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Griffin A 《Current biology : CB》2007,17(21):R925-R927
In the cooperatively breeding superb fairy-wren, helpers have negligible effect on breeding success. So why help? The answer is hidden in the size of the eggs.  相似文献   

A recent paper shows that dull-plumaged male house finches can improve their mating success by moving to a different social network, where their plumage is brighter relative to that of other males.  相似文献   

A large number of repetitive DNA sequences are found in multiple sites in the genomes of numerous bacteria, archaea and eukarya. While the functions of many of these repetitive sequence elements are unknown, they have proven to be useful as the basis of several powerful tools for use in molecular diagnostics, medical microbiology, epidemiological analyses and environmental microbiology. The repetitive sequence-based PCR or rep-PCR DNA fingerprint technique uses primers targeting several of these repetitive elements and PCR to generate unique DNA profiles or 'fingerprints' of individual microbial strains. Although this technique has been extensively used to examine diversity among variety of prokaryotic microorganisms, rep-PCR DNA fingerprinting can also be applied to microbial ecology and microbial evolution studies since it has the power to distinguish microbes at the strain or isolate level. Recent advancement in rep-PCR methodology has resulted in increased accuracy, reproducibility and throughput. In this minireview, we summarize recent improvements in rep-PCR DNA fingerprinting methodology, and discuss its applications to address fundamentally important questions in microbial ecology and evolution.  相似文献   

The paper contains a short review of the data on some possibilities of the DNA fingerprinting technology in genetic analysis. The main principles and the story of this new method are described in brief. The peculiar structure of the hypervariable genetic loci and some features of the multiallelic markers based on highly polymorphic mini-satellites are discussed.  相似文献   

Most theories of kin selection assume that animals are able to distinguish relatives from non-relatives. This is especially difficult in situations where mixed parentage precludes that relatedness is recognised by familiarity. Recent work shows that, within the same brood, young bluegill sunfish that are fathered by cuckolders--but not those sired by parental males--pick out their relatives using self-referent phenotype matching and not familiarity.  相似文献   

The Sloth bear ( Melursus ursinus ), which is endemic to the Indian subcontinent and Sri Lanka, has declined in numbers in many areas in recent years probably as the result of over-killing and habitat alteration. In the 544 km2 Royal Chitawan National Park in the Nepal terai, we estimated there were a minimum of 55 bears or a crude density of 0˙1/km2. During peak concentrations in the lowlying riverine forest/tall grass habitat in March, the ecological density was 0˙5/km2.
Cubs still with their mothers comprised 24 % of the 161 bears classified between December 1972 and November 1975. Females comprised 48% of the adults classified. Average size of 24 litters was 1˙6 (1–2). Seventy-two per cent of the observations were of lone individuals. Three (an adult female with two cubs), was the largest group of bears seen. The only extended social group observed was the female-young unit although newly independent siblings may remain together for a short time. Maternal relations, adult interactions, tree marking, ranging, feeding and anti-predatory behaviour are described.
Examination of 139 droppings showed that these bears fed on at least 17 different fruits (47% occurrence), flowers, grass, honey, and six different insects (52% occurrence). Fruits were an important food from March to June with individual species predominating throughout their fruiting season. Termites, including Odontotermes obesus , were in the diet for most of the year. The Sloth bear was not observed preying on mammals and according to other observers, only rarely feeds on carrion. The ecological basis for selected aspects of Sloth bear biology and behaviour is discussed.  相似文献   

TE-AFLP: combining rapidity and robustness in DNA fingerprinting   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
A new type of fingerprinting technique is presented, based on amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). Rather than two endonucleases as in AFLP, we propose the use of three enzymes, hence the method is called three endonuclease (TE)-AFLP. Genomic DNA is digested and two sets of adapters are selectively ligated onto the restriction fragments in a single reaction volume. No adapters complementary to the ends generated by a frequent cutter are added. Due to the addition of a third endonuclease, the TE-AFLP method provides a high discriminatory power and a reduction in the number of bands. The latter makes it especially suitable for the analysis of complex genomes. TE-AFLP fingerprints are suitable for detection by automatic fluorescent sequencers and are obtained in less than half the time and at reduced costs compared to a typical AFLP. The reliability of this method was investigated by determining the influence of varying digestion, ligation and PCR components on the fingerprint. Moreover, cross-experiments to study inheritance of loci were performed with a primitive insect and with tomato strains. The features of TE-AFLP are discussed in comparison with conventional AFLP.  相似文献   

