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L N Seravin 《Tsitologiia》1986,28(9):899-910
The general hypothesis of autogenous (non-symbiotic) origin of the eukaryotic cell summarises some hypotheses explaining possible ways of the origin of main components and organelles of such a cell (the primary unicellular protist). Six hypothesises are suggested. Arising of the eukaryotic surface membrane of protist (cell) as a result of modification of its lipidoacidic composition, when most of synblocks and ensembles of eukaryotic enzymes sink into the cytoplasm (due to membrane vesiculation). Establishment of eukaryotic cytoplasm on the basis of successive formation of two locomotory-supporting apparates: the primary one (microtrabecular system), and the second one (cytoskeleton). Arising of the nucleus from a polyheteronomous nucleoid of proeukaryotes. A combinatorical hypothesis of mitosis formation. Polyheteronucleoid hypothesis of the origin of the mitochondria and chloroplasts. Arising of the flagellum from the contractile tentacle-like organelle, whose axoneme is made of single microtubules. A close interrelation and interaction in the process of evolution is noted between surface membranes, the cytoplasm and the nucleus. In accord a principles of block-construction and heterochrony (see: Seravin, 1986r), the author explains the preservation of prokaryotic signs of organization in some components (and organelles) of eukaryotic cell (and protists).  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The field studying unusual mitochondria in microbial eukaryotes has come full circle. Some 10–15 years ago it had the evangelical task of informing the wider scientific community that not all eukaryotes had mitochondria. Advances in the field indicated that although some protists might not have mitochondria, the presence of genes of mitochondrial ancestry suggested their lineage once had. The subsequent discovery of mitochondrial compartments in all supposedly amitochondriate protists studied so far indicates that all eukaryotes do have mitochondria indeed. This assertion has fuelled novel eukaryotic origin theories and weakened others. But what do we know about these unusual mitochondria from anaerobic protists? Have they all converged onto similar roles? Iron–sulphur cluster assembly is often hailed as the unifying feature of these organelles. However, the iron–sulphur protein that is so important that a complete organelle is being maintained has not been identified. Is it to be expected that all unusual mitochondria perform the same physiological role? These organelles have been found in numerous protists occupying different ecological niches. Different selection pressures operate on different organisms so there is no reason to suspect that their mitochondria should all be the same.  相似文献   

L N Seravin 《Tsitologiia》1986,28(8):779-789
The eukaryotic plasmalemma, eukaryotic cytoplasm with its usual cytomembranes, and eukaryotic nucleus are obligatory components of the eukaryotic cell. All other structural elements (organelles) are only derivates of the aforesaid cell components and they may be absent sometimes. There are protozoans having simultaneously no flagelles, mitochondria and chloroplasts (all the representatives of phylum Microspora, amoeba Pelomyxa palustris, and others). The following five general principles play the main role in the morphofunctional organization of the cell. The principle of hierarchy of block organization of living systems. Complex morphofunctional blocks (organelles) specific for the eukaryotic cell are formed. The compartmentalization principle. The main cell organelles (nuclei, flagellae, mitochondria, chloroplasts, etc.) undergo a relative morphological isolation from each other and other cell organelles by means of the total or partial surrounding by membranes; this may ensure the originality of their evolution and function. The principle of poly- and oligomerization of morphofunctional blocks. It permits the cell to enlarge its sizes and to raise the level of integration. The principle of heterochrony, including three subprinciples: conservatism of useful signs; a strong acceleration of evolutionary development of the separate blocks; simplification of the structure, reduction or total disappearance of some blocks. It explains a preservation of prokaryotic signs in the eukaryotic cell or in its organelles. The principle of independent origin of similar morphofunctional blocks in the process of evolution of living systems. The parallelism of the signs in unrelated groups of cells (or protists) arises due to this principle.  相似文献   

