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Micromonospora echinospora differentiates in both submerged and surface cultures producing abundant dark spores after a period of vegetative mycelial growth. In submerged batch cultures, under either carbon or nitrogen limiting conditions, protease activity was found to coincide with sporulation indicating a relationship between proteolytic activity and differentiation in this organism. Further evidence for this link was provided from surface grown cultures wherein sporulation was inhibited by the serine protease inhibitors TLCK and TPCK. The association between proteolysis and differentiation apparent in this organism correlates with evidence of a similar phenomenon observed in the streptomycetes, suggesting that this may be a common response associated with differentiation in filamentous actinomycetes.  相似文献   

棘孢小单胞菌(Micromonospora echinospora) ATCC 15837是一种高GC含量的革兰氏阳性稀有放线菌,能够合成烯二炔类抗肿瘤抗生素卡奇霉素(calicheamicin, CLM)。目前,还没有相关研究报道棘孢小单胞菌ATCC 15837的全基因组序列,这限制了其代谢产物合成途径和比较基因组学等研究。本研究首次通过高通量测序技术对棘孢小单胞菌ATCC 15837进行全基因组测序,使用相关生物信息学软件对数据进行组装和注释等分析。使用Velvet软件进行组装拼接得到77个Contigs,GC含量为72.36%,基因组大小约为7.69 Mb。序列已提交至美国国立生物技术信息中心(NCBI)的GenBank数据库(登录号为NGNT00000000)。本研究首次报道了一株烯二炔类抗肿瘤抗生素卡奇霉素产生菌棘孢小单胞菌ATCC 15837的全基因组序列,分析了基因组基本特征,预测了该菌株的次级代谢产物生物合成基因簇,为后续的进一步代谢调控与合成生物学提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

AIMS: This study set out to investigate the effect of amino acids on the uptake of glucose by Micromonospora eichinospora (ATCC 15837). METHODS AND RESULTS: The specific rate of glucose uptake was found to be reduced when organic nitrogen components were present in the medium. Radioactive uptake studies revealed that the Km for glucose in this organism was 53 mm, indicating a low affinity for uptake compared with other actinomycete sugar transport systems. Individual amino acids negatively influenced the rate of glucose transport, suggesting a relationship between amino acid metabolism and glucose uptake in this organism. The sugar transport system was found to be an active process being inhibited by ionophores and KCN. CONCLUSIONS: The data suggest a direct link between amino acid metabolism and glucose uptake at the level of sugar transport. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study shows that the uptake of glucose, a major carbon source for many antibiotic fermentations, is significantly reduced in the presence of amino acids. This fact should inform the medium design and feeding regimes of fermentations involving similar actinomycetes.  相似文献   

The physiology of the actinomycete Micromonospora echinospora was examined during growth. Biphasic accumulation of glycogen occurred, initially during the early exponential growth phase, and again following the onset of sporulation at 120 h. Lipid levels increased during growth eventually representing 25% of the cell mass. A significant proportion of the lipid was found to be in the form of triacylglycerols, which were found to accumulate markedly during the sporulation phase. The disaccharide trehalose was also found to accumulate during growth with levels rising to 5% of the dry weight during the mycelial production phase, then remaining constant during sporulation. Antibiotic was produced transiently by the cultures over the period preceding sporulation.  相似文献   

The organization of the 2-deoxystreptamine (DOS) biosynthetic gene cluster of Micromonospora echinospora has been determined. Sequencing of a 14.04 kb-region revealed twelve open reading frames (ORFs): four putative DOS biosynthetic genes (gtmA, B, C, and D), five amino sugars biosynthetic genes (gtmE, G, H, I, and gacB), two aminoglycoside resistance genes (gtmF and J) as well as a hypothetical ORF (gacA). One of the putative DOS biosynthetic genes, gtmA, was expressed in Escherichia coli, and the purified protein was shown to convert glucose-6-phosphate (G-6-P) to 2-deoxy-scyllo-inosose (DOI), a key step in DOS biosynthesis. In addition gtmJ was expressed in Streptomyces lividans and shown to confer gentamicin resistance. Thus gtmA and gtmJ are implicated in the biosynthesis of gentamicin and in resistance to it, respectively.  相似文献   

