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Cherry JL 《Genetics》2003,164(2):789-795
In a subdivided population, local extinction and subsequent recolonization affect the fate of alleles. Of particular interest is the interaction of this force with natural selection. The effect of selection can be weakened by this additional source of stochastic change in allele frequency. The behavior of a selected allele in such a population is shown to be equivalent to that of an allele with a different selection coefficient in an unstructured population with a different size. This equivalence allows use of established results for panmictic populations to predict such quantities as fixation probabilities and mean times to fixation. The magnitude of the quantity N(e)s(e), which determines fixation probability, is decreased by extinction and recolonization. Thus deleterious alleles are more likely to fix, and advantageous alleles less likely to do so, in the presence of extinction and recolonization. Computer simulations confirm that the theoretical predictions of both fixation probabilities and mean times to fixation are good approximations.  相似文献   

Abstract Many species exist as metapopulations in balance between local population extinction and recolonization. The effect of these processes on average population differentiation, within-deme diversity, and specieswide diversity has been considered previously. In this paper, coalescent simulations of Slatkin's propagule-pool and migrant-pool models are used to characterize the distribution of neutral genetic diversity within demes (πs), diversity in the metapopulation a whole (TTT), the ratio F ST= (πt–πS)/πT, Tajima's D statistic, and several ratios of gene-tree branch lengths. Using these distributions, power to detect differences in key metapopulation parameter values is determined under contrasting sampling regimes. The results indicate that it will be difficult to use sequence data from a single locus to detect a history of extinctions and recolonizations in a metapopulation because of high genealogical variance, the loss of diversity due to reductions in effective population size, and the fact that a genealogy of lineages from different demes under Slatkin's model differs from a neutral coalescent only in its time scale. Genetic indices of gene-tree shape that capture the effects of extinction/recolonization on both external branches and the length of the genealogy as a whole will provide the best indication of metapopulation dynamics if several lineages are sampled from several different demes.  相似文献   

Cherry JL 《Genetics》2004,166(2):1105-1114
In a subdivided population, the interaction between natural selection and stochastic change in allele frequency is affected by the occurrence of local extinction and subsequent recolonization. The relative importance of selection can be diminished by this additional source of stochastic change in allele frequency. Results are presented for subdivided populations with extinction and recolonization where there is more than one founding allele after extinction, where these may tend to come from the same source deme, where the number of founding alleles is variable or the founders make unequal contributions, and where there is dominance for fitness or local frequency dependence. The behavior of a selected allele in a subdivided population is in all these situations approximately the same as that of an allele with different selection parameters in an unstructured population with a different size. The magnitude of the quantity N(e)s(e), which determines fixation probability in the case of genic selection, is always decreased by extinction and recolonization, so that deleterious alleles are more likely to fix and advantageous alleles less likely to do so. The importance of dominance or frequency dependence is also altered by extinction and recolonization. Computer simulations confirm that the theoretical predictions of both fixation probabilities and mean times to fixation are good approximations.  相似文献   

A primary objection from a population genetics perspective to a multiregional model of modern human origins is that the model posits a large census size, whereas genetic data suggest a small effective population size. The relationship between census size and effective size is complex, but arguments based on an island model of migration show that if the effective population size reflects the number of breeding individuals and the effects of population subdivision, then an effective population size of 10,000 is inconsistent with the census size of 500,000 to 1,000,000 that has been suggested by archeological evidence. However, these models have ignored the effects of population extinction and recolonization, which increase the expected variance among demes and reduce the inbreeding effective population size. Using models developed for population extinction and recolonization, we show that a large census size consistent with the multiregional model can be reconciled with an effective population size of 10,000, but genetic variation among demes must be high, reflecting low interdeme migration rates and a colonization process that involves a small number of colonists or kin-structured colonization. Ethnographic and archeological evidence is insufficient to determine whether such demographic conditions existed among Pleistocene human populations, and further work needs to be done. More realistic models that incorporate isolation by distance and heterogeneity in extinction rates and effective deme sizes also need to be developed. However, if true, a process of population extinction and recolonization has interesting implications for human demographic history.  相似文献   

Polyandry, by elevating sexual conflict and selecting for reduced male care relative to monandry, may exacerbate the cost of sex and thereby seriously impact population fitness. On the other hand, polyandry has a number of possible population-level benefits over monandry, such as increased sexual selection leading to faster adaptation and a reduced mutation load. Here, we review existing information on how female fitness evolves under polyandry and how this influences population dynamics. In balance, it is far from clear whether polyandry has a net positive or negative effect on female fitness, but we also stress that its effects on individuals may not have visible demographic consequences. In populations that produce many more offspring than can possibly survive and breed, offspring gained or lost as a result of polyandry may not affect population size. Such ecological ‘masking’ of changes in population fitness could hide a response that only manifests under adverse environmental conditions (e.g. anthropogenic change). Surprisingly few studies have attempted to link mating system variation to population dynamics, and in general we urge researchers to consider the ecological consequences of evolutionary processes.  相似文献   