Wallin (1927) first published the notion that the fusion of bacteria with host cells was the principal source of genetic novelty for speciation. He suggested that mitochondria are transitional elements in this process. While the significance that he attributed to symbiosis now seem excessive, he was one of the first authors to be aware of the evolutionary potential of symbiotic events and his view of mitochondria may not seem strange to many cell biologist today. The most significant evolutionary development which has been attributed to intracellular symbiosis is the origin of eukaryotic cellular organization. The current status of the 'serial endosymbiosis hypothesis' is briefly review. The case for the symbiotic origin of the chloroplast, based principally on 16 S RNA oligonucleotide cataloguing, is very strong. Mitochondrial origins are more obscure but also appear to be symbiotic due to recent 18 S cataloguing from wheat embryos. The probablility of the multiple origin of some eukaryotic organelles is also examined, the processes in question being the acquisition of distinct stocks of chloroplasts from disparate photosynthetic prokaryotes and the secondary donation of organelles from degenerate eukaryotic endosymbionts to their hosts, with specific reference to the dinoflagellates Peridinium balticum, Kryptoperidinium foliaceum and the ciliate Mesodinium rubrum. It is concluded that the evolutionary potential of intracellular symbiosis ('cytobiosis': a term introduced in this paper) is great, with the best established influence being on the origin of eukaryotic chloroplasts. Together with the potential effects of viral vectors, symbiosis serves as a supplementary speciation mechanism capable of producing directed evolutionary changes. It is likely that these processes will explain some of the apparent anomalies in evolutionary rates and direction which are not readily explicable by the conventional synthetic theory of evolution.  相似文献   

All extant eukaryotes are now considered to possess mitochondria in one form or another. Many parasites or anaerobic protists have highly reduced versions of mitochondria, which have generally lost their genome and the capacity to generate ATP through oxidative phosphorylation. These organelles have been called hydrogenosomes, when they make hydrogen, or remnant mitochondria or mitosomes when their functions were cryptic. More recently, organelles with features blurring the distinction between mitochondria, hydrogenosomes and mitosomes have been identified. These organelles have retained a mitochondrial genome and include the mitochondrial-like organelle of Blastocystis and the hydrogenosome of the anaerobic ciliate Nyctotherus. Studying eukaryotic diversity from the perspective of their mitochondrial variants has yielded important insights into eukaryote molecular cell biology and evolution. These investigations are contributing to understanding the essential functions of mitochondria, defined in the broadest sense, and the limits to which reductive evolution can proceed while maintaining a viable organelle.  相似文献   

The Organelle Genome Megasequencing Program (OGMP) investigates mitochondrial genome diversity and evolution by systematically determining the complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences of a phylogenetically broad selection of protists. The mtDNAs of lower fungi and choanoflagellates are being analyzed by the Fungal Mitochondrial Genome Project (FMGP), a sister project to the OGMP. Some of the most interesting protists include the jakobid flagellates Reclinomonas americana, Malawimonas jakobiformis, and Jakoba libera, which share ultrastructural similarities with amitochondriate retortamonads, and harbor mitochondrial genes not seen before in mtDNAs of other organisms. In R. americana and J. libera, gene clusters are found that resemble, to an unprecedented degree, the contiguous ribosomal protein operons str, S10, spc, and alpha of eubacteria. In addition, their mtDNAs code for an RNase P RNA that displays all the elements of a bacterial minimum consensus structure. This structure has been instrumental in detecting the rnpB gene in additional protists. Gene repertoire and gene order comparisons as well as multiple-gene phylogenies support the view of a single endosymbiotic origin of mitochondria, whose closest extant relatives are Rickettsia-type alpha-Proteobacteria.  相似文献   

