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What makes a mitochondrion?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Experimental analyses of the proteins found in the mitochondria of yeast, humans and Arabidopsis have confirmed some expectations but given some surprises and some insights into the evolutionary origins of mitochondrial proteins.  相似文献   

Spatio-temporal variability in fruit production (masting) has been regarded as a key mechanism to increase plant fitness by reducing seed predation. However, considerably more effort has been devoted into understanding the consequences of temporal rather than spatial variations in fruit crop for plant fitness. In order to simultaneously evaluate both components, we quantify fruit production and pre-dispersal damage by three arthropod species (mites, chalcid wasps and moths) in the Spanish juniper (Juniperus thurifera) during 3 years in a spatially explicit context. Our aims were to assess (1) the interaction between fruit production and pre-dispersal fruit damage by arthropods, (2) the potential interference or competition between arthropods, and (3) the form of the phenotypic selection exerted by arthropods on fruit traits considering the spatial context. Arthropods damaged a substantial fraction of fruits produced by Spanish juniper with levels of damage showing sharp inter-annual variations. Fruit damage by mites was negatively related to yearly fruit crop and positively correlated at individual trees fruiting in consecutive years. Increased interspecific interference was an additional consequence of reduced fruit availability during small crop years. During a masting year, fruit damage by less mobile species such as mites was negatively affected by tree crop size, and no spatial structure was observed for mite damage. The incidence of chalcid wasps was low, so the spatial pattern of seed predation was unclear, and no preferences for fruit or seed traits were detected. Conversely, moths selected larger fruits and their incidence on trees was spatially aggregated up to 20 m, with predation levels being negatively affected by fruit abundance at the patch level, suggesting a positive density-dependent effect of neighbors on fruit output. These results highlight the importance of including the spatial component to understand complex species interactions at local scales.  相似文献   

By contrast to many previously enigmatic Palaeozoic fossils, the Carboniferous metazoan Typhloesus has defied phylogenetic placement. Here, we document new features, including possible phosphatized muscle tissues and a hitherto unrecognized feeding apparatus with two sets of ca 20 spinose teeth whose closest similarities appear to lie with the molluscan radula. The ribbon-like structure, located well behind the mouth area and deep into the anterior part of the body, is interpreted as being in an inverted proboscis configuration. Gut contents, mostly conodonts, in the midgut area demonstrate that Typhloesus was an active predator. This animal was capable of propelling itself in the water column using its flexible body and a prominent posterior fin. The affinity of Typhloesus as a pelagic mollusc remains problematic but may lie more closely with the gastropods. Heteropod gastropods share with Typhloesus an active predatory lifestyle and have a comparable general body organization, albeit they possess characteristic aragonitic shells and their origins in the Jurassic post-date Typhloesus. Typhloesus may represent an independent radiation of Mid-Palaeozoic pelagic gastropods.  相似文献   

What is mzXML good for?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
mzXML (extensible markup language) is one of the pioneering data formats for mass spectrometry-based proteomics data collection. It is an open data format that has benefited and evolved as a result of the input of many groups, and it continues to evolve. Due to its dynamic history, its structure, purpose and applicability have all changed with time, meaning that groups that have looked at the standard at different points during its evolution have differing impressions of the usefulness of mzXML. In discussing mzXML, it is important to understand what mzXML is not. First, mzXML does not capture the raw data. Second, mzXML is not sufficient for regulatory submission. Third, mzXML is not optimized for computation and, finally, mzXML does not capture the experiment design. In general, it is the authors' opinion that XML is not a panacea for bioinformatics or a substitute for good data representation, and groups that want to use mzXML (or other XML-based representations) directly for data storage or computation will encounter performance and scalability problems. With these limitations in mind, the authors conclude that mzXML is, nonetheless, an indispensable data exchange format for proteomics.  相似文献   

Allen MJ 《Fly》2007,1(6):307-310
Diapause is a dormant state that insects may undergo as a response to changing environmental conditions. In flies, like many insects inhabiting temperate zones, diapause occurs generally during the winter months when ambient temperatures are cool and food sources scarce. Whilst the environmental factors involved in determining diapause have been known for a long time, the genes and molecular events controling its initiation are poorly understood. Here I outline the factors that initiate diapause and highlight recent studies that implicate insulin signaling in its control.  相似文献   

Fungal plant symbionts can be highly specialized on a limited range of host genotypes and species. Understanding the genetic basis of this specialization, the mechanisms governing its establishment and the relationship between specialization and speciation is a major challenge for evolutionary biologists (Timms & Read, 1999 ). A deeper knowledge of evolutionary plant–microbe interactions could be exploited to improve agricultural management, by bringing fungal biodiversity and fungal biomass under greater and more durable human control. Previous studies on pathogens have shown that effectors, that is, small secreted proteins that modulate plant physiology to favour host colonization, play a key role in infection of novel hosts (e.g., Inoue et al., 2017 ) or in host specialization (e.g., Liao et al. ( 2016 )). Like pathogens, endophytes also manipulate the physiology of their hosts and colonize novel hosts to which they specialize (Hardoim et al., 2015 ). These biological characteristics of endophytes raise the question of similarities in the protein arsenal contributing to the specialization of pathogens and endophytes. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Schirrmann et al. ( 2018 ) used a combination of divergence genome scans and tests for positive selection to investigate the genetic basis of specialization of two subspecies of the symbiont Epichloë typhina occurring on two different grass hosts. Their analyses suggest a key role of effectors as determinants of host specialization. This study paves the way towards the comparative analysis of the genomics of speciation among plant symbionts.  相似文献   