A theory is considered which can explain the apparent persistence of butterfly populations containing a special type of females producing all-female broods. Under normal circumstances it would be expected that these populations should become extinct, but this does not happen in nature. The theory is based on the possibility of a balance between populations dying out and habitats being recolonized. It is shown that a stable equilibrium can exist in a simple model leading to a set of differential equations and also in a more realistic simulation model. The first approach may have a bearing on certain prey-predator systems as well.  相似文献   

The levels of genetic diversity and gene flow may influence the long-term persistence of populations. Using microsatellite markers, we investigated genetic diversity and genetic differentiation in island (Krakatau archipelago, Indonesia) and mainland (Java and Sumatra, Indonesia) populations of Liporrhopalum tentacularis and Ceratosolen bisulcatus, the fig wasp pollinators of two dioecious Ficus (fig tree) species. Genetic diversity in Krakatau archipelago populations was similar to that found on the mainland. Population differentiation between mainland coastal sites and the Krakatau islands was weak in both wasp species, indicating that the intervening 40 km across open sea may not be a barrier for wasp gene flow (dispersal) and colonization of the islands. Surprisingly, mainland populations of the fig waSPS may be more genetically isolated than the islands, as gene flow between populations on the Javan mainland differed between the two wasp species. Contrasting growth forms and relative 'immunity' to the effects of deforestation in their host fig trees may account for these differences.  相似文献   



In the mid‐20th century, many populations of large‐bodied mammals experienced declines throughout North America. Fortunately, within the last several decades, some have begun to rebound and even recolonize extirpated portions of their native range, including black bears (Ursus americanus) in the montane areas of the western Great Basin. In this study, we examine genetic variation in source and recolonized areas to better understand the genetic consequences of recolonization.


Western Great Basin, USA.


Using multiple loci, we characterized genetic variation among source and recently recolonized areas occupied by black bears, tested for population structure and applied approximate Bayesian computation to test competing hypotheses of demographic history. We assessed signals of gene flow using expectations of genetic consequences derived from alternative modes of recolonization (bottleneck, metapopulation, island model) and tested for significant signals of genetic bottlenecks in areas recently recolonized by black bears.


As anticipated from field survey data and hypothesized expectations, genetic variation of western Great Basin black bears retain an overall signature of demographic decline followed by recent rebound. Furthermore, results reveal that bears in the recolonized range are minimally differentiated from the source area, but newly established subpopulations have lower effective population sizes and reduced allelic diversity. Nevertheless, recolonized areas fail to show a significant signal of a genetic bottleneck. Moreover, bears occupying recolonized areas experience asymmetric gene flow, yielding strong support for a model of genetic connectivity that is best described as a metapopulation.

Main Conclusion

This study presents one of the few empirical examples of genetic consequences of natural recolonization in large‐bodied mammals. Furthermore, these results have implications for understanding the complexities associated with the genetic consequences of recent and ongoing recolonization and highlight the need to develop management strategies uniquely tailored to support connectivity between source and recolonized areas.

Colson I  Hughes RN 《Molecular ecology》2004,13(8):2223-2233
The dogwhelk Nucella lapillus is a predatory marine gastropod populating North Atlantic rocky shores. As with many other gastropod species, N. lapillus was affected by tributyltin (TBT) pollution during the 1970s and 1980s, when local populations became extinct. After a partial ban on TBT in the United Kingdom in 1987, vacant sites have been recolonized. N. lapillus lacks a planktonic larval stage and is therefore expected to have limited dispersal ability. Relatively fast recolonization of some sites, however, contradicts this assumption. We compared levels of genetic diversity and genetic structuring between recolonized sites and sites that showed continuous population at three localities across the British Isles. No significant genetic effects of extinction/recolonization events were observed in SW Scotland and NE England. In SW England we observed a decrease in genetic diversity and an increase in genetic structure in recolonized populations. This last result could be an artefact, however, due to the superposition of other local factors influencing the genetic structuring of dogwhelk populations. We conclude that recolonization of vacant sites was accomplished by a relatively high number of individuals originating from several source populations (the 'migrant-pool' model of recolonization), implying that movements are more widespread than expected on the basis of development mode alone. Comparison with published data on genetic structure of marine organisms with contrasted larval dispersal supports this hypothesis. Our results also stress the importance of local factors (geographical or ecological) in determining genetic structure of dogwhelk populations.  相似文献   

