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厌氧氨氧化生物脱氮技术的研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
厌氧氨氧化是指在厌氧条件下,厌氧氨氧化混合菌直接以NH4 为电子供体,以NO3-或NO2-为电子受体,将NH4^ 、NO3-或NO2-转变成N2的过程。厌氧氨氧化作为一种新型的污水处理工艺具有较高的理论意义和良好的应用前景。本文主要阐述了厌氧氨氧化生物脱氮技术原理、厌氧氨氧化的可能途径、方法及其应用现状,并且讨论了厌氧氨氧化反应的微生物学机理和厌氧氨氧化工艺的开发,提出了今后研究的主要方向。  相似文献   

Nitrite-dependent anaerobic oxidation of methane (n-damo) and ammonium (anammox) are two recently discovered processes in the nitrogen cycle that are catalyzed by n-damo bacteria, including "Candidatus Methylomirabilis oxyfera," and anammox bacteria, respectively. The feasibility of coculturing anammox and n-damo bacteria is important for implementation in wastewater treatment systems that contain substantial amounts of both methane and ammonium. Here we tested this possible coexistence experimentally. To obtain such a coculture, ammonium was fed to a stable enrichment culture of n-damo bacteria that still contained some residual anammox bacteria. The ammonium supplied to the reactor was consumed rapidly and could be gradually increased from 1 to 20 mM/day. The enriched coculture was monitored by fluorescence in situ hybridization and 16S rRNA and pmoA gene clone libraries and activity measurements. After 161 days, a coculture with about equal amounts of n-damo and anammox bacteria was established that converted nitrite at a rate of 0.1 kg-N/m(3)/day (17.2 mmol day(-1)). This indicated that the application of such a coculture for nitrogen removal may be feasible in the near future.  相似文献   

厌氧氨氧化工艺是一项高效、低耗的生物脱氮工艺,但受限于底物类型、硝氮积累等问题,其在主流应用中仍然面临一些挑战。近些年来,针对上述问题,厌氧氨氧化组合工艺得到了广泛关注。通过对近年来所开发的厌氧氨氧化组合工艺,从工艺原理、优缺点、影响因素、工艺拓展性及其在推广应用中存在的关键瓶颈等角度进行探讨,并结合课题组相关工作,展望了厌氧氨氧化组合工艺在城市生活污水处理中的发展前景。  相似文献   

Anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) and nitrite-dependent anaerobic methane oxidation (n-damo) play important roles in nitrogen and carbon cycling in fresh waters but we do not know how these two processes compete for their common electron acceptor, nitrite. Here, we investigated the spatial distribution of anammox and n-damo across a range of permeable riverbed sediments. Anammox activity and gene abundance were detected in both gravel and sandy riverbeds and showed a simple, common vertical distribution pattern, while the patterns in n-damo were more complex and n-damo activity was confined to the more reduced, sandy riverbeds. Anammox was most active in surficial sediment (0–2 cm), coincident with a peak in hzsA gene abundance and nitrite. In contrast, n-damo activity peaked deeper down (4–8 cm) in the sandy riverbeds, coincident with a peak in n-damo 16S rRNA gene abundance and higher methane concentration. Pore water nitrite, methane and oxygen were key factors influencing the distribution of these two processes in permeable riverbeds. Furthermore, both anammox- and n-damo- activity were positively correlated with denitrification activity, suggesting a role for denitrification in supplying both processes with nitrite. Our data reveal spatial separation between anammox and n-damo in permeable riverbed sediments that potentially avoids them competing for nitrite.  相似文献   

Anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) and anaerobic methane oxidation (ANME coupled to denitrification) with nitrite as electron acceptor are two of the most recent discoveries in the microbial nitrogen cycle. Currently the anammox process has been relatively well investigated in a number of natural and man-made ecosystems, while ANME coupled to denitrification has only been observed in a limited number of freshwater ecosystems. The ubiquitous presence of anammox bacteria in marine ecosystems has changed our knowledge of the global nitrogen cycle. Up to 50% of N2 production in marine sediments and oxygen-depleted zones may be attributed to anammox bacteria. However, there are only few indications of anammox in natural and constructed freshwater wetlands. In this paper, the potential role of anammox and denitrifying methanotrophic bacteria in natural and artificial wetlands is discussed in relation to global warming. The focus of the review is to explore and analyze if suitable environmental conditions exist for anammox and denitrifying methanotrophic bacteria in nitrogen-rich freshwater wetlands.  相似文献   