The data on the structure and functions of the mitochondrial genomes of protists (Protozoa and unicellular red and green algae) are reviewed. It is emphasized that mitochondrial gene structure and composition, as well as organization of mitochondrial genomes in protists are more diverse than in multicellular eukaryotes. The gene content of mitochondrial genomes of protists are closer to those of plants than animals or fungi. In the protist mitochondrial DNA, both the universal (as in higher plants) and modified (as in animals and fungi) genetic codes are used. In the overwhelming majority of cases, protist mitochondrial genomes code for the major and minor rRNA components, some tRNAs, and about 30 proteins of the respiratory chain and ribosomes. Based on comparison of the mitochondrial genomes of various protists, the origin and evolution of mitochondria are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Odintsova MS  Iurina NP 《Genetika》2002,38(6):773-788
The data on the structure and functions of the mitochondrial genomes of protists (Protozoa and unicellular red and green algae) are reviewed. It is emphasized that mitochondrial gene structure and composition, as well as organization of mitochondrial genomes in protists are more diverse than in multicellular eukaryotes. The gene content of mitochondrial genomes of protists are closer to those of plants than animals or fungi. In the protist mitochondrial DNA, both the universal (as in higher plants) and modified (as in animals and fungi) genetic codes are used. In the overwhelming majority of cases, protist mitochondrial genomes code for the major and minor rRNA components, some tRNAs, and about 30 proteins of the respiratory chain and ribosomes. Based on comparison of the mitochondrial genomes of various protists, the origin and evolution of mitochondria are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Possible evolutionary significance of spirochaetes.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Large symbiotic spirochaetes of the family Pillotaceae (e.g. pillotinas) are found in dry wood and subterranean termites (Hollande & Garagozlou 1967). These morphologically distinctive spirochaetes comprise several genera. Some of them contain microtubules within their protoplasmic cylinders. They demonstrate a variety of relations with their termite and protist hosts. Some are free-living within the lumen of the intestine, some tend to be associated with filamentous and other bacteria, some are found regularly coursing between the numerous undulipodia ( = eukaryotic flagella, cilia, and other (9 + 2) organelles of motility) of hypermastigotes and polymastigotes. Still other smaller termite spirochaetes are regularly attached to protists via specialized attachment sites. Some even form motility symbiosis with their host protists. The analogy between the behaviour of host-associated spirochaetes and the possible steps in the origin of the undulipodia and mitotic system of eukaryotes is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and triosephosphate isomerase (TPI) are essential to glycolysis, the major route of carbohydrate breakdown in eukaryotes. In animals and other heterotrophic eukaryotes, both enzymes are localized in the cytosol; in photosynthetic eukaryotes, GAPDH and TPI exist as isoenzymes that function in the glycolytic pathway of the cytosol and in the Calvin cycle of chloroplasts. Here, we show that diatoms--photosynthetic protists that acquired their plastids through secondary symbiotic engulfment of a eukaryotic rhodophyte--possess an additional isoenzyme each of both GAPDH and TPI. Surprisingly, these new forms are expressed as an TPI-GAPDH fusion protein which is imported into mitochondria prior to its assembly into a tetrameric bifunctional enzyme complex. Homologs of this translational fusion are shown to be conserved and expressed also in nonphotosynthetic, heterokont-flagellated oomycetes. Phylogenetic analyses show that mitochondrial GAPDH and its N-terminal TPI fusion branch deeply within their respective eukaryotic protein phylogenies, suggesting that diatom mitochondria may have retained an ancestral state of glycolytic compartmentation that existed at the onset of mitochondrial symbiosis. These findings strongly support the view that nuclear genes for enzymes of glycolysis in eukaryotes were acquired from mitochondrial genomes and provide new insights into the evolutionary history (host-symbiont relationships) of diatoms and other heterokont-flagellated protists.  相似文献   

Comparative evidence on the lack of three important organelles (flagella, Golgi-complex, mitochondria) in cells and organisms at the cellular level of organization has been summarized for all the four eukaryotic kingdoms--Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia (Metazoa). It is established that in the course of evolution these organelles may undergo the total reduction. There is no cellular organelle to be regarded as universal, indispensable. There are only three main obligatory cell components--the plasmalemma, nucleus and cytoplasm (with applied cytoskeleton, cytomembranes and ribosomes). The reduction of flagella (cilia) is occurring in different taxa independent of the transition of protists from the flagellate type of locomotion to the amoeboid, gliding of metabolizing ones, and in the number of metazoan cells. The members of Protista and Fungi, which line in microaerobic or anaerobic conditions, nearly inevitably lose their mitochondria. The tendency to lose Golgi-complex is demonstrated in protists with parasitic mode of life, especially in combination with anaerobiosis. There is so far no satisfied morphological criterium that could say with certainty whether the lacking of flagella, Golgi complex or mitochondria in the low eukaryotes may be primary or secondary (as the result of reduction). Data on the composition, structure and RNA nucleotide sequences cannot be either the straight evidence. A comparative analysis of these data shows that the ribosomes of the primary eukaryotes were, presumably, of a prokaryotic type. Their eukaryotization was carried out for a long time during the evolution of the low eukaryotes (Protista and Fungi), probably, independently in different phylogenetic lines. It is unknown at what steps and in what main phylogenetic lines the three above mentioned organelles may have appeared. It is proposed to single out a special division of cytology--organellology (organoidology)--as an individual science whose main purpose may be investigation of the origination, evolution and disappearance of organelles.  相似文献   