Genetic factors can affect the probability of extinction either by increasing the effect of detrimental variants or by decreasing the potential for future adaptive responses. In a recent paper, Zayed and Packer demonstrate that low variation at a specific locus, the complementary sex determination (csd) locus in Hymenoptera (ants, bees and wasps), can result in a sharply increased probability of extinction. Their findings illustrate situations in which there is a feedback process between decreased genetic variation at the csd locus owing to genetic drift and decreased population growth, resulting in an extreme type of extinction vortex for these ecologically important organisms.  相似文献   

  • 1 Definitions were adopted for the identification of the extinction and foundation of populations in data from the Butterfly Monitoring Scheme from 1976 to 1991. The data are indexes of abundance, not population estimates.
  • 2 The frequency of extinctions and foundations for twenty-eight butterfly species was assessed in relation to characteristics of their population fluctuations, as indicated by fluctuations in the index values.
  • 3 Using multiple regression, the best predictive equation for the number of extinctions plus foundations included the number of test data available, the mean index per site and the first serial correlation. Two measures of variability were included in the analysis, but were not retained in the best predictive equation.
  • 4 Some results for individual species are described and the potential of the approach for the study of effects of climatic warming is emphasized.

Habitat fragmentation and population extinction of birds   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
DANIEL SIMBERLOFF 《Ibis》1995,137(S1):S105-S111
It has not been established that a major cause of extinction in birds or any other taxa is failure of metapopulation dynamics: the collapse of a network of ephemeral but discrete populations as movement between them becomes increasingly infrequent. The few data on who goes where and who mates with whom suggest that most species are structured as either a single large population or a small set of source populations and a larger set of sinks. The extinction of the latter is irrelevant to the persistence of the species. However, regional decline of a species in the face of habitat destruction and fragmentation can mimic a failure of metapopulation dynamics, because distinct aggregations of individuals will disappear much as they would if populations in an interacting network were eliminated one by one. Any species with highly restricted range is at great risk of extinction from spatially localized forces, such as cyclones or deforestation. Restricted range rather than inherent weakness is the main reason that so many island species have gone extinct or are endangered. Species with small populations in contact with much larger heterospecific ones with which they are interfertile are threatened with extinction by hybridization. Finally, the disappearance of a species from a site may be due to subtle habitat change, even if this observation seems superficially consistent with some general population theory, such as the dynamic equilibrium theory of island biogeography. Current theory is an inadequate substitute for intensive field studies as a means to address the conservation problems of individual species.  相似文献   

We investigated the genetic consequences of a single-founder bottleneck in a population of showy Indian clover (Trifolium amoenum), a species presumed to be extinct until rediscovered near Occidental, California, in 1993. Electrophoretic variation was evaluated in the bottlenecked population and in a larger population (Dillon Beach) discovered during the course of this study, as well as in populations of two closely related species, T. albopurpureum var. dichotomum and T. macraei. We found a surprisingly high amount of polymorphism in the single-founder T. amoenum population from Occidental (15% of loci polymorphic; an average of 1.1 alleles per locus). However, this represents a 53% reduction in number of polymorphic loci and a 20% reduction in average number of alleles per locus compared to three Trifolium populations with putatively similar mating systems (the Dillon Beach T. amoenum population and both populations of T. albopurpureum var. dichotomum). Expanding the genetic base of the Occidental T. amoenum population is a priority due to concerns about loss of evolutionary potential and the possibility of deleterious effects associated with inbreeding. However, using seed from the Dillon Beach T. amoenum population may not be beneficial due to distinct, presumably adaptive differences between plants from the two populations and concerns about outbreeding depression.  相似文献   

小种群比大种群更易趋于灭绝.小种群迅速灭绝的三个主要原因是遗传变异性丧失、统计波动以及环境变化或自然灾害.统计波动、环境变化和遗传因子的共同效应被比作一种灭绝旋涡,它促使小种群走向灭绝.  相似文献   