Behavioural and community ecology of plants that cry for help   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Plants respond to insect herbivory with the production of volatiles that attract carnivorous enemies of the herbivores, a phenomenon called indirect defence or 'plants crying for help'. Plants are under selection to maximize Darwinian fitness, and this can be done by making the right 'decisions' (i.e. by responding to environmental stress in ways that maximize seed production). Plant decisions related to the response to herbivory in terms of the emission of herbivore-induced volatiles include 'to respond or not to respond', 'how fast to respond', 'how to respond' and 'when to stop responding'. In this review, the state-of-the-art of the research field is presented in the context of these decisions that plants face. New questions and directions for future research are identified. To understand the consequences of plant responses in a community context, it is important to expand research from individual interactions to multispecies interactions in a community context. To achieve this, detailed information on underlying mechanisms is essential and first steps on this road have been made. This selective review addresses the ecology of herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) by integrating information on mechanisms and ecological functions. New questions are identified as well as challenges for extending current information to community ecology.  相似文献   

The similarity index and DNA fingerprinting   总被引:147,自引:0,他引:147  
DNA-fingerprint similarity is being used increasingly to make inferences about levels of genetic variation within and between natural populations. It is shown that the similarity index--the average fraction of shared restriction fragments--provides upwardly biased estimates of population homozygosity but nearly unbiased estimates of the average identity-in-state for random pairs of individuals. A method is suggested for partitioning the DNA-fingerprint dissimilarity into within- and between-population components. Some simple expressions are given for the sampling variances of these estimators.  相似文献   

Sara Shettleworth has played a defining role in the development of animal cognition and its integration into other parts of biology, especially behavioural ecology. Here we chart some of that progress in understanding the causes and importance of variation in cognitive ability and highlight how Tinbergen's levels of explanation provide a useful framework for this field. We also review how experimental design is crucial in investigating cognition and stress the need for naturalistic experiments and field studies. We focus particularly on the example of the relationship among food hoarding, spatial cognition and hippocampal structure, and review the conflicting evidence for sex differences in spatial cognition. We finish with speculation that a combination of Tinbergen and Shettleworth-style approaches would be the way to grapple with the as-yet unanswered questions of why birds mimic heterospecifics.  相似文献   

DNA-fingerprinting technology has made a very rapid transition from being a research laboratory discovery to an applied science widely understood by, and of interest to, the general public. However, DNA fingerprinting is often portrayed as being a single generic technology, rather than a complex evolving mixture of methodologies, where specific applications demand selection of appropriate probes and techniques.  相似文献   

DNA fingerprinting is a powerful technology that has revolutionized forensic science. No two individuals can have an identical DNA pattern except identical twins. Such DNA-based technologies have enormous social implications and can help in the fight against crime. This technology has experienced many changes over time with many advancements occurring. DNA testing is a matter of serious concern as it involves ethical issues. This article describes various trends in DNA fingerprinting and the current technology used in DNA profiling, possible uses and misuses of DNA databanks and ethical issues involved in DNA testing. Limitations and problems prevailing in this field are highlighted.  相似文献   

Andrew  Laurie 《Journal of Zoology》1982,196(3):307-341
In the Chitawan Valley of Nepal there were estimated to be between 270 and 310 Greater one-horned or Indian rhinoceroses (Rhinoceros unicornis L.). Population densities reached 4.85 rhinos/km2 in the favoured areas of high diversity of early successional vegetation types on the valley floor. The overall population composition was 32.3% adult females, 19.9% adult males, 21.2% sub-adults and 26.6% calves. Females first calved at a mean age of 7.1 years and the median intercalving interval was 2.8 years. Causes of death included poaching, tiger predation on calves and fighting among males. The population was increasing.
Rhinos fed from 183 species of plants belonging to 57 botanical families but grass (50 species) made up between 70 and 89% of their diet according to the season. Considerable seasonal variations in food availability resulted in movements of rhinos between vegetation types. Rhinos' ranges were smallest in the areas of greatest vegetational diversity.
Rhinos rarely formed groups. The most common type consisted of sub-adults–mainly males. Ten auditory displays were distinguished and visual displays, although less striking, included baring the lower incisor tusks. Scents were carried in the dung, the urine and the pedal scent glands. Squirt urination and foot-dragging displays were performed by breeding males only.
There was some degree of range exclusivity among breeding males but no true territoriality. Poor visibility and the relatively unpredictable distribution of resources in time and space have perhaps selected against a territorial mating system. Relationships between ecology and social organization are discussed with reference to other rhino species.
Threats to the continued survival of the Indian rhino include poaching, agricultural encroachment and erosion. In order to spread the risk of a catastrophe, reintroductions of rhinos to other protected areas are proposed.  相似文献   

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