Cellulomonas flavigena strain KU (ATCC 53703) is a cellulolytic, Gram-positive bacterium which produces large quantities of an insoluble exopolysaccharide (EPS) when grown in minimal media with a high carbon-to-nitrogen (C/N) ratio. Earlier studies proved the EPS is structurally identical to the linear β-1,3-glucan known as curdlan and provided evidence that the EPS functions as a carbon and energy reserve compound. We now report that C. flavigena KU also accumulates two intracellular, glucose-storage carbohydrates under conditions of carbon and energy excess. These carbohydrates were partially purified and identified as the disaccharide trehalose and a glycogen/amylopectin-type polysaccharide. A novel method is described for the sequential fractionation and quantitative determination of all three carbohydrates from culture samples. This fractionation protocol was used to examine the effects of C/N ratio and osmolarity on the accumulation of cellular carbohydrates in batch culture. Increasing the C/N of the growth medium caused a significant accumulation of curdlan and glycogen but had a relatively minor effect on accumulation of trehalose. In contrast, trehalose levels increased in response to increasing osmolarity, while curdlan levels declined and glycogen levels were generally unaffected. During starvation for an exogenous source of carbon and energy, only curdlan and glycogen showed substantial degradation within the first 24 h. These results support the conclusion that extracellular curdlan and intracellular glycogen can both serve as short-term reserve compounds for C. flavigena KU and that trehalose appears to accumulate as a compatible solute in response to osmotic stress.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2007,42(9):1352-1356
Gentamicin producing strain of Micromonospora echinospora was treated with chemical mutagens like EtBr and MNNG and physical mutagens such as UV was carried out to obtain a mutant with enhanced production of gentamicin. After inducing mutations screening for penicillin and kanamicin resistant mutants was done. M. echinospora EtBr-22 strain was obtained by mutations and its gentamicin production in shake flask reaches 1354 mg l−1 which is 1.53-fold higher than that of the parent strain. Application of different stress conditions like heat shock, feeding high ethanol and high NaCl concentrations during fermentation has found to be effective for the increased production of gentamicin. Production of gentamicin was increased to 1.26-fold in medium supplemented with 0.6% NaCl to 48-h-old culture.  相似文献   

The effects of heat treatment on spores of the actinomycete Micromonospora echinospora were investigated. The percentage of culturable spores in untreated spore stocks was found to be approximately 20%. A 60 degrees C treatment of spores in phosphate buffer for 10 min led to an approximately five-fold increase in the number of culturable units. This indicated that a large proportion of the spores were constitutively dormant. Within 10 min and in the absence of an external energy-yielding substrate, the heat treatment was found to stimulate spore respiration suggesting that endogenous storage compounds were being utilized. Heating spores at 70 degrees C shortened the time period required for activation; holding times greater than 10 min, however, resulted in a reduction of culturable cells. Classic thermal death characteristics were seen at temperatures of 80 degrees C and above with D-values of 21.43, 2.67, 0.45 and 0.09 min being recorded at 70, 80, 90 and 100 degrees C, respectively. Spores of this organism, while being weakly heat resistant in comparison with bacterial endospores, are significantly more resistant than vegetative cells.  相似文献   

When a buffered anaerobic cell suspension of Methanococcoides methylutens was maintained under methanol-limited conditions, intracellular glycogen and hexose phosphates were consumed rapidly and a very small amount of methane formed at 4 h of a starvation period. When methanol was supplemented after a total of 20 h of starvation, a reverse pattern was observed: the glycogen level and the hexose phosphate pool increased, and formation of methane took place after a lag period of 90 min. A considerable amount of methane was formed in 120 min after its detection with a rate of 0.18 micromol mg(-1) protein min(-1). When methane formation decreased after 270 min of incubation and finally came to a halt, probably due to complete assimilation of supplemented methanol, the levels of glycogen and hexose monophosphates decreased once again. However fructose 1,6-diphosphate levels showed a continuous increase even after exhaustion of methane formation. In contrast to the hexose phosphate pool, levels of other metabolites showed a small increase after addition of methanol. The enzyme profile of glycogen metabolism showed relatively high levels of triose phosphate isomerase. Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase reacted with NADPH with a three-fold higher activity as compared to that with NADH.  相似文献   