Variation in population size over time can influence our ability to identify landscape‐moderated differences in community assembly. To date, however, most studies at the landscape scale only cover snapshots in time, thereby overlooking the temporal dynamics of populations and communities. In this paper, we present data that illustrate how temporal variation in population density at a regional scale can influence landscape‐moderated variation in recolonization and population buildup in disturbed habitat patches. Four common insect species, two omnivores and two herbivores, were monitored over 8 years in 10 willow short‐rotation coppice bio‐energy stands with a four‐year disturbance regime (coppice cycle). The population densities in these regularly disturbed stands were compared to densities in 17 undisturbed natural Salix cinerea (grey willow) stands in the same region. A time series approach was used, utilizing the natural variation between years to statistically model recolonization as a function of landscape composition under two different levels of regional density. Landscape composition, i.e. relative amount of forest vs. open agricultural habitats, largely determined the density of re‐colonizing populations following willow coppicing in three of the four species. However, the impact of landscape composition was not detectable in years with low regional density. Our results illustrate that landscape‐moderated recolonization can change over time and that considering the temporal dynamics of populations may be crucial when designing and evaluating studies at landscape level.  相似文献   

Stochastic models of interacting biological populations, with birth and death rates depending on the population size are studied in the quasi-stationary state. Confidence regions in the state space are constructed by a new method for the numerical, solution of the ray equations. The concept of extinction time, which is closely related to the concept of stability for stochastic systems, is discussed. Results of numerical calculations for two-dimensional stochastic population models are presented.  相似文献   

 We used sequence variation of the atpB-rbcL intergenic spacer of cpDNA and nested clade analysis to assess the phylogeographic pattern of Michelia formosana, a species restricted to Taiwan and the Ryukyus. In total, 31 haplotypes were identified and clustered into four major chlorotypes. Genetic composition of nearly all populations was heterogeneous and paraphyletic phylogenetically. Although the apportionment of cpDNA variation hardly revealed a geographic pattern due to the coancestry of dominant sequences, some chlorotypes were restrictedly distributed. According to the patterns of clade dispersion and displacement, a reconstructed minimum spanning network revealed that historical events of past fragmentation and range expansion, associated with glaciation, may have shaped the phylogeographic patterns of M. formosana. Four possible refugia were identified: the Iriomote and Ishigaki Islands (the southern Ryukyus), Wulai (northern Taiwan), and Nanjen (southern Taiwan), on the basis of the interior positions of their haplotypes in the network and the high level of nucleotide diversity. Given insufficient time for coalescence at the cpDNA locus since the late Pleistocene recolonization, lineage sorting led to low levels of genetic differentiation among populations. In contrast, hierarchical examination of the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) data scored from six populations across three geographical regions, using an analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA), indicated high genetic differentiation both among populations (ΦST = 0.471) and among regions (ΦCT = 0.368). An unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) tree of the RAPD fingerprints revealed that populations of two offshore islands of eastern Taiwan (M. formosana var. kotoensis) were clustered with geographically remote populations of the Ryukyus instead of those in southern Taiwan, suggesting some historical division due to geographic barriers of the central mountain range. In contrast to the paraphyly of the nearly neutral cpDNA alleles, differentiated RAPDs may have experienced diversifying selection. Received: July 2, 2001 / Accepted: February 20, 2002  相似文献   

We used sequence variation of the atpB- rbcL intergenic spacer of cpDNA and nested clade analysis to assess the phylogeographic pattern of Michelia formosana, a species restricted to Taiwan and the Ryukyus. In total, 31 haplotypes were identified and clustered into four major chlorotypes. Genetic composition of nearly all populations was heterogeneous and paraphyletic phylogenetically. Although the apportionment of cpDNA variation hardly revealed a geographic pattern due to the coancestry of dominant sequences, some chlorotypes were restrictedly distributed. According to the patterns of clade dispersion and displacement, a reconstructed minimum spanning network revealed that historical events of past fragmentation and range expansion, associated with glaciation, may have shaped the phylogeographic patterns of M. formosana. Four possible refugia were identified: the Iriomote and Ishigaki Islands (the southern Ryukyus), Wulai (northern Taiwan), and Nanjen (southern Taiwan), on the basis of the interior positions of their haplotypes in the network and the high level of nucleotide diversity. Given insufficient time for coalescence at the cpDNA locus since the late Pleistocene recolonization, lineage sorting led to low levels of genetic differentiation among populations. In contrast, hierarchical examination of the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) data scored from six populations across three geographical regions, using an analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA), indicated high genetic differentiation both among populations (Phi(ST) = 0.471) and among regions (Phi(CT) = 0.368). An unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) tree of the RAPD fingerprints revealed that populations of two offshore islands of eastern Taiwan ( M. formosana var. kotoensis) were clustered with geographically remote populations of the Ryukyus instead of those in southern Taiwan, suggesting some historical division due to geographic barriers of the central mountain range. In contrast to the paraphyly of the nearly neutral cpDNA alleles, differentiated RAPDs may have experienced diversifying selection.  相似文献   

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