Due to serious eutrophication in water bodies, nitrogen removal has become a critical stage for wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) over past decades. Conventional biological nitrogen removal processes are based on nitrification and denitrification (N/DN), and are suffering from several major drawbacks, including substantial aeration consumption, high fugitive greenhouse gas emissions, a requirement for external carbon sources, excessive sludge production and low energy recovery efficiency, and thus unable to satisfy the escalating public needs. Recently, the discovery of anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) bacteria has promoted an update of conventional N/DN-based processes to autotrophic nitrogen removal. However, the application of anammox to treat domestic wastewater has been hindered mainly by unsatisfactory effluent quality with nitrogen removal efficiency below 80%. The discovery of nitrate/nitrite-dependent anaerobic methane oxidation (n-DAMO) during the last decade has provided new opportunities to remove this barrier and to achieve a robust system with high-level nitrogen removal from municipal wastewater, by utilizing methane as an alternative carbon source. In the present review, opportunities and challenges for nitrate/nitrite-dependent anaerobic methane oxidation are discussed. Particularly, the prospective technologies driven by the cooperation of anammox and n-DAMO microorganisms are put forward based on previous experimental and modeling studies. Finally, a novel WWTP system acting as an energy exporter is delineated.  相似文献   

Nitrogen removal with the anaerobic ammonium oxidation process   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing (anammox) bacteria convert ammonium to N2 with nitrite as the terminal electron acceptor in the absence of O2. Nitritation–anammox bioreactors provide a cost-effective and environment-friendly alternative to conventional nitrification/denitrification nitrogen removal systems. Currently, this process is only applied for ammonium removal from wastewater with high ammonium load and temperature. Nevertheless, recent results obtained with laboratory-scale bioreactors suggest new possible routes of application of the Nitritation–anammox technology including (1) municipal wastewater treatment, removal of (2) methane in combination with nitrite-reducing methane-oxidizing bacteria, (3) nitrate coupled to organic acid oxidation and (4) nitrogen oxides. The current review summarizes the state-of-the-art of the application of Nitritation–anammox systems and discusses the possibilities of utilizing these recent results for wastewater treatment.  相似文献   


The co-culture system of denitrifying anaerobic methane oxidation (DAMO) and anaerobic ammonium oxidation (Anammox) has a potential application in wastewater treatment plant. This study explored the effects of permutation and combination of nitrate, nitrite, and ammonium on the culture enrichment from freshwater sediments. The co-existence of NO3 , NO2 , and NH4 + shortened the enrichment time from 75 to 30 days and achieved a total nitrogen removal rate of 106.5 mg/L/day on day 132. Even though ammonium addition led to Anammox bacteria increase and a higher nitrogen removal rate, DAMO bacteria still dominated in different reactors with the highest proportion of 64.7% and the maximum abundance was 3.07 ± 0.25 × 108 copies/L (increased by five orders of magnitude) in the nitrite reactor. DAMO bacteria showed greater diversity in the nitrate reactor, and one was similar to M. oxyfera; DAMO bacteria in the nitrite reactor were relatively unified and similar to M. sinica. Interestingly, no DAMO archaea were found in the nitrate reactor. This study will improve the understanding of the impact of nitrogen source on DAMO and Anammox co-culture enrichment.


An anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) process for ammonia-rich wastewater treatment has not been reported at temperatures below 15 degrees C. This study used a gel carrier with entrapped anammox bacteria to obtain a stable nitrogen removal performance at low temperatures. In a continuous feeding test, a high nitrogen conversion rate (6.2 kg N m(-3) day(-1)) was confirmed at 32 degrees C. Nitrogen removal activity decreased gradually with decreasing operation temperature; however, it still occurred at 6 degrees C. Nitrogen conversion rates at 22 and 6.3 degrees C were 2.8 and 0.36 kg N m(-3) day(-1), respectively. Moreover, the stability of anammox activity below 20 degrees C was confirmed for more than 130 days. In batch experiments, anammox gel carriers were characterized with respect to temperature. The optimum temperature for anammox bacteria was found to be 37 degrees C. Furthermore, it was clear that the temperature dependence changed at about 28 degrees C. The apparent activation energy in the temperature range from 22 to 28 degrees C was calculated as 93 kJ mol(-1), and that in the range from 28 to 37 degrees C was 33 kJ mol(-1). This value agrees with the result of a continuous feeding test (94 kJ mol(-1), between 6 and 22 degrees C). The nitrogen removal performance demonstrated at the low temperatures used in this study will open the door for the application of anammox processes to many types of industrial wastewater treatment.  相似文献   

Quantification of microbial contaminant biodegradation based on stable isotope fractionation analysis (SIFA) relies on known, invariable isotope fractionation factors. The microbially induced isotope fractionation is caused by the preferential cleavage of bonds containing light rather than heavy isotopes. However, a number of non-isotopically sensitive steps preceding the isotopically sensitive bond cleavage may affect the reaction kinetics of a degradation process and reduce the observed (i.e., the macroscopically detectable) isotope fractionation. This introduces uncertainty to the use of isotope fractionation for the quantification of microbial degradation processes. Here, we report on the influence of bacterial cell density on observed stable isotope fractionation. Batch biodegradation experiments were performed under non-growth conditions to quantify the toluene hydrogen isotope fractionation by exposing Pseudomonas putida mt-2(pWWO) at varying cell densities to different concentrations of toluene. Observed isotope fractionation depended significantly on the cell density. When the cell density rose from 5 × 105 to 5 × 108cells/mL, the observed isotope fractionation declined by 70% and went along with a 55% decrease of the degradation rates of individual cells. Theoretical estimates showed that uptake-driven diffusion to individual cells depended on cell density via the overlap of the cells’ diffusion-controlled boundary layers. Our data suggest that biomass effects on SIFA have to be considered even in well-mixed systems such as the cell suspensions used in this study.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic diversity of a microbial community involved in anaerobic oxidation of ammonium nitrogen in the DEAMOX process was studied. Analysis of clone libraries containing 16S rRNA gene inserts of Bacteria, (including Planctomycetes) and Archaea revealed the presence of nucleotide sequences of the microorganisms involved in the main reactions of the carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur cycles, including nitrifying, denitrifying, and ANAMMOX bacteria. In the bacterial clone library, 16S rRNA gene sequences of representatives of the phyla Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Chloroflexi, Firmicutes, Verrucomicrobia, Lentisphaerae, Spirochaetales, and Planctomycetes, as well as of some new groups, were detected. In the archaeal clone library, nucleotide sequences of methanogens belonging to the orders Methanomicrobiales, Methanobacteriales, and Methanosarcinales were found. It is possible that both ANAMMOX bacteria and bacteria of the genus Nitrosomonas are involved in anaerobic ammonium oxidation in the DEAMOX reactor. Many sequences were similar to those from the clone libraries obtained previously from the ANAMMOX community of marine sediments. It is also probable that the DEAMOX reactions occur in natural ecosystems (in marine and freshwater sediments and the oceanic water column), thereby providing for the coupling of the nitrogen and sulfur cycles.  相似文献   

In this study, the feasibility of biological urea nitrogen removal in anaerobic Anammox co-culture was investigated. After 100 days of operation, complete urea nitrogen removal of 0.35 g (NH(2))(2)CO-N L(-1) d(-1) was achieved. The pure Anammox bacteria were obtained by percoll density-gradient centrifugation and found to be of incapable to hydrolyze urea. The ureolytic bacteria were isolated from the Anammox co-culture by the spread plate and streak. Comparative analysis of partial 16S rDNA sequence presented it belongs to Bacillus sp., and so named as Bacillus sp. LST-1. Fluorescence in situ hybridization was applied to identify the ratio of Bacillus sp. and Anammox in the reactor and the value was approximately 1:4. Urea nitrogen removal was realized in this autotrophic, anoxic reactor via the combined process of urea hydrolysis by Bacillus sp. LST-1 and ammonium oxidizing by Anammox. The investigation of this combined process might have an actual significance in engineering application for its low operational cost.  相似文献   