The deoxysugar biosynthetic gene cluster of calicheamicin contains the calS7, which encodes glucose-1-phosphate nucleotidyltransferase and converts glucose-1-phosphate and nucleotides (NTP) to NDP-glucose and pyrophosphate. calS7 was expressed in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3), and the purified protein had significant thymidylyltransferase and uridylyltransferase activities as well, with some guanidylyltransferase activity but negligible cytidyl and adenyltransferase activity. The functions of thymidylyltransferase and uridylyltransferase were also verified using one-pot enzymatic synthesis of TMK and ACK. The products were analyzed by HPLC and ESI/MS, which showed peaks at m/z = 563 and 565 for TDP-d-glucose and UDP-d-glucose, respectively, in negative mode.  相似文献   

Trehalose is a major storage carbohydrate in budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Alterations in trehalose synthesis affect carbon source-dependent growth, accumulation of glycogen and sporulation. Trehalose is synthesized by trehalose phosphate synthase (TPS), which is a complex of at least four proteins. In this work, we show that the Tps1p subunit protein catalyses trehalose phosphate synthesis in the absence of other TPS components. The tps1-H223Y allele (glc6-1) that causes a semidominant decrease in glycogen accumulation exhibits greater enzyme activity than wild-type TPS1 because, unlike the wild-type enzyme, TPS activity in tps1-H223Y cells is not inhibited by phosphate. Poor sporulation in tps1 null diploids is caused by reduced expression of meiotic inducers encoded by IME1, IME2 and MCK1. Furthermore, high-copy MCK1 or heterozygous hxk2 mutations can suppress the tps1 sporulation trait. These results suggest that the trehalose-6-phosphate inhibition of hexokinase activity is required for full induction of MCK1 in sporulating yeast cells.  相似文献   

Turkel S 《Mikrobiologiia》2006,75(6):737-741
Trehalose and glycogen accumulate in certain yeast species when they are exposed to unfavorable growth conditions. Accumulations of these reserve carbohydrates in yeasts provide resistance to stress conditions. The results of this study indicate that certain Pichia species do not accumulate high levels of glycogen and trehalose under normal growth conditions. However, depending on the Pichia species, both saccharides accumulate at high levels when the Pichia cells are exposed to unfavorable or stress-inducing growth conditions. Growth on glycerol or methanol mostly led to trehalose accumulation in Pichia species tested in this study. It was shown that the metabolic pathways for glycogen and trehalose biosynthesis are present in Pichia species. However, it appears that the biosynthesis of trehalose and glycogen may be regulated in different manners in Pichia species than in the yeast S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

S. Türkel 《Microbiology》2006,75(6):639-643
Trehalose and glycogen accumulate in certain yeast species when they are exposed to unfavorable growth conditions. Accumulations of these reserve carbohydrates in yeasts provide resistance to stress conditions. The results of this study indicate that certain Pichia species do not accumulate high levels of glycogen and trehalose under normal growth conditions. However, depending on the Pichia species, both saccharides accumulate at high levels when the Pichia cells are exposed to unfavorable or stress-inducing growth conditions. Growth in glycerol or methanol medium mostly led to trehalose accumulation in Pichia species tested in this study. It was shown that the metabolic pathways for glycogen and trehalose biosynthesis are present in Pichia species. However, it appears that the biosynthesis of trehalose and glycogen may be regulated in different manners in Pichia species than in the yeast S. cerevisiae. Published in Russian in Mikrobiologiya, 2006, Vol. 75, No. 6, pp. 737–741. The text was submitted by the author in English.  相似文献   