Reductive evolution in mitochondria and obligate intracellular microbes has led to a significant reduction in their genome size and guanine plus cytosine content (GC). We show that genome shrinkage during reductive evolution in prokaryotes follows an exponential decay pattern and provide a method to predict the extent of this decay on an evolutionary timescale. We validated predictions by comparison with estimated extents of genome reduction known to have occurred in mitochondria and Buchnera aphidicola, through comparative genomics and by drawing on available fossil evidences. The model shows how the mitochondrial ancestor would have quickly shed most of its genome, shortly after its incorporation into the protoeukaryotic cell and prior to codivergence subsequent to the split of eukaryotic lineages. It also predicts that the primary rickettsial parasitic event would have occurred between 180 and 425 million years ago (MYA), an event of relatively recent evolutionary origin considering the fact that Rickettsia and mitochondria evolved from a common alphaproteobacterial ancestor. This suggests that the symbiotic events of Rickettsia and mitochondria originated at different time points. Moreover, our model results predict that the ancestor of Wigglesworthia glossinidia brevipalpis, dated around the time of origin of its symbiotic association with the tsetse fly (50-100 MYA), was likely to have been an endosymbiont itself, thus supporting an earlier proposition that Wigglesworthia, which is currently a maternally inherited primary endosymbiont, evolved from a secondary endosymbiont.  相似文献   

To probe the earliest evolutionary events attending the origin of the five known genome types (archaebacterial, eubacterial, nuclear, mitochondrial and plastid), we have analyzed sequences corresponding to a ubiquitous, highly conserved core of secondary structure in small subunit rRNA. Our results support (i) the existence of three primary lineages (archaebacterial, eubacterial, and nuclear), (ii) a specific eubacterial ancestry for plastids and mitochondria (plant, animal, fungal), and (iii) an endosymbiotic, evolutionary origin of the two types of organelle from within distinct groups of eubacteria (blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) in the case of plastids, nonphotosynthetic aerobic bacteria in the case of mitochondria). In addition, our analysis suggests (iv) a biphyletic origin of mitochondria, with animal and fungal mitochondria branching together but separately from plant mitochondria, and (v) a monophyletic origin of plastids. The method described here provides a powerful and generally applicable molecular taxonomic approach towards a global phylogeny encompassing all organisms and organelles.  相似文献   

A number of microaerophilic eukaryotes lack mitochondria but possess another organelle involved in energy metabolism, the hydrogenosome. Limited phylogenetic analyses of nuclear genes support a common origin for these two organelles. We have identified a protein of the mitochondrial carrier family in the hydrogenosome of Trichomonas vaginalis and have shown that this protein, Hmp31, is phylogenetically related to the mitochondrial ADP-ATP carrier (AAC). We demonstrate that the hydrogenosomal AAC can be targeted to the inner membrane of mitochondria isolated from Saccharomyces cerevisiae through the Tim9-Tim10 import pathway used for the assembly of mitochondrial carrier proteins. Conversely, yeast mitochondrial AAC can be targeted into the membranes of hydrogenosomes. The hydrogenosomal AAC contains a cleavable, N-terminal presequence; however, this sequence is not necessary for targeting the protein to the organelle. These data indicate that the membrane-targeting signal(s) for hydrogenosomal AAC is internal, similar to that found for mitochondrial carrier proteins. Our findings indicate that the membrane carriers and membrane protein-targeting machinery of hydrogenosomes and mitochondria have a common evolutionary origin. Together, they provide strong evidence that a single endosymbiont evolved into a progenitor organelle in early eukaryotic cells that ultimately give rise to these two distinct organelles and support the hydrogen hypothesis for the origin of the eukaryotic cell.  相似文献   

L N Seravin 《Tsitologiia》1986,28(6):563-575
The exogenous (symbiotic) conception of the eukaryotic origin is now widely spread. It is based on the recognition of the principle of combination (addition or enclosing) of diverse prokaryotic organisms; so the complicated unicellular eukaryotic organism (eukaryotic cell) was resulted. the principle of combination takes its historical scientific sources from the ideas of Buffon. With reference to the cell this principle was claimed for the first time. In our time the exogenous conception is characterized as a "symbiotic boom", because it is widely used in attempts to explain the origin of all the main organelles of the cell (right up to the micro-bodies). The autogenetic (endogenous) conception is based on the principle of straight phyliation, on the recognition of a successive evolutionary transformation of prokaryotic forms into eukaryotic ones. In this way all the cell organelles may have an endogenous origin. This principle springing from Lamarck has got a contemporary meaning in the doctrine of Darwin. In the next papers the author will present his own analysis and generation of the present day relevant facts to find out which of these two conceptions based on quite different scientific methodological principles may be correct.  相似文献   