New perspectives on anaerobic methane oxidation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Anaerobic methane oxidation is a globally important but poorly understood process. Four lines of evidence have recently improved our understanding of this process. First, studies of recent marine sediments indicate that a consortium of methanogens and sulphate-reducing bacteria are responsible for anaerobic methane oxidation; a mechanism of 'reverse methanogenesis' was proposed, based on the principle of interspecies hydrogen transfer. Second, studies of known methanogens under low hydrogen and high methane conditions were unable to induce methane oxidation, indicating that 'reverse methanogenesis' is not a widespread process in methanogens. Third, lipid biomarker studies detected isotopically depleted archaeal and bacterial biomarkers from marine methane vents, and indicate that Archaea are the primary consumers of methane. Finally, phylogenetic studies indicate that only specific groups of Archaea and SRB are involved in methane oxidation. This review integrates results from these recent studies to constrain the responsible mechanisms.  相似文献   

Key physiology of anaerobic ammonium oxidation.   总被引:87,自引:0,他引:87  
The physiology of anaerobic ammonium oxidizing (anammox) aggregates grown in a sequencing batch reactor was investigated quantitatively. The physiological pH and temperature ranges were 6.7 to 8.3 and 20 to 43 degrees C, respectively. The affinity constants for the substrates ammonium and nitrite were each less than 0.1 mg of nitrogen per liter. The anammox process was completely inhibited by nitrite concentrations higher than 0.1 g of nitrogen per liter. Addition of trace amounts of either of the anammox intermediates (1. 4 mg of nitrogen per liter of hydrazine or 0.7 mg of nitrogen per liter of hydroxylamine) restored activity completely.  相似文献   

厌氧氨氧化菌群体感应系统研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
丁爽  郑平  张萌  陆慧锋 《生态学报》2012,32(8):2581-2587
厌氧氨氧化(Anammox)是以铵为电子供体将亚硝酸盐转化为氮气的生物过程。厌氧氨氧化菌(AAOB)生理代谢和细胞结构均十分特殊,且在氮素循环中起着十分重要的作用。厌氧氨氧化已成为环境学、微生物学、海洋学等领域的研究热点。但是,至今人们未能对厌氧氨氧化菌进行纯培养,这严重限制了对厌氧氨氧化菌的深入研究。群体感应是一种普遍存在于微生物细胞之间的通讯机制,它具有根据菌群密度和周围环境变化调节基因表达,以控制细菌群体行为的功能。厌氧氨氧化菌活性的细胞密度效应和生物团聚行为与细菌中普遍存在的群体感应现象相符。探讨了厌氧氨氧化菌群体感应系统存在的可能性、工作机制及其生态学意义,以期为厌氧氨氧化菌的分离培养、团聚体培育等提供理论指导。  相似文献   

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Significance of anaerobic ammonium oxidation in the ocean   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

Effects of nitrite inhibition on anaerobic ammonium oxidation   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In order to assess the stability of nitrogen removal systems utilizing anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox), it is necessary to study the toxic effects of nitrite on these biochemical reactions. In this study, the effects of nitrite on anammox bacteria entrapped in gel carriers were investigated using batch and continuous feeding tests. The results showed that the nitrite concentration in a reactor must be less than 274-mg N/L in order to prevent a decrease in the anammox activity, which occurred when the gel carriers were soaked in nitrite solutions with concentrations greater than 274-mg N/L in a batch test. In a continuous feeding test, nitrite inhibition was not observed at low concentrations of nitrite. However, the anammox activity decreased to 10% when the nitrite concentration increased to 750-mg N/L over a 7-day period in the reactor. In addition, it was shown that the effects of nitrogen on the anammox reaction were reversible because the anammox activity completely recovered within 3 days when the influent nitrite concentration was decreased to less than 274-mg N/L.  相似文献   

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