Our lab and most others have not been able to close a carbon balance for fermentation by the thermophilic, cellulolytic anaerobe, Clostridium thermocellum. We undertook a detailed accounting of product formation in C. thermocellum ATCC 27405. Elemental analysis revealed that for both cellulose (Avicel) and cellobiose, >92% of the substrate carbon utilized could be accounted for in the pellet, supernatant and off-gas when including sampling. However, 11.1% of the original substrate carbon was found in the liquid phase and not in the form of commonly-measured fermentation products - ethanol, acetate, lactate, and formate. Further detailed analysis revealed all the products to be <720 da and have not usually been associated with C. thermocellum fermentation, including malate, pyruvate, uracil, soluble glucans, and extracellular free amino acids. By accounting for these products, 92.9% and 93.2% of the final product carbon was identified during growth on cellobiose and Avicel, respectively.  相似文献   

The view of the role of trehalose in yeast has changed in the last few years. For a long time considered a reserve carbohydrate, it gained new importance when its function in the acquisition of thermotolerance was demonstrated. More recently the cellular processes in which the trehalose biosynthetic pathway has been implicated range from the control of glycolysis to sporulation and infectivity by certain fungal pathogens. There is now enough experimental evidence to conclude that trehalose 6-phosphate, an intermediate of trehalose biosynthesis, is an important metabolic regulator in such different organisms as yeasts or plants. Its inhibition of hexokinase plays a key role in the control of the glycolytic flux in Saccharomyces cerevisiae but other, likely important, sites of action are still unknown. We present examples of the phenotypes produced by mutations in the two steps of the trehalose biosynthetic pathway in different yeasts and fungi, and whenever possible examine the molecular explanations advanced to interpret them.  相似文献   

Glycogen phosphorylase in the vegetative mycelium ofFlammulina velutipes converts glycogen to α-glucose 1-phosphate (G1P) in the colony during fruit-body development. Glycogen may contribute to the synthesis of trehalose as the starting material in the vegetative mycelium during the fruiting process of the colony, and the trehalose produced is translocated into the fruit-bodies as the main carbohydrate substrate for their development. Trehalose phosphorylase activity in the vegetative mycelium was at a relatively high level until fruit-body initiation, suggesting the turnover of this disaccharide during the vegetative stage of the colony development. Trehalose phosphorylase activity in the stipes showed a peak level at the early phase of fruit-body development, suggesting the continuing phosphorolysis of trehalose by this enzyme. The stipes also showed a high specific activity of phosphoglucomutase at a sufficient level to facilitate the conversion of G1P to α-glucose 6-phosphate (G6P). In the pilei a large amount of G1P remained until the growth of the fruit-bodies ceased. Trehalase activities in the stipes and pilei were at a very low level, and this enzyme may not contribute to the catabolism of trehalose in the fruit-body development.  相似文献   

The role of the storage carbohydrates trehalose and glycogen in the survival of aging Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells was studied. Culture aging for one week did not reduce cell viability. During this period, the cells accumulated the storage carbohydrates and raised the activity of the glycolytic enzymes hexokinase and phosphofructokinase. However, further aging led to a drastic drop in cell viability and to a decrease in the cellular content of trehalose and glycogen and in the activity of hexokinase and phosphofructokinase. The possible reasons for these changes are discussed.  相似文献   

The ectosymbiont actinobacterium Pseudonocardia was isolated from the integument of Acromyrmex leaf-cutter ants and seems to play a crucial role in maintaining asepsis of the nest. Currently, there has been an intensive search for Pseudonocardia associated with several attine species, but few studies have indicated that other actinobacteria may be associated with these ants as well. We therefore characterized the culturable actinobacteria community associated with the integument of the fungus-growing ant Acromyrmex subterraneus brunneus Forel, 1893 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Ectosymbionts were isolated using four different media and characterized by morphological and molecular (16S rDNA) methods. A total of 20 strains were isolated, of which 17 were characterized as Streptomyces spp., and one isolate each as Pseudonocardia, Kitassatospora and Propionicimonas. Unlike other Acromyrmex species, A. subterraneus brunneus is associated with a diversity of actinobacteria. Even though Pseudonocardia is present on this leaf-cutting ant’s integument, the number and diversity of Streptomyces spp. found differs from those of previous studies with other attine ants and suggest that different culturing approaches are needed to characterize the true diversity of microbes colonizing the integument of attine ants. Moreover, understanding the diversity of the culturable actinobacteria associated with A. subterraneus brunneus should increase our knowledge of the evolutionary relationship of this intricate symbiotic association.  相似文献   

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