Mitochondria as we don't know them   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Biochemistry textbooks depict mitochondria as oxygen-dependent organelles, but many mitochondria can produce ATP without using any oxygen. In fact, several other types of mitochondria exist and they occur in highly diverse groups of eukaryotes - protists as well as metazoans - and possess an often overlooked diversity of pathways to deal with the electrons resulting from carbohydrate oxidation. These anaerobically functioning mitochondria produce ATP with the help of proton-pumping electron transport, but they do not need oxygen to do so. Recent advances in understanding of mitochondrial biochemistry provide many surprises and furthermore, give insights into the evolutionary history of ATP-producing organelles.  相似文献   

The morphological adaptations of protozoans to sessile mode life and evolutionary changes in ontogeny are considered. There are main morphotypes of sessile protists: stalked organisms that attached to substrate by the extended base of body (basal disk), and unstalked organisms that are flatted on substrate. The origin of the morphotypes was independent in different taxa and involved nonhomologous structures. Adaptation to the sessile mode of life in the protists was connected with the progressive increase in the body size and intensity of organelle functions by polymerisation, subsequent division of function and change of functions. Evolution of adhesive organelles is characterised by growing intensity of their functions by allometric growth (usually without polymerisation), and in some cases with the subsequent division of functions and change of functions. The evolution manifests itself primarily in the organelles that provide interaction of cell with environment. The organelles that ensuring functioning of cell change due to correlations with the organelles of the first group. These two groups of organelles are similar to A.N. Sewertsoff's ecto- and endosomatic organs in multicellular organisms. The ontogeny of the sessile protists included three stages: formation of the migratory stage, distribution and choice of substrate and metamorphosis of the migratory stage after adhesion. As a rule there are no recapitulations on the first stage. The majority of structures tomotes or zoospores are inherited from the parent cell. Thus the present of some ancestral characteristics at the earlier stages of protistean ontogeny is display of the Baer's law. The main features of ontogeny evolution in sessile protists are the anaboly of the additional stages of life cycle, the displays of archallaxis or deviation during the migratory stage formation, and anaboly at the stage of buds morphogenesis after adhesion. At the last stage, the study of recapitulations is most perspective with the decision of phylogenetic problems in sessile protists.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1994,126(6):1375-1391
In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, mitochondria are elongated organelles which form a reticulum around the cell periphery. To determine the mechanism by which mitochondrial shape is established and maintained, we screened yeast mutants for those defective in mitochondrial morphology. One of these mutants, mmm1, is temperature- sensitive for the external shape of its mitochondria. At the restrictive temperature, elongated mitochondria appear to quickly collapse into large, spherical organelles. Upon return to the permissive temperature, wild-type mitochondrial structure is restored. The morphology of other cellular organelles is not affected in mmm1 mutants, and mmm1 does not disrupt normal actin or tubulin organization. Cells disrupted in the MMM1 gene are inviable when grown on nonfermentable carbon sources and show abnormal mitochondrial morphology at all temperatures. The lethality of mmm1 mutants appears to result from the inability to segregate the aberrant-shaped mitochondria into daughter cells. Mitochondrial structure is therefore important for normal cell function. Mmm1p is located in the mitochondrial outer membrane, with a large carboxyl-terminal domain facing the cytosol. We propose that Mmm1p maintains mitochondria in an elongated shape by attaching the mitochondrion to an external framework, such as the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) that are produced by mitochondria are released toward the mitochondrial matrix or the intermembrane space. Each ROS pool is likely involved in different cellular mechanisms and damage. Unfortunately, it is difficult to distinguish the provenance and effects of ROS. Here we introduce a method to semiquantitate the steady-state levels of superoxide produced in the matrix of mitochondria. Superoxide produced during cellular respiration is capable of oxidizing hydroethidine, a probe that is membrane permeant. The poor membrane permeability of the hydroethidine oxidation products causes accumulation of these fluorescent products within the mitochondria. After isolation of mitochondria, a method based on the capillary electrophoretic separation of individual organelles and their detection by laser-induced fluorescence detection is used to determine their fluorescent contents. Use of this method for the analysis of organelle fractions obtained from cells treated with antimycin A or rotenone confirms that the detected fluorescence is associated with superoxide produced by mitochondria. Furthermore, using this method the superoxide levels in the mitochondrial matrix of a cytoplasmic hybrid (cybrid) cell line (DeltaH2-1) and one of its parent cell lines (143B) were compared.  相似文献   

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