Organic probe molecules have recently been used to define hydrophobic binding sites on the surface of proteins. It appears that the presence of water on the surface of a protein plays a crucial role in the interaction between that protein and its binding site.  相似文献   

Collagen triple helices, coiled coils and other oligomerization domains mediate the subunit assembly of a large number of proteins. Oligomerization leads to functional advantages of multivalency and high binding strength, increased structure stabilization and combined functions of different domains. These features seen in naturally occurring proteins can be engineered by protein design by combining oligomerization domains with functional domains.  相似文献   

Mutualisms often form networks of interacting species, characterized by the existence of a central core of species that potentially drive the ecology and the evolution of the whole community. Centrality measures allow quantification of how central or peripheral a species is within a network, thus informing about the role of each species in network organization, dynamics, and stability. In the present study we addressed the question whether the structural position of species in the network (i.e. their topological importance) relates to their ecological traits. We studied interactions between cleaner and client reef fishes to identify central and peripheral species within a mutualistic network, and investigated five ecological correlates. We used three measures to estimate the level of centrality of a species for distinct structural patterns, such as the number of interactions and the structural proximity to other species. Through the use of a principal component analysis (PCA) we observed that the centrality measures were highly correlated (92.5%) in the studied network, which indicates that the same species plays a similar role for the different structural patterns. Three cleaner and ten client species had positive values of centrality, which suggests that these species are modulating ecological and evolutionary dynamics within the network. Higher centralities were related to higher abundances and feeding habits for client fishes, but not for cleaners. The high correlation between centrality measures in the present study is likely related to the nested structure of the cleaning network. The cleaner species’ set, by having central species that are not necessarily the most abundant ones, bears potentially more vulnerable points for network cohesiveness. Additionally, the present study generalizes previous findings for plant–animal mutualisms, as it shows that the structure of marine mutualisms is also related to a complex interplay between abundance and niche‐related features.  相似文献   

Egg quality in fish: what makes a good egg?   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Factors affecting egg quality are determined by the intrinsic properties of the egg itself and the environment in which the egg is fertilized and subsequently incubated. Egg quality in fish is very variable. Some of the factors affecting egg quality in fish are known, but many (probably most) are unknown. Components that do affect egg quality include the endocrine status of the female during the growth of the oocyte in the ovary, the diet of the broodfish, the complement of nutrients deposited into the oocyte, and the physiochemical conditions of the water in which the eggs are subsequently incubated. In captive broodfish, the husbandry practices to which fish are subjected are probably a major contributory factor affecting egg quality. Our knowledge of the genetic influences on egg quality is very limited indeed. We know that parental genes strongly influence both fecundity and egg quality, but almost nothing is known about gene expression and/or mRNA translation in fish oocytes/embryos. This is surprising because the products synthesized in ovoand the mechanisms controlling their expression are likely to play a central role in determining egg quality. The genetic mechanisms underpinning oocyte and embryo growth and development are a priority for research  相似文献   

《Biological Control》2006,36(3):183-196
The topic of ecological, practical, and political considerations in the selection of weed targets for biological control has been widely discussed during the past two decades, mostly from the perspective of insect herbivores. For conceptual and practical purposes, plant pathogens have been treated in these discussions as if they are a subset of inoculative biocontrol agents, with little said about the inherent differences between pathogens and insects as biocontrol agents or the selection of weed targets for control by the inundative, bioherbicide strategy. Herein, I attempt to address the question of what makes a good biological control target for plant pathogens used as inoculative as well as inundative agents, basing my analysis on examples from the past three decades. Despite the small number of examples available for this analysis, the following generalizations can be made: (1) Weeds with robust capacity for vegetative regeneration are more difficult to control with pathogens than those that lack this trait. (2) A plant’s growth habit is not a reliable guide for target selection; weeds that have been successfully controlled include annual and biennial herbs, perennial shrubs, perennial vines, and trees, while numerous failures have been reported irrespective of the target’s growth habit or reproductive mode. (3) It is more challenging to control species with genetic heterogeneity and capacity for introgression than genetically homogeneous and reproductively conserved species. (4) Matching the target host’s susceptibility with the candidate pathogen’s virulence is of utmost importance for biocontrol success since host–pathogen interactions at the species and subspecies levels are often governed by single-gene differences (e.g., varietal specificity). (5) Practical and political considerations are central to the selection of targets for control with pathogens. (6) Demand from influential stakeholders for control and/or for a nonchemical or economically sustainable control typically drives the initiative as well as the continuance of biocontrol projects to their completion. (7) In the case of inundative, bioherbicide agents, the continuity and ultimate implementation of a project will be dictated by the prospects of economic returns from developing and using a pathogen. (8) The stakeholders’ perceptions of the effectiveness of a biocontrol program can be unpredictable, leading to conflicting views of “success.” In the final analysis, a good weed target for control by a pathogen is one that has strong stakeholder backing and the list of available pathogens for the target suggests a possibility of acceptable control at a cost that is competitive with those of other control options. While this conclusion is also applicable to target selection for insect biocontrol agents, it is more relevant for pathogens because of limited funding and personnel available for development of pathogens and the added cost and technological complexity of implementing bioherbicides compared to classical biocontrols.  相似文献   

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