Sars, 1905) having both identical orientation of the posterolateral corners of the cephalothorax and a median crest on the forehead. The new species is also similar in some features to S. affinis in the structure of Re1P1- lacking the outer marginal spine and by the presence of the rounded apex on the distal internal margin. It differs from S. affinis as the median crest on the forehead is smaller and due to the presence of a rudimentary endopod furnished with an apical spine on the P5. Originality in construction of the P1 and P5 distinguish the new species from other Scaphocalanus species.  相似文献   

Metabolomics – the link between genotypes and phenotypes   总被引:61,自引:0,他引:61  

Nissling  Anders 《Hydrobiologia》2004,514(1-3):115-123
Hydrobiologia - Stock development of cod and sprat, two major fish species in the Baltic Sea, is linked by trophic interactions. Depending on recruitment success the Baltic may be pushed towards...  相似文献   

The presence of two species within the Eurythoe complanata complex in the Mediterranean Sea is reported, as well as their geographical distributions. One species, Eurythoe laevisetis, occurs in the eastern and central Mediterranean, likely constituting the first historical introduction to the Mediterranean Sea and the other, Eurythoe complanata, in both eastern and Levantine basins. Brief notes on their taxonomy are also provided and their potential pathways for introduction to the Mediterranean are discussed. A simplified key to the Mediterranean amphinomid genera and species of Eurythoe and Linopherus is presented plus an updated revision of the alien amphinomid species reported previously from the Mediterranean Sea. A total of five exotic species have been included; information on their location, habitat, date of introduction and other relevant features is also provided.  相似文献   

Various host characteristics (i. e., feeding habits, geographic distribution) and habitat characteristics (i.e., seasonality) influence the structure of parasite assemblages. To compare the parasite assemblages of hosts representatives of two genera of the same fish family, simultaneously occupying a geographic region, and to examine if seasonal variations influence parasite occurrence and abundance, we examined the parasite assemblages of two sympatric marine fish, Pagrus pagrus (n = 308) and Pagellus bogaraveo (n = 315) off the coast of Algeria in the western Mediterranean. Specimens were collected during summer and autumn over three consecutive years (2014–2016). Parasite assemblages were high in species richness and abundance. We compiled an inventory of 40 parasite taxa, including ectoparasitic monogeneans and crustaceans, and endoparasitic trematodes, cestodes, acanthocephalans, and nematodes. Endoparasite taxa primarily consisted of adult gastro-intestinal parasites and long lived larval helminths. Information on the parasite community structure and seasonal variations in parasite populations of these two hosts from the Mediterranean is here provided. Observed patterns of composition, diversity, dominance, and similarity indicate an overall consistency in assemblage structure. Although each host species harbored distinct parasite communities, they shared a high proportion of parasite species suggesting similar use of a common local pool of parasites. However, most shared species did not contribute to structuring the assemblages. Seasonal patterns in parasite abundance were observed for both hosts, with peak prevalence, abundance, and diversity in autumn. Results suggest that, regardless of a common pool of parasites being available to sympatric species, several ecological filters over time, led to distinct, independent variations in the parasite assemblages in each species.  相似文献   

Hunter-gatherers living in Europe during the transition from the late Pleistocene to the Holocene intensified food acquisition by broadening the range of resources exploited to include marine taxa. However, little is known on the nature of this dietary change in the Mediterranean Basin. A key area to investigate this issue is the archipelago of the Ègadi Islands, most of which were connected to Sicily until the early Holocene. The site of Grotta d’Oriente, on the present-day island of Favignana, was occupied by hunter-gatherers when Postglacial environmental changes were taking place (14,000-7,500 cal BP). Here we present the results of AMS radiocarbon dating, palaeogenetic and isotopic analyses undertaken on skeletal remains of the humans buried at Grotta d’Oriente. Analyses of the mitochondrial hypervariable first region of individual Oriente B, which belongs to the HV-1 haplogroup, suggest for the first time on genetic grounds that humans living in Sicily during the early Holocene could have originated from groups that migrated from the Italian Peninsula around the Last Glacial Maximum. Carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses show that the Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic hunter-gatherers of Favignana consumed almost exclusively protein from terrestrial game and that there was only a slight increase in marine food consumption from the late Pleistocene to the early Holocene. This dietary change was similar in scale to that at sites on mainland Sicily and in the rest of the Mediterranean, suggesting that the hunter-gatherers of Grotta d’Oriente did not modify their subsistence strategies specifically to adapt to the progressive isolation of Favignana. The limited development of technologies for intensively exploiting marine resources was probably a consequence both of Mediterranean oligotrophy and of the small effective population size of these increasingly isolated human groups, which made innovation less likely and prevented transmission of fitness-enhancing adaptations.  相似文献   

The shallow-water nematodes of the White Sea are relatively well studied; however, information on the nematode fauna inhabiting the deepest part of this sea is very scarce. The composition of the nematode assemblages (at species and genus level) was studied in samples collected during four sampling occasions in the deepest part of the Kandalaksha Depression (the White Sea) in July 1998, October 1998, May 1999, and November 1999. Samples were collected from a depth of 251–288 m with the aid of a multicorer. In total, 59 nematode morphotypes belonging to 37 genera and 18 families were distinguished. The genera Sabatieria and Filipjeva dominated at all stations, followed by Aponema, Desmoscolex, and Quadricoma. The composition of the dominant genera can be considered typical for this depth range in temperate and Arctic waters, although Filipjeva and Aponema were among the dominant genera for the first time. The most abundant species were Sabatieria ornata, Aponema bathyalis, and Filipjeva filipjevi. In general, diversity of the nematode assemblages was lower than in the temperate and Arctic continental shelf and slope with reduced evenness and species richness. The evenness of nematode assemblages and other diversity indices decreased with increasing sediment depth. Based on the valid species and genera recorded, the nematode fauna of the Kandalaksha Depression showed a higher resemblance to that found in the shallow waters of Kandalaksha Bay.  相似文献   

Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries - The exploitation of fishery resources acts as a driving force on cetaceans both directly, by determining their fishing mortality or injury as by-catch...  相似